Caolin - Industria

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British Geological Survey


Mineralogy and Petrology Series
Industrial Minerals Laboratory Manual
A J Bloodworth, D E Highley and C J Mitchell

Mineralogy and Petrology Group

British Geological Survey
British Geological Survey


Mineralogy and Petrology Series

Industrial Minerals Laboratory Manual

A J Bloodworth, D E Highley and C J Mitchell

A Report prepared for the Overseas Development Administration under the

ODA/BGS Technology Development and Research Programme, Project9 1/1

ODA Classrfication:
Subsector: Geoscience
Theme: G 1 - Promote environmentally sensitive
development of non-renewable resources
Project title: Mineralsfor Development
Reference number: R554 1

Bibliographic reference:
Bloodworth, A J, D J, Highley, D E & Mitchell, C J
Industrial Minerals Laboratory Manual:
BGS Technical Report WG/93/1

Subject index:
Industrial minerals,kaolin, laboratory techniques

Cover illustration:
Transmission electron micrographof
well-formed hexagonal crystals of kaolinite
from Uganda (X 75000). The crystals
have been metal-shadowed to allow
measurement of thickness and aspect ratio.

0 NERC 1993

Keyworth, Nottingham, British GeologicalSurvey, 1993









1. Dispersion and wet screening
of kaolinite-bearing rock 55

2. Kaolinite grade and recovery calculation 57

3. Sub-sieve particle size analysis 58

4. Iron oxide/oxyhydroxide removalby sodium dithionite bleach 64

5. Brightness determination 65

6. Viscosity measurement 67

7. Preparation of test pieces for modulusof rupture determination 7 1

8. Determination
of fired 72
Industrial mineral raw materials are essential for economic development.
Infrastructure improvement and growth of the manufacturing sector requires
a reliable supply of good quality construction minerals and a wide rangeof
other industrial mineral raw materials.
Although many less developed countries have signlficant potential industrial
mineral resources, some continue to import these materials supply their
industries. Indigenous resources may not be exploited (or are exploited
ineffectively) because they do notmeet industrial specifications, and
facilities and expertise to carry out the necessary evaluation and testwork
unavailable. Unlike metallic and energy minerals, the suitability of
industrial minerals generally depends on physical behaviour, as well as on
chemical and mineraiogcai properties. Laboratory evaluation often involves
determination of a wide range of inter-related properties and must
be canied
out with knowledge of the requirements of consumingindustries.
Evaluation may also include investigation of likely processing required to
enable the commodity to meet industry specifications.
Over the last 10 years,fundingfrom the OverseasDevelopment
Administration has enabled the British Geological Survey to provide
assistance to less developed countries in the evaluation of their industrial
mineral resources. This series of laboratory manuals sets out experience
gained during this period. The manualsare intended to be practical bench-
top guides for use by organisati.ons such asGeological Surveys and Mines
Departments and are not exhaustive in their coverage of every test and
specification. The following manuals have been published to date:
Flake Graphite
Construction Materials
A complementary series of Exploration Guides is also being produced.
These are intended to provide ideas and advice for geoscientists involvedin
the identification and field evaluation
of industrial mineraisin the developing
world. The following guide hasbeen published to date:
Biogenic Sedimentary Rocks

A J Bloodworth
Series Editor
D J Morgan

Industrial Minerals Laboratory Manual



Kaolin is a commercial term used to describe white clay composed

essentially of kaolinite, Al&010(OH)g. The term is typically usedto
refer to both the rawclay and the refined commercial product. This
manual describes the laboratory assessment of ‘non-plastic’ kaolin
(sometimes knownas china clay); plastic kaolinitic clays (or ball clay)
are dealt with elsewhere in this series of manuals. Although originally
valued for use in the manufactureof whiteware ceramics, the principal
use of kaolin is now in thefilling and coatingof paper. The mineralis
also used to a lesser extentas a fillerin paint, rubber and plastics,as
well as in a wide rangeof other applications. Kaolins are distinguished
from other claysby whiteness, and fine,controllable particle size. Itis
generally necessary to process kaolin from the crude state in orderto
optimise these highly commercial properties.
This manual is oneof a series producedas part of the BGSDDA R&D
Project ‘Minerals for Development’.

