HolidayList2013 PDF
HolidayList2013 PDF
HolidayList2013 PDF
The list of Holidays for Offices and Academic Classes of NIT Agartala for the year 2019 (January to December, 2019)
are mentioned below.
2. Changes,ifany,madebytheGovernmentoflndia,duringtheyear20l9inthelistofHolidaysmentroned above,
shall be suo-moto apply to NIT Agartala
3 The employees of NIT Agartala will be allowed to avail any 2(two) Restricted Holidays during the year 2019 as
shown in Annexure - L
4. This is issued with the approval of the Competent Authority .
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(Dr.Govftd Bharga!a)
Enclo : Annexure -l
Copy to :
1.PS to the Director, NIT Agaftala for kind information of the Director.
2. All Concerned NIT Agartala.
3. System Administrator, NIT Agartala with a request to upload the Notification in the lnstitute website.
Registrar L
NIT Agartala