501 Verbs

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This document lists over 500 French verbs and their English translations.

Some verbs listed on page 1 include: abaisser, s'abaisser, abasourdir, abattre, abolir, absoudre.

Some verbs listed on page 2 include: accrocher, accroître, accueillir, accuser, acheter, achever.

French 501 Verbs

French English
abaisser to lower, to reduce, to humiliate, to humble
s'abaisser to humble oneself, to lower oneself, to condescend, to slope
abasourdir to daze, to deafen, to stun, to bewilder, to stupefy
abattre to dishearten, to knock down, to slaughter
abolir to abolish
absoudre to absolve
s'abstenir to abstain
accepter to accept
acclamer to cheer
accompagner to accompany
accorder to grant, to reconcile, to admit
accourir to run to
accrocher to hang up
accroître to increase, to enlarge
accueillir to greet, to welcome
accuser to accuse
acheter to buy
achever to achieve, to finish, to complete
acquérir to acquire
admettre to admit
admirer to admire
adorer to worship, to adore
addresser to address
agacer to annoy, to vex
agir to act, to behave, to take effect
aider to aid, to help, to assist
aimer to love, to like
ajouter to add
aller to go
s'en aller to go away
amener to bring, to lead
amuser to amuse, to entertain
s'amuser to have a good time, to amuse oneself, to enjoy oneself
annoncer to announce
apercevoir to perceive
apparaître to appear
appartenir to belong, to pertain
French English
appeler to call, to name, to appeal
s'appeler to call oneself, to be named
apporter to bring, to bear
apprécier to appreciate
apprendre to learn
approacher to approach, to bring near
approuver to approve of
arrachant to pull up, to pull out, to uproot
arranger to arrange
arrêter to stop (someone or something), to arrest, to halt
s'arrêter to stop oneself, to pause
arriver to arrive, to happen
assaillir to attack
s'asseoir to sit down
assiéger to besiege
assister to attend
assurer to assure, to guarantee, to insure
s'assurer to make sure, to assure oneself
atteindre to attain
attendre to wait, to expect
attirer to attract, to allure
attraper to catch
augmenter to augment, to increase
avancer to go forward
avoir to have
baisser to lower, to sink
balancer to balance, to sway, to swing, to weigh, to throw away
balayer to sweep
bâtir to build
battre to hit, to beat
se battre to fight
bavarder to chat, to gossip
bénir to bless, to consecrate
blâmer to blame
blanchir to whiten, to launder, to exonerate
blesser to harm, to wound, to injure, to offend
se blesser to hurt oneself, to wound oneself
boire to drink
bouger to budge, to move
bouillir to boil
French English
brancher to plug in, to connect
brosser to brush
se brosser to brush oneself
brûler to burn
cacher to hide
se cacher to hide oneself
casser to break
se casser to break (a part of one's body)
causer to cause, to chat
céder to yield, to cede
cesser to cease
changer to change
chanter to sing
charger to burden, to charge, to load
chasser to hunt, to pursue, to chase
chercher to look for, to search, to seek
chérir to cherish
choisir to choose
chuchoter to whisper
combattre to combat, to fight
commander to command, to order
commencer to begin
commettre to commit
comparer to compare
comprendre to understand, to include
compter to count, to expect to, to intend
concevoir to conceive
conclure to conclude
conduire to drive, to lead, to manage, to conduct
connaître to know, to be acquainted with, to make an acquaintance of
conquérir to conquer
conseiller to advise, to recommend
consentir to consent, to agree
construire to construct, to build
contenir to contain
conter to relate, to narrate
continuer to continue
contraindre to constrain, to restrain, to compel
contredire to contradict
convaincre to convince
French English
convenir to be suitable, to acknowledge, to be appropriate
corriger to correct
corrompre to corrupt
coucher to put to bed, to lay, to flatten
se coucher to go to bed, to lie down
coudre to sew
couper to cut, to switch off
courir to run, to race
couvrir to cover
craindre to fear
créer to create
crier to shout, to cry out
croire to believe
croître to grow, to increase
cueillir to gather, to pick
cuire to cook
danser to dance
se débrouiller to manage, to improvise, to get by
décevoir to deceive, to disappoint
déchirer to rip, to tear
décider to decide
découvrir to discover, to uncover
décrire to describe
décroître to decrease, to diminish
déduire to deduce, to infer
défaire to undo, to untie
défendre to defend, to forbid, to prohibit
dégager to free, to clear out, to remove, to give off, to emit
déjeuner to have lunch
demander to ask for, to request
demeurer to reside, to live, to remain, to stay
démolir to demolish
dépasser to pass, to exceed, to go beyond
se dépêcher to hurry
dépeindre to depict, to describe
dépendre to depend on, to take down (something hanging)
dépenser to spend money
déplaire to displease
déranger to disturb, to derange
descendre to go down, to descend, to take down, to bring down
French English
désirer to desire
dessiner to draw
détester to detest, to hate, to dislike
détourner to turn away, to divert
détruire to destroy
