Understanding Cutural Difference in Human Behavior. A Cultural Neuroscience Approach
Understanding Cutural Difference in Human Behavior. A Cultural Neuroscience Approach
Understanding Cutural Difference in Human Behavior. A Cultural Neuroscience Approach
Cultural differences in human behavior have been widely in early childhood. In a perceptual task requiring judg-
documented and interpreted by various psychological theories ments on orientations (left versus right) of faces, American
that emphasize cognitive or affective mechanisms. However, it college students responded equally faster to their own
remains a challenge to provide a coherent neuroscience faces regardless whether their own faces were presented
understanding of culturally discrepant behaviors. Cultural alternately with their friends’ or supervisors’ faces [2].
neuroscience research has shown increasing evidence for Nevertheless, for Chinese college students, responses to
culturally specific patterns of brain activity such as stronger their own faces were significantly slowed by the presence
activity in the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex, lateral frontal of their supervisors’ faces compared to their friends’ faces
cortex and temporoparietal junction in East Asians but stronger [3,4]. These findings implicate that how to perceive the self
activity in the anterior cingulate, ventral medial prefrontal depends on social contexts to a greater degree in Chinese
cortex, bilateral insula and temporal pole in Westerners. These than in Americans. During a communication game that
findings help to create a coherent neural account of behavior required taking perspective from a partner, Chinese rela-
differences between Western and East Asian cultures. tive to American participants were more tuned into their
partners’ perspective and Americans often completely
Department of Psychology, PKU-IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain failed to take their partners’ perspective [5], suggesting
Research, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China that Chinese culture more effectively affords the use of
the ability of perspective taking to interpret other
Corresponding author: Han, Shihui ([email protected])
people’s actions. Cultural differences also exist in emo-
tion-related behavior [6]. Interpersonal verbal and non-
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 2015, 3:68–72
verbal communication was characterized by high-
arousal emotion such as cheerfulness and enthusiasm
This review comes from a themed issue on Social behavior
in Americans but was featured with attention to others’
Edited by Molly J Crockett and Amy Cuddy unexpressed feelings or low-arousal emotion in Chinese
For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial and Japanese [7]. Japanese also reported higher scores of
Available online 7th February 2015 emotion suppression than did the Americans [8]. During
parent–child interaction mothers in American and other
Western cultures tended more often to increase their
2352-1546/# 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
children’s level of arousal by playing and chatting
whereas mothers in East Asian cultures (e.g., Japan)
were more likely to rock and lull their babies to reduce
their levels of arousal [9,10].
[13] and in perception/attention [14]. While these theo- cultures help to establish a causal link between culture
ries have been used to interpret cultural differences in and brain [19,24].
human behavior, it is a challenge to provide a coherent
understanding of culturally discrepant behaviors from a There has been increasing cultural neuroscience evidence
neuroscience perspective. for differences in brain activity between East Asian and
Western cultures during varieties of cognitive and affective
Cultural neuroscience approach processes including perception [26–28], attention [29,30],
Human behavior is underpinned by brain activity that has causal attribution [31], semantic relationship processing
been demonstrated to be highly flexible and can be [32], music processing [33,34], mental calculation [35],
modified by life experiences [15]. Therefore, the well- recognition of one’s own face [20,36], self-reflection on
documented cultural differences in human behavior are personality traits [19,21,22,37–38,39], perception of
attributable to cross-cultural differences in brain activity. bodily expressions [40], mental state reasoning [41,42],
Cultural neuroscience is a newly developed interdisci- empathy [43], and trait inference [44]. Cross-cultural dif-
plinary field that investigates whether and how cultural ferences in brain activity are characterized by different
contexts and experiences interact with and shape the patterns. Brain activity can be modulated by a specific task
functional organization of the human brain and to what in one cultural group but not in another cultural group
degree the observed cultural differences in human be- [19,31,45]. Modulations of brain activity by task demands
havior can be attributed to distinct neural underpinnings may show opposite patterns in two cultural groups [29,40].
across cultures. Cultural neuroscience research takes cul- A more complicated pattern of cultural modulations of brain
ture as a shared dynamic environment (e.g., social institu- activity is that one culture compared to another culture
tions) and knowledge system (e.g., value, belief, and rule) shows increased activity in some brain regions but de-
that allows the brain to lay out its potential capacity to fit creased activity in other regions [39].
