Registrar Biodata

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1. Name (in Block letters) : Dr. S. KRISHNAIAH

2. Designation : Professor & Registrar
3. College in which working : JNTU Anantapur,
A.P.- 515 002
4. Date of Birth : 15-07-1965

Nationality &Religion : Indian, Hindu

5. Educational Qualifications : M. E., Ph. D

Degree Class / Division University Year of Passing

Bachelor Degree Ist Class S V University, 1989
B. Tech. (Civil Tirupati
Post Graduate Ist Class with Goa University, 1993
Course M.E., Distinction Goa
(Foundation Engg.)
Ph.D., I.I.T., Bombay 2003

6. Memberships : FIE, MISTE, MIGS, CE

7. Date of first appointment and cadre : 21-09-1994* (Lecturer in Civil

Engineering, presently designated as
Asst. Professor)
* Earlier served as Adhoc Lecturer in Civil Engineering for about 1 year at JNTU College
of Engineering, Kakinada

8. Service in different cadres :

From To
Assistant Professor (Lecturer) 21-09-1994 20-09-2003
Associate Professor (Reader) 21-09-2003 31-01-2011
Professor 01-02-2011 Till date

I/C HOD December 2007 December 2008
Head of Civil Engg. Dept. January 2009 March 2011
OSD to JNTUA Kalikiri 13-03-2013 25-07-2013
Principal to JNTUA College of 25-07-2013 12-11-2014
Engineering, Kalikiri
Registrar, JNTU Anantapur 13-11-2014 Till date

9. List of Publications:

Publications Research Papers

i) Journals 21

ii) Conferences 08

i) Journals 08

ii) Conferences 12
Total 49

List of Publications

International Journals
1. Krishnaiah, S. and Singh, D.N. (2003). “A Methodology to Determine Soil Moisture
Movement Due to Thermal Gradients”, Experimental Thermal and fluid Science,
Vol.27, pp:715-721

2. Krishnaiah, S. and Singh, D.N. (2003). “Determination of Influence of Various

parameters on Thermal Properties of soils”, International Communications in Heat
and Mass Transfer, Vol.30, No.6,, pp:861-870

3. Krishnaiah, S. and Singh, D.N. (2004). “A Device for Determination of Soil

Thermal Properties of soils”, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, ASTM, Vol. 32,
No.2, pp: 114-119

4. Krishnaiah, S. and Singh, D.N. Jadhav, G.N. (2004). “A methodology for
determining thermal properties of rocks”, Int. Journal of Rock Mechanics and
Mining Sciences, Vol. 41, pp: 877-882.

5. Krishnaiah, S. and Singh, D.N. (2004). “Centrifuge modeling of heat migration in

soils”, International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Vol.4, No.3, pp:

6. Krishnaiah, S. and Singh, D.N. (2006). “Determination of Thermal Properties of

Some supplementary cement material Used in Cement and Concrete”,
Construction and building materials, Vol.20, Issue3, pp:193-198

7. Krishnaiah, S. and Singh, D.N. (2006). “Determination of Thermal Properties of

Soils in a Geotechnical Centrifuge”, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, ASTM,
Vol.34, No. 4, pp: 319-326

8. Suryanarayana, K.V., Murthy Rao, V. K., Krishnaiah, S. (2010). “ Hydrological Dry

Spells and its Impact on Dry Land Agriculture in Anantapur District(A.P)”,
International Journal of Environment and Development, Vol.7, No.1, pp: 35-45

9. Suryanarayana, K.V., Krishnaiah, S., Murthy Rao, V. K., (2010). “Statistical

Modeling of Rainfall, ground water Table rise and Area Irrigated in Anantapur
District, Andhra Pradesh State, India”, International Journal of Environmental
Engineering and Management, Vol.1, No.1, pp: 33-38

10. Suryanarayana, K.V., Krishnaiah, S., Murthy Rao, V. K., (2011). “ Hydro
Geological Investigations and Ground water Utilization for Irrigation in Anantapur
District (A.P)”, Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.4, Issue 1,
pp: 14-17

