Structure and Properties of Mortar and Concrete With Rice Husk Ash
Structure and Properties of Mortar and Concrete With Rice Husk Ash
Structure and Properties of Mortar and Concrete With Rice Husk Ash
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In Europe, cement paste compressive strength models are frequently described by a power law similar to
Received 11 July 2007 that of Féret. The French LCPC has also adopted this mathematical approach in its recent concrete mixture
Received in revised form 4 February 2009 proportioning model. However the coefficient k and exponent b of the adopted power law were calibrated
Accepted 6 February 2009
with only one Portland cement clinker, starting from pure pastes with various concentrations. These
Available online 15 February 2009
parameters do not take into account the chemical properties of the clinker. The purpose of this work
was to check if the clinker chemical nature had an influence on the mechanical performances of the
pastes (at 28 days). Complementary tests with eight cements coming from six different cement plants
Compressive strength
were then carried out. The mathematical treatment of the results made it possible to connect coefficient
Cement paste k to the silica content of the clinkers and more particularly to their C3S rates. It is linked to the strength of
Clinker hydrated cement paste. Thus, the suggested approach significantly improves the accuracy of paste
Cement manufacture strength calculation. These results can be used to calculate concrete strength.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction gauged by the LCPC [1] starting from tests on one pure cement
paste. These tests consisted in measuring compressive strength
Among the most used compressive strength calculation at 28 days of a series of pastes made with only one cement CEM
models – Abram’s law, European methods like Féret’s law and I 52.5 (95% of clinker, EN 197-1 norm) and various quantities of
Bolomey formula – we have used the new concrete mixture water (within the range 0.33 < C0 < 0.58). The fitting of the results
proportioning model designed by the French Laboratoire des Ponts provided values of 11.4 and 2.85 for k and b, with an average error
et Chaussées (LCPC) [1]. of only 2.3 MPa [2].
In this model, concrete strength is linked to that of cement In this model, parameters k and b are considered as valid for all
paste taking into account parameters describing the effect of cements whatever their chemical compositions may be. It means
aggregates topology (paste–aggregate model) [2]. that the 28-day standard strength r028 is sufficient to differentiate
The 28-day compressive strength of pure cement pastes (fcp) is mechanical behaviour in cement pastes. It would be interesting
calculated with a model similar to that of Féret [3]. This is a power to consider other cement parameters such as their chemical com-
law of exponent b whose C0 variable is the cement concentration of positions. Tsivilis and Parissakis showed that cement fineness
fresh paste: the volume of cement in the volume of paste (Eq. (1)). mainly affects strength at early age (before 7 days) while chemical
Its main parameter is equal to the product of 28-day standard and mineralogical parameters influence strength at a later stage
strength of cement r028 and coefficient k (Eq. (2)): [4].
vc Previous studies have shown that the chemical properties of ce-
C0 ¼ ð1Þ ment can influence many properties of the mixture such as its
vc þ vw þ va
compressive strength. Brüggemann and Bentrup [5] have shown
vc, vw and va are the volumes of cement, water and air in fresh paste, correlations between mineralogical clinkers parameters and ce-
respectively. ment strength. A relation linking compressive strength at 28 days
b to C3S, C2S, aluminates and ferrite contents has been developed
fcp ¼ r028 kC 0 ð2Þ
by Knöfel [6]. Tsivilis and Parissakis [4] have presented three laws
To be able to predict paste strength starting from its composi- to determine compressive strength at three ages (2, 7 and 28 days)
tion in the concrete (quantities of cement, water and air), coeffi- in relation with the clinker compounds and/or the fineness param-
cient k and exponent b of the relation (Eq. (2)) were initially eter. Jons and Osbaeck [7] have also given relations between ce-
ment composition and cement paste strength suggesting that
clinker phases contribute to increasing strength as well as reducing
* Corresponding author. porosity. Then the influence of micro structural porosity on cement
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.-M. Mechling). paste has been shown in several models such as a law taking into
0958-9465/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
256 J.-M. Mechling et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 255–262
fcp (MPa)
relations between the parameters of the model and the cement
chemical characteristics. Primarily, this study presents the mate-
rial ingredients used to carry out the tests. Secondly, it presents Co
the tests of reference [2], the tests carried out within the frame- 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
work of this study as well as their material and instrumental envi-
ronment. Thirdly, the obtained results are discussed. They made it Fig. 1. Experimental values and fitting for the establishment of the initial law [2].
Table 1
3.1. The initial tests carried out by LCPC [2]
Reference and designation of cements.
Reference Designation Cement plant no. These initial tests were carried out by the French LCPC with ce-
A CEM I 52.5 R 1 ment whose origin and category are those of cement D. However,
B CEM I 52.5 R 2 this cement had been manufactured twelve years before this study
C CEM I 52.5 R 3
and its chemical composition could not be recovered. It is undoubt-
D CEM I 52.5 N PM 4
E CEM I 52.5 R 5 edly different from that of current cement D. Six pastes with differ-
F CEM I 52.5 N 5 ent volumetric cement concentrations C0 were mixed. They varied
G CEM I 42.5 R 6 between 0.33 and 0.58. The pastes of low volumetric cement con-
H CEM I 42.5 R 2 centration (high w/c ratio) were mixed in two stages in order to
CEM I: category; 52.5: cement strength (MPa); R: quick setting; N: normal setting; avoid a bleeding phenomenon [10]. A diluted paste – of w/c ratio
PM: sea setting. equal to 5 – was first mixed for 24 h. The obtained suspension con-
Table 2
Composition, hydraulic index (I), surface area (S.a.), 28-day standard strength of cement ðr028 Þ of the used cements.
taining hydrated cement particles was then used like mixing water 3.2. Complementary tests: procedures and results
to make prismatic specimens (dimensions: 3.8 3.8 7.6 cm).
The pastes of strong packing densities (low w/c ratio) were mixed As for the initial study, the tests were carried out on pure ce-
with a moderate quantity of melamine type superplasticizer to ment pastes of various cement concentrations C0. These tests are
facilitate casting. The paste specimens were extracted from their particularly difficult to carry out taking into account inherent dif-
moulds after 2 days then rectified and ground smooth on a lapidary ficulties of cement pastes: bleeding and segregation of fresh sus-
before being covered with an impervious membrane in order to pension; rise in temperature during the setting and hardening;
avoid desiccation. Compressive strength values obtained at 28 days drying shrinkage; regularity of the bearing surfaces for the
are reproduced on Fig. 1. They result from the average of the four mechanical tests; etc. To realize this study, original processes had
tests. The results made it possible to obtain the initial parameters to be tested and used such as the rotation of the paste during set-
of the model (Eq. (3)) – i.e. k = 11.4 and b = 2.85 – with a small ting, its preservation in a confined environment and a great accu-
average error (2.3 MPa) racy of rectification of the bearing surfaces before strength tests.
For each cement, eight series of six mixtures (12 for cement D)
fcp ¼ r028 11:4 C 02:85 ð3Þ were prepared with cement concentrations C0 ranging from 0.31 to
Table 3
Characteristics and compressive strength of the mixtures. Superplasticized mixes are identified with *. Values considered as erratic ones are noted in italic.
0.59 (Table 3). It corresponds to w/c ratios ranging from 0.70 to a particular setting device in slow and offset rotation (seven revo-
0.22 (Eq. (7)). To avoid a possible mechanical effect of the hydrated lutions per minute) for the first 24 h. The longitudinal axes of the
cement particles caused by the use of highly diluted paste as mix- test tubes turned in a vertical plane around a horizontal axis lo-
ing water (initial tests carried out by the LCPC, 3.1), pure pastes cated at ten centimetres from the centre of the mould (Fig. 2).
were mixed with distilled water. Paste mixing was carried out with The test tubes were placed on the machine as soon as filling was
a standardized mortar mixer according to EN standard 196-3. Each finished. In respect to homogeneity all the mixtures underwent
1-litre mixture was used to fill two impervious cylindrical moulds this treatment even the firmest. From the 24th hour to the release
especially built for these tests. They are very regular altuglassTM test from the test tubes at 28 days, the sealed moulds were kept at a
tubes – 18 cm long with 5 cm large interior diameters – provided temperature of 20 ± 1 °C. A control of their masses over that period
at each end with a threading intended to fix PVC seal plugs guaranteed that the pastes were not air dried.
(Fig. 2). One of the two plugs was equipped with a sealable vent. The day of the tests, after removal from the tubes, the ends of
After casting, each mixture was left to set and harden and was pre- the paste specimens were cut off from approximately 1 cm and
served 28 days in these tubes until testing. then the specimens were sawn in half. The dimensions of the ob-
During casting the moulds were vibrated with a mobile plate to tained cylindrical half-specimens were 5 cm wide and about
eliminate as much entrapped air as possible. Filled moulds were 8 cm long. The bearing surfaces were rectified with a precision ma-
sealed with round PVC plugs with vents leaving almost no air in- chine and carefully ground smooth. Flatness and parallelism of the
side. Sealed test tubes were weighed in order to know experimen- supports were checked on a plate surface
tal fresh densities qe. They are given in Table 3 (in tons/m3). By For the compressive test, each half-specimen was subjected to a
comparison with the theoretical fresh densities qt deduced from 0.5 MPa/s compressive rate until rupture (EN standard 12390). The
the compositions, it is possible to estimate the entrapped volume results are given in Table 3. Each value is the average of the four
of air in each mixture expressed in unit volume according to the measurements obtained on each mixture. The standard deviations
following relation: of the results s are also given in Table 3.
v a ¼ 1000 ð1 qe =qt: Þ ð4Þ
3.3. Discussion
These volumes of air are also given in Table 3 in litres per cubic
metre. They made it possible to calculate the real cement concen- Fig. 3 presents the evolution of the estimated entrapped air vol-
tration C0 of each mixture (Eq. (5)). ume according to cement concentration C0. This volume remains
low until a concentration of 0.50 (fluid mixtures). It becomes more
v cinit ð1 v a Þ
C0 ¼ ; important over that limit. The entrapped air volume goes from a
v cinit ð1 v a Þ þ v winit ð1 v a Þ þ v a few litres per m3 (less than 10 l or 1%) up to 50 l per m3. These tests
v cinit
C0 ¼ ð5Þ show the difficulties in eliminating air in paste with high packing
v cinit þ v winit þ v a =ð1 v a Þ density and high plastic viscosity.
Therefore, the initial volumetric proportions of cement (vcinit) Fig. 4 presents, for each cement, the experimental strength
and water (vwinit) in unit volume were adjusted by taking into ac- compressive values at 28 days according to C0. The dotted curves
count the volume of mixture actually produced describe the theoretical evolution of strength according to the ini-
tial model (Eq. (2)) using the 28-day standard strength of each ce-
v c ¼ v cinit ð1 v a Þ and v w ¼ v winit ð1 v a Þ ð6Þ
ment. It is noted that experimental fitting does not always satisfy
The mixtures with high cement concentrations (or low w/c ra- the initial model. It is close for cements like B and H but for the
tio) were cast in the presence of superplasticizer proportioned be- others the measured performances deviate from the forecasts.
tween 1% and 1.5% of the cement mass. This proportioning was For example, for cement E, the variation is about 10 MPa for low
voluntarily reduced to mitigate a potential disturbing effect such cement concentration and it exceeds 45 MPa for high cement con-
as a modification of the usual chemical reactions. centration. In relative value, the theoretical strength of this cement
The mixtures of low cement concentrations (or high w/c ratio) paste is overestimated by almost 35%. For cement D, the perfor-
naturally undergo segregation if they are maintained at rest. To mances are a little lower than the ones obtained by the LCPC
avoid this phenomenon, the altuglassTM test tubes were placed in although the cement used belongs to the same category (but not
to the same production). Cements resulting from the same clinker
(cement plants 2 and 5) logically present rather similar curves in
spite of setting kinetics (R – quick– for E, N – normal – for F) and
cement strength differences (52.5 for B, 42.5 for H).
60 A B C D
Air volume (l/m3 )
C0 (%)
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Fig. 2. Device intended to prevent the fresh cement paste segregation by slow
rotation. Fig. 3. Entrapped air volume in the different cement pastes.
J.-M. Mechling et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 255–262 259
100 100
50 50
C0 (%) C0 (%)
0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
C 150
100 100
50 50
C0 (%) C0 (%)
0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
E 150
100 100
fcp MPa, 28-day
fcp MPa, 28-day
50 50
C0 (%) C0 (%)
0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
G 150
100 100
fcp Mpa, 28-day
50 50
C0 (%) C0 (%)
0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Fig. 4. Obtained experimental points and model’s curves for the different cements. The initial model (Eq. (2)) is in dotted line, the new suggested model (Eq. (10)) is in fat For
cement D, initial fitting points [2] are represented with white rounds.
Table 4
Fitting of the results gathered by cement strength.
Size effect [11,12] is a first hypothesis to explain the differences calculations were conducted on all disconcerted points including
between our experimental test campaign and the initial one on ce- those of initial measurements [2] (except some values considered
ment D, which resulted in the theoretical model (see Section 3.1). as erratic and announced in italics in Table 3). The aim was to find
Despite the difficult task of determining the actual impact of this some satisfying constant averages. The found values are k = 10.5
phenomenon, we noticed that the bearing areas and volumes of and b = 2.95. These values are rather close to those of the initial
the specimens are very similar in both experimental approaches. parameters given in [2] but the associated standard deviation
Only their forms differ. They were prismatic (3.8 3.8 7.6 cm) (s = 11.7 MPa) is too high to consider this solution as really satis-
in the initial tests and cylindrical (5 cm wide and 8 cm long) in factory. Secondly, fitting curves were calculated by classifying ce-
ours. Furthermore, in our experimental test campaign differences ments according to two cement strengths (42.5 and 52.5).
in compressive strength have been noticed between the different Thirdly, fitting curves were independently drawn for each cement.
cements despite constant experimental conditions. Therefore, size Table 4 and Table 5 give the results. Three simulations were con-
and shape effects cannot explain the strength differences between ducted for each case. For the first one, both parameters k and b
these different cements. could simultaneously vary. For the two others, exponent b previ-
Finally, for all cements, compressive strength measured on pure ously found (b = 2.95) was kept constant whereas coefficient k
paste with cement concentration close to 0.40 are always lower was optimized, then the converse was done (k = 10.5). The stan-
than standard strength r028 measured on standardized mortar dard deviations s between experimental and theoretical compres-
(comparison in Tables 2 and 3). The concentration of 0.40 is the sive strengths were calculated for each adjustment. They were
one roughly corresponding to a w/c mass ratio of 0.50 (Eq. (7)). selected to choose the most relevant fitting curves.
That is to say the cement concentration of the standardized mortar On the one hand, sorting out cement strengths (either 42.5 or
used to measure the 28-day standard strength cement. By neglect- 52.5 in Table 4) does not make this model more accurate than
ing entrapped air – small quantities are often observed – (Fig. 3) the initial one (higher standard deviations and divergent k and b
the relations between w/c and C0 are as follows: parameters). On the other hand, when fitting curves are calculated
for each cement (Table 5), standard deviations are reduced of more
1 1 C0
C0 ¼ and w=c ¼ ð7Þ than half whatever the simulation type used. Moreover, cements of
1 þ qc w=c qc C 0
similar chemical nature have relatively similar parameters (B and
Strength differences between pastes and mortars are explained H of cement plant 2; E and F of cement plant 5). The improvement
by the aggregate topological effect on strength (maximum paste of paste strength calculation model thus probably works by taking
thickness, ceiling effect and bond effect of the grains, etc. [2]). into account the physicochemical characteristics of each cement
However, these differences vary from one cement to another. This used.
is an additional argument to justify that cement 28-day standard Among the three calculation modes used in Table 5, the one
strength r028 is probably not a sufficient criterion to build a general where k and b vary simultaneously offers the best accuracy (aver-
model to forecast cement paste strength. age standard deviation of 3.80 MPa). But this solution comes down
to having to adjust two parameters for each cement. To simplify,
4. Influence of chemical composition exponent b has been kept constant (b = 2.95) while coefficient k
has been linked to the chemical properties of cements. Further-
4.1. Adjustment of the model parameters more, according to the calculations presented in Table 5, exponent
b gives a better statistical stability (s0 /m = 0.07) and coefficient k a
The model parameters (Eq. (2)) (coefficient k, exponent b) were better accuracy (average standard deviation of 4.85 MPa, that is to
optimized using the minimum standard deviation s on the ordi- say a value close to that found when k and b are simultaneously
nates (according to the approach of least squares). Primarily, these optimized).
Table 5
Fitting of the results for each cement used
Table 6
Correlation coefficients R enters the coefficient k (b = 2.95) and chemical compounds of cements and specific area (s.a.).
Compound SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO I SiO2/CaO C3S C2S C3A C4AF s.a.
R 0.845 0.221 0.237 0.198 0.713 0.901 0.896 0.904 0.326 0.016 0.632
J.-M. Mechling et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 255–262 261
4.2. Relation with the cement composition vc
fcp ¼ r028 ð0:2:½C 3 S 1:65Þ ð12Þ
vc þ vw þ va
Primarily, several linear adjustments of coefficient k (column 4 of
Table 5) and of the various parameters of cement chemical
composition (Table 2) were tested. Cement chemical composition 4.3. Comparison between the initial model and the new one
has been defined using oxide masses (SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO)
as well as Rietveld composition and the hydraulic index I The new model (Eq. (12)) was compared with the initial one
(I = (SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3)/(CaO+MgO)or in SiO2/CaO ratio). The (Eq. (3)), [2] by plotting the new theoretical curves on Fig. 4 (full
specific areas (S.a.) of the cements have also been adjusted in features) and by calculating the standard deviations with the
the tests. The obtained correlation coefficients R are given in Ta- experimental points (Table 7).
ble 6. Let us recall that they correspond to the co variances of k Most of the time, the new model predicts a much more relevant
and x divided by the product of the standard deviations of k and experimental compressive strength. Compared to the initial model,
x (x being the series of values correlated to the values of k): the error is overall reduced of more than half (s goes from 15.75 to
6.87) and it is often similar to that of the individual adjustments.
cov ðk; xÞ kxkx This new model allows a better estimation of compressive strength
R¼ or R ¼ ð8Þ
sk sx s k sx by taking into account the chemical composition of cement.
This is an improvement of the compressive strength prediction
Fig. 5 shows fitting curves for C2S, which present the best corre-
model of cement pastes and thus of that of concretes defined by
lation (R = 0.904). This coefficient R is almost as good for ratio
the LCPC in [2]. Several tests are currently carried out to evaluate
SiO2/CaO (R = 0.901) and for C3S (R = 0.896). It is still good for
the relevance of this new approach regarding high performance
SiO2 (R = 0.845). On the contrary, it is not good for the hydraulic in-
concrete strength calculations.
dex I (R = 0.713) or the specific area (R = 0.632) and even worse
for all the other chemical elements. From a physical point of view,
the link between the strength of pure paste and its content in sili- 5. Conclusion
ceous elements (C3S, C2S, SiO2) can be explained by the fact that
hydrates (HSC – tobermorite) come from these phases, which are Compressive strength of a pure cement paste at 28 days is mainly
mainly responsible for the material’s compressive strength [13] controlled by the 28-day standard strength of this cement. But this
[14]. study shows the importance of its chemical composition, in partic-
According to these results, three (linear) relations can be de- ular the amount of C3S, which reflects the quantity of silicon present
fined to determine parameter k with good accuracy, starting from in the clinker. Let us recall that the content of C3S taken into account
Rietveld analysis or cement chemical analysis: in this paper was determined by treatment of analyses XRD accord-
ing to Rietveld method. Indeed, the many tests carried out and the
k ¼ 0:22 ½C2 S þ 13:28 ð9Þ equations that have been defined (Eqs. (9) – (12)) showed that for
k ¼ 160 ½SiO2 =CaO 41:2 ð10Þ equivalent 28-day standard strength, cements rich in C3S produced
k ¼ 0:2 ½C3 S 1:65 ð11Þ the strongest pastes. It confirms the fact that hydrates resulting
from this cement constituent are mainly responsible for the
It will be noticed however that parameter ‘‘C3S” represents the strength of the product. In this hypothesis, coefficient k and some-
most abundant phase in the clinker. Its variation range is also the times b depend on the chemical composition of the clinker (high
largest (between 50% and 70% for the cements used in this study). values of the correlation coefficients). Thus, cement probably has
Therefore, this parameter has been chosen in the model to describe the same value for k (at a defined time: 28 days for example) what-
the strength of a cement paste (at 28 days) as follows (Eq. (12)), by ever its standard strength, which depends on its granulometry and
the combination of Eqs, (2) and (11): its specific area. In other words, two cements from the same clinker
production have the same value of k despite their different stan-
dardized cement strength (depending on grain fineness).
13 This taking into account of the cement chemistry in a model
similar to that of Féret (power-law) was done by correlating the
12 content of C3S with the parameter of the law, its constant exponent
k= -0.223 [C 2 S] + 13.280 b being kept. Other correlations are also possible using C2S or sili-
11 con content.
The use of this comprehensive model is not particularly harder
10 because the necessary data are generally available on the cement
Coefficient k
Table 7
Standard deviations s between experimental points and strength theoretical values calculated according to the initial model and the model suggested.
Model A B C D E F G H Global
Initial 10.53 9.10 12.57 14.95 26.29 20.70 17.84 5.78 15.75
Suggested 7.37 7.76 4.70 8.14 5.98 6.06 3.76 7.30 6.87
262 J.-M. Mechling et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 255–262
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The effect of high temperatures up to 1000 °C on the length changes of two alkali-activated aluminosil-
Received 18 March 2008 icate composites, one of them with quartz sand aggregates, the second with electrical porcelain, is ana-
Received in revised form 2 February 2009 lyzed in the paper. The thermal strain vs. temperature functions of both materials are found to increase
Accepted 3 February 2009
monotonically in the whole temperature range studied so that the thermal expansion mismatch (the gel
Available online 12 February 2009
undergoes thermal shrinkage, the aggregates expand with increasing temperature) results in positive val-
ues of the apparent linear thermal expansion coefficient. The composite material with electrical porcelain
aggregates exhibits a more desired thermomechanical behavior which is a consequence of the better
Alkali-activated aluminosilicate composites
Electrical porcelain
high-temperature thermal stability of electrical porcelain as compared to quartz. In a comparison with
Quartz sand Portland-cement based composites, the linear thermal expansion coefficient of both studied aluminosil-
Linear thermal expansion coefficient icates is substantially lower in the whole temperature range of 20–1000 °C.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +420 224354429; fax: +420 224354446. eðTÞ ¼ aðTÞdT ð1Þ
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Černý).
0958-9465/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
264 L. Zuda, R. Černý / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 263–267
In a practical experiment we then choose a reference temperature method up to date we will give a brief description of the method in
T0, heat a specimen step by step to the temperatures Ti, i = 1, . . . , n, what follows.
covering the desired temperature range, and determine the corre- The measuring device for determining the linear thermal
sponding values of ei, i = 1, . . . , n,. The point-wise defined function expansion of porous materials in the high-temperature range is
ei = f(Ti) is then approximated by means of regression analysis and based on the application of a comparative technique (see Fig. 1).
its continuous representation e(T) is obtained. Finally, the linear A bar sample of the studied material is put into a cylindrical, ver-
thermal expansion coefficient a(T) is calculated as the first deriva- tically oriented electric furnace. As it is technically difficult to per-
tive of e(T) with respect to temperature. form length measurements directly in the furnace, a thin ceramic
rod, which passes through the furnace cover, is fixed on the topside
3. Experimental method of the measured sample. The length changes can be determined
outside the furnace in this way, for instance by a digital dial indi-
Thermal expansion of solid materials in high-temperature range cator, but on the other hand, the temperature field in the ceramic
is measured by commercially produced dilatometers mostly. Vari- rod is very badly defined, and it is not possible to determine di-
ous treatments are employed, for instance the methods based on rectly, which part of the total change of length is due to the mea-
variations of electric resistance, capacitance, inductance, or the sured sample and due to the ceramic rod.
interference methods. However, the applicability of many common Therefore, the measurement is performed at the same time on
methods which work with small specimen dimensions may be the sample of a standard material (such as special steels where
rather limited for building materials which are mostly nonhomo- a(T) is known) which is put into the furnace together with the
geneous. Therefore, the comparative method proposed by Toman studied material and is provided with an identical ceramic rod
et al. [24] which was used for various building materials in the past passing through the over. The change of length of the ceramic
was employed for the measurements in this paper. As some mod- rod can be determined in this way, and consequently also the
ifications of the experimental setup were done to bring the original length change of the measured sample.
Table 1
Chemical composition of applied slag.
SiO2 (%) Fe2O3 (%) Al2O3 (%) CaO (%) MgO (%) MnO (%) Cl (%) Na2O (%) K2O (%) SO3 (%)
38.6 0.52 7.22 38.77 12.90 0.50 0.06 0.21 0.38 0.36
Table 3
Sand granulometry. 5. Experimental results and discussion
Sieve mesh (mm) 2 1.6 1.0 0.5 0.16 0.08
Fig. 2 shows the measured thermal strain of both studied mate-
Total sieve residue (%) 0 7±5 33 ± 5 67 ± 5 87 ± 5 99 ± 1
rials as function of temperature up to 1000 °C. The e(T) functions of
Table 4
Chemical composition of electrical porcelain.
SiO2 (%) Fe2O3 (%) Al2O3 (%) CaO (%) MgO (%) Na2O (%) K2O (%) TiO2 (%)
48.6 0.8 45.4 0.3 0.2 1.0 2.9 0.7
Table 5
Electrical porcelain granulometry.
Sieve mesh (mm) 4.00 2.50 1.00 0.50 0.25 0.125 0.090 0.063 0.045
Total sieve residue (%)
0–1 mm fraction – – 0.69 45.24 70.76 89.98 93.4 98.99 99.99
1–3 mm fraction – 4.12 78.33 99.57 99.94 99.94 99.95 98.98 100.00
3–6 mm fraction 69.31 95.52 99.97 99.98 99.99 100.00 – – –
266 L. Zuda, R. Černý / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 263–267
Table 6a
Composition of the mixture with quartz sand aggregates for sample preparation.
Sand (g) Slag (g) Alkali-activation silicate admixture (g) Water (ml)
450 450 450 450 90 190
Table 6b
Composition of the mixture with electrical porcelain aggregates for sample preparation.
Electrical porcelain (g) Slag (g) Alkali-activation silicate admixture (g) Water (ml)
0–1 mm fraction 1–3 mm fraction 3–6 mm fraction
450 450 450 450 90 190
both materials were increasing in the whole temperature range so thermal expansion coefficient of NS began to decrease so that at
that no thermal shrinkage was observed up to 1000 °C, contrary to 800 °C it had similar value as at room-temperature, and finally in
the results obtained for geopolymers [20–22] and alkali activated the temperature range of 800–1000 °C it was almost constant. On
slag pastes [23]. This difference is apparently a consequence of the other hand, the a(T) function of EP was only slightly decreasing
the presence of aggregates in the alkali-activated aluminosilicate in the temperature range of 300–700 °C, and then it decreased fas-
composites studied in this paper which caused thermal expansion ter so that at 1000 °C it was similar as at room-temperature.
mismatch in the material (the gel undergoes thermal shrinkage, The differences between the a(T) functions in Fig. 3 can be ex-
the aggregates expand with increasing temperature); the materials plained by the different behavior of the two materials used in
analyzed in [20–23] were pastes. This statement can be supported the studied aluminosilicate composites as aggregates after their
by the investigations in [25] where for Portland cement mortar exposure to elevated temperatures. Electrical porcelain is charac-
thermal expansion was observed in the whole studied temperature terized by low linear thermal expansion coefficient (6–
range of 20–500 °C while cement paste underwent thermal shrink- 8 106 K1 in average) and no sudden volumetric changes in
age for temperatures higher than 150 °C. the temperature range up to 1000 °C [26,27]. Quartz, on the other
The linear thermal expansion coefficients calculated using the hand, is subject of displacive phase transition from a (low) to b
e(T) functions from Fig. 2 are presented in Fig. 3 which makes pos- (high) modification at 573 °C [28]. The different quartz forms differ
sible to analyze the effect of temperature increase on length also in their structural response to increasing temperatures. While
changes of both studied aluminosilicates in more details. The the thermal expansion coefficient of a-quartz is positive
a(T) functions were increasing in the lower-temperature range, (18 106 K1 in average, calculated using the data in [28,29]), it
for NS up to approximately 400 °C, for EP to 300 °C. Then the linear was found that b-quartz does not exhibit any significant thermal
expansion from 573 °C up to 1000 °C [28,29] or possibly it even
undergoes thermal shrinkage [30]. Thus, the electrical porcelain
1.20E-02 aggregates had clearly better prerequisites to compensate for the
thermal shrinkage of aluminosilicate gel than quartz sand, in the
thermal strain [-]
1.60E-05 NS son with the results obtained in [23]. While for the alkali activated
coefficient [K ]
EP slag concrete with basalt coarse aggregates from [23] the reduction
in compressive strength between room-temperature and 800 °C
was approximately 90%, for NS in [12] it was 80% and for EP in
[13] only 70%. In the temperature range of 800–1200 °C the role
of the type of aggregates was even more notable. The alkali acti-
vated slag concrete from [23] lost at 1200 °C its strength com-
pletely but quartz and electrical porcelain aggregates in [12,13]
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 provided the necessary compounds for ceramic bond formation
which caused the compressive strength to increase more than five
temperature [C°]
times for both NS and EP.
