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Science Syllabus

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NSW Syllabus

for the Australian


Science and Technology

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Published by
NSW Education Standards Authority
GPO Box 5300
Sydney NSW 2001


Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 4
Science and Technology Key.................................................................................................................. 7
Rationale ............................................................................................................................................... 12
The Place of the Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus in the K–12 Curriculum ............................... 13
Aim ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
Objectives.............................................................................................................................................. 15
Outcomes .............................................................................................................................................. 16
Stage Statements .................................................................................................................................. 19
Content .................................................................................................................................................. 23
Content for Early Stage 1 ...................................................................................................................... 42
Content for Stage 1 ............................................................................................................................... 53
Content for Stage 2 ............................................................................................................................... 65
Content for Stage 3 ............................................................................................................................... 79
Assessment ........................................................................................................................................... 94
Glossary ................................................................................................................................................ 97

K–10 Curriculum
The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) syllabuses are developed with respect to some
overarching views about education. These include the NESA K–10 Curriculum Framework and
Statement of Equity Principles, and the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young
Australians (December 2008).

NESA syllabuses include agreed Australian Curriculum content and content that clarifies the scope,
breadth and depth of learning. The Australian Curriculum achievement standards underpin the
syllabus outcomes and the Stage statements for Early Stage 1 to Stage 5.

In accordance with the K–10 Curriculum Framework and the Statement of Equity Principles, the
syllabus takes into account the diverse needs of all students. It identifies essential knowledge,
understanding, skills, values and attitudes. It outlines clear standards of what students are expected
to know and be able to do in K–10. It provides structures and processes by which teachers can
provide continuity of study for all students.

The framework also provides a set of broad learning outcomes that summarise the knowledge,
understanding, skills, values and attitudes essential for all students in all learning areas to succeed in
and beyond their schooling.

The continued relevance of the K–10 Curriculum Framework is consistent with the intent of the
Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (December 2008), which sets the
direction for Australian schooling for the next ten years. There are two broad goals:
Goal 1: Australian schooling promotes equity and excellence
Goal 2: All young Australians become successful learners, confident and creative individuals,
and active and informed citizens.

The way in which learning in the Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus contributes to the curriculum,
and to students’ achievement of the broad learning outcomes, is outlined in the syllabus rationale.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 4

Diversity of Learners
NSW syllabuses are inclusive of the learning needs of all students. Syllabuses accommodate
teaching approaches that support student diversity, including students with special education needs,
gifted and talented students, and students learning English as an additional language or dialect
(EAL/D). Students may have more than one learning need.

Students with Special Education Needs

All students are entitled to participate in and progress through the curriculum. Under the Disability
Standards for Education 2005, schools are required to provide additional support or adjustments to
teaching, learning and assessment activities for some students with special education needs.
Adjustments are measures or actions taken in relation to teaching, learning and assessment that
enable a student with special education needs to access syllabus outcomes and content and
demonstrate achievement of outcomes.

Students with special education needs can access outcomes and content from K–6 syllabuses in a
range of ways. Students may engage with:
 syllabus outcomes and content from their age-appropriate stage with adjustments to teaching,
learning and/or assessment activities; or
 selected syllabus outcomes and content from their age-appropriate stage relevant to their learning
needs; or
 syllabus outcomes from an earlier Stage, using age-appropriate content.

Decisions regarding curriculum options, including adjustments, should be made in the context of
collaborative curriculum planning with the student, parent/carer and other significant individuals to
ensure that syllabus outcomes and content reflect the learning needs and priorities of individual

Further information can be found in support materials for:

 Science and Technology
 Special education.

Gifted and Talented Students

Gifted and talented students have specific learning needs that may require adjustments to the pace,
level and content of the curriculum. Differentiated educational opportunities assist in meeting the
needs of gifted and talented students.

Generally, gifted students demonstrate the following characteristics:

 the capacity to learn at faster rates
 the capacity to find and solve problems
 the capacity to make connections and manipulate abstract ideas.

There are different kinds and levels of giftedness and talent. Gifted and talented students may also
have learning disabilities and/or English as an additional language or dialect. These needs should be
addressed when planning appropriate teaching, learning and assessment activities.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 5

Curriculum strategies for gifted and talented students may include:
 differentiation: modifying the pace, level and content of teaching, learning and assessment
 acceleration: promoting a student to a level of study beyond their age group
 curriculum compacting: assessing a student’s current level of learning and addressing aspects of
the curriculum that have not yet been mastered.

School decisions about appropriate strategies are generally collaborative and involve teachers,
parents/carers and students, with reference to documents and advice available from NESA and the
education sectors.

Gifted and talented students may also benefit from individual planning to determine the curriculum
options, as well as teaching, learning and assessment strategies, most suited to their needs and

Students Learning English as an Additional Language or Dialect

Many students in Australian schools are learning English as an additional language or dialect
(EAL/D). EAL/D students are those whose first language is a language or dialect other than Standard
Australian English and who require additional support to assist them to develop English language

EAL/D students come from diverse backgrounds and may include:

 overseas and Australian-born students whose first language is a language other than English,
including creoles and related varieties
 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students whose first language is Aboriginal English, including
Kriol and related varieties.

EAL/D students enter Australian schools at different ages and stages of schooling and at different
stages of English language learning. They have diverse talents and capabilities and a range of prior
learning experiences and levels of literacy in their first language and in Standard Australian English.
EAL/D students represent a significant and growing percentage of learners in NSW schools. For
some, school is the only place they use Standard Australian English.

EAL/D students are simultaneously learning a new language and the knowledge, understanding and
skills of a syllabus through that new language. They require additional time and support, along with
informed teaching that explicitly addresses their language needs, and assessments that take into
account their developing language proficiency.

The ESL Scales and the English as an Additional Language or Dialect: Teacher Resource provide
information about the English language development phases of EAL/D students. These materials and
other resources can be used to support the specific needs of EAL/D students and to assist students to
access syllabus outcomes and content.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 6

Science and Technology Key
The following codes and icons are used in the Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus.

Outcome Coding
Syllabus outcomes are coded in a consistent way. The code identifies the subject, Stage, outcome
number and the way the content is organised.
Early Stage 1 to Stage 3 outcomes are represented by the following codes:

Stage Code

Early Stage 1 e

Stage 1 1

Stage 2 2

Stage 3 3

Subjects are represented by the following codes:

Subject Code

Science S

Technology T

Skills are represented by the following codes:

Skill Code

Design and Production DP

Working Scientifically WS

Strands are represented by the following codes:

Strand Code

Digital Technologies DI

Earth and Space ES

Living World LW

Material World MW

Physical World PW

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 7

In the Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus, outcome codes indicate subject, Stage, outcome
number, skill or strand name and if the content is derived from Science or Technology. For example:

Outcome code Interpretation

STe-1WS-S Science and Technology, Early Stage 1 – Outcome number 1, Working

Scientifically – Science

ST2-3DP-T Science and Technology, Stage 2 – Outcome number 3, Design and Production –

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 8

Coding of Australian Curriculum Content
The syllabus includes Australian Curriculum content for Science, Design and Technologies, and
Digital Technologies, with Australian Curriculum codes in brackets at the end of each content
description, for example:
 investigate and compare the properties of solids, liquids and gases (ACSSU077)

Where a number of content descriptions are jointly represented, all description codes are included, eg

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 9

Coding of Thinking Skills
The syllabus provides opportunities for types of thinking to be incorporated into the knowledge,
understanding and skills. These opportunities are identified by codes at the end of the relevant
content descriptions.

Course tools Code

Computational thinking ComT

Design thinking DesT

Scientific thinking SciT

Systems thinking SysT

For example:
 explore ways that heat can be transferred due to conduction (ACSSU049) SciT
 identify and describe how the properties of different materials suit their design purpose
(ACTDEK004) DesT

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 10

Learning Across the Curriculum Icons
Learning across the curriculum content, including the cross-curriculum priorities, general capabilities
and other areas identified as important learning for all students, is incorporated and identified by icons
in the syllabus.

Cross-curriculum priorities

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures

Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia


General capabilities

Critical and creative thinking

Ethical understanding

Information and communication technology capability

Intercultural understanding



Personal and social capability

Other learning across the curriculum areas

Civics and citizenship

Difference and diversity

Work and enterprise

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 11

Science and Technology K–6 is an integrated discipline that fosters in students a sense of wonder
and curiosity about the world around them and how it works. Science and Technology K–6
encourages students to embrace new concepts, the unexpected and to learn through trialling, testing
and refining ideas.

The study of science and technology develops the building blocks of inquiry and students’ abilities to
solve problems. Students are provided with opportunities to develop understanding based on
evidence and reason. These skills enable students to participate responsibly in developing innovative
ideas and solutions in response to questions and situations relevant to personal, social and
environmental issues. The learning students experience enables them to contribute to the world as
active global citizens both now and in the future.

Science and technology are pedagogically linked and through their practical application promote
genuine learning opportunities for students. The application of Working Scientifically, and Design and
Production skills enables students to develop a sense of accomplishment and enhance their skills in
inquiry and manipulating tools and materials to produce solutions. These skills are important in
preparing students to succeed in a rapidly developing technological world.

Students studying science and technology are encouraged to question and seek solutions to
problems through collaboration, investigation, critical thinking and creative problem-solving. Students
are provided with opportunities to apply thinking skills and develop an appreciation of the processes
they can apply as they encounter problems, unfamiliar information and new ideas. These attributes
are fundamental to the development of students who use evidence to make decisions and solve

Science and Technology K–6 provides students with the opportunity to make meaningful connections
with the broader learning outcomes of the K–6 curriculum in English, Mathematics, History,
Geography, Creative Arts, Languages and PDHPE through authentic application of relevant
knowledge and acquired skills.

Science and Technology K–6 develops students’ curiosity about natural phenomena and the built
environment. It provides students with the opportunity to develop a sense of achievement by using the
practical application of knowledge in the development of solutions. The skills and capabilities
developed through the study of science and technology provide students with opportunities for skill
development and a strong foundation for learning across the K–10 curriculum.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 12

The Place of the Science and Technology K–6
Syllabus in the K–12 Curriculum

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 13

The study of Science and Technology in K–6 enables students to explore scientific and technological
concepts and develop knowledge and understanding of the world; enabling them to inquire, plan,
investigate and develop solutions to problems. Through the application of Working Scientifically, and
Design and Production skills, students develop an interest in and an enthusiasm for understanding
nature, phenomena and the built environment.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 14


Students develop and apply skills in:
 scientific inquiry through the process of working scientifically
 design and production processes in the development of solutions
 design and production of digital solutions.

Knowledge and Understanding

Students develop knowledge and understanding of:
 the natural world including living things, materials, forces, energy, and Earth and space
 the built environment including engineering principles and systems, food and fibre production, and
material technologies
 digital technologies including digital systems and how digital technologies represent data.

Values and Attitudes

 value the importance and contribution of science and technology in developing solutions for
current and future personal, social and global issues and in shaping a sustainable future
 appreciate the importance of using evidence and reason to engage with and respond to scientific
and technological ideas as informed, reflective citizens
 value developing solutions to problems and meeting challenges through the application of
Working Scientifically, and Design and Production skills.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 15


Table of Objectives and Outcomes – Continuum of


Students develop and apply skills in:
 scientific inquiry through the process of working scientifically
 design and production processes in the development of solutions
 design and production of digital solutions

Early Stage 1 Stage 1 outcomes Stage 2 outcomes Stage 3 outcomes

outcomes A student: A student: A student:
A student:


observes, questions observes, questions questions, plans and plans and conducts
and collects data to and collects data to conducts scientific scientific investigations
communicate ideas communicate and investigations, collects to answer testable
compare ideas and summarises data questions, and collects
and communicates and summarises data
using scientific to communicate
representations conclusions


develops uses materials, tools selects and uses plans and uses
solutions to an and equipment to materials, tools and materials, tools and
identified need develop solutions for a equipment to develop equipment to develop
need or opportunity solutions for a need or solutions for a need or
opportunity opportunity


describes, follows and defines problems, defines problems, and
represents algorithms describes and follows designs, modifies and
to solve problems algorithms to develop follows algorithms to
solutions develop solutions

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 16

Knowledge and Understanding
Students develop knowledge and understanding of:
 the natural world including living things, materials, forces, energy, and Earth and space
 the built environment including engineering principles and systems, food and fibre production,
and material technologies
 digital technologies including digital systems and how digital technologies represent data

Early Stage 1 Stage 1 outcomes Stage 2 outcomes Stage 3 outcomes

outcomes A student: A student: A student:
A student:


explores the describes observable compares features and examines how the
characteristics, needs features of living things characteristics of living environment affects the
and uses of living and their environments and non-living things growth, survival and
things adaptation of living


identifies how plants describes how explains how food and
and animals are used agricultural processes fibre are produced
for food and fibre are used to grow plants sustainably in
products and raise animals for managed
food, clothing and environments for
shelter health and nutrition


identifies that objects identifies that materials describes how adding explains the effect of
are made of materials can be changed or or removing heat heat on the properties
that have observable combined causes a change of and behaviour of
properties state materials


describes how the investigates the explains how the
properties of materials suitability of natural properties of materials
determine their use and processed determines their use
materials for a range of for a range of purposes

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 17

Students develop knowledge and understanding of:
 the natural world including living things, materials, forces, energy, and Earth and space
 the built environment including engineering principles and systems, food and fibre production,
and material technologies
 digital technologies including digital systems and how digital technologies represent data

Early Stage 1 Stage 1 outcomes Stage 2 outcomes Stage 3 outcomes

outcomes A student: A student: A student:
A student:


observes the way describes common describes the explains how energy is
objects move and forms of energy and characteristics and transformed from one
relates changes in explores some effects of common form to another
motion to push and pull characteristics of forms of energy, such
forces sound energy as light and heat


investigates how forces describes how contact investigates the effects
and energy are used in and non-contact forces of increasing or
products affect an object’s decreasing the
motion strength of a specific
contact or non-contact

STe-6ES-S ST1-10ES-S ST2-10ES-S ST3-10ES-S

identifies how daily and recognises observable investigates regular explains regular events
seasonal changes in changes occurring in changes caused by in the solar system and
the environment affect the sky and on the land interactions between geological events on
humans and other and identifies Earth’s the Earth and the Sun, the Earth’s surface
living things resources and changes to the
Earth’s surface

STe-7DI-T ST1-11DI-T ST2-11DI-T ST3-11DI-T

identifies digital identifies the describes how digital explains how digital
systems and explores components of digital systems represent and systems represent
how instructions are systems and explores transmit data data, connect together
used to control digital how data is to form networks and
devices represented transmit data

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 18

Stage Statements
Stage statements are summaries of the knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes that
have been developed by students as a result of achieving the outcomes for the relevant Stage of

Prior-to-school Learning
Students bring to school a range of knowledge, understanding and skills developed in home and
prior-to-school settings. The movement into Early Stage 1 should be seen as a continuum of learning
and planned for appropriately.

The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia describes a range of opportunities for students to
learn and develop a foundation for future success in learning.

The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia has five learning outcomes that reflect
contemporary theories and research evidence about children’s learning. The outcomes are used to
guide planning and to assist all children to make progress.

The outcomes are:

1. Children have a strong sense of identity
2. Children are connected with and contribute to their world
3. Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
4. Children are confident and involved learners
5. Children are effective communicators.

In addition, teachers need to acknowledge the learning that children bring to school, and plan
appropriate learning experiences that make connections with existing language and literacy
development, including language used at home.

Early Stage 1
By the end of Early Stage 1, students engage in the processes of Working Scientifically, and Design
and Production to make sense of the world around them. They explore their immediate surroundings
and ask questions about their observations and experiences. They collect data and communicate
their ideas and observations in a variety of ways. Students investigate possibilities and solutions,
individually and in collaboration with others, and use the design process to develop solutions. They
effectively use a range of classroom equipment and learn to work safely when using resources and

Students recognise that living things have different features and basic needs which can be met. They
recognise that plants and animals can be used for food, clothing and shelter. Students identify that
objects are made from materials that have observable properties, and that these properties influence
their design and use. They describe how objects move and observe the effects of push and pull
forces. Students identify daily and seasonal changes in the environment. Students also identify
familiar digital systems and follow a simple set of instructions.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 19

Stage 1
By the end of Stage 1, students engage in the processes of Working Scientifically, and Design and
Production. They participate in guided investigations, pose and respond to questions and make
predictions. Students collect and represent information using a variety of methods. They safely
manipulate equipment and materials, making sustainable and time-efficient choices. Students
generate and develop design ideas and solutions that they communicate with labelled drawings and
models and through the use of digital technologies where appropriate. They provide explanations
about what they have done and evaluate their ideas using predetermined criteria.

Students describe the external features, changes and growth of living things and how their
environments provide for their needs. They identify how plants and animals are produced for food and
fibre. Students investigate the characteristics and properties of materials, how they can be changed
and combined for a purpose. Students identify heat, light and sound energy and explore how forces
and energy can be used. They are able to identify observable changes that occur on the Earth and in
the sky and how humans care for the environment and Earth’s resources. Students identify the
components of digital systems and explore how data is represented through pictures, symbols and
diagrams. They describe, follow and represent algorithms that are needed to solve problems.

Stage 2
By the end of Stage 2, students engage in the processes of Working Scientifically, and Design and
Production by asking questions, predicting outcomes and undertaking guided investigations with
increasing independence. Students make and record observations, using formal units where
appropriate, and compare results with predictions. They reflect on whether methods undertaken are
fair and identify ways to improve subsequent investigations. Students organise and identify patterns in
data and create tables to organise and represent information.

Students develop solutions that address specific criteria. They generate and develop ideas, using
research to inform their design ideas, which are represented using sketches, brainstorms and where
appropriate, digital technologies. Students select materials appropriate for their purposes, with
consideration of sustainability and constraints to produce designed solutions. They are guided to
develop specific criteria to critically evaluate designed solutions.

Students compare living things and identify the life cycles which support the survival of plant and
animal species. They describe how agricultural processes are used to grow plants and raise animals
for food, clothing and shelter. Students identify the physical properties of materials and how heat can
alter their state. They investigate the suitability of natural and manufactured materials for specific
purposes. They explain how energy is transferred from one place to another, and how forces affect
objects and the behaviour of a product or system. Students describe the regular changes caused by
interactions between the Earth and the Sun, and the changes to the Earth’s surface that are caused
over time by natural processes and human activity. They describe how digital systems transmit data,
explore different types of data and how data patterns can be represented and interpreted.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 20

Stage 3
By the end of Stage 3, students have developed an appreciation of the role of Science and
Technology in local, national and global issues relevant to their lives and a sustainable future.
Students engage in the skills of Working Scientifically, and Design and Production independently and
collaboratively. They pose questions for investigation, predict likely outcomes, and demonstrate
accuracy and honesty when collecting, recording and analysing data and information. Students plan
and conduct fair tests, isolate variables and select appropriate measurement methods. They construct
tables and graphs to organise data and are able to identify patterns, using evidence to compare with
predictions, draw conclusions and develop explanations. Students develop criteria to evaluate
success based on their intended outcome. They examine needs and opportunities for design projects,
using research and existing solutions to inform their ideas. Students are able to reflect on their
processes to identify risks and improve their design ideas, methods and findings. They communicate
their ideas in tables, graphs, diagrams and multimodal texts, using digital technologies where

Students examine how environmental conditions affect the growth, adaptations, structural features
and survival of living things. They explain how food and fibre are produced sustainably in managed
environments for health and nutrition. Students examine the properties of materials and observe how
changes of state occur and new substances are formed. Students explain how energy is transformed,
describe the difference between contact and non-contact forces, and investigate how electrical energy
can control movement. They compare the regular events in the solar system with the irregular events
that cause rapid changes to the Earth’s surface. Students collect, store and interpret different types of
data and explain how digital systems connect to form networks that transmit data. They define
problems, and design, modify and follow simple algorithms that involve branching, iteration and user

Stage 4 – Science Years 7–10

By the end of Stage 4, students use scientific inquiry by actively engaging in using and applying the
processes of Working Scientifically. They identify questions and problems that they can test or
research scientifically. They select and use appropriate strategies, understanding and skills to
generate creative plausible solutions to identified problems. Individually and collaboratively they plan
and conduct a range of types of first-hand investigations, including fieldwork and controlled
experimental methods, ensuring that fairness, safety and ethical guidelines are followed.

Students process and analyse data and information from first-hand investigations and secondary
sources to identify trends, patterns and relationships, drawing relevant, evidence-based conclusions.
They reflect on how the methods, strategies used and the quality of data obtained could be improved.
Their ideas, methods and findings are communicated to a given audience using appropriate scientific
language, representations and text types, with information sources acknowledged using a recognised

By engaging in scientific inquiry, students develop their knowledge of and about scientific ideas and
concepts, as well as the nature, development and importance of scientific evidence. They explain how
scientific knowledge changes as new discoveries and technological developments are made
available, appreciating that new evidence leads to an improved understanding of the world.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 21

Students describe the action of unbalanced forces on the motion of objects in everyday situations,
including the Earth's gravity. They discuss how developments in scientific knowledge and technology
have contributed to finding solutions to problems involving the use of energy transfers and
transformations in simple systems and how the solutions may impact on other areas of society.

Students relate the structure and function of living things to their classification, survival and
reproduction. They predict the effects of environmental changes on ecosystems and how scientific
understanding influences the development of some management practices. They explain the
contribution and influence of scientific knowledge and technological advances in finding solutions to
contemporary issues and that these solutions may involve ethical considerations.

Students describe the dynamic nature of models, theories and laws in developing scientific
understanding of the Earth, solar system and observed properties and behaviour of matter. They
describe processes occurring in and on the Earth and the time scales involved, as well as situations
where understanding and skills from across the disciplines of Science are used in exploration for
resources and obtaining and processing of materials. They explain how advances in scientific
understanding influence the choices people make about resource use and management practices in
shaping sustainable futures.

Students relate the physical and chemical properties of matter to how materials are processed and
used by society in everyday life. They describe situations where scientific knowledge and
collaboration between scientists generates solutions to obtaining and making new substances from
the Earth's spheres.

Stage 4 – Technology Mandatory Years 7–8

By the end of Stage 4, students explore problems and opportunities considering functional, economic,
environmental, social, technical and/or usability constraints. They investigate, select, justify and safely
use a range of tools, materials, components, equipment and processes to develop, test and
communicate design ideas using appropriate technical terms and technologies. Students plan,
manage and evaluate the production of design solutions. They develop thinking skills to communicate
the development of digital and non-digital solutions.

Students investigate how managed systems are used to sustainably produce food and fibre. They
explain food selection and preparation, food safety, and make informed and healthy food choices.
Students collect and interpret data from a range of sources to assist in making informed judgements.
They explain how data is represented in digital systems, and transmitted and secured in networks.

Students explain how force, motion and energy can be used in systems, machines and structures.
They investigate characteristics and properties of a range of materials, develop skills and techniques
in the use of a broad range of tools and safely apply them in the production of projects.

Students are responsible users of technology, capable of designing and producing solutions to
identified needs or opportunities. They develop an appreciation of the contribution of technologies on
their lives now and the impact of innovations for creating preferred futures. They develop an
appreciation of the dynamic nature of design and production processes and how thinking skills are
used to develop solutions to personal, social and global issues.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 22

For Kindergarten to Year 10, courses of study and educational programs are based on the outcomes
of syllabuses. The content describes in more detail how the outcomes are to be interpreted and used,
and the intended learning appropriate for the Stage. In considering the intended learning, teachers will
make decisions about the sequence, the emphasis to be given to particular areas of content, and any
adjustments required based on the needs, interests and abilities of their students.

The knowledge, understanding and skills described in the outcomes and content provide a sound
basis for students to successfully move to the next stage of learning.

Organisation of Content
The following diagram provides an illustrative representation of elements of the course and their

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 23

The Science and Technology K–6 syllabus content is organised into Stages from Early Stage 1 to
Stage 3. The outcomes are presented as:
 Skills
 Knowledge and Understanding.

The knowledge and understanding in Science and Technology K–6 are developed through the skills
of Working Scientifically, and Design and Production. By the end of each Stage, students will have
had opportunities to investigate scientifically and apply their knowledge and understanding in the
creation of designed solutions.

The five content strands in Science and Technology K–6 are the basis for the continuum of learning
for both Science Years 7–10 and Technology Mandatory Years 7–8. All five content strands are to be
delivered by the end of each Stage. Content strands may be taught individually or integrated. The five
content strands are:
 Living World
 Material World
 Physical World
 Earth and Space
 Digital Technologies.

The continuum for each strand is identified below.

Science and Technology K–6 Science Years 7–10 and

Technology Mandatory Years 7–8

Working Scientifically Working Scientifically

Design and Production Design and Production Processes

Living World
Living World
Agriculture and Food Technologies

Chemical World
Material World
Material Technologies

Physical World
Physical World
Engineered Systems

Earth and Space Earth and Space

Digital Technologies Digital Technologies

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 24

Skills Focus
By the end of each Stage students should be provided with opportunities to engage with the full range
of Working Scientifically, and Design and Production skills. The focus skills identified for each content
strand complement the content and are a suggested focus when delivering that content. Teachers will
make decisions regarding the sequence and emphasis of skills, based on the needs, abilities and
prior learning of students.

Inquiry and Focus Questions

The inquiry and focus questions are included to guide and frame the syllabus content within each
strand. The depth of knowledge, understanding and skills development required to fully address the
inquiry and focus questions may vary. This allows for differentiation of the course content catering for
the diverse needs and abilities of students. The inquiry and focus questions provided should be used
as a guide when developing contextual teaching and learning experiences.

Practical Experiences
Students must undertake a range of practical experiences to develop knowledge, understanding and
skills in Science and Technology. Student capability, confidence and expertise at their current stage
of development are important considerations in determining the teaching and learning experiences.

Students with special education needs may require adjustments and/or additional support in order to
engage in practical experiences.

Schools have a legal obligation in relation to safety. Teachers need to ensure they comply with
relevant legislation as well as system and school requirements in relation to safety when
implementing their programs. This includes legislation and guidelines relating to Work Health and
Safety, and the handling and storage of chemicals and dangerous goods. Teachers need to be aware
of activities that may require notification, certification, permission, permits and licences.

Schools need to be aware of legal, ethical and cyber security considerations of digital solutions,
including copyright and intellectual property, cultural considerations, accessibility, privacy issues and
digital footprints.

Teachers should be aware that students may have food allergies that can result in anaphylaxis, a
severe and sometimes sudden allergic reaction which is potentially life-threatening and always
requires an emergency response. This is an important consideration in selecting foods to be handled
and consumed.

Animal Welfare
Schools have a legal responsibility in relation to the welfare of animals. The keeping of animals and
all practical activities involving animals must comply with relevant guidelines and legislation that are
interpreted for schools on the Animals in Schools website.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 25

Working Scientifically, and Design and Production Skills
The skills of Working Scientifically, and Design and Production, enable students to develop and
consolidate their knowledge and understanding of science and technology.

These two processes are dynamic and nonlinear, and various aspects of both processes are used
according to the demands of the task. Elements of Working Scientifically, and Design and Production
may be repeated to generate results, conclusions, solutions or products. Unexpected results are to be
welcomed and used to initiate further scientific investigation and design.

As students develop skills and gain experience with Working Scientifically, and Design and
Production, they are encouraged to progress from guided to independent learning.

Working Scientifically
The skills of Working Scientifically are at the core of inquiry and are developed by conducting practical
investigations and research in Science and Technology. When investigating, opportunities are to be
provided for students to engage with all of the Working Scientifically skills.

Students develop an understanding that the Working Scientifically processes are applied in every
scientific investigation in a way that is determined by the task. Through regular involvement in
applying these skills in a variety of situations, students develop an understanding that the Working
Scientifically processes are more than a series of predictable steps that confirm what we know.

Working Scientifically challenges students to imagine and pose questions, develop processes that
can be used to solve problems and, explain observations and phenomena. These scientific processes
are informed by the unexpected. An unexpected result, or no observable change, does not
necessarily indicate that an investigation was unsuccessful, but rather can be used to direct further
questioning and scientific investigation.

An investigation is a scientific process of answering a question, exploring an idea or solving a problem

that includes practical activities, such as planning a course of action using fair testing and replication,
collection and interpretation of data, reaching a conclusion and communicating findings.

Working Scientifically Skills

Questioning and predicting
Students question and make predictions about familiar events and outcomes of investigations. They
pose relevant questions to initiate a scientific investigation and predict outcomes to unfamiliar

Planning and conducting investigations

Students explore their surroundings and develop strategies for planning and conducting fair testing.
They work collaboratively and individually to plan appropriate investigations to test predictions and
find answers to questions. Students make observations using their senses and use measurement and
appropriate technologies to collect and record these observations. They use appropriate materials,
tools or equipment and recognise risks in conducting practical investigations.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 26

Processing and analysing data
Students organise, share and compare data and information. They engage with a range of
representations including graphs, tables and labelled diagrams. Students discuss observations and
use reasoning to describe patterns and relationships. They develop mathematical skills to represent
data, justify conclusions and share their findings. Students analyse their findings and reflect on the
effectiveness of the investigation by assessing the reliability and validity of the data collected.

Students communicate by using and constructing a range of representations, including tables and
graphs, to represent and describe observations and identify relationships in data, using appropriate
technologies. They share and communicate their observations and ideas in a variety of ways to
explain processes and their understanding of concepts.

Design and Production

Design and Production skills are based on aspects of design thinking, and design and production
processes. The practical nature of Design and Production engages students in critical and creative
thinking, including understanding interrelationships between systems as they solve complex

Students develop skills to plan, organise and monitor activities and processes as they manage
projects to completion. Students are taught to plan for the sustainable use of resources and identify
the benefits and potential risks of solutions. Design and Production provides students with
opportunities to consider how solutions will be used to create preferred futures.

Design and Production Skills

Identifying and defining
Students consider the contribution of technologies to their lives and make judgements about them,
and explore needs and opportunities for designing. They question and review existing products,
processes and systems, explore needs or opportunities for designing, define problems to be solved,
describe a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve a problem and establish
criteria for a successful design solution.

Researching and planning

Students identify factors that may influence and dictate the focus of the design idea, explore options
and represent and refine ideas. They investigate materials, components, tools, equipment and/or
processes to achieve intended design solutions. Students generate, develop and communicate
design ideas and information, using appropriate technical terms and graphical representations. They
develop project plans that include consideration of resources and design, modify and follow simple
algorithms and steps in the development of a design solution.

Producing and implementing

Students develop and apply a variety of skills and techniques to create products, services or
environments to meet specific purposes. They select and use materials, components, tools,
equipment and processes to safely produce designed solutions. Students implement digital solutions
using visual programs.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 27

Testing and evaluating
Students evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions to inform decision-making about the quality
and effectiveness of designed solutions. They determine effective ways to test and judge designed
solutions against predetermined criteria, reflect on processes and transfer their learning to other
design opportunities. Students explore how people use information systems to meet needs and

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 28

Working Scientifically Skills Continuum

Questioning and predicting

Early Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

 pose questions about  pose questions about  identify and pose  pose testable
familiar objects and familiar objects and questions in familiar questions
events events contexts that can be  make and justify
 respond to questions  respond to posed investigated predictions about
about familiar objects questions scientifically scientific
and events  make predictions  make predictions investigations
(ACSIS014) about possible based on prior (ACSIS231,
findings (ACSIS024, knowledge ACSIS232)
ACSIS037) (ACSIS053,

Planning and conducting investigations

Early Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

 make observations  explore and answer  plan scientific  identify questions to

using senses questions through investigations with investigate scientific
through participation participation in guidance ideas
in guided scientific guided scientific  conduct scientific  plan and apply the
investigations investigations investigations to find elements of scientific
 record observations (ACSIS025, answers to questions investigations to
using drawings, ACSIS038)  use appropriate answer problems
simple digital  collect data from materials and  identify potential
recording methods, observations equipment safely risks in planning
oral descriptions  record observations (ACSIS054, investigations
and/or simple visual accurately and ACSIS065)  manage resources
representations honestly using  consider and apply safely (ACSIS086,
(ACSIS011) observational the elements of fair ACSIS103)
 work collaboratively drawings, labelling, tests  decide which
with others to informal  collect and record variable(s) is to be
investigate ideas measurements and accurate, honest changed, measured
 develop safe skills digital technologies observations using and kept the same,
when using materials (ACSIS026, labelled observational in fair tests
and equipment ACSIS039) drawings, basic formal  select appropriate
 compare measurements and measurement
observations with digital technologies as methods, including
those of others appropriate formal
(ACSIS213, (ACSIS055, measurements and
ACSIS041) ACSIS066) digital technologies,
 develop collaboration  reflect on to record data
skills to effectively investigations, accurately and
conduct including whether honestly (ACSIS087,
investigations testing was fair or not ACSIS104)
 make safe choices (ACSIS058,  reflect on and make
when using materials ACSIS069) suggestions to
and equipment  participate individually improve fairness,
and collaboratively accuracy and
with clear roles and efficacy of a scientific
goals investigation
 manage
individually and in

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 29

Processing and analysing data
Early Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

 engage in  use a range of  use a range of  construct and use a

discussions about methods to sort and methods to represent range of
observations collate information data, including tables representations,
 represent ideas  represent information and column graphs including tables and
based on results of using drawings and  identify patterns and graphs, to represent
investigations simple tables, trends in gathered and describe
(ACSIS233) including digital data (ACSIS057, observations,
representation ACSIS068) patterns or
methods (ACSIS027,  compare results with relationships in data
ACSIS040) predictions  employ appropriate
 suggest possible technologies to
reasons for findings represent data
(ACSIS215, (ACSIS090,
 compare data with
 present data as
evidence in

Early Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

 share observations  represent and  represent and  communicate ideas,

and ideas based on communicate communicate explanations and
guided investigations observations and observations, ideas processes, using
(ACSIS012) ideas in a variety of and findings, using scientific
ways (ACSIS029, formal and informal representations
ACSIS042) representations including multimodal
(ACSIS060, forms (ACSIS093,

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 30

Design and Production Skills Continuum

Identifying and defining

Early Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

 identify and  recognise needs or  critique needs or  examine and critique

describe needs or opportunities for opportunities for needs, opportunities
opportunities for designing solutions designing solutions or modifications using
designing through evaluating through evaluating a range of criteria to
 identify the products products and define a project
technologies  investigate and processes  define a need or
needed to achieve explain the needs of  define a need or opportunity according
designed solutions an audience in opportunity according to functional and
(ACTDEP005) defining a problem to functional and aesthetic criteria
 follow a sequence  identify technologies aesthetic criteria  consider availability
of steps and and appropriate  consider potential and sustainability of
decisions materials needed to resources in defining resources when
(algorithms) needed realise designed design needs and defining design needs
to solve problems solutions opportunities and opportunities
 order a sequence of (ACTDEP005)  investigate and  investigate materials,
steps and decisions  follow a sequence of research materials, components, tools,
(algorithms) needed steps and decisions components, tools techniques and
to solve problems (algorithms) to solve and techniques to processes required to
(ACTDIP004) problems produce design achieve intended
 segment, describe solutions design solutions
and represent a (ACTDEP014) (ACTDEP024)
sequence of steps  define simple  examine and
and decisions problems by determine functional
(algorithms) needed determining and requirements to
to solve problems defining a process define a problem
(ACTDIP004)  develop a sequence  identify data required
of steps and decisions to formulate
(algorithms) to solve a algorithms to improve
problem (ACTDIP010) a process

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 31

Researching and planning
Early Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

 generate and  generate ideas for  identify and define a  research, identify and
express ideas for design solutions for a design problem with define design ideas
design possibilities defined purpose consideration of and processes for an
 consider available  consider sustainable practical and audience
resources when use of resources in aesthetic needs  consider functional
planning design planning design  consider sustainable and aesthetic needs
solutions solutions use of resources and in planning a design
 record and express  develop design ideas time constraints in solution
design ideas through in response to planning design  develop, record and
drawings and play- defined brief solutions communicate design
based models,  record design ideas  develop, record and ideas, decisions and
supported with using labelled and communicate design processes using
explanations and annotated drawings ideas and decisions appropriate technical
descriptions, including simple using appropriate terms
including digital digital graphic technical terms  produce labelled and
recordings representations  produce labelled and annotated drawings
(ACTDEP006) (ACTDEP006) annotated drawings including digital
including digital graphic
graphic representations for
representations an audience
 plan a sequence of  consider
production steps sustainability of
when producing resources when
designed solutions researching and
individually and planning design
collaboratively solutions
(ACTDEP018)  manage projects
within time
 design, modify and
follow simple
 extend sequences of
steps to provide a
series of possibilities
through branching
 develop solutions
through trialling and
refining using

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 32

Producing and implementing
Early Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

 develop skills to safely  effectively manage a  select appropriate  select and use tools
manage tools variety of tools tools for a specific competently for
 explore and  manipulate a range of purpose specific purposes
manipulate materials materials for a  select and  accurately cut, join,
to discover purpose effectively bend and measure a
possibilities of their  consider safety, manipulate range of selected
uses sustainability and time appropriate materials to construct
 produce designed constraints when materials for a the designed solution
solutions through producing solutions specific purpose  demonstrate safety
iteration (ACTDEP007)  use safe work and sustainability
(ACTDEP007)  segment and practices when choosing
 sequence steps to sequence steps for  consider resources to produce
solve a problem with making designed sustainability and designed solutions,
guidance solutions constraints when managing constraints
 collaborate to improve  collaborate to develop choosing resources and maximising
ideas and solve a designed solutions and managing time opportunities
problem  perform strategic in the production of (ACTDEP026)
(ACTDEP009) roles within a group to designed solutions  develop project plans
solve a problem (ACTDEP016) that consider
(ACTDEP009)  generate visual resources when
 collect, sort, organise programs using producing designed
and present data to algorithms to create solutions individually
communicate simple digital and collaboratively
information solutions (ACTDEP028)
(ACTDIP003)  organise and  implement digital
perform strategic solutions as visual
roles within a group programs involving
to solve a problem branching, iteration
 collect, access and and user input
present data, using (ACTDIP020)
software to present  work collaboratively
and communicate to share, appraise
information and and improve ideas to
solve problems achieve design
(ACTDIP009) purposes
 identify, organise
and perform strategic
roles within a group
to solve a problem
 acquire, store,
access and validate
different types of
data, and use a
range of software to
present, interpret
and visualise data

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 33

Testing and evaluating
Early Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

 evaluate success of  evaluate the success  develop a set of  negotiate criteria for
design ideas, of design ideas, criteria for success success, based on
processes or processes and with guidance, based defined needs,
solutions according solutions according on defined needs and sustainability and
to personal to a scale of opportunities aesthetics
preferences and/or personal preference  develop criteria to  develop appropriate
predetermined  identify the positive evaluate the and fair processes to
criteria and negative impact environmental impact test a designed
 consider and discuss of a design solution of a design with solution according to
the impact of a within an guidance criteria
design solution within environment  devise a fair process  evaluate design
an environment (ACTDEP008) to test a designed ideas, processes and
(ACTDEP008)  explore how people solution with solutions according to
 explore how people safely use guidance criteria for success
safely use information systems  evaluate design (ACTDEP027)
information systems to meet information, ideas, processes and  explain how students’
to meet information, communication and solutions, based on solutions and existing
communication and recreation needs criteria for success information systems
recreation needs (ACTDIP005) (ACTDEP017) meet current and
(ACTDIP005)  explain how existing future local
information systems community needs
meet personal, (ACTDIP021)
school or community
needs (ACTDIP012)

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 34

Thinking Skills
Productive, purposeful and intentional thinking underpins effective learning in Science and
Technology. Students are provided with opportunities to apply thinking skills, develop an
understanding of the processes they can use as they encounter problems, unfamiliar information and
new ideas.

Thinking skills are coded throughout the syllabus content. Where appropriate, teachers are
encouraged to identify further opportunities to develop these skills in their students.

Computational thinking – ComT

Computational thinking is a process where a problem is analysed and solved so that a human,
machine or computer can effectively implement the solution. It involves using strategies to organise
data logically, break down problems into parts, interpret patterns and design and implement
algorithms to solve problems.

Design thinking – DesT

Design thinking is a process where a need or opportunity is identified and a design solution is
developed. The consideration of economic, environmental and social impacts that result from
designed solutions are core to design thinking. Design thinking methods can be used when trying to
understand a problem, generate ideas and refine a design based on evaluation and testing.

Scientific thinking – SciT

Scientific thinking is purposeful thinking that has the objective to enhance knowledge. A scientific
thinker raises questions and problems, observes and gathers data, draws conclusions based on
evidence, tests conclusions, thinks with an open mind and communicates research findings

Systems thinking – SysT

Systems thinking is an understanding of how related objects or components interact to influence how
a system functions. Students are provided with opportunities to recognise the connectedness of, and
interactions between phenomena, people, places and events in local and wider contexts and consider
the impact of their decisions. Understanding the complexity of systems and the interdependence of
components is important for scientific research and for the creation of solutions to technical, economic
and social issues.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 35

Content Strand Summaries

Living World
The Living World strand explores living things and their needs. The key concepts developed within
this strand are: living things have similar characteristics; are interdependent and interact with each
other and their environment; living things and their features are related to the environments in which
they live. Through this strand, students explore life cycles, structural adaptations and behaviours of
living things. These developmental features and characteristics aid survival in particular

Food and fibre are the human-produced or harvested resources used to directly sustain human life
and are produced in managed environments, such as farms and plantations. Students develop
knowledge and understanding about the managed systems that produce food and fibre through
creating designed solutions. Students also develop knowledge, understanding and an appreciation for
a variety of foods, sound nutrition principles and food preparation skills when making food decisions.

Material World
The Material World strand explores the characteristics and observable properties of substances and
materials. Students explore how materials can be changed and combined. They explore change of
state and investigate how chemicals can be combined and separated.

Students develop knowledge and understanding of the characteristics and properties of a range of
materials in the development of projects. They build an awareness of the strengths and limitations of
materials and integrate this knowledge into design decisions. Students develop an appreciation that
the selection of materials and processes should be guided by informed consideration of ethical issues
and the sustainability of resources.

Physical World
The Physical World strand explores the physical characteristics of objects and how this affects their
movement. Light, sound and heat are identified as forms of energy that may be transferred and
transformed, and explore the difference between contact and non-contact forces.

Students develop knowledge and understanding of forces, energy and the properties of materials and
their behaviour on the performance of designed engineering solutions. They investigate how electrical
energy can control movement in products and systems and learn how engineered products, services
and environments can be designed and produced sustainably.

Earth and Space

The Earth and Space strand explores the Earth’s dynamic structure and its place in the universe.
Students explore changes on Earth, such as day and night, and the seasons related to Earth’s
rotation and its orbit around the Sun.

Students investigate the processes that result in changes to the Earth’s surface. They explore the
ways in which we use Earth’s resources and consider the influence of human activity on the Earth’s
surface and its atmosphere.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 36

Digital Technologies
The Digital Technologies strand provides students with opportunities to investigate existing
technologies and create digital solutions. They explore the automation of repetitive tasks through
developing their own software and by using existing software packages. Through knowledge and
understanding of digital technologies, students are encouraged to become critical consumers of
information and creative producers of digital solutions.

Digital Technologies explores key concepts from computer science, information systems, software
engineering and project management. These key concepts form the intellectual underpinning of
Digital Technologies that take it beyond the current technologies and skills students learn in the ICT

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 37

Learning Across the Curriculum
Learning across the curriculum content, including the cross-curriculum priorities and general
capabilities, assists students to achieve the broad learning outcomes defined in the NESA K–10
Curriculum Framework and Statement of Equity Principles, and in the Melbourne Declaration on
Educational Goals for Young Australians (December 2008).

Cross-curriculum priorities enable students to develop understanding about and address the
contemporary issues they face.

The cross-curriculum priorities are:

 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
 Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia
 Sustainability

General capabilities encompass the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours to assist students to
live and work successfully in the 21st century.

The general capabilities are:

 Critical and creative thinking
 Ethical understanding
 Information and communication technology capability
 Intercultural understanding
 Literacy
 Numeracy
 Personal and social capability

NESA syllabuses include other areas identified as important learning for all students:
 Civics and citizenship
 Difference and diversity
 Work and enterprise

Learning across the curriculum content is incorporated, and identified by icons, in the content of the
Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus in the following ways.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 38

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
Science and Technology provides students with opportunities to learn about how Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Peoples have developed and refined knowledge about the world through
observation, making predictions, testing and responding to environmental factors within specific
contexts. It emphasises the relationships people have with places and their interconnectedness with
the environments in which they live. Students learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Peoples’ understanding of the environment and the ways that traditional knowledge and Western
scientific knowledge can be complementary. Students learn that there are different ways of interacting
with the environment and how this can influence sustainability.

When planning and programming content relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories
and cultures, teachers are encouraged to:
 involve local Aboriginal communities and/or appropriate knowledge holders in determining
suitable resources, or to use Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander authored or endorsed
 read the Principles and Protocols relating to teaching and learning about Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander histories and cultures and the involvement of local Aboriginal communities.

Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia

The syllabus provides students with opportunities to recognise that the Asia region includes diverse
environments. Students develop an appreciation of how interactions within and between these
environments impact on human activity and influence the region and the rest of the world. Students
identify how the Asia region plays an important role in scientific research and development in
manufacturing technologies.

Science and Technology provides students with opportunities to develop an awareness of sustainable
practices, careful and responsible management of natural resources to ensure that they are available
for future generations. Sustainability content is focused on renewable resources, the protection of
environments and requires consideration of environmental, social, cultural and economic systems and
their interdependence. Students are encouraged to consider sustainability and develop an
appreciation of the impact that design solutions can have on the Earth’s resources. Sustainability
education is futures-oriented, creating a more ecologically and socially just world through informed
choices. Actions that support more sustainable patterns of living require students to participate
critically and act creatively in determining more sustainable ways of living.

Critical and Creative Thinking

Critical and creative thinking are embedded in the skills and processes of Working Scientifically, and
Design and Production. Students develop critical and creative thinking skills as they pose questions,
make predictions, engage in firsthand investigations, design projects, make evidence-based
decisions, and analyse and evaluate evidence. Through critical and creative thinking students are
encouraged to apply new ideas, make connections, explore alternative explanations, recognise or
develop an argument, use evidence in support of that argument, draw reasoned conclusions, and use
information to solve problems.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 39

Ethical Understanding
Students identify and investigate the nature of ethical concepts, values and principles, and
understand how reasoning can assist ethical judgement. The syllabus provides opportunities for
students to form and make ethical judgements in relation to scientific investigations, design solutions,
codes of practice, use of digital technologies and online collaborative environments. Students apply
ethical guidelines in their investigations and design projects, particularly in their implications for others
and the environment. Students are encouraged to demonstrate ethical digital citizenship as they learn
the importance of protecting data, intellectual property, and social and ethical protocols.

Information and Communication Technology Capability

Students have opportunities to develop ICT capability when they develop design ideas and solutions,
research scientific concepts and applications, investigate scientific phenomena, and communicate
their scientific and technological understandings. Students access information enabling them to
communicate scientific and technological ideas. They collect and analyse and, where appropriate,
model and interpret concepts and relationships. Digital technologies, through animations and
simulations, provide opportunities to view phenomena, test predictions and visualise designs that
cannot be investigated or produced through practical experiences in the classroom and may enhance
students' understanding and engagement with science and technology.

The ICT capability enables students to become effective users of information and communication
technologies. The Digital Technologies strand is distinguished by providing students with the skills to
become confident developers of digital solutions.

Intercultural Understanding
Students develop intercultural understanding and value their own culture and those of others as they
engage with people of diverse cultures in ways that recognise similarities and differences, create
connections and cultivate respect. The syllabus provides opportunities for students to appreciate the
contribution that diverse cultural perspectives have made to the development, breadth and diversity of
scientific and technological knowledge and applications. Students learn about and engage with issues
requiring cultural sensitivity and recognise that people in science and technology professions work in
culturally diverse teams. They learn about the interactions between technologies and society, and
take responsibility for securing positive outcomes for members of all cultural groups.

Literacy is the ability to use a repertoire of knowledge and skills to effectively communicate and
comprehend using a variety of modes and media. Being 'literate' is more than the acquisition of
technical skills – it includes the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create and communicate
effectively, using written, visual and/or digital forms of expression. The syllabus provides students with
opportunities to understand that language varies according to the context. The language of science
and technology is often technical and includes specific terms for concepts, processes and features of
the world. Students discuss, question and evaluate ideas, provide explanations, formulate predictions,
draw conclusions, and construct evidence-based arguments as they communicate ideas and findings.
They learn that scientific and technological information can be presented in the form of diagrams,
infographics, flowcharts, models, tables and graphs.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 40

Science and Technology provides students with opportunities to develop numeracy skills through
practical measurement and the collection, representation and interpretation of data from firsthand
investigations and secondary sources. Students become numerate as they develop the confidence,
willingness and ability to apply mathematics in their lives in constructive and meaningful ways.
Students develop data analysis skills as they identify trends and patterns from numerical data and
graphs. They use three-dimensional models, create accurate technical drawings and use
computational thinking in decision-making processes when designing and creating solutions. They
develop skills in working mathematically as they problem-solve, communicate, reason and justify their
choices and decisions.

Personal and Social Capability

The study of Science and Technology enhances personal and social capability by expanding a
student’s capacity to question and solve problems. Students develop personal and social capability as
they establish positive relationships, make responsible decisions, persevere and handle challenging
situations. Through applying processes of Working Scientifically, and Design and Production,
students are provided with opportunities to communicate, set goals, make decisions and develop
independent and collaborative work practices.

Civics and Citizenship

The syllabus provides students with opportunities to engage with scientific and technological
advances to develop informed consumers. It equips them with the skills to make responsible and
sustainable choices. Science and Technology aims to develop informed, evidence-based
understanding and the capacity for responsible innovative problem-solving to positively contribute to
Australian society in a global context. Students develop a sense of local responsibility and global
citizenship as they improve and advance Australia through their investigations and future focused

Difference and Diversity

Difference and diversity comprises gender, ethnicity, ability and socio-economic circumstances. The
syllabus provides opportunities for students to understand and appreciate the difference and diversity
they experience in their everyday lives. Working Scientifically, and Design and Production provide
opportunities for students to work collaboratively and develop an appreciation of the values and ideas
of all group members. This also enables them to identify individual rights, challenge stereotypes and
engage with opinions different to their own.

Work and Enterprise

Science and Technology develops work-related skills and an appreciation of individual and
collaborative work practices as students conduct investigations and participate in a process of design.
Students have opportunities to innovate, be enterprising, practise value judgements and make
responsible decisions. Students are provided with opportunities to prioritise safe practices as they
consider the potential risks and hazards associated with the use of a variety of tools to conduct
investigations and construct design solutions.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 41

Early Stage 1

Content for Early Stage 1

Living World

A student:
› observes, questions and collects data to communicate ideas STe-1WS-S
› develops solutions to an identified need STe-2DP-T
› explores the characteristics, needs and uses of living things STe-3LW-ST

Content Focus
Early Stage 1 of the Living World strand focuses on living things, their characteristics, needs,
behaviours, and the environment in which they live. Students explore how plants and animals satisfy
our needs by providing us with the resources for the production of food and fibre. Early Stage 1 of this
strand introduces students to the biological sciences and how food and fibre are used and are
essential to society and its needs.

Skills Focus

Working Scientifically
Planning and conducting investigations
 make observations using senses through participation in guided scientific investigations
 record observations using drawings, simple digital recording methods, oral descriptions and/or
simple visual representations (ACSIS011)
 work cooperatively with others to investigate ideas
 develop safe skills when using materials and equipment

 share observations and ideas based on guided investigations (ACSIS012)

Design and Production

Identifying and defining
 identify and describe needs or opportunities for designing
 identify the technologies needed to achieve designed solutions (ACTDEP005)

Inquiry and Focus Questions

 What do we notice about living things?
 How can living things be used to meet our needs?

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 42

Early Stage 1

Characteristics and basic needs of living things
Inquiry question: What do we notice about living things?
 recognise that living things have basic needs including air, food and water (ACSSU002)
 compare the basic needs of some plants and animals
 participate in guided investigations to identify living things and the external features of plants and
animals in the local environment SciT
 communicate findings of observations of living things in their environment SciT

Using living things as food and fibre

Focus question: How can living things be used to meet our needs?
 recognise that plants and animals can be used as food, or materials (fibres) for clothing and
shelter (ACTDEK003)
 explore a range of foods obtained from plants and animals, for example:
− customary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander foods
− foods from a range of cultures, eg African, American, German, Indian, Japanese
 explore everyday items that are designed and produced from fibres sourced from plants and
animals, for example: DesT
− fabrics and yarns used for clothing
− wood products used for shelters

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 43

Early Stage 1

Material World

A student:
› observes, questions and collects data to communicate ideas STe-1WS-S
› develops solutions to an identified need STe-2DP-T
› identifies that objects are made of materials that have observable properties STe-4MW-ST

Content Focus
Early Stage 1 of the Material World strand focuses on the observable properties of materials and how
they can be used for making useful products. Students investigate how the properties of materials
determine their use in design solutions. Early Stage 1 of this strand introduces students to the
materials sciences and design thinking.

Skills Focus

Working Scientifically
Planning and conducting investigations
 make observations using senses through participation in guided scientific investigations
 record observations using drawings, simple digital recording methods, oral descriptions and/or
simple visual representations (ACSIS011)
 work cooperatively with others to investigate ideas
 develop safe skills when using materials and equipment (ACSIS011)

Processing and analysing data

 engage in discussions about observations
 represent ideas based on results of investigations (ACSIS233)

Design and Production

Researching and planning
 generate and express ideas for design possibilities
 consider available resources when planning design solutions
 record and express design ideas through drawings and play-based models, supported with
explanations and/or descriptions, including digital recordings (ACTDEP006)

Producing and implementing

 develop skills to safely manage tools
 explore and manipulate materials to discover possibilities of their uses
 produce designed solutions through iteration (ACTDEP007)
 sequence steps to solve a problem with guidance
 collaborate to improve ideas and solve a problem (ACTDEP009)

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 44

Early Stage 1

Testing and evaluating

 evaluate success of design ideas, processes or solutions according to personal preferences
and/or predetermined criteria
 consider and discuss the impact of a design solution within an environment (ACTDEP008)

Inquiry and Focus Questions

 What are some of the observable properties of materials?
 How do the properties of materials affect their use?

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 45

Early Stage 1

Properties of materials can be observed
Inquiry question: What are some of the observable properties of materials?
 observe and describe some properties of a range of materials (ACSSU003) SciT
 explore the use of materials in the built environment based on their properties DesT

Materials are selected to suit specific purposes

Focus question: How do the properties of materials affect their use?
 identify and describe how the properties of different materials suit their design purpose
(ACTDEK004) DesT
 plan, design and evaluate a product considering an identified need or opportunity (ACTDEK001)

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 46

Early Stage 1

Physical World

A student:
› observes, questions and collects data to communicate ideas STe-1WS-S
› develops solutions to an identified need STe-2DP-T
› observes the way objects move and relates changes in motion to push and pull forces

Content Focus
Early Stage 1 of the Physical World strand focuses on the physical characteristics of objects and the
effects of these on how they move. This Early Stage 1 strand allows students to investigate how push
and pull forces create movement and introduces the fundamental concepts of force and motion.

Skills Focus

Working Scientifically
Questioning and predicting
 pose questions about familiar objects and events
 respond to questions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS014)

Planning and conducting investigations

 make observations using senses through participation in guided scientific investigations
 record observations using drawings, simple digital recording methods, oral descriptions and/or
simple visual representations (ACSIS011)
 work cooperatively with others to investigate ideas
 develop safe skills when using materials and equipment

Design and Production

Identifying and defining
 identify and describe needs or opportunities for designing
 identify the technologies needed to achieve designed solutions (ACTDEP005)

Producing and implementing

 develop skills to safely manage tools
 explore and manipulate materials to discover possibilities of their uses
 produce designed solutions through iteration (ACTDEP007)
 sequence steps to solve a problem with guidance
 collaborate to improve ideas and solve a problem (ACTDEP009)

Inquiry and Focus Questions

 What causes objects to move in different ways?

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 47

Early Stage 1

Movement of objects
Inquiry question: What causes objects to move in different ways?
 observe the way a variety of familiar objects move, for example: (ACSSU005)
− sliding
− rolling
− spinning
− bouncing
 observe the effects of push and pull forces on familiar objects, for example: (ACSSU033) SciT

− changes in motion, eg starting, stopping, changing speed or direction

− changes in shape, eg stretching, breaking
 participate in guided investigations to explore how particular objects move on land, water and/or
in the air, and how these objects are affected by forces (ACTDEK002) SciT

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 48

Early Stage 1

Earth and Space

A student:
› observes, questions and collects data to communicate ideas STe-1WS-S
› identifies how daily and seasonal changes in the environment affect humans and other living
things STe-6ES-S

Content Focus
Early Stage 1 of the Earth and Space strand focuses on daily and seasonal changes in the
environment. Students investigate how living things respond to these changes in the environment.
Early Stage 1 of this strand introduces students to the foundational understanding of the Earth as a
dynamic interrelated part of physical and biological systems.

Skills Focus

Working Scientifically
Questioning and predicting
 pose questions about familiar objects and events
 respond to questions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS014)

Processing and analysing data

 engage in discussions about observations
 represent ideas based on results of investigations (ACSIS233)

Design and Production

Identifying and defining
 identify and describe needs or opportunities for designing
 identify the technologies needed to achieve designed solutions (ACTDEP005)

Inquiry and Focus Questions

 How do daily and seasonal changes affect the environment?

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 49

Early Stage 1

Changes in the environment
Inquiry question: How do daily and seasonal changes affect the environment?
 identify daily and seasonal changes that occur in our environment, such as day and night, and
changes in the weather, for example: (ACSSU004) ComT, SysT
− daily temperature variation
− monthly rain, snow or frost
 explore how living things respond to regular changes in their environment, for example:

− animals that migrate or hibernate

− changes in human behaviour and clothing
 observe, ask questions about and describe changes in objects and events (ACSHE013) SciT

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 50

Early Stage 1

Digital Technologies

A student:
› develops solutions to an identified need STe-2DP-T
› identifies digital systems and explores how instructions are used to control digital devices

Content Focus
Early Stage 1 of the Digital Technologies strand focuses on digital systems and how they are used to
communicate. Students explore how algorithms can be used to solve problems. Early Stage 1 of this
strand introduces students to computational thinking.

Skills Focus

Working Scientifically
 share observations and ideas based on guided investigations (ACSIS012)

Design and Production

Identifying and defining
 follow a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve problems
 order a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve problems (ACTDIP004)

Testing and evaluating

 evaluate success of design ideas, processes or solutions according to personal preferences
and/or predetermined criteria
 explore how people safely use information systems to meet information, communication and
recreation needs (ACTDIP005)

Inquiry and Focus Questions

 How are digital technologies used in everyday life?
 How does following steps help to achieve a goal?

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 51

Early Stage 1

Digital systems
Focus question: How are digital technologies used in everyday life?
 explore familiar digital devices, for example: (ACTDIK001) ComT SysT
− a computer
− a device to take a digital image
 explore how people use digital systems to communicate
 explore the uses of digital devices in developing and sustaining Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander histories, cultures and languages, for example:
− a language app
− an online video for storytelling

Sequencing instructions
Focus question: How does following steps help to achieve a goal?
 follow and describe a sequence of steps (algorithms), for example: ComT DesT SysT
− following a procedure, eg getting dressed for school in the morning
− following a recipe, eg baking a cake
 design a process to solve an identified problem, for example: ComT SysT
− set of instructions to get from one point to another
− set of instructions to log on to a computer

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 52

Stage 1

Content for Stage 1

Living World

A student:
› observes, questions and collects data to communicate and compare ideas ST1-1WS-S
› uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity ST1-2DP-T
› describes observable features of living things and their environments ST1-4LW-S
› identifies how plants and animals are used for food and fibre products ST1-5LW-T

Content Focus
Stage 1 of the Living World strand focuses on the features of living things, their environment and how
they change and reproduce. Students investigate how plants and animals are used to satisfy our
needs for food and fibre. Stage 1 of this strand develops students’ understanding of how living things
and their environment play a central role in the support for and survival of humans.

Skills Focus

Working Scientifically
Planning and conducting investigations
 explore and answer questions through participation in guided scientific investigations (ACSIS025,
 collect data from observations
 record observations accurately and honestly using observational drawings, labelling, informal
measurements and digital technologies (ACSIS026, ACSIS039)
 compare observations with those of others (ACSIS041, ACSIS213)
 develop collaboration skills to effectively conduct investigations
 make safe choices when using materials and equipment

Processing and analysing data

 use a range of methods to sort and collate information
 represent information using drawings and simple tables, including digital representation methods
(ACSIS027, ACSIS040)

Design and Production

Researching and planning
 generate ideas for design solutions for a defined purpose
 consider sustainable use of resources in planning design solutions
 develop design ideas in response to defined brief
 record design ideas using labelled and annotated drawings including simple digital graphic
representations (ACTDEP006)

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 53

Stage 1

Producing and implementing

 effectively manage a variety of tools
 manipulate a range of materials for a purpose
 consider safety, sustainability and time constraints when producing solutions (ACTDEP007)
 segment and sequence steps for making designed solutions
 collaborate to develop designed solutions
 perform strategic roles within a group to solve a problem (ACTDEP009)

Inquiry and Focus Questions

 What are the external features of living things?
 How can we improve a local environment to encourage living things to thrive?
 How do living things change as they grow?
 How do humans use plants and animals?

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 54

Stage 1

External features of living things
Inquiry question: What are the external features of living things?
 describe the external features of a variety of living things (ACSSU017)
 identify and group plants and animals using their external features, for example: SciT SysT
− native and introduced plants and animals
− worms, insects, fish, reptiles, birds and mammals

Living things live in different places

Inquiry question: How can we improve a local environment to encourage living things to thrive?
 identify that living things live in different places that suit their needs (ACSSU211)
 design and produce an environment to cater for the needs of a living thing, for example: DesT

− encourage the growth of a plant, eg greenhouses, hydroponics

− encourage the return of a living thing to a local habitat
 recognise that people use science and technology in their daily lives, including when caring for
their environment and living things (ACSHE022, ACSHE035)

Living things change

Inquiry question: How do living things change as they grow?
 explore how living things grow, change and have offspring similar to themselves (ACSSU030)
 record the changes in growth of a common plant or animal, using uniform informal units and
appropriate technologies ComT SysT

Plants and animals used for food and fibre

Focus question: How do humans use plants and animals?
 identify some plants and animals that are grown and used for food production (ACTDEK003)
 explore the plants and animals used in customary practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Peoples
 explore the tools, equipment and techniques used to prepare food safely and hygienically for
healthy eating (ACTDEK003) SysT
 investigate ways people use scientific and technological knowledge and skills to sustainably grow
plants and animals to produce fibre for clothing and/or shelter SciT

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 55

Stage 1

Material World

A student:
› observes, questions and collects data to communicate and compare ideas ST1-1WS-S
› uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity ST1-2DP-T
› identifies that materials can be changed or combined ST1-6MW-S
› describes how the properties of materials determine their use ST1-7MW-T

Content Focus
Stage 1 of the Material World strand focuses on how materials can be changed, manipulated and
combined. Students have the opportunity to develop a design solution demonstrating the suitability of
materials for a purpose. Stage 1 of this strand develops students’ understanding of the properties of
materials and their uses.

Skills Focus

Working Scientifically
Questioning and predicting
 pose questions about familiar objects and events
 respond to questions and make predictions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS024,

Planning and conducting investigations

 explore and answer questions through participation in guided scientific investigations (ACSIS025,
 collect data from observations
 record observations accurately and honestly using observational drawings, labelling, informal
measurements and digital technologies (ACSIS026, ACSIS039)
 compare observations with those of others (ACSIS041, ACSIS213)
 develop collaboration skills to effectively conduct investigations
 make safe choices when using materials and equipment

Design and Production

Producing and implementing
 effectively manage a variety of tools
 manipulate a range of materials for a purpose
 consider safety, sustainability and time constraints when producing solutions (ACTDEP007)
 segment and sequence steps for making designed solutions
 collaborate to develop designed solutions
 perform strategic roles within a group to solve a problem (ACTDEP009)

Testing and evaluating

 evaluate the success of design ideas, processes and solutions according to a scale of personal
 identify the positive and negative impact of a design solution within an environment (ACTDEP008)

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 56

Stage 1

Inquiry and Focus Questions

 What changes occur when materials are combined?
 How do the properties of materials determine their use?

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 57

Stage 1

Materials can be combined and changed
Inquiry question: What changes occur when materials are combined?
 investigate how materials can be changed by bending, twisting and stretching (ACSSU018) DesT
 investigate how different materials can be combined (ACSSU031) SciT

Materials are used for a specific purpose

Focus question: How do the properties of materials determine their use?
 identify a range of natural materials available locally or through trade used by Aboriginal and/or
Torres Strait Islander Peoples for a specific cultural purpose DesT SysT
 design and evaluate a product, demonstrating understanding of the suitability of materials for a
purpose DesT SysT

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 58

Stage 1

Physical World

A student:
› observes, questions and collects data to communicate and compare ideas ST1-1WS-S
› uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity ST1-2DP-T
› describes common forms of energy and explores some characteristics of sound energy
› investigates how forces and energy are used in products ST1-9PW-ST

Content Focus
Stage 1 of the Physical World strand focuses on the identification of light, sound and heat energy, and
how they are sensed and produced. Stage 1 of this strand allows students to further develop their
understanding of forces and energy and how these can be used for specific purposes in products.

Skills Focus

Working Scientifically
Processing and analysing data
 use a range of methods to sort and collate information
 represent information using drawings and simple tables, including digital representation methods
(ACSIS027, ACSIS040)

 represent and communicate observations and ideas in a variety of ways (ACSIS029, ACSIS042)

Design and Production

Researching and planning
 generate ideas for design solutions for a defined purpose
 consider sustainable use of resources in planning design solutions
 record design ideas using labelled and annotated drawings including simple digital graphic
representations (ACTDEP006)

Producing and implementing

 effectively manage a variety of tools
 manipulate a range of materials for a purpose
 consider safety, sustainability and time constraints when producing solutions (ACTDEP007)
 segment and sequence steps for making designed solutions
 collaborate to develop designed solutions
 perform strategic roles within a group to solve a problem (ACTDEP009)

Inquiry and Focus Questions

 What are the different forms of energy around us and how can we detect them?
 How are forces used for a purpose?

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 59

Stage 1

Energy comes in different forms that can be detected
Inquiry question: What are the different forms of energy around us and how can we detect them?
 produce and describe different sounds, for example:
− by blowing, scraping, striking, shaking
− by observing musical instruments from different cultures
 explore how the volume and pitch of a sound can be changed SciT
 identify sound, light, heat, electricity and movement as forms of energy (ACSSU020)
 explore sound, light and heat from various sources, using the senses (ACSSU020) SciT

Forces and energy in products

Focus question: How are forces used for a purpose?
 explore how technologies use forces to create movement in products (ACTDEK002) SysT
 design and develop a product that uses one or more forms of energy to create change DesT

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 60

Stage 1

Earth and Space

A student:
› observes, questions and collects data to communicate and compare ideas ST1-1WS-S
› recognises observable changes occurring in the sky and on the land and identifies Earth’s
resources ST1-10ES-S

Content Focus
Stage 1 of the Earth and Space strand focuses on the observable changes that occur in the sky and
landscape. Students explore how the Earth’s resources are used and investigate their conservation.
Stage 1 of this strand introduces students to regular atmospheric and astronomical events and their
effect on the Earth and develops students’ understanding of sustainability.

Skills Focus

Working Scientifically
Planning and conducting investigations
 explore and answer questions through participation in guided scientific investigations (ACSIS025,
 collect data from observations
 record observations accurately and honestly using observational drawings, labelling, informal
measurements and digital technologies (ACSIS026, ACSIS039)
 compare observations with those of others (ACSIS041, ACSIS213)
 develop collaboration skills to effectively conduct investigations
 make safe choices when using materials and equipment

Processing and analysing data

 use a range of methods to sort and collate information
 represent information using drawings and simple tables, including digital representation methods
(ACSIS027, ACSIS040)

Design and Production

Identifying and defining
 recognise needs or opportunities for designing solutions through evaluating products
 investigate and explain the needs of an audience in defining a problem
 identify technologies and appropriate materials needed to realise designed solutions

Inquiry and Focus Questions

 How can we investigate the observable changes that occur in the sky and on the land?
 What are Earth’s resources and how do we use and care for them?

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 61

Stage 1

Changes in the sky and on the land
Inquiry question: How can we investigate the observable changes that occur in the sky and on the
 record the observable changes that occur in the sky and on the land, for example: (ACSSU019)
− patterns in the position of the Sun across a day
− the appearance of the Moon and stars at night
− changes in the shape of the Moon
 identify how seasonal changes in our daily lives affect living things SciT
 collect data related to short-term weather events and long-term seasonal patterns, to inform
others using appropriate communication techniques SciT
 observe, ask questions about and describe changes in objects and events (ACSHE021,
ACSHE034) SciT

Earth’s resources
Inquiry question: What are Earth’s resources and how do we use and care for them?
 identify and explore the use of a variety of Earth’s resources including water and soil (ACSSU032)

 identify how Aboriginal Peoples care for Earth’s resources on-Country, for example:
− ochre
− fish
− seeds
 plan and implement strategies considering conservation of resources to address sustainability
and to meet personal and/or community needs, for example: (ACTDEK001) DesT SysT

− turning off dripping taps

− turning off unnecessary lights
− reusing/recycling campaigns

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 62

Stage 1

Digital Technologies

A student:
› uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity ST1-2DP-T
› describes, follows and represents algorithms to solve problems ST1-3DP-T
› identifies the components of digital systems and explores how data is represented ST1-11DI-T

Content Focus
Stage 1 of the Digital Technologies strand focuses on digital systems and their components. Students
investigate how digital systems display data and use a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms)
to solve problems. Stage 1 of this strand develops students’ understanding of how digital systems use
algorithms to communicate.

Skills Focus

Working Scientifically
Processing and analysing data
 use a range of methods to sort and collate information
 represent information using drawings and simple tables, including digital representation methods
(ACSIS027, ACSIS040)

 represent and communicate observations and ideas in a variety of ways (ACSIS029, ACSIS042)

Design and Production

Identifying and defining
 follow a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) to solve problems
 segment, describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve
problems (ACTDIP004)

Producing and implementing

 collaborate to develop designed solutions
 perform strategic roles within a group to solve a problem (ACTDEP009)
 collect, sort, organise and present data to communicate information (ACTDIP003)

Testing and evaluating

 explore how people safely use information systems to meet information, communication and
recreation needs (ACTDIP005)

Inquiry and Focus Questions

 What components might make up a digital system?
 What is data and how can we store and represent it?
 How can we record instructions for others to follow and understand?

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 63

Stage 1

Digital systems and their components
Focus question: What components might make up a digital system?
 identify hardware and software components of digital systems (ACTDIK001) ComT SysT
 identify a variety of uses for digital systems, for example: ComT SysT
− recording information, eg a digital photograph
− storing information, eg saving a digital file
 communicate, collaborate and share information safely, using digital systems, for example:
− email
− online collaboration tools

Representation and analysis of data

Focus question: What is data and how can we store and represent it?
 identify how data is represented as pictures, symbols and diagrams
 collect, explore and sort data, and use digital systems to present the data creatively
 explore and identify patterns in data (ACTDIK002) ComT SysT

Writing and recording sequences and instructions

Focus question: How can we record instructions for others to follow and understand?
 follow and represent sequences of steps and decisions (algorithms) to solve problems, for
example: ComT SysT
− controlling a digital device remotely
− presenting a sequence of instructions, eg using a visual programming language
 test and evaluate the effectiveness of steps and decisions (algorithms) in solving a problem

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 64

Stage 2

Content for Stage 2

Living World

A student:
› questions, plans and conducts scientific investigations, collects and summarises data and
communicates using scientific representations ST2-1WS-S
› selects and uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity
› compares features and characteristics of living and non-living things ST2-4LW-S
› describes how agricultural processes are used to grow plants and raise animals for food, clothing
and shelter ST2-5LW-T

Content Focus
Stage 2 of the Living World strand focuses on the classification, life cycles and survival of living
things. Students consider the agricultural processes used to grow plants and raise animals. Students
design and produce a product or system to support the growth of a plant and/or animal.

Skills Focus

Working Scientifically
Planning and conducting investigations
 plan scientific investigations with guidance
 conduct scientific investigations to find answers to questions
 use appropriate materials and equipment safely (ACSIS054, ACSIS065)
 consider and apply the elements of fair tests
 collect and record accurate, honest observations using labelled observational drawings, basic
formal measurements and digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS055, ACSIS066)
 reflect on investigations, including whether testing was fair or not (ACSIS058, ACSIS069)
 participate individually and collaboratively with clear roles and goals

Processing and analysing data

 use a range of methods to represent data, including tables and column graphs
 identify patterns and trends in gathered data (ACSIS057, ACSIS068)
 compare results with predictions
 suggest possible reasons for findings (ACSIS215, ACSIS216)

 represent and communicate observations, ideas and findings, using formal and informal
representations (ACSIS060, ACSIS071)

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 65

Stage 2

Design and Production

Identifying and defining
 critique needs or opportunities for designing solutions through evaluating products and processes
 define a need or opportunity according to functional and aesthetic criteria
 consider potential resources in defining design needs and opportunities
 investigate and research materials, components, tools and techniques to produce design
solutions (ACTDEP014)

Researching and planning

 identify and define a design problem with consideration of practical and aesthetic needs
 consider sustainable use of resources and time constraints in planning design solutions
 develop, record and communicate design ideas and decisions using appropriate technical terms
 produce labelled and annotated drawings including digital graphic representations (ACTDEP015)
 plan a sequence of production steps when producing designed solutions individually and
collaboratively (ACTDEP018)

Inquiry and Focus Questions

 How can we group living things?
 What are the similarities and differences between the life cycles of living things?
 How are environments and living things interdependent?
 How do we create food and fibre products from animals and plants?

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 66

Stage 2

Classification of living things
Inquiry question: How can we group living things?
 collect data and identify patterns to group living things according to their external features, and
distinguish them from non-living things (ACSSU044) SysT
 identify that science involves making predictions and describing patterns and relationships
(ACSHE050, ACSHE061) SciT

Life cycles of living things

Inquiry question: What are the similarities and differences between the life cycles of living things?
 identify that living things have life cycles (ACSSU072)
 conduct an investigation into the life cycle of plants and/or animals (ACSSU072) SciT

Survival of living things

Inquiry question: How are environments and living things interdependent?
 describe how living things depend on each other and the environment to survive, for example:
(ACSSU073) SysT
− bees and flowers
− birds eat and disperse seeds

Producing food and fibre from living things

Focus question: How do we create food and fibre products from animals and plants?
 investigate and compare advancing technologies used in food and fibre production in Australian
agriculture and those used in traditional agriculture, for example: (ACTDEK012) DesT SciT SysT

− automated farming using microcontrollers and sensors compared to animal-drawn equipment

− autonomous vehicles to harvest crops compared to manual harvesting processes
 investigate food technologies and techniques used to produce healthy food, for example: SciT

− peeling and segmenting/slicing fruits and vegetables

− follow a recipe step by step
− measure and mix dry ingredients
 design, plan and produce a product, system or environment to support the growth of a plant
and/or animal that could be used in a healthy meal, for example: DesT
− a greenhouse
− a chicken coop
− a watering system

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 67

Stage 2

Material World

A student:
› questions, plans and conducts scientific investigations, collects and summarises data and
communicates using scientific representations ST2-1WS-S
› selects and uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity
› describes how adding or removing heat causes a change of state ST2-6MW-S
› investigates the suitability of natural and processed materials for a range of purposes ST2-7MW-T

Content Focus
Stage 2 of the Material World strand focuses on how solids and liquids change state and the
properties of natural and processed materials. Students investigate how different properties of
materials affect their suitability for products. They have the opportunity to develop a design solution to
an identified need or opportunity, using a variety of materials. Stage 2 of this strand develops
students’ knowledge and understanding of the properties and performance of materials and the
material sciences.

Skills Focus

Working Scientifically
Questioning and predicting
 identify and pose questions in familiar contexts that can be investigated scientifically
 make predictions based on prior knowledge (ACSIS053, ACSIS064)

Planning and conducting investigations

 plan scientific investigations with guidance
 conduct scientific investigations to find answers to questions
 use appropriate materials and equipment safely (ACSIS054, ACSIS065)
 consider and apply the elements of fair tests
 collect and record accurate, honest observations using labelled observational drawings, basic
formal measurements and digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS055, ACSIS066)
 reflect on investigations, including whether testing was fair or not (ACSIS058, ACSIS069)
 participate individually and collaboratively with clear roles and goals

Design and Production

Researching and planning
 identify and define a design problem with consideration of practical and aesthetic needs
 consider sustainable use of resources and time constraints in planning design solutions
 develop, record and communicate design ideas and decisions using appropriate technical terms
 produce labelled and annotated drawings including digital graphic representations (ACTDEP015)
 plan a sequence of production steps when producing designed solutions individually and
collaboratively (ACTDEP018)

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 68

Stage 2

Producing and implementing

 select appropriate tools for a specific purpose
 select and effectively manipulate appropriate materials for a specific purpose
 use safe work practices
 consider sustainability and constraints when choosing resources and managing time in production
of designed solutions (ACTDEP016)

Inquiry and Focus Questions

 How do materials change when heated and cooled?
 How do you decide upon which material to use for a particular purpose?

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 69

Stage 2

Changes of state
Inquiry question: How do materials change when heated and cooled?
 identify solids, liquids and gases as states of matter SciT
 recognise that a change of state can be caused by adding or removing heat (ACSSU046) ComT
 describe examples of changes of state in everyday life SysT
 predict and observe the effects of adding or removing heat on a variety of solids and/or liquids

Materials are used for a specific purpose

Focus question: How do you decide upon which material to use for a particular purpose?
 investigate how the properties of natural and processed materials influence their suitability and
use in products, services and/or environments, for example: (ACSSU074, ACTDEK013) DesT
− elasticity
− thermal conductivity
 develop a design solution for an identified need or opportunity, using a variety of tools and
materials that considers factors such as sustainability and time (ACTDEK010) DesT
 identify the roles of people working in science and technology occupations (ACTDEK010)

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 70

Stage 2

Physical World

A student:
› questions, plans and conducts scientific investigations, collects and summarises data and
communicates using scientific representations ST2-1WS-S
› selects and uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity
› describes the characteristics and effects of common forms of energy, such as light and heat
› describes how contact and non-contact forces affect an object’s motion ST2-9PW-ST

Content Focus
Stage 2 of the Physical World strand focuses on light, heat and electrical energy and how contact
forces affect the behaviour of objects. Stage 2 of this strand develops their understanding of energy
as a resource that can be generated and transferred. They investigate the interdependent relationship
between energy and forces that affects the behaviour of objects. Students observe how energy and
forces are used in the manufacture of products and in systems.

Skills Focus

Working Scientifically
Planning and conducting investigations
 plan scientific investigations with guidance
 conduct scientific investigations to find answers to questions
 use appropriate materials and equipment safely (ACSIS054, ACSIS065)
 consider and apply the elements of fair tests
 collect and record accurate, honest observations using labelled observational drawings, basic
formal measurements and digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS055, ACSIS066)
 reflect on investigations, including whether testing was fair or not (ACSIS058, ACSIS069)
 participate individually and collaboratively with clear roles and goals

Processing and analysing data

 use a range of methods to represent data, including tables and column graphs
 identify patterns and trends in gathered data (ACSIS057, ACSIS068)
 compare results with predictions
 suggest possible reasons for findings (ACSIS215, ACSIS216)

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 71

Stage 2

Design and Production

Identifying and defining
 critique needs or opportunities for designing solutions through evaluating products and processes
 define a need or opportunity according to functional and aesthetic criteria
 consider potential resources in defining design needs and opportunities
 investigate and research materials, components, tools and techniques to produce design
solutions (ACTDEP014)
 define simple problems by determining and defining a process
 develop a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) to solve a problem (ACTDIP010)

Testing and evaluating

 develop a set of criteria for success with guidance, based on defined needs and opportunities
 develop criteria to evaluate the environmental impact of a design with guidance
 devise a fair process to test a designed solution with guidance
 evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions, based on criteria for success (ACTDEP017)

Inquiry and Focus Questions

 How do light, heat and electrical energy make things happen?
 How can objects affect other objects with or without touching them?
 How can we use forces and energy in a product or system?

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 72

Stage 2

Energy makes things happen (heat, light and electricity)
Inquiry question: How do heat, light and electrical energy make things happen?
 investigate the behaviour of light, for example: (ACSSU080) SciT
− light reflecting in a mirror and on a variety of different surfaces
− shadows resulting from interruption of light by an object
 describe the effects of heat energy, for example:
− melting
− expanding
 explore ways that heat can be transferred due to conduction (ACSSU049) SciT
 explore some common sources and uses of electrical energy and describe different ways
electrical energy can be generated sustainably, for example: (ACSSU219)
− solar cells
− hydroelectric power
− wind turbines
− geothermal power generation
− wave power

Contact and non-contact forces

Inquiry question: How can objects affect other objects with or without touching them?
 identify that both pushes and pulls can be classified as contact and non-contact forces
 observe how contact and non-contact forces cause changes in the motion of objects, for example:
− changes in speed
− changes in direction

Forces and energy in products and systems

Focus question: How can we use forces and energy in a product or system?
 investigate how forces and materials interact in a product or system to perform a function
(ACTDEK011) ComT SciT SysT

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 73

Stage 2

Earth and Space

A student:
› questions, plans and conducts scientific investigations, collects and summarises data and
communicates using scientific representations ST2-1WS-S
› investigates regular changes caused by interactions between the Earth and the Sun, and changes
to the Earth’s surface ST2-10ES-S

Content Focus
Stage 2 of the Earth and Space strand focuses on the Earth’s surface and how it changes over time.
Students investigate natural processes and human activity in order to develop a view in relation to
sustainable practices. Students explore the effect of the interactions between the Earth and the Sun.

Skills Focus

Working Scientifically
Processing and analysing data
 use a range of methods to represent data, including tables and column graphs
 identify patterns and trends in gathered data (ACSIS057, ACSIS068)
 compare results with predictions
 suggest possible reasons for findings (ACSIS215, ACSIS216)

 represent and communicate observations, ideas and findings, using formal and informal
representations (ACSIS060, ACSIS071)

Design and Production

Researching and planning
 identify and define a design problem with consideration of practical and aesthetic needs
 consider sustainable use of resources and time constraints in planning design solutions
 develop, record and communicate design ideas and decisions using appropriate technical terms
 produce labelled and annotated drawings including digital graphic representations (ACTDEP015)
 plan a sequence of production steps when producing designed solutions individually and
collaboratively (ACTDEP018)

Inquiry and Focus Questions

 How do natural processes and human actions change the Earth’s surface over time?
 What occurs as a result of the interactions between the Earth and the Sun?

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 74

Stage 2

How the Earth’s surface changes over time
Inquiry question: How do natural processes and human actions change the Earth’s surface over
 investigate why the Earth’s surface changes over time as a result of natural processes and
human activity, for example: (ACSSU075) SciT
− characteristics of soils
− identify evidence of natural changes in landforms, rocks or fossils
 identify that scientific knowledge helps people understand the effect of their actions, for example:
(ACSHE051, ACSHE062) SciT
− investigate how erosion is caused by human activity, eg walking on bush trails
− investigate how erosion can be minimised, eg constructing boardwalks

Earth’s relationship with the Sun

Inquiry question: What occurs as a result of the interactions between the Earth and the Sun?
 identify the Sun as a major source of energy
 investigate how the Earth’s rotation on its axis causes regular changes including night and day
(ACSSU048) SciT SysT
 explore the relative sizes and movement of the Earth and the Sun, for example: DesT SysT

− construct a way of observing and recording changes in the Sun’s position in one day
− compare times for the Earth to orbit the Sun
 investigate how changes in the environment are used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Peoples to develop seasonal calendars SciT SysT

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 75

Stage 2

Digital Technologies

A student:
› selects and uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity
› defines problems, describes and follows algorithms to develop solutions ST2-3DP-T
› describes how digital systems represent and transmit data ST2-11DI-T

Content Focus
Stage 2 of the Digital Technologies strand focuses on digital systems and how they transmit data.
Students explore different types of data, have the opportunity to learn how to interpret patterns and
develop skills in visual programming. Stage 2 of this strand further develops students’ knowledge and
understanding of computational thinking and abstraction.

Skills Focus

Working Scientifically
Processing and analysing data
 use a range of methods to represent data, including tables and column graphs
 identify patterns and trends in gathered data (ACSIS057, ACSIS068)
 compare results with predictions
 suggest possible reasons for findings (ACSIS215, ACSIS216)

Design and Production

Identifying and defining
 consider potential resources in defining design needs and opportunities
 investigate and research materials, components, tools and techniques to produce design
solutions (ACTDEP014)
 define simple problems by determining and defining a process
 develop a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) to solve a problem (ACTDIP010)

Producing and implementing

 generate visual programs using algorithms to create simple digital solutions
 organise and perform strategic roles within a group to solve a problem
 collect, access and present data, using software to present and communicate information and
solve problems (ACTDIP009)

Testing and evaluating

 develop criteria to evaluate the environmental impact of a design with guidance
 explain how existing information systems meet common personal, school or community needs

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 76

Stage 2

Inquiry and Focus Questions

 How do digital systems share information and instructions?
 Why do we represent data in different ways?
 How are algorithms used to develop digital systems?

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 77

Stage 2

Digital Systems and the transmission of data
Focus question: How do digital systems share information and instructions?
 identify and explore a range of digital systems and peripheral devices (ACTDIK007) ComT DesT
 explore how digital systems transmit different types of data ComT SysT
 investigate digital and information systems, and explore how they meet personal, school or
community needs SciT

Representation and analysis of data

Focus question: Why do we represent data in different ways?
 recognise that numbers, text, images, sounds, animations and videos are all forms of data when
stored or viewed using a digital system (ACTDIK008) ComT SysT
 investigate how the same data can be represented in different ways, eg codes and symbols SciT
 collect, access and present different types of data using simple software to create information and
solve problems, for example: ComT
− selecting appropriate formats or layouts for data, depending on its type and audience, eg
graphs, tables or infographics
− using software to sort and calculate data when solving problems, eg calculations in
 plan, create and communicate ideas and information, applying agreed ethical and social protocols
(ACTDIP013) ComT SysT

Visual Programming
Focus question: How are algorithms used to develop digital systems?
 describe and follow a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) to solve defined problems
involving branching and user input, for example: ComT DesT SysT
− present food production instructions using a series of sequenced images, a set of written
instructions and/or a flowchart involving branching
− create and follow algorithms using branching
 design and produce digital solutions using a visual programming language (ACTDIP011) ComT

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 78

Stage 3

Content for Stage 3

Living World

A student:
› plans and conducts scientific investigations to answer testable questions, and collects and
summarises data to communicate conclusions ST3-1WS-S
› plans and uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity
› examines how the environment affects the growth, survival and adaptation of living things
› explains how food and fibre are produced sustainably in managed environments for health and
nutrition ST3-5LW-T

Content Focus
Stage 3 of the Living World strand focuses on the growth and survival of living things and how their
adaptations over time suit their environment. Students investigate how and why food and fibre are
produced in sustainable, managed environments that enable people to grow and be healthy. This
strand further develops students’ knowledge and understanding of the environmental and biological

Skills Focus

Working Scientifically
Questioning and predicting
 pose testable questions
 make and justify predictions about scientific investigations (ACSIS231, ACSIS232)

Planning and conducting investigations

 identify questions to investigate scientific ideas
 plan and apply the elements of scientific investigations to answer problems
 identify potential risks in planning investigations
 manage resources safely (ACSIS086, ACSIS103)
 decide which variable(s) is to be changed, measured and kept the same, in fair tests
 select appropriate measurement methods, including formal measurements and digital
technologies, to record data accurately and honestly (ACSIS087, ACSIS104)
 reflect on and make suggestions to improve fairness, accuracy and efficacy of a scientific
investigation (ACSIS091, ACSIS108)
 manage investigations effectively, individually and in groups

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 79

Stage 3

Processing and analysing data

 construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and
describe observations, patterns or relationships in data
 employ appropriate technologies to represent data (ACSIS090, ACSIS107)
 compare data with predictions
 present data as evidence in developing explanations (ACSIS218, ACSIS221)

Design and Production

Identifying and defining
 examine and critique needs, opportunities or modifications using a range of criteria to define a
 define a need or opportunity according to functional and aesthetic criteria for an audience
 consider availability and sustainability of resources when defining design needs and opportunities
 investigate materials, components, tools, techniques and processes required to achieve intended
design solutions (ACTDEP024)

Researching and planning

 research, identify and define design ideas and processes for an audience
 consider functional and aesthetic needs in planning a design solution
 develop, record and communicate design ideas, decisions and processes using appropriate
technical terms
 produce labelled and annotated drawings including digital graphic representations for an audience
 consider sustainability of resources when researching and planning design solutions
 manage projects within time constraints

Inquiry and Focus Questions

 How do physical conditions affect the survival of living things?
 How do the structural and behavioural features of living things support survival?
 Why is it important for food and/or fibre to be produced sustainably?