11. Balaji Reddy, B., Krishnaiah, S., (2013). “Non Verbal Communication Cues: an
Urgent Required Skill for Achieving Effective Communication”,Int. J. of Scientific
Research (IJSR), Vol. 2, Issue: 11,Nov. 2013, pp: 212-213

12. Balaji Reddy, B., Krishnaiah, S., (2013). “Know how to overcome the barriers and
achieve the effectiveness of Communication”,Int. Multidisciplinary e- Journal, Vol.
II, Issue-XI,Nov. 2013, pp: 28-31

13. Ramachandra Prasad, V., Abdul Gaffar, S., Keshava Reddy, E., Anwar Beg,
O.,Krishnaiah, S. (2013). “ A Mathematical Study for Laminar Boundary-Layer
Flow, Heat, and Mass Transfer of a Jeffrey Non-Newtonian Fluid Past a Vertical
Porous Plate,”Heat transfer – Asian Research, © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., pp.

14. Venkata Ramayya, V., Vinayaka Rao, V.R., Krishnaiah, S. (2014). “Indigenous
development and testing of rotational viscometer for bituminous binders”, Int.
Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 3,pp: 286-294
15. Venkata Ramaiah, G., Krishnaiah, S., Naik, M., Shankara., (2014). “Leachate
Characterization and Assessment of Ground Water Pollution near MSW Dumpsite
of Mavallipura, Bangalore,”Int. J. of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol.4,
Issue 1, January 2014, pp. 267-271

16. Ramesh, N., Krishnaiah, S (2014). “Water Quality Assessment of Bellandur Lake in
Bangalore City, Kalrnataka, India”, Int. J. of Engg. Research & Technology
(IJERT), Vol.3, Issue 3 (March 2014), pp: 270-274.

17. Ramesh, N., Krishnaiah, S (2014). “Assessment of Physico- Chemical Parameters

of Bellandur Lake, Bangalore, India”, Int. J. of Innovative Research in Science,
Engg. And Technology (IJIRSET), Vol.3, Issue 3 (March 2014), pp: 10402-10407.

18. Bhanuprakasham Reddy, N., Krishnaiah, S., and Ramakrishna Reddy, M. (2014).
“Efficiency and Transmission of Power Through Porous Media with Convergent
Boundaries”, Int. J. of Emerging Technologies and Applications in Engineering,
Technology and Sciences (IJ-ETA-ETS), Vol. 7, Issue 1(Jan’14-June, 14), pp: 35-

19. Balaji Reddy, B., Krishnaiah, S., (2014). “The Role of Teacher in English Language
Communication Skills Laboratory”,Int. J. of Scientific Research (IJSR), Vol. 3,
Issue: 9, Sept. 2014, pp: 145-146.

20. Ramesh, N., Krishnaiah, S (2015). “Assessment of characteristics of Urban area soil
around Bellandur Lake, Bangalore, Karnataka, India”, Int. Journal of Engineering
Research and General Science (IJERGS); Volume 3, Issue 3, Part – 2, May - June
2015 ; PP: 332 – 336

21. Giri Babu, S.V., Krishnaiah, S (2018). “Manufacturing of Eco-friendly brick: A

critical Review”, Int. J. of Computational Engineering Research(IJCER); Vol.08,
Issue 2, Feb. 2018, pp: 24-32

National Journals
1. Suryanarayana, K.V., Krishnaiah, S., Murthy Rao, V. K. (2011). “ Geo-Hydrological
Investigations and Impact of water Harvesting Structures on Ground Water Potential
in Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh State, India”, National Journal of
Environmenetal Science & Engineering, Accepted for publication

2. Suryanarayana, K.V., Krishnaiah, S., Murthy Rao, V. K., Balaji, K (2012). “

Meteorological Investigations and Impact of rainfall, Wet Days and Dry Days on the

Yield of Rainfed Groundnut Crop in Anantapur District, Andhrapradesh”, Global
Journal of Applied Agricultural Research, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp: 63-70

3. Ramesh, N., Krishnaiah, S (2013). “Scenario of Water Bodies (lakes) in Urban areas-
A case study on Bellandur lake of Bangalore Metropolitan City”, IOSR Journal of
Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), Vol.7, Issue 3 (Jul-Aug. 2013),
pp: 06-14.

4. Bhanuprakasham Reddy, N., Krishnaiah, S., and Ramakrishna Reddy, M. (2014).

“Convergent Angle Effect on Non- Uniform Flow Through Porous Media”, J. of
Information, Knowledge and Research in Civil Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 1(Nov’13
to Oct, 14), pp: 152-159.

5. Bhanuprakasham Reddy, N., Krishnaiah, S., and Ramakrishna Reddy, M. (2014).

“Effect of Convergent Angle on Non- Uniform Flow Through Porous Media”, ISH
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 21(1), pp: 53-64

6. Bhanuprakasham Reddy, N., Krishnaiah, S., and Ramakrishna Reddy, M. (2015).

“Effect of Angle of Inclination on Non-uniform flow Through Porous Media”, “J. of
Porous Media, 18(9), pp: 1-14

7. Bhanuprakasham Reddy, N., Krishnaiah, S., and Ramakrishna Reddy, M. (2015).

“Effect of Convergent and Divergent Boundaries on Flow Resistance Through
Porous media”, J. of Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, 96(4), pp: 301-309

8. Bhanuprakasham Reddy, N., Krishnaiah, S., and Ramakrishna Reddy, M. (2016).

“Bed Slope Effect on Non-uniform Flow Through Porous Media”, J. of Institution of
Engineers (India): Series A, DOI 10.1007/s40030-016-0167-x, Aug. 2016

International Conferences
1. Krishnaiah, S. and Singh, D.N.(2001). “Influence of Physical Characteristics of the
fly ash on its thermal properties”, Proc.of Int. Conf. on Industrial Pollution and
Control technologies (ICIPACT-2001), 7-10 Dec., JNTU Hyderabad, pp: 518-521.

2. Krishnaiah, S. and Singh, D.N.(2003). “Laboratory Investigations on Heat and Mass

Transfer Through the soil mass”, Proc. of the Int. Symposium on Lowland
Technology, Saga University, Japan, Sept. 2002, pp: 63-66.

3. Krishnaiah, S. and Singh, D.N.(2003). “Centrifuge Modeling of Heat and Mass

Transfer Through Soils”, 12th ARC, Singapore, Aug. 2003, pp: 393-396.

4. Krishnaiah, S. and Karmarkar, R.S.(2004). “Shear strength of lateritic gravelly
soils”, Int.e_conference on modern trends in Foundation Engg.: Geotechnical
challenges and solutions, January 26-30, 2004, IITM, Chennai, pp: 7.6(6 pages)

5. Krishnaiah, S. and Singh, D.N.(2004). “A methodology to determine thermal

properties of cement and concrete blocks”, Int. Conf. on Advances in concrete and
construction, 16-18 Dec 2004, Hyderabad, pp:785-789

6. Krishnaiah, S. and Singh, D.N.(2008). “Thermal behaviour of fly ashes used in

cement and concrete ”, Int. Conf. on Advances in concrete and construction, 07-09
Feb 2008, Hyderabad, pp: 289-302

7. Krishnaiah, S. and Suryanarayana Reddy, P. (2008).” Effect of clay on soil cement

blocks”, 12th Int. Conf. of IACMAG, Goa, during,1-6 October 2008.

8. Venkat Ramayya, V., Vinayaka Rao, V.R., and Krishnaiah, S. “ Indigeneous

Development of Dynamic Shear Asphalt Rheometer”, Int. Conference on Advances
in Materials and Technologies for Infrastructure Development, 20-30 Sept 2011,
NIT Calicut

National Conferences:
1. Krishnaiah, S., Chakravarthy, M.K., Singh, D.N., Naidu, A.D.(2001). “Modeling of
Heat Migration Through Geomaterilas”, IGC 2001, Indore, 14-16 Dec 2001, pp: 16-

2. Krishnaiah, S., Swami, B.L.P., Narasimha Reddy, N. (1998). “Studies on Light

weight Fibrous Concretes for Optimum Properties”, National Seminar on Advances
in Special concretes, ICI, Bangalore, 23-24 Jan, 1998, pp: 182-191

3. Krishnaiah, S., Swami, B.L.P., Narasimha Reddy, N. (1998). “Behaviour of

Admixtured Fly Ash cocretes After Retempering”, National Seminar on Advances
in Special concretes, ICI, Bangalore, 23-24 Jan, 1998, pp: 97-109

4. Krishnaiah, S., Viswanadham, B.V.S. (2000). “Appropriate Land filling of

Municipal Solid Waste”, Proc. Of the National seminar on Bio-Medical & Soild
Waste Management,VJTI, Mumbai, Jan 15-16, 2000, pp:13-21

5. Krishnaiah, S. and Singh, D.N. (2002). “Thermal Response of Fly Ash”, Proc. Of
the National Conf. MINAC 2002, JNTU Anantapur, 2002, pp: 255-258

6. Krishnaiah, S., Sathyanarayana, S.V. and Narasimhulu, G.(2000). “Mechanical

Behaviour of MSW Landfills”, Proc. Of the National Conf. MINAC 2000, JNTU
Anantapur, 2000, pp: 205-208

7. Krishnaiah, S. and Singh, D.N. (2004). “Modeling of heat migration in sands”,
IGC-2004, Dec 18-20 Warangal, pp: 249-252

8. Krishnaiah, S., Pujitha, A., Niriha, K. and Silpa Devi, P. (2006). “Stabilization of
BC soil with quarry waste for use in highway sub bases”, National Conference on
Civil Engineering systems 2006, June 1-3, 2006, pp: 106-115

9. Krishnaiah, S., Laxma rao, K. and B.N.V.Kiran Kumar. (2006). “Physical and
Engineering properties of BC soil dried under extremely high temperatures”,
National Coference on Corrective Engineering practices in Troublesome soils,
Kakinada, 8-9 July, 2006, pp: 49-50

10. Krishnaiah, S. and Sashidhar Reddy, G.(2007). “Geotechnical Investigations for the
construction of Chagallu Barrage in Anantapur District- A Case Study,” National
seminar on Case studies Engineering soils, JNTU CE Kakinada , 2nd Oct.2007

11. Manjunath, A., Satya Sai, K.V.R., Krishnaiah, S., and Abbaiah, G. (2013), “
Studies on Land Use and Water Resources Management in Pandameru River Sub-
basin of Penna River of AP in India”, National Conference on “ New Trends in
Civil Engineering & Earth Sciences (NTCE 2013), Vasavi College of Engineering,
Hyderabad, 5-6 February 2013, pp: 93-97

12. Bhanuprakasham Reddy, N., Krishnaiah, S., and Ramakrishna Reddy, M. (2014).
“Efficiency and Transmission of Power Through Porous Media with Convergent
Boundaries”, a paper presented in the National Conference on Analysis, Design &
Research in Engineering, Technology & Sciences held on 18/05/2014 at Kalol
Institute of Technology & Research Kalol (N.G.) 382 721 Gujarat, India

Number of Workshops/ Guest Lectures attended:

S.No. Name of the Course Name of the Duration of the course

Institute and
1 Operations Research J.N.T.U.College of 8-3-1995 to 6-4-1995
Engg., Anantapur
2 Soil and Water J.N.T.U.College of 29-11-95 to 02-12-95
Investigation and Engg., Kakinada
Foundation Techniques
3 Fibre Reinforced Concrete J.N.T.U.College of 8-4-1996 to15-4-1996
Theory, Properties and Engg., Anantapur
4 Engineering of Ground I I T Kanpur 12-5-1997 to 17-5-1997
5 Ground Improvement Bengal Engg. 12-7-1997 to 25-7-1997
Technology College, Howrah
6 Marine Geotechnology S.V.U.College of 21-7-1997 to 26-7-1997
Engg., Tirupati
7 Programming in C++ and J.N.T.U.College of 31-12-1997 to 29-01-1998
Data Structures Engg., Anantapur
8 Foundations on Weak I I T Madras, 21-12-1998 to 25-12-1998
Deposit Chennai
9 Numerical Methods with C J.N.T.U.College of 26-3-1999 to 24-4-1999
for Scientists & Engineers Engg., Anantapur
10 Recent Trends in Ground I I T Bombay, 27-12-1999 to 31-12-1999
Improvement Techniques Mumbai
11 Engineering Applications J.N.T.U.College of 27-02-2006 to 11-.3-2006
of Finite Element Analysis Engg., Anantapur
12 International Course on I I T Madras, 21-23 February 2007
Computational Geotechnics Chennai
using Plaxis Software
13 Management Capacity MDI Gurgaon 9-14 February 2009
Development Trading
Programme for Principals,
Deans, HOD’s, SPFU
Heads & Nodel Officers of
Technical Institutes
14 Ground Improvement JNTUACE, 25th July, 2007
techniques, GIT-2007 Anantapur

Field of interest:

 Geoenvironmental Engineering, Ground Improvement Techniques, Heat migration

through geomaterials, Expansive soils

Number of research scholars guided:

No. of Scholars
No. of Scholars No. of Scholars yet to
Degree submitted Ph. D
obtained degrees submit thesis
Thesis’s for evaluation

Ph. D. 04 - 08

 Presently working as Registrar, JNTU Anantapur since November 2014
 Worked as Founder Principal to JNTUA College of Engineering from 25-07-2013
to 12-11-2014
 Worked as OSD to JNTUA CE Kalikiri from 13-03-2013 to 24-07-2013
 Acted as BOS Chairman for UG Courses at JNTUA Anantapur for 3 years
 BOS member for PG Courses at JNTUA Anantapur
 Coordinator for AICTE project, Modernization of Geotechnical Engineering lab
 Acted as Head of Civil Engineering Department for 2 years from 2009 to 2011
 Acted as ICS Coordinator for 4 years
 Actively involved in the consultancy works
 Coordinator for National level Student Symposium on “Advances in Civil
Engineering (ACE-2006)” conducted on 1st March 2006
 Coordinator for Workshop on “Effective Governance through Institutional
Leadership” held on 28-29 April 2006
 Coordinator for Workshop on “Ground Improvement Techniques” held on 25th
July 2007
 Chairman for National level student symposiums RACE-2008, RACE-2009 and
 Chairman for National Conference on “Recent Advances in Structural
Engineering, RASE- 2008” held on 4th April 2008
 Chairman for Workshop on “Application of Artificial Neural Net works in Civil
Engineering” held on 16th Feb.2008
 Coordinator for the Services to the Community Programme on “Mason Training
programme for unemployed youth” conducted in association with the Ultratech
Cement Ltd during, 8-12 January 2008
 Coordinator for the Services to the Community Programme on “Training for Head
Masons” conducted in association with the Zuari Cement Ltd on 23rd march
 Chairman for the Services to the Community Programme on “Surveying and
Concrete Technology –Hand On Experience” conducted during 17th Dec
2007 to 10th Jan 2008
 Arranged several expert lectures in the Department of Civil Engineering by bringing
several eminent Professors
 Chaired a session for National Conference on Civil Engineering systems 2006
held at OU Hyderabad
 Chaired a postal session for 12th Int. Conf. of IACMAG held at Goa

Professor & Registrar
JNTU Anantapur

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