Mineralogy and PetrologyGroup, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993




Kaolin deposits are generally classified

as either primary (residual) or
secondary (sedimentary).The mode of formationof the kaolin may have
considerable influence on the mineralogy, chemistry and morphology of
the clay and maydictate the type of mining and beneficiation process
employed to achievea commercial product.

2.1 Primary kaolins

Primary deposits of kaolin are generally formedby in situ alteration of
aluminosilicate-rich parent rock (such as graniteor granitic gneiss) by
weathering, hydrothermal,and, more rarely, volcanic processes. The
nature of the parent rock maybe critical in determining the qualityof the
kaolin; the abundance and natureof iron-bearing minerals is particularly
important. The kaolinite content of primary kaolins may vary, though
20-30% is not untypical.
Humid tropical weathering of granitic rocks is a major processin
kaolinite formation through the intense leaching of alkalis from
aluminosilicate minerals. Kaolin deposits form as residual mantles at or
near the surface. Occasionally theymay occur in association with
bauxite deposits.
Hydrothermal alteration of aluminosilicate-bearing rocks is an important
kaolinisation process. The host rock must be sufficiently fractured to
allow the circulation of hot groundwater. High-heat-flow granites may
provide optimum thermal condtions required to drive groundwater
convection cells. High-quality kaolins are producedfrom granitic host
rocks which are relatively lowin iron-bearing minerals such as biotite.
The kaolin resources of south west England are regarded as typical
primary deposits (Bristow, 1987). These world class deposits are
developed within high-heat-flow granites rich in radiogenic elements
such as U, Th and K. High-temperature hydrothermal circulation
associated with a relatively early phaseof mineralisation is thought to
have increased the permeability of the granite and reduced its iron
content. Thiswas followed by the main phase of kaolinisation, carried
out by low-temperature convection cells of meteoric groundwater. This
process was augmented byan intense periodof deep tropical weathering
during the Palaeogene. The intensityof kaolinisation is controlledby the
joint patterns within the granite. Kaolinised zonesare funnel or trough-
shaped, narrowingdownwards (Figure 1). Sodium feldspars are
preferentially alteredto kaolinite in these granites.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0NERC 1993


Figure 1. Idealisedsection of akaolin pit in southwestEngland

Bristow, 1969)

lnwnton Sand Member

S a n d . conrans malls and

Cretaceousbeds thm layers 01 kaolm as well
\vrdw-d) . . as hrge commercial kaolln


Figure 2. Generalised
formations,Georgia, USA (AfterPatterson & Murray, 1984).

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



2.2 Secondary kaolins

Kaolin deposits occurring in sedimentary rocks are generally classified
as ‘secondary’or ‘sedimentary’. Some may have formed by the
transportation and depositionof kaolinite formed elsewhere. However,
diagenetic and weathering processes appear to play an important role in
the in situ formation andmodifcation of sedimentary kaolins. Deposits
often contain inexcess of 60% kaolinite. Lower concentrations occurin
kaolinitic sand,formed by the in situ alteration of feldspathic
The extensive sedimentary kaolin depositsof the south-eastem United
4-00km. Economic deposits
States occur in a belt extending over some
occur within Upper Cretaceous and Palaeogene intertidal sedimentsas
of kaolin (Figure2). The clays contain 90-
lenses and tabular bodies
95% kaolinite, with quartz, ilmenite and
anatase being themain
impurities (Patterson& Murray, 1984).