développer to develop, to spread out
devenir to become
devoir to have to, must, ought, owe, should
diminuer to diminish, to decrease, to lessen
dîner to dine, to have dinner
dire to say, to tell
discuter to discuss, to argue
disparaître to disappear
donner to give
dormir to sleep
douter to doubt
échapper to escape, to avoid
échouer to fail, to run aground
écouter to listen (to)
écrire to write
effrayer to frighten
égayer to amuse, to enliven, to entertain, to cheer up
élever to raise, to bring up
élire to elect, to choose
to move away, to withdraw, to step back, to keep away, to
s'éloigner keep back
embrasser to kiss, to embrace
emmener to lead, to take away (persons)
émouvoir to move, to touch, to excite, to arouse
empêcher to hinder, to prevent
employer to use, to employ
emprunter to borrow
encourager to encourage
s'enfuir to run away, to slip away, to escape, to fly away
enlever to carry away, to remove
ennuyer to bore, to annoy
s'ennuyer to be bored
enseigner to teach
entendre to hear, to understand
enterrer to bury
entreprendre to undertake, to engage upon
French English
entrer to enter
s'envoler to fly away, to take off
envoyer to send
épouser to marry
éprouver to try, to test, to put to the test, to feel, to experience
espérer to hope
essayer to try, to try on
essuyer to wipe
établir to establish, to set up
éteindre to extinguish, to shut down, to turn off
s'étendre to stretch oneself, to stretch out, to lie down
étonner to amaze, to astonish, to stun, to surprise
étourdir to daze, to make dizzy, to deafen, to bewilder
être to be
étudier to study
évaluer to evaluate, to appraise, to estimate
s'évanouir to faint, to vanish, to swoon
éviter to avoid
excuser to excuse
s'excuser to excuse oneself, to apologize
exiger to demand, to require
expliquer to explain
exprimer to express
se fâcher to become angry
faillir to fail
faire to do, to make
feindre to feign, to make believe, to simulate
féliciter to congratulate
fendre to slit, to crack, to cleave
fermer to close
se fier to depend on, to trust in, to rely on
finir to finish, to end, to terminate, to complete
fonder to found, to establish, to lay the foundation
fondre to melt, to dissolve, to mix colors
forcer to force
fouiller to dig deeply, to excavate, to search
fournir to furnish, to supply
frapper to knock, to hit
frémir to shudder, to tremble
fuir to flee, to shun, to leak
French English
fumer to smoke, to steam
gagner to win, to earn, to gain
garder to guard, retain, to keep
gâter to spoil, to damage
geler to freeze
to bother, to hamper, to constrict, to embarrass, to hinder, to
gêner impede, to inconvenience
goûter to taste, to enjoy
grandir to grow up, taller, to increase
gratter to grate, to scrape, to scratch
grimper to climb
gronder to chide, to reprimand, to scold
guérir to cure, to remedy, to heal, to recover
s'habiller to get dressed
habiter to live in, to inhabit
haïr to hate
hésiter to hesitate
imposer to impose
inclure to include, to enclose
indiquer to indicate, to show, to point out
s'informer to find out, to inquire, to inform oneself
s'inquiéter to worry, to be upset
insister to insist
instruire to instruct
interdire to forbid, to prohibit
s'intéresser to be interested in
interroger to interrogate, to question
interrompre to interrupt
introduire to introduce, to show in
inviter to invite
jeter to throw, to cast
joindre to join, to contact
jouer to play, to gamble, to act (in a play)
jouir to enjoy
juger to judge, to deem
jurer to swear, to vow
lâcher to loosen, to unleash, to let go
laisser to let, to allow, to leave
lancer to hurl, to launch, to throw
laver to wash
French English
se laver to wash oneself
lever to lift, to raise
se lever to get up
lire to read
louer to rent, to praise
maigrir to lose weight
manger to eat
manquer to miss, to lack
marcher to walk, to function, to march
maudire to curse
méconnaître to misjudge, to misunderstand, not to know, not to recognize
médire to slander
se méfier to beware, to mistrust, to distrust
mener to lead, to control
mentir to lie
se méprendre to be mistaken
mériter to merit, to deserve
mettre to put, to place, to put on clothing
se mettre to begin, to start, to place oneself
mirer to mirror
modeler to model, to shape
monter to go up, to ascend, to take up, to mount, to bring up
montrer to show, to point out, to display
se moquer to make fun
mordre to bite
moudre to grind, to mill
mourir to die
mouvoir to move
nager to swim
naître to be born
naviguer to navigate, to sail, to browse, to suf the internet
nettoyer to clean
nourrir to feed, to nourish
se noyer to drown
nuire to harm, to hinder
obéir to obey
obliger to oblige
obtenir to obtain, to get
occuper to occupy
s'occuper to keep oneself busy
French English
offrir to offer
omettre to omit
oser to dare
oublier to forget
ouvrir to open
paraître to appear, to seem
pardonner to pardon, to forgive
parler to talk, to speak
partir to leave, to depart
passer to pass, to spend time
patiner to skate
payer to pay for
pécher to sin
pêcher to fish
se peigner to comb one's hair
peindre to paint, to portray
pendre to hang, to suspend
penser to think
perdre to lose
