Atypical Measles

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DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2016/16170.

Case Report

Fever with Rash, an Alarm

Internal Medicine
to the Physicians - A Case
Report of Atypical Measles
Prabhakaran Raman1, SYED BAHAVUDEEN HUSSAINI2, Paramasivam Saravanan3, Kuttuva Jeyaram4

Measles is a highly contagious disease caused by Paramyxovirus group. It has been estimated that globally deaths occurs out of measles.
The disease still remains as one of the leading cause of death among young children and adults despite the effective vaccination. The
outbreak of measles is on rise in recent years with serologically confirmed cases in India. The incidence and complications of atypical
measles is usually severe among older age groups even prior immunization. We report a case of 15-year-old male with symptoms of
fever and rash with possible differential diagnosis and emphasize on the clinical presentation of atypical measles among adolescent age
group with an additional evidence of investigations.

Keywords: Cold chain, Live measles vaccine, Utricaria

CASE REPORT normal and blood, urine and sputum cultures were negative. Chest
A 15-year-old male without significant past medical history, X-ray was found to be normal.
immunized for age presented with history of fever for 5 days which IgM antibody using Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay for
was insidious in onset and was intermittent, associated with chills measles was found to be positive with titer of 15.9 units per milliliter
and rigor. H/O vomiting was there for 5 days, which was non- with normal values being within 8-12 units. The IgM serology for
projectile type with multiple episodes associated with loose stools. measles was positive despite previous single dose of childhood
No history of abdominal distention or urinary tract infection. H/O rash measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination. The patient
was there for 3days with severe itching. No history of meningitis. was treated with intravenous fluids, antibiotics and Vitamin A
On general examination patient was febrile (103 degree Fahrenheit) supplement. After a 3 week period, the patient recovered without
any complications and he was discharged.
with conjuctival suffusion. The patient had exanthaematous
maculopapular rash over face, anterior trunk, back, upper extremities
including palms sparing the lower extremities [Table/Fig-1-5]. On
WHO estimates 145,700 deaths globally in the year 2014 [1,2].
oral examination candidiasis was present. No Koplik spots were
According to WHO 2014, nearly 310 serologically positive cases
found. On neck examination there was bilateral posterior cervical
of measles have been confirmed in India among 28 states [2,3].
lymphadenopathy, multiple, discrete mobile firm in consistency The presentation of fever with rash in an adolescent age group
larger one measuring 2cm, systemic examination shows regular usually suspects disease with wide differential diagnosis such as
pulse of 102 per minute, Blood pressure of 100/70mm Hg. Cardiac malaria, dengue, drug allergy, leptospirosis, typhoid, infectious
examination was normal. Respiratory examination showed bilateral mononucleosis. Under diagnosis of atypical measles occur in
extensive crackles. Abdomen was soft with mild splenomegaly. many occasions which might be due unique symptoms and its
Central nervous system examination was normal. From the history tendency to occur with complications in adult age group [4,5].
and clinical examination we thought of differential diagnosis like According to CDC, atypical measles is a modified type of measles
malaria, leptospirosis, dengue fever, typhoid, drug allergy, atypical that occurs in adolescents and adults with milder symptoms who
measles and infectious mononucleosis. have been immunized previously with killed measles vaccine or
Laboratory investigations such as haemoglobin counts and serial unknown vaccine and subsequently exposed to wild type measles
[4,5]. Studies reveal that this kind of measles usually present with
platelet counts were normal. Peripheral smear was normal and
fever followed by a rash which is utricarial, maculopapular and
negative for malarial parasite. Rapid serological assays for Syphilis,
haemorrhagic which is similar to our case. The distribution of rash is
HIV, leptospirosis, dengue, typhoid, Infectious mononucleosis were
also unique with first appearance in the face and neck area [Table/
negative and non-reactive. Biochemical profile including liver function
Fig-1] followed by trunk [Table/Fig-2,3] and upper extremities and
tests and coagulation parameters were normal. Urine analysis was palm area [Table/Fig-4] sparing the lower extremities [6,7] [Table/

[Table/Fig-1]: Distribution of erythematous macules over head and neck. [Table/Fig-2]: Erythematous eruptions over anterior trunk. [Table/Fig-3]: Distribution of erythematous
rash over the back. [Table/Fig-4]: Distribution of rash over the palm area. [Table/Fig-5]: Absence of typical rash over lower extremities.

12 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Feb, Vol-10(2): OD12-OD13 Prabhakaran Raman et al., Fever with Rash, an Alarm to the Physicians - A Case Report of Atypical Measles

Fig-5]. There is no evidence of koplik spots seen in our case which is ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
a typical presentation of atypical measles. Oral examination revealed The authors sincerely thank the patient and his parents regarding
candidiasis which raised the suspicion of immune compromised the provision of consent for the photography. The authors also
state but HIV ELISA was found to be negative and found to have thank the HOD Dr VT Premkumar and honourable dean Dr Revathi
poor oral hygiene. In our case, measles serology IgM titer was found Kailairajan, Madurai medical college and Government Rajaji hospital
to be positive despite a previous vaccination. for their constant support and encouragement.
Studies have postulated that in atypical measles there is fourfold ABBREVIATIONS: CDC-Centers for Disease Control and
increase in antibody titers and suggests serological testing during prevention, WHO-World Health Organization
the outbreaks [7,8]. Literature reveals that primary vaccination failure
occurs in such cases due to imbalance in antibody response to REFERENCES
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1. Professor, Department of Medicine, Madurai Medical College & Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India.
2. Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Madurai Medical College & Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India.
3. Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Madurai Medical College & Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India.
4. Postgraduate, Department of Medicine, Madurai Medical College & Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India.


Dr. Prabhakaran Raman,
Professor, Department of Medicine, Madurai Medical College & Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai-625020, India. Date of Submission: Aug 10, 2015
E-mail : [email protected] Date of Peer Review: Aug 12, 2015
Date of Acceptance: Oct 29, 2015
Financial OR OTHER COMPETING INTERESTS: None. Date of Publishing: Feb 01, 2016

Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Feb, Vol-10(2): OD12-OD13 13

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