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993




The techniques used in mining and refining (beneficiation)of primary

and secondary kaolins are reviewed in this section. An understanding
of the processing methods used in the refrning of commercial kaolinsis
essential for effective laboratory appraisal
of these raw materials. A
more comprehensive discussionof commercial kaolin mining and
processing techniques canbe found in Highley(1984) and Pemberton

3.1 Mining

In south-west England the kaolinised granite is stripped of overburden

and the clay matrix mined with high-pressure water monitors, which
disintegrate the friable, kaolinised granite and disperse the kaolinite into
suspension. Hard, unkaolinised granite is left behind and is removed by
truck and shovel. In order to maintaina consistent blend froma variable
clay matrix, up to twelve ~ f e r e npositions
t may be worked
simutaneously. The slurry collects in the pit bottom and is then pumped
to the refining system.
The exploitation of secondary kaolins shows many differences from
primary deposits. Theyare worked by conventional strip mining
methods with overburden thicknessesof up to 45 m. In the south-
eastern USA the clay is excavated from widely-dispersed pits and the
clay transferred to a central refining plant. Theclay may be moved in
the raw state, or itmay be blunged (dispersed) to produce a slurry
which is then pumped to the refining plant. After degritting to remove
quartz, the kaolinite content maybe sufficiently high not to require
further refining, subsequent processing principally being dedicated to
improving the brightness and particle-size distribution of the clay.

3.2 Refining

The two principle objectivesof kaolin refiningare the removalof

impurities and the production of the desired particle-size distribution.
Air-floated kaolinsare produced in theUSA for low-grade applications.
However, most kaolinis refined by wet classification involvingthe
separation of fine platy kaolinite from coarser quartz, feldspar and mica
using the different settling velocities associated with particle
size as
governed by Stokes' Law. Kaolinite is generally concentrated inthe
fine fraction, therefore beneficiation can
be achieved by simple size
separation (Figure3). A cut at between 10 and 20 pm removes all of
the quartz and most of the mica and for many years thiswas theonly
form of beneficiation usedby the industry.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993





40 I feldspar & qutartz


.1 100 1 10

Equival spherical diameter ( p n )

Figure 3. Variationinmineralogy of akaolin from south-westEnglandwithparticle

(After Jepson,1984).

The wet refining of primary and secondary kaolins follows similar

routes and the south-west England operations willbe used to illustrate
the main techniques. A generalized flowsheetof the process route
followed in south-west England is shownin Figure 4.
Spiral classifiers or bucket wheel classifiers form the first stage
of the
separation process, the objectiveof which is to removeall material
coarser than 250 pm (mainly quartz and feldspar). Followingsand
removal, the <250 pm clay slurry is pumped to hydrocyclonesfor the
next stage of refining. The <53 pm ‘overflow’ (fine fraction)from the
hydrocyclones is thickened prior tobeing fed to the hydroseparation
system. This consists of circular tanks where the suspensionis allowed
to settle under gravity to remove the>15 p.m fraction. A fine saleable
product is recovered (45% <2 pm),suitable for paperfiller purposes
(see Section 4.2). High-performance, small-diameter hydrocyclones are
now replacing hydroseparators with savings on capital costs. The use of
hydrocyclones dispenseswith the need to chemically deflocculate the
Clays used for paper-coating purposes must have finer particle sizes
(see Section 4.2). This is achieved by using continuous centrifuges that

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



can separate kaolin into coarse and

fine fractions. Filler grade material
A typical product will be 75% <2 pm,
is used as feed to this process.
although some processes arecapable of achieving productsat 95% <2
pm and 80% <1 pm. The ‘underflow’ (coarse fraction) from the
primary centnfuges can be either usedas a coarse filler clay, or be
retreated in secondary centrifuges and
fed back to the primary

3.2.1 Flotation

The processes describedso far all depend on particle size separation to

beneficiate the kaolinite. Although kaolinite is concentrated in the fine
fraction, the mineralalso occurs in the coarser size fractions. Treatment
of centrifuge underflowby ultraflotation recoverscoarse kaolinite,
which after sand grinding produces filler or coating grade clays
depending on residence times. Operation of sand grindingin closed
circuit with a hydrocyclone results in products with well controlled
particle sizes.
This system is also used to treat the hydroseparator underflow.
Although this material contains only 10% <2 pm, it has a kaolinite
content of approximately 60%; mica, quartz and feldspar are the main
be raised to 80% and
impurities. After flotation, the kaolinite content can
abrasive quartz and feldspar reduced to about 2%. The introductionof
flotation technology has improved kaolinite recovery. This has
increased reserves, and allowed the retreatment of mica waste residues
into which coarