FF Dirtyprofits PDF
FF Dirtyprofits PDF
FF Dirtyprofits PDF
Summary 4
Methodology 6
Bittersweet – Child Labour and Cacao Farming 43
Harmful Investments:
Analysis of Financial Institutions and their
Harmful Investments 48
Shares and bonds managed by selected
financial institutions 60
Underwritings of shares and bonds per selected
financial institution 62
Participation of selected financial institutions in loans 63
Norms and standards 64
Imprint 75
financial institutions and and Deutsche Bank, the Dutch ING, and UniCredit from Italy.
Since early 2010, the financial transactions between the 16
policy makers should commit financial institutions** and 28 companies* investigated in this
report amount to more than €44 billion including loans (more
themselves to binding regula- than €16 billion), underwritings of shares and bonds (more
than €10 billion) and managed shares and bonds (less than €18
environmental and human made it impossible to judge harmful investments from the “old”
or “real” economic perspective. Through speculative invest-
rights issues. They should also ments and non-transparent financial products, financial
institutions and investors endanger MDGs, create poverty,
increase control, inspection violate rights, and put the world’s financial system at risk. This
report also documents the harmful business practices of the
criteria, and sanction mecha- investment banks Goldman Sachs (USA) and Deutsche Bank
(Germany) and their role in the formulation of a crisis-ridden
Copper Smelter at Glencore’s
Mopani Mine in Zambia
© BD, Photo Audrey Gallet
1 PROFUNDO: Dirty Profits, Report on companies and financial institutions benefiting from
violations of human rights. A research paper prepared for FACING FINANCE, 10 November
Protest against Barrick Gold at their Annual
Meeting in Toronto 2012
© flickr/drawstring Alan Pike Photo
Techsystems Inc.
lliant Techsystems (ATK) is described as the Convention on Cluster Munitions.5 To make the
Management of shares and bonds:
largest ammunition manufacturer in the current DPICM ammunition, (cluster munitions),
Allianz 75.58
world. Their ammunition plant operates in ATK has teamed up with IMI from Israel to produce Deutsche Bank 20.69
Independence, Missouri.1 Currently, SIPRI has the XM242 fuses to replace the old M223 fuses in BNP Paribas 0.62
rated ATK 26th out of the Top 100 largest arms- the existing M42/M46 renades.6
producing companies in the world.2 ATK is involved ATK is also involved in the production of BNP Paribas 21.62
in many weapon projects. They are a supplier of Depleted Uranium (DU) ammunition. This includes
special components and a main contractor for the M829A1 Kinetic Energy round, the M829A3 Turnover: 3,739.17
whole cluster munitions. They are also associated (120mm) Kinetic Energy tank cartridge, and the Net profit: 241.83
with the provision of key products and services for PGU-14 API (30mm) high-density penetrator.7
ISIN: US0188041042
nuclear weapons. ATK is updating their propulsion Transparency International UK has accused ATK
systems for the US nuclear deterrent programme. of not providing enough public evidence of how ( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion )
Specifically, ATK produces rocket propulsion they fight corruption.8 The Norwegian Ministry of
systems for Trident II and Trident D5 submarine- Finance, Delta Lloyd Asset Management, Danske
launched ballistic nuclear missiles as well as Bank, Triodos and the Dutch Pensioenfonds Zorg
Minuteman III intercontinental nuclear ballistic en Welzijn are among those which have excluded
missiles.3 ATK from their investments due to their involve-
Conventional weapons are also part of the ment in the production of nuclear arms, cluster
company’s product range. ATK produces the rocket munitions, anti-personnel mines, and/or depleted-
engine for the “Sensor Fuzed Weapon” (SFW) and is uranium munitions.9
a contractor for the CBU-87B and CBU-97/B cluster → Thomas Küchenmeister
bomb programme. All of these are prohibited by
the Convention on Cluster Munitions.4
ATK also produces the 120 mm M971 DPICM
5 120 mm M970 and M971 DPICM cargo bombs’, Jane’s Ammunition
mortar bombs carrying 24 dual-purpose Handbook Online Edition.
M87 Bantam submunitions, which fall under the 6 http://dev.defense-update.com/20070505_xm242.html
category of weapons prohibited under the 7 http://www.bandepleteduranium.org/en/a/72.html#2, http://
“ATK’s commitment to ethical
8 http://companies.defenceindex.org/report
behaviour at every level is
9 http://www.regjeringen.no/en/dep/fin/Selected-topics/ implausible and not
the-government-pension-fund/responsible-investments/ comprehensible as they produce
companies-excluded-from-the-investment-u.html?id=447122, a wide range of weapons which
1 http://www.atk.com/Capabilities/c_defense_default.asp http://www.pfzw.nl/about-us/investments/responsible-invest- violate fundamental
ments/activities/Paginas/exclusions-of-companies.aspx, http:// humanitarian principles with
2 http://www.sipri.org/research/armaments/production/Top100
www.deltalloydassetmanagement.nl/media/179531/exclusions_ respect to humanitarian law.”
3 http://www.dontbankonthebomb.com/2012/02/28/alliant- controversial_weapons_q1_2012.pdf, http://www.danskebank.
techsystems/, http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/systems/ Barbara Happe,
slirbm.htm urgewald
4 IHS Jane’s Weapons Air Launched 2012-2013, p. 303 and 361. standard/file/SRI_Report_2_2011_english.pdf
lpha Natural Resources is the world’s third are referred to as ‘valley fills.’4 The mining process
Management of shares and bonds:
largest metallurgical coal supplier with adds toxins to the soil which then make their way
UniCredit 81.02
Deutsche Bank 76.01 an annual output of nearly 126 million tons into the area’s water supply. The blasting process
Allianz 28.14 of metallurgical coal. The company operates 150 also pollutes the air with toxic particles. Health
active coal mines and 40 coal preparation plants problems such as cancer, liver and kidney diseases,
Underwriting of shares and bonds:
accross Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsyl- and skin rashes result for people in these regions.
Deutsche Bank 8.84
vania, and Wyoming.1 Recent studies prove that the cancer rate has
Loans: After taking over the coal producer Massey doubled in people who live close to a mine.5 Bob
Deutsche Bank 17.10
Energy in 2011, Alpha Natural Resources shot to Kincaid from West Virginia reports: “Children in my
Turnover: 5,391.54 the top of the list of controversial mining compa- region are routinely having organs removed from
nies. Massey Energy has been accused of having their bodies, victims of the toxins.”
Net profit: - 523.07
poor working conditions, safety problems, issues According to an SNL Energy analysis of annual
ISIN: US02076X1028 with fraud, and mountaintop removal mining.2 As safety and health data In 2011, coal mines
( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion ) a result of the purchase, Alpha Natural Resources operated by Alpha Natural Resources were subject
became the single largest company in the United to more proposed fines for federal safety and
States to practise the highly controversial mining health violations than all other major public coal
technique, mountaintop removal (MTR)mining.3 companies combined. Alpha Natural Resources
With 22 percent of coal production derived was in jeopardy of nearly $33 million in proposed
from MTR mines, Alpha Natural Resources utilizes fines.6
the largest mount of MTR mining in the United According to the Rainforest Action Network,
States. MTR is a surface mining thechnique with an “property owners in West Virginia sued the
enormous environmental impact. This method is company for subsidence damage and ruined
used in the Appalachian region. Thin seams of coal groundwater due to ‘reprehensible, intentional,
inside the mountain are reached by blasting and grossly negligent’ conduct in mining
mountaintops. The blasted soil from the moun- operations.”7 In July 2012, a coalition of citizen
taintop is often dumped into nearby valleys; these and environmental organisations filed a lawsuit
against Alpha Natural Resources due to selenium
pollution at nine different Alpha Natural Resourc- top Massey executives arranged the sale to avoid
es coal mining operations. In December 2011, personal liability for the deaths of the 29 miners
Alpha Natural Resources settled a lawsuit killed in the Upper Big Branch explosion. Docu-
regarding selenium pollution at three other ments show that the former Alpha Natural
facilities with the same groups.8 Resources CEO entered into a pact with the Massey
With the acquisition of Massey Energy, Alpha Energy officers who were directing the internal
Natural Resources became the most controversial investigation, promising high-ranking positions
mining company in 2011.9 Massey Energy had a within the post-merger company.11 Nevertheless,
long history of social and environmental irrespon- in June 2011 shareholders approved Alpha Natural
sibility. With the purchase, Alpha Natural Resourc- Resources' purchase of Massey Energy.
es also took on these problems. Massey Energy is In its 2010 annual report, Alpha Natural
infamous for contaminating aquifers and wells Resources stated that “approximately 87% of our
with coal slurry, pumped into underground mines 2010 coal production came from mines operated
between 1978 and 1987. More and more details by union-free employees. As of 31st December
about the safety policy of Massey Energy were 2010, approximately 79% of our workforce is
revealed in April 2010, following an infamous union-free.” Alpha Natural Resources notes that
explosion at a coal mine resulting in 29 deaths. under the National Labor Relations Act, employees
Since that incident, Massey Energy has have the right to form or affiliate with a union but
received over 1000 citations from the US Mining cautions investors that “any further unionisation
Safety and Health Administration.10 of our employees, or the employees of third-party
In 2011, people filed suit to stop the transac- contractors who mine coal for us, could adversely
tion that would make Massey Energy part of Alpha affect the stability of our production and reduce
“The oldest, and some of the
Natural Resources. Lawyers argued that our profitability.”12 most beautiful mountains on
→→ Barbara Happe & Kathrin Petz earth, are assaulted daily by 3
million kilograms of high
explosives used by the coal
industry to blow apart our
mountains, rain poison down
upon our communities, sicken
8 Sierra Club Press Release, July 16, 2012: Coalition Acts to Protect and kill our friends, our
Waterways from Pollution at 9 Alpha Natural Resources Facilities 11 Source Watch 2012: http://www.sourcewath.org/index. neighbors and our families.”
http://action.sierraclub.org/site/MessageViewer?em_id=245343.0 php?title=Alpha_Natural -Resources Bob Kincaid,
9 RepRisk Report, March 2011 Coal River Mountain Watch
12 Alpha Natural Resources 2011: Form 10-K Annual Report, U.S.
10 RepRisk Report, March 2011 Securities and Exchange Commission, February 25, 2011, page 41
eadquartered in The Woodlands, Texas, been known to cause earthquakes. Fracking has
Management of shares and bonds:
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, is one of already been banned in Bulgaria, France and in
Allianz 339.01
Deutsche Bank 256.60 the world’s largest, publicly-traded oil and the Canadian province of Quebec. 3
ING 148.36 gas exploration and production companies. In the deep-water Rovuma Basin of the north
The company’s major areas of operation are in Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado, Anadarko
Underwriting of shares and bonds:
the United States, off the shores of the Gulf of exploration wells discovered two major natural
Deutsche Bank 321.98
BNP Paribas 19.16 Mexico, and in Algeria. Anadarko also operates in gas reserves. Having concluded the exploration
West Africa, Mozambique, Kenya, South Africa, phase, many issues have already been reported
New Zealand, and China. such as the massive deaths of shallow-water
Deutsche Bank 444.50
Anadarko’s activities lead to multiple human bottom-feeding sea-grass fish, shellfish, and
BNP Paribas 421.52
ING 210.60 rights violations and environmental damages. turtles. As a result of the seismic program, three
They are involved in several controversies, different species of mollusk were found dead on
Turnover: 10,710.30
including the 2010 explosion and subsequent spill the beaches of one community. As for the
Net profit: -2,045.54 of an oil rig, Deepwater Horizon, which spewed communities within the seismic program area,
around 4.9 million barrels of crude oil into the Gulf several harpoon fishermen suffered hearing
ISIN: US0325111070
of Mexico. Until 2010, none of Anadarko’s 4,300 injuries from the seismic guns while fishing. Many
( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion ) workers were represented by labour unions. fishermen were forced to suspend their fishing
Anadarko uses a controversial method of activities for extended periods of time. This
hydraulic fracturing in order to drill for shale gas negatively impacted the communities’ means of
across the USA. This method, also known as subsistence and, according to the local fishermen,
“fracking”, is widely criticized for causing numer- they were not given any compensation.4
ous environmental problems.1 Fracking involves →→ Samuel Mondlane & Jan Schulz
“… fracking has resulted in over injecting millions of gallons of highly pressurized
1,000 documented cases of
groundwater contamination water, sand, and proprietary chemicals into a well.
across the country, either This often contaminates groundwater. There are
through the leaking of fracking over 1,000 documented cases of contamination
fluids and methane into
groundwater, or by above by courts, states, and local governments across
ground spills of contaminated the US.2 Furthermore, this drilling method has
and often radioactive
wastewater from fracking
operations.” 1 http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/en/news-and-blogs/
Letter from 68 groups to campaign-blog/halt-fracking-68-groups-say-to-obama/
US-President Obama blog/36272/ 3 http://eenews.net/public/energywire/2012/05/04/1
2 http://www.propublica.org/article/buried-secrets-is-natural-gas- 4 http://www.foei.org/en/resources/publications/pdfs/2011/
drilling-endangering-us-water-supplies-1113 oil-or-development/view?searchterm=oil%20or%20development
“Leaving the world a better place for generations to come and giving back to the
communities where we operate is our responsibility and our commitment.”
12 | FACING FINANCE | Dirty Profits | 2012 Anadarko Website
Anglo American advertising poster welcoming
the attendees of the COP17 climate summit in
Durban, South Africa.
