Severance Package - Summary by YOS

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The following are the Severance and Service Tables:

Severance Table (Article 156 point 2)

Years Monthly
of Salaries
<1 1
1 < 2 2
2 < 3 3
3 < 4 4
4 < 5 5
5 < 6 6
6 < 7 7
7 < 8 8
>= 8 9

Service Table (Article 156 point 3):

Years of Monthly
Service Salaries
<3 0
3 < 6 2
6 < 9 3
9 < 12 4
12 < 15 5
15 < 18 6
18 < 21 7
21 < 24 8
>= 24 10

Example of a permanent employee with 10 years of service:

((2 x 9) + (1 x 4)) monthly salaries = 18 + 4 = 22 months salaries


Salaries = Base Salary and Other Bonuses/Allowances paid regularly on monthly basis that are
not related to attendance and performance

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The following is summary table by years of service according to the Article 164 sub section 3
of Labor Law No. 13 of 2003:

2 Severance Table + 1 Service Table

In lieu of housing &
Severance Service medical (15% of TOTAL
severance+service) monthly
Year salaries
156(2) 156(3) 156 (4)
<1 2 0,30 2,30
1 - 1.9 4 0 0,60 4,60
2 - 2.9 6 0,90 6,90
3 - 3.9 8 1,50 11,50
4 - 4.9 10 2 1,80 13,80
5 - 5.9 12 2,10 16,10
6 - 6.9 14 2,55 19,55
7 - 7.9 16 3 2,85 21,85
8 - 8.9 18 3,15 24,15
9 - 11.9 4 3,30 25,30
12 - 14.9 5 3,45 26,45
15 - 17.9 6 3,60 27,60
18 - 20.9 7 3,75 28,75
21 - 23.9 8 3,90 29,90
24 > 10 4,20 32,20

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