Fig. 3. Linear thermal expansion coefficient of analyzed materials as function of The thermal expansion properties of alkali-activated alumino-
temperature. silicate composites obtained in this paper can be compared with
L. Zuda, R. Černý / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 263–267 267
Second International Symposium on Design, Performance and The Ninth International Symposium on Brittle Matrix Compo-
Use of SELF-CONSOLIDATING CONCRETE (SCC’2009-China), to be sites, to be held in Warsaw, Poland, 25–28 October 2009.
held in Beijing, China, 5–8 June 2009. Contact: Prof. Dr. A.M. Brandt, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Contact: Dr. Bo Peng, College of Civil Engineering, Hunan Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (IPPT PAN), Swieto-
University, Changsha, Hunan 410082, China. Tel/Fax: 86-731-882- krzyska 21, Warsaw 00-049, Poland. E-mail: [email protected];
3937; E-mail: [email protected]; Website: Website:
1st International Workshop on Concrete Spalling due to Fire International Conference on Computational Design in Engineer-
Exposure, to be held in MFPA Institute, Leipzig, Germany, 3–5 ing (CODE 2009), to be held in Seoul, Korea, 3–6 November 2009.
September 2009. Contact: Conference Secretariat, E-mail: [email protected];
Contact: Workshop Secretariat, E-mail: [email protected]; Website:
Website for more information:
Advanced Concrete Materials (ACM), International Conference, to
Non-conventional Materials and Technologies (IC-NOCMAT be held in Stellenbosch, South Africa, 17–19 November 2009.
2009): Materials for sustainable and affordable construction, to Contact: Dr. Billy Boshoff, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
be held in Bath, United Kingdom, 6–9 September 2009. E-mail: [email protected]; Website:
Contact: Prof. Pete Walker, BRE Centre for Innovative Construc-
tion Materials, University of Bath, UK, E-mail: [email protected];
Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 268–274
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this study, the influence of binder type and dosage on the mechanical properties and microstructure of
Received 21 July 2008 cemented paste backfill (CPB) was investigated using ordinary Portland cement (OPC), Portland compos-
Received in revised form 28 January 2009 ite cement (PCC) and sulphate resistant cement (SRC). The CPB samples of OPC and PCC were observed to
Accepted 30 January 2009
lose their unconfined compressive strengths (UCSs) after 56 days. This could be associated with the sul-
Available online 9 February 2009
phide moiety of the tailings, i.e. the attack on hydration products by sulphate and acid internally gener-
ated via the oxidation of pyrite present. In this respect, those CPB samples of sulphate resistant-based
cements (SRC and a mix of OPC and SRC) maintained good long-term strengths and stability (i.e. no loss
Cemented paste backfill
Binder type
of strength). Increasing binder dosage (5–7 wt.%) improved the UCSs of CPB samples up to 1.9-fold with
Binder dosage no loss of strength at >5 wt.%. Decreasing water-to-cement ratio appeared to produce a beneficial effect
Water-to-cement ratio on the UCSs of CPB samples. SEM studies have provided further insight into the microstucture of CPB and
Unconfined compressive strength confirmed the deleterious formation of gypsum as the expansive phase. These findings have demon-
Sulphide tailings strated the practical importance of binder type/dosage and water-to-cement ratio for the short- and
long-term mechanical performance of CPB.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0958-9465/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Ercikdi et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 268–274 269
Sulphate resistance of a binder is linked closely with its content Compound % Compound %
of C3A and C4AF [17]. ASTM Type I (Ordinary Portland Cement) typ- MgO 1.19 K2O 0.23
ically contains 8–12% C3A compared with 68% and 65% for PCC and Al2O3 3.27 Na2O 0.17
Type V cements, respectively. In addition to C3A content, the ratio SiO2 11.39 TiO2 <0.01
of C3S/C2S is also claimed to be an indication of the sulphate resis- CaO 0.95 SO3 2.83
FeO 22.92 CI 0.0025
tance of a binder on the ground that the hydration of C3S produces S 26.22 Loss-on-ignition (LOI) 29.02
nearly 2.2 times more CH than that of C2S [17]. CH is often respon-
Total 98.2025
sible for the formation of gypsum and ettringite as aforemen-
tioned. The sulphate performance of Portland composite cements
is associated allegedly with the pozzolanic properties of mineral
admixtures present contributing to pore refinement, dilution of
C3A and consumption of CH by pozzolanic reactions [20].
In this study, the short- and long-term performance of three dif-
ferent binders (ASTM Type I, V and PCC) in CPB of a sulphide-rich
(pyritic) mill tailings were evaluated over a curing period of
360 days. The effects of binder dosage (5–7 wt.%) and water-to-ce-
ment ratio on the strength and durability of CPB were also examined.
SEM studies were also undertaken to correlate microstructure and
mineralogy of CPB samples with the mechanical performance and
the inherent characteristics of binders used.
Table 2
Chemical, physical and mineralogical properties of the binders used in the tests.
Oxide composition OPC (%) PCC (%) SRC (%) Physical properties OPC PCC SRC
SiO2 20.31 24.51 21.31 Specific gravity 3.01 2.94 3.20
Al2O3 5.93 7.15 4.71 Specific surface (cm2/g) 4345 4280 3140
Fe2O3 2.82 3.42 4.31 Retained on 90 lm sieve (%) 2.16 2.09 8.03
CaO 61.02 54.36 62.13 Retained on 45 lm sieve (%) 15.84 15.43 32.96
MgO 1.15 1.24 1.26
SO3 2.95 2.92 2.88 Compound composition
Na2O 0.32 0.53 0.24 C3S 37.10 – 41.43
K2O 1.14 1.38 0.75 C2S 30.30 – 29.90
Free CaO 1.14 – 0.85 C3A 10.95 – 5.20
Loss on ignition 3.78 3.75 1.54 C4AF 8.57 – 13.10
Table 3
A summary of the experimental conditions used in the preparation of CPB samples.
Solids content (SC)a, wt.% Binder dosage (BD)b, wt.% Water to cement ratio (w/c)c Slump (in.)
Binder type 77.0 5 5.97 7.0
Binder dosage 77.0 5 5.97 7.0
6 4.98
7 4.27
Water-to-cement ratio 76.5 5 6.14 7.5
77.0 5.97 7.0
77.5 5.81 6.5
a 100ðMdrytailings þM drybinder Þ
SC : ðM drytailings þM drybinder þM water Þ.
b 100ðM drybinder Þ
BD : ðM drybinder þM drytailings Þ.
c M water
w=c : M drybinder ; ðM : WeightÞ.
taining chemicals used in the flotation process and constitutes 75– press, which had a load capacity of 50 kN and a displacement speed
80% of the mix water, contributes extensively to the sulphate con- of 0.5 mm per minute.
tent of mix water in CPB applications.
The CPB mixtures were thoroughly mixed and poured into plas- 2.4. Studies on microstructure and mineralogy of CPB
tic cylinders (D H: 10 20 cm) with a perforated bottom. The
open-top cylinders were then allowed to cure in a room main- The microstructure and texture of some 360-day CPB samples
tained at a relative humidity of 80% i.e. to mimic the under- were examined under a LEO scanning electron microscope oper-
ground curing conditions. At the predetermined curing periods ated at an accelerating voltage of 15 kV. Energy dispersive spec-
(up to 360 days), the CPB samples were subjected to unconfined trometry (EDS) of an X-ray probe coupled to the SEM was also
compressive strength (UCS) tests according to ASTM C 39. UCS used to aid the identification of mineral phases present. The frac-
tests were performed using a computer-controlled mechanical tured samples obtained from UCS tests were used in SEM studies.
Compressive strength UCS (MPa)
0.2 0.4
0.2 5 wt.% 6 wt.% 7 wt.%
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390
Curing time (days)
Curing time (days)
Fig. 3. The effect of binder type on the mechanical performance of CPB samples in
the short and long-term (OPC: ordinary Portland cement, Type I; PCC: Portland Fig. 4. The effect of binder dosage (5–7 wt.% PCC) on the mechanical performance
composite cement; SRC: Sulphate resistant cement, Type V). of CPB samples in the short and long-term.
B. Ercikdi et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 268–274 271
1 Samples were scanned over a 2-h range of 5–70° with a 0.005° step
Compressive strength UCS (MPa)
3. Results and discussion
Fig. 6. SEM images of the CPB samples of OPC (a) and (b), SRC alone (c) and (d) and a blend of SRC/OPC (50–50%) (e) and (f) at a binder dosage of 5 wt.%.
272 B. Ercikdi et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 268–274
of mixing water and relatively high C3A content of these binders. of SRC into the binder phase (OPC/SRC cement) lowers the C3A con-
The development of sulphate attack in CPB can be presumed to oc- tent and improves the ability of the binder to endure the sulphate
cur via oxidation of pyrite in the presence of air and moisture, attack. Conversely, the higher SRC content may also lead to an in-
which leads to the formation of acid and sulphate (Eq. (1)). These crease in the C3S/C2S ratio and hence, the availability of CH to react
then react with hydration products to form expansive phases such with SO24 giving increased susceptibility to sulphate attack. It is
as ettringite (Eq. (2)) and gypsum (Eq. (3)), and to decalcify/de- also of pertinent to note that SRC is usually more expensive than
struct C–S–H [8,14,15,23,24]. OPC and PCC and therefore, the use of SRC blended with OPC will
typically be more cost effective than SRC on its own.
4FeS2 þ 15O2 þ 8H2 O ! 2Fe2 O3 þ 8SO2
4 þ 16H
3.2. Effect of binder dosage
3CaO Al2 O3 þ 3CaSO4 2H2 O þ 30H2 O
! 3CaO Al2 O3 3CaSO4 32H2 O ð2Þ Binder type and dosage exert a profound influence on the short-
and long-term mechanical performance of CPB. Fig. 4 illustrates the
CaðOHÞ2 þ SO2 beneficial effect of increasing the binder dosage (5–7 wt.% PCC) on
4 þ 2H2 O ! CaSO4 2H2 O þ 2OH ð3Þ
the strength development of CPB samples over 360 days. At the
In contrast to OPC and PCC, the sulphate resistant binders (SRC binder dosages of 6 and 7 wt.%, CPB samples were able to achieve
alone and SRC/OPC mixture) maintained the strength of CPB sam- the required UCS (P0.7 MPa) over a curing period of 28 days. How-
ples in the long-term (360 days) and continued to gain strength ever, those CPB samples prepared at 5 wt.% PCC failed to produce a
even after 56 days (Fig. 3). It is also pertinent to note that both UCS of above 0.661 MPa even over a 56-day period of curing. In
SRC and SRC/OPC failed to produce the required UCS of >0.7 MPa comparison, the mechanical strength of CPB samples containing
over the initial curing period of 28 days. The mixed binder (SRC/ 7 wt.% PCC was approximately 1.9 times higher than those contain-
OPC) was observed to enhance the rate of development of strength ing 5 wt.% PCC over 56 days.
of CPB samples compared with SRC alone. The SRC and OPC can be The increase in the binder dosage from 5 to 6 or 7 wt.% signifi-
assumed to contribute to the durability and strength development, cantly improved the long-term performance of PCC (Fig. 4). The
respectively, of CPB samples when used together in the binder CPB samples at 5 wt.% PCC suffered a strength loss of 15% between
phase. As shown in Table 2, SRC is characterised by its low C3A con- 56th and 360th days. On the contrary, those samples prepared at
tent (5.2% c.f. 10.95% OPC), which is an important phase in inti- higher binder dosages gained additional strength (i.e. by 15–17%)
mately controlling sulphate resistance [17,25]. The incorporation over the same curing period. These findings are consistent with
Fig. 7. SEM images of the CPB samples prepared from PCC at a binder dosage of 5 wt.% (a) and (b) and 7 wt.% (c) and (d), and at a water-to-cement (w/c) ratio of 5.81 (e) and
B. Ercikdi et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 268–274 273
those of Fall and Benzaazoua [12]. The beneficial effect of increas- detected in the SEM analysis of the samples. Fall and Benzaazoua
ing binder content is attributed to the production of secondary C– [12] also observed the formation of secondary gypsum, which
S–H gels as a result of a pozzolanic reaction of mineral admixtures was claimed to be responsible for the reduction of strength of
in PCC (20.7%) with CH formed during the hydration process. Pro- CPB samples after 56 days due to its expansive properties. Bing
viding the additional binding capacity, these C–S–H gels can also and Cohen [34] also demonstrated that formation of gypsum as a
form a protective coating on the alumina-rich phases, which could result of sulphate attack caused an expansion on concrete and con-
otherwise participate in the formation of ettringite [25]. Further- sequently led to the loss of its strength and stability. However, the
more, these extra C–S–H gels can improve the microstructure of role of gypsum formation in the deterioration of cemented materi-
CPB with the resultant reduction in permeability and probably in als is controversial by some workers [35,36].
the oxidation pyrite and hence, the vulnerability of CPB to sulphate Increasing the binder dosage from 5 wt.% to 6–7 wt.% or
attack [26–29]. Despite these potential benefits, increasing the bin- decreasing the w/c ratio from 6.14 to 5.81 (at 5 wt.% PCC) appeared
der content will augment the operating costs of CPB. to improve the microstructure of CPB samples leading to a dense
packing with the visible reduction in porosity and permeability
3.3. Effect of water-to-cement ratio (Fig. 7a, c, and e). The compactness of CPB matrix can be associated
with the active mineral admixture (e.g. natural pozzolan) present
The flowability of CPB mixture is significant for its transport inherently in PCC binder. These admixtures are presumed to con-
from the paste preparation plant to the underground openings to sume Ca(OH)2 liberated during the hydration process through poz-
be filled. CPB is therefore required to contain sufficient water to zolanic reactions and to produce secondary C–S–H gels with
achieve the desired consistency. However, an increase in the binding properties [18,25,27–29,37–39]. In this regard, a visible
water-to-cement (w/c) ratio adversely affects strength develop- C–S–H densification between pyrite grains were observed to occur
ment of CPB [8]. The optimum w/c ratio is essentially a balance be- with increasing binder dosage and decreasing w/c ratio (Fig. 7d and
tween maximizing the strength required and maintaining the f c.f. Fig. 7b).
consistency of paste for the effectiveness of pumping. Fig. 8 illustrates XRD profiles obtained for CPB samples of OPC
Fig. 5 presents the effect of w/c ratio on the mechanical perfor- alone and SRC/OPC. The profiles for PCC and SRC were similar to
mance of the CPB samples prepared from PCC at 5 wt.% binder dos-
age. Only at the lowest w/c ratio of 5.81 tested, the CPB samples
were able to develop the strengths beyond the threshold level of
0.7 MPa only after a curing period of 56 days. Increasing the w/c
ratio resulted in a degree of loss of strength of CPB samples in
the long-term (Fig. 5). The adverse effect of increased w/c levels
can be ascribed to the deterioration of the CPB microstructure
due to the increased porosity and void ratio [13].
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Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 277–284
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The alkali–silica reaction in waterglass-alkali-activated slag (waterglass-AAS) and ordinary Portland
Received 22 July 2008 cement (OPC) mortars was evaluated using three types of (siliceous and calcareous) aggregates. The tests
Received in revised form 16 January 2009 were conducted to the ASTM C1260-94 standard test method. The mortars were studied by volume sta-
Accepted 3 February 2009
bility, mechanical strength and Hg intrusion porosity. The ASR products were studied with XRD, FTIR and
Available online 14 February 2009
SEM/EDX techniques.
According to the results obtained, under the test conditions applied in this study, waterglass-AAS mor-
tars are stronger and more resistant to alkali-aggregate reactions than OPC mortars. When the mortars
Alkali-activated slag mortars
were made with a reactive siliceous aggregate, expansion was four times greater in the OPC than in
Porosity the AAS material. When a reactive calcareous (dolomite) aggregate was used, no expansion was detected
Mechanical strength in any of the mortars after 14 days, although the characterization results showed that the dolomite had
Microstructure reacted and calcareous-alkali products (brucite) had in fact formed in both mortars. These reactive pro-
cesses were more intense in OPC than in AAS mortars, probably due to the absence of portlandite in the
latter. When the calcareous aggregate was non-reactive, no expansions were observed in any of the mor-
tars, although a substantial rise was recorded in the mechanical strength of AAS mortars exposed to the
most aggressive conditions (1 M NaOH and 80 °C).
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction and the formation of silica gels of varying composition and struc-
ture. These same studies have shown, however, that the mechani-
The world-wide need to reduce the energy used and the green- cal strength of AAS mortars is not adversely affected by such more
house gases emitted during cement manufacture has led to the intense carbonation.
pursuit of more eco-efficient materials, such as alkali-activated The high concentration of alkalis in alkaline cements (over 3%)
slag cements (AAS). These cements are obtained by mixing of blast suggests that alkali-activated cements may be more vulnerable
furnace slags (by-products from the iron industry) with alkaline to alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR)-induced expansion than OPC
solutions. The behaviour and durability of AAS mortars and con- mortars, although it is likewise true that in these alkaline systems
cretes have been extensively studied [1–15]. These researches have the Ca2+ ion concentration in the pore solution is lower, a deter-
shown that such materials can develop comparable, and in some mining factor in the alkali-aggregate reaction [23]. The studies
cases greater, mechanical strength than mortars made with ordi- conducted to date have yielded varying and at times clearly contra-
nary Portland cement (OPC) [3,4]. They are also highly sulphate dictory results. Metso [24] reported differences in the AAR-med-
and seawater resistant [7,8] and perform well when exposed to iated expansive behaviour of two slags activated with the same
acid media [9,10], chloride ions [11] and freeze-thaw cycles amount of alkali. Gifford and Gillot [25] found behavioural differ-
[12,13]. All these characteristics and properties are essentially ences depending on the nature of the aggregate: in the presence
associated with the special nature of the main hydration product of reactive calcareous aggregate, AAS concretes were more vulner-
in these systems (a less basic and more highly polymerized CSH able to the reaction and more prone to form expansive products
gel than formed in OPC systems) [16–19] and the lower porosity than OPC concretes, whereas the findings were reversed when
and permeability of the respective mortars and concretes [20]. reactive siliceous aggregate was used. The results obtained by
Recent studies [21,22] have shown that while AAS mortars do Bakharev et al. [26], in turn, showed that alkali-aggregate reac-
not generate Ca(OH)2 during hydration, they are more readily tion-induced expansion was greater in waterglass-AAS than in
and intensely carbonated than OPC mortars. In AAS systems the OPC concretes, particularly in the first 5 months of the experiment,
CSH gel itself is carbonated directly, prompting decalcification when an alkali–siliceous gel was observed to form around the
aggregate. By contrast, Fernandez-Jiménez and Puertas [27] found
* Corresponding author. Fax: +34 913020700.
that NaOH-AAS mortars made with reactive opaline aggregate
E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Puertas). exhibited a lower expansion rate than OPC mortars prepared and
0958-9465/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
278 F. Puertas et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 277–284
Table 1
Chemical analysis of cement and blast furnace slag (% by weight).
Binder CaO SiO2 Al2O3 MgO Fe2O3 SO
3 S2 Na2O Free CaO L.I.O. I.R. Blaine (m2/Kg)
Cement 65.03 18.61 4.46 2.20 4.39 2.94 – 0.12 0.64 0.43 0.18 527
Slag 41.00 35.34 13.65 4.11 0.39 0.06 1.91 0.01 – 2.72 0.64 325
Mineralogical composition of the cement
C3S C2S C3A C4AF K2SO4 CaSO4 2H2O CaSO4 1/2H2O CaSO4
Cement 70.8(4) 10.3(4) 2.7(1) 13.6(2) 0.6(1) – 1.1(1) 0.9(1)
stored under the same conditions. Similar results have been re- 1097-6. The potential reactivity of the siliceous aggregate was
ported by other authors [28] for waterglass-AAS concretes. Accord- evaluated to Spanish standard UNE 146507 EX. XRD, FTIR and thin
ing to the results of Krivenko [29], the Al2O3 content in section microscopic techniques were used to determine the mine-
aluminosilicate constituent is a determining factor in the alkali- ralogy of the three types of aggregate.
aggregate reaction in alkaline cementitious systems.
These discrepancies may be due to the use of different materials 2.2. Mortar preparation
(nature of the slag, type and concentration of the alkaline activator,
nature and percentage of the reactive aggregate) and the alkali- Table 3 lists all the mortars, which were prepared as specified in
aggregate reaction test conditions and standards applied. European standard EN-UNE 196-1. The alkali-aggregate reaction
In light of the need, for a more rigorous procedure for establish- was evaluated according to the method described in ASTM stan-
ing the behaviour of AAS mortars and concretes made from aggre- dard C1260-94. Further to this standard, the aggregate must have
gate with varying degrees of reactivity, the present study was a specific particle size distribution (see Table 4). While all the mor-
undertaken to ascertain the behaviour of waterglass-AAS mortars tars prepared had the particle size distribution called for in the
prepared with calcareous and siliceous aggregate under the condi- standard, the liquid/cement ratio in the AAS mortars had to be
tions laid down in ASTM standard C1260-94. raised to 0.52, for the mortars were unworkable with less. A
water/cement ratio of 0.47 was maintained for the OPC mortars,
2. Experimental however.
Mortar specimens measuring 2.5 2.5 28.7 cm were pre-
2.1. Materials pared for each binder/aggregate combination, with a binder/aggre-
gate ratio of 1/2.25.The specimens were cured in a moist cabinet
The chemical composition of CEM I 52.5 N cement and the vit- (99% R.H., 21 ± 2 °C) for the first 24 h and then de-moulded. The
reous blast furnace slag used in the study is given in Table 1. The de-moulded samples were submerged in water and kept in an oven
table also shows the quantitative mineralogical composition, pur- at 80 °C for 24 h, after which the first shrinkage measurement was
suant to Rietveld refinement of XRD patterns [30]. The blast fur- taken. They were subsequently submerged in deionized water at
nace slag had a vitreous content of 99% [31]. room temperature (control mortars) or in 1 M NaOH at 80 °C and
The slag was alkali-activated with a waterglass solution stored under these conditions for 14 days, according to the ASTM
(Na2O nSiO2 mH2O + NaOH) containing 4% Na2O by slag mass standard (see storage conditions on Table 3). Previous studies
and a SiO2/Na2O ratio of 1.08. [27] concluded that for determining the potential expansion due
The physical and chemical characteristics of the three types of to alkali-aggregate reaction in AAS mortars, 14 days is not a suit-
aggregate used to prepare the mortars, two calcareous and one sili- able period and a longer period is required. Consequently in the
ceous, are summarized in Table 2. Aggregate water absorption and present study the AAS mortars were additionally stored in the dif-
density were determined as specified in Spanish standard UNE ferent media during 4 months.
Table 2
Aggregate characteristics and composition.
Aggregate Density (g/cm3) Absorp. coefficient (Aq) Potential reactivity Mineralogical composition
Siliceous (S) 2.64 0.7 Negative Quartz, calcite and albite-type feldspars
Non-reactive (C) calcareous 2.65 0.5 – Calcite and quartz traces
Reactive calcareous (CR) 2.67 0.4 – Calcite, dolomite and quartz traces
Table 3
Mortars prepared.
14 days 4 months
According to ASTM standard C1260, mortars that expand by
more than 0.1% when stored for 14 days in 1 M NaOH at 80 °C Fig. 2. Mechanical strength in OPC mortars.
% Expansion
both calcareous submerged to alkaline medium; but in any case Also at this time (4 months) a slight decrease on mechanical
those expansion values were lower than 0.1%. strengths was observed in the OPC mortar with reactive calcareous
aggregate in aggressive conditions.
3.2. Compressive strengths All the AAS mortars (see Fig. 3) stored during 14 days in the
alkaline medium exhibited much higher strength values than the
The mechanical behaviour of the 14 days and 4 months speci- specimens stored in water, with non-dolomite aggregate AAS mor-
mens stored in water and the alkaline medium are shown in Figs. tars (AAS-C2) reaching values of 124 MPa, i.e., 29% higher than the
2 and 3. water-stored samples. Only the AAS mortar with siliceous aggre-
According to these findings, after 14 days of storage, the gate and stored in alkaline medium during 4 months shows a de-
strength of both OPC and AAS mortars made with siliceous and cal- crease on the compressive strength. In the rest of the mortars an
careous aggregate increased after the accelerated test, except in increase of the strengths were observed.
OPC mortars with siliceous aggregate. The results obtained after
4 months of storage show a decrease (of about 35%) in the com- 3.3. Microstructural and mineralogical characterization
pressive strength in these same mortars with siliceous aggregate.
This mechanical behaviour is explained, in part, by the porosity
and pore size distribution results obtained for the mortars. Fig. 4
140 shows the MIP findings for total porosity and pore size distribution
16 10
14 8
4 0
> 100 microns 100 - 10 10 - 1,0 1,0 - 0,1 0,1 - 0,01 < 0,01
2 microns microns microns microns microns
Fig. 4. Total porosity and pore size distribution in OPC mortars after 14 days of accelerated test.
16 10
6 2
4 0
2 > 100 100 - 10 10 - 1,0 1,0 - 0,1 0,1 - 0,01 < 0,01
microns microns microns microns microns microns
Fig. 5. Total porosity and pore size distribution in AAS mortars after 14 days of accelerated test.
F. Puertas et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 277–284 281
Fig. 8. SEM/BSE image and analysis of AAS-C2 mortar after 14 days of accelerated test.
282 F. Puertas et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 277–284
products in the AAS mortars differed slightly from the findings de-
scribed for the OPC mortars. Some of the morphologies and compo-
sitions of these ASR products observed in sample AAS-S2, are given
in Fig. 11. In this case, the formation of the expansive products
does not have a negative effect on the compressive strength (see
Fig. 3). In both mortars (OPC-S2 and AAS-S2) the reactivity of sili-
ceous aggregate is due mainly to the presence of feldspars (see Ta-
ble 2) in this aggregate. These feldspars suffer hydrolysis in the
accelerated conditions due to an exchange between the metal ions
of the feldspars and the ions present in the solution [33]. This
hydrolysis process is increased by the high pH of the solution
and the temperature.
The OPC and AAS mortars with dolomite calcareous aggregate
exhibited no variations in volume or adverse effects on their
strength; nonetheless, the mineralogical characterization study
conducted on the two mortars showed that alkali-calcareous
Fig. 9. Mortar OPC-S2 after 14 days of accelerated test. Morphology of ASR in a pore. aggregate reactions did take place after 14 days of test and that
these reactions depended on the nature of the binder. The diffrac-
tograms for binder-enriched samples OPC-CR1 and OPC-CR2 ob-
products observed in the OPC-S2 mortar are shown in Fig. 10. The tained after the accelerated test are reproduced in Fig. 12a. Note
formation of these expansive reaction products induces a decrease that the diffraction lines assigned to dolomite at d (Å) 2.89 and
of the total porosity and the compressive strength as it has been 2.19 and the ettringite phase at d (Å) 9.66 and 5.60 disappeared
discussed above. On the contrary, the morphology of the ASR in the sample stored in 1 N NaOH at 80 °C (OPC-CR2). The low
Fig. 10. Morphologies and compositions of ASR products in OPC-S2 mortar after 14 days of accelerated test.
Fig. 11. Morphologies and compositions of ASR products in AAS-S2 mortar after 14 days of accelerated test.
F. Puertas et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 277–284 283
a C b OPC-CR1
OPC-CR1 1115
D PC C C C C 710
P C P A D P A C 3690 988 518
3643 3450 873
P C C C C 992
C P A C P AC 1432
874 670
CC AAS-CR2 1432 874
AAS-CR1 D C C C C 995
C D C 670
3450 1432 710
C C 980 874
Fig. 12. (a) XRD and (b) FTIR of OPC and AAS mortars after 14 days of accelerated test.
intensity signals at d (Å) 4.76 and 2.36 on this diffractogram were (a) When a non-reactive calcareous aggregate was used, no
attributed to Mg(OH)2. The FTIR study also detected an absorption variations in volume were observed in any of the mortars,
peak at 3690 cm1, attributed to the hydroxide O-H stretching although a substantial rise was recorded in the mechanical
vibrations in brucite (Mg(OH)2) (see Fig. 12b). In addition, these strength of AAS mortars exposed to the most aggressive con-
spectra confirmed the absence of ettringite in the OPC-CR2 mortars, ditions (1 M NaOH and 80 °C). Ca2+ ion diffusion from the
for no present of S–O vibration bands of SO2 4 groups at around aggregate toward the matrix was also observed, with the
1115 cm2,that identify that hydrated phase. formation of highly cohesive aggregate-paste interfaces.
Fig. 12a shows the diffractrograms for binder-enriched samples (b) Although both the OPC and the AAS specimens made with
AAS-CR1 and AAS-CR2. In this case the dolomite signals did not dis- reactive siliceous aggregate expanded under the most
appear from sample AAS-CR2 (stored in 1 M NaOH at 80 °C); nor aggressive conditions (submerged in 1 M NaOH at 80 °C),
did the XRD study clearly identify the formation of brucite expansion was nearly four times larger in the OPC than the
(Mg(OH)2). The shoulder at around 3690 cm1 on the FTIR spec- AAS mortars.
trum (see Fig. 12b), however, may indicate the formation of this (c) When a calcareous (dolomite) reactive aggregate was used,
phase, albeit in a lower proportion than observed in the OPC none of the mortars expanded after 14 days; nonetheless,
samples. the results of the characterization study conducted showed
The de-dolomitization of dolomite aggregate as a result of the that the dolomite reacted in both mortars and that calcare-
reaction with alkaline solutions leads to the neo-formation of bru- ous-alkali products (brucite) did in fact form. These reactive
cite (Mg(OH)2) and the regeneration of the alkaline hydroxide, as processes were more intense in OPC than in AAS mortars,
shown below [34]: probably due to the absence of portlandite in the latter.
(d) Unlike the OPC mortars, under the most aggressive condi-
CaMgðCO3 Þ2 þ 2NaOH!MgðOHÞ2 þ CaCO3 þ Na2 CO3
tions for the aggregate the AAS mortars exhibited a decline
Na2 CO3 þ CaðOHÞ2 !CaCO3 þ 2NaOH in total porosity and a very significant increase in mechani-
The findings of the present study showed that this process was cal strength. These effects were probably due to the reaction
more intense in OPC than in AAS mortars, probably due to the pres- between the remaining anhydrous slag and the alkaline
ence of Ca(OH)2 in the former and its absence in the latter. solutions in the medium, with the concomitant formation
Ettringite decomposed in both types of mortar after storage in of new hydration products.
1 M NaOH at 80 °C. The explanation may be found in the instability
of this mineral at temperatures of over 70 °C [35] in the presence of In summary, under the test conditions applied in this study,
a high concentration of alkalis. According to Berger [36], ettringite waterglass-AAS mortars proved to be higher in strength and more
decomposes in solutions with over 2.7% by weight of Me2O resistant to the alkali-aggregate reaction than their OPC counter-
(Me = Na, K, Li). parts. Also, AAS mortars are more vulnerable to alkali-aggregate
reaction and expansion with siliceous aggregate than calcareous
4. Conclusions
The OPC and waterglass-AAS mortars containing siliceous and
calcareous aggregate behaved differently under the test conditions This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education
applied in this study (based on ASTM standard C1260-94): and Science under Project No. BIA2007-61380. The authors thanks
284 F. Puertas et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 277–284
to M.M. Alonso and J. Llueca for their support in tests conducted for [17] Escalante-García JI, Fuentes AF, Gorokovsky A, Fraire-Luna PE, Mendoza-
Suarez G. Hydration products and reactivity of blast-furnace slag activated by
this study. M. Palacios worked under a postdoctoral contract
various alkalis. J Am Ceram Soc 2003;86(12):48–53.
awarded by the CSIC. [18] Fernández-Jiménez A, Puertas F, Sobrados I, Sanz J. Structure of calcium silicate
hydrates formed in alkaline activated slag. Influence of the type of alkaline
activator. J Am Ceram Soc 2003;86(8):1389–94.
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Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 285–289
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The microstructure of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between cement paste and aggregate depends
Received 25 August 2008 strongly on the nature of the aggregate, specifically its porosity and water absorption. Lightweight aggre-
Received in revised form 5 March 2009 gates (LWA) with a porous surface layer have been noted to produce a dense ITZ microstructure that is
Accepted 11 March 2009
equivalent to that of the bulk cement paste, as opposed to the more porous ITZ regions that typically sur-
Available online 21 March 2009
round normal weight aggregates. This ITZ microstructure can have a large influence on diffusive transport
into a concrete, especially if the individual ITZ regions are percolated (connected) across the three-
dimensional microstructure. In this paper, the substitution of LWA sand for a portion of the normal
Building technology
weight sand to provide internal curing (IC) for a mortar is examined with respect to its influence on
Interfacial transition zone ITZ percolation and chloride ingress. Experimental measurements of chloride ion penetration depths
Internal curing are combined with computer modeling of the ITZ percolation and random walk diffusion simulations
Lightweight aggregate to determine the magnitude of the reduced diffusivity provided in a mortar with IC vs. one with only nor-
Microstructure mal weight sand. In this study, for a mixture of sands that is 31% LWA and 69% normal weight sand by
Percolation volume, the chloride ion diffusivity is estimated to be reduced by 25% or more, based on the measured
penetration depths.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.
schematically in two dimensions in Fig. 2. The impetus for the cur- cement, while maintaining an overall volume fraction of 55% for
rent study was an observation made during a recent study on the the sand or sand/LWA blend in each mortar. The LWA, an expanded
effectiveness of viscosity modifiers in reducing the ingress of chlo- shale, was obtained from a lightweight aggregate manufacturer. It
ride ions into mortars (VERDiCT: Viscosity Enhancers Reducing Dif- has a saturated-surface-dried (SSD) specific gravity of 1.80 and a
fusion in Concrete Technology) [23]. In that study, three methods total water absorption capacity of 22% by mass; 20.3% water or
for introducing a polyoxyalkylene alkyl ether viscosity modifier about 93% of the total water is released from the LWA during
into the mortar were explored, namely direct addition to the desorption in a 93% RH environment [22].
mixing water, application as a topical curing solution, and incorpo- After mixing each mortar, cylindrical specimens 50 mm in
ration via pre-wetted lightweight fine aggregates. The latter tech- diameter by 100 mm in height were prepared. After curing for
nology, FLAIR (Fine Lightweight Aggregates as Internal 1 d in the molds and subsequently curing for either 7 d or 28 d,
Reservoirs), had been previously applied to introduce shrinkage- the cylinders were exposed in individual sealed plastic bottles to
reducing admixtures (SRA) into a mortar, mitigating the air 1 M chloride ion solutions. The control mortar was cured in a solu-
detrainment observed when the SRA was added directly to the tion of NaOH/KOH/Ca(OH)2, to avoid leaching of alkalis from the
mixing water [24]. As shown in Fig. 3, while all three methods of mortar into the curing solution. For the mortar with IC, sealed cur-
VERDiCT introduction generally reduced the depth of chloride pen- ing in double plastic bags (7 d or 28 d) was employed, to promote
etration into a w/c = 0.4 mortar, by far the most successful was water movement from the lightweight fine aggregates to the sur-
when an aqueous solution of the viscosity enhancer was utilized rounding cement paste, as discussed previously. Isothermal calo-
to pre-wet the lightweight fine aggregates. Based on these results, rimetry measurements were conducted at 25 °C during the first
the current study using LWA pre-wetted with water only was ini- 7 d of curing on replicate sealed mortar specimens weighing be-
tiated to separate out the beneficial effects of IC from those of tween 7 g and 7.5 g.
VERDiCT. A silver nitrate spraying method [26,27] is being employed for
quantifying the chloride ion ingress into the control and IC mortar
2. Experiments and modeling cylinders after exposure times of 28 d, 56 d, 180 d, and 365 d. At
each exposure time, two cylinders are removed from their chloride
For this study, mortars with a water-to-cement ratio (w/c) of solutions and broken down the middle (lengthwise) using a uni-
0.4 were prepared. The actual batch mixture proportions employed versal testing machine. For each specimen, one of the two created
for mortars with and without IC are provided in Table 1. The faces is sprayed with silver nitrate (AgNO3), the specimen is photo-
replacement of normal weight sand by LWA in the mortar was per- graphed, and image processing software is used to visually assess
formed to provide an extra 0.08 units of curing water per mass of the penetration depth of the chloride ions (example of results pre-
viously obtained using this technique are provided in Fig. 3).
The sieve size distributions of the different sands and the LWA
had been previously measured. For the mortar with IC, different
Control Control-surface portions of the four normal weight sands were replaced by LWA
VERDiCT VERDiCT-surface as indicated in Table 1, in order to maintain a similar overall fine
6 VERDiCT-FLAIR aggregate size distribution. The specific sieve size distributions
Cl penetration depth (mm)
Table 2
Measured penetration depths of chlorides into mortars, via AgNO3 spraying technique.
Curing time (d) Exposure to Cl (d) Penetration depth (mm) for control mortar Penetration depth (mm) for IC mortar lIC/lcont DIC/Dcont
7 28 6.7 (0.6) 5.0 (0.4) 0.75 0.56
7 56 6.3 (0.3) 5.3 (0.1) 0.84 0.70
28 28 5.06 (0.33) 3.67 (0.39) 0.73 0.53
28 56 5.11 (0.53) 4.36 (0.30) 0.85 0.73
Numbers in parentheses indicate standard deviation in penetration depth between replicate specimens.
or the normal weight sand employed in this study. This suggests penetration depths for the IC and control mortars should be equiv-
that any reduction in chloride penetration depth is not being alent to the square root of the ratio of their diffusivities, or con-
caused by absorption of the chloride ions by the LWA (or sand). versely that the ratio of their diffusivities is given by the ratio of
their penetration depths squared, recognizing that the multi-mode
3. Results and discussion transport/reaction occurring in the real material is being mapped
onto much simpler Fickian diffusion. These ratios for the various
The measured penetration depths for chloride ingress into the curing conditions and chloride exposure periods have been in-
various mortars with and without IC are summarized in Table 2. cluded as the last two columns in Table 2. They suggest that the
In every case, the penetration depth measured by the AgNO3 spray- diffusion coefficient for chloride ions in the IC mortar may be only
ing technique is significantly less for the mortars with IC than for about 55–75% of that for the control mortar, a significant reduc-
their equivalent control mortars with no IC. While the exact ana- tion. In many real world degradation scenarios, concrete service
lytical solution for ingress/binding of chloride ions from a fixed life is proportional to diffusion coefficients, so reducing the diffu-
solution volume into a cylindrical mortar specimen is quite com- sion coefficient by a factor of two, for example, could effectively
plex [28] even when fluid sorption (imbibition) and reaction/bind- double the service life of the concrete [23].
ing are neglected, it contains terms of the form Dt/l2, where D is the Could such a significant reduction in diffusion coefficients be
diffusion coefficient, t is the exposure time, and l is the penetration explained simply by the absence of ITZ regions surrounding the
depth. This implies that for a fixed exposure time, the ratio of the lightweight aggregates in the IC mortar? According to the simula-
tion results provided in Fig. 4, the volume fraction of percolated ITZ
paste (defined as the volume fraction of ITZ paste that is continu-
0.24 ous across the microstructure) for the IC mortar is only 60% of that
Percolated ITZ volume fraction
Heat Release (J/g cement)
150 Control-1
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168
Time (h)
Fig. 5. Isothermal calorimetry results (25 °C) for mortars without (Control) and with IC. Results for two replicates for the control mortar are shown to provide an indication of
D.P. Bentz / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 285–289 289
about a 5% increase in heat released (or degree of hydration) at a concretes: laboratory and field experiences. American Concrete Institute,
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55% to 75% of that of the control mortar (e.g., 0.78 0.68 = 0.53 [7] Winslow DN, Cohen MD, Bentz DP, Snyder KA, Garboczi EJ. Percolation and
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Still, some reduction will surely be achieved along with enhanced composites: impact on processing-structure–property relations. J Mater Sci
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simulation and experimental techniques presented here should be [14] Scrivener KL, Nemati KM. The percolation of pore space in the cement paste/
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reducing diffusion in concrete technology. Concr Int 2009;31(1):31–6.
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The author thanks Mr. Max Peltz of the Building and Fire Re- chemical admixtures in concrete. In: Proceedings of the 4th international
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University; 2005. p. 189–96.
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Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 290–300
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Glass FRP-strengthened RC beams were subjected to sustained loads and placed for different periods out-
Received 21 December 2007 doors, indoors, and in chambers that accelerate the effects of outdoor tropical weathering by a factor of
Received in revised form 17 March 2009 six. Beams subjected to outdoor weathering had up to 18% larger crack widths and 16% larger deflections
Accepted 20 March 2009
compared to those kept indoors at the end of 1 and 23=4 years, respectively. The increase in deflections and
Available online 27 March 2009
crack widths was lesser for beams with a higher FRP reinforcement ratio. The residual flexural strength
and ductility of the beams decreased with longer weathering periods. Also, the failure mode of the beams
changed from concrete crushing to FRP rupture, indicating a deterioration in the mechanical properties of
Beams (support)
the FRP laminates. Analytical methods which account for material degradation in concrete and FRP lam-
Deflection inates are presented and found to predict the long-term flexural characteristics of the beams well.
Ductility Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fiber-reinforced polymer
Long-term serviceability
Residual strength
Sustained loads
1. Introduction duced the flexural strength by 15% due to deterioration of bond be-
tween FRP laminate and concrete.
Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite laminates have been In reality, structures are subjected to sustained loading and the
popularly used in structural strengthening of reinforced concrete combined effect of sustained loading and weathering is likely to
(RC) members due to their high strength–weight ratio and ease cause further degradation in the mechanical properties of concrete
of installation [1,2] compared to other materials such as steel and FRP composite laminates. This would ultimately reduce the
plates. However, the long-term field performance of such FRP- overall stiffness of the beam, as well as the safety margin against
strengthened members has not been well established. the ultimate collapse.
Limited studies have been reported on the flexural strength of This paper reports a study on the long-term flexural character-
FRP-strengthened RC beams subjected to weathering [3–5]. istics of glass FRP-strengthened RC beams that were subjected to
A study by Almusallam et al. [3] revealed that both solar radiation sustained loads and placed outdoors, indoors, and in weathering
and wet–dry condition did not affect the flexural strength or rigid- chambers that accelerate the effects of the outdoor tropical climate
ity of beams strengthened with glass FRP (GFRP) laminates signif- by a factor of six. Analytical methods accounting for the degrada-
icantly for an exposure period of 12 months. On the other hand, tion in material properties are presented to calculate the long-term
Leung et al. [4] reported a reduction in flexural capacity of carbon deflection and residual flexural strength of the FRP-strengthened
FRP-strengthened concrete beams when immersed in water for a RC beams.
period of 6 months. Liew [5] studied the accelerated weathering
effect of tropical climate on RC beams strengthened with GFRP 2. Analytical considerations
laminates, and concluded that a weathering period of 6–9 months
resulted in the change in failure mode with a marginal drop of 2% 2.1. Calculation of deflection
in flexural capacity whereas weathering for more than 6 years re-
Under sustained loading, the concrete in the compression zone
is subjected to creep which leads to a smaller effective modulus of
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +65 65162260; fax: +65 67791635. the material and correspondingly larger beam deflections in the
E-mail address: [email protected] (K.H. Tan). long-term. Similarly, the FRP laminates are subjected to tensile
0958-9465/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K.H. Tan et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 290–300 291
Table 1
Test program.
Beam Total sustained load, Ps (kN) Ps/P1a Exposure condition Exposure duration Remarks
(a) Small specimens (100 mm 100 mm 700 mm)
A1/A2-6 m 20.4 0.53 Ambient 6 months Beams under sustained loads in ambient laboratory condition
A1/A2-1y 1 year
E1/E2-6 m Exterior/outdoor 6 months Beams under sustained loads in exterior/outdoor natural condition
E1/E2-1y 1 year
C1/C2-5d 22.7 0.59 Chamber 5 days Beams under sustained loads in chamber
C1/C2-15d 15 days
C1/C2-1 m 1 month
C1/C2-2 m 2 months
C1/C2-3 m 3 months
C1/C2-6 m 6 months
Beam qfrpb (%) Ps (kN) Ps/Puc Exposure condition Exposure duration Remarks
(b) Large specimens (100 mm 125 mm 2000 mm)
A0-3y 0 15.8 0.59 Ambient 23=4 years Beams under sustained loads in ambient laboratory condition
A1-3y 0.64 0.49
A3-3y 1.92 0.40
C1-1y 0.64 17.7 0.55 Chamber 1 year Beams under sustained loads in chamber
C3-1y 1.92 0.45
P1: calculated load-carrying capacity of Beam A1-0d.
qfrp: FRP reinforcement ratio = FRP laminate area/cross-section area.
Pu: calculated load-carrying capacity.
A Efrp
Efrp;t ¼ ð2Þ
1 þ /frp
100 mm Efrp;w
uE;w ¼ ð4Þ
Section A-A
(b) Large Specimens where Efrp,w = modulus of elasticity of FRP laminates at time t under
the sole effect of weathering. The value of uE,w can be established
Fig. 1. Test beams and section details. from tensile tests on weathered specimens.
The effective modulus of elasticity of FRP laminates as a result
of the combined sustained loading and tropical weathering can
creep, leading to the same result. On the other hand, the action of then be taken as the product of Efrp,t and uE,w, which in view of
weathering factors such as heat, moisture and sunlight, is to Eqs. (2) and (4), can be written as:
292 K.H. Tan et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 290–300
Table 2
Properties of FRP systems.
2.2. Calculation of flexural strength in which, efrp,db = FRP debonding strain, fc0 = concrete cylinder com-
pressive strength, and tfrp = thickness of FRP laminates, bw = bond
In this study, the sustained loads and tropical weathering are width coefficient, and bl = bond length coefficient.
assumed to have insignificant effect on the ultimate strength and The predicted failure mode would be the one with the lowest
strain of concrete. The ultimate strain of FRP composite laminate moment capacity.
after weathering under sustained loads is taken as:
efrpu;wt ¼ ue;t ue;w efrp;u ð6Þ 3. Test program
where ue,t = residual ultimate strain function under sustained load- Tests were carried out on two sizes of beam specimens as
ing, ue,w = residual ultimate strain function under weathering, and shown in Table 1 and Fig. 1. Two types of glass fiber-reinforced
efrp,u = ultimate strain of virgin (that is, unweathered, non-load sus- polymer (GFRP) systems, Type 1 and Type 2 as described later,
tained) FRP laminate. were used for the smaller specimens. Type 1 GFRP system was
The value of ue,t is obtained as [9]: used for strengthening of larger specimens.
The beams were designated as Xm-t, where ‘X’ denotes the
efrp;u ðefrp;t efrp Þ efrp
ue;t ¼ ¼ 1 /frp ð7Þ weathering condition (that is, ‘A’ for indoors, ‘E’ for outdoors and
efrp;u efrp;u ‘C’ for in-chamber), ‘m’ is the type of GFRP system for small speci-
where efrp = instantaneous strain in FRP laminate due to sustained mens and the number of ply of GFRP laminate for large specimens
loads, which can be calculated from elastic bending theory using and ‘t’ indicates the actual weathering period in days (d), months
cracked section analysis, and efrp,t = strain in FRP laminate at time t. (m) or years (y). For example, C1-6 m refers to a beam strengthened
K.H. Tan et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 290–300 293
1 P /4 3 P/4
2 P /4 4 P/4
Plan view
# All measurements are in mm
(a) Small Specimens
Steel Plates
with Type 1 GFRP laminates and placed in the weathering chamber 3.2. Installation of FRP system
for 6 months.
For small beams, one ply of Type 1 GFRP laminate (50 mm wide
3.1. Material properties and 0.8 mm thick) or Type 2 GFRP laminate, (100 mm wide and
0.7 mm thick) was installed on the tensile face of each beam. The
The average concrete cube compressive strength and modulus tensile capacity of the laminates was kept the same; hence the
of elasticity were 42 MPa and 24.8 GPa, respectively, at 28 days. widths of the FRP laminates were different. For large beams, Type
The average yield strength and modulus of elasticity of the hot- 1 GFRP composite laminates, 100 mm in width, were applied in
rolled deformed tensile longitudinal reinforcement averaged one ply (0.8 mm thick) for Beams A1 and C1, and in three plies
525 MPa and 200 GPa, respectively. (2.4 mm thick) for Beams A3 and C3. The GFRP system was installed
Type 1 FRP system consisted of unidirectional roving E-glass fi- 21 days after casting following the wet lay-out procedure. At the
ber fabric that is commercially available for structural strengthen- ends of the GFRP laminate, a carbon fiber sheet was attached trans-
ing works while Type 2 FRP system consisted of bidirectional versely to prevent premature plate-end debonding during testing.
woven roving E-glass fiber fabric that is used to produce commer-
cial products. Type 2 system has less superior mechanical proper- 3.3. Application of sustained loads
ties than Type 1 system. In both systems, the fabric was
impregnated with a two-part, 100% solid, and low viscosity amine The service load for the beams was assumed as Pu/1.7, where Pu
cured epoxy by hand to form the laminates. The properties of glass is the calculated load-carrying capacity of the beam. The factor of
fiber fabrics and resin, as supplied by the manufacturers, are 1.7 is based on the normal loads carried by a structural concrete
shown in Table 2. member under service condition. For the small beam specimens
294 K.H. Tan et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 290–300
3.0 0.4
2.5 E2 0.3 A2
A2 E1
2.0 0.2
Condition FRP Type
1.5 A1 Ambient 1 0.1
A2 Ambient 2
E1 Exterior 1
E2 Exterior 2
1.0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
Outdoor Period (Days)
(a) Small Specimens
Total Deflections (mm)
9 9
A1-3y C3-1y
6 6
3 P sus 3 P sus
A1-3y: 0.49P 1 A3-3y: 0.40P 3
ρ frp = 0.64% C1-1y: 0.55P 1 ρ frp = 1.92% C3-1y: 0.45P 3
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Outdoor Period (Days)
(b) Large Specimens
Fig. 4. Effect of weathering on long-term serviceability.
placed outdoors or under ambient condition, the sustained load using concrete blocks and steel plates at four-points along the span
was 90% of the service load or 0.53P1, where P1 is the calculated to simulate uniform sustained loads. The beams kept under ambi-
load-carrying capacity of the beam strengthened with one ply of ent laboratory condition (A0-3y, A1-3y, and A3-3y) were subjected
GFRP laminate. to a sustained load equal to the service load or 0.59 times the ulti-
For specimens placed in the weathering chamber, an equivalent mate load-carrying capacity (0.59P0) of the unstrengthened beam.
sustained load had to be applied so as to accelerate the effect by a This is equivalent to 0.49 times the ultimate load-carrying capacity
factor of six, similar to the effect of accelerated weathering (see of the beam strengthened with one ply of GFRP laminates (0.49P1),
Section 3.4). It was determined as follows. Referring to Fig. 2, first, or 0.40 times that of the beam strengthened with three plies of
the deflection history of the beam under a sustained load of 0.53P1 GFRP laminates (0.40P3). For the two beams kept in the weathering
was computed analytically following the method explained earlier chamber, an equivalent sustained load determined in the same
in Section 2.1 but excluding the weathering effect. Then the sus- manner as for small specimens equal to 0.55P1 was applied on
tained loads to cause the same deflections at 30 days, 180 days, C1-1y and 0.45P3 on Beam C3-1y.
and 360 days in one-sixth the time were determined, and the aver-
age value was found to be equal to 0.59P1. 3.4. Weathering
All the beams were clamped in pairs using transverse stain-
less steel bars at the beam ends, as shown in Fig. 3a, with steel The tropical climate is characterized by a hot and humid
rods placed in between the beams at one-third points, to simu- weather with very little seasonal variation in temperature or pre-
late the sustained loads. The stress level was checked by contin- cipitation throughout the year. Just north of the Equator in Singa-
uous monitoring of strain gauges located at top concrete face, pore, the diurnal temperature rarely goes below 23 °C or above
internal tensile steel bars and the FRP laminates at mid-span 33 °C, and the monthly rainfall ranges between 100 to 180 mm.
of the beam. On average, there is not less than four sunshine hours per day.
The larger beams were simply supported over a span of Mean daily relative humidity is as high as 80–90% at night and
1800 mm on a steel frame as shown in Fig 3b. Loads were applied 50–60% during the daytime.
K.H. Tan et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 290–300 295
For small beam specimens, a ferrocement weathering chamber tively. From visual inspection, the interface between the FRP com-
(1500 mm 1000 mm 700 mm) was fabricated to simulate the posite laminate and the concrete substrate was found to be
outside tropical weathering effect in the laboratory [5]. By consid- unaffected by combined sustained loading and tropical weather-
ering the outdoor average diurnal sun hour percentage and ing; the larger deflections and crack widths may be due to the deg-
monthly rainfall fraction, a continuous light-wet-dark cycle was radation in tensile stiffness of GFRP composite laminate.
generated in the weathering chamber. In each cycle, the light per- Fig. 4b shows the effect of weathering on the deflections of large
iod lasted 1.5 h, during which both the UV-A floodlight and cera- beams under sustained loads. After 5½ months weathering in the
mic heaters worked together to generate UV-A ray and heat that chamber (equivalent to 23=4 years outdoors), Beams C1-1y (qfrp =
simulate the daytime weathering condition. It was then followed 0.64%) and C3-1y (qfrp = 1.92%) showed about 16% and 13% larger
by 1.5 h of wet period where the entire specimens were wetted deflections compared to Beams A1-3y (qfrp = 0.64%) and A3-3y
by water spraying through the atomizers, similar to outdoor wet- (qfrp = 1.92%), respectively, which were kept in ambient laboratory
ting of specimens by the rain. condition. Again, the larger deflections may be due to the degrada-
To better simulate the outdoor temperature and humidity fluc- tion in tensile stiffness of GFRP composite laminates due to the
tuations, 1 h of dark period (that is, idle period) was employed synergistic effect of sunlight and rainfall.
immediately after the light period, during which all the gadgets
were switched off. Hence one cycle of weathering took 4 h and 6
cycles can be completed within a day. The natural outdoor weath- 3.0
ering process was therefore carried out at an accelerated rate of six
in the weathering chamber. This has been verified from tests on
small beams was measured using a demec gauge system (Fig. 3)
with an accuracy of 0.002 mm and the crack width was measured C1-Avg.
using a hand-held microscope which has a graduated scale in divi-
sions of 0.02 mm. Measurements were taken upon application of
sustained loads, and after 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 21 days, weekly up to 0.2
3 months, every 15 days till 6 months, and thereafter every month
till the end of 1 year.
Deflections of large beams were measured using a transferable 0.1 (b) Small Exposure: Chamber
Specimens – FRP Type
dial beam consisting of a movable frame with three dial gauges lo- C1 1
cated at quarter points and mid-span. The dial gauges had an accu- Max. crack widths
C2 2
racy of 0.01 mm. Measurements were taken at the same time 0
intervals as those for the small beam specimens. 0 50 100 150 200
At the end of the weathering period, the specimens were re- Chamber Period (Days)
lieved of the sustained loads. They were then tested statically un-
der four-point loading using the Instron universal testing machine 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420
to failure, at a constant cross-head speed of 0.2 mm/min. The mid- 12
span deflection was monitored by a Linear Variable Displacement A0-3y
Transducer (LVDT). Crack widths were measured in the pure mo- C1-1y
ment zone at 5 kN intervals using a hand-held microscope. 9
Total Deflections (mm)
3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1
Total Deflections (mm)
A1: GFRP Type 1 (Unidirectional) E1: GFRP Type 1 (Unidirectional) C1: GFRP Type 1 (Unidirectional)
Exposure: Ambient Exposure: Outdoor Exposure: Chamber
P sus = 0.53P 1 P sus = 0.53P 1 P sus = 0.59P 1
0 0 00
3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1
A2: GFRP Type 2 (Bidirectional) E2: GFRP Type 2 (Bidirectional) C2: GFRP Type 2 (Bidirectional)
Exposure: Ambient Exposure: Outdoor Exposure: Chamber
P sus = 0.53P 1 P sus = 0.53P 1 P sus = 0.59P 1
0 0 00
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400 0 50 100 150 200
16 16
12 12
Total Deflections (mm)
8 8
4 C1-1y 4 C3-1y
ρ frp = 0.64% ρ frp = 1.92% Analytical
P sus = 0.55P 1 P sus = 0.45P 3 Experimental
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
Time after Loading (Days)
(b) Large Specimens
Fig. 6. Comparison of observed deflections with analytical predictions.
4.1.2. Effect of FRP type and reinforcement ratio qfrp = 0.64% than in Beam C3 with qfrp = 1.92%. Beam C1 was found
The total deflections and crack widths observed on small beams to deflect 20% more than Beam C3 under the same sustained loads
kept in the weathering chamber are shown in Fig. 5a and b, respec- after 1 year of accelerated weathering. Weathering elements did
tively. The solid lines give the average of the observed deflections not seem to result in deterioration of the interface bond within
and crack widths. At the end of 6 months of chamber weathering the FRP layers or between the FRP laminates and the concrete sub-
(equivalent to 3 years outdoor), beams strengthened with Type 1 strate in Beam C3 (qfrp = 1.92%). However, the deflections of Beams
FRP system showed 10% and 17% lesser deflection and crack width, C3 and C1 were 23% and 5% lesser, respectively, compared to the
respectively, compared to beams strengthened with Type 2 FRP control beam, A0-3y (qfrp = 0%) at the end of 5½ months in the
system. chamber.
On the other hand, after 1 year outdoor weathering (Fig. 4a),
beams strengthened with Type 1 GFRP system showed 9% lesser 4.1.3. Comparison of observed deflections with analytical predictions
deflection compared to beams strengthened with Type 2 GFRP sys- In the analysis, the creep coefficient of concrete established for
tem. As for crack widths, it was 21% lesser (Fig. 4a). The lesser conventional concrete of a similar strength as in the current inves-
amount of fiber in the direction of stress, initial lack of straightness tigation by Tan et al. [14] was used. The creep coefficient of FRP
of the fiber, and inferior mechanical properties may be responsible composite laminate was computed from Eq. (3) with m equal to
for the larger deflections and crack widths observed in beams 0.0095 for Type 1 GFRP and 0.035 for Type 2 GFRP system. These
strengthened with Type 2 GFRP system. values were the average values obtained by Holmes and Just [9]
Fig. 5c shows the effect of FRP reinforcement ratio on the deflec- from tensile creep tests on specimens subjected to stress levels
tions of the loaded beams under tropical weathering. The effect of (75–102 MPa for unidirectional and 36–88 MPa for bidirectional
weathering seems to be more detrimental in Beam C1 with GFRP) similar to the current investigation.
K.H. Tan et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 290–300 297
Table 3
Flexural characteristics of beams after weathering.
Specimen type Designation Pu (kN) wsl (mm) Dsla (mm) Dyl (mm) Dul (mm) Dul/Dyl Failure mode
Obs. Pred.
Unstrengthened small beams A0-6 ma 28.44 n.a. 1.53 1.98 5.31 2.68 n.a. n.a.
A0-1ya 27.21 n.a. 1.76 2.21 6.40 2.89 n.a. n.a.
Small beams with Type 1 GFRP A1-0d 45.18 0.28 2.70 3.23 10.58 3.27 CC CC
A1-6 m 32.98b 0.38 2.14 2.90 5.74 1.98 DB CC
A1-1y 42.30 0.20 2.03 2.50 6.51 2.60 CC CC
E1-6m 38.44 0.18 1.49 2.11 5.12 2.43 FR FR
E1-1y 40.14 0.14 1.40 1.82 5.40 2.96 FR FR
C1-5d 42.11 0.16 2.19 3.01 10.13 3.36 CC/DB CC
C1-15d 42.98 0.20 1.71 2.53 8.83 3.49 CC CC
C1-1 m 36.07 0.28 1.79 2.19 6.68 3.05 CC FR
C1-2 m 33.07 0.24 1.50 2.13 5.51 2.59 CC FR
C1-3 m 32.71 0.24 1.64 2.67 6.42 2.40 FR FR
C1-6 m 37.42 0.16 1.75 2.56 5.16 2.02 FR FR
Small beams with Type 2 GFRP A2-0d 39.36 0.22 2.22 2.89 7.18 2.49 CC CC
A2-6 m 37.02 0.14 2.39 2.85 6.13 2.15 FR FR
A2-1y 39.13 0.16 1.99 2.46 5.48 2.23 FR FR
E2-6 m 37.57 0.14 1.19 2.00 4.21 2.11 FR FR
E2-1y 36.41 0.14 1.10 1.93 3.78 1.96 FR FR
C2-5d 36.96 0.20 1.54 2.35 6.76 2.88 CC/FR CC
C2-15d 37.30 0.20 1.54 2.47 5.64 2.28 FR/CC CC
C2-1 m 26.71b 0.12 1.47 4.19 7.32 1.75 CC FR
C2-2 m 29.92b 0.26 1.53 2.42 5.74 2.37 FR FR
C2-3 m 34.75 0.18 2.43 2.99 7.38 2.47 FR FR
C2-6 m 34.79 0.16 1.52 2.25 4.59 2.04 FR FR
Large beams with Type 1 GFRP A1-0d 28.10 0.10 10.11 15.24 39.12 2.57 CC CC
C1-1y 24.59 0.08 6.01 12.58 15.94 1.27 FR FR
A3-0d 38.86 0.12 11.41 16.11 28.74 1.78 DB CC
C3/1y 35.68 0.13 8.79 17.39 26.75 1.54 FR CC
Note: Pu: ultimate load; wsl; max. crack width at service load (i.e., 0.59Pu).
Dsl: deflection at service load; Dyl: deflection at steel yield load; Dul: deflection at ult. load; n.a.: not applicable; CC: concrete crushing; DB: FRP debonding; FR: FRP rupture.
Beam without FRP composite laminate.
The residual modulus of elasticity functions due to the sole ef- with longer period of weathering. After 6 months of accelerated
fect of weathering was established by Liew [5] using tensile cou- weathering in chamber (equivalent to 3 years of outdoor weather-
pons as follows: ing), the flexural strength of beams strengthened with Type 1 GFRP
laminates was reduced by about 17%, that is, comparing C1-6 m
uE;w ¼ 1 k logðte Þ ð11Þ
with A1-0d. However, the strength is still 32% higher than the beam
where te = exposure period (in days); and k = 0.00103 and 0.00282 without FRP strengthening (A0-6 m). Beam E1-1y that was exposed
for Type 1 GFRP system subjected to outdoor weathering and accel- to outdoor weathering for 1 year showed only 5% reduction in flex-
erated weathering in the chamber, respectively, with corresponding ural strength compared to Beam A1-1y which was kept under ambi-
values of 0.0502 and 0.0609 for Type 2 GFRP system. ent condition. Beams strengthened with Type 2 GFRP laminates also
The calculated deflections are compared with the test results in showed a reduction in strength with weathering periods.
Fig. 6. The analytical predictions are in general conservative, but The load–deflection curves of small beams with Type 1 GFRP
reasonably accurate. The difference between the calculated and ob- laminates kept inside the weathering chamber are compared with
served deflections averaged 13% for small beams at the end of a the reference Beam A1-0d in Fig. 7a. The initial stiffness of all the
3 year equivalent outdoor period while for large beams, the aver- weathered beams was slightly lesser than that of Beam A1-0d. For
age difference was 16% at the end of a 6 year equivalent outdoor short periods of weathering (up to 15 days), the beams showed im-
period. The analytical results for deflection overestimated those proved stiffness beyond the sustained load level Ps (that is, 0.59P1 or
of the tests mainly because the materials did not degraded uni- 22.7 kN). The improved stiffness may be due to the initial curing of
formly and to the extent as the individual component materials concrete and FRP laminates during short periods of weathering,
when subjected to the same weathering conditions. That is, the in- which vanished quickly due to deterioration of fiber-resin bond
side concrete of the beam and the inner face of the laminates are and fiber strength with longer periods of weathering. Under out-
not as much affected by the weathering. door weathering (Fig. 7b), however, the stiffness of the beams after
1 year seems to be not much affected compared to the companion
4.2. Flexural strength beams kept under ambient condition.
The load–deflection curves of beams with Type 2 GFRP lami-
The flexural characteristics of all specimens tested after various nates are shown in Fig. 8. The flexural strength of Beam C2-6 m re-
time periods of weathering, is shown in Table 3. Among the small duced by about 12% after 6 months of accelerated weathering, but
beams strengthened with Type 1 GFRP system, Beam A1-6 m the flexural strength was still 22% higher than the unstrengthened
showed unexpectedly low strength due to the premature debond- Beam A0-6 m (Fig. 8a). After 1 year, Beam E2-1y showed only 7%
ing of GFRP laminate at the mid-span which is irrational consider- reduction in strength compared to Beam A2-1y (Fig. 8b).
ing the sustained load level and is therefore considered as an Also, Beams C2-1 m and C2-2 m showed unexpectedly a drop in
outlier. The other beams, in general, showed a reduction in strength strength of 32% and 24%, respectively (see Table 3). Due to the irra-
298 K.H. Tan et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 290–300
50 50
40 40
30 C1-5d 30
Load (kN)
Load (kN)
C1-6m C2-3m
20 Ps C1-1m 20 Ps A2-0d
C1-3m C2-6m
C2-2m C2-1m
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Mid-span deflection (mm) Mid-span deflection (mm)
(a) Beams subjected to accelerated weathering in chamber (a) Beams subjected to accelerated weathering in chamber
50 50
A1-0d E2-6m
40 40
Load (kN)
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Mid-span deflection (mm) Mid-span deflection (mm)
(b) Beams under ambient condition or outdoor weathering (b) Beams under ambient condition or outdoor weathering
Fig. 7. Load–deflection characteristics of small RC beams strengthened with Type 1 Fig. 8. Load–deflection characteristics of small RC beams strengthened with Type 2
GFRP system. GFRP system.
tional low strength of Beams C2-1 m and C2-2 m, especially com- The ductility of RC beams strengthened with Type 2 GFRP sys-
pared with Beams E2-6 m and E2-1y (with equivalent outdoor tem also seemed to decrease with longer weathering periods. For
weathering periods) and considering the general trend, these two C2-6 m, the ductility reduced by 18% compared to A2-0d whereas
beams are regarded as outliers. for E2-1y, the reduction is 12% compared to Beam A2-1y.
The flexural strength of large RC beam specimens, also reported For the large beams, the ductility was found to decrease in tan-
in Table 3, is compared in Fig. 9a. For beams with qfrp = 0.64%, the dem with the strength behavior, by 50% for Beam C1-1y with
reduction in flexural strength was about 13% (comparing Beam C1- qfrp = 0.64% compared to 15% for Beam C3-1y with qfrp = 1.92% at
1y with Beam A1-0d) whereas for beams with qfrp = 1.92%, the the end of 1 year accelerated weathering (Fig. 9a).
reduction was 8% (comparing Beam C3-1y with Beam A3-0d) at The failure mode of the beams changed from concrete crushing
the end of 1 year of accelerated weathering (equivalent to 6 years (CC) or flexural crack induced FRP debonding (DB) to FRP rupture
outdoor weathering). The load–deflection curves for these beams (FR) with longer weathering periods. This indicates that the FRP
are shown in Fig. 9b. Except for the initial permanent set, the system has deteriorated due to weathering. For beams strength-
load–deflection behavior of the weathered beams above the sus- ened with Type 2 GFRP system, the transition of failure mode
tained load level remains the same as those of the virgin beams. was found to take place at an earlier age than that for beams
From the results, it is evident that effect of weathering is lesser strengthened with Type 1 GFRP system.
for beams with higher qfrp. This may be due to better protection
against weathering elements due to thicker FRP laminates. 4.4. Comparison of test results with analytical predictions
4.3. Ductility and failure modes The flexural strength of the GFRP-strengthened RC beams sub-
jected to combined sustained loading and weathering for different
The ductility of the beams, defined as the ratio of the deflection time periods was calculated using the following input values. The
at ultimate load (Dul) to that at steel yield load (Dyl), was found in values of efrp,u for Type 1 and Type 2 GFRP laminates were taken
general to decrease with longer weathering period (see Table 3). as 0.0214 and 0.0194, respectively, as established by Liew [5]. Also,
After 6 months of accelerated weathering, the ductility of the the values of ue,w were obtained from experimental studies [5] as:
small beams with Type 1 GFRP laminates was found to be reduced
by 38%. ue;w ¼ a þ b logðte Þ ð12Þ
K.H. Tan et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 290–300 299
50 5
ρ frp = 1.92%
ρ frp = 1.92%
20 2
10 1
0 0
Beam C1
Beam C3
Beam A1
Beam A3
Beam C1
Beam C3
Beam A1
Beam A3
(a) Flexural strength and ductility after 6-year equivalent outdoor weathering
ρ frp = 0.64% ρ frp = 1.92%
30 A1-0d
Load (kN)
20 C3-1y
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Mid-span deflection (mm)
(b) Load-deflection characteristics after 6-year equivalent outdoor weathering
Fig. 9. Static behavior of large RC beams strengthened with GFRP laminates.
R2 = 0.45
Normalized Flexural Strength
1.0 1
0.8 0.8
R2 = 0.65
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
(a) RC Beams Strengthened Chamber Chamber
with Type 1 (Unidirectional) Exterior/Outdoor (b) RC Beams Strengthened Exterior/Outdoor
0.2 GFRP System 0.2 with Type 2 (Bidirectional)
Ambient Ambient
Analytical GFRP System Analytical
0 0
0 300 600 900 1200 0 300 600 900 1200
Outdoor Period (Days) Outdoor Period (Days)
where te = period of weathering (in days); and (a, b) = (1.003, The calculated values are compared with the test results in
0.147) and (0.90, 0.151) for Type 1 GFRP laminates under Fig. 10. The analytical approach showed reasonable correlation with
outdoor and accelerated weathering, respectively, with correspond- the test results except for Beams C1-2 m and C1-3 m, which are
ing values of (0.993, 0.0133) and (1.047, 0.011) for Type 2 GFRP considered as outliers as explained before. Also, in general, the
laminates. approach predicted the failure mode accurately as shown in Table 3.
300 K.H. Tan et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 290–300
5. Conclusions References
From the analytical and experimental investigations carried out [1] ACI Committee 440. State-of-the-art report on fiber reinforced polymer (FRP)
reinforcement for concrete structures (ACI440R-07). American Concrete
on glass FRP-strengthened RC beams under the combined effect of Institute; 2007.
sustained loading and tropical weathering, the following conclu- [2] ACI Committee 440. Guide for the design and construction of externally
sions can be drawn: bonded FRP systems for strengthening concrete structures (ACI440.2R-08).
American Concrete Institute; 2008.
[3] Almusallam TH, Al-Salloum YA, Alsayed SH, Mosallam AS. Durability and long-
1. FRP-strengthened RC beams under sustained loads exhibited term behavior of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with FRP
larger deflections and crack widths, when subjected to tropical composites. In: Teng JG, editor. Proceedings International Conference on FRP
Composites in Civil Engineering, vol. II. Hong Kong: Elsevier; 2001. p. 1579–88.
weathering at the same time. They showed smaller deflections [4] Leung HY, Balendran RV, Lim CW. Flexural capacity of strengthened concrete
and crack widths when strengthened with a higher FRP rein- beams exposed to different environmental conditions. In: Teng JG, editor.
forcement ratio. Proceedings International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering,
vol. II. Hong Kong: Elsevier; 2001. p. 1597–606.
2. Both the strength and ductility of beams under sustained loads
[5] Liew YS. Durability of FRP composites under tropical climate. MEng thesis.
decreased with the longer weathering periods. However, beams Singapore: National University of Singapore; 2003.
with more FRP laminates showed less degradation in strength [6] ACI Committee 209. Prediction of creep, shrinkage, and temperature effects in
concrete structures. Manual of concrete practice (ACI209R-92). American
and ductility. The failure mode changed from concrete crushing
Concrete Institute; 1992. p. 92.
or flexural crack induced FRP debonding to FRP rupture, indicat- [7] Tan KH, Saha MK. Long-term deflections of RC beams externally bonded with
ing degradation in the properties of the FRP system. FRP system. ASCE J Compos Constr 2006;10(6):474–82.
3. The proposed analytical approach, utilizing the degraded mod- [8] Branson DE. Deformations of concrete structures. New York: McGraw-Hill;
1977. p. 167–9.
ulus of concrete and FRP laminates, gives a reasonably accurate [9] Holmes M, Just DJ. GRP in structural engineering. Essex: Applied Science
estimate of the long-term deflection of beams subjected to sus- Publishers; 1983. p. 20–3 and 213–29.
tained loading under tropical climate. The degradation in flex- [10] Japan Society of Civil Engineers. Test method for tensile properties of
continuous fiber sheets (JSCE-E-541-2000). In: Japan society of civil
ural strength and change in failure mode are also predicted engineers. Conc eng series, vol. 41; 2000. p. 91–105.
reasonably well. [11] Bonacci JF, Maalej M. Behavioral trends of RC beams strengthened with
externally bonded FRP. J Compos Constr 2001;5(2):102–13.
[12] Teng JG, Chen JF, Smith ST, Lam L. FRP-strengthened RC structures.
Acknowledgment England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.; 2002.
[13] Saha MK. Long-term behaviour of FRP-strengthened RC beams. PhD thesis.
Singapore: National University of Singapore; 2007.
The study was supported by a research Grant R-264-000-140- [14] Tan KH, Paramasivam P, Tan KC. Creep and shrinkage deflections of RC beams
112 provided by the National University of Singapore. with steel fibers. ASCE J Mater Civil Eng 1994;6(4):394–414.
Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 301–308
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This study deals with the formulation, calibration, and validation of a new hygro-thermo-chemical model
Received 12 September 2008 for high-performance concrete (HPC) suitable for the analysis of moisture transport and heat transfer at
Received in revised form 19 February 2009 the early age and beyond. In Part I of this study the theoretical formulation is presented and discussed in
Accepted 25 February 2009
detail. Classical macroscopic mass and energy conservation laws are written by using humidity and tem-
Available online 9 March 2009
perature as primary variables and by taking into account explicitly various chemical reactions, such as
cement hydration, silica fume reaction, and silicate polymerization. The effect of cement hydration is
modeled through the classical concept of hydration degree. Silica fume reaction and silicate polymeriza-
Early age
tion are modeled by introducing the degree of silica fume reaction and the concentration of silicate
Moisture polymers, along with their evolution laws. The present model can simulate early age phenomena, such
Temperature as self-heating and self-desiccation, with great accuracy. Numerical implementation, calibration and
Relative humidity validation of the model by comparison with experimental test data are postponed to Part II of this study
Hydration [Di Luzio G, Cusatis G. Hygro-thermo-chemical modeling of high performance concrete. II: Numerical
Silica fume reaction implementation, calibration, and validation. Cem Concr Compos, in press].
Polymerization Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0958-9465/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
302 G. Di Luzio, G. Cusatis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 301–308
hygral phenomena (which are important for HPC) were neglected. contribute to moisture transport. In the literature, the chemically
Also Bažant et al. [5] developed a comprehensive material model bound water is typically referred to as non-evaporable water be-
for the simulation of cracking at early age considering only temper- cause it is retained even at temperature exceeding 105 °C.
ature effects. More recently Gawin et al. [6] proposed a refined In principle, the different water transport mechanisms should
model based on the interpretation of concrete as a multi-phase be modeled independently through the formulation of separate
porous material and on the use of homogenization techniques. diffusion equations since each single mechanism has its own driv-
Such model has showed a good capability in fitting experimental ing force (capillary pressure for the capillary water, vapor pressure
results, but it does not take into account the effect of SF reaction for the water vapor, etc.). However, the complexity of the phenom-
and silicate polymerization. Similarly, only hydration was modeled ena hampers this kind of approach and calls for a simplified
in the study by Oh and Cha [7], in which a model for moisture and approximated analysis. First of all, it is possible to simplify the
temperature calculation in early age concrete was developed. problem by postulating the existence of local thermodynamic
Typical HPC mixes are characterized by low (<0.4) water-to-ce- equilibrium ([13,15,6], among others). This assumption approxi-
ment ratio, high cement content, and, most importantly, by the mately holds also in presence of a chemical evolution of the system
incorporation of SF or other pozzolanic materials [8]. The pozzola- (aging), since the characteristic times of the water transport mech-
nic reaction associated with the presence of SF determines a denser anisms are much smaller than those associated with concrete
microstructure and leads to increased performance of concrete in chemical reactions. In Gawin et al. [6] two separate diffusion equa-
terms of strength and durability. In addition, SF is known to accel- tions were used to model separately the transport of water vapor
erate silicate polymerization [9], which is a gradual bonding of par- and the transport of capillary and adsorbed water. Although the
ticles of calcium silicates hydrates (C–S–H). This increases the approach is certainly worth mentioning, it seems that the in-
average degree of polymerization of the silicate chains and causes creased complexity (and the increased number of material param-
the so-called chemical aging of C–S–H [10]. Both pozzolanic reac- eters to be calibrated) is not compensated by more accuracy in
tion and silicate polymerization interact with cement hydration modeling experimental evidence. In addition, modeling capillary
[9] influencing concrete mesostructure and, ultimately, concrete water transport and adsorbed water (free and hindered) transport
behavior. None of the analytical models currently available in the through only one equation [6] is an approximation of the same or-
literature can simulate the effect of SF reaction and polymerization der (at least at standard room temperatures) as combining phe-
on heat transfer and moisture transport in concrete. nomenologically all the transport mechanisms in one single
The objective of the present study is to overcome the limita- phenomenological macroscopic equation ([13,16,17], among many
tions mentioned above and to simulate moisture transport and others).
heat transfer in HPC by taking into account explicitly the coupled In this study, as widely accepted in the literature, the latter op-
effect of cement hydration, SF pozzolanic reaction, and silicate tion is exploited and the overall moisture transport process under
polymerization. In the present Part I, only the theoretical formula- isothermal conditions is described through the Fick’s law that ex-
tion will be presented. The subsequent Part II [1] will present the presses the flux of water mass per unit time J as proportional to
numerical implementation and will report the results of extensive the spatial gradient of the relative humidity h
calibration and validation activities performed on the basis of
J ¼ Dh ðh; TÞ$h ð1Þ
experimental data available in the literature.
The proportionality coefficient Dh ðh; TÞ is called moisture perme-
ability and it is a nonlinear function of the relative humidity h and
2. Moisture transport governing equation temperature T [16]. The choice of the relative humidity h as the
state variable of the problem (in addition to the temperature T)
Water can be found in concrete in various phases [11–13] that is done here for convenience but other options can be equivalently
can be classified as follows: (a) capillary water, (b) water vapor, (c) adopted [15].
adsorbed water, and (d) non-evaporable (chemically bound) water. The moisture mass balance requires that the variation in time of
The capillary water is liquid water filling capillary pores (empty the water mass per unit volume of concrete (water content w) be
volume among cement particles) and its state can be described equal to the divergence of the moisture flux J
through the capillary pressure, which is governed by Kelvin’s equa- @w
tion [14]. If capillary pores are not fully saturated, the capillary ¼$J ð2Þ
water is in equilibrium with air and water vapor, which can be as-
sumed to behave as incompressible gases [14]. Near pore walls, The water content w can be expressed as the sum of the evap-
van de Waals forces retain water molecules and cause them to orable water we (capillary water, water vapor, and adsorbed water)
form thin adsorbed water layers. The thickness of the adsorbed lay- and the non-evaporable (chemically bound) water wn [18,19]. For
ers is an increasing function of the relative humidity h. In small mi- reasons discussed later in this paper, it is reasonable to assume
cro-pores (gel pores) of few Å the adsorbed water layers cannot that the evaporable water is a function of relative humidity, h, de-
fully develop for high relative humidity conditions and, for this gree of hydration, ac , and degree of silica fume reaction, as , i.e.
reason, they are referred to as hindered adsorbed water layers [13]. we ¼ we ðh; ac ; as Þ = age-dependent sorption/desorption isotherm
The mobility of water along adsorbed water layers is rather lim- [20]. Under this assumption the water content variation in time
ited (especially for hindered adsorbed water) and the transport reads
mechanism is completely different compared to the transport of
@w @we @wn @we @h @we @w
capillary water and water vapor. In addition, all moisture transport ¼ þ ¼ þ a_ c þ e a_ s þ w_ n ð3Þ
@t @t @t @h @t @ ac @ as
mechanisms are influenced by concrete microstructure (in particu-
lar the microstructure of calcium silicates hydrates), which, in turn, where the total time derivatives of ac ; as , and wn are used instead of
depends on the extent of the chemical reactions that characterize the partial derivatives in order to stress the fact that these variables
concrete at early ages. Moreover, these chemical reactions often in- will serve as internal variables, as opposed to results from the solu-
volve water, which may be subtracted from the system (e.g. during tion of the boundary value problem. Note that total and partial
cement hydration) or released into the system (e.g. during silicate derivatives of these quantities coincide since the mass conservation
polymerization). When water is chemically combined with other equation is written with reference to the initial (undeformed) spa-
chemical compounds, it looses its mobility completely and it cannot tial configuration.
G. Di Luzio, G. Cusatis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 301–308 303
By substituting Eqs. (1) and (3) into Eq. (2) one obtains ~ 1 ) is constant for a given concrete, then
unit of hydrated mass (Q c
one can write [4]
@we @h
$ ðDh $hÞ F h ðh; ac ; as ; ap Þ ¼ 0 ð4Þ e1
@h @t Q_ c ¼ a_ c c Q c ð8Þ
and where a_ c is the rate of the hydration degree discussed in Section 4
@we @w and c is the cement mass content.
F h ðh; ac ; as ; ap Þ ¼ a_ c þ e a_ s þ w_ n ð5Þ The temperature rise due to cement hydration (commonly re-
@ ac @ as
ferred to as self-heating) can be substantial, especially in massive
where @we =@h is the slope of the sorption/desorption isotherm (also structures; temperature increase up to 60 °C has been reported,
called moisture capacity), ap is the concentration of silicate poly- for example, in [24,26].
mers, and the function F h ðh; ac ; as ; ap Þ expresses the effect of con- Similarly to the hydration heat, also the heat generated by SF
crete aging on the diffusion process. In particular, the first two reaction can be expressed as [25]
terms account for the microstructural changes associated with con-
crete chemical reactions and the last term accounts for the internal e1
Q_ s ¼ a_ s s Q ð9Þ
‘‘consumption” of water involved in the chemical reactions. When
where a_ s is the rate of pozzolanic reaction degree, which will be dis-
only cement hydration is accounted for, this last term is called mois- e 1 is the la-
cussed later in Section 5, s is the SF mass content, and Q s
ture sink and it explains the well-known self-desiccation phenome-
tent heat of SF reaction per unit mass of reacted SF.
non observed in high-performance concrete. For old enough normal e 1 , can be measured by conducting
The hydration enthalpy, Q
concrete one has F h ðh; ac ; as ; ap Þ 0, whereas Fðh; ac ; as ; ap Þ–0 for c
calorimetric tests at complete hydration; typical values range from
early age normal concrete and, in general, for HPC.
400 kJ/kg to 550 kJ/kg, depending upon cement composition [24]. If
The governing equation (Eq. (4)) must be completed by appro- e 1 can be
the exact phase composition of the cement is known, Q c
priate boundary and initial conditions. The initial conditions spec-
determined from weighted average of the heat of hydration of each
ify the relative humidity in the whole problem domain at time
single compound
instant t ¼ 0 and the boundary conditions specify either the
relative humidity on the boundary C; hðtÞjC ¼ hðtÞ (Dirichlet’s type) e 1 ¼ Q 1 W C 3 S þ Q 1 W C2 S þ Q 1 W C 3 A þ Q 1 W C4 AF þ
Q c C3 S C2 S C3 A C 4 AF ð10Þ
or the moisture flux orthogonal to the boundary ðDh $hÞ njC ¼
ah ðh h1 Þ (Cauchy’s type). where Q1
is the individual enthalpy of reaction for each compound,
and W is the initial percentage weight for each compound.
The enthalpy of SF reaction, Q e 1 , can be assumed to be constant
3. Temperature evolution due to exothermic chemical reactions s
and equal to 780 kJ/kg [26].
By substituting Eqs. (6), (8), and (9), into Eq. (7) one obtains
The coefficients of the diffusion equation presented in Section 2
depend on temperature, therefore the temperature field needs to @T
$ ðk$TÞ qct þ F T ðac ; as Þ ¼ 0 ð11Þ
be calculated. Note that, since the chemical reactions associated @t
with cement hydration and SF reaction are exothermic, the tem- e 1 þ a_ c c Q
e 1 . For old enough concrete
where F T ðac ; as Þ ¼ a_ s s Q s c
perature field is not uniform for non-adiabatic systems even if
F T ðac ; as Þ 0.
the environmental temperature is constant.
The energy conservation equation (Eq. (11)) must be completed
Heat conduction can be described in concrete, at least for tem-
by appropriate boundary and initial conditions. The initial condi-
perature not exceeding 100 °C [21], by Fourier’s law, which reads
tions specify the temperature in the whole problem domain at
q ¼ k$T ð6Þ time instant t ¼ 0 and the boundary conditions specify either the
temperature at the boundary C; TðtÞjC ¼ TðtÞ (Dirichlet’s type)
where q is the heat flux, T is the absolute temperature, and k
or the heat flux orthogonal to the boundary ðk$TÞ njC ¼
is the heat conductivity. For the temperature range considered
aT ðT T 1 Þ (Cauchy’s type).
in this study ðT < 100 CÞ, the heat conductivity k of concrete
is known to depend mildly on temperature, moisture content,
and aging [22]. However, many authors in the past have ob- 4. Cement hydration
tained good numerical predictions by neglecting this depen-
dence [16]. For the sake of simplicity, the same assumption is Cement hydration is characterized by the reaction of free-water
made herein. An average value of k ¼ 2:3 W=m C [21] will be with unhydrated cement particles, which are mainly composed by
used for the numerical simulations presented in Part II of this calcium silicates (C3 S and C2 S), calcium aluminates ðC3 AÞ, and cal-
study. cium aluminoferrites ðC4 AFÞ. The products (cement hydrates) of
The enthalpy balance equation can be written as this reaction are mainly calcium silicates hydrates (C–S–H), cal-
cium hydroxide (CH), ettringite (Aft), and monosulfate (Afm) [9].
qct ¼ $ q þ Q_ c þ Q_ s þ Q_ p ð7Þ Although cement hydration has been studied for many years
@t [9,22], the exact stoichiometry of the chemical reactions involved
where q is the mass density of concrete, and ct (ranging from 840 to is not known and their mutual interaction as well as the influence
1170 J/kg °C [22]) is the isobaric heat capacity (specific heat) of con- of external factors (such as temperature, relative humidity, etc.) is
crete. An average value of ct ¼ 1100 J=kg C can be generally not completely understood. As a consequence, in the literature,
adopted for all concretes. Q_ c ; Q_ s ; and Q_ p represent the rate of heat studies that consider each chemical reaction independently are
generation per unit volume due to cement hydration, SF reaction, very limited [7] whereas many authors [3,25,27–29] have studied
and silicate polymerization, respectively. Since, to the best of the cement hydration with reference to an overall hydration process.
authors knowledge, there is no evidence of temperature variation The present study adopts the latter approach.
associated with the polymerization of silicates, Q_ p ¼ 0 is adopted When a cement grain is immersed in water, a layer of soft gel
hereinafter. (composed by cement hydration products) forms on the surface
If one assumes, as commonly accepted in the literature of the grain. As hydration progresses, this layer grows both inward
[3,25,4,6] and confirmed by various theoretical and experimental and outward around a hard core of unhydrated cement. In order for
investigations [23], that the latent heat of hydration reaction per the hydration to continue, water needs to reach the unhydrated
304 G. Di Luzio, G. Cusatis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 301–308
grain core and therefore the water diffusion process through the pozzolanic materials and it consists of silica in noncrystalline form
layer of hydrated compounds is typically considered the dominant with a high specific surface and exhibiting high pozzolanic activity.
mechanisms governing the hydration kinetics. According to the From the chemical–physical point of view, three principal
thermodynamics based model proposed by Ulm and Coussy mechanisms have been suggested in the literature to explain SF ef-
[3,28] and later revisited by Cervera et al. [4], the hydration kinet- fects on concrete: (1) SF particles cause pore blockage in the
ics can be described by postulating the existence of a Gibb’s free hydrating cement producing a denser hydrating gel structure
energy dependent on the external temperature T and the hydration [33]. (2) Pozzolanic reactions occur between the silica-rich SF par-
extent vc . The latter represents, in the case of a closed chemical sys- ticles and the portlandite (CH) generating calcium silicate hydrates
tem, the number of chemically combined moles of water per unit (C–S–H) [34]. (3) SF particles act as nucleation sites for cement
volume of concrete and it expresses the thermodynamic imbalance hydration, accelerating the hydration process [35]. While the CH
between the chemical constituents. The hydration extent can be is relatively weak and brittle, the C–S–H phase formed by the poz-
also used to define a normalized measure of the hydration process, zolanic reaction has a microscopic morphology similar to that
the hydration degree, as developed by cement hydration [36]. Consequently, the additional
C–S–H produced by the pozzolanic reaction leads to higher
vc strength, lower porosity, and improved chemical resistance [8].
ac ¼ ð12Þ
c The exact stoichiometry of pozzolanic reaction between SF and
CH is not known exactly, especially in relation to the water stoichi-
where v1 c is the theoretical asymptotic values of the hydration ex- ometry coefficient. On this issue the current literature shows disso-
tent in ideal hygrometric conditions. The actual asymptotic value of nant results. According to Sellevold [37] the amount of water
hydration extent, v1 c , is always smaller than the theoretical value, bound in the C–S–H formed by the pozzolanic reaction should be
v1c , since, in practice, ideal hygrometric conditions are never met. the same as that contained in the CH. Other experimental investi-
The ratio between the actual and the theoretical asymptotic values gations [38], however, suggest that the chemically bound water
is the asymptotic degree of hydration a1 c ¼ vc =vc , which has been
1 1
per gram of cement increases in cement pastes containing SF. In
shown to be always smaller than the unity [24]. contrast to these findings, Li et al. [39] found a reduction of chem-
By assuming that the thermodynamic force conjugate to the ically bound water in concrete mixes containing SF. In addition,
hydration extent, called the chemical affinity, is governed by an experimental results by Papadakis [40] suggest that the reaction
Arrenius-type equation and that the viscosity governing the diffu- takes place without additional water.
sion of water through the layer of cement hydrates is an exponen- A possible reason for the contradictory results reported above is
tial function of the hydration extent [3], Cervera et al. [4] proposed that the presence of SF accelerates and amplifies the process of
the following evolution equation for the hydration degree polymerization of C–S–H gel phase [41] which leads to a release
of the water previously combined during cement hydration (reduc-
a_ c ¼ Ac ðac ÞeEac =RT ð13Þ tion of the chemically bound water) and a consequent increase of
the free water [42]. In the present study, C–S–H polymerization
and will be addressed separately as discussed in Section 6 and it is as-
sumed that no water is involved (consumed or released) in the SF
Ac2 1
gc ac =ac
Ac ðac Þ ¼ Ac1 þ ac a1
c ac e ð14Þ pozzolanic reaction (Section 8).
The effect of SF on moisture transport phenomena is here mod-
where Ac ðac Þ is the so-called normalized chemical affinity, Eac is the eled through the introduction of the degree of SF reaction, as , de-
hydration activation energy, R is the universal gas constant, and fined as the ratio between the amount of reacted SF and the total
gc ; Ac1 ; and Ac2 are material parameters. The ratio Eac =R can be amount of SF. Since the kinetics of the pozzolanic reaction can be
experimentally determined and it ranges from 3000 to 8000 K for assumed to be a diffusion controlled process [43–45], the theory
concrete. In the present study the value Eac =R ¼ 5000 K will be adopted in Section 4 to describe cement hydration can be exploited
adopted when specific measurements are not available. The param- to describe the evolution of SF reaction [48]. Accordingly, one has
eters gc ; Ac1 ; and Ac2 can be calibrated, for example, by simulating
the temperature evolution during adiabatic tests as it will be dis- a_s ¼ As ðas ÞeEas =RT ð17Þ
cussed in Part II of this study [1].
Moreover, it is well known from experiments that if the relative
humidity decreases below a certain value ðh 75%Þ, the hydration As2 gs as =a1
As ðas Þ ¼ As1 þ as ða1
s as Þe
s ð18Þ
process slows down and may even stop [12,30]. This phenomenon as 1
the calcium hydroxide is reduced proportionally and the propor- where the term Ap1 eEap =RT describes the kinetics of the chemical
tionality coefficient of 0.4 can be used as confirmed by experiments reaction, the coefficient Ap ðap Þ expresses the fact that the rate of
on carbonation shrinkage [49]. One can write polymerization is reduced as polymerization progresses and it
eventually vanishes when the polymerization is complete
ðs=cÞreq ¼ minð0:16; 0:4w=cÞ ð19Þ
(ap ¼ a1 p , where ap ¼ 1), the coefficient Bp ðac Þ takes into account
If the amount of SF exceeds the minimum required amount of the effect of cement hydration (hydration products need to be pres-
SF to consume all the calcium hydroxide, the asymptotic degree ent for the polymerization to occur), and HðÞ is the Heaviside step
of SF reaction is smaller. Assuming a linear relationship between function, used here to set a threshold value of hydration degree, a0c ,
s and the inverse of s=c, the asymptotic degree of SF reaction de-
below which the polymerization process can be neglected. Accord-
gree can be estimated as ing to the experimental results of Hirljac et al. [50] on the alite
ðC3 SÞ, the value of a0c ¼ 0:1 can be adopted. Brough et al. [53] found
eff ðs=cÞreq
s ¼ SF min 1; ð20Þ an Arrhenius energy of 35 kJ/mol for dimeric reactions and of
100 kJ/mol for reactions producing higher polymeric species. In this
where SF eff is the ‘‘efficiency” of SF, i.e. the mass ratio between the study it is assumed an averaged value of 50 kJ/mol, which gives
SiO2 mass content and the total mass of SF. Since only the SiO2 par- Eap =R ¼ 6000 K.
ticipates to the pozzolanic reaction, the remaining part of SF does The material parameter Ap1 can be calibrated on the basis of
not participate in any chemical reaction and has the role of an inert experimental data on the evolution of the polymerized species,
filler. Typically, SF eff ranges from 0.85 to 0.92 [9]. as discussed in Part II of this study [1].
6. Silicate polymerization
7. Asymptotic hydration degree
Many experimental investigations [9] revealed that C–S–H par-
ticles bond together over time, increasing the average degree of As mentioned earlier the asymptotic (ultimate) hydration de-
polymerization of the silicate chains and causing the C–S–H to be- gree, a1c , is always less than one [24]. This is due to the fact that
come stiffer, stronger, and denser. The key reaction for linking the the unit value can be reached only in ideal conditions, i.e. with
C–S–H gel hydrolyzed molecules together is the condensation. In an adequate water-to-cement ratio to ensure full hydration and
condensation reactions, covalent bonds are rearranged in such a perfect contact between the water and the cement grains. In prac-
way that two monomers are connected to form a polymeric cluster tice, these conditions are never fulfilled during curing and com-
and water is ‘‘condensed” out. plete hydration of concrete is never achieved [12,55].
Portland cement contains, among other things, silicates, which Pantazopoulo and Mills [19] proposed to calculate a1 c on the ba-
are minerals that contain silicate anion and various cations (e.g. sis of a mass balance between water needed to ensure saturation
calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, aluminum ions). In presence conditions and total water content. At infinite time, this balance
of water, silicates become hydrated and some of the oxygens form equation reads
a covalent bond with a hydrogen nucleus from the water. Since the
w0 þ Dw1 1 1
c ¼ we þ wn ð23Þ
hydrated silicates contain Si–OH bonds, condensation is possible
along with the creation of a polymerized silicate framework. This where w0 ¼ ðw=cÞc is the initial water content (neglecting the
process occurs slowly at standard room temperature, but it can amount of entrained air content), w1 1
e and wn are the asymptotic
be greatly accelerated by curing at elevated temperature and it evaporable water and chemically bound water, respectively. Dw1 c
may be induced also by drying [50,51]. This chemical aging process is the amount of water that needs to be provided in order to main-
of C–S–H can thus affect many of the physical properties of cement tain full saturation conditions during hydration and that corre-
paste and concrete, such as permeability, strength capacity, shrink- sponds to the so-called chemical shrinkage caused by the fact that
age and creep behavior [52]. hydration products have a lower volume than the sum of anhydrous
Silicate polymerization is much more pronounced in the pres- cement and water [19]. Experimental studies [18] have shown that
ence of SF because the SF pozzolanic reaction increases the content per each gram of hydrated Portland cement: (a) approximately
of C–S–H gel. When the water consumed by cement hydration is 0.253 g of water is chemically bound ðwn ¼ 0:253cac Þ; (b) the
less than the water condensed by silicate polymerization, one evaporable water is proportional to the chemically bound water
can observe a reduction of the non-evaporable water content start- and the coefficient of proportionality can be estimated as
ing after 2–3 months [49,54]. Zhang and Gjørv [54] observed, for 3:83w=cðwe 3:83ðw=cÞwn Þ; and (c) the amount of water that
cement paste containing SF and characterized by various water- needs to be supplied to overcome the chemical shrinkage and main-
to-binder ratios, an increase of non-evaporable water content for tain saturation is Dwc ¼ 0:065cac . Based on these observation and
up to 90 days, and a reduction of the non-evaporable water content by using Eq. (23) Pantazopoulo and Mills [19] obtained
after 550 days. This reduction was higher for higher SF content.
This implies that, even if for standard concrete silicate polymeriza- a1
c ¼ ð24Þ
0:194 þ w=c
tion can be neglected, it needs to be considered in presence of SF.
Silicate products of portland cements will generally be polymer- The presence of SF further reduces the ultimate achievable
ized over time with an increase of the average chain length of hydration degree because, due to the formation of additional
polysilicates in C–S–H gel and with water release. The polymeriza- C–S–H gel from the pozzolanic reaction, extra water is hindered
tion process can be modeled through the relative concentration of into the gel pores and it becomes unavailable for cement hydration
silicate polymers, ap , defined as the ratio between the mass of [24]. In addition, the specific surface of the C–S–H gel increases and
polymeric species and the mass of C–S–H gel. The rate of the rela- unhydrated cement grain cores become less accessible. Note that
tive concentration of silicate polymers can be formulated as this does not imply that the overall amount of C–S–H created is
less (actually the opposite is true) because the C–S–H coming from
a_ p ¼ Ap1 Ap ðap ÞBp ðac ÞeEap =RT ð21Þ
the SF pozzolanic reaction must be added to the one coming from
and cement hydration.
The effect of SF on the water balance equation at saturation (Eq.
Ap ðap Þ ¼ a1
p ap ; Bp ðac Þ ¼ Hðac ac Þ ð22Þ (23)) can be taken into account by considering (1) on the right
306 G. Di Luzio, G. Cusatis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 301–308
hand side, an increased quantity of water held in the gel due to the In the literature various formulations can be found to describe
pozzolanic reaction plus water released during silicate polymeriza- the sorption isotherm of normal concrete. The most popular are
tion (roughly 0.50 g/g of reacted SF according to [56]) and (2), on the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) model [61], derived from sta-
the left hand side, the amount of water that needs to be provided tistical thermodynamics of adsorption, and modifications of the
in order to maintain saturation conditions and that corresponds BET equation (the BDDT model [62]; the FHH model [63]; Hiller-
to the chemical shrinkage caused by pozzolanic reactions (roughly borg’s formula [64]; and the BSB model [65]).
0.22 g/g of reacted SF according to [56]). The SF pozzolanic reaction However, in the present paper the semi-empirical expression
is considered not to consume water as discussed in Section 5. proposed by Norling Mjornell [20] is adopted because it explicitly
Based on these observations, the balance equation (Eq. (23)) can accounts for the evolution of hydration reaction and SF content.
be rewritten as This sorption isotherm reads
w0 þ 0:065ca1 1 1 1
c þ 0:22sas ¼ 0:253ð3:83w=c þ 1Þcac þ 0:5sas
we ðh; ac ; as Þ ¼ G1 ðac ; as Þ 1 10ðg 1 a1
e c ac Þh
10ðg 1 a1
þ K 1 ðac ; as Þ e c ac Þh 1 ð28Þ
where s is SF content and a1 s is the asymptotic SF reaction degree
given by Eqs. (19) and (20). where the first term (gel isotherm) represents the physically bound
Solving Eq. (25) for the asymptotic degree of cement hydration, (adsorbed) water and the second term (capillary isotherm) repre-
one obtains sents the capillary water. This expression is valid only for low con-
1:032w=c 0:279ðs=cÞa1 tent of SF. This also justifies the fact that the evaporable water
c ¼ ð26Þ content does not depend on the relative concentration of silicate
0:194 þ w=c
polymers, ap . The material parameter g 1 > 1 governs the shape of
The asymptotic degree of hydration must be positive and so Eq. the sorption isotherm.
(26) holds only if w=c > 0:27ðs=cÞa1
s . This condition is always ful- The coefficient G1 ðac ; as Þ represents the amount of water per
filled by typical HPC mixes (e.g. for w=c ¼ 0:3 and s=c ¼ 0:1 one unit volume held in the gel pores at 100% relative humidity, and
gets 0:3 0:279 0:1 0:028). it can be expressed [20] as
c s
8. Non-evaporable water G1 ðac ; as Þ ¼ kv g ac c þ kv g as s ð29Þ
c s
where kv g and kv g are material parameters.
As discussed previously, the non-evaporable water is the
The maximum amount of water per unit volume that can fill all
amount of water that is chemically bound as consequence of ce-
pores (both capillary pores and gel pores), we1 ðac ; as Þ
ment hydration, SF reaction, and silicate polymerization. In gen-
¼ we ðh ¼ 1; ac ; as Þ, can be calculated, for a certain degree of
eral, one can write
hydration, by subtracting from the initial water content the differ-
wn ðac ; as ; ap Þ ¼ jc ac c þ js as s ap ðjpc c þ jps sÞ ð27Þ ence between the chemically bound water and the amount of
water that needs to be provided to compensate chemical shrinkage
The first term represents the effect of cement hydration and jc
while maintaining saturation conditions (0.253 g/g–0.065 g/g =
is the mass ratio of non-evaporable water at full hydration. It can
0.188 g/g for cement and 0 g/g–0.22 g/g = 0.22 g/g for SF, see Sec-
be assumed jc ¼ 0:253 [12,18,20]. The second term represents
tion 7). One can write
the effect of SF reaction and, according to the discussion in Section
5, it can be assumed js ¼ 0. The third term characterizes the effect we1 ðac ; as Þ ¼ w0 0:188cac þ 0:22sas ð30Þ
of polymerization and the negative sign traduces the fact that dur-
By using Eqs. (30) and (28) with h ¼ 1, and solving for K 1 ðac ; as Þ
ing silicate polymerization water is released in the system and the
one obtains
chemically bound water is reduced. Experimental studies showed
that the addition of SF increases the rate of polymerization of C– w0 0:188ac c þ 0:22as s G1 1 e10ðg1 ac ac Þ
S–H gel (for a C3 S paste at an age of 28 days, the mean chain length K 1 ðac ; as Þ ¼ 1 ð31Þ
e10ðg1 ac ac Þ 1
was 2.6 in the absence of SF, and 3.6 if SF was present [57]) and c s
The material parameters kv g ; kv g , and g 1 can be calibrated by fit-
that the C–S–H gel formed by the SF reaction is highly polymerized
ting experimental data relevant to free (evaporable) water content
[58]. Because of these reasons, for regular concrete mixes without
in concrete at various ages [1,20].
the addition of SF the effect of the polymerization is rather small
The moisture capacity @we =@h (derivative of the sorption iso-
and it can be neglected by assuming jpc 0. On the contrary the
therm to respect to h) that is needed in Eq. (1) can be calculated
value of jps can not be assumed equal to zero and must be deter-
mined from the analysis of experimental data [1].
The relation between the amount of evaporable water and rel- Moisture diffusion in concrete depends on various diffusion
ative humidity is called ‘‘sorption isotherm” if measured with mechanisms that characterize the mobility of different water
increasing relativity humidity and ‘‘desorption isotherm” in the phases present in concrete and that are influenced by the pore
opposite case. Even though sorption and desorption isotherms structure of concrete. Three main distinct transport mechanisms
are not exactly the same [59] their difference is generally neglected may be identified: molecular diffusion, Knudsen diffusion, and sur-
[60]. For this reason, in the following, ‘‘sorption isotherm” will be face diffusion [66,67].
used with reference to both sorption and desorption conditions. The molecular diffusion process dominates in macro-pores,
The shape of the sorption isotherm for HPC is influenced by many which are characterized by a diameter size from 50 nm to 10 lm
parameters, especially those that influence extent and rate of the [68]. Pores of this size constitute only a small portion of concrete
chemical reactions and, in turn, determine pore structure and pore porosity and, therefore, molecular diffusion occurs only occasion-
size distribution (water-to-cement ratio, cement chemical compo- ally and cannot be considered the dominant mechanism [67].
sition, SF content, curing time and method, temperature, mix addi- The largest portion of concrete pores is composed of
tives, etc.). meso-pores (characteristic size from 25 to 500Å) and micro-pores
G. Di Luzio, G. Cusatis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 301–308 307
(characteristic size <25 Å). In these pores, frequent collisions 3 The hydration process is modeled through the degree of hydra-
among water molecules as well as between water molecules and tion already used in [3,4,6].
pore walls provide the main diffusion resistance (Knudsen diffu- 4 The mass balance used in [19] to compute the asymptotic
sion), for which the diffusion resistance is related to pore size. hydration degree is extended to include the effect of silica fume.
The surface diffusion process (movement of water molecules 5 The aging effect associated with the silica fume is modeled
along layers of adsorbed water) occurs in certain meso-pores and through the degree of pozzolanic.
micro-pores featuring parallel walls and it poses much greater 6 The aging effect of silicate polymerization is modeled introduc-
resistance to transport than Knudsen diffusion for typical concrete ing the concentration of silicate polymers, formulated for the
pore sizes. Thus, in general, the surface diffusion can be neglected first time in this study.
in comparison to Knudsen diffusion unless most of the water is ad- 7 The phenomenological model of Norling Mjönell [20] is adopted
sorbed water, as it occurs at very low relative humidity. to simulate aging and silica fume effects on the sorption
Although each individual mechanism is reasonably understood, isotherm.
it is not always easy to make an accurate prediction of the total dif- 8 The chemically bound (non evaporable) water is modeled
fusivity because it is difficult to describe and simulate the details of through an expression that takes into account hydration and
concrete pore structure formed by randomly oriented pores with silicate polymerization.
variable pore radii and with various degree of tortuosity and con- 9 Moisture permeability is modeled by a novel expression, which
nectivity. In addition, the scenario is further complicated by the depends on three parameters with a clear physical
dependence of the pore structure on water-to-cement ratio, ce- interpretation.
ment content, SF content, age, etcetera.
In this work, as typically done in the literature [16], the above The model developed here needs to be implemented in a com-
mechanisms are described phenomenologically through Fick’s putational program, calibrated, and validated by comparisons with
law (Eq. (1)) which is characterized by the moisture permeability. experimental data. This task is pursued in Part II of this study
The proposed formula for the moisture permeability is given by which follows.
Dh ðh; TÞ ¼ wðTÞD1 1 þ 1 ð1 hÞn ð32Þ
D0 Acknowledgement
The first author gratefully acknowledges the financial support
e0 w s 2
e1 w s2
D0 ¼ D 1 ; D1 ¼ D 1 ð33Þ of CTG (Italcementi Group) through the CIS-E Consortium.
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Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 309–324
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper presents the numerical implementation, calibration, and validation of the hygro-thermo-
Received 12 September 2008 chemical model formulated theoretically in the companion paper [Di Luzio G, Cusatis G. Hygro-
Received in revised form 19 February 2009 thermo-chemical modeling of high-performance concrete. I: Theory. Cem Concr Compos, in press,
Accepted 25 February 2009
doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2009.02.015.]. Calibration and validation are based on experimental data
Available online 13 March 2009
gathered from the literature and relevant to hydration, self-desiccation, and drying of standard and
high-performance concrete with and without silica fume.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Early age
Relative humidity
Silica fume
0958-9465/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
310 G. Di Luzio, G. Cusatis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 309–324
Table 1
K ele
1;ij ¼ C 1 Ni Nj dX Material properties with known or independently measurable value.
@Ni @Nj Nj @Ni @Ni @N j Material property name (unit) Symbol Typical value Reference
K ele
2;ij ¼ D h þ dX ð5Þ
ele @r @r r @r @z @z Density (kg/m )3
q 2400 [20]
Z Isobaric heat capacity (J/kg °C) ct 1100 [20]
K ele
3;ij ¼ C 3 Ni Nj dX Heat conductivity (W/m °C) k 2.3 [21]
ele Cement hydration enthalpy (kJ/kg) ~1
Q 500 [22]
Z ~1
@Ni @Nj N j @N i @Ni @Nj Silica fume reaction enthalpy (kJ/kg) Q s 780 [23]
K ele
4;ij ¼ k þ dX ð6Þ Hydration activation energy/R (K) Eac =R 5000 [6]
ele @r @r r @r @z @z Silica fume reaction activation energy/R (K) Eas =R 9700 [14]
Diffusivity activation energy/R (K) Ead =R 2700 [3]
F ele
1;i ¼ C 2 N i dX Silica fume efficiency (–) SF eff 0.9 [14,9]
Z Polymerization activation energy/R (K) Eap =R 6000 [24]
F ele C 4 N i dX Hydration threshold for polymerization (–) a0c 0.1 [1]
2;i ¼ ð7Þ
ele n/a (–) kc 0.253 [4]
n/a (–) ks 0.0 [1]
Appendix A reports the calculation of the element matrices n/a (–) kpc 0.0 [1]
above for the case of a three-node triangular element (linear shape
Time discretization of Eqs. (3) and (4) can be obtained by the formance concrete can be subdivided into two categories. Material
well-known Crank–Nicolson method (a central difference method) properties that have been already established in the past and that
which has been proven to be unconditionally stable in the case of can be measured independently from the current theory (do not
constant matrix coefficients [2]. require a back analysis), belong to the first category. These proper-
Finally, the numerical formulation of the problems requires, at ties are summarized in Table 1 along with typical values that can
each gauss point of the finite element mesh, the numerical integra- be used when specific experimental measurements are not avail-
tion in time of the internal variable evolution laws (governing able. These standard property values will be used throughout the
hydration degree, silica fume reaction degree, concentration of sil- rest of the paper unless otherwise specified. On the contrary, mate-
icate polymers). As presented in the companion paper [1], these rial properties whose calibration requires back analysis of the cur-
equations can be all expressed in the form x_ ¼ f ðx; h; TÞ, where x rent theory, belong to the second category. These properties,
represents an internal variable. A very effective method to inte- referred hereinafter as free parameters of the model, are: hydration
grate such a differential equation is to use the second order Run- degree parameters, gc ; Ac1 , and Ac2 , SF reaction degree parameters,
ge–Kutta formula (midpoint method). By this approach xnþ1 , i.e. gs ; As1 , and As2 , sorption isotherm parameters, kcv g ; ksv g , and g 1 , mois-
the value of the internal variable at time tnþ1 , can be estimated as ture diffusivity parameters, D ~ 1 , and n, polymer concentration
~ 0; D
xnþ1 xn þ Dtn f ðxnþ1=2 ; hnþ1=2 ; T nþ1=2 Þ ð8Þ parameter, Ap1 , and chemically bound water parameter related to
polymerization, kps .
where xn is the value of the internal variable at time t n ; Dt n is the The free parameters of the model can be calibrated on the basis
time increment, xnþ1=2 ¼ ðxnþ1 þ xn Þ=2; hnþ1=2 ¼ ðhnþ1 þ hn Þ=2, and of the following calibration procedure:
T nþ1=2 ¼ ðT nþ1 þ T n Þ=2. At time t 0 ¼ 0 (time of casting) all the inter-
nal variables are set to zero (x0 ¼ 0). 1. Considering a concrete mix without silica fume:
Remark 1. The discretized balance equations and the numerical (a) Calibrate kv g and g 1 by fitting experimental sorption/
evolution laws are both nonlinear and need to be solved by means desorption isotherms relevant to two different values of
of an iterative scheme. The numerical simulations performed in hydration degree, which should remain constant during
this study showed that an iterative scheme based on a global tests in order to decouple the calibration of the sorption iso-
measure of convergence (e.g., norm of temperature and/or humid- therm from the calibration of the parameters related to
ity vectors), provides satisfactory accuracy in the iterative solution cement hydration (step 1b). This can be only achieved in
of the internal variable evolution laws. an approximate way because it is not possible to stop the
hydration process while conducting the sorption/desorp-
Remark 2. The system in Eqs. (3) and (4) do not include the tion tests. It is feasible, however, to obtain experimental
boundary conditions. However, Dirichlet’s boundary conditions sorption isotherms characterized by a small variation of
can be directly imposed on the system of Eqs. (3) and (4) [3], the hydration degree (6 0:1) [5]. The calibration of kv g
whereas Cauchy’s boundary conditions can be enforced approxi- and g 1 should be performed with reference to the mean
mately by considering an additional layer of material attached to value of the hydration degree during the test.
the actual boundaries and imposing Dirichlet’s boundary condi- (b) Calibrate gc ; Ac1 , and Ac2 by fitting either temperature rise in
tions on these fictitious boundaries. By changing the thickness of an adiabatic calorimetric test [6] or the experimental
the additional layer, different heat and moisture surface emissivity hydration degree calculated as the ratio between the heat
coefficients can be simulated [3]. released in an calorimetric test and the total heat released
at complete cement hydration [7].
(c) Calibrate D ~ 1 , and n by fitting experimental results of
~ 0; D
Remark 3. The discussed axis-symmetric numerical formulation
can be also applied to the solution of two-dimensional problems. drying tests [3,8].
The only modification of the discretized equations consist in 2. Considering the concrete mix in step 1 with the addition of sil-
neglecting the term ðNj @N i =@rÞ=r appearing in the expressions of ica-fume and keeping unaltered the already calibrated
K ele ele parameters:
2;ij and K 4;ij . s
(a) Calibrate kv g by fitting sorption/desorption experimental
data [5]. Same considerations made in step 1a apply here.
3. Calibration and validation procedure (b) Calibrate gs ; As1 , and As2 by fitting the difference in temper-
ature rise (or heat development) for adiabatic calorimetric
The material properties needed to simulate, according to the tests (or isothermal calorimetric tests) with and without
present theory, moisture transport and heat transfer in high-per- (data used in step 1b) SF. Alternatively, gs ; As1 , and As2 can
G. Di Luzio, G. Cusatis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 309–324 311
be calibrated by fitting direct measurement of the degree of ibration phase. In the validation phase, parameter adjustment is
pozzolanic reaction, which can be obtained by measuring not permitted. In the following sections examples of calibration
the variation of CH content due to the presence of SF [9]. and validation will be presented and discussed.
(c) Calibrate Ap1 by fitting experimental polymer concentration
data that can be obtained by measuring the evolution of
polymerized species in hydrated concrete mix [9]. 4. Sorption/desorption isotherms
(d) Calibrate kps by fitting experimental data on chemically
bound water in presence of polymerization (that is for suf- The calibration of the sorption isotherm parameters is discussed
ficiently hydrated concrete) [10]. Considering that: (1) the in this section. As discussed in the companion paper [1], the differ-
chemically bound water is proportional to the polymers ence between sorption and desorption isotherms are neglected in
concentration through the parameter kps , (2) the polymers this study as done in previous studies by other researchers [11].
concentration is proportional to the parameter Ap1 , and This also permits to calibrate the sorption isotherm on the basis
(3) polymerization only affects the formula of the chemi- of desorption data, which are the most commonly available in
cally bound water, experimental data on chemically bound the literature.
water can be actually used to calibrate directly the poly- Desorption experimental data for two old concretes (2 years of
merization parameter C p ¼ kps Ap1 . This allows eliminating age), labeled as BO and BH, were published in [12]. Both mixes
step 2c for which experimental data is extremely rare and were prepared with a type I Portland cement. The first mix (BO)
difficult to obtain. was a standard concrete, characterized by w/c = 0.48 and
c = 300 Kg/m3. On the contrary, the second mix (BH) was an
It must be noted here that, in the current literature, a compre- high-performance concrete, characterized by w/c = 0.26,
hensive study providing, for the same concrete, all experimental c = 450 Kg/m3, and containing silica fume ðs=c ¼ 0:10Þ. With these
data needed for the calibration procedure outlined above, is not material properties, one can obtain a1 c ¼ 0:73 for mix BO, and
available. In most of the cases, experimental investigations tend a1c ¼ 0:51; as ¼ 0:87 for mix BH [1]. These values can be assumed
to analyze specific aspects in relation to different mixes more that to be the hydration degree and the degree of SF reaction at the time
focusing on a thorough analysis of one single mix. In this cases, the of the tests. With this assumption, the best fitting of the experi-
only option left is an educated guess of the parameters that cannot mental data without SF (Fig. 1a) can be obtained by setting
be calibrated. kv g ¼ 0:2 and g1 = 1.5. The best fitting of the experimental data
Once the calibration has been performed, the validation has to with silica fume (Fig. 1b) can be obtained by adopting the previ-
be carried out by simulating experimental data, relevant to the ously identified parameters ðkv g ¼ 0:2, g1 = 1.5) and by setting
same concrete of the calibration, that has not been used in the cal- kv g ¼ 0:36.
a 0.4 b 0.4
Concrete BO w/c=0.48 Concrete BH w/c=0.26
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Relative humidity [-] Relative humidity [-]
20 20
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Relative humidity [-] Relative humidity [-]
Fig. 1. Fitting of experimental desorption isotherms for concrete mixes with various water-to-cement ratios and various degrees of hydration.
312 G. Di Luzio, G. Cusatis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 309–324
In Ref. [5] experimental desorption data, relevant to two differ- vant to the other temperatures were performed without changing
ent concrete mixes characterized by two water-to-cement ratios, the parameters for validation purposes.
were reported. The first mix (w=c ¼ 0:4) was tested at three differ- Fig. 2 shows the comparison between the experiments and the
ent ages characterized by ac varying from 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 to 0.3, numerical simulations with reference to the chemically bound
0.5, and 0.6, respectively. The numerical simulations were per- water normalized by its asymptotic value. The agreement is excel-
formed by assuming an average hydration degree, ac = 0.15, 0.4, lent and the theory correctly predict faster hydration for higher
and 0.65, respectively, for the three cases. Fig. 1c shows the best temperatures. As discussed in [1], this effect is captured automat-
fitting of the experimental data obtained by setting, again, ically through the Arrenius-type dependence of the hydration pro-
kv g ¼ 0:2 and g1 = 1.5. As shown in Fig. 1d, the same parameters cess on temperature. Fig. 2 also shows that the final value of the
can be also used to fit the desorption data of the second mix chemically bound water (and, similarly, the degree of hydration)
(w=c ¼ 0:25) tested at four different ages. For this case, the exper- does not depend on temperature.
imental hydration degree ranges and the mean values adopted in
the numerical calculations are reported in the figure legend. 6. Adiabatic calorimetric tests
For all the experimental data sets analyzed in this section, the
agreement between the theory and the experiments can be consid- The experimental investigation of Bentz et al. [14] on conven-
ered good even though, for some of the tests, the scatter of the tional and high-performance concretes aimed at the characteriza-
experimental data is relatively high. tion of their adiabatic heat signature is considered herein. Bentz
et al. [14] measured the temperature increase under adiabatic con-
5. Isothermal calorimetric tests ditions for a large variety of concrete mixes with and without SF. In
Table 3, the first four columns report density, cement content,
For ordinary portland cement, the evolution of the hydration water-to-cement ratio, and silica-to-cement ratio, respectively, for
degree can obtained from the evolution of chemically bound water, 16 of these mixes. The fifth and the seventh columns of the same Ta-
whose measurement can be, in turn, utilized to calibrate the hydra- ble report the asymptotic hydration degree and the asymptotic sil-
tion degree parameters. The experimental data obtained by Pane ica fume reaction degree, calculated on the basis of Eqs. 19, 20, 24
and Hansen [13], who measured the evolution in time of the chem- and 26 in [1]. These values are in very good agreement with the val-
ically bond water in sealed samples of cement paste cured isother- ues of the same quantities calculated, with reference to a concrete
mally at three different temperatures (9, 23, and 34 °C), is analyzed age of 3 years, by Bentz et al. [14] through a three-dimensional
in this section. microstructural model (sixth and eighth columns of Table 3).
The tested cement paste was characterized by c = 438 Kg/m3, The values Q 1c ¼ 520 kJ=kg, Eac =R ¼ 5490 K; Eas =R ¼ 9620 K can
w=c ¼ 0:4, and a1 c ¼ 0:72. In addition, a latent heat of hydration be assumed for all 16 mixes based on data reported in [14]. It is
equal to Q ~ 1 ¼ 439:0 kJ=kg was reported by the authors of the worth noting that the assumed value for Q 1
c c is very good agree-
experimental investigation [13]. ment with (only 7% higher than) the value calculated from the en-
Since, in these tests, the temperature and humidity fields do not thalpy of complete hydration of the major phases of cement [14].
feature significant spatial gradients, the numerical simulations Similarly to the previous section, the numerical simulations of
were carried out on a single element mesh subjected to boundary these experiments were performed by a single element mesh.
conditions corresponding to isothermal heat exchange and without Boundary conditions not allowing mass and heat exchange
water mass exchange. through the external surfaces were imposed to simulate an adia-
The best fitting of the experimental data points relevant to batic system.
T = 9 °C was obtained by the parameters reported on the second In the absence of specific measurements, the sorption isotherm
column of Table 2. It must be noted that, since desorption data parameters were assumed to be equal to the ones optimized in
was not available, the sorption isotherm parameters discussed in Section 4. The hydration degree parameters were calibrated by
the previous section were adopted. Finally, the simulations rele- the best fitting of the adiabatic temperature rise for Mix 1, which
does not include SF. Then, the adiabatic temperature rise for Mix
1 13, which includes SF, was used to calibrate the SF reaction degree
parameters. The optimized parameters are reported in the third
column of Table 2. The numerical simulations of the other 14 mixes
0.8 were performed for validation.
Figs. 3–6 show comparison between the experimental data and
the numerical simulations. Symbols are the experimental data
points, lines represent the results obtained by the present model
0.6 with (solid line) and without (dashed line) the effect of the SF reac-
wn /wn inf
tion degree. As one can see, without modeling the SF reaction, tem-
perature rise is underestimated by up to 10%. On the contrary, with
0.4 the use of the full theory, the agreement is excellent for all 16
mixes. These results clearly show the proposed model can be reli-
Chemical bond water for w/c =0.45
Experimental T=9 °C ably employed to predict the temperature rise and the heat pro-
Numerical T=9 °C duction of a wide variety of concrete mixes with and without SF.
0.2 Experimental T=23 °C
Numerical T=23 °C
Experimental T=34 C
° 7. Self-desiccation tests
Numerical T=34 °C
0 The third numerical example deals with self-desiccation, that is
the reduction of relative humidity in early age sealed samples due
1 10 100 1000 10000
to water consumption associated with cement hydration.
Time [hours]
The material properties and boundary conditions (sealed condi-
Fig. 2. Numerical simulations of the experimental data of Pane and Hansen [13]: tions for mass exchange at constant temperature) correspond to
evolution of the chemically bound water under different isothermal conditions. those in the experimental study of Lura et al. [15], who measured
G. Di Luzio, G. Cusatis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 309–324 313
Table 2
Values of the free parameters used in the numerical simulations.
Table 3
Density, cement content, water-to-cement ratio, silica-to-cement ratio, ultimate degree of hydration, and ultimate degree of silica fume reaction for concrete mixes studied by
Bentz et al. [14].
Temperature [C]
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 40 80 120 160 200 0 50 100 150 200
Time [hours] Time [hours]
c w/c = 0.45
d w/c = 0.65
100 100
Temperature [C]
Temperature [C]
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 40 80 120 160 200 0 40 80 120 160 200
Time [hours] Time [hours]
Fig. 3. Experimental investigation of Bentz et al. [14]: experimental (data points) and numerical (solid lines) adiabatic temperature rise curves for concrete with different
values of water-to-cement ratio and without silica fume.
314 G. Di Luzio, G. Cusatis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 309–324
Temperature [C]
Temperature [C]
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Time [hours] Time [hours]
c d
w/c = 0.65 and SF = 10% w/c = 0.65 and SF = 30%
100 100
Temperature [C]
Temperature [C]
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Time [hours] Time [hours]
Fig. 4. Experimental investigation of Bentz et al. [14]: experimental (data points) and numerical (solid and dashed lines) adiabatic temperature rise curves for concrete with
high values of water-to-cement ratio and silica fume. Dashed lines represent model results obtained neglecting the SF reaction.
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Time [hours] Time [hours]
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
Fig. 5. Experimental investigation of Bentz et al. [14]: experimental (data points) and numerical (solid and dashed lines) adiabatic temperature rise curves for concrete with
medium values of water-to-cement ratio and silica fume. Dashed lines represent model results obtained neglecting the SF reaction.
G. Di Luzio, G. Cusatis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 309–324 315
Temperature [C]
Temperature [C]
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 40 80 120 160 200 0 50 100 150 200
Time [hours] Time [hours]
Temperature [C]
Temperature [C]
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 40 80 120 160 200 0 40 80 120 160 200
Time [hours] Time [hours]
Fig. 6. Experimental investigation of Bentz et al. [14]: experimental (data points) and numerical (solid and dashed lines) adiabatic temperature rise curves for concrete with
low values of water-to-cement ratio and silica fume. Dashed lines represent model results obtained neglecting the SF reaction.
a 0.8 b 1
Relative humidity [-]
Degree of reaction
0 0.85
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Time [days] Time [days]
Fig. 7. Numerical simulations of the experimental data of Lura et al. [15] on high-performance cement paste: evolution in time of (a) degree of reaction and (b) relative
parameters reported in the fourth column of Table 2. Fig. 7a and b therm data and hydration degree data were not available for these
show the comparison between the experimental data and numer- concretes, the sorption isotherm parameters and hydration degree
ical results and the agreement is very good. In this case, no data parameters were calibrated all together by simulating the self-
was available for validation. desiccation experiments relevant to w=c ¼ 0:4 and age of 3 and
28 days (solid curves in Fig. 9a and b). The permeability parameters
8. Drying tests were calibrated by simulating drying experimental data relevant to
w=c ¼ 0:4 and age of 3 days (Fig. 10b). The optimized parameters
In the previous sections, calibration and validation have focused are reported in the fifth column of Table 2. The numerical
on experimental data featuring temperature and humidity fields simulations of the other available data served as validation of the
without (or negligible) spatial gradients. Consequently, the numer- model.
ical results were independent of the moisture permeability, whose Figs. 9–11 show the comparison between the numerical results
effect is analyzed herein with reference to the experimental inves- as the experimental data for all the simulations. The agreement is
tigations of Kim and Lee [17] on moisture drying at early ages. overall excellent, proving that the present model can be used reli-
Drying occurs when concrete is exposed to ambient air with a ably to estimate moisture diffusion in normal and high-perfor-
relative humidity smaller than the relative humidity of the speci- mance concretes.
men. The imbalance of the relative humidity at the boundaries Fig. 9a and b show, for the various concretes, the evolution in
causes an outward flow of water, which, in turn, leads to moisture time of relative humidity for the sealed specimens subjected to
diffusion from the core towards the external surfaces of the speci- self-desiccation after moist-curing for 3 and 28 days, respectively.
mens and to nonuniform relative humidity distributions. In addi- The model correctly predicts higher relative humidity decrease for
tion, at the early ages, the entire process is influenced by the low water-to-cement ratios at early ages. The initial relative
self-desiccation phenomenon. humidity after moist-curing is slightly less than one for low
Kim and Lee [17] measured the nonuniform moisture distribu- water-to-cement ratios suggesting that the water provided
tions in concrete samples, relevant to three different concrete through the moist-curing was not enough to maintain complete
mixes, exposed to ambient air with 50% relative humidity. The saturation of these concretes.
three mixes were characterized by cement content, water-to-ce- Fig. 10a, b, and c show, for the three considered water-to-ce-
ment ratio, and density equal to 541, 423, 310 Kg/m3, 0.28, 0.4, ment ratios, the evolution in time of relative humidity at the three
0.68, and 2394, 2344, 2257 Kg/m3, respectively. Additional infor- different locations mentioned previously, after 3 days of moist-cur-
mation on the chemical characteristics of the mix compounds ing. When drying begins, similarly to the previous case, the initial
and concrete compositions can be found in [17]. The tested speci- internal relative humidity in specimens with low water-to-cement
mens were prisms ð10 10 20 cmÞ, which were moist-cured be- ratio is less than the one in specimens with high water-to-cement
fore drying. Two different ages were considered: t 0 ¼ 3 and 28 ratio. In addition, data characterized by high water-to-cement ratio
days. The internal relative humidity was measured at the distance shows full saturation at the beginning of drying.
of 3, 7, and 12 cm from the exposed surface (Fig. 8a), which was Furthermore, the model simulates correctly the spatial gradi-
one of the 10 10 cm square bases. The other five sides were ent of relative humidity, which decreases with the distance from
sealed to generate a uniaxial moisture diffusion. In addition, com- the exposed surface. By comparing self-desiccation and drying
pletely sealed cubic specimens were also used to measure the var- data, both the numerical simulations and the experimental data
iation of relative humidity due to self-desiccation only. suggest that, in the inner regions of the specimens, the variation
The numerical simulations of these tests were performed by of relative humidity is mainly due to self-desiccation in the case
using the plane finite element mesh showed in Fig. 8b. On the ex- of low water-to-cement ratios (slower moisture diffusion and
posed surface, Cauchy’s boundary conditions were imposed by an higher self-desiccation) and to drying in the case of high water-
equivalent surface thickness of 0.75 mm (see Section 2). to-cement ratios (faster moisture diffusion and lower self-desic-
For the three mixes, the asymptotic degree of hydration can be cation). This is in agreement to the fact that, typically, concretes
calculated as 0.61, 0.694, and 0.8, respectively. Since sorption iso- with low water-to-cement ratio feature a denser microstructure
a 1 b 1
Relative humidity [-]
Relative humidity [-]
0.95 0.95
0.9 0.9
0.85 0.85
0.75 0.75
Fig. 9. Numerical simulations of the experimental data of Kim and Lee [17]: relative humidity vs. time due to self-desiccation for (a) t0 = 3 day and (b) t0 = 28 day.
G. Di Luzio, G. Cusatis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 309–324 317
a 1 b 1
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
w/c=0.28 w/c=0.40
0.6 0.6
0 40 80 120 0 40 80 120
Time [days] Time [days]
c 1
Relative humidity [-]
0 40 80 120
Time [days]
Fig. 10. Numerical simulations of the experimental data of Kim and Lee [17]: relative humidity vs. time with t0 = 3 day due to moisture diffusion and self-desiccation for
concrete with different water-to-cement ratios and at different positions in the specimen.
a 1 b 1
Relative humidity [-]
Relative humidity [-]
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
w/c=0.28 w/c=0.40
0.6 0.6
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
Time [days] Time [days]
c 1
Relative humidity [-]
t0=28 days
Exp. 3 cm
Num. 3 cm
Exp. 7 cm
0.8 Num. 7 cm
Exp. 12 cm
Num. 12 cm
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time [days]
Fig. 11. Numerical simulations of the experimental data of Kim and Lee [17]: relative humidity vs. time with t0 = 28 day due to moisture diffusion and self-desiccation for
concrete with different water-to-cement ratios at different positions in the specimen.
318 G. Di Luzio, G. Cusatis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 309–324
Fig. 12. Numerical simulations of the experimental data of Ayano and Wittmann [16]: (a) geometry and (b) finite element mesh.
and are characterized by higher consumption of water during with relative humidity of 45%. The top and the bottom surfaces of
hydration. the cylinders were sealed in order to generate a radial water diffu-
Similar observations can be made with reference to Fig. 11a, b, sion. The tested concrete was characterized by c = 400 kg/m3,
and c relevant to drying data at the age of 28 days. q = 2334 Kg/m3, Q~ 1c ¼ 400 KJ=kg, and w=c ¼ 0:5. For this value of
water-to-cement ratio one has a1 c ¼ 0:74.
9. Size-effect on moisture loss The three specimens were modeled through axis-symmetric fi-
nite element meshes, which are shown in Fig. 12b. The parameters
The proposed model is also able to predict the size-effect on of the model were calibrated by simulating the specimen with
moisture loss, that is the reduction of the overall moisture content / = 100 cm and their optimized values are reported in the sixth
as function of specimen size. The moisture loss (by weight) can be column of Table 2. The simulation of the other specimens served
calculated by subtracting from the initial water content, w0 , the as validation. Fig. 13 shows the comparison between the experi-
sum of non-evaporable water, wn and evaporable water, we . By mental and the numerical results in terms of average water loss
integrating this difference over the volume, V, of the specimen normalized with respect to the initial total water content
one can obtain the average moisture loss, W loss , as W 0 ¼ w0 V. The agreement between experiments and simulations
Z is excellent and the model is able to predict with great accuracy
W loss ¼ w0 V ðwn þ we ÞdV ð10Þ the size-effect in moisture loss.
In the experimental investigation of Ayano and Wittmann [16], the 10. Effect of curing conditions on moisture content
average moisture loss was measured for three cylindrical concrete
specimens characterized by different diameters, / = 50, 80, and In this section the numerical simulations of the experimental
150 mm, and lengths, L = 100, 100, and 150 mm, respectively results obtained by Persson [10,18,19] are presented. In this exper-
(Fig. 12a). The moisture loss was due to exposure to ambient air imental investigation, chemically bound (non-evaporable) water
and internal relative humidity were measured in concrete speci-
mens subjected to air, water, and sealed curing, over a period of
0.6 450 days. Eight different concrete mixes, characterized by various
values of water-to-cement ratio and cement content, were studied.
Four mixes also included silica fume. The compositions of these
mixes are reported in Table 4 where one can also see the calculated
=50mm ultimate degree of hydration and ultimate degree of silica reaction.
Moisture loss
=80mm Table 4
Cement content, water-to-cement ratio, silica-to-cement ratio, ultimate degree of
0.2 hydration, and ultimate degree of silica fume reaction for concrete mixes studied by
Persson [10,18,19].
q (kg/m3) c (kg/m3) w=c s=c a1
c a1
The chemical characteristic of cement, aggregate, silica fume, and column of Table 2, were obtained by the best fitting of self-desic-
additives can be found in [10]. The tested specimens were circular cation data (Figs. 16b and 21b), chemically bound water data (Figs.
slabs of 1 m diameter and 0.1 m thickness. For air and water cur- 16e and 21d), and drying data (Figs. 16d and 21e). The same model
ing, the flat sides of the slabs were covered by thick layers of epoxy parameters were used to simulate the behavior of the other six
resin to impose only radial moisture transport. For sealed curing, mixes for validation purpose. Comparison between the experimen-
also the external circular surface was treated with epoxy resin in tal data and the numerical predictions are shown in Figs. 15–22.
order to obtain perfectly sealed conditions. Temperature and Each figure is relevant to a different concrete Mix and overall the
humidity of the ambient air were recorded during the air curing agreement is good for all eight mixes.
tests and their evolution in time (Fig. 14a and b) provides the Sub-figures a, c, and e in Figs. 19–22 show the chemically
essential boundary conditions for the numerical simulation of bound water ðwn Þ normalized with respect to cement content
these tests. For both air and water curing, relative humidity mea- ðcÞ, for sealed conditions, air curing, and water curing, respec-
surements were obtained through cast-in plastic probes placed at tively. Both the experimental data and the numerical results show
50, 150 and 350 mm from the exposed surface [10]. that the chemically bound water varies slightly under different
The model parameters were calibrated by fitting the experi- curing conditions while it increases for increasing water-to-ce-
mental results relevant to Mix 2 (without silica fume) and Mix 7 ment ratio. At the end of the tests (450 days), wn =c shows more
(with silica fume), both featuring a water-to-cement ratio close than 30% increase (from about 0.15 to about 0.2) as w=c increases
to the average water-to-cement ratio (0.365) of the eight mixes. from 0.25 to 0.58 (Figs. 15a and 18a). The presence of SF reduces
In particular, the optimized parameters, reported in the seventh the amount of chemically bound water but, at the same time,
25 1
20 0.8
15 0.6
10 0.4
5 0.2
0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600
Time [days] Time [days]
Fig. 14. Data by Persson [10,18,19]: measured air temperature and relative humidity during air curing.
1 c 0.25
a 0.25 Non-evaporable water b
Sealed condition
Relative Humidity [-]
0.9 w/c = 0.25
wn/c [kg/kg]
Exp. 0.15
0.1 0.1
0.8 Non-evaporable water
Air curing - w/c = 0.25
0 0.7 0
d 1 e 0.25 f 1
Air Curing w/c = 0.25
Exp. 50mm
Relative Humidity [-]
Num. 150mm
Exp. 350mm 0.15
Num. 350mm
0.8 0.8 Water Curing
w/c = 0.25
0.1 Non-evaporable water Exp 50mm
Water curing - w/c = 0.25 Num 50mm
0.7 Exp 50mm 0.7 Exp. 150mm
0.05 Num 50mm Num. 150mm
Exp. 350mm
Num. 350mm
0.6 0 0.6
0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600
Time [days] Time [days] Time [days]
Fig. 15. Data by Persson [10,18,19], concrete Mix 1: non-evaporable water and relative humidity under sealed conditions (a, b), air curing (c, d), and water curing (e, f).
320 G. Di Luzio, G. Cusatis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 309–324
a 0.25 b 1 c 0.25
wn/c [kg/kg]
0.15 0.15
d 1 e 0.25 f 1
0.9 0.9
wn/c [kg/kg]
Water Curing
0.8 Air Curing - w/c = 0.33 0.8 w/c = 0.33
Num. 50mm 0.1 Exp. 50mm
Non-evaporable water Num. 50mm
Exp. 50mm
Water curing - w/c = 0.33 Exp. 150mm
Exp. 150mm
0.7 Exp 50mm 0.7
Num. 150mm 0.05 Num. 150mm
Exp. 350mm Num 50mm Exp. 350mm
Num. 350mm Num. 350mm
0.6 0 0.6
Fig. 16. Data by Persson [10,18,19], concrete Mix 2: non-evaporable water and relative humidity under sealed conditions (a, b), air curing (c, d), and water curing (e, f).
a 0.25
b 1 c 0.25
Relative Humidity [-]
0.2 0.2
wn/c [kg/kg]
wn/c [kg/kg]
0.15 0.15
Non-evaporable water
Sealed curing Self-Desiccation Non-evaporable water
0.1 w/c = 0.47
0.1 Air curing - w/c = 0.47
w/c = 0.47
0.8 Exp. Exp 50mm
Num. Num. 0.05 Num 50mm
0 0.7 0
d 1 e 0.25 f 1
Relative Humidity [-]
Relative Humidity [-]
0.9 0.9
wn/c [kg/kg]
Water Curing
0.15 w/c = 0.47
0.8 Num. 50mm
0.8 Air Curing - w/c = 0.47
Num 50mm Non-evaporable water Exp. 50mm
Num. 150mm
0.1 Water - w/c = 0.47 Exp. 150mm
Exp. 150mm Exp 50mm Num. 150mm
0.7 Num. 150mm 0.7 Exp. 350mm
0.05 Num 50mm
Exp. 350mm Num. 350mm
Num. 350mm
0.6 0 0.6
Fig. 17. Data by Persson [10,18,19], concrete Mix 3: non-evaporable water and relative humidity under sealed conditions (a, b), air curing (c, d), and water curing (e, f).
emphasizes its increase for increasing water-to-cement ratio. At the chemically bound water does not monotonically increase with
the end of the tests (450 days), mixes with s=c ¼ 0:1 show a time toward an asymptotic value, but rather shows a tendency to
70% increase of wn =c from about 0.1 for w=c ¼ 0:22 (Fig. 19a) to decrease after about 100 days of curing. This is due to silicate
about 0.17 for w=c ¼ 0:48 (Fig. 22a). In addition, for these mixes, polymerization, which produces free evaporable water. For com-
G. Di Luzio, G. Cusatis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 309–324 321
a 0.25 b 1 c 0.25
wn/c [kg/kg]
wn/c [kg/kg]
0.15 0.15
Non-evaporable water Air curing - w/c = 0.58
0.1 w/c = 0.58 0.1
Sealed curing 0.8 Exp. Exp 50mm
w/c = 0.58 Num 50mm
0.05 Exp. 0.05
0 0.7 0
d 1 e 0.25 f 1
Relative Humidity [-]
Water Curing
Air Curing
0.15 w/c = 0.58
0.8 w/c = 0.58 0.8 Exp 50mm
Exp. 50mm Water curing - w/c = 0.58 Num. 50mm
Num. 50mm
0.1 Exp 50mm Exp. 150mm
Exp. 150mm Num 50mm Num. 150mm
0.7 Num. 150mm 0.7
0.05 Exp. 350mm
Exp. 350mm Num. 350mm
Num. 350mm
0.6 0 0.6
0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600
Time [days] Time [days] Time [days]
Fig. 18. Data by Persson [10,18,19], concrete Mix 4: non-evaporable water and relative humidity under sealed conditions (a, b), air curing (c, d), and water curing (e, f).
a 0.25 b 1 c 0.25
Non-evaporable water Non-evaporable water
Sealed curing Self-Desiccation Air curing - w/c = 0.22-S
Relative Humidity [-]
wn/c [kg/kg]
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0.7 0
0.7 0.7
0.6 0 0.6
Fig. 19. Data by Persson [10,18,19], concrete Mix 5: non-evaporable water and relative humidity under sealed conditions (a, b), air curing (c, d), and water curing (e, f).
pleteness, sub-figures a, c, and e in Figs. 19–22 show both the Sub-figures b in Figs. 19–22 show the evolution of rela-
numerical results with (solid line) and without (dashed line) the tive humidity under sealed conditions (self-desiccation). The
effect of the polymerization. relative humidity decreases with time and its reduction is higher
322 G. Di Luzio, G. Cusatis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 309–324
a 0.25 b 1 c 0.25
Non-evaporable water Non-evaporable water
wn/c [kg/kg]
wn/c [kg/kg]
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0.7 0
d 1 e 0.25 f 1
Water Curing - w/c = 0.24-S
Exp 50mm
Air Curing Num 50mm
w/c = 0.24-S Non-evaporable water
Exp. 150mm
Exp. 50mm
0.2 Water curing - w/c = 0.24-S Num. 150mm
0.9 Num. 50mm Exp 50mm 0.9 Exp. 350mm
wn/c [kg/kg]
0.7 0.7
0.6 0 0.6
Fig. 20. Data by Persson [10,18,19], concrete Mix 6: non-evaporable water and relative humidity under sealed conditions (a, b), air curing (c, d), and water curing (e, f).
a 0.25 b 1 c 0.25
Relative Humidity [-]
wn/c [kg/kg]
0.9 Exp.
0.15 Num. 0.15
Exp. 350mm
Num. 350mm 0.15
0.8 0.8
Non-evaporable water Water Curing - w/c = 0.36-S
0.1 Water curing - w/c = 0.36-S Exp 50mm
Num 50mm
Exp 50mm
0.7 Num 50mm 0.7 Exp. 150mm
0.05 Num. 150mm
Num. no polymer. Exp. 350mm
Num. 350mm
0.6 0 0.6
0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600
Time [days] Time [days] Time [days]
Fig. 21. Data by Persson [10,18,19], concrete Mix 7: non-evaporable water and relative humidity under sealed conditions (a, b), air curing (c, d), and water curing (e, f).
for lower water-to-cement ratio: at 450 days h 0.75 (25%) 0.22 and to less than 0.9 (10%) for w/c = 0.48, after only 100 days
for w/c = 0.25 and h 0.95 (5 %) for w/c = 0.58. The presence of of curing.
silica fume further intensifies the self-desiccation process. With Sub-figures d in Figs. 19–22 show the evolution of relative
s/c = 0.1, the relative humidity drops to 0.75 (25%) for w/c = humidity at three different locations in specimens subjected to
G. Di Luzio, G. Cusatis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 309–324 323
a 0.25 b 1 0.25
wn/c [kg/kg]
wn/c [kg/kg]
0.15 0.15
Non-evaporable water
0.1 Non-evaporable water 0.1 Air curing - w/c = 0.48-S
Sealed curing 0.8
w/c = 0.48-S Exp 50mm
Exp. Num 50mm
0.05 Num.
Num. no polymer.
Num. no polymer.
0 0.7 0
Num. 150mm
Exp. 350mm 0.2
0.9 Num. 350mm
wn/c [kg/kg]
0.6 0 0.6
Fig. 22. Data by Persson [10,18,19], concrete Mix 8: non-evaporable water and relative humidity under sealed conditions (a, b), air curing (c, d), and water curing (e, f).
air curing (drying). During drying the reduction of relative humid- mental data available in the literature. Based on the obtained re-
ity is due to both release of water in the environment and self-des- sults it is possible to draw the following conclusions:
iccation. Both the experimental data and the numerical results
show that the overall relative humidity reduction during drying in- 1. The present formulation can simulate correctly and predict
creases for decreasing water-to-cement ratio. This is a direct con- with great accuracy the evolution of cement hydration and sil-
sequence of the self-desiccation process which is more ica fume (pozzolanic) reaction for concrete mixes characterized
pronounced for low values of water-to-cement ratio. Low values by a wide range of water-to-cement ratio and low silica fume
of water-to-cement ratio also influence the gradient of the humid- content. This is achieved by the formulation of evolution laws
ity profile, which tends to be more uniform along the specimen ra- for the hydration degree and for the silica fume reaction degree.
dius. This is particularly true in presence of silica fume. At 450 2. For high silica fume content mixes, rarely used in practise,
days, the relative humidity gradient between points at 50 mm experimental data are not available in the literature and further
and 350 mm from the exposed surface is less than 0.05 for Mix 5 research is needed to verify the applicability of the present
(low w/c and silica fume) whereas is almost 0.2 for Mix 8 (high model to these cases.
w/c and silica fume). 3. The correct simulation of the effect of hydration and pozzolanic
Finally, sub-figures f in Figs. 19–22 show the evolution of rela- reaction allows an accurate simulation of the phenomena that
tive humidity at three different locations in specimens subjected to characterize early age behavior of standard and high-
water curing (wetting). The relative humidity initially decreases at performance concrete mixes, such as self-desiccation and
all locations as a consequence of self-desiccation. Later, the water self-heating. This capability is an essential prerequisite to simu-
supplied from the environment is not completely consumed by late early age cracking in massive structures (e.g. dams), where
the chemical reaction and the relative humidity increases again. the heat released by the chemical reactions may be significant,
This phenomenon (wetting) is, of course, faster at points located and high-performance structures (e.g. bridge decks), where
close to the external boundaries. It must be noted here, that in this shrinkage induced by self-desiccation cannot be neglected.
case the agreement between the experimental data and the 4. In addition to early age self-desiccation data, the present model
numerical results is not as good as in the other cases, even if it can simulate medium- and long-term increase of free (evapor-
can be still considered satisfactory. The reduced accuracy of the able) water and relative humidity under sealed conditions, as
numerical predications in the case of wetting could depend by shown by some experimental data relevant to concrete mixes
the fact that: (1) the model does not distinguish between the containing silica fume [10]. This is achieved by: (a) assuming
adsorption isotherm and desorption isotherm and (2) sorption/ that this phenomenon is caused by silicate polymerization
desorption isotherms have been calibrated on the basis of desorp- (which is known to release some of the chemically bound
tion data. This point certainly requires further investigation and fu- water) and (b) modeling polymerization through an evolution
ture research. law for the silicate polymer concentration. The present model
is able to reproduce the existing experimental data that features
11. Conclusions the effect of polymerization. Nevertheless, due to the fact that
polymerization data is scarce in the literature, additional cali-
In this paper the model presented in Part I of this study [1] has bration and validation is certainly needed for this component
been calibrated and validated by an extensive analysis of experi- of the model.
324 G. Di Luzio, G. Cusatis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 309–324
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A ¼ 41 2 15 I ¼ 415 ð13Þ Struct 1997;30:533–44.
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6 7 [21] Bažant ZP, Kaplan MF. Concrete at high temperatures: material properties and
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2 [22] Mindess S, Young JF. Concrete. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; 1981.
b1 b3 þ c1 c3 þ d1 b2 b3 þ c2 c3 þ d2 b3 þ c23 þ d3 [23] Waller V, de Larrard F, Roussel P. Modelling the temperature rise in massive
ð14Þ HPC structures. In: 4th international symposium on utilization of high-
strength/high-performance concrete, RILEM; May 1996. p. 415–21.
where the overbar means evaluation at the centroid of the element, [24] Brough AR, Dobson CM, Richardson IG, Groves GW. In situ solid-state NMR
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and di ¼ 2bi Xe =3r for axis-symmetric meshes and di ¼ 0 for two- temperatures using 29Si enrichment. J Mater Sci 1994;29:3926–40.
dimensional planar meshes.
Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 325–330
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The properties of a hybrid modified cement mortar (HM) after 5 years storage in a sulphuric acid solution
Received 28 January 2007 were studied. HM was made by mixing ordinary portland cement (OPC), sand and water and subse-
Received in revised form 14 February 2009 quently adding Na2SiO3 (water glass), Na2SiF6, polyvinyl acetate, lignosulphonate, and tributylphosphate.
Accepted 20 February 2009
A control mortar (CM) was prepared by mixing OPC, sand, and water. The compressive strength losses
Available online 1 March 2009
after sulphuric acid attack were measured. The microstructures of HM and CM after sulphuric acid attack
were observed and analyzed by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the porosity and the pore
size distribution were measured by using mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP). Fourier-transform infra-
Polyvinyl acetate
red (FT-IR) spectroscopy was utilized to determine the phases present in HM and CM after sulphuric acid
Hybrid modification attack. Test results show that many cracks appeared in the near-surface region and many needle-like
Acid resistance crystals in the centre region of CM after 5 years sulphuric acid exposure, leading to a higher porosity
Cement mortar of 28.6% and a higher strength loss of 50.6%. By contrast, a basically monolithic structure was kept in
HM after 5 years sulphuric acid exposure, resulting in a lower porosity of 13.3% and a lower strength loss
of 27.4%.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0958-9465/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
326 G. Li et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 325–330
Table 1
Chemicalcomposition and physical properties of OPC and fly ash.
Chemical analysis SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO SO3 Na2O LOI Total Specific surface, Blaine (m2/ 28 days Compressive strength
(wt.%) percentage kg) (Mpa)
OPC 19.5 4.4 6.22 65.9 1.5 1.09 0.30 1.43 100 462 45.9
Fly ash 52.5 19.1 8.2 14.7 1.98 0.35 0.48 3.6 100 565 –
Table 3
Compressive strengths of HM and CM cured in air (28 days and 5 years) and sulphuric acid (5 years).
Sample Compressive strength after 28 days Compressive strength after 5 years Compressive strength after 5 years stored in Strength loss after 5 years
cured in air (MPa) cured in air (MPa) sulphuric acid solution (MPa) sulphuric attack (%)
HM 20.7 ± 5.3% 24.8 ± 4.2% 17.5 ± 5.8% 29.4
CM 20.3 ± 4.7% 23.5 ± 2.6% 11.6 ± 4.5% 50.6
Fig. 2. SEM images and EDX analysis of zone A for CM after 5 years exposure to sulphuric acid.
Fig. 3. SEM images and EDX analysis of zone A for HM after 5 years exposure to sulphuric acid.
Fig. 4. SEM images and EDX analysis of zone B for CM after 5 years exposure to sulphuric acid.
328 G. Li et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 325–330
ment of a netlike film in the latter. The development of coherent chemical analyses of zone C performed by EDX for HM and CM are
polymer films has been found elsewhere [6] to be not well devel- shown in Fig. 6b and 7b; for UMHM, sulfur atomics were found,
opment, in a modified mortar, therefore the formation of the net- indicating that a sulphuric acid attack had already happend; while
like film in HM may be explained by the interaction of Na2SiO3 in the case of HM, carbon atomics were found, suggesting the pres-
and polyvinyl acetate latex. The chemical analyses performed by ence of polymer compounds.
EDX in the near-surface zone A for HM and CM are shown in
Fig. 2b and 3b, indicating the different Ca/Si, carbon, and sulfur 3.3. FT-IR Spectroscopy
percentage. For CM, a low Ca/Si atomic ratio and a high atomic sul-
fur percentage were found, probably because CaSO4vH2O, the Three HM and three CM samples were taken at each transition
reaction product of CASAH and H2SO4, dissolved in water, leading zone for FT-IR spectroscopy. The FT-IR spectrum of U CM (air-cured
to the loss of Ca from CASAH. CM)showed bands at 3643, 3436, 1632, 1428, 980, 779, 678, and
Fig. 4 shows that the dominance needle-like crystals in zone B 457 cm 1 (Curve A, Fig. 8), respectively. According to Geidel et al.
for CM, the crystals were generally 50 lm long, with the largest [8], the band observed at 980 cm 1 can be assigned to SiAO
one being 100 lm long and 1 lm wide. Some needle-like crystals stretching modes of silanol groups in the CASAH phase present
(generally 10 lm long) were also observed in zone B for HM in the cement; the absorption band due to OAH stretching in
(Fig. 5). A netlike film can be seen in the zone B for HM. The chem- Ca(OH)2 is present at 3643 cm 1. According to Ghosh [9], the bands
ical analyses performed by EDX in zone B for HM and CM are at 1632 and 3436 cm 1 can be explained by the presence of cal-
shown in Fig. 4b and 5b indicate that the samples contain sulfur cium sulphate in the form of ettringite (mono and trisulphate) in
and carbon containing compounds. Evidence suggests that the the cement; the bands at 779 cm 1 and 678 cm 1 are consistent
crystals may be a mixture of ettringite and thaumasite which is with b-C2S and a-C2S phases, respectively.
in agreement with the research result of Brown and Hooton [7]. The spectrum of CM (Table 4) showed bands at 3608, 3552,
In zone C for CM (Fig. 6), needle-like crystals about 5 lm long 3410, 1620, 1426, 1153, 1096, 1007, 874, 797, 779, 661, 601, and
can be observed; the number and the length of the crystals, how- 461 cm 1, respectively. The majority of these bands can be ex-
ever are less than those in zone B. As shown in Fig. 7, no needle-like plained by the presence of CaSO4vH2O (the spectrum of CaSO4.2-
crystals can be found, and a polymer film can be observed in zone C H2O shows bands at 1000, 492, 1131, 1142, 602–669, 3555, and
for HM, indicating a denser microstructure compared with CM. The 1690 cm 1 or 1006, 413, 1118, 1138, 3500, and 1629 cm 1, respec-
Fig. 5. SEM image and EDX analysis of zone B for HM after 5 years exposure to sulphuric acid.
Fig. 6. SEM image and EDX analysis of zone C for CM after 5 years exposure to sulphuric acid.
G. Li et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 325–330 329
Fig. 7. SEM image and EDX analysis of zone C for HM undergone after 5 years exposure to sulphuric acid.
Fig. 8. FT-IR spectra of UCM (CM air cured for 5 years), CM and HM after 5 years exposure to sulphuric acid.
Table 5
Porosity, mean radius and pore size distribution of HM and CM.
Sample Total intruded vol Mean radius Apparent density Porosity Porosity Porosity Porosity
(cm3/g) (nm) (g/cm3) (2 nm < da < 5nm) (%) (d 6 10 nm) (%) (10 nm < d < 50 nm) (%) (d P 50 nm) (%)
CM 0.1655 31.60 1.729 28.62 2.29 6.01 20.32
HM 0.0727 11.26 1.823 13.25 5.30 3.97 3.98
d is the mean pore diameter.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The behaviour under torsion of reinforced concrete beams with steel fibres as mass reinforcement is
Received 18 March 2008 experimentally investigated. Short hooked-ended steel fibres with aspect ratio lf/df = 37.5 are used. Test
Received in revised form 30 January 2009 results of 35 beams with rectangular, L-shaped and T-shaped cross-sections tested in pure torsion are
Accepted 5 February 2009
presented and discussed. Various configurations of conventional and fibre steel reinforcement are exam-
Available online 14 February 2009
ined. The experimental program includes (i) plain concrete beams (control specimens), (ii) specimens
with longitudinal reinforcing bars and (iii) specimens with bars and stirrups. All cases are examined with
0%, 1% and 3% steel fibre volume fractions. The use of steel fibres as the only shear torsional reinforcement
is also reported herein, in an attempt to examine the effectiveness of fibres as a potential replacement of
Steel fibre concrete stirrups. Test results indicated that fibrous concrete beams exhibited improved overall torsional perfor-
Tests mance with respect to the corresponding non-fibrous control beams. The addition of steel fibres was
Torsion essential to the tested beams without or with inadequate conventional steel reinforcement. Fibres pre-
vented the sudden brittle failure of both rectangular and non-rectangular beams and proved to be under
some circumstances adequate to provide for enhanced torsional moment capacities, even in the case of
full replacement of stirrups with steel fibres.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0958-9465/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
332 C.E. Chalioris, C.G. Karayannis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 331–341
It is obvious that despite the plethora of the carried out research cross-section. Rectangular and comparable flanged beams are
on this field of study and the fact that in real reinforced concrete jointly tested in order to acquire comparative results. Furthermore,
structures most of the beams have L- or T-shaped cross-section the use of steel fibres as the only shear reinforcement in torsion is
(flanged beams), the published work on non-rectangular fibrous also presented herein, in an attempt to examine the effectiveness
concrete beams under torsion is quite limited and mainly con- of steel fibres as a potential replacement for stirrups.
ducted by the authors [20,21,23]. Furthermore, the use of steel fi-
bres as the only shear reinforcement instead of the use of 2. Experimental program
common stirrups in torsional beams has not been thoroughly
investigated. The experimental program includes 35 rectangular and flanged
In this paper the influence of the steel fibres on the torsional beams tested under pure torsion and sorted in three groups based
behaviour of L- and T-shaped beams is experimentally investi- on the conventional steel reinforcement. Tested beams were con-
gated. Test results of 35 beams in pure torsion with rectangular, structed by plain concrete (control specimens) and steel fibre con-
L- and T-shaped cross-sections, with various reinforcement config- crete with 1% and 3% volume fractions of the used fibres.
urations are reported. The experimental program includes three
groups of specimens; (i) without conventional steel reinforcement, 2.1. Specimen characteristics
(ii) with longitudinal reinforcing bars and (iii) with bars and stir-
rups (conventional steel reinforcement). The examined specimens Rectangular, L-shaped and T-shaped sections comprise the
also contain different volume fractions of short steel fibres: 0%, 1% examined cross-sectional schemes of the tested beams. Geometri-
and 3%. cal characteristics and dimensions of the specimens’ cross-sections
Furthermore, a short review of the proposed analytical models are shown in Fig. 1. All beams have the same height and web
for the prediction of the torsional strength of steel fibre reinforced width; h/bw = 200/100 mm. The ratio of the flange width, bf, to
concrete beams is including in this study. The ultimate torsional the web width is equal to bf /bw = 1 (rectangular specimens), 1.5
moment of the tested fibrous beams without conventional rein- (L-shaped beams), 2 (L- and T-shaped beams) and 3 (T-shaped
forcement has been calculated using the analytical expressions of beams).
Craig et al. [9], Mansur & Paramasivam [10] and Wafa et al. [7] Tested beams are sorted in three groups named as P, L and R,
and the numerical model by Karayannis [21]. The entire torsional based on their conventional steel reinforcement. The first group,
behaviour of the tested rectangular fibrous beams with longitudi- group P, includes 17 specimens; 3 with rectangular cross-section
nal bars and stirrups has been predicted using the combined meth- and 14 L-shaped and T-shaped beams without any conventional
odology proposed by the authors [17] and the one by Gunneswara steel torsional reinforcement (without bars and stirrups). Second
Rao and Rama Seshu [18]. The purpose of this analytical investiga- group, group L, includes 9 specimens; 3 rectangular and 6 T-shaped
tion is to present and to compare the predictions of the proposed beams without stirrups and only longitudinal bars were added as
analytical approaches in order to estimate their effectiveness and conventional steel reinforcement. Third group, group R, includes
accuracy on the experimental results of the tested beams of this 9 specimens; 3 rectangular and 6 T-shaped beams with bars and
study. stirrups.
The present study contributes to the limited existing literature The longitudinal reinforcement of the beams of groups L and R
on torsional tests of fibrous concrete beams with non-rectangular was the same; four deformed bars of diameter 10 mm (4£10) at
50 50 50 70 70
90 90
R Ls L Ts T THs TH
(a) Beams of group P (without conventional steel reinforcement)
2 10 70 4 10 70 4 10
90 90
2 10 2 10 2 10
(b) Beams of group L (with longitudinal bars)
2 10 70 4 10 70 4 10
200 8/200
8/200 8/200
90 90
2 10 2 10 2 10
(c) Beams of group R (with longitudinal bars and stirrups)
Fig. 1. Cross-sectional dimensions and conventional steel reinforcement of the tested beams.
C.E. Chalioris, C.G. Karayannis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 331–341 333
the corners of the rectangular beams and six deformed bars of The cement used in this experimental work was a locally man-
diameter 10 mm (6£10), 4£10 at the top and 2£10 at the bottom ufactured general purpose ordinary Portland type cement (type
of the T-shaped beams. The transverse reinforcement of the beams 35IIa, Greek type pozzolan cement containing 10% fly ash). Sand
of group R was 8 mm diameter mild steel closed stirrups at a uni- with a high fineness modulus and coarse aggregates with a maxi-
form spacing of 200 mm. Steel yield strength was 415 MPa for the mum size of 9.5 mm were used. The concrete mixture was made
bars and 344 MPa for the stirrups. Cross-sectional and conven- using cement, sand and crushed stone aggregates in a proportion
tional steel reinforcement details of the specimens are shown in 1:2.8:1.2, respectively, and water to cement ratio equal to 0.43.
Fig. 1 and summarized in Table 1. The maximum size of the used coarse aggregates (9.5 mm), the
Table 1 also presents the ratios of the steel reinforcements of length (lf = 30 mm) and the aspect ratio (lf /df = 37.5) of the used
the tested beams. It is noted that the ratio values for the bars steel fibres were chosen in accordance with the RILEM TC 162-
and stirrups have been calculated based on the following TDF recommendations [24], based on the minimum dimension of
expressions: the tested beams. It is known that the size and the quantity of
aggregates greater than 5 mm, the volume fraction and the aspect
q‘ ¼ ð1aÞ ratio of the added steel fibres strongly affect the workability of
concrete and the homogenous distribution of the fibres in the con-
Ast pt
qt ¼ ð1bÞ crete mix. Fibrous concrete mixtures with high volume fraction of
Ac s steel fibres (Vf = 3%) have workability difficulties. However, the use
where: Ac: gross area of the concrete cross-section; Asl: total area of of short fibres with low aspect ratio, the use of pozzolan cement
steel longitudinal bars; Ast: area of one single-legged steel stirrup; containing 10% fly ash and the following procedure for mixing
pt: perimeter of the stirrup; s: spacing of stirrups. and casting the fibrous concrete mixture significantly reduced this
Beams from plain concrete (without fibres) were used as control deficiency.
specimens (13 specimens). The steel fibre concrete beams (22 First, cement (with fly ash), sand and crushed stone aggregates
specimens) contained short hooked-ended steel fibres with length were dry-mixed for about 3 min in a 0.05 m3 laboratory mixer. Sec-
to diameter ratio (aspect ratio) equal to lf/df = 30 mm/ ond, free of clumps steel fibres were dispersed by hand gradually
0.80 mm = 37.5 (DRAMIX ZC 30/.80). Two different steel fibre vol- and very slowly in small amounts to avoid fibre balling, while
ume fractions, Vf, were used; a moderate one equal to 1% or 78.5 kg mixing was continued for approximately 5–10 min. Third, water
per 1 m3 concrete and a high one equal to 3% or 235.5 kg per 1 m3 (without plasticizer) was added gradually and mixed for another
concrete (see also Table 1). 7–10 min at least, in order the produced mixture to obtain uniform
Table 1
Reinforcement of the tested beams and concrete strength values.
Beam code name Cross-section Bars (£ in mm) q‘ (%) Stirrups (mm) qt (%) Volume of steel fibres – Vf (%) fc.cube (MPa) fct,split (MPa)
Group P: Beams without bars and stirrups (plain concrete and steel–fibre-reinforced-concrete beams)
RP0 R – – – – – 16.89 1.48
RP1 R – – – – 1 19.80 2.05
RP3 R – – – – 3 19.26 2.26
LsP0 Ls – – – – – 19.24 1.93
LsP1 Ls – – – – 1 21.00 2.25
LP0 L – – – – – 18.38 2.00
LP1 L – – – – 1 30.00 2.85
TsP0 Ts – – – – – 20.70 2.00
TsP1 Ts – – – – 1 25.00 2.36
TP0 T – – – – – 19.52 1.90
TP1 T – – – – 1 29.14 2.83
THsP0 THs – – – – – 30.96 2.17
THsP1 THs – – – – 1 27.26 2.03
THsP3 THs – – – – 3 33.04 3.24
THP0 TH – – – – – 39.56 2.97
THP1 TH – – – – 1 26.00 1.91
THP3 TH – – – – 3 29.51 4.36
Group L: Beams with longitudinal bars
RL0 RL 4£10 1.57 – – – 18.37 1.56
RL1 RL 4£10 1.57 – – 1 17.04 1.79
RL3 RL 4£10 1.57 – – 3 16.44 2.05
THsL0 THsL 6£10 1.62 – – – 30.96 2.52
THsL1 THsL 6£10 1.62 – – 1 24.96 2.15
THsL1 THsL 6£10 1.62 – – 3 26.67 2.88
THL0 THL 6£10 1.24 – – – 32.44 2.41
THL1 THL 6£10 1.24 – – 1 27.63 2.03
THL3 THL 6£10 1.24 – – 3 21.11 2.88
Group R: Beams with bars and stirrups
RR0 RR 4£10 1.57 £8/200 0.63 – 20.12 1.46
RR1 RR 4£10 1.57 £8/200 0.63 1 18.96 1.86
RR3 RR 4£10 1.57 £8/200 0.63 3 16.89 2.57
THsR0 THsR 6£10 1.62 £8/200 0.71 – 36.15 2.26
THsR1 THsR 6£10 1.62 £8/200 0.71 1 32.29 2.05
THsR1 THsR 6£10 1.62 £8/200 0.71 3 26.59 1.86
THR0 THR 6£10 1.24 £8/200 0.66 – 33.19 2.10
THR1 THR 6£10 1.24 £8/200 0.66 1 24.07 1.70
THR3 THR 6£10 1.24 £8/200 0.66 3 25.48 3.14
334 C.E. Chalioris, C.G. Karayannis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 331–341
material consistency, adequate workability and homogeneous fibre In order to acquire information about the failure modes of the
distribution. Right afterwards, the prepared fresh fibrous concrete tested beams, the strains of the steel reinforcement were measured
mixture was carefully placed in the specimens’ moulds using wide by electrical resistance strain gauges.
scoops and vibrated using frequency vibrating table. Sufficient The beams were tested in monotonically increasing torque mo-
time of vibration was provided to guarantee suitable consolidation ment until the ultimate torsional strength and subsequently in
and to prevent fibre protrusion from the finished surface. Extra increasing twist until the total failure of the specimen or the max-
time of about 2 min was required for further vibration in fibrous imum twist capacity of the test apparatus.
concrete mixtures with high volume fraction of steel fibres
(Vf = 3%). During mixing and casting of the fresh mixture, no steel 3. Test results and discussions
fibre gravitation was observed.
Supplementary compression and splitting tests in order to 3.1. Torsional strength values and behavioural curves
determine the cube compression strength of the plain concrete
mixture and the tensile strength of the composite mixture (steel fi- The torsional behaviour of all the tested beams of groups P, L
bre concrete) were also included in the program and results are gi- and R is presented in Figs. 3–5, respectively, in terms of experimen-
ven in Table 1. These strength values are averages from three tal curves for torsional moment, T, versus angle of twist per unit
standard 150 mm cubes and three standard 150 300 mm cylin- length, #. In these figures, the measured torsional response of the
ders, respectively. steel fibre concrete beams is compared with the response of the
corresponding control specimens (beams without fibres). It is
2.2. Test setup noted that all the torsional curves demonstrated in Fig. 3 are com-
plete until failure. Torsional behaviour of beams RL0, THsL0 and
The experimental setup is a commonly used torsional test rig THL0 displayed in Fig. 4 is also complete until failure, while the re-
and it is shown in Fig. 2. The total length of the specimens was sponse of the fibrous beams in Fig. 4 and the torsional curves of the
1.60 m. Beams were supported on two roller supports 1.30 m beams of group R in Fig. 5 are truncated.
apart. These supports ensured that the beam was free to twist Furthermore, the measured torsional moment at cracking, Tcr,
and to elongate longitudinally in both end directions during the the angle of twist per unit length at cracking, #Tcr , the initial pre-
test. The load was applied through a diagonally placed steel sprea- cracking torsional stiffness, K, the post-cracking ultimate torsional
der beam on the ends of two properly configured over-reinforced moment, Tu, and the corresponding angle of twist per unit length,
concrete arms at the end parts of the specimens, as shown in #Tu , of the beams of groups P, L and R are presented in Tables 2–
Fig. 2. The end parts of the specimens were also heavily reinforced 4, respectively. It is mentioned that specimens without conven-
with high volume of stirrups in order to bear without cracking the tional steel reinforcement (beams of group P) and plain concrete
imposed torsional loading at the ends of the 500 mm long concrete specimens with longitudinal only reinforcement (beams RL0,
arms. This way, the examined test region was the central part of THsL0 and THL0 of group L) did not exhibit increasing post-crack-
the specimens. During the test procedure, torsional helical diago- ing response. Thus, their maximum torsional moment capacities
nal cracking and, finally, failure were localized within this test re- were equal to the torsional moment at cracking: Tmax = Tcr. For all
gion. The heavily reinforced end parts and the over-reinforced the other specimens: Tmax = Tu.
concrete arms of the beams remained quite intact. From the values of the elastic torsional stiffness, K (Tables 2–4)
The load was imposed consistently in low rate and measured by and the slopes of elastic parts of the behavioural curves (Figs. 3–5)
a load cell with accuracy equal to 0.05 kN. The average angle of it is deduced that the initial pre-cracking torsional rigidity re-
twist per unit length of the tested beams was estimated using mained practically unaffected by the amount of steel fibres and
the measurements of a set of linear variable displacement trans- conventional reinforcement used. The values of the cracking tor-
ducers with accuracy 0.02 mm, which was placed at the over- sional moment, Tcr, of the steel fibre concrete beams are higher
hanging ends of the specimens to measure the deflections of the than the corresponding values of the control specimens (without
concrete arms as the beam twisted. fibres). This increase on the cracking torsional strength is essential
Fig. 3. Experimental curves of the beams of group P (without conventional steel reinforcement).
8 Without fibres
Torsional moment (kN.m)
Fibres 1%
Fibres 3%
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15
Angle of twist per length (rad/m)
Without fibres
Torsional moment (kN.m)
Fibres 1%
Fibres 3%
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Angle of twist per length (rad/m)
Fig. 5. Experimental curves of the beams of group R (conventionally reinforced beams with longitudinal bars and stirrups).
for the beams without conventional steel reinforcement (speci- beams with bars and stirrups are considerably higher than the val-
mens of group P, see also Fig. 3 and Table 2). In these cases steel ues of the corresponding control specimens (Fig. 5 and Table 4).
fibres are the only steel reinforcement and seem capable to provide These improvements on the torque capacities were observed to
enhanced torque capacities, especially in the cases of the beams both rectangular and flanged beams. Nevertheless, Fig. 6 demon-
with high volume of fibres (Vf = 3%). strates the percentage increase on the ultimate torsional moment
After concrete cracking, the favourable effect of steel fibres is due to the use of fibres and indicates that this increase seems to
clearly indicated to the post-cracking response of the beams with be reduced in the cases of the flanged beams with respect to the
longitudinal only reinforcement (specimens of group L). Steel fibre rectangular beams.
concrete beams demonstrated further increase on the torsional Fig. 6 also shows that the addition of steel fibre volume frac-
strength, whereas the corresponding plain concrete beams (control tions 1% and 3% to the rectangular beams caused an increase of
specimens) did not exhibit increasing post-cracking response the torsional strength that ranges from 18% to 64% and from 35%
(Fig. 4 and Table 3). Furthermore, the values of the ultimate tor- to 86%, respectively. Further, the addition of steel fibres with
sional moment, Tu, of the conventionally reinforced fibre concrete Vf = 1% and 3% to the T-flanged beams with bf /bw = 2 caused an
336 C.E. Chalioris, C.G. Karayannis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 331–341
Table 2
Test results of beams of group P (without longitudinal bars and stirrups).
Beam code name Vf (%) Tmax = Tcr (kN m) #Tmax = #Tcr (rad/m) K (kN m2/rad) #85Tmax (rad/m) lT85max = lT85cr
RP0 – 1.45 0.009 284 – (1.00)
RP1 1 1.84 0.019 324 0.023 1.21
RP3 3 1.95 0.014 341 0.028 2.00
LsP0 – 1.75 0.008 401 – (1.00)
LsP1 1 2.21 0.019 454 0.022 1.19
LP0 – 2.15 0.009 600 – (1.00)
LP1 1 2.65 0.008 610 0.010 1.25
TsP0 – 2.34 0.009 641 – (1.00)
TsP1 1 2.72 0.012 645 0.013 1.08
TP0 – 2.77 0.008 881 – (1.00)
TP1 1 2.96 0.013 891 0.016 1.23
THsP0 – 2.75 0.013 855 – (1.00)
THsP1 1 3.39 0.011 895 0.015 1.36
THsP3 3 3.69 0.021 870 0.037 1.76
THP0 – 3.72 0.018 1525 – (1.00)
THP1 1 4.05 0.015 1571 0.021 1.40
THP3 3 4.42 0.026 1537 0.047 1.81
lT = 1.00.
Table 3
Test results of beams of group L (with longitudinal bars – without stirrups: qt = 0).
Beam q‘ (%) Vf (%) Elastic response until first cracking Post-cracking Tmax #Tmax lT #85Tmax lT85max lT85cr
code (kN m) (rad/m) (rad/m)
Tcr #Tcr K Tu #Tu
(kN m) (rad/m) (kN m2/rad) (kN m) (rad/m)
RL0 1.57 – 1.47 0.015 300 – – 1.47 0.015 1.00 0.028 1.87 1.87
RL1 1.57 1 1.80 0.012 301 2.41 0.021 2.41 0.021 1.75 0.041 1.95 3.42
RL3 1.57 3 2.00 0.016 293 2.73 0.055 2.73 0.055 3.44 0.119 2.16 7.44
THsL0 1.62 – 3.18 0.015 850 – – 3.18 0.015 1.00 0.033 2.20 2.20
THsL1 1.62 1 3.57 0.016 855 4.26 0.066 4.26 0.066 4.13 0.162 2.45 10.13
THsL1 1.62 3 3.70 0.018 858 4.92 0.070 4.92 0.070 3.89 0.190 2.71 10.56
THL0 1.24 – 3.80 0.032 1535 – – 3.80 0.032 1.00 0.062 1.94 1.94
THL1 1.24 1 4.30 0.033 1536 4.56 0.068 4.56 0.068 2.06 0.138 2.03 4.18
THL3 1.24 3 4.20 0.041 1541 4.80 0.074 4.80 0.074 1.80 0.166 2.24 4.05
Table 4
Test results of beams of group R (with longitudinal bars and stirrups).
Beam code q‘ (%) qt (%) Vf (%) Elastic response until first cracking Post-cracking lT #85Tmax lT85max lT85cr
name (rad/m)
Tcr #Tcr K Tu = Tmax #Tu = #Tmax
(kN m) (rad/m) (kN m2/rad) (kN m) (rad/m)
RR0 1.57 0.63 – 1.60 0.015 305 2.31 0.073 4.87 0.096 1.32 6.40
RR1 1.57 0.63 1 2.00 0.016 329 2.73 0.088 5.50 0.120 1.36 7.50
RR3 1.57 0.63 3 2.21 0.014 350 3.15 0.101 7.21 0.200 1.98 14.29
THsR0 1.62 0.71 – 3.10 0.017 850 4.41 0.084 4.94 0.151 1.80 8.88
THsR1 1.62 0.71 1 3.28 0.021 836 4.93 0.114 5.43 0.250 2.19 11.90
THsR1 1.62 0.71 3 3.50 0.020 851 5.50 0.250 12.50 1.851 7.40 92.55
THR0 1.24 0.66 – 4.34 0.026 1581 5.60 0.100 3.85 0.153 1.53 5.88
THR1 1.24 0.66 1 4.40 0.030 1585 5.78 0.140 4.67 0.250 1.79 8.33
THR3 1.24 0.66 3 4.30 0.035 1578 7.41 0.156 4.46 1.716 11.00 49.03
increase of the torsional strength that ranges from 12% to 34% and single helical crack, but the bars prevented the splitting of the
from 25% to 55%, respectively. Furthermore, for the case of the specimens in two parts (failure mode ‘‘B”). (iii) Beams with con-
T-flanged beams with bf /bw = 3 the addition of 1% and 3% steel ventional reinforcement including bars and stirrups showed an
fibre volume fraction caused an increase of the torsional strength increasing post-cracking behaviour along with the formation of a
that ranges from 3% to 20% and from 19% to 32%, respectively. number of helical and diagonal cracks. In these cases as the torque
increased some of these cracks became excessively wide and
3.2. Cracking behaviour and failure modes beams failed by transverse steel yielding before concrete crushing
(failure mode ‘‘C”).
Control specimens (beams without steel fibres) exhibited typi- The steel fibre beams exhibited different failure mechanisms
cal torsional failures modes (see also photographs of Fig. 7): (i) since fibres prevented crack growth and crack propagation in con-
Beams without bars and stirrups showed an abrupt collapse by crete. The main benefit of steel fibre reinforcement is to establish a
crushing of concrete and separated in two parts (failure mode crack-control mechanism and to provide for a pseudo-ductility in
‘‘A”). (ii) Beams with longitudinal bars only also failed in a similar the post-cracking behaviour. The improvement of the first-crack
manner exhibiting brittle torsional failure; they develop an intense strength due to steel fibres is usually a secondary consequence
C.E. Chalioris, C.G. Karayannis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 331–341 337
Vf = 3%
40 Vf = 3%
Vf = 3%
Vf = 1%
Vf = 1% Vf = 1%
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
bf /bw bf /bw bf /bw
Group P beams Group L beams Group R beams
Fig. 6. Increase of the torsional strength of the tested beams due to the use of steel fibres.
which is related to the fibres quantity more than to the fibres effi- respectively. From these values it is obvious that the primary
ciency. For low volume fibre content this improvement in the first- advantage of the use of steel fibres is the significant improvement
crack strength is of minor importance. of the post-cracking torsional response, increasing the torque rota-
Fibrous beams without bars and stirrups displayed a typical tion capabilities of the conventionally reinforced beams without
failure of steel fibre concrete under tension since steel fibre pull- considerable loss of their strength.
out was the main strength bearing mechanism. It is emphasized
that fibres prevented the sudden failure of these specimens by con- 3.4. Steel fibres as the only shear torsional reinforcement
trolling crack growth, especially in beams with high volume of fi-
bres (3%) (failure mode ‘‘D”). Fibrous concrete beams with steel The use of non-conventional fibrous reinforcement in torsional
bars without stirrups developed dense diagonal and helical cracks beams as the only shear reinforcement instead of common stirrups
and failed due to steel fibres debonding (failure mode ‘‘E”). Finally, is an interesting alternative that has been proposed for special
conventionally reinforced beams with bars and stirrups containing cases such as in strengthening works [25]. Recent experimental
steel fibres exhibited a highly ductile post-cracking behaviour, works also indicated that the addition of steel fibres in reinforced
while the developed cracks were narrower and more closely concrete beams under shear allows the reduction, and in special
spaced with a higher volume fraction of fibres used (failure mode cases the total replacement, of the required stirrups [4–6]. This
‘‘F”). Another characteristic of the failure modes ‘‘E” and ‘‘F” is that reduction of stirrups is suggested in cases where design criteria
increasing the volume of fibres the number of cracks also increases, recommend high steel ratio of shear reinforcement, which leads
yet resulting in a significantly reduced crack width. Cracking pat- to small stirrup spacing and, therefore, the use of steel fibres is
terns of typical tested beams at the end of their loading due to fail- more convenient.
ure or approximately at the 85% of the maximum torsional The possibility of the use of steel fibres as the only shear rein-
moment (assumed as the end of the reliable response range) are forcement in torsional beams is also discussed in this experimental
illustrated in the photographs of Fig. 7. research. For this reason, comparisons of the torsional behavioural
curves of (i) the non-fibrous reinforced concrete beams with bars
3.3. Contribution of steel fibres to the post-elastic response and stirrups with (ii) the fibrous beams with longitudinal rein-
forcement and steel fibres with volume fraction 1% and 3% are pre-
Test results indicated that the increase of the steel fibre fraction sented in Fig. 8a, b and c.
results in a significant improvement of the post-elastic behaviour Despite the rather limited experimental data curves shown in
of the beams, especially for the response branch after the maxi- Fig. 8 (nine tested beams) these comparisons indicate a potential
mum torsional moment. For a thorough understanding and evalu- for using steel fibres as a replacement for stirrups in torsional
ation of the fibres’ contribution on the response and for beams. The experimental curves of Fig. 8 show that this alternative
comparison reasons of test results in terms of ductility, the follow- could be achieved under specific circumstances with adequate
ing indices are introduced: quantities of steel fibres and this replacement seems to be more
efficient in rectangular beams than in flanged ones.
lT ¼ ð2Þ It is also mentioned that in order to completely substitute the
conventional shear reinforcement with steel fibres, it is necessary
lT85max ¼ 85Tmax ð3Þ the fibrous concrete beams to obtain at least equal performances
in terms of strength and ductility with the corresponding conven-
lT85cr ¼ ð4Þ tionally reinforced beams. Regarding the strength, it is possible to
#Tcr provide the same value if adequate percentage of fibres is added.
where #Tmax : the rotation at the maximum torsional moment; However, the ductility resources differ in the case of use of fibres
#85Tmax : the rotation at the point of 85% of the maximum torsional comparing to the ones of conventional steel reinforcement, be-
moment, assumed as the end of the reliable response range. cause in the first case it is related to the gradual pull-out of fibres,
Values of the above mentioned indices for the examined beams whereas in the second it is related to the plastic deformation of the
are presented in Tables 2–4, for the beams of groups P, L and R, steel reinforcement. For this reason, the complete substitution is
338 C.E. Chalioris, C.G. Karayannis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 331–341
not efficacious when high amplitude of the shear crack width predict the ultimate torsional strength of concrete elements. Ana-
occurs. lytical solutions of the governing equation deduced by this ap-
proach are based on the assumption that brittle failure occurs
4. Analytical results when the maximum developing tensile stress reaches the material
maximum tensile strength. By ignoring the post-cracking tension
4.1. Fibrous beams without conventional reinforcement softening phenomenon of the material, they consistently underesti-
mate the ultimate torsional strength of the element. For plain con-
The classical elastic Saint Venant’s theory to the torsion prob- crete members the ultimate torque has been experimentally found
lem, although it properly describes the elastic behaviour, fails to to be roughly up to 50% greater than predicted ones [7,26]. Further-
C.E. Chalioris, C.G. Karayannis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 331–341 339
Fig. 8. Investigation of the use of steel fibres as the only shear torsional reinforcement instead of stirrups.
more, in the case of steel fibre concrete elements the post-cracking b h
strength of the composite material represents an even more impor- — Mansur & Paramasivam ½10 : T u;sb ¼ ð0:71f rf Þ ð6Þ
tant part of the element strength and energy absorption capacity. 2
b h
Hsu has proposed the skew bending theory for the prediction of — Wafa et al: ½11 : T u;sb ¼ ð0:71f ctf ;split Þ ð7Þ
the torsional strength of plain concrete beams [7]. Other subse-
quent researchers have proposed modified versions of this theory where fcf0 , frf, and fctf,split are the compression, the rupture and the
in order to predict the torsional strength of steel fibre concrete splitting strength of the composite mixture (steel fibre concrete),
members [9–11]. Relations yielded by these efforts are presented respectively.
and used for the prediction of the torsional strength of beams Recently, a new efficient numerical algorithm that employs a
tested in the present work: smeared crack approach for the analysis of plain concrete elements
! in torsion has been proposed by Karayannis [27]. This analytical
2 qffiffiffiffiffi
3 model is initially based on Saint Venant’s theory and utilizes a spe-
— Craig et al: ½9 : T u;sb ¼ 140:23 þ 10 h fcf0 ð5aÞ
645:16 cial numerical technique that can be regarded as a combination of
b h the numerical techniques of finite elements and finite differences
T u;sb ¼ ð0:85f rf Þ ð5bÞ
3 [8]. This scheme can easily be applied to elements with practically
340 C.E. Chalioris, C.G. Karayannis / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 331–341
Table 5
Comparisons between experimental and analytical results for beams of group P.
ð5aÞ T exp ð5bÞ T exp ð6Þ T exp ð7Þ T exp T exp
Beam code name Texp (kN m) T cal (kN m) T cal (kN m) T cal (kN m) T cal (kN m) T mod
cal (kN m)
T cal
T cal
T cal
T cal T mod
RP1 1.84 1.79 1.03 2.32 0.79 1.94 0.95 1.37 1.34 1.65 1.12
RP3 1.95 1.85 1.05 2.56 0.76 2.14 0.91 1.51 1.29 1.94 1.01
LsP1 2.21 2.24 0.99 2.71 0.82 2.26 0.98 1.59 1.39 2.25 0.98
LP1 2.65 2.81 0.94 3.63 0.73 3.04 0.87 2.14 1.24 2.74 0.97
TsP1 2.72 2.65 1.03 3.01 0.90 2.51 1.08 1.77 1.54 2.91 0.93
TP1 2.96 3.37 0.88 4.01 0.74 3.35 0.88 2.36 1.25 3.28 0.90
THsP1 3.39 2.85 1.19 3.23 1.05 2.70 1.26 1.90 1.78 3.19 1.06
THsP3 3.69 3.11 1.19 5.16 0.72 4.31 0.86 3.04 1.21 3.77 0.98
THP1 4.05 3.66 1.11 3.92 1.03 3.27 1.24 2.31 1.75 4.00 1.01
THP3 4.42 3.93 1.12 8.94 0.49 7.47 0.59 5.26 0.84 4.53 0.98
1.05 0.80 0.96 1.36 0.99
0.102 0.163 0.195 0.277 0.061
any cross-section because it includes numerical mapping and it has of the torque moment at a lower rate, depending on the volume of
no need of extended computing power since it does not make use the transverse reinforcement. The consistently decreasing tor-
of any stiffness matrix calculations. The smeared crack model uses sional stiffness reveals the different nature of the mechanism of
the behaviour of a crack process zone which is described by consti- resistance. It is noted that in conventionally reinforced concrete
tutive relations expressed in terms of normal stress and crack beams with bars and stirrups (without fibres), the transition from
width. The total strain is considered as the sum of elastic and frac- the one region to the other is usually abrupt and it could be char-
ture strain components. For the determination of the fracture acterized by the lack of a bearing mechanism soon after cracking
strain the crack process zone width is used, which is attributed and before the activation of the reinforcements and the concrete
to the material, the type of loading and the size of the beam struts [7,15,17,29]. This is more or less justified by the formation
[26,27]. of an almost horizontal plateau in the experimental curves of T ver-
This method has been extended and modified [20,21] in order sus # between these two regions (see for example the experimental
to incorporate a stress–strain model with a non-linear post-crack- curves of the beams RR0, THsR0 and THR0 in Figs. 5 and 8). How-
ing branch for the fibrous material behaviour in tension to make ever, in fibrous concrete beams with bars and stirrups, the transi-
this method applicable to the torsion problem of steel fibre con- tion from the pre-cracking to the post-cracking region seems to be
crete beams. This approach takes into account the volume fraction gradual because of the steel fibres which provide crack-bridging
of fibres, the tensile strength of concrete and parameters and significant resistance to shear across developing cracks (see
concerning the geometry, the orientation and the slip mechanism also the T versus # curves of the beams with steel fibres in Fig. 5).
of the fibres. Detailed derivation of the equations and the solution Based on the this observation and aiming to the description of
technique of this analytical model can be found in Refs. [20], [21] the entire torsional behaviour of reinforced concrete elements,
and [27]. Extensive comparisons between analytical results yielded the combination of two different theoretical models has already
by these analyses and experimental data derived from a broad been adopted for reinforced concrete beams by Chalioris [29],
range of parametrical studies established the validity of these ana- [30] and for fibrous reinforced concrete beams by the authors
lytical models for plain and steel fibre concrete beams subjected to [17] and by a recent study of Gunneswara Rao and Rama Seshu
pure torsion or combined torsion with shear force, bending mo- [18]. In these combined methodologies, the elastic response until
ment and axial force [21,26,28]. the first cracking is described by specially modified approaches
Based on the above mentioned analytical relationships and the of the classical elastic theory, whereas the post-cracking part is de-
analytical model of the author, predictions of the torsional moment scribed by specially extended versions of the softened truss model
capacities for the tested beams of group P are presented and com- developed by Hsu & Mo [31]. In these modified truss models the
pared with the experimental ones in Table 5. In this Table, the cal- contribution of steel fibres has been incorporated as an additional
ð5aÞ ð5bÞ ð6Þ ð7Þ
culated values of T cal ; T cal ; T cal ; T cal and Tmod represent the reinforcement component that contributes to the torsional resis-
analytically predicted ultimate torsional moments of the steel fibre tance along with the conventional steel reinforcement. It is also
beams derived from Eqs. (5a), (5b), (6), (7), and the analytical mod- noted that these combined methods can provide full analytical tor-
el, respectively. The mean values and the standard deviation values sional curves for the behaviour of rectangular fibrous beams with
of the ratios of the experimental to the calculated torsional conventional reinforcement.
strengths are also summarized and compared in Table 5. The above described combined methods were used in this study
in order to analytically predict the values of the torsional moment
4.2. Rectangular fibrous beams with conventional reinforcement at cracking, the angle of twist per unit length at cracking, the initial
pre-cracking torsional stiffness, the post-cracking ultimate tor- until the first cracking and (b) an extended version of the softened
sional moment and the corresponding angle of twist per unit truss model for the post-cracking part. Analytical results yielded
length for the rectangular beams of group R (RR0, RR1 and RR3). from this combined methodology proved to be in good compliance
These analytical values are presented and compared with the with the experimental ones.
experimental ones in Table 6.
5. Concluding remarks
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Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 342–346
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The aim of this research is to characterize the mortars (binder and aggregate) of nine historical buildings,
Received 13 June 2008 built between 1750 and 1922, in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, using X-ray diffraction (XRD), ther-
Received in revised form 13 February 2009 mogravimetry (TG), Fourier transform infra-red spectrometry (FT-IR) and atomic absorption spectrome-
Accepted 20 February 2009
try (AAS). The compositions and granulometric distributions of the aggregates were determined by
Available online 28 February 2009
sedimentology, and the aggregate content was estimated by hot hydrochloric acid attack.
The results showed that the principal binder is hydrated lime, obtained from the burning of seashells,
in some cases mixed with hydraulic materials (clay, ground ceramic tile or brick, and hydraulic lime). The
Historical mortar
Mineralogical characterization
results of the hot HCl attack revealed three average binder/aggregate ratios.
Lime Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Binder/aggregate ratio
1. Introduction tics of the mortars. However, each technique has its own limits and
in many cases several characterization techniques must be used to
The rehabilitation of historical buildings is very important in obtain coherent and reliable results [7]. Such modern techniques of
terms of the history and culture of cities. Inadequate intervention investigation have been used to characterize Roman and medieval
in historical buildings and the use of Portland cement-based mor- mortars [3,4,8–13].
tars to restore historic renderings can cause more damage than The characterization of the binder allows the classification of
benefit through negative interactions between the cement and the mortars as typical lime mortars, crushed brick-lime mortars,
the original materials (bricks, stones or binders) [1]. The damage rubble masonry mortars, cementitious mortars and mortars with
caused is due to the fact that, if compared to historical mortars, gypsum [3,11]. However, these studies did not investigate the ori-
Portland cement-based mortars (i) are less permeable, retained gin of the lime, which could be mussel shells, natural limestone or
an excess water which can generate alteration phenomena; (ii) other sources.
have a high content of soluble salts triggering intense corrosion The first binder used in Brazil was calcareous, obtained from the
of the original materials through salt decay; (iii) are less able to seashell deposits that coated the sea-bed in Baía de Todos os San-
accommodate the masonry structure movements (thermal and tos (All Saints Bay) in the 16th century, in the city of Salvador [14].
humidity effects, creep) due to its higher hardness and rigidity Locals have reported that mixtures of ‘seashell lime’, sand and
[2–5]. Therefore, firstly, a historic-scientific study of the original whale or fish oil were used for the production of mortars used in
material needs to be carried out before any intervention in histor- the construction of many historical buildings in Brazil. In Flori-
ical buildings, and, secondly, the data obtained must be used either anópolis, Santa Catarina State, Caieira beach was historically
to produce a similar material or to formulate a restoration mortar known as the place where quicklime was produced from seashells,
from modern materials without significant negative interactions extracted from extensive millenarian deposits, that were burnt in
with the pre-existing materials. holes in the ground. However, this artisanal process discontinued
Historical mortars are complex systems, containing aerial or with the beginning of industrial limestone mining (around 1940).
hydraulic binders or a blend of them, aggregates (not always crys- Thus, it seems that the main historical mortars in Brazil were com-
talline) and admixtures that interact with the binder [6]. The use of posed of sand, whale or fish oil, and lime obtained from the burn-
techniques for microstructural characterization of materials, e.g. ing of oyster shells and/or coral blocks in artisanal kilns [15].
optical and electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry, thermal The main purpose of this research is to identify and characterize
analysis, infra-red spectroscopy, chemical analysis, etc., allows the binders and aggregates of mortars used in nine historical build-
for the determination of the composition and of some characteris- ings built in Brazil between 1750 and 1922 in the cities of Flori-
anópolis, Laguna and São Francisco do Sul, all of them in the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 48 3315176; fax: +55 48 3315191. State of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. The final goal is the formu-
E-mail address: [email protected] (P.J.P. Gleize). lation of restoration mortars.
0958-9465/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P.J.P. Gleize et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 342–346 343
Nine rendering mortars extracted from historical constructions Calcite Quartz Calcium Kaolinite– Kaolinite Gehlenite Anortite
were studied. The function, age and provenance of the mortar sam- silicium smectite
ples are shown in Table 1.
The samples were removed from the rendering mortar of ma- LAG1 ++++ ++ ++ ++ +++ + t
LAG2 ++++ + + + ++ – t
sonry walls at an approximate height of 130 cm from regions
LAG3 ++++ ++ ++ + ++ t +
apparently not damaged. Three 150 g samples were extracted from SFS1 ++++ + ++ t + t –
each of the nine buildings with a chisel. Their external part was SFS2 ++++ + ++ – – – t
scraped off and discarded in order to ensure the collection of SFS3 ++++ + t – + t –
non-altered material [16]. FLN1 ++++ + + – – – –
FLN2 ++++ + t – – – –
For the characterization of the binder and of the aggregate, the
FLN3 ++++ + – – – – –
sample was gently ground in a porcelain mortar. The fraction pass-
ing through a sieve number 200 (US Standard Sieve Openings – Peak intensity: ++++: very strong, +++: strong, ++: medium, +: weak, t: traces, –: not
0.074 mm) was considered as the binder [17].
Approximately 150 mg of the fine binder powder was used for
the thermal analysis; for the other tests (500 mg for XRD, 10 mg
for FT-IR, 5 g for AAS and 5 g for the gravimetric analysis) the pow-
der was dried at a temperature not higher than 70 °C to avoid the samples the presence of clay minerals, such as kaolinite (basal
elimination of organic compounds. interplanar distance dhkl = 7.17, 1.49, 3.58 Å) and kaolinite-smec-
X-ray diffractometry (XRD) was performed with a Philips pow- tite – Al–Si–O–OH–H2O (dhkl = 7.24, 4.31, 3.55 Å), could be de-
der diffractometer to determine the nature of the crystalline com- tected, as well as traces of anortite (dhkl = 3.20, 3.18, 4.04 Å) and
ponents. The type and content of lime and the presence of gehlenite (dhkl = 2.86, 1.93, 1.82 Å), and a small amount of calcium
hydraulic binders were determined by thermogravimetric analysis silicate hydrate (dhkl = 3.27, 2.42, 4.22 Å) which indicates the pres-
(TGA) (Netzsch STA 409EP). TGA has been used to classify mortars ence of hydraulic compounds.
as typical lime mortars, crushed brick-lime mortars, rubble ma- Table 3 shows the results of the TG analysis. According to the
sonry mortars, cementitious mortars and mortars with gypsum classification proposed by Moropoulou et al. [6] and Bakolas et
[3,11]. The temperature in a nitrogen atmosphere was raised from al. [11], the weight loss up to 120 °C is due to adsorbed water
ambient temperature to 1000 °C at a constant heating rate of 10 °C/ which is characteristic of the presence of hydraulic binders that
min. Fourier transform infra-red (FT-IR) spectrometry was used to are hygroscopic. The weight loss in the temperature range 120–
detect the presence of salts and organic compounds and to confirm 200 °C is attributed to the crystallization water of hydrated salts
the results obtained from the thermal analysis and the XRD. Atom- that may originate from the sulfatation of carbonates, accumula-
ic absorption spectrometry (AAS) was used to identify and quantify tion of salts in the masonry, or the presence of gypsum in the ori-
oxides, and gravimetric analysis was used to quantify the silica. ginal binder. The weight loss between 200 and 600 °C is attributed
The aggregate obtained after the gentle grinding and sieving of to the loss of the chemically bound water of hydraulic compounds
the mortars was washed with water to eliminate possible salts, and (C–S–A–H and/or C–S–H) when techniques such as XRD, FT-IR do
dried at 70 °C. The sedimentological analysis provided information not detect other compounds that decompose in the same temper-
on the maximum, minimum and characteristic grain diameters, the ature range, such as calcium hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide,
grain size distribution, the probable origin of the aggregate (dune, hydromagnesite, organic compounds, etc. The weight loss above
river or sea sand), and the mineral composition, from 30 g samples. 600 °C is due to the decomposition of carbonates. Furthermore,
The binder/aggregate ratio was determined by the dissolution the CO2/H2O ratio, i.e., the ratio of the weight loss due to the
of the mortar samples through hot hydrochloric acid attack, as de- decomposition of carbonates (>600 °C, in%) to that attributed to
scribed in [16]. the chemically bound water of hydraulic compounds (200–
600 °C, in%), can provide important information regarding the
3. Results and discussion hydraulic nature of the binder [4,6,11,18]. It is well known that
as the hydraulic character of the binder increases, the weight loss
3.1. Binder identification and characterization between 200 and 600 °C increases, the weight loss above 600 °C
decreases, and the CO2/H2O ratio decreases [3,4,11,18–20]. In
The XRD results (Table 2) indicated that calcite is the main com- Fig. 1, three distinctive groups of binder were identified, whose
ponent of the binder, and that quartz is present in the smaller characteristics are showed in Table 4 [18], leading to the following
aggregate grains which passed through the 74 lm sieve. In some classification of the mortars:
Table 1
Mortar description.
Table 3
TGA results for the binder according to the classification proposed by Bakolas,
Moropoulou, and co-workers [6,11].
T < 120 °Ca 120–200 °Ca 200–600 °Ca T > 600°Ca CO2/H2O
LAG1 1.53 0.23 7.04 19.34 2.75
LAG2 1.39 0.74 8.26 18.9 2.29
LAG3 1.12 0.00 8.30 12.03 1.45
SFS1 1.14 0.31 5.19 25.88 4.98
SFS2 1.42 1.42 5.35 20.35 3.80
SFS3 1.15 0.83 4.47 30.34 6.78
FLN1 1.26 0.68 4.29 31.86 7.43
FLN2 1.09 0.61 4.44 34.93 7.87
FLN3 0.62 0.60 3.85 39.39 10.23
% Weight loss.
Fig. 2. Typical TGA curves of the three groups of mortar binders: lime, hydraulic
lime and crushed brick-lime.
Table 4
Binder classification (adapted from [18]).
Mortar type T < 120 °C 200–600 °C – H2O T > 600 °C – CO2 CO2/H2O Sample
(hygroscopic water) (hydraulic water) (decomposition of carbonates)
Lime mortars <1 <4 >30 >10 FLN3
Hydraulic lime mortars >1 4–6 20–34 4–9 FLN1, FLN2, SFS1, SFS2*, SFS3
Crushed brick-lime mortars >1 6–10 12–20 <4 LAG1, LAG2, LAG3
SFS2 shows characteristics of both hydraulic lime and crushed brick-lime mortars.
P.J.P. Gleize et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 342–346 345
CaO (%) SiO2 (%)a Al2O3 (%) Fe2O3 (%) MgO (%) CIb Via visual inspection, it was found that the majority of the ren-
LAG1 12.46 29.63 5.81 2.60 0.18 7.17 dering mortars analyzed in this research are in an excellent state of
LAG2 18.23 30.56 5.87 1.19 0.11 5.05 conservation, despite their advanced age (more than 100 years-
LAG3 15.01 29.37 5.78 2.62 0.21 5.90 old), considering that some of them are in a state of total abandon-
SFS1 29.81 19.42 2.76 1.36 0.21 1.93 ment. This durability is essentially due to the fact that lime-based
SFS2 23.00 25.76 2.13 1.07 0.64 3.15
SFS3 34.59 19.00 1.41 0.44 0.17 1.58
mortars do not release soluble salts and are more chemically,
FLN1 40.64 7.84 0.76 0.61 0.55 0.56 structurally and mechanically compatible with the ancient ma-
FLN2 47.07 3.85 1.84 0.29 0.11 0.28 sonry [2,4,6,11,27,28]. So, our recommendation is the use of similar
FLN3 48.69 1.92 0.41 0.21 0.41 0.12 original materials for the mortars restoration purposes of the stud-
Quantified by gravimetric analysis. ied buildings, for example seashell lime and clay brick dust as bin-
CI < 0.3 – aerial; CI = 0.3–0.5 – low hydraulicity; CI = 0.5–0.7 – moderate der. However, the main problem is that these original ingredients
hydraulicity; CI = 0.7 to 1.1 – hydraulic. are no longer available:
(a) ‘‘Modern” clay brick dust does not present the same physical
and chemical characteristics as the traditional ones because
2; 8x%SiO2 þ 1; 1x%Al2 O3 þ 0; 7x%Fe2 O3 production processes have changed a lot through the last
CI ¼ ð1Þ century. For example, nowadays, the temperatures for clay
ð%CaO þ 1; 4%MgOÞ
brick production are higher than 900 °C and, to develop
The AAS results also show that the lime used in all mortars is some pozzolanic activity, clay brick dust must be fired
calcitic, with magnesium only present in trace amounts (0.11– between 600 and 900 °C [21,29]).
0.64%). However, the lime produced in the coastal region of Santa (b) In the State of Santa Catarina, as mentioned above, commer-
Catarina is dolomitic (CaO/MgO between 1.2 and 1.4), leading to cial lime is originated from limestone mining which turns
the following hypotheses about the origin of the lime used in the seashell lime production economically unviable.
However, two factors can lead to a regain of interest of the use
1. The lime, produced with calcitic limestone as the raw material, of seashell lime for restoration purpose. The first one is that com-
was ‘‘imported” from other Brazilian states such as Minas mercial lime originated from limestone mining produced in the
Gerais. coastal region of Santa Catarina State is dolomitic, and it is well
2. The lime was manufactured from the burning of mussel shells. known that, when compared to high calcium limes which is the
case of seashell lime, the late hydration of MgO from dolomitic
The first hypothesis is reasonable, but its probability is very low limes can be result in pitting [5] and the attack by SO2 from pol-
due to the lack of transport facilities in historical times which led luted environments lead to the formation of deleterious magne-
to high transportation cost and to a preference for local materials. sium sulfate salts [30]. The second one is due to a recent
The use of ‘seashell lime’ is thus the most realistic hypothesis, specificity of our region. Currently the coastal region of the State
although no information on its use in historical mortars could be of Santa Catarina is leading the national production of oysters.
found in the literature, probably because of the local aspect of this However, such industry has a potential of serious problem about
type of production. disposal of oyster shell waste which is, for the most part, illegally
dumped into the sea, leading to serious environmental problems
3.2. Aggregate identification and characterization as, for example, waterfront silting.
Therefore, for restoration purposes and to ensure a compatibil-
The sedimentological analysis showed that the aggregates were ity with the old masonry, it can be considered the study of a repair
composed mainly of quartz, feldspar, some traces of mica, rock res- mortar with a binder composed by high calcium lime from the
idues and seashell fragments. The analysis allowed the classifica- burning of the oyster shell waste with small amounts of carefully
tion of the aggregates into two groups: beach sand for the São controlled calcined clay dust. A binder:aggregate ratio between
Francisco do Sul mortars (SFS1, SFS2, SFS3), and river sand for 1:2 and 1:3 was determined as a benchmark. However, further
the others (LAG1, LAG2, LAG3, FLN1, FLN2, FLN3). investigations on these materials are needed.
The grain size distributions of the sands are continuous. The
maximum and minimum dimensions of the sand grains are
2.8284–0.0884 mm for three of the buildings (FLN2, SFS1 and 4. Conclusions
LAG2) and 2.8284–0.0625 mm for the others.
Silts and clays were not detected. The percentage of seashells in The main purpose of this study was to identify and characterize
the aggregates varies from 7.73% in the LAG2 mortar to 46.03% for the binders and aggregates of mortars used in nine historical build-
FLN1 mortar. The gravel percentages in the sands are highest for ings in order to collect data that will be considered for the formu-
FLN2 19.52%, LAG2 – 16.73%, LAG2 – 14.95%, SFS3 – 10.33% and lation of restoration mortars compatible with ancient masonry.
SFS2 – 7.67%; and for the other mortars these percentages are Seashell fragments were found in all of the mortars studied.
low. The method of hot HCl attack [16] allowed the classification From the XRD, TGA, AAS and FT-IR results it was possible to con-
of the mortars according to their binder/aggregate ratio into three clude that the main binder of the mortars is a calcitic lime manu-
groups: 1:1.2 (FLN1, FLN2); 1:2 (FLN3, LAG1, LAG2, LAG3, SFS2, factured from seashells, which was totally carbonated.
SFS3); and 1:3.44 (SFS1). Regarding the binder composition, it was possible to classify the
It is worth noting that the proportion of aggregates decreases mortars into three groups:
with the age of the building. The higher aggregate amount may
have been used in an attempt to prevent cracking or due to eco- 1. Typical hydrated lime mortars in which the predominant binder
nomic aspects. is hydrated lime.
346 P.J.P. Gleize et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 342–346
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Acknowledgements [19] Bakolas A, Biscontin G, Contardi V, Franceschi E, Moropoulou A, Palazzi D, et al.
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soal do Nível Superior – CAPES for providing the scholarship to the [21] Baronio G, Binda L. Study of the pozzolanicity of some brick and clays. Constr
second author. The authors also acknowledge the Instituto do Build Mater 1997;11(1):41–6.
Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional – IPHAN of Santa Catarina [22] Moropoulou A, Bakolas A, Bisbikou K. Physico-chemical adhesion and cohesion
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IPUF, for the access to the historical buildings. [23] Moropoulou A, Tsiourva Th, Bisbikou K, Biscontin G, Bakolas A, Zendri E. Hot
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Cement & Concrete Composites 31 (2009) 347
Second International Symposium on Design, Performance and krzyska 21, Warsaw 00-049, Poland. E-mail: [email protected];
Use of SELF-CONSOLIDATING CONCRETE (SCC’2009-China), to be Website:
held in Beijing, China, 5–8 June 2009.
Contact: Dr. Bo Peng, College of Civil Engineering, Hunan International Conference on Computational Design in Engineer-
ing (CODE 2009), to be held in Seoul, Korea, 3–6 November 2009.
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Contact: Workshop Secretariat, E-mail: [email protected];
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