American plc
nglo American plc (Anglo American) focuses Chilean local politicians, Anglo American has
Management of shares and bonds:
on the extraction of iron, coal, copper, illegally begun excavation activities at the Paloma
Deutsche Bank 948.87
nickel, minerals, (including platinum and Glacier. Located in a protected area, the Yerba Loca Allianz 309.75
diamonds), andmore.The company operates in Sanctuary, the glacier has already been pierced by DZ Bank 118.60
Africa, North and South America (Chile and Brazil), a gold extraction tunnel built by Anglo American.
Underwriting of shares and bonds:
Australia, China, India, Japan and other parts of The glacier is the main water source for the city of
Commerzbank 281.26
Asia and Europe. Anglo American faced criticism Santiago and mining activities could threaten it. BNP Paribas 267.97
across the globe in 2011 for both their existing and There are also risks for local food production and
proposed mining ventures. While companies animal husbandry.3
BNP Paribas 166.67
promote their ethical behaviour through corporate On 5 October 2012, Anglo American Platinum Commerzbank 166.67
social responsibility programmes, they are (Amplats) fired 12,000 miners for staging an
responsible for destroying indigenous culture in unlawful strike in South Africa. At least 20,000 Turnover: 22,678.70
communities by forcing them to resettle. mineworkers at Amplats have been on strike since Net profit: 4,575.05
Anglo American’s joint venture with Xstrata and September 12th, demanding 12,500 rand (about
Mitsui & Co at the Collahuasi mine in Chile proved $1,500) in take-home pay. South African miners
very controversial. Over twenty labour unions accuse the company of being responsible for their ( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion )
accused the companies of serious acts of retalia- work-related diseases. They accuse the company
tion against union leaders following a series of of knowingly exposing them to silica dust, which
strikes.1 leads to respiratory illnesses including silicosis and
The Cerrejón coal mine in Colombia is operated tuberculosis.4 Anglo American will face a hearing in
by BHP, Anglo American and Xstrata. Its activity 2013 to determine if it is liable for miners who
has led to contamination of rivers and environ- contracted the lung disease silicosis while working
mental damage. People have been forced to in its gold mines.5
resettle and some who have protested against the →→ Thomas Küchenmeister
mine have been threatened or murdered. The
Wayuu indigenous community fears that their
cultural identity will be rendered extinct. Moreover,
“I was a mine worker from
this syndicate has recently made plans to expand 1964 until I was retrenched in
the mine towards a protected forest and a major 1991. I am suffering from both
water source.2 In Peru, the Quellaveco copper mine silicosis and tuberculosis. The
tuberculosis is so bad that I am
project was criticised due to concerns over the unemployable. I gave the best
heavy usage of scarce water supplies. Likewise, years of my life to that company,
Anglo American's proposed Michiquillay mine they make billions each year
and I can't even provide a plate
experienced protests from residents who feared it of food for a day for my wife and
would damage the local environment and sought four children.“
more asequate compensation. According to Daniel Seabata Thakamakau,
3 noalamina.org
65, worked for Anglo American
4 The Independent, UK owned mines
1 RepRisk: Most Controversial Mining Companies of 2011 www.bbc.co.uk
5 http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/10/01/us-safrica-silicosis-
2 noalamina.org anglo-idUKBRE8900E620121001
eadquartered in Melbourne, Australia, BHP deforestation, forced removals of local communi-
Management of shares and bonds:
Billiton is an Anglo–Australian mining and ties, and an unsafe living environment are some of
Allianz 440.94
petroleum company that has a major the problems that have arisen as a result of the Deutsche Bank 332.81
management office in London, United Kingdom. project.2 ING 178.77
They operate in 25 countries worldwide and are In Colombia, BHP Billiton is accused of poor
Underwriting of shares and bonds:
one of the most controversial mining companies in work and safety conditions at the Cerrejón Coal
BNP Paribas 721.48
the world. BHP Billiton has been criticized because Mine which is a joint venture project of BHP ING 488.62
of the social and environmental impact of their Billiton, Xstrata (35% Glencore), and Anglo UniCredit 481.10
activities in the various countries where they American. The conditions here led to serious
operate. Reprisk ranks them 4th amongst the most health problems and even fatalities of workers (26
BNP Paribas 2,892.73
controversial mining companies, saying that they deaths from 2009 to 2011). Furthermore, the ING 2,114.16
are “responsible for environmental destruction extraction process led to forceful resettlement or UniCredit 1,996.00
[…], forced relocation of communities, destruction loss of land for many communities.3
Turnover: 56,930.20
of traditional livelihoods, human rights abuses and In Pakistan, BHP Billiton is accused of causing
the violation of indigenous peoples’ rights.”1 serious health problems. Villagers living near the Net profit: 18,766.40
In Mozambique, BHP Billiton operates the Zamzama Gas Plant suffer daily with the toxic ISIN: AU000000BHP4
Mozal Aluminum smelter. It started its operations fumes from the plant.4
( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion )
in August 2000, before approval of the company’s Furthermore, BHP Billiton is criticised for using
Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) a particularly carbon intensive process during their
and Environmental Management Plan was given. deep sea oil production and for using a highly
Since its operations began, it has violated several controversial fracturing technique to develop
Mozambican and International laws and regula- shale gas in the U.S.5
tions, mainly regarding labour, environment, and →→ Samuel Mondlane & Jan Schulz
human rights. 1,200 families were displaced from
their farming or residential land without prior
consultation from the Government or Mozal. Mozal
does not respect labour rights and prevents the
formation of unions. Workers were forced to work
for 12 hours per day, breaking the Laws of the
Ministry of Labour which appropriates 8 hours. The
environmental impact audit reported a lack of
compliance with environmental responsibilities “BHP Billiton/Mozal lacks
2 Research undertaken by Samuel Mondlane - Justica Ambiental
and standards set by the company's environmen- Mozambique, 2011 to 2012 transparency in their emissions
tal management plan and the country’s legislation. and environmental assessments,
3 Reprisk and http://bhpbillitonwatch.files.wordpress.
and endangers the health of the
Soil and water contamination, air pollution, com/2011/11/bhpb_report_sml.pdf
people living near its projects.”
4 http://www.reprisk.com/downloads/mccreports/23/150312%20
Anabela Lemos,
Justiça Ambiental
1 http://www.reprisk.com/downloads/mccreports/23/150312%20
Top%2010%20Most%20Controversial%20Mining%20Companies_ 5 http://bhpbillitonwatch.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/
RepRisk.pdf bhpb_report_sml.pdf
“At BHP Billiton, we value sustainability; it is about putting health and safety first,
being environmentally responsible and supporting our communities.”
BHP Sustainability Report 2012 FACING FINANCE | Dirty Profits | 2012 | 15
Coca-Cola Co.
oca-Cola is the leading soft drink producer In eleven years, from 1999 to 2010, groundwater
Management of shares and bonds:
in the world. There are just two countries in levels in Mehdiganj have dropped 7.9 meters.2
Deutsche Bank 559.32
Allianz 280.06 the world without Coca-Cola: North Korea Three out of four wells in the area dried up. This
ING 157.05 and Cuba. cannot be linked solely to the persistent drought.
In India, Coca-Cola dominates 95 percent of the The Central Pollution Control Board CPCB has
Underwriting of shares and bonds:
soft drink market and generates double-digit also found high levels of lead, cadmium and
Deutsche Bank 1,158.37
BNP Paribas 464.92 growth figures. Coca-Cola has 56 bottling facilities chromium in the groundwater. Signs around wells
in India and more are planned. Often, these and hand pumps advise that the water is not
Turnover: 36,112.50
facilities destroy lives, livelihoods, and communi- suitable for human consumption. As a result,
Net profit: 6,619.25 ties. Coca-Cola is accused of causing water people have to buy bottled water – often filled by
shortages, pollution of groundwater and soil, and Coca-Cola. There have not been any studies into
ISIN: US1912161007
exposure to toxic waste and pesticides. Critics like the long-term effects of the toxins. However,
( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion ) the India Resource Center state that this is simply people have already been complaining of skin
disastrous for a country where over 70 percent of diseases and rashes.
the population depends on agriculture to make a Coca-Cola has also been criticised for funding
living. According to Coca-Cola, the company uses water projects in India as part of marketing
approximately 2.6 litres of water for every one litre campaigns to improve its image. The company has
of soft drink it produces – and 75 percent of the allegedly spent over € 4.2 billion on marketing, but
fresh water Coca-Cola extracts in India becomes just € 38 million on school and water projects,
wastewater. The company has indiscriminately many of which are failing.3
discharged its wastewater into surrounding fields, Recently, Coca-Cola has said that together with
severely polluting the scarce remaining groundwa- its bottling partners it will invest $5 billion in India
ter and soil. Several of its largest production in a bid to increase its market share.4
facilities are located in areas plagued by scarce In Kenya, Coca-Cola has denied that its soft
water resources, where Coca-Cola’s consumption drink contains high levels of a carcinogens. The
of water has significantly hampered the ability of Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has
local residents to access safe drinking water. reported that a concentration of 4 microgram
According to the latest government data, ground- (mcg) of methyl imidazole can cause cancer.
water levels in the Kala Dera region fell 3.6 meters Compared with the 4 mcg concentration in the
between November 2009 and November 2010. In U.S., Coca-Cola drinks sold in China contain
the 10 years before Coca-Cola started operations 56 mcg, in the UK 135 mcg and 267 mcg in Brazil.5
in Kala Dera (1990–2000), groundwater levels fell Additionally, a Coca-Cola plant operated by
just 3.94 meters. In the 10 years since Coca-Cola Femsa in Argentina was closed after being accused
started operations (2000–2010), groundwater of dumping toxic and potentially carcinogenic
levels have plummeted 25.35 meters.1 waste. In Shanghai, Coca-Cola’s factory allegedly
Other community members face similar prob- contaminated a batch of the company’s products
lems. Most of the people of Mehndiganj, Nagepur, with chlorine.6
Benipur, and the surrounding villages in the State →→Jenni Roth & Thomas Küchenmeister
of Uttar Pradesh attribute the lack of water in
their neighbourhood to the presence of Hindustan
Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt Ltd, a subsidiary owned
by the U.S. based multinational Coca-Cola Inc.
2 http://www.indiaresource.org/news/2011/1005.html
4 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-18605454
1 Source: http://www.indiaresource.org/news/2011/1008.html,
5 28.06.2012 Xinhuanet (xinhuanet.com; chinaview.cn)
cokeimplicatedteri.html 6 03.06.2012 Diario Responsable (diarioresponsable.com)
Photo: Cover of Coca-Cola India,
Sustainability Review 2010.
Coca-Cola bottling facility in
Mehndiganj, India
Photo: Jenni Roth, 2012
1 http://www.drummondco.com/our-products/coal/mines
3 http://www.drummondco.com/about/history/
accused persons remain in positions of power at atmosphere, many of the workers are afraid to join
Drummond. For example, Alfredo Araujo and the union or to protest against the poor working
Augusto Jimenez maintain positions as Commu- conditions.9 Even today, coal union members are
nity Relations Officer and Head of Drummond threatened; the Colombian advocate Alirio Uribe
Colombia respectively. reported that several union members received
Drummond is also accused of operating its coal invitations to their own funerals in April 2012.10
mines on land that was bought illegally. There are many more instances of Drummond’s
Drummond is actively engaged in a battle human rights violations in Colombia, including the
against Sintraminergetica, the union which forced displacement of peasants from the
represents its workers. In March 2009, 4000 Mechoacán and El Prado plots. Paramilitary
workers peacefully protested against the poor and groups took the land and sold it later on to
hazardous working conditions at Drummond’s Drummond. Drummond refused to comment on
mining sites. The strike was called because Fenoco, the case.11 12 In October 2012, the lawyer represent-
Drummond's coal transport contractor, refused to ing those who were displaced from Mechoacán
negotiate a labour proposal (CBA) despite its legal and El Prado received a death-threat which
obligation to bargain with the 600 union members explicitly referenced those communities.13
in addition to an on-the-job worker fatality. In →→ Barbara Happe & Kathrin Petz
response to the strike, Drummond suspended and/
or fired at least 9 workers. Similarly, Fenoco (which
is partially owned by Drummond) illegally fired 25
workers, 8 of which were union leaders.8 In such an
9 Suhner (see footnote 7)
“Colombian people have been
10 Eon Annual meeting, May 2012 http://www.kritischeaktionaere.de/ the victims of foreign
fileadmin/Dokumente/Reden_2012/Rede_E.on_HV_2012_Alirio_ companies, governments and
Uribe.pdf (15.10.2012) institutions that want to take
11 Suhner (see footnote 7) advantage of the country’s
12 Verdadabierta, 26.10.2010: Carbón y sangre en las tierras de
mineral and energy resources.”
‘Jorge 40’: http://www.verdadabierta.com/paraeconomia/2816- Aviva Chomsky:
carbon-y-sangre-en-las-tierras-de-jorge-40 (15.10.2012) “Profits of Extermination”, 2005
8 http://laborrightsblog.typepad.com/international_labor_ 13 http://m.elespectador.com/opinion/columna-382666-no-hay-
right/2009/11/another-drummond-worker-dies-on-the-job.html restitucion-de-tierras
EADS Combat Helicopter TIGER
he European Aeronautic Defence and Space strategic submarine forces. The contract will last
Management of shares and bonds:
Company (EADS NV) is a Netherlands-based for ten years and valued at € 3 billion.4 MBDA also
Commerzbank 168.67
Deutsche Bank 141.08 company active in the aerospace and builds ASMPA nuclear missiles for the French Air
Allianz 74.12 defence sectors. The company manufactures Force.5
aircrafts, helicopters, drones, commercial space Since the arms embargo was lifted in 2004,
launch vehicles, missiles, satellites, defence military jeeps, helicopters, and anti-tank missiles
BNP Paribas, Commerzbank,
Deutsche Bank, DZ Bank, systems, and defence electronics. EADS is a have been delivered to Libya. Gaddafi's regime
ING, KfW, UniCredit 93.75 participant of the UN Global Compact which asks transferred € 168 million to EADS for the MILAN
companies to support and respect the protection missiles.6 Armed helicopters built by EADS
Turnover: 49,128.00
of internationally proclaimed human rights. subsidiaries (mainly Eurocopter) or their predeces-
Net profit: 1,033.00 Despite this, EADS is ranked 7th among the world's sors are sold to almost every conflict area in the
ISIN: NL0000235190 Top 100 arms producing companies.1 EADS is also world.7
a part of MBDA which builds nuclear missiles for EADS has been accused of military and
( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion )
the French Air Force, and produces and maintains non-military corruption in South Africa, Singapore,
submarine-launched nuclear missiles for the France and Finland.8 In October 2012, the Munich
French Navy. The Norwegian Ministry of Finance public prosecution office investigated EADS
and the Dutch Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn have employees on suspicion of bribery. Preciding this
excluded EADS from their investments because of was the sale of Eurofighter aircraft to Austria with
their involvement in the production of nuclear a business value of about € 2 billion. Raids
arms.2 followed in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.9
EADS has what is referred to a ‘contractual →→ Thomas Küchenmeister
partnership’ which keeps the majority of EADS
shares (50.39%) in the hands of the founding
4 http://www.astrium.eads.net/en/media-library/m51.html
(Daimler), and a consortium of private and http://www.eads.com/eads/int/en/news/press.en_20041223_
public-sector investors. In February 2011, Daimler m51.html
announced that they wanted to sell their remain- 5 http://www.dontbankonthebomb.com/2012/02/27/eads/
ing shares in EADS to the German Government. 6 Ian Black, Libyan rebels receiving anti-tank weapons from Qatar,
This should occur by the end of 2012. Additionally, Guardian, 14th April 2011; Howard Mustoe and Andrea Rothman,
Eurofighter’s combat debut in Libya may boost sales of $106
EADS holds a 37.5 % share in MBDA, a joint venture million plane, Bloomberg, 24 March 2011
with BAE Systems and Finmeccanica. MBDA 7 http://stopwapenhandel.org/sites/stopwapenhandel.org/files/
produced over 3,000 missiles in 2010,3 including EADS2011_0.pdf. This includes Angola, Burma, Chad, China,
the new M-51 nuclear missile for the French Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Israel, Morocco and Taiwan. Missiles
produced by MBDA (and predecessors) are sold to countries
including Algeria, Angola, Cameroon, Chad, China, Chile, Colombia,
“… nuclear weapons violate
1 http://www.sipri.org/research/armaments/production/Top100 Egypt, India, Iran, Israel, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia,
fundamental humanitarian
Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Taiwan,
principles …” 2 http://www.regjeringen.no/en/dep/fin/Selected-topics/
the-government-pension-fund/responsible-investments/ Thailand, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Venezuela
Norwegian Ministry of Finance, and Yemen.
5th January 2006
http://www.pfzw.nl/about-us/investments/responsible- 8 http://stopwapenhandel.org/sites/stopwapenhandel.org/files/
investments/activities/Paginas/exclusions-of-companies.aspx EADS2011_0.pdf
3 http://stopwapenhandel.org/sites/stopwapenhandel.org/files/ 9 http://www.ftd.de/unternehmen/industrie/:ermittlungen-in-
EADS2011_0.pdf deutschland-und-oesterreich-razzien-bei-eads/70114915.html
Leaking Agip gas pipe in Ebocha community,
Rivers State, Nigeria © ERA
ENI S.p.A.
NI S.p.A. is 30 percent state-owned Italian Communities such as the Kalaba3, the Gbaraun4,
Management of shares and bonds:
multinational oil and gas company head- and the Sabatoru5 in Bayelsa State suffer from oil
BNP Paribas 1,377.71
quartered in Rome, Italy. They operate in 79 spills, leaking and burning pipelines, and constant Deutsche Bank 191.11
countries across Europe, Africa, America, Asia, and burning of natural gas emissions, similar problems DZ Bank 172.23
Oceania. ENI has been involved in several contro- to those caused by Royal Dutch Shell. According to
Underwriting of shares and bonds:
versies as a result of its operations. ERA, spills were linked to the company negligence
BNP Paribas 479.09
In Mozambique, ENI is is involved in oil and gas and poorly maintained facilities. Agip does not pro- UniCredit 409.09
prospecting and exploration in the Rovuma Basin vide information on incidents, compensation or
of Cabo Delgado. They are accused of transporting clean ups.
BNP Paribas 490.91
and dumping large amounts of waste as well as ENI is on the brink of tar sands exploration in
UniCredit 490.91
threatening both the environment and the health the DR Congo.6 Oil extraction from tar sands
of the communities in the affected region. involves the resettlement of communities and puts Turnover: 109,147.00
The fact that gas flaring has been illegal in primary forests, and biodiversity in the Congo Net profit: 6,860.00
Nigeria since 20051 compiled with promises to Basin at risk.7
ISIN: IT0003132476
shareholders to discontinue gas flaring has not →→ Samuel Mondlane & Julia Dubslaff
deterred ENI's Nigerian subsidiary Nigeria Agip Oil ( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion )
lextronics is a leader of the EMS (Electronic leave constitutes a pay deduction. Flextronics
Management of shares and bonds:
Manufacturing Services) industry. Everx well- workers are placed in overcrowded dormitories
BNP Paribas 7.16
Deutsche Bank 6.19 known IT brand outsources production to a (up to 20 people per room), many often sleeping
KBC 3.09 small group of giant manufacturing companies on the floor. Their passports are withheld by the
that are capable of managing the entire produc- work agencies, which makes this a case of modern
tion process: everything from getting a project slavery. They have no right to join trade unions.
BNP Paribas 124.84
ready, to the delivery of the final product. The Pregnant women are subject to immediate depor-
Turnover: 22,569.20 names of companies belonging to the EMS tation. Workers also suffer from various occupa-
Net profit: 469.18 industry are little-known, as the EMS business tional diseases, usually a result of sleep depriva-
model bars any connection to specific products. tion or dehydration due to restrictions on toilet
ISIN: SG9999000020
While Flextronics International Ltd. originated use.1
( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion ) in Silicon Valley, it is now registered in Singapore. Labour rights abuses have been documented in
It is listed on NASDAQ, hiring 225,000 (mostly other production countries as well. Although the
low-cost) employees in 30 countries, and is the minimum-living-wage in India is estimated to be
second largest EMS corporation behind Foxconn. between € 127 and € 240 per month, short-term
The list of its clients includes Microsoft, Apple, contracted workers in Chennai, India earn just € 95
Lenovo, LG, Toshiba, Nokia, Motorola, and per month. Some unskilled workers earn as little
Hewlett-Packard, among others. Flextronics grew as € 66 per month. Unions have been replaced by
from revenues of $ one billion in 1998 to $ 30 “working committees” set up by the company.2
billion in 2011. 6,000 workers in Shanghai went on strike
Like other EMS companies, Flextronics hires recently, protesting for proper compensation over
a great number of workers at peak times and the swift relocation of a factory to another more
reduces employment when market demand falls. cost-effective region in China.3
The EMS industry requires flexibility and constant In Mexico, workers are required to work six
cost-cutting. As a result, many people work on days a week with shifts in excess of 12 hours.
low-wage, short-term contracts (often signed with Agencies only contract workers for 15 to 28 days
temp agencies), with little or no job security. This as any contract shorter than a month allows the
type of employment is called “precarious work”. company to deny paying social benefits. Illegal
In Malaysia, half of the workers at three and discriminatory recruitment procedures, such
production sites are immigrants originating from as psychometric, blood, and urine tests, are also
rural areas in Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, administered.4
Myanmar, or Indonesia. They are employed Hazardous work is not limited to Asian or Latin
through work agencies to whom they must pay American divisions of Flextronics. The company
excessive, illegal recruitment fees for false also operates in Central and Eastern Europe, (e.g.
promises of direct contracts with Flextronics. Poland, Hungary and Romania) – usually paying
Contracts signed with agencies are often not even wages just above the legal minimum and using
translated to their native languages. They receive large-scale temp-work.5
“… all I know is that I have not very low wages, even lower than promised. They →→ Grzegorz Piskalski
been paid for four months
altogether. I am in a bind because receive on average only € 200 (which is at the
I am neither able to send money poverty level in Malaysia), for up to 26 working
to my impoverished family, nor days of 12-hour shifts. However, the contracts only 1 http://www2.weed-online.org/uploads/migration_in_a_
am I able to return home right digital_age.pdf
now because I don’t have the stipulate eight hours. Furthermore, the workers
2 http://makeitfair.org/en/the-facts/reports/phony-equality
money to pay for an air ticket.” often have to factor in an additional three hours of
3 http://evertiq.com/news/22899
Flextronics-worker, producing unpaid time for their commute. Salaries are often
displays for Apple iPhones, 4 http://goodelectronics.org/publications-en/Publication_2281
delayed for up to six months, overtime is not
Weed report “Migration in a 5 http://somo.nl/publications-en/Publication_3591,
Digital Age”
compensated, and breaks are unpaid. Medical http://www.dziennikbaltycki.pl/artykul/458482,tczew-
M919 depleted uranium ammunition, offered
by General Dynamics at Eurosatory 2010
M2001 cluster munition, displayed
by DENEL at IDEX 2007 in Abu Dhabi
Dynamics Corp.
eneral Dynamics Corporation (GD) is an Lastly, GDO&TS produces the 25MM PGU-20 API
Management of shares and bonds:
aerospace and defence company that offers and M919 (APFSDS-T) depleted uranium ammuni-
ING 74.44
a wide range of weapons systems and tions.5 Deutsche Bank 59.54
munitions. SIPRI placed General Dynamics 5th Similarly, General Dynamics Electric Boat, Allianz 15.39
among the Top 100 largest arms-producing another subsidiary of General Dynamics, built the
Turnover: 25,233.00
companies in the world, ranked by arms sales.1 Ohio class nuclear submarines for the US Navy,
General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical which are equipped with nuclear Trident missiles.6 Net profit: 1,950.56
Systems, a subsidiary of General Dynamics, General Dynamics’ Advanced Information ISIN: US3695501086
classifies itself as a world leader in munition Systems, a further GD subsidiary, has also been
( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion )
dispensing which includes the dispensing systems involved in a project which stretches the life span
for the Sensor Fuzed Weapon cluster bomb.2 of the guidance systems for the Trident II D5
Furthermore, General Dynamics Ordnance and nuclear missiles owned by the US Navy.7
Tactical Systems (GDO&TS) is a subcontractor for →→ Thomas Küchenmeister
the CBU-87/B with the BLU-97 submunition.3 This
is a cluster bomb which is widely used in conflicts
including those in Iraq, Kosovo and Serbia.
According to IHS Jane’s, the company also markets
the M2001 155mm cluster munition produced by
Rheinmetall Denel Munition (RDM) in South Africa.4
“Cluster munitions such as
BLU-97 pose a significant
threat to civilians and result in
5 http://www.gd-ots.com/2011%20Brochures/25mm%20
victims even years after a
conflict has ended, as proven in
1 http://www.sipri.org/research/armaments/production/Top100 Kosovo.”
2 http://www.gd-ots.com/munitionsdispensing.html Jan Schulz, FACING FINANCE
6 http://www.gdeb.com/about/product/ohio/
3 IHS Jane’s Weapons Air Launched 2012-2013. 7 http://www.dontbankonthebomb.com/wp-content/
4 Jane’s Ammunition Handbook 2011-2012 uploads/2012/02/Chapter4.pdf
International plc
© AG Schweiz Kolumbien
lencore is a Swiss-based commodity In Zambia, a 73% subsidiary of Glencore,
Management of shares and bonds:
extracting, producing, and trading Mopani Copper Mines (MCM), uses harmful acids to
Deutsche Bank 49.83
DZ Bank 47.02 company active in 40 countries worldwide. extract copper at its Mufulira and Nkana Mines.4
ING 21.83 Its three pillars are metals, energy and crops. They Only one of three safety pumps was ever installed
control up to 60 percent of the commodities: zinc, in the extraction system. Consequently, a damage
Underwriting of shares and bonds:
copper (50 percent), and lead (45 percent) in the of this single pump led to severe contamination
BNP Paribas 1,455.57
ING 520.87 resource market. In October 2012, the merger with of drinking water in 2007.
Deutsche Bank 312.50 Xstrata was finalized. Sulphur emissions were 70 times higher than
Prodeco, a subsidiary of Glencore, runs two the healthy limit set by the WHO.5 Parts of the mine
coal operations in Cesar, Colombia: Calenturitas were closed in 2012 due to heavy acid mist. In high
ING 1,051.38
BNP Paribas 756.11 and La Jagua.1 As a result, more than 50% of the concentrations, sulphur severely pollutes air,
Deutsche Bank 756.11 population in Cesar suffers from respiratory groundwater and soil, destroying families’ means
diseases and damage to their skin and eyes.2 of self-subsistence. People suffer from respiratory
Turnover: 138,054.00
Communities are supposed to be resettled due diseases and high rates of cancer. Miners are often
Net profit: 3,002.08 to these health impacts. However, they protest contract-workers without any health or social
ISIN JE00B4T3BW64 against the resettlement plans demanding benefits.
consultation concerning compensation, time-lines, A leaked audit report6 on Mopani showed that
( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion )
infrastructure, and above all, the future locations MCMs tax evasion could cost the Zambian govern-
of their homes. Hardly any unspoiled land is left ment up to £76 million a year.7
in Cesar. Subsequently, authorities have refused Katanga Mining, a 75% subsidiary of Glencore,
to grant extension licenses to Glencore because of runs copper mines in the province of Katanga in the
their heavy air pollution.3 DR Congo. Workers, many of them on short term
contracts, are forced to operate under the poorest
of conditions. They are not provided with any
safety attire and therefore are exposed to the dust
4 http://www.mbendi.com/orgs/cnfn.htm
1 http://www.glencore.com/prodeco-group.php 5 http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-2064379/
2 http://www.woz.ch/127/glencore-in-kolumbien/mehr-als-die-
6 http://de.scribd.com/doc/48560813/Mopani-Pilot-Audit-Report
3 http://www.solidar.ch/data/C870F8F6/Kohlebergbau%20im%20
Cesar.pdf 7 http://www.trust.org/alertnet/news/enough-empty-promises
in the mines which leads to severe health problems. the British Parliament's International Develop-
The BBC accused Glencore of indirectly ment Committee13 opened an inquiry over
receiving copper produced by child labour from taxation in developing countries14 in which
the Tilwezembe copper mine.8 They also accused Glencore's subsidiaries in Zambia15 and DRC were
Glencore of dumping heavily polluted waste into included.16
the Luilu river.9 In light of the OECD complaint on tax avoidance
Additionally, NGOs accused Glencore of tax eva- in Zambia, even the European Investment Bank
sion and involvement in corruption.10 “Publish froze all new loans to Glencore “due to serious
What You Pay” named Glencore the most opaque concerns about Glencore' s governance which
mining company in terms of tax transparency as have been brought to light recently and which go
they incorporated half of their 46 subsidiaries into far beyond the Mopani investment.”17 Allianz, a
tax havens.11 Several other NGOs filed a complaint German insurance company, also declared that
with the OECD in 2011, alleging that Mopani they would cut off investment to Glencore because
Copper Mines manipulated financial accounts to of their poor sustainability record.18
evade taxation in Zambia.12 In the spring of 2012, →→Julia Dubslaff & Jan Schulz
13 http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/
8 http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/apr/14/glencore-
inquiries/parliament-2010/tax-in-developing-countries/ “Glencore and its subsidiary
9 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/17702487 KML don’t seem to care about the
14 http://taxpol.blogspot.de/2012/05/uk-hearings-on-tax-
10 http://www.brotfueralle.ch/fileadmin/english/Business_and_ economic, environmental and
Human_Rights/20120416_Glencore_in_the_DRC_report_2012. social impact of their mining
15 http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-2108904/ activities. The criticism concerns
pdf, http://www.globalwitness.org/sites/default/files/Global%20
MPs-eager-grill-Glencore-boss-Ivan-Glasenberg-tax. in particular three areas:
html#ixzz1oLCSEzAN contracts, compliance with human
Congo.pdf 16 http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/may/08/mining- rights and the environment
firms-congo-deals?newsfeed=true standards and tax issues.”
11 http://www.publishwhatyoupay.org/resources/piping-profits-
secret-world-oil-gas-and-mining-giants 17 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-13620185 Chantal Peyer, Brot für alle
Hennes & Mauritz AB
&M Hennes & Mauritz is a Swedish company report, young 12 year old children work up to 14
Management of shares and bonds:
that is active in the clothing retail industry. hours a day in factories for miserably low wages to
Allianz 124.49
Deutsche Bank 42.36 The company has around 700 independent supply H&M, which offers its products with slogans
BNP Paribas 37.69 suppliers active in local production offices in Asia like “fashion and quality at the best prices.” It is
and Europe. As of 31st December 2011, the also worth mentioning that the allegedly authori-
Turnover: 12,317.60
company had over 50 subsidiaries, including H&M tarian Uzbekistan government makes huge profits
Net profit: 1,771.62 Hennes & Mauritz SA, Impuls GmbH and FaBric from cotton export.3
ISIN: SE0000106270 Sales A/S, among others. H&M is accused by locals, Along with several other major clothing makers,
NGOs, media and scientists of violating human H&M has been criticised for how they treat workers
( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion )
and labour rights and of polluting the environment. in Cambodia, where hundreds of employees at a
Textile suppliers for Zara, H&M, Ann Taylor, plant run by a supplier of the Swedish fashion
Guess, Target, Disney and Uniqlo, among other big giant mysteriously passed out in August.4 On top of
brands, have violated China’s environmental laws this, H&M declared that they no longer use
by contaminating water supplies with chemicals sandblasting to fade their jeans products. However,
from dyes and printing, according to the report a new report reveals that regardless of whether a
“Cleaning up the Fashion Industry”, released by the brand has ‘banned’ sandblasting or not, both
“… It's painful to see how the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs.1 manual and mechanical sandblasting is still
kids knock themselves out in the
cotton fields to earn this rotten A German TV program entitled “Your Cheap commonly used.5 Sandblasting has been proven to
money. Just think about it: in Fashion – Our Misery”2 has reportedly featured cause fatal lung diseases, including silicosis.
order to earn 50 sum (four US H&M’s links to child labour and labour exploitation →→ Thomas Küchenmeister
cents), a kid who is barely 14 has
to bend down to the cotton bush in Uzbekistan and Bangladesh. According to the
over 50 times. And his earnings
from a day of this work won't
even buy him a pair of ugly
Boy, ninth grade (14 years old),
3 http://www.uznews.net/news_single.php?lng=en&cid=3&sub=hot
Kashkadaria province.
Source: antislavery.org, Cotton
Crimes, Child slavery in the Uzbek 4 http://www.thelocal.se/39006/20120209/
cotton industry 1 http://www.ipe.org.cn/Upload/Report-Textiles-One-EN.pdf 5 http://www.cleanclothes.org/campaigns/killer-jeans-still-being-
2 http://www.wdr.de/tv/hartaberfair/ made
Hanwha’s booth displaying cluster munitions at
DEFEXPO March 2012, New Delhi, India
Hanwha’s booth at IDEX 2005, Abu Dhabi, UAE
anwha is a Korean based Corporation. In 2007, Hanwha confirmed to Norway's
Management of shares and bonds:
They manufacture industrial explosives, Government Pension Fund that they manufacture
Deutsche Bank 0.08
defence products, and aircraft and are 2.75 in Multipurpose Submunitions (MPSMs) as
undeniably involved in the production of cluster well as the 130mm Multiple Launch Rocket Turnover: 8,112.26
munitions. Cluster munitions are prohibited System (MLRS).2 They also lead the new South Net profit: 88.92
under the Convention on Cluster Munitions which Korean MLRS programme and produces fuses for
ISIN: KR7000880005
became effective on 1 August 2010. Due to the various cluster munitions. 3 The company website
company's involvement in the production of lists the M577A1 mechanical fuse and the M732 ( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion )
cluster munitions, the Ethical Council of the electronic proximity fuse, both of which are used
Norwegian Pension Fund has excluded Hanwha in cluster munitions. Additionally, Hanwha has
from their investment universe.1 offered Claymore anti-personnel mines at arms
fairs. “Every year we clear tens of
In 2008, Hanwha reportedly exported 2.75 in thousands of unexploded mines in
Multipurpose Submunition (MPSM) rockets with former battle zones in order to
eliminate the deadly threat they
cluster munition warheads to Pakistan.4 pose to civilians and especially to
→→ Thomas Küchenmeister children. Anyone who still
produces cluster munitions or
landmines does so illegally and as
such commits unjustifiable
human rights violations to the
2 www.regjeringen.no/pages/2041987/Rheinmetall%20and%20 highest extent.”
Sylvia Werther,
1 http://www.regjeringen.no/en/dep/fin/Selected-topics/ 3 http://english.hanwhacorp.co.kr/BusinessArea/Explosives/ Solidarity Service International
the-government-pension-fund/responsible-investments/ Defense/Overview/Overview.jsp (SODI)
companies-excluded-from-the-investment-u.html?id=447122 4 http://lm.icbl.org/cm/2009/banning_cluster_munitions_2009.pdf
Heckler &
Koch GmbH
Heckler & Koch booth at the Eurosatory 2012
exhibition in Paris
eckler & Koch (H&K) describes itself as a In 2010, a German prosecutor investigated
Management of shares and bonds:
leading manufacturer of small arms witness accounts and travel documents which
UniCredit 9.11
including rifles, fully automatic weapons, suggested that weapons manufacturer H&K
Turnover 2010: 203.28 6 and grenade launchers in Europe. The media, knowingly and purposefully delivered G36 rifles to
Net profit 2010: 11.94 6 NGOs, Members of the German Parliament, and four Mexican provinces suffering from ongoing
German legal authorities all accuse H&K of bribery, human rights violations and political unrest:
( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion )
weapon smuggling, and illegal arms sales to Chiapas, Chihuahua, Guerrero and Jalisco.4 A
countries and regions of unrest or ongoing human fierce drug war is raging in Mexico. Over 30,000
rights violations. The Small Arms Survey (2010) people have been killed in recent years.
estimates that 875 million rifles, submachine guns, H&K was also under investigation following the
and pistols are in circulation worldwide. According discovery of its assault rifles in Georgia and Libya.
to UNICEF, more people are killed by small arms Libyan rebels have undeniably used H&K G36
than all other weapons.1 assault rifles in their struggle against dictator
Since late 2011, H&K has been accused of Muammar Gaddafi. However, H&K denies that it
bribing officials in Mexico and Germany.2 In August sold weapons to anyone in the embargoed country.
2011, the German media reported that Modern H&K also said it can neither confirm nor deny
Industries Company (MIC), a Saudi government- German media reports alleging that former Libyan
owned arms company located in Al-Kharj, was leader Muammar Gaddafi's son visited the
exporting German G36 assault rifles, and thus company’s headquarters in 2003.
violating German export laws. Heckler & Koch has In 2008, the German TV program “Report Mainz”
licensed MIC to manufacture their G36 rifles. MIC reveiled that Georgian special forces used H&K
has been showcasing the weapons at exhibitions G36 rifles in their conflict with Russian troops.
like IDEX 2011. Santa Bárbara Sistemas in La H&K claimed it would not export weapons to the
Coruña, Spain, is also licensed to manufacture the Georgian conflict zone only after unsuccessfully
G36. However German arms export regulations seeking to obtain an export permit in 2005.5
“In view of the fact that just forbid companies from awarding licenses in order →→ Thomas Küchenmeister
over 1.5 million people have lost
to outsource production of weapons.3
their lives as a result of H&K
weapons, one can certainly 4 http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/waffenexport-
speak of Germany’s deadliest 1 http://www.unicef.de/download/i_0068_kleinwaffen.pdf staatsanwalt-ermittelt-gegen-heckler-koch-a-711875.html
company.” http://www.swr.de/report/-/id=233454/nid=233454/did=7124626/
2 http://www.fr-online.de/politik/razzia-bei-waffen-hersteller-
Jürgen Grässlin, ge0x00/
arms opponent, in WIWO koch-,1472596,11129788.html 5 http://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/international/georgien-
3 http://www.gdels.com/products/others_2.asp?id=1
http://dipbt.bundestag.de/dip21/btd/17/079/1707926.pdf 6 https://www.bundesanzeiger.de/ebanzwww/wexsservlet
“Securing peace
in freedom”
28 | FACING FINANCE | Dirty Profits | 2012 Slogan from H&K press release
Hon Hai
Precision Industry Co. Ltd.
ccounting for around 40 percent of global taken steps to audit working conditions in
Management of shares and bonds:
production, the Taiwan-based Hon Hai production plants. While raises on 25 percent to a
Deutsche Bank 90.31
Precision Industry Co., (also known by its daily wage of over $5 have been promised, reports ING 28.98
trading name, Foxconn), is the world’s largest have surfaced indicating that workers were Allianz 20.44
electronics manufacturer. They serve as the threatened and ordered only to share certain
original design manufacturer for some of the information, as deemed acceptable by Foxconn.
ING 102.50
largest electronic and multimedia brands, The improvements themselves have also been
including Apple Inc., Amazon.com, Dell, Hewlett- questioned2 . It should be noted that the Fair Labor Turnover: 87,567.50
Packard, and Sony, among others. They have Association (FLA) only inspected three Foxconn Net profit: 2,069.33
massive production plants in Asia, Latin America, factories: two in Shenzhen and one in Chengdu,
ISIN: TW000231700
and Eastern Europe. Sichuan. They reported severe health and safety
Foxconn has been accused of violating labour risks, and excessive hours of overtime without ( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion )
3 http://www.fairlabor.org/report/foxconn-investigation-report
1 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/05/21/foxconn-suffers- 4 http://somo.nl/news-en/somo-media-coverage/inside-foxconns-
ninth-sui_n_585325.html factory-report-exposes-conditions-at-apple-manufacturer
Additionally, if targets are not met, lunch breaks quently occurred in many locations 5. Although
are also cancelled. Days off are rare and trips local authorities are often attracted to the
home to visit family are only allowed once a year. prospect of opening a large factory providing
This is particularly concerning as most of the employment, control over the environmental
workers are immigrants from distant provinces. impact is usually very limited. Once established, it
They are usually young people who are not in a is very difficult to determine the effects on
strong position to find employment in their home people’s health. China’s Centre for Legal Assis-
regions. Some of them are attracted by Foxconn tance to Pollution Victims (CLAPV) set up safety
advertising campaigns. The largest group of zones for different types of production, however,
Foxconn employees is between 18 and 21 years the regulations have not yet been determined for
old although incidents of child labour have been certain categories. Consequences of such cases
observed. have been visible in Taiyuan where inhabitants of
As the largest private employer in China, villages and settlements around the Foxconn
Foxconn holds a position superior to that of local factory are unable to determine the damage the
communities and authorities. Although workers factory may be causing to their health. They do
are often exposed to harmful substances without know that there are rising numbers of respiratory
“The daily production target is
6,400 pieces. I am worn out every being informed, surrounding areas are also disorders which already amount to 70 percent of
day. I fall asleep immediately subjected to water and air pollution. This problem the illnesses among the villagers.6
after returning to the dormitory. is consistent among Foxconn factories worldwide. →→ Krzysztof Kutra
The demand from Apple
determines our lives.” Disturbing odours which cause immediate
Worker at Foxconn factory,
respiratory problems and gas leaks have fre-
5 http://goodelectronics.org/news-en/foxconn-plant-in-tamil-nadu-
Sacom Report
“New iPhone, Old Abuses”
6 http://www.chinadialogue.net/article/show/single/en/4921
L-3 Communications
Holdings Inc.
