354466122018909bharat Forge LTD Q4FY18 Result Updates - Signed
354466122018909bharat Forge LTD Q4FY18 Result Updates - Signed
354466122018909bharat Forge LTD Q4FY18 Result Updates - Signed
Quarterly Financials
Profit & Loss Account
Change in estimates
Y.E March (Rs.cr) FY16A FY17A FY18A FY19E FY20E Y.E March (Rs.cr) FY16A FY17A FY18E FY19E FY20E
Sales 6,809 6,396 8,358 9,831 11,084 Cash 647 1,101 529 1,014 1,607
% change -10.7 -6.1 30.7 17.6 12.7 Accounts Receivable 1,402 1,341 1717 2,043 2,318
EBITDA 1,408 1,251 1,723 2,133 2,439 Inventories 997 1,075 1,348 1,573 1,785
% change -2.3 -11.2 37.7 23.8 14.3 Other Cur. Assets 472 841 1,145 1,307 1,484
Depreciation 453 452 467 496 521 Investments 289 972 1,115 1,325 1,554
EBIT 955 799 1,256 1,638 1,918 Gross Fixed Assets 6,919 7,269 7,669 8,069 8,469
Interest 140 100 107 97 85 Net Fixed Assets 3,468 3,366 3,299 3,203 3,083
Other Income 78 119 142 167 211 CWIP 566 40 460 323 339
PBT 887 947 1,196 1,707 2,043 Intangible Assets 29 34 32 37 39
% change -20.9 6.7 26.3 42.7 19.6 Def. Tax (Net) -52 -73 -63 -46 -46
Tax 424 249 442 581 695 Other Assets 0 0 0 0 0
Tax Rate (%) 5 3 4 3 3 Total Assets 7,818 8,697 9,583 10,780 12,162
Reported PAT 467 698 754 1,127 1,348 Current Liabilities 1,388 1,797 2,247 2,621 2,975
Adj* -5 128 0 0 0 Provisions 166 185 240 286 325
Adj PAT 472 569 754 1,127 1,348 Debt Funds 25,18 2,408 2,248 1,988 1,728
% change -34.8 20.6 32.5 49.5 19.6 Other Liabilities -4 -4 -4 -4 -4
No. of shares (mn) 23.3 46.6 46.6 46.6 46.6 Equity Capital 47 93 93 93 93
Adj EPS (Rs) 20.3 12.2 16.2 24.2 29.0 Reserves & Surplus 3,704 4,217 4,757 5,795 7,045
% change -34.8 -39.7 32.5 49.5 19.6 Shareholder’s Fund 3.751 4,310 4,851 5,888 7,138
DPS (Rs) 6.9 4.0 4.6 2.3 2.3 Total Liabilities 7,818 8,697 9,583 10,780 12,162
BVPS (Rs) 160 92 103 126 152
Y.E March (Rs.cr) FY16A FY17A FY18E FY19E FY20E Y.E March FY16A FY17A FY18E FY19E FY20E
Net inc. + Depn. 1,340 1,399 1,663 2,229 2,577 Profitab. & Return
Non-cash adj. -296 -128 -345 -509 -614 EBITDA margin (%) 20.7 19.6 20.6 21.7 22.0
Changes in W.C 2 40 -461 -303 -281 EBIT margin (%) 14.0 12.5 15.0 16.7 17.4
C.F.O 1,046 1,311 857 1,417 1,683 Net profit mgn.(%) 6.9 8.9 9.0 11.5 12.0
Capital exp. -1372 -355 -398 -406 -401 ROE (%) 13.1 14.1 16.5 21.3 20.8
Change in inv. 538 -154 -550 -63 -236 ROCE (%) 5.9 6.5 7.5 11.1 11.5
Other invest.CF 0 0 0 0 0 W.C & Liquidity
C.F - investing -833 -509 -948 -468 -637 Receivables (days) 60.4 78.3 66.8 69.0 70.5
Issue of equity - - - - - Inventory (days) 54.4 59.1 52.9 53.6 54.3
Issue/repay debt 185 -110 -160 -260 -260 Payables (days) 88.4 90.9 88.3 89.4 90.5
Dividends paid -160 -185 -213 -107 -107 Current ratio (x) 2.3 2.2 1.9 2.1 2.2
Other finance.CF -272 -100 -107 -97 -85 Quick ratio (x) 1.5 1.4 1.0 1.2 0.8
C.F - Financing -248 -349 -480 -464 -452 Turnover &Levg.
Chg. in cash -35 454 -572 484 593 Gross asset T.O (x) 1.1 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.4
Closing cash 647 1,101 529 1,014 1,607 Total asset T.O (x) 0.9 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.0
Int. covge. ratio (x) 6.8 8.0 11.8 17.1 22.9
Adj. debt/equity (x) 0.9 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.2
Valuation ratios
EV/Sales (x) 2.6 5.2 4.0 3.3 2.9
EV/EBITDA (x) 12.7 26.6 19.2 15.2 13.1
P/E (x) 32.7 54.2 40.9 27.0 22.7
P/BV (x) 4.1 7.2 6.4 5.2 4.3
Recommendation Summary (last 3 years) Dates Rating Target
6-Apr -15 Accumulate 740
900 22-Jan-16 Buy 487
800 26-May-16 Accumulate 415
700 9-August-16 Buy 480
11 November 16 Hold 468
600 9 February 17
th Hold 540
500 29thMay17 Buy 626
400 9th November 17 Buy 792
26th December 17 Buy 810
300 13th March 18 Hold 789
200 29th May 18 Buy 753
Mar-15 Sep-15 Mar-16 Sep-16 Mar-17 Sep-17 Mar-18
To satisfy regulatory requirements, we attribute ‘Accumulate’ as Buy and ‘Reduce’ as Sell.The recommendations are based on 12 month horizon, unless
otherwise specified. The investment ratings are on absolute positive/negative return basis. It is possible that due to volatile price fluctuation in the near to
medium term, there could be a temporary mismatch to rating. For reasons of valuations/return/lack of clarity/event we may revisit rating at appropriate
time. Please note that the stock always carries the risk of being upgraded to BUY or downgraded to a HOLD, REDUCE or SELL.NEUTRAL-The analyst has
no investment opinion on the stock, under review
Please ensure that you have read the “Risk Disclosure Documents for Capital Market and Derivatives Segments” as prescribed by the Securities and Exchange
board of India.
Digitally signed by SAJI JOHN
Date: 2018.06.04 12:12:13 +05'30'
Geojit Financial Services Ltd. (formerly known as Geojit BNP Paribas Financial Services Ltd.), Registered Office: 34/659-P, Civil Line Road, Padivattom, Kochi-
682024, Kerala, India. Phone: +91 484-2901000, Website: www.geojit.com. For investor queries: [email protected], For grievances:
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