6th Grade Unit 1 Saludos Despedidas Final 2019
6th Grade Unit 1 Saludos Despedidas Final 2019
6th Grade Unit 1 Saludos Despedidas Final 2019
Unit Description:
This is unit 1 of 6 for the year. This is an 11-week unit. Students will be able to use greetings, farewells, and courtesy expressions, as
well as to identify themselves and others, and use numbers and the alphabet. Students will be able to describe the weather and say
Essential Questions:
How do people greet one another? How do people make introductions? How do people order the date in Spanish-speaking
Proficiency Target-Interpersonal Proficiency Target-Speaking Proficiency Target-Listening Proficiency Target-Reading Proficiency Target-Writing
Novice-Low Novice-Low Novice-Low Novice-Low Novice-Low
I Can Statements I Can Statements I Can Statements I Can Statements I Can Statements
I can greet and leave people in I can count from 1-10. I can understand a few I can recognize some letters or I can copy some familiar
a polite way. I can recite words and phrases courtesy phrases. characters. words, characters, or phrases.
I can introduce myself and that I have learned. · I can understand greetings. I can recognize words, I can write words and phrases
others. I can state the names of I can understand when people phrases, and characters with that I have learned.
I can make some simple familiar people, places, and express thanks. the help of visuals. I can label familiar people,
statements in a conversation. objects in pictures and posters I can understand when people I can recognize words, places, and objects in pictures
I can communicate basic using words or memorized introduce themselves. phrases, and characters when and posters.
information about myself and phrases. I can understand when I associate them with things I
people I know. I can introduce myself to a someone asks for a name. already know.
group. ·
Diagnostic: Formative: Summative:
1. Essential Questions 1. Vocabulary Quiz 1. Unit Test
2. Class Participation 2. Grammar Quiz 2. Projects
3. Digital Components 3. Graded Homework
4. Pre-test 4. Class Participation
5. Homework 5. Classwork
6. Oral/aural assessments
7. Games/songs
Standards to address in Unit:
ML1.PS1.Ip1: Students are able to express, in spoken and written language- basic greetings, farewells, courtesies, likes, dislikes, emotions and
ML1.PS2 .IP2: Students are able to use formal and informal forms of address as well as initiate and participate in brief oral and written exchange.
ML1.PS3 .INT1: Students are able to identify some main ideas and details when reading and listening as well as show comprehension of simple
ML1.PS4.P1: Students will be able to give basic information about self and others.
ML1.PS5.CU1: Students are able to describe customs and traditions of the culture such as greetings, celebrations, and courtesies.
ML1.PS6.CCC1: Students are able to identify geographical locations such as countries, cities, and features.
ML1.PS7 .CCC2: Students compare and identify patterns and behavior of target culture as well as their own.
ML1.PS8.CCC3: Students compare basic elements of the target language to their own, recognizing differences in sound, writing, cognates and
Know: Understand: Do:
The alphabet Differences in the sounds of the letters. Greet adults and peers
Greetings and departures Differences between the English alphabet and Identify myself and others
Numbers 0-100 Spanish Alphabet. Recognizing cognates
Weather expressions Greetings in the Spanish-speaking world. Recognize the sounds and spell simple words.
Colors The knowledge of numbers to communicate. Identify numbers up to 100.
Question: What’s the weather like today? Difference between formal and informal greetings. Understand basic classroom procedure commands.
The knowledge of weather expressions to Ask and answer simple personal questions.
communicate. Ask and answer simple weather questions.
The knowledge of colors to communicate. Identify colors.
Major Concepts: (Consider all 4/5 Cs)
Concept 1 Concept 2 Concept 3 Concept 4 Concept 5
Greetings and Goodbyes Alphabet and Numbers Calendar Weather Colors
Essential Vocabulary: Essential Vocabulary: Essential Vocabulary: Essential Vocabulary: Essential Vocabulary:
Essential Structure: Essential Structure: Essential Structure: Essential Structure: Essential Structure:
Singular formal & informal Difference between English Capitalization or not of days of Weather expressions with Categorize gender and
greetings and Spanish alphabet the week and moths HACE, HAY & ESTÁ introduce number
Spanish question format Information about the Formatting the dates in
combination of LL & CH Spanish
Number patterns
Text/Digital Resources Text/Digital Resources Text/Digital Resources Text/Digital Resources Text/Digital Resources