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 80

Stage 3

Growth and survival of living things
Inquiry question: How do physical conditions affect the survival of living things?
 plan and conduct a fair test to show the conditions needed for a particular plant or animal to grow
and survive in its environment (ACSSU094) SciT
 describe how changing physical conditions in the environment affect the growth and survival of
living things, for example:
− Aboriginal Peoples’ use of fire-stick farming
− temperature of water in aquatic environments
 test predictions by gathering data and use evidence to develop explanations of events and
phenomena (ACSHE081, ACSHE098) SciT
 understand that scientific and technological knowledge is used to solve problems and inform
personal and community decisions (ACSHE083, ACSHE100) SciT

Adaptations of living things

Inquiry question: How do the structural and behavioural features of living things support survival?
 describe adaptations as existing structures or behaviours that enable living things to survive in
their environment (ACSSU043) SciT
 describe the structural and/or behavioural features of some native Australian animals and plants
and why they are considered to be adaptations, for example: ComT SciT
− shiny surfaces of leaves on desert plants
− rearward facing pouch of a burrowing wombat
− spines on an echidna

Sustainably managing environments to source food and fibre

Focus question: Why is it important for food and/or fibre to be produced sustainably?
 explore examples of managed environments used to produce food and fibre, for example: SysT

− cattle farms
− fish and oyster farms
− timber plantations
 investigate how and why food and fibre are produced in managed environments (ACTDEK021)
 identify and sequence the process of converting ‘on-farm’ food and fibre products into a product
suitable for retail sale SysT
 explore plants and animals, tools and techniques used to prepare food to enable people to grow
and be healthy (ACTDEK021)
 plan, design and produce a healthy meal, for example: DesT
− a bush tucker meal
− sushi
− salad
 explain a sustainable practice used by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities to
manage food and fibre resources

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 81

Stage 3

 investigate how people in design and technological occupations address considerations, including
sustainability, in the design of products, services and environments for current and future use
(ACTDEK019) SciT

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 82

Stage 3

Material World

A student:
› plans and conducts scientific investigations to answer testable questions, and collects and
summarises data to communicate conclusions ST3-1WS-S
› plans and uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity
› explains the effect of heat on the properties and behaviour of materials ST3-6MW-S
› explains how the properties of materials determine their use for a range of purposes ST3-7MW-T

Content Focus
Stage 3 of the Material World strand focuses on how the properties of a range of materials and the
way in which they are combined, determine their use and inform design solutions. Students
investigate the different properties of solids, liquids and gases, and consider combining and
separating mixtures. Stage 3 of this strand introduces students to fundamental concepts of chemistry
and is an introduction to materials technologies.

Skills Focus

Working Scientifically
Questioning and predicting
 pose testable questions
 make and justify predictions about scientific investigations (ACSIS231, ACSIS232)

Planning and conducting investigations

 identify questions to investigate scientific ideas
 plan and apply the elements of scientific investigations to answer problems
 identify potential risks in planning investigations
 manage resources safely (ACSIS086, ACSIS103)
 decide which variable(s) is to be changed, measured and kept the same, in fair tests
 select appropriate measurement methods, including formal measurements and digital
technologies, to record data accurately and honestly (ACSIS087, ACSIS104)
 reflect on and make suggestions to improve fairness, accuracy and efficacy of a scientific
investigation (ACSIS091, ACSIS108)
 manage investigations effectively, individually and in groups

Processing and analysing data

 construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and
describe observations, patterns or relationships in data
 employ appropriate technologies to represent data (ACSIS090, ACSIS107)
 compare data with predictions
 present data as evidence in developing explanations (ACSIS218, ACSIS221)

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 83

Stage 3

Design and Production

Researching and planning
 research, identify and define design ideas and processes for an audience
 consider functional and aesthetic needs in planning a design solution
 develop, record and communicate design ideas, decisions and processes using appropriate
technical terms
 produce labelled and annotated drawings including digital graphic representations for an audience
 consider sustainability of resources when researching and planning design solutions
 manage projects within time constraints

Producing and implementing

 select and use tools competently for specific purposes
 accurately cut, join, bend and measure a range of selected materials to construct the designed
 demonstrate safety and sustainability when choosing resources to produce designed solutions,
managing constraints and maximising opportunities (ACTDEP026)
 develop project plans that consider resources when producing designed solutions individually and
collaboratively (ACTDEP028)

Inquiry and Focus Questions

 How can the state of materials be changed and manipulated?
 What is the result of combining materials?
 Why are the characteristics of materials important when designing and producing?

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 84

Stage 3

States of matter
Inquiry question: How can the state of materials be changed and manipulated?
 investigate and compare the properties of solids, liquids and gases (ACSSU077) SciT

Inquiry question: What is the result of combining materials?
 explore that when materials are combined the result is either a mixture or a new substance, for
example: (ACSSU095) SciT
− salt and water
− bicarbonate of soda and vinegar
 identify that mixtures can be separated using different techniques ComT SciT

Properties of materials determine their use

Focus question: Why are the characteristics of materials important when designing and producing?
 investigate characteristics and properties of a range of materials and evaluate the impact of their
use (ACTDEK023) DesT SciT
 identify and evaluate the functional and structural properties of materials, for example:
− shade cloth for shelter
− aluminium for playground seats
− canvas for boat sails
 critique needs or opportunities for designing using sustainable materials DesT
 design a sustainable product, system or environment individually and/or collaboratively
considering the properties of materials SysT DesT
 select appropriate materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques and apply safe
procedures to produce designed solutions DesT

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 85

Stage 3

Physical World

A student:
› plans and conducts scientific investigations to answer testable questions, and collects and
summarises data to communicate conclusions ST3-1WS-S
› plans and uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity
› explains how energy is transformed from one form to another ST3-8PW-ST
› investigates the effects of increasing or decreasing the strength of a specific contact or non-
contact force ST3-9PW-ST

Content Focus
Stage 3 of the Physical World strand focuses on the difference between contact and non-contact
forces and how energy is transformed from one form to another. Students are provided with an
opportunity to investigate how electrical energy can control movement in products and systems.
Stage 3 of this strand develops students’ abilities to design, test and evaluate a product or system
that demonstrates energy transformation, further developing an understanding of the interrelationship
between force and energy.

Skills Focus

Working Scientifically
Questioning and predicting
 pose testable questions
 make and justify predictions about scientific investigations (ACSIS231, ACSIS232)

Planning and conducting investigations

 identify questions to investigate scientific ideas
 plan and apply the elements of scientific investigations to answer problems
 identify potential risks in planning investigations
 manage resources safely (ACSIS086, ACSIS103)
 decide which variable(s) is to be changed, measured and kept the same, in fair tests
 select appropriate measurement methods, including formal measurements and digital
technologies, to record data accurately and honestly (ACSIS087, ACSIS104)
 reflect on and make suggestions to improve fairness, accuracy and efficacy of a scientific
investigation (ACSIS091, ACSIS108)
 manage investigations effectively, individually and in groups

Processing and analysing

 construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and
describe observations, patterns or relationships in data
 employ appropriate technologies to represent data (ACSIS090, ACSIS107)
 compare data with predictions
 present data as evidence in developing explanations (ACSIS218, ACSIS221)

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 86

Stage 3

 communicate ideas, explanations and processes, using scientific representations including
multimodal forms (ACSIS093, ACSIS110)

Design and Production

Producing and implementing
 select and use tools competently for specific purposes
 accurately cut, join, bend and measure a range of selected materials to construct the designed
 demonstrate safety and sustainability when choosing resources to produce designed solutions,
managing constraints and maximising opportunities (ACTDEP026)
 develop project plans that consider resources when producing designed solutions individually and
collaboratively (ACTDEP028)

Testing and evaluating

 negotiate criteria for success based on defined needs, sustainability and aesthetics
 develop appropriate and fair processes to test a designed solution according to criteria
 evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions according to criteria for success (ACTDEP027)

Inquiry and Focus Questions

 How can we make a force stronger or weaker?
 What types of energy transformations can be observed?
 How can electricity be used in a product or system?

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 87

Stage 3

Describing and exploring specific forces
Inquiry question: How can we make a force stronger or weaker?
 explore and describe some common contact or non-contact forces, for example:
− applied force (eg pushing, kicking)
− friction and air resistance
− tension and elastic force
− gravity
− magnetism
− buoyancy
 perform a scientific investigation to explore the effects of changing the strength of a single contact
or non-contact force, for example: SciT
− how a stronger or weaker applied force, such as a push or kick, results in objects travelling
longer or shorter distances
− how increasing or decreasing the strength of the force of air resistance by changing the shape
of an object results in increases or decreases in speed

Transfer and transformation of energy

Inquiry question: What types of energy transformations can be observed?
 identify different types of energy transformations, for example: (ACSSU097)
− gravitational energy to energy of movement
− heat energy to light energy
 investigate how electrical energy can be transferred and transformed in electrical circuits and can
be generated from a range of sources (ACSSU097) SciT SysT

Forces and energy in products and systems

Focus question: How can electricity be used in a product or system?
 describe examples where light, sound, heat and electrical energy transform from one type of
energy to another, for example: ComT SysT
− a toaster transforms electrical energy into heat energy
− a microphone transforms sound energy into electrical energy
− a solar panel transforms light energy into electrical energy
 investigate how electrical energy can control movement, sound, or light in a product or system
(ACTDEK020) ComT SciT
 design, test and evaluate a product or system that involves an energy transformation to meet an
identified need using electrical energy ComT DesT

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 88

Stage 3

Earth and Space

A student:
› plans and conducts scientific investigations to answer testable questions, and collects and
summarises data to communicate conclusions ST3-1WS-S
› explains regular events in the solar system and geological events on the Earth’s surface

Content Focus
Stage 3 of the Earth and Space strand focuses on Earth’s place in the solar system, changes on its
surface caused by natural disasters and the exploration of how these may be mitigated. Stage 3 of
this strand further develops students’ understanding of the Earth, its position in the solar system and
as a dynamic part of a complex, interrelated system.

Skills Focus

Working Scientifically
Processing and analysing data
 construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and
describe observations, patterns or relationships in data
 employ appropriate technologies to represent data (ACSIS090, ACSIS107)
 compare data with predictions
 present data as evidence in developing explanations (ACSIS218, ACSIS221)

 communicate ideas, explanations and processes, using scientific representations including
multimodal forms (ACSIS093, ACSIS110)

Design and Production

Researching and planning
 research, identify and define design ideas and processes for an audience
 consider functional and aesthetic needs in planning a design solution
 develop, record and communicate design ideas, decisions and processes using appropriate
technical terms
 produce labelled and annotated drawings including digital graphic representations for an audience
 consider sustainability of resources when researching and planning design solutions
 manage projects within time constraints

Inquiry and Focus Questions

 How does the Earth compare to other planets in the solar system?
 How do sudden geological changes and extreme weather events affect the Earth’s surface?

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 89

Stage 3

Earth’s place in our solar system
Inquiry question: How does the Earth compare to other planets in the solar system?
 identify that Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the Sun) (ACSSU078)
 investigate the role of light energy in how we observe the Sun, Moon and planets SysT
 compare the key features of the planets of our solar system, for example:
− time it takes for the planets to revolve around the Sun
− size of the planets
− distance of the planets from the Sun
 research and communicate how Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples use
observations of the night sky to inform decisions about resources and significant cultural events,
for example: SysT
− gathering food
− ceremonies
− song lines
− navigation
 examine and discuss current developments in astronomy, space and planetary science,
particularly related to making observations and gathering data SciT

Changes to Earth’s surface

Inquiry question: How do sudden geological changes and extreme weather events affect the Earth’s
 investigate the effects of sudden geological changes and extreme weather events on the Earth’s
surface, for example: (ACSSU096) SciT SysT
− earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis
− cyclones, storms, drought and floods
 investigate ways that advances in science and technology have assisted people to plan for and
manage natural disasters to minimise their effect, for example: DesT SciT SysT
− design and construction of buildings and roads
− detection systems for tsunamis
− digital flood and fire warning systems

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 90

Stage 3

Digital Technologies

A student:
› plans and uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity
› defines problems, and designs, modifies and follows algorithms to develop solutions ST3-3DP-T
› explains how digital systems represent data, connect together to form networks and transmit data

Content Focus
Stage 3 of the Digital Technologies strand focuses on understanding the role individual components
of digital systems play in processing and representing data. Students design, modify and follow
algorithms involving branching and iteration. Stage 3 of this strand further develops students’
knowledge and understanding of project management, abstraction and the relationship between
models and the real-world systems they represent.

Skills Focus

Working Scientifically
Processing and analysing data
 construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and
describe observations, patterns or relationships in data
 employ appropriate technologies to represent data (ACSIS090, ACSIS107)
 compare data with predictions
 present data as evidence in developing explanations (ACSIS218, ACSIS221)

Design and Production

Identifying and defining
 examine and critique needs, opportunities or modifications using a range of criteria to define a
 examine and determine functional requirements to define a problem
 identify data required to formulate algorithms to improve a process (ACTDIP017)

Researching and planning

 develop, record and communicate design ideas, decisions and processes using appropriate
technical terms
 manage projects within time constraints
 design, modify and follow simple algorithms
 extend sequences of steps to provide a series of possibilities through branching
 develop solutions through trialling and refining using iterations (ACTDIP019)

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 91

Stage 3

Producing and implementing

 develop project plans that consider resources when producing designed solutions individually and
collaboratively (ACTDEP028)
 implement digital solutions as visual programs involving branching, iteration and user input
 work collaboratively to share, appraise and improve ideas to achieve design purposes
 identify, organise and perform strategic roles within a group to solve a problem
 acquire, store, access and validate different types of data, and use a range of software to present,
interpret and visualise data (ACTDIP016)

Testing and evaluating

 evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions according to criteria for success (ACTDEP027)
 explain how students’ solutions and existing information systems meet current and future local
community needs (ACTDIP021)

Inquiry and Focus Questions

 How do components of digital systems interact with each other to transmit data?
 How do the components of digital systems connect together to form networks?
 How do we represent decision-making in an algorithm?

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 92

Stage 3

Using and Interpreting Data
Focus question: How do components of digital systems interact with each other to transmit data?
 identify how whole numbers are used to represent all data (binary) in digital systems
(ACTDIK015) ComT SysT
 collect, store and interpret different types of data, for example: ComT SysT
− using sensors to collect data
 use software to interpret and visualise data

Digital Systems and Networks

Focus question: How do the components of digital systems connect together to form networks?
 investigate internal and external components of digital systems that perform functions SciT
 explore how the main components of digital systems connect together to form networks that
transmit data (ACTDIK014) ComT SysT
 describe how data can be transmitted between two digital components, for example:
− wired networks
− wireless networks
 identify and explain how existing information systems meet the needs of present and future
communities, for example: DesT SysT
− school databases
 explore current ethical, social and technical protocols when communicating using information
systems (ACTDIP022)

Designing Digital Solutions

Focus question: How do we represent decision-making in an algorithm?
 design a user interface for a digital system, for example: (ACTDIP018) DesT
− developing a storyboard for a game
 design, modify and follow algorithms involving branching and iteration ComT DesT SysT
 define problems, and plan and implement digital solutions, using an appropriate visual
programming language involving branching and iteration, and requiring user input ComT DesT

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 93


The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) K–10 Curriculum Framework is a standards-
referenced framework that describes, through syllabuses and other documents, the expected learning
outcomes for students.