-3 Communications is a leading provider of a component of the M30 Guided MLRS rocket, a
Management of shares and bonds:
broad range of electronic systems used on programme which will last minimum until the end
Allianz 26.01
military and commercial platforms. The of 2013.4 Deutsche Bank 17.96
company’s L-3 Fuzing & Ordnance Systems (L-3 The ESAD is also described as a key component BNP Paribas 10.65
FOS) division is described as one of the most of the M30 cluster munition rocket, as it was
Underwriting of shares and bonds:
advanced manufacturers of fuzing and ordnance developed first and foremost for use in this
Deutsche Bank 221.39
products in the world. This includes the develop- weapon. Marketing material from L-3 Communica-
ment and production of fuzes for missile and tions describes the device as used on the unitary Loans:
Deutsche Bank 50.67
rocket-driven devices and ordnance ammunition version of the GMLRS rocket as ‘a variant of the
deployed by infantry. SIPRI rated L-3 as the 9th DPICM Round ESAD’. 5 In 2009, the United Arab Turnover: 11,713.40
largest arms producing company in the world.1 Emirates ordered 780 M30 GMLRS rockets, each
Net profit: 736.67
L-3 is accused of being involved in the produc- equipped with 404 M101 DPICM submunitions.6
tion of cluster munitions banned by the 2008 Another example of L-3’s involvement in cluster ISIN: US5024241045
Convention on Cluster Munitions by media, NGOs, munitions is the marketing of the XM1162 ( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion )
and specialist researchers. In July 2011, Danske self-destruct fuzes designed for cluster munitions.
Bank excluded L-3 from its investment domain L-3 describes the fuze for use with 155 artillery
based on the findings of research into L-3’s ammunition and GMLRS rockets in order to
involvement in cluster munitions carried out by “minimise battlefield duds by adding a self-de-
the independent advisor Ethix SRI Advisors.2 The struct capability to the current DPICM” cluster
Dutch PGGM Vermogensbeheer B.V. excluded L-3 munitions. The marketing material for the XM1162
for the same reason. 3 was removed from the company website in 2010,
L-3 Fuzing and Ordnance Systems produces an but L-3 Communications has to date not con-
electronic safety and arming device (ESAD) for firmed having withdrawn the fuze from sale.
use on cluster munitions. The ESAD is a key →→ Thomas Küchenmeister
“Our values provide the foundation for our commitment to the highest level
of ethical conduct, a commitment we take very seriously.”
L3- Code of Ethics and Business Conduct FACING FINANCE | Dirty Profits | 2012 | 31
Trident II D5 nuclear missile
© Lockheed Martin
ATACMS MLRS rocket with cluster munitions,
displayed at Eurosatory 2006 in Paris
Martin Corp.
IPRI placed Lockheed Martin 1st among the contractual obligations to provide cluster muni-
Management of shares and bonds:
2010 Top 100 list of the world’s largest tion missiles for customers until 2013. These
Allianz 248.09
Deutsche Bank 68.16 arms-producing companies.1 include the 227mm M30 Guided MLRS (GMLRS)
MunichRe 22.08 Lockheed Martin's weapons systems currently rockets launched by M270 MLRS or HIMARS, which
operate aboard all U.S. Navy nuclear submarines are exported to the United Arab Emirates, Jordan,
and aircraft carriers deployed worldwide.2 The and Singapore.5 Cluster munitions are banned
Deutsche Bank 71.92
company, based in Bethesda, Maryland (USA), under the Convention on Cluster Munitions.
Turnover: 35,906.30 produces a wide variety of nuclear weapons The Norwegian Ministry of Finance, Delta Lloyd
Net profit: 2,050.18 including the Trident II D5 nuclear missiles for the Asset Management, Danske Bank, Triodos, and
U.S. Ohio class submarines and the British the Dutch Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn are
ISIN: US5398301094
Vanguard class submarines for both the United among those who have excluded Lockheed Martin
( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion ) States and the United Kingdom.3 Lockheed Martin from their investments because of their involve-
is also contractor for the new guided B61-12 TSA ment in the production of nuclear arms and /or
tail kit to increase accuracy for deployed, ground- cluster munitions.6
penetrating bombs known as “mini-nuclear- →→ Thomas Küchenmeister
Lockheed Martin is also involved in the
production of cluster munitions. This is confirmed
5 Sipri (2012) – Global transfers of major conventional weapons
“Lockheed Martin has never by government contracts and the ongoing sorted by supplier (exporter), 2011.
published, stated or confirmed
that it has stopped or will stop 6 http://www.regjeringen.no/en/dep/fin/Selected-topics/
the production of the GMLRS or the-government-pension-fund/responsible-investments/
other cluster munitions.” 1 http://www.sipri.org/research/armaments/production/Top100 companies-excluded-from-the-investment-u.html?id=447122,
IKV Pax Christi, 2 http://www.lockheedmartin.com/us/products/nuclearsands.html
Worldwide investments in 3 http://www.dontbankonthebomb.com/wp-content/up- http://www.deltalloydassetmanagement.nl/media/179531/
Cluster Munitions, June 2012 loads/2012/02/DivestmentReport.pdf exclusions_controversial_weapons_q1_2012.pdf,
4 http://www.fas.org/blog/ssp/2011/06/b61-12.php, Jane’s Weapons http://www.danskebank.com/en-uk/CSR/business/SRI/Pages/
Handbook 2012/2013 – Air-launched Weapons, p. 417. exclusionlist.aspx.
Energy Ltd.
aladin Energy Ltd. is a uranium production deterioration of health for workers and communi-
Management of shares and bonds:
company with projects in Australia and two ties. Increasing uranium mining activities pose
Allianz 0.54
operating mines in Africa (Malawi and risks in Africa because they are not always strictly Deutsche Bank 0.23
Namibia). At Paladin Energy’s recent annual regulated and controlled.4 UniCredit 0.17
meeting, a series of questions were raised A 2010 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Turnover: 209.46
regarding alleged corruption, human rights abuses, report on water consumption at Paladin’s “Langer
and worker safety issues. Several NGOs accuse Heinrich” mine in Namibia contains disturbing Net profit: -64.61
Paladin Energy of operating the Kayelekera conclusions over the mine’s water use. It stated ISIN: AU000000PDN8
Uranium Mine in Malawi without concern for that the proposed water withdrawal is not
( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion )
possible environmental damage or health sustainable and explained how the existence of a
hazards.1 Some claim that local communities are vulnerable tree species might be threatened if the
not aware of the negative impacts of the mining water table is further lowered. Paladin has not
activity.2 The Kayelekera mine is located near a explained how or if it will address these concerns.5
forest reserve and Lake Malawi which is essential In an earlier report released by the World
for drinking water and fishing. According to Information Service on Energy (WISE) entitled
activists, the Australian company bribed the “Environmental Impacts of Current Uranium Mine
Malawian government to obtain the mining licence Projects”, Paladin Energy was criticised for its
in 2007.3 operation in the Langer Heinrich open pit mine.
A current NGO report on the mitigation of The deposit is located in a National Park (the
uranium mining in Africa and its impact on society Namib-Naukluft) which has a large biodiversity
and the environment found that multinational adapted to Namibia’s extreme climate. Paladin
uranium mining companies are generally not held Energy is also criticised because of the water it
accountable for their social and environmental uses for processing which comes from one of
impacts in Africa. The report covers five companies Namibia’s scarce groundwater sources. The
and include Paladin, AngloGold Ashanti, Areva, current water extraction is damaging the land-
and Rio Tinto. Paladin did not respond when scape. However, the company plans to use more
contacted. The report concludes that uranium water to increase its production capacities.6
“Mining companies want to
mining operations have a high impact on the → Thomas Küchenmeister expand their mines in the coming
environment and society and can lead to the years (and more mines are
expected to open), and will need
much more water for that: about
4 Uranium from Africa – Mitigation of uranium mining impacts 50 million m 3 each year. Our
1 http://www.wise-uranium.org/umopafr.html, on society and environment by industry and governments by water sources already are very
http://www10.antenna.nl/wise/uranium.pdf, p.51 WISE & SOMO, Amsterdam, June 2011 scarce and may will be
2 http://www.nyasatimes.com/malawi/2011/08/25/karonga-locals- 5 http://www.theeis.com/data/literature/Langer%20Heinrich%
contaminated for generations.”
take-on-uranium-miners/ 20Water%20Supply%20Draft%20EIA%20Nov%202010.pdf Bertchen Kohrs,
Earthlife Namibia
3 Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa. 06.09.11, Inter Press 6 WISE Uranium Project 27.09.10, Inter Press Service News Agency,
Service News Agency. 22.08.09 and 17.07.07, Mine Web 19.09.07. 22.08.09 and 17.07.07
heinmetall AG is a German defence sector In 2012, following corruption allegations that it
Management of shares and bonds:
company which produces land systems, strongly denied, Rheinmetall Air Defence (part of
Deutsche Bank 43.05
DZ Bank 17.02 weapons, munitions, propellants, and air Rheinmetall AG) was blacklisted in India and
Allianz 13.96 defence. SIPRI ranked Rheinmetall 31st among banned from doing business there.4 This was
the 2010 Top 100 list of the world’s largest followed by Transparency International UK
Underwriting of shares and bonds:
arms-producing companies.1 The company accusing Rheinmetall of not providing enough
Deutsche Bank 265.24
UniCredit 265.24 operates through subsidiaries which are located public evidence on how they fought corruption.5
Commerzbank 98.57 around the world. Delta Lloyd Asset Management currently
The widely used Leopard 2 battle tank is armed prohibits investing in Rheinmetall because of
with Rheinmetall’s 120mm smoothbore gun. their production of white phosphorus weapons.6
Commerzbank 88.31
Deutsche Bank 88.31 Rheinmetall also makes a comprehensive range of White phosphorus burns fiercely and can set
UniCredit 88.31 ammunition for the Leopard 2, and supplies the cloth, fuel, ammunition, and other combustibles
tank’s fire control technology and C4I systems.2 on fire and can cause serious burns or death.
Turnover: 4,454.00
The Leopard 2 is deployed by more nations than According to an Amnesty International fact-find-
Net profit: 213.00 any other main battle tank. These include nations ing mission to southern Israel and Gaza, Israeli
ISIN: DE0007030009 like Saudi Arabia which ordered 200 2A7+ model forces used white phosphorus and other weapons
Leopard tanks. Opposition parties to the German supplied by the USA, committing out serious
( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion )
Parliament criticise the deal with Saudi Arabia, violations of international humanitarian law, in-
emphasising that it not only violates the principles cluding war crimes.7
of the German foreign export policy on weapons In May 2007, the Norwegian Ministry of Finance
but that it could also exacerbate the crisis in the excluded Rheinmetall from the Government
Middle East. Critics referred to an incident in Pension Fund - Global (previously the Petroleum
February 2011 when the Arab democracy move- Fund) because of alleged involvement in the
ment reached the smaller neighbouring country production of cluster munitions. This was
Bahrain, prompting Saudi Arabia to immediately repealed in 2008. However, there are reports by
send armoured troops to violently quell the the German television broadcaster ZDF on
demonstrations. Rheinmetall’s ongoing involvement in the
In late 2012, the Indonesian foreign ministry production of cluster munitions by RDM (Rhein-
announced that the country’s armed forces would metall Denel Munitions) in South Africa. 8
purchase 103 Leopard and 50 Marder tanks from →→ Thomas Küchenmeister
Germany. The orders were placed with Rheinmetall
and the deal is thought to be worth some € 210
million. Human rights organizations expressed
strong concern over the human rights situation 4 http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/06/09/india-arms-
“RDM currently produces cluster in Indonesia – particularly in the region of West
5 http://companies.defenceindex.org/report
munitions of type M2001 as Papua fearing that the German tanks could be
stated in the August volume of the 6 http://www.deltalloydassetmanagement.nl/en-gb/about-us/
military handbook Jane’s. This used by the Indonesian State against its civilians.3 mvo/exclusions/
would clearly manifest a violation 7 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/7904929.stm
of the Oslo Convention to ban
8 http://www.facing-finance.org/en/2012/07/frontal-21-geschaefte-
Cluster Munitions.” 1 http://www.sipri.org/research/armaments/production/Top100
Ove Dullum, 2 http://www.rheinmetall-defence.com/en/rheinmetall_defence/ verdacht/, http://www.regjeringen.no/en/dep/fin/Selected-topics/
military expert of the Norwegian systems_and_products/weapons_and_ammunition/index.php the-government-pension-fund/responsible-investments/
Defence Research Establishment, http://www.army-technology.com/projects/leopard/ Recommendations-and-Letters-from-the-Advisory-Council-
in ZDF-Frontal 21, 10th July 2012 3 http://www.dw.de/indonesia-tank-deal-raises-moral- on-Ethics/Recommendation---New-assessment-of-the-c.
questions/a-16357173 html?id=496490
Roessing Uranium Mine pit in Namibia
© Ministry of Mines and Energy, 2010
largest, undeveloped gold and copper mine in the Uranium mining by Rio Tinto in Africa is also
world, “Oyu Tolgoi”, located in the South Gobi criticised. NGOs researched the environmental,
Region. Critics claim that the Environmental and labour, and human rights impacts of the largest
Social Impact Assessment for Oyu Tolgoi does not uranium mine, “Roessing”, in Namibia, where Rio
cover concerns over the destruction of the fragile Tinto is the biggest shareholder (69%). Workers
South Gobi ecosystem or the livelihoods of the and people from surrounding communities suffer
nomadic herders.2 NGOs complain that the mining from health problems arising from exposure to
projects in the South Gobi region are taking place radioactive waste and from inhalation of dust and
before sufficient scientific information is available radon gas. The health and safety measures
about the possible environmental impacts. provided by Roessing are insufficient. 5 Recent
Furthermore, conflicts over limited water and land measurements found elevated rates of uranium in
resources have already evolved between tradi- groundwater, soil, and sediments.6
“The management of the waste
tional herders and the mining sector.3 → Jan Schulz
rock dump of Roessing’s mine
urgently needs to be improved; it
is freely accessible and does
not provide any warning signs.
1 http://www.regjeringen.no/en/dep/fin/Press-Center/Press-
The tailings are contaminating
the sediments of the Khan River
html?id=526030 4 Reprisk: Most Controversial Mining Companies of 2011. p. 7
and the surrounding area.”
2 http://www.minesandcommunities.org/article.php?a=11936 5 LaRRI: Uranium Mining in Namibia. 2009.
Bruno Chareyron, CRIIRAD France
3 http://bankwatch.org/sites/default/files/spirited-away-mongolia- 6 http://www.criirad.org/actualites/dossier2012/namibie/
mining.pdf CRIIRAD-namibia-press.pdf
Royal Dutch
Shell plc
oyal Dutch Shell is a global group of energy government admit that Shell contributes to the
Management of shares and bonds:
and petrochemical companies that employs funding of the military in the Delta region. Under
Allianz 779.38
BNP Paribas 609.12 90,000 people in more than 80 countries the premise of “protecting” Shell from peaceful
ING 365.49 including Canada, Malaysia, Nigeria, and Brazil. demonstrators, the Nigerian police special forces
Shell is a supporter of the Extractive Industries destroyed houses and vital crops, and killed more
Turnover: 348,688.00
Transparency Initiative and a participant of the than 2,000 people. In autumn 2012, Nigerian
Net profit: 22,929.40 UN Global Compact. farmers took Shell to court in The Hague, hoping
ISIN: GB00B03MLX29 Almost 14 percent of Shell’s production – their the company would be forced to change their
and GB00B03MM408 biggest fields outside the U.S. – comes from methods, pay compensation, and clean up spills.
Nigeria. Since they started drilling there in 1958, According to the National Oil Spill Detection and
( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion )
the Ogoni region, part of the Niger Delta, has Response Agency, NOSDRA, in July 2012 Shell
yielded about $ 30 billion in oil revenues. However, Nigeria (SNEPCO) was fined $5billion for a massive
the people who live there profit very little from oil spill that occurred at its Bonga oil field on
this money. With around 31 million inhabitants, December 20, 2011. 5
the Niger Delta is one of the world’s most The Anglo-Dutch oil group is planning to drill 5
substantial wetland and coastal marine ecosys- wells in the Arctic seas. This industrial activity in a
tems. It is an important source of food for the fragile polar ecosystem poses a major threat to
rural population. According to a study conducted animals and the survival of indigenous peoples.6
by a Nigerian university in 2011, a total of 2.4 Furthermore, an oil spill would be catastrophic
million barrels have leaked into the delta.1 Air and virtually impossible to clean up in a sea that
pollution from gas flaring results in acid rain and remains ice-covered for most of the year.
respiratory problems in the surrounding commu- Shell will also start exploring for Chinese shale
nities. People have been driven off their land and gas. These unconventional gas reserves can only
Shell pipelines pass through villages and over be reached by hydraulic fracturing, a process
what was once agricultural land.2 “In at least 10 which damages aquifers, may leak chemicals, or
Ogoni communities where drinking water is cause landslides or minor earthquakes.7
contaminated with high levels of hydrocarbons, In July 2012, the Russian Sakhalin Island
public health is seriously threatened,” the UN residents (Prigorodnoye Production Complex),
Environmental Programme (UNEP)concluded. living adjacent to a highly polluted liquefied
They went on to say that some areas which natural gas plant with oil and gas export termi-
appeared unaffected were actually “severely nals, filed a complaint against Royal Dutch Shell
“Shell’s … construction and opera- contaminated” underground. 3 and three of the UK’s largest banks: Royal Bank of
tion of the Prigorodnoye Countless peaceful marches and blockades for Scotland (“RBS”), Standard Chartered, and
Production Complex has severely
harmed the adjacent community, environmental and economic justice were met Barclays for their failure to adhere to OECD
endangering their health, with violence.4 Militant groups have occasionally Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. 8
jeopardizing their food security, sabotaged Shell infrastructure in the area, hoping →→ Leen Schmücker & Thomas Küchenmeister
and polluting and destroying local
environmental resources. to economically damage the company and regain
Community members living only power over their livelihood. Both Shell and the
1.2 kilometers away have not been
resettled or justly compensated, in
5 http://www.vanguardngr.com/2012/07/bonga-oil-field-spill-
violation of Russian law and
1 Ekubo and Abowei, Aspects of Aquatic Pollution in Nigeria, fg-fines-shell-5bn/
international standards including
Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 3(6):
the OECD Guidelines.” 6 Indigenous Environmental Network and Athabasca Chipewyan
673-693, 2011. First Nation, Risking Ruin, May 2012.
Dmitry Lisitsyn,
2 Amnesty International; The true tragedy; delays and failures in
Chairman of Council of 7 http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/aug/21/shell-invest-
tackling oil spills in the Niger delta, 2011.
Sakhalin Environment Watch, china-shale-gas-fracking on 23.08.12
a Sakhalin Island-based regional 3 http://www.unep.org/newscentre/Default.aspx?DocumentID=264 8 http://oecdwatch.org/news-en/complaint-seeks-resettlement-
environmental organization 9&ArticleID=8827&l=en and-just-compensation-from-royal-dutch-shell-and-uk-banks-
4 http://archive.greenpeace.org/comms/ken/, on 17.07.12. for-damage-caused-by-sakhalin-ii-oil-and-gas-project
“Building a sustainable
energy future”
36 | FACING FINANCE | Dirty Profits | 2012 Shell Sustainability Report 2011
Workers at a Samsung supplier factory
© China Labour Watch
Co. Ltd.
he Samsung Group, founded in 1938, is a China Labour Watch (CLW) accuses the
Management of shares and bonds:
South Korean conglomerate with more than enterprise of massive labour law violations. The
BNP Paribas 430.88
340,000 employees. The flagship of allegations are numerous: necessitating excessive Allianz 398.47
Samsung Group is Samsung Electronics, the overtime hours due to low wages, unpaid work, DZ Bank 234.62
world’s largest TV and mobile phone producer. The doing work while standing for up to 12 hours at a
Turnover: 109,843.00
enterprise began in the 1980s with the develop- time, systematic employment of underage
ment of electronic semiconductors. workers, discrimination, failure to issue pay checks, Net profit: 7,717.52
The company is accused of using highly poison- inadequate workplace safety standards, and ISIN: KR7005930003
ous substances for its semiconductor produc- prevention of unionized organization.5
( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion )
tion without informing or offering protection to These allegations are referring to company-
their employees. Chinese Labour Watch reported owned factories and suppliers. For example,
violations of labour laws, such as child labour, in numerous cases of child labour have emerged at
Samsung’s affiliated companies in China.1 HEG Electronics. Underage workers work under
The South Korean organization SHARPS the same conditions as adult employees while only
accused Samsung of causing severe, life-threaten- receiving 70% of an adult's wage.6
ing illnesses, such as cancer, to 140 former China Labour Watch has discovered that it is
employees.2 In August 2012, the organization not unusual for Samsung to replace the names of
attested to 56 work-related fatalities during an former adult employees with the names of
interview with ZDF’s (German TV network) underage workers on company badges in order to
magazine “Frontal 21”.3 avoid legal ramification. Underage child labourers
According to an investigation by the Occupa- are usually hired directly from Samsung’s affiliated
tional Safety and Health Research Institute, companies and do not receive a labour contract.
cancer- and especially leukaemia causing Instead, the agreement is conducted by the
substances like benzene, formaldehyde, arsenic schools and labour is passed off to the pupils as a
and radioactive material have been found at the compulsory part of their education.7
production lines.4 Samsung maintains that these In November 2012, Samsung admitted to
substances are not used for production. Neverthe- have found illegal work practices at their Chinese
less, the company is accused of having a massive suppliers, following accusations by China Labour
imbalance between profits and responsibility, Watch. 8 Samsung has given its suppliers two more “Then they told me that I had
particularly in terms of workplace safety and years to eliminate these practices.9 cancer. A brain tumour.”
“Sometimes, lead residue was left
health issues. Samsung still denies any correlation →→ Nikoletta Pagiati on our hands. You couldn’t get
between the cases of cancer and their working the smell out of your nose. I wore
conditions. a simple mask made of paper.”
Han Hye-kyoung,
former Samsung employee
1 http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/china-labor-watch-
5 http://www.chinalaborwatch.org/pro/proshow-177.html
clw-beschuldigt-samsung-der-kinderarbeit-a-853464.html “Cancer often occurs, even with-
6 http://www.chinalaborwatch.org/pro/proshow-175.html out any particular cause. That’s
2 http://stopsamsung.wordpress.com/what%E2%80%99s-wrong-
in-samsung-semiconductors/ 7 http://www.chinalaborwatch.org/pro/proshow-177.html why I think these cases of cancer
3 http://frontal21.zdf.de/ZDF/zdfportal/web/ZDF.de/ 8 http://chinalaborwatch.org/upfile/
were not preventable.”
Frontal-21/2942216/23872458/6a799d/Tod-nach-Arbeit- 2012_11_26/20121126121032989.pdf Kim Soo-Geun, Samsung
f%C3%BCr-Samsung.html Health Research Center
9 http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2012/nov/26/
4 http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/1077352512Z.00000000022 samsung-illegal-china-suppliers
Textron Inc.
CBU105/BLU-108 submunitions duds,
found in Iraq 2003
extron Inc., headquartered in Wilmington, weighing less than 20 kilograms, and includes
Management of shares and bonds:
Massachusetts, is a multi-industry company those explosive submunitions’.4
Allianz 22.92
Deutsche Bank 11.38 involved in the aircraft, defence, industrial The USA, who did not participate in the Oslo
ING 4.31 and finance businesses and has customers process prohibiting cluster munitions, now finds
worldwide. SIPRI ranked TEXTRON 30th among that almost all of their alternative cluster muni-
the list of the Top 100 arms-producing companies tions (e.g. BLU 108) are illegal. This was heavily
Deutsche Bank 101.14
in the world.1 Textron Systems, a fully-owned criticised by Textron, who strongly tried to
Turnover: 8,706.50 subsidiary of Textron Inc., produces the CBU-97/ influence the U.S. government to prevent this.
Net profit: 186.87 CBU-105 Sensor Fuzed Weapon cluster munition Textron even sent a company spokesperson to the
containing BLU-108 submunitions.2 The Norwe- Geneva-based UN Meetings (CCW) to persuade the
ISIN: US8832031012
gian Ministry of Finance, Delta Lloyd Asset delegates of the UN Convention on Conventional
( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion ) Management, Danske Bank, and Triodos, among Weapons of the benefits of “alternative US-Ameri-
others, have excluded Textron from their invest- can cluster munitions” like the SFW. A unique
ments because of their involvement in the approach in the UN’s history.
production of cluster munitions.3 The Sensor Fuzed Weapon (SFW) was first used
The CBU-97/CBU-105 Sensor Fuzed Weapon by the U.S. during the war against Iraq in 2003.
(SFW) carries ten BLU-108 submunitions, each According to on scene experts, it leaves numerous
in turn carrying four ‘Skeet’ warheads – meaning unexploded duds behind, putting civilians highly
a total of 40 target seeking submunitions. The at risk. However, Textron claims a reliability rate of
SFW falls under the category of weapons prohibited over 99 percent. In 2010, Textron exported the
by the Convention on Cluster Munitions (Oslo Sensor Fuzed Weapon (SFW) to India; In 2011 to
Convention), which defines a ‘cluster munition’ as Saudi Arabia and to the United Arab Emirates.5
a ‘conventional munition that is designed to → Thomas Küchenmeister
disperse or release explosive submunitions each
1 http://www.sipri.org/research/armaments/production/Top100
2 http://www.textrondefense.com/products/smart-weapons-air/
“We felt very comfortable that
the CBU-105 having a zero dud
rate would be a factor in forces
moving through that area. So, it
was an easy call for us to make 3 http://www.regjeringen.no/en/dep/fin/Selected-topics/
to drop CBU-105's …” the-government-pension-fund/responsible-investments/
SMSgt John Knipe, 4 http://www.clusterconvention.org/files/2010/12/CCM-Text1.pdf
OIF on Textron’s Website
exclusions_controversial_weapons_q1_2012.pdf, 5 SIPRI (2012) - Global transfers of major conventional weapons
http://www.danskebank.com/en-uk/CSR/business/SRI/Pages/ sorted by supplier (exporter), 2011, http://www.textrondefense.
exclusionlist.aspx com/news/press_release_item.php?ReleaseID=1526733
“Clear victories.