into different sociocultural contexts. Cultural neurosci-
ence research integrates brain imaging such as event- Cultural priming research also accumulates evidence that
related brain potential (ERP) and functional magnetic priming one compared to another cultural values modulates
resonance imaging (fMRI) with cultural psychology, so- the neural activity during pain perception [46], visual
cial cognitive neuroscience, and neuroscience research of perception [47], self-face recognition [23], self-referential
neural plasticity [16–18]. processing [22,24,48], motor processing [49], and resting
state activity [50]. Most of the findings based on cultural
A methodology has been developed in cultural neurosci- priming are in congruence with the results of transcultural
ence to uncover cultural influences on the human brain. A neuroimaging studies and further support a cause-effect
stream of the methodology is to compare brain activities relationship between specific cultural values and culturally
recorded from two or more cultural groups using varieties specific patterns of neurocognitive processes.
of brain imaging [19,20–22]. This transcultural neuro-
imaging approach allows researchers to reveal unique Han and Ma conducted a quantitative meta-analysis of
patterns of neural activity in response to culturally spe- cultural neuroscience research based on 35 fMRI studies
cific stimuli and to uncover neural activities that are to examine cultural differences in brain activity that are
engaged in a specific task and differentiate between common across different task domains [51]. This analysis
different cultures. This approach provides neuroimaging revealed that social cognitive processes are characterized
evidence for an association between culture and brain by stronger activity in the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex
activity and enables researchers to explore whether the (dMPFC), lateral frontal cortex (LPFC) and temporopar-
observed cultural differences in brain activity are medi- ietal junction (TPJ) in East Asians but stronger activity in
ated by a specific cultural value. Cultural priming is the anterior cingulate (ACC), ventral medial prefrontal
another method developed by cultural neuroscientists cortex (vMPFC) and bilateral insula in Westerners
to investigate how brain activity is modified by recent (Figure 1a). Social affective processes, however, are as-
use of specific cultural values and beliefs [23,24]. This sociated with stronger activity in the right dorsal lateral
approach is based on the idea that an individual may have frontal cortex (dLPFC) in East Asians but greater activity
multiple cultural systems and is able to switch between in the left insula and right temporal pole in Westerners
different cultural systems in response to specific social (Figure 1b). Non-social processes induce stronger activity
contexts and interactions [25]. This approach allows in the left inferior parietal cortex, left middle occipital and
researchers to examine the variation of an individual’s left superior parietal cortex in East Asians but greater
brain activity as a consequence of recently use of cultural activations in the right lingual gyrus, right inferior parietal
knowledge in laboratories when covariants confronted by cortex and precuneus in Westerners. The results of this
transcultural neuroimaging research are very well con- meta-analysis indicate that East Asian cultures are asso-
trolled. Consistent findings of how an individual’s brain ciated with increased neural activity in the brain regions
activity is modulated by primed cultural values and how related to inference of others’ mind and emotion regula-
brain activity varies across individuals from different tion. In contrast, Western cultures are associated with
Finally, although current cultural neuroscience research 14. Masuda T, Nisbett RE: Attending holistically versus analytically:
comparing the context sensitivity of Japanese and Americans.
has demonstrated modulations of brain activity by cultur- J Pers Soc Psychol 2001, 81:922-934.
al experiences, it remains unspecified how cultures inter- 15. Huttenlocher PR: Neural Plasticity: The Effects of Environment on
acts with neural mechanisms at cellular and molecular the Development of the Cerebral Cortex. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
(e.g., neurotransmitter) levels. To clarify these questions University Press; 2002, .
is extremely important for understanding human specific 16. Chiao JY, Ambady N: Cultural neuroscience: parsing
universality and diversity across levels of analysis. In
neural plasticity and has critical practical significance. For Handbook of Cultural Psychology. Edited by Kitayama S, Cohen D.
instance, it has been taken for granted that medicines New York: Guilford Press; 2007:237-254.
tested in one cultural group also work for other cultural 17. Han S, Northoff G: Culture-sensitive neural substrates of
populations. However, it is unclear whether a drug affects human cognition: a transcultural neuroimaging approach. Nat
Rev Neurosci 2008, 9:646-654.
brain activity in a similar vein across different cultures.
This should be taken considerations in future research. 18. Han S, Northoff G, Vogeley K, Wexler BE, Kitayama S,
Varnum MEW: A cultural neuroscience approach to the
biosocial nature of the human brain. Ann Rev Psychol 2013,
Acknowledgements 64:335-359.
19. Zhu Y, Zhang L, Fan J, Han S: Neural basis of cultural influence
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of on self representation. Neuroimage 2007, 34:1310-1317.
China (Projects 31421003, 31470986, 91332125, 81161120539) and the The authors record brain activity using fMRI from Chinese and Westerners
Ministry of Education of China (Project 20130001110049). during reflection on personality traits of oneself and one’s mother. They
show overlapping activity in the medial prefrontal cortex during trait judg-
ments on the self and mother in Chinese but stronger medial prefrontal
activity during trait judgments on the self than mother in Westerners.
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