Standards in the framework consist of three interrelated elements:

 outcomes and content in syllabuses showing what is to be learned
 Stage statements that summarise student achievement
 samples of work on the NESA Assessment Resource Centre (ARC) website which provide
examples of levels of achievement within a Stage.

Syllabus outcomes in Science and Technology contribute to a developmental sequence in which

students are challenged to acquire new knowledge, understanding and skills.

Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. Well-designed assessment is central to
engaging students and should be closely aligned to the outcomes within a Stage. Effective
assessment increases student engagement in their learning and leads to enhanced student

Assessment for Learning, Assessment as Learning and Assessment of Learning are three
approaches to assessment that play an important role in teaching and learning. The NESA
K–10 syllabuses particularly promote Assessment for Learning as an essential component of good

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 94

Further advice on programming and appropriate assessment practice is provided on the NESA
website. This support material provides general advice on assessment as well as strategies to assist
teachers in planning education programs.

Assessment for Students with Special Education Needs

Some students with special education needs will require adjustments to assessment practices in
order to demonstrate what they know and can do in relation to syllabus outcomes and content. The
type of adjustments and support will vary according to the particular needs of the student and the
requirements of the activity. These may be:
 adjustments to the assessment process, for example scaffolded instructions, additional guidance
provided, highlighted key-words or phrases, the use of specific technology, extra time in an
 adjustments to assessment activities, for example rephrasing questions, using simplified
language, fewer questions or alternative formats for questions
 alternative formats for responses, for example written point form instead of essays, scaffolded
structured responses, short objective questions or multimedia presentations.

It is a requirement under the Disability Standards for Education 2005 for schools to ensure that
assessment tasks are accessible to students with disability. Schools are responsible for any decisions
made at school level to offer adjustments to coursework, assessment activities and tasks, including
in-school tests. Decisions regarding adjustments should be made in the context of collaborative
curriculum planning.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 95

Further examples of adjustments to assessment for students with special education needs can be
found in support materials for:
 Science and Technology
 Special education.

Reporting is the process of providing feedback to students, parents/carers and other teachers about
student progress.

Teachers use assessment evidence to extend the process of Assessment for Learning into their
Assessment of Learning. In a standards-referenced framework, teachers make professional
judgements about student achievement at key points in the learning cycle. These points may be at the
end of a Year or Stage, when schools may wish to report differentially on the levels of knowledge,
understanding and skills demonstrated by students.

Descriptions of student achievement provide schools with a useful tool to report consistent information
about student achievement to students and parents/carers, and to the next teacher to help plan the
future steps in the learning process.

The A–E grade scale or equivalent provides a common language for reporting by describing
observable and measurable features of student achievement at the end of a Stage, within the
indicative hours of study. Teachers use the descriptions of the standards to make a professional, on-
balance judgement, based on available assessment information, to match each student’s
achievement to a description. Teachers use the Common Grade Scale (A–E) or equivalent to report
student levels of achievement from Stage 1 to Stage 5.

For students with special education needs, teachers may need to consider, in consultation with their
school and sector, the most appropriate method of reporting student achievement. It may be deemed
more appropriate for students with special education needs to be reported against outcomes or goals
identified through the collaborative curriculum planning process.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 96

Glossary term Definition

Aboriginal and/or Aboriginal Peoples are the first peoples of Australia and are represented by
Torres Strait over 250 language groups, each associated with a particular Country or
Islander Peoples territory. Torres Strait Islander Peoples are represented by five major island
groups, and are associated with island territories to the north of Australia’s
Cape York which were annexed by Queensland in 1879.

An Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person is someone who:

 is of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent
 identifies as an Aboriginal person and/or Torres Strait Islander person,
 is accepted as such by the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
community(ies) in which they live.

abstraction Abstraction is the process by which data and programs are defined with a
representation similar in form to its meaning while hiding away the
implementation details. Abstraction tries to temporarily ignore details so that
the programmer can focus on a few concepts at a time. Algorithms must
ultimately be broken down into simple instructions for a digital system to

accessibility The extent to which a system, environment or object may be used

irrespective of a user’s capabilities or abilities. For example, the use of
assistive technologies to allow people with disabilities to use computer
systems, or the use of icons in place of words to allow young children to
use a system.

adaptation The process of change by which a species becomes better suited to its

algorithm A step-by-step procedure required to solve a problem. In digital

technologies algorithms may be presented in many ways, for example in
written instructions, flowcharts or by using a computer programming

app A software application designed to run on mobile devices through a web

browser or on a personal computer.

binary Binary digit (or bits) in digital technologies describes a numbering scheme
with either 0 or 1. Computers use binary to store data.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 97

Glossary term Definition

branching An instruction in a computer program or algorithm that causes different

actions to be performed depending on specified conditions. For example, in
testing whether a light works, the following algorithm uses branching:

built environment The manufactured artefacts and surroundings that provide the setting for
human activity.

change of state A change from one state (solid, liquid or gas) to another without a change in
chemical composition.

characteristics A set of distinguishing aspects (including attributes and behaviours) of a

living thing, object or material. The characteristics of living things are often
used to classify them and might include how they move or reproduce.

When discussing materials the characteristics are the qualities used by

humans to determine their use and the way people work with them. They
might include colour, hardness and opacity.

classification A category into which something is organised.

components Parts or elements that make up a system or whole object. At the simplest
level a computer has two main components: the hardware and the software.
The components of a computer system may include a central processing
unit, memory chips and a hard drive, a screen, a keyboard and a mouse.

computational A problem-solving method involved in identifying a problem and expressing

thinking the solution in such a way that a human, machine or computer can
effectively carry it out. Techniques and strategies may include organising
data logically and breaking down problems into parts.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 98

Glossary term Definition

conclusions An opinion or judgement based on evidence.

criteria for success A descriptive list of essential features against which success can be
measured and evaluated.

customary Relates to customs or practices associated with a particular society, place

or set of circumstances.

data In science data refers to information that can be used to derive patterns,
inform decisions and draw conclusions. In digital technologies data refers to
information using number codes. Data may include characters, images,
sounds and/or instructions that, when represented by number codes, can
be manipulated.

database A structured set of data held in a computer that is organised by records and

design process The process of designing (see designing).

design thinking Thought process involved in understanding and developing solutions to

design needs and opportunities.

designed solution A product, service or environment that has been created for a specific
purpose or intention as a result of design thinking, and design and
production processes.

designing A process that typically involves identifying and defining, researching and
planning, producing and implementing, and testing and evaluating to create
a designed solution.

digital citizenship An acceptance and upholding of the norms of appropriate, responsible

behaviour in the use of digital technologies. Digital citizenship includes
appropriate online etiquette, literacy in how digital technologies work and
how to use them, an understanding of ethics, knowing how to stay safe
online, and advice on related health and safety issues, such as predators
and the permanence of data.

digital footprint A total set of data left behind by a person using a digital system.

digital solution The result (or output) of transforming data into a physical or virtual product,
using digital systems, skills, techniques and processes to meet a need or

digital system Digital hardware and software components (internal and external) used to
transform data in a digital solution. When digital systems are connected,
they form a network.

digital technologies Digital technologies are electronic tools, systems, devices and resources
that generate, store or process data. These may include games,
applications (apps), multimedia, mobile devices, networks, robotics,

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 99

Glossary term Definition

disability An umbrella term for any or all of the following components:

 impairments: challenges in body function or structure
 activity limitations: difficulties in executing activities
 participation restrictions: challenges an individual may experience in
involvement in life situations.

diversity Differences that exist within a group, for example, age, sex, gender, gender
expression, sexuality, ethnicity, ability/disability, body shape and
composition, culture, religion, learning differences, socioeconomic
background, values and experiences.

elasticity The ability of an object or material to resume its normal shape after being
stretched or compressed; stretchiness.

energy Something that causes a change and exists in different forms, for example:
electrical, thermal, mechanical, electromagnetic, sound, and chemical.

environment The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal or plant lives or

operates. An environment may be natural, managed, constructed or digital
(see natural environment and managed environment).

evaluate Measuring performance against established criteria.

evidence Evidence is valid/reliable data that can be used to support a particular

theory, prediction, idea or conclusion.

fair test An investigation where one variable (the independent variable) is changed
and all other conditions (controlled variables) are kept the same; what is
measured or observed is referred to as the dependent variable.

features The distinctive attributes, characteristics, properties and qualities of an

object, material, living thing, system or event.

fibre Plant or animal-based materials that can be used for clothing or

construction, for example wool, silk, cotton, bamboo, hemp and timber.

food and fibre A process of producing food and/or fibre as natural materials for the design
production and development of a range of products.

force An influence that acts to change the motion of a body or to impose an

elastic strain on it. A contact force is any force that requires contact to be
enforced. A force which acts on an object without coming physically in
contact with it is called a non-contact force, for example magnetism.

formal Measurement that is based on an agreed standard unit, for example metre,
measurement second and gram.

function The natural activity of a living thing or the intended design of a product,
system or environment to ensure it is fit for purpose and meets a need or

health A state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity (World Health Organization 1948).

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 100

Glossary term Definition

healthy eating Dietary patterns that aim to promote health and wellbeing, including types
and amounts of foods and food groups that reduce the risk of diet-related
conditions and chronic disease (National Health and Medical Research
Council 2013).

Indigenous Internationally recognised term for the first people of a land. In NSW the
term Aboriginal person/Peoples is preferred.

information system A combination of digital hardware and software components, data,

processes and people that interact to create, control and communicate

input Data or information put into a digital system to activate or modify a process.

inquiry The application of the process of Working Scientifically.

investigate Carry out a systematic or formal inquiry to discover and examine


investigation A scientific investigation is a systematic inquiry applying the processes of

planning a course of action, safely manipulating tools and equipment in
collecting and interpreting data, drawing evidence-based conclusions and
communicating findings.

iteration A repetition of a process in computer programming where each repeated

cycle builds towards a desired result. An example of an iterative process
with code designed to add the numbers from 1 to 9 is shown below.

sum = 0
for number = 1 to 9
sum = sum + number

managed An environment coordinated by humans for a purpose, for example a farm

environment or marine park.

material A substance from which something can be made. Materials can be

manipulated and are used to create products or environments.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 101

Glossary term Definition

microcontroller A microcontroller is a small computer built for the purpose of dealing with
specific tasks, such as managing the engine in a car, displaying information
in a microwave control panel or receiving information from a television’s
remote control. Microcontrollers process data inputted by users (eg keypad)
or sensors (eg light).

Description: English: Arduino Uno

Date: 14 April 2014, 13:49
Source: ARDU-UNO-03-Front
Author: oomlout

model A representation of an idea that provides an explanation of the structure,

workings or relationships within an object, system or idea.

multimodal text Text that combines two or more modes of communication, for example text,
images, animations, video, audio.

natural environment An environment in which humans do not make significant interventions, for
example ocean environments or national parks.

network A group or system of interconnected digital technology components.

on-Country Taking place on Aboriginal land or Country of origin.

output A result of something (physical or virtual), such as power, energy, action,

material or information produced by a person, machine or a system.

peripheral device A digital component that can be connected to a digital system but is not
essential to the operation of the system, for example printer, scanner, digital

predict Forecast a happening or event.

preferred futures Preferences for the future identified by a student to inform the creation and
evaluation of solutions.

producing Actively making designed solutions, using appropriate resources and

means of production.

product The tangible end results of natural, human, mechanical, manufacturing,

electronic or digital production and processes to meet a need or want.

project An individual or collaborative problem-solving activity undertaken by

students that is planned to achieve an aim.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 102

Glossary term Definition

project management The process of planning, organising, controlling resources, monitoring

timelines and activities, and completing a project to achieve a goal that
meets identified criteria.

properties Distinctive characteristics of a material that can be identified, tested and

used to help people select the most suitable material for a particular use.

protocol A set of generally accepted standards or 'rules' that govern relationships

and interactions between and within information systems.

resources In science this refers to the resources, such as plants, animals, water and
energy, found in the natural environment. In technologies this refers to
tools, materials and components used in the development of designed
solutions. This can include technologies, energy, time, finance and human

scientific Diagrams, graphs, symbols and texts used to communicate patterns, and
representations quantitative and qualitative relationships.

senses Perceptions that a living organism uses to take in information about its
surroundings. The five main senses are hearing, sight, touch, taste and

sensor A sensor is a device that detects and responds to some type of input from
the physical environment. The specific input could be light, heat, motion,
moisture or pressure. The output is generally a signal that is converted to
human-readable display at the sensor location or transmitted electronically
over a network for further processing. For example a motion sensor used
on automatic doors and light sensors to automatically control garden lights.

services A system supplying a public need, such as transport, communications, or

utilities, such as electricity and water. Services are a less tangible outcome
of design and production processes (compared to products) but are still
designed to meet a need or want.

social protocols Generally accepted 'rules' or behaviours for when people interact in online
environments, for example using language that is not rude or offensive to
particular cultures, and not divulging personal details about people without
their permission.

strength The state, property or quality of a material or object being physically strong
and able to withstand or resist a significant amount of force or pressure
without breaking.

structure Entities in which the parts are linked together to form a whole.

sustainable Supporting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to support their needs.

system A set of components within the natural and made environments that
interact. An understanding of natural complex systems requires the
integration and application of concepts from more than one Science
discipline (see digital system).

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 103

Glossary term Definition

technologies Materials, data, systems, components, tools and equipment used to create
solutions for identified needs and opportunities, and the knowledge,
understanding and skills used by people involved in the selection and use
of these.

testable Able to be tested or tried.

thermal conductivity The property of matter or materials to conduct heat.

transfer of energy The movement of energy from one place to another.

transformation of The change of energy from one form to another (see energy).

transmit data The process of sending digital or analog data over a communication
channel to a computer or network, for example wi-fi or cable.

user interface The means by which users interact with computer software or hardware. In
software, this usually comprises fields for text and number entry, mouse
pointers, buttons and other graphical elements. In hardware, switches, dials
and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) provide information about the interactions
between a user and a machine.

variable A factor that can be changed, kept the same or measured in an

investigation. Often categorised as independent (the variable that is
deliberately changed), dependent (changes as a result of changes to the
independent variable) and controlled (kept the same throughout the

viewing Observing and comprehending a visual text, for example, diagram,

illustration, photograph, film, television documentary, multimedia. This
sometimes involves listening to and reading accompanying written text.

visual programming A programming language or environment where a program is represented

and manipulated graphically, such as graphic blocks that can be connected
to form programs rather than as text.

wireless network Computer networks that are not connected by cables of any kind.

Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus 104

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