Clean battlefields.”
38 | FACING FINANCE | Dirty Profi ts | 2012 Textron’s Advertising Slogan for SFW
Protest of communities against the Vale/Thyssen steel mill
in Rio de Janeiro, February 2011
© Community Association, Rio de Janeiro
Vale S.A.
ale is the second largest mining company in Survival International, is the world’s most endan-
Management of shares and bonds:
the world and one of the largest producers of gered tribe.3
Allianz 695.33
raw materials. It is headquartered in Rio de In Mozambique, Vale operates the Moatize Coal BNP Paribas 303.15
Janeiro, Brazil, and operates in 37 countries across Project in Moatize - Tete province. Between late 2009 Deutsche Bank 277.98
North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and and early 2010, when setting up this project, Vale dis-
Underwriting of shares and bonds
Oceania. Vale is the world’s largest producer of iron placed and resettled more than 1,300 families in the
BNP Paribas 328.13
ore and pellets (a key raw material in the iron and communities of Chipanga, Mithete, and Malabwe Deutsche Bank 312.87
steel industries), and the world’s second largest in the Moatize province. Apart from the loss of their
producer of nickel. land, these families also suffered health impacts as
BNP Paribas 78.88
Vale is criticised for having the most contempt a result of the dust produced by Vale’s mining activi-
Deutsche Bank 78.88
for the environment and human rights. In Janu- ties, changes in social relations, destruction of liveli- DZ Bank 17.30
ary 2012, Vale won the Public Eye People’s Award hoods, and radical changes in traditional cultures due
Turnover: 47,808.00
for being the world’s worst company in view of its to the resettlement. The resettlement process was
human rights and environment performance. The mishandled from the beginning. Vale provided poor- Net profit: 17,518.40
Public Eye awards, also known as the “Oscars of quality infrastructure and insufficient housing condi-
Shame”, are organised by Greenpeace and the Ber- tions with poor access to water. Furthermore, the land
ne Declaration.1 provided was inadequate for agricultural purpos- ( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion )
Vale’s activities impact the territory and com- es, putting the nutrition of the communities at risk.
munities, generating extremely high social costs Promises of compensation by Vale were not kept. The
and severe environmental damage. Deforestation, free movement of people and goods and the access
population displacement, destruction of traditional to resources was restricted in the resettlement area.
livelihood models, air pollution, and contamination Vale is also accused of violating workers’ rights
of water sourses are impacts that follow Vale’s path by keeping them in precarious and short-term con-
of mineral exploitation through processing and tractual relationships, and risking workers’ health
transportation of their products to the final markets. by exposing them to compounds that cause aller-
In Brazil, Vale has several large scale mining proj- gies and pain.4
ects which have a direct impact on communities Furthermore, Vale is accused of instigating
and the environment. Among them is the controver- violence and militarization in Cajamarca, Peru,
sial steel complex Companhia Siderurgica do Atlan- where Vale carries out a mining project called
tico (TKCSA), a joint project between ThyssenKrupp “La Morada”. Vale’s subsidiary Miski Mayo Min-
(Germany) and Vale at the Sepetiba Bay in Rio de ing Company S.A.C formed a paramilitary group
Janeiro. A study by Friends of the Earth showed that which guards the area and threatens and/or ha-
the project has negatively affected the livelihoods rasses people from the surrounding communities.
of 8,000 fishermen living in traditional communi- As a result of protests against the mining activi-
ties in the Sepetiba bay. According to the study, the ties, several leaders were found at fault and sen-
onset of industrial activity led to air pollution levels tenced with up to seven years in prison. 5
exceeding environmental limits and metal-like par- Vale’s activities in Canada led to disputes with
ticulate matter being spread over the Santa Cruz workers and violations of labour rights and com-
neighbourhood and surrounding areas.2 pensation rights. Here, Vale followed a strictly anti-
Vale plans to expand its rail line to transport iron union course, suing union members, their leaders
ore from the Carajás mine in Northern Brazil. This and dismissing strikers.6 “If I was allowed, I’d rather go
back to Mitete because here I do
poses a threat to the ecosystem and the traditional → Samuel Mondlane
not see anything better. My kids
lifestyles of the Awá tribe which, according to and family are hungry, I have no
3 http://www.survivalinternational.org/awa job and I am suffering.”
4 Research undertaken by Samuel Mondlane – Justica Ambiental Displaced member of
Mozambique, 2011 to 2012 Cateme Community, Moatize,
1 http://www.publiceye.ch/en/ranking/ 5 http://atingidospelavale.wordpress.com/2010/04/17/428/ Mozambique
2 http://www.foei.org/en/resources/publications/pdfs/2012/ 6 http://atingidospelavale.wordpress.com/2010/04/27/
how-corporations-rule-vale dossie-dos-impactos-e-violacoes-da-vale-no-mundo/
Unfortunately, this does not only occur in Zambia. In November 2006, the company dis-
Orissa. Vedanta and its subsidiaries are heavily charged effluent into the Kafue River, polluting it
criticized the world over for their poor reputation. with heavy metals. The chemical concentrations
In 2001, Vedanta bought the state owned Balco were 1,000% higher than acceptable levels for
aluminium refinery, smelter, and bauxite mines in copper, 77,000% higher than those for manganese
Korba, India. Eight years later, the worst Indian and 10,000% higher than those for cobalt. The
industrial accident of recent times occurred in this domestic water supply for 75,000 residents in the
factory. On September 24th, 2009, a 245-meter nearby town of Chingola was contaminated. In
chimney toppled to the ground killing at least 41 November 2010, KCM yet again polluted the Kafue
workers. An investigation report carried out by the River – a court later found Konkola guilty of wilfully
National Institute of Technology concluded that failing to report the accident to authorities and
“careless, poor construction practices, […] poor fined the company $2 million. In 2012, Zambian
workmanship […] and insufficient cement content activists and Chingola villagers published a report
in the concrete mix were likely causal factors”. A which detailed the ongoing contamination of their
final judicial inquiry into the disaster has already water supply by KCM.6
postponed release of its findings three times. →→ Barbara Happe
According to J.N. Chandra, the deputy director of
prosecutions in Korba, “there are too many
powerful people who want nothing to be done”.5
Vedanta’s subsidiary in Zambia, Konkola “Continuing to invest in the …
company Vedanta would present
Copper Mines (KCM), has already been fined for an unacceptable risk of
ongoing pollution of the Kafue River in northern contributing to grossly unethical
Norwegian Council on Ethics,
5 London Mining Network (2012): UK-listed Mining Companies and 2007
the case for stricter oversight; Amnesty International (2012):
Vedanta’s perspective uncovered. Policies cannot mask practices
in Orissa. 6 see above
Wilmar clear cutting in Indonesia, 2010
© SOB, Rettet den Regenwald e.V.
ith a total planted area of 242,403 Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), this round table has
Management of shares and bonds:
hectares in Malaysia and Indonesia, the not been able to ensure that producers break the
ING 7.19
Deutsche Bank 3.55 Singapore based, Wilmar, is one of the link between deforestation and palm oil. 5
DekaBank 1.93 largest palm oil plantation owners, and the In 2009, the World Bank’s investment banking
world’s largest palm oil and biodiesel producer. In arm issued a moratorium on all lending to palm
Europe, companies like Unilever, Nestlé, and oil companies and in 2011, DWS, a fund manage-
BNP Paribas 169.51
ING 81.47 Procter and Gamble are its main customers.1 ment company run by Deutsche Bank, dropped all
KBC 57.08 Wilmar and its customers have been targeted Wilmar International Stock from its financial
by different environmental groups2 around the products over concerns that the palm oil giant
Turnover: 33,296.10
world for their part in the massive and often illegal failed to produce palm oil in a responsible manner.
Net profit: 1,192.16 clearing and burning of peat land and forests in Recent NGO reports from 2012 reveal that the
ISIN: SG1T56930848 Indonesia and Malaysia. Every year, Indonesia World Bank provided millions of dollars in funding
loses 1.2 % of it forests for products including for palm oil expansion in forested islands off the
( Top Financial Transactions in € Milllion )
palm oil, paper and timber. 3 Indonesia’s National coast of Lake Victoria in Kalangala, Uganda. The
Climate Change Council identified the palm oil project is a joint venture between Wilmar
sector as one of the key drivers of natural forest International and BIDICO, an African oilseeds
loss and peat land degradation in 2010.4 company. Within three months, the forest was
The enormous monoculture that Wilmar’s oil destroyed and the Kalangala community in
palm plantations create, not only destroys Uganda had lost its land.6
pristine forests, but also dries out peat swamps, Other NGO reports state that Wilmar forced
threatening already endangered species like Bidin natives from the Sumatra Islands to leave
tigers and orang-utans, intensifies climate change their land in order to make space for oil palm
“People’s rights to land are and disrupts the livelihoods of indigenous plantations. Wilmar is also accused of having
being demolished despite
protection for them under the communities. Whilst many major Indonesian destroyed the homes of the Bidin.7
Ugandan Constitution. Small producers are members of the Roundtable on → Leen Schmücker
scale farming and forestry that
protected the unique wildlife,
heritage and food of Uganda is
being converted to palm oil 1 FoE Netherlands, Buyers and financiers of the Wilmar Group, 2006.
wastelands that only profit Wilmar SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2011.
agribusinesses.” 2 http://www.robinwood.de/Newsdetails.13+M55ead9b1d73.0.html 5 Greenpeace India, Frying the forest, How India’s use of palm oil is
David Kureeba, National on 16.09.12 having a devastating impact on Indonesia’s rainforests, tigers and
Association of Professional the global climate, 2012.
3 Greenpeace India, Frying the forest, How India’s use of palm oil is
Environmentalists (NAPE) / having a devastating impact on Indonesia’s rainforests, tigers and 6 http://www.foei.org/en/media/land-grab
Friends of the Earth Uganda the global climate, 2012. 7 http://www.regenwald.org/news/4027/gewalt-in-indonesien-
4 DNPI (2010). Op.cit. Section 1:16, 18, 19, 20 unilever-schert-sich-nicht-um-palmoel-opfer
Further sources:
→ http://www.suedwind-institut.de/fileadmin/fuerSuedwind/
→ http://www.laborrights.org/sites/default/files/publications-and-
Photo: “The Dark Side of Chocolate” → http://www.worldvision.com.au/issues/human_trafficking___slavery/
© Miki Mistrati, U. Roberto Romano
1 Levin, Coburn (2011): Report on Wall Street and the Financial Crisis. US Senate PERMANENT
2 http://www.wiwo.de/unternehmen/vorwurf-des-us-senats-deutsche-bank-ist-mitausloes- 6 http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/7903907/Banks-plundering-society-globally.
er-der-finanzkrise-seite-2/5260132-2.html 7 Foodwatch (2011): How Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs and Other Financial Institutions Are
3 http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-83774701.html speculating With Food at the Expense of the Poorest.
4 http://www.focus.de/finanzen/news/banken-deutsche-bank-faengt-sich-naechste-us- 8 Oxfam (2011): Don’t gamble with food! How the German financial industry is making a
klage-ein_aid_624221.html business out of hunger, p. 1.
5 http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/bgh-urteil-deutsche-bank-muss- 9 http://foodwatch.de/kampagnen__themen/nahrungsmittel_spekulation/aktuelle_nach-
schadensersatz-wegen-zinswetten-zahlen-a-752374.html richten/rohstoff_fonds_kuenftig_ohne_agrarprodukte/index_ger.html
1 Herman MO, Not a game, speculation versus food security Oxfam issue briefing, oct
2 Friends of the Earth EU, Farming money: How European banks and private finance profit
from food speculation and land grabs, 2012.
4 N.Dunbar, The devils derivatives, 2011. 7 Roche M., La Banque: comment Goldman Sachs dirige le monde, 2010.
5 http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/greek-debt-crisis-how-goldman-sachs- 8 IKV Pax Christi & NetwerkVlaanderen/ FairFin, Worldwide investments in cluster
helped-greece-to-mask-its-true-debt-a-676634.html, 9-10-12. munitions, a shared responsibility, 2010- 2011 – 2012.
BNP Paribas
There are four domestic markets in retail
banking: Belgium, France, Italy, and Luxem-
Glencore 1,455.57
first in deposits and second in consumer lend- responsibility (financing the economy in an Rio Tinto 726.70
ing in Belgium. ethical manner), social responsibility (pursuing BHP Billiton 721.48
The shareholders of Fortis Bank NV/SA are: a committed and fair human resources policy), Management S/B (€ Million):
BNP Paribas (74.93% of the share capital), the and environmental responsibility (combating ENI 1,377.71
Belgian state (25% through SFPI/FPIM), and the climate change).1 Their list of Environmental Royal Dutch Shell 609.12
Samsung Electronics 430.88
public (0.07%). Responsibility Commitments claims that their
BNP Paribas is a member of the executive approach “takes into account every aspect of S/B = Shares & Bonds
committee of the UN Global Compact and a the environment, including biodiversity, water,
signatory of the Equator Principles. It is also natural resources, climate, etc.”2
partner of environmental initiatives like the BNP Paribas’ commitment to human rights,
Carbon Disclosure Project and a signatory of labour standards and environmental issues
the Principles of Responsible Investment. BNP cannot be taken serious as long as they con-
owns shares in almost every company (24 of tinue to invest in companies which do not
28) analysed in this report with remarkable respect these issues.
shareholdings in ENI (€1,377 Billion). They
also provided BHP Billiton with the largest
loan identified in this report (€2.892 Billion).
One would assume, given such a back-
ground, that BNP Paribas would be compelled
to consider environmental and social issues
in their investment decisions. However, BNP
Paribas is highly invested in companies which
cause damage to the environment and violate
human rights and labour standards. As this
report shows, BHP Billiton, Glencore, ENI,
Royal Dutch Shell, Vale, Coca-Cola, H&M, and
Samsung are among these companies.
1 http://media-cms.bnpparibas.com/file/58/2/bnpp_rse_2011_
Loans (€ Million):
BHP Billiton
2 http://www.regjeringen.no/en/dep/fin/Selected-topics/
3 http://www.banking-on-green.com/en/content/our_sustainabili-
1 https://www.db.com/ir/de/images/SRI_Roadshow_Paris_15_ ty_approach/labour_rights.html, https://www.db.com/ir/de/
February_final.pdf images/SRI_Roadshow_Paris_15_February_final.pdf
Glencore 520.87
which is a subsidiary of ING Belgium. are limited and only apply to certain certified BHP Billiton 488.62
ING claims to follow the Equator Principles areas such as UNESCO World Heritage sites.
Management S/B (€ Million)
in their project financing and thus requires The mines of Glencore, BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, Royal Dutch Shell 365.49
environmental and social assessments and and Barrick Gold are thus not covered by ING’s Rio Tinto 229.75
minimum standards from their clients. Also, policy. Of the financial institutions analysed Barrick Gold 229.24
in signing the UN Global Compact, they have in this report, ING is the most actively involved S/B = Shares & Bonds
1 http://www.ingforsomethingbetter.com/our-approach/business/
Loans (€ Million):
2 www.unpri.org
manner.” *
3 https://www.allianz.com/de/verantwortung/stakeholder/ 5 https://www.allianzglobalinvestors.de/web/main?page=/cms-out/
umwelt.html ueber-uns/press/releases/2011/PM_20110124_01.html
and the Equator Principles.2 UniCredit also claims to “address the particu-
The UniCredit Group also claims to operate lar challenges posed by the nuclear sector” and
in accordance with the Universal Declaration accordingly made up a “Nuclear Energy Industry
of Human Rights and the International Cov- Policy”.5 Yet, this policy doesn’t cover the first
enants on Civil and Political, and Economic, step in the nuclear power production: extraction.
Social and Cultural Rights. Additionally, they Thus, UniCredit allows itself to invest in Paladin
allege support for the ILO Fundamental Hu- Energy and Rio Tinto, two companies which run
man Rights Convention.3 uranium mines in Namibia and Malawi.
However, this report shows that they are in- UniCredit’s policy on weapons alleges to
volved in a number of controversial companies. refrain from financial transactions that involve
UniCredit manages shares in almost every nuclear weapons and cluster munitions.6 How-
company (23 of 28) analysed in this report ever, UniCredit’s investment branch Pioneer is
and is focused on the extractive industry. They invested in Alliant Techsystems, General Dyna
also manage shares from the retailer Hennes & mics, L-3 Communications, whereas Unicredit
Mauritz, the electronic industry supplier provided a loan to EADS.
Hon Hai Precision Industry, and Samsung
Electronics, all of which are accused of workers’
rights violations or benefit from child labour.
4 https://www.unicreditgroup.eu/en/culture---society/environment.html
1 https://www.unicreditgroup.eu/en/sustainability/reporting---
5 https://www.unicreditgroup.eu/content/dam/unicreditgroup/
2 https://www.unicreditgroup.eu/content/dam/unicreditgroup/ governance-and-sustainability/Highlights_Nucl_Position_
documents/en/sustainability/our-vision-of-a-sustainable-bank/ Statemnt_ENG_new.pdf
governance-and-sustainability/Human_Rights_Commitment.pdf p.6
6 https://www.unicreditgroup.eu/content/dam/unicreditgroup/
3 https://www.unicreditgroup.eu/content/dam/unicreditgroup/ documents/en/sustainability/our-vision-of-a-sustainable-bank/
documents/en/sustainability/our-vision-of-a-sustainable-bank/ governance-and-sustainability/UniCredit_Position_Statement_On_
governance-and-sustainability/Human_Rights_Commitment.pdf Defence_English_new.pdf
Loans (€ Million):
Anglo American
→→ The coal industry and fossil fuel projects (e.g. lignite, oil/tar technologies that do not meet western standards. Attention
sands, and mountaintop removal mining) – greenhouse gas should also be paid to the mining industry as the extraction
emissions caused by the use of fossil fuels, especially coal, of raw materials like gold and coltan often leads to severe
are among the leading causes for climate change. environmental damages and violations of human rights,
e.g., the situation surrounding the disposal of mine tailings.
→→ The extraction of fossil fuels – especially highly contro FIs therefore need to pay attention to the track record of
versial, destructive technologies like fracking and other mining companies, and exclude those with inferior stan-
methods which require the non-conventional extraction of dards of operation. In general, they need to pay closer
hydrocarbons. These technologies severely damage the attention to the environmental, social, and human rights
environment. Furthermore, financial institutions need to violations of the mining industry as a whole.
stop financing outdated mineral extraction and processing
→→ The nuclear industry (including uranium mining) – as
nuclear power is the most controversial and dangerous
form of energy production.
BNP Paribas
Alpha Natural Resources 12.78 15.36 1.37 4.52 1.39 0.02
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation 64.31 274.70 0.18 0.07 20.44 0.56 3.90 3.02
Anglo American 111.78 197.97 0.43 0.09 0.45 14.96 7.63 46.57 9.80
Alliant Techsystems 65.05 10.53 0.62
Barrick Gold Corporation 266.94 230.87 0.05 9.76 0.05 12.01 37.44
BHP Billiton 220.84 220.10 2.86 0.70 78.66 12.69 0.92 81.19
Coca-Cola Company 233.44 46.62 0.39 0.39 93.23 80.42 33.36
Drummond Company
EADS 72.05 2.07 1.92 3.87 168.67 45.54 9.76
ENI 102.87 21.36 2.08 1.28 0.79 1.05 1,343.99 33.72 134.35 124.03 22.12
Flextronics International 0.10 7.16 0.07 0.55
General Dynamics 15.39 2.04 5.89 0.35
Glencore International 7.06 6.14 0.44 0.20 1.90 1.04 0.22
Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) 124.49 2.52 0.11 37.69 8.67
Hanwha Corporation
Heckler & Koch
Hon Hai Precision Industry 18.48 1.96 13.78 0.70 4.23
L-3 Communications 18.56 7.45 0.25 10.40 1.78 0.06
Lockheed Martin 243.40 4.69 2.60 5.73 0.88
Paladin Energy 0.54
Rheinmetall 13.96 8.32 11.37 0.45
Rio Tinto 336.03 209.21 1.62 0.20 92.68 0.99 118.23 0.77
Samsung Electronics 398.47 1.39 430.88 5.73 18.35
Royal Dutch Shell 694.31 85.07 3.32 0.99 606.12 3.00 16.16 188.62 0.20
Textron 14.45 8.47 1.02 1.87 0.09
Vale 278.00 417.33 293.13 10.02 8.86 8.77 1.00
Vedanta Resources 4.29 7.86 0.10 2.85 0.02 1.93
Wilmar International 0.95 0.25 1.93
# of companies 24 11 10 24 16 23
Source: PROFUNDO – Dirty Profits, Report on companies and financial institutions benefiting from violations of human rights.
A research paper prepared for FACING FINANCE, 10 November 2012.
Munich Re
DZ Bank
64.06 11.95 0.19 4.47 17.78 0.09 0.01 0.09 80.93
255.17 1.43 27.83 45.17 103.19 15.37 1.07 0.07 22.86 28.30
947.82 1.05 106.00 12.60 19.06 11.03 4.66 2.97 11.46 4.55 0.25 0.20 19.00
20.69 0.58 0.13
107.59 4.86 27.27 135.49 93.75 1.74 4.55 8.07 20.68 10.96 0.38
321.53 11.28 119.88 0.30 115.10 63.67 20.33 3.02 32.56 0.50 0.41 19.96 26.09 32.52
559.23 0.09 0.19 89.01 68.04 50.51 1.31 0.23 10.09 7.71 78.59
26 18 24 23 13 15 23
Deutsche Bank
BNP Paribas
Alpha Natural Resources 8.84
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation 19.16 84.95 237.03
Anglo American 267.97 281.26
Alliant Techsystems
Barrick Gold Corporation 31.33 31.33
BHP Billiton 721.48 7.52 488.62 481.10
Coca-Cola Company 464.92 1,158.37
Drummond Company
ENI 479.09 409.09
Flextronics International
General Dynamics
Glencore International 1,053.26 402.31 118.56 312.50 118.56 402.31
Hennes & Mauritz (H&M)
Hanwha Corporation
Heckler & Koch
Hon Hai Precision Industry
L-3 Communications 221.39
Lockheed Martin
Paladin Energy
Rheinmetall 98.57 98.57 166.67 98.57 166.67
Rio Tinto 726.70 665.20
Samsung Electronics
Royal Dutch Shell
Vale 328.13 312.87
Vedanta Resources 129.67
Wilmar International
Involved in # of companies 9 3 10 2 4
Total Value 1,053 3,441 217 281 184 3,122 119 891 99 1,187
Source: PROFUNDO - Dirty Profits, Report on companies and financial institutions benefiting from violations of human rights.
A research paper prepared for FACING FINANCE, 10 November 2012.
Deutsche Bank
BNP Paribas
DZ Bank
Alpha Natural Resources 17.10
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation 421.52 444.50 210.60
Anglo American 166.67 166.67
Alliant Techsystems 21.62
Barrick Gold Corporation 231.34 124.82 106.52
BHP Billiton 2,892.73 243.28 2,114.16 1,996.00
Coca-Cola Company
Drummond Company 39.24
EADS 93.75 93.75 93.75 93.75 93.75 93.75 93.75
ENI 490.91 490.91
Flextronics International 124.84
General Dynamics
Glencore International 20.49 756.11 700.12 756.11 20.49 1,051.38 425.51
Hennes & Mauritz (H&M)
Hanwha Corporation
Heckler & Koch
Hon Hai Precision Industry 102.50
L-3 Communications 50.67
Lockheed Martin 71.92
Paladin Energy
Rheinmetall 88.31 88.31 88.31
Rio Tinto 187.17 187.17
Samsung Electronics
Royal Dutch Shell
Textron 101.14
Vale 78.88 78.88 17.30
Vedanta Resources
Wilmar International 169.51 29.73 81.47 57.08
Involved in # of companies 1 13 4 13 3 7 1 1 5
Source: PROFUNDO - Dirty Profits, Report on companies and financial institutions benefiting from violations of human rights.
A research paper prepared for FACING FINANCE, 10 November 2012.
→→ Article 8:
(a) The right of everyone to join trade unions
(d) The right to strike
→→ Article 11.1:
The right of everyone to an adequate
standard of living, including adequate
→→ Principle 10 – Work against corruption
in all its forms, including extortion and
→→ Article 23:
(1) … right to work, free choice of employ-
ment, just and favourable work condi-
(2) … equal pay for equal work.
(3) … just and favourable remuneration
ensuring … an existence worthy of
human dignity
(4) … the right to form and to join trade
unions for the protection of his interests.
→→ Article 24:
… right to rest and leisure, including
reasonable limitation of working hours
and periodic holidays with pay.
→→ Article 25.1:
right to a standard of living adequate for
the health and well-being of himself and
of his family, including food
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Responsible publisher:
Thomas Küchenmeister, FACING FINANCE,
Schönhauser Allee 141, Haus 3, D-10437 Berlin
Authors and researchers:
Amani Mhinda (Tanzania)
Barbara Happe
Barbara Kuepper, Profundo (The Netherlands)
Bertchen Kohrs (Namibia)
Donata Wojcik
Grzegorz Piskalski
Jan Schulz
Jan Willem van Gelder, Profundo (The Netherlands)
Jenni Roth
Joeri de Wilde, Profundo (The Netherlands)
Julia Dubslaff
Kathrin Petz
Kentebe Ebiaridor (Nigeria)
Klaus Röhrig
Krzysztof Kutra
Leen Schmücker
Martin Péan
Nikoletta Pagiati
Petra Spaargaren, Profundo (The Netherlands)
Ruth Vaughan Witt
Samuel Mondlane
Thomas Küchenmeister
Jenny Williams, Ruth Vaughan Witt
Ole Kaleschke, www.olekaleschke.de
Cover photo:
Activist Thomas Herget protests at the annual shareholder meeting
against Deutsche Bank and its investments in producers of cluster
munitions, holding up a FACING FINANCE Report.
Photo: Lukas Einsele, 31 May 2012.
A publication by:
FACING FINANCE, www.facing-finance.org
FACING FINANCE consortium members are:
Solidarity international (Solidaritätsdienst-international e.V.)
urgewald e.V.
EarthLink e.V.
JA! Justiça Ambiental
“This document has been produced with the financial assistance of
the European Union. The content of this document are the sole
responsibility of FACING FINANCE and can under no circumstances be
regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.”
Funded by Brot für die Welt, Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (EED),
and grassroots foundation
Special thanks to:
Alan Pike
Alexandra Huck, Kolko e.V.
Audrey Gallet
Berne Declaration
Bertchen Kohrs
Chantal Peyer, Brot für alle
China Labour Watch
Christoph Richter
Haki Madini
Kent Kessinger
Kirstin Kraft, Allgemeine Zeitung
Rettet den Regenwald e.V.
Sarah Günther
Sean Rudolph, Raise the Bar, Hershey!
Sebastian Rötters, FIAN
Stephan Suhner, AG Schweiz Kolumbien
SWR Report Mainz
Copper Smelter at Glencore’s Mopani Mine in Zambia
© BD, Photo Audrey Gallet