périr to perish, to die
permettre to permit, to allow, to let
persuader to persuade, to convince, to induce
peser to weigh
placer to place, to put
plaindre to pity
se plaindre to complain, to lament, to moan
plaire to please
plaisanter to joke
pleurer to cry, to mourn
plier to fold, to bend
porter to wear, to carry
poser to lay, to place, to put, to set, to pose
posséder to possess, to own, to master
poursuivre to pursue, to prosecute
pousser to push, to grow
pouvoir to be able to, can
prédire to predict
préférer to prefer
prendre to take
préparer to prepare
French English
présenter to present, to introduce
presser to press, to squeeze
se presser to be in a hurry, to rush, to crowd
prétendre to pretend, to claim, to maintain
prêter to lend
prévenir to warn, to forestall, to ward off
prévoir to foresee
prier to pray, to supplicate, to beg, to request
produire to produce
programmer to program, to plan
se promener to take a walk
promettre to promise
prononcer to pronounce, to declare
prouver to prove
punir to punish
quitter to leave
raconter to relate, to tell a story
ranger to tidy up, to put in order
rappeler to call again, to recall, to remind
se rappeler to remember, to recollect
recevoir to receive, to get
reconnaître to recognize, to acknowledge
recueillir to collect, to gather, to harvest
réduire to reduce, to diminish, to decrease
réfléchir to think, to reflect, to meditate, to ponder
refuser to refuse, to withhold
regarder to look at, to watch
regretter to regret, to miss
relire to reread
remarquer to remark, to notice, to observe, to distinguish
remercier to thank
to put on again, to replace, to put back, to give back, to
remettre postpone
remplacer to replace
remplir to fill, to fulfill, to fill in, to fill out
rencontrer to meet, to encounter
rendre to give back, to return something, to render, to vomit
rentrer to return
répandre to spread, to scatter, to spill
reparaître to reappear
réparer to repair
French English
repasser to iron, to pass again
répéter to repeat, to rehearse
répondre to respond, to reply, to answer
se reposer to rest
reprendre to take again, to take back, to recover, to resume
réprimander to reprimand, to rebuke
reproduire to reproduce
résoudre to resolve, to solve
ressembler to resemble
rester to remain, to stay, to be left over
retenir to retain, to keep, to detain, to hold back
retirer to draw out again, to pull again
se retirer to retire, to withdraw
retourner to return
réussir to succeed
se réveiller to wake up
revenir to come back
rêver to dream
revoir to see again
rire to laugh
rompre to break, to burst, to shatter, to break off
rougir to blush, to redden
rouler to roll, to drive a car, to ride along
saisir to seize, to grasp, to comprehend
salir to soil, to dirty
satisfaire to satisfy
sauter to jump
sauver to rescue, to save
se sauver to run away, to escape
savoir to know (how)
sécher to dry
secouer to shake, to shake down
secourir to help, to relieve
séduire to seduce
séjourner to sojourn, to live somewhere temporarily
sentir to feel, to smell, to perceive
séparer to separate
serrer to grasp, to press, to squeeze, to shake hands
servir to serve, to be useful
se servir to serve oneself, to help oneself to food and drink
French English
siffler to whistle, to hiss, to boo
signaler to point out, to signal
signer to sign
songer to dream, to think
sonner to ring
sortir to go out, to leave
souffler to slow, to pant, to prompt with a cue
souffrir to suffer, to endure
souhaiter to wish
souiller to dirty, to muddy, to soil
soumettre to submit
sourire to smile
se souvenir to remember, to recall
sucer to suck
suivre to follow
supplier to beg, to beseech, to implore
supporter to hold up, to prop up, to support, to tolerate
surprendre to surprise
survivre to survive
survoler to fly over
se taire to be silent, to be quiet, not to speak
teindre to dye
téléphoner to telephone
tendre to strain, to stretch, to tighten, to tend
tenir to hold, to grasp
tenter to tempt, to attempt, to try
terminer to finish, to end, to terminate
tirer to pull, to draw out, to shoot
tomber to fall
tordre to twist
toucher to touch, to affect
tourner to turn
tousser to cough
traduire to translate
trahir to betray
traire to milk
traiter to treat, to negotiate
transmettre to transmit, to transfer
travailler to work
French English
traverser to traverse, to cross
tricher to cheat, to trick
se tromper to be mistaken
trouver to find
se trouver to be located, to be situated
tuer to kill
to use "tu" when speaking, to be one familiar terms with
tutoyer someone
unir to unite, to join
utiliser to utilize, to use, to make use of, to put to use
vaincre to vanquish, to conquer
to be worth, to be as good as, to deserve, to merit, to be
valoir equal to
vendre to sell
venger to avenge
venir to come
verser to pour
vêtir to clothe, to dress
vieillir to grow old, to age
visiter to visit
vivre to live
voir to see
voler to fly, to steal
vouloir to want
to use "vous" when speaking, to be on formal terms with
vouvoyer someone
voyager to travel
vulgariser to vulgarize, to popularize
voguer to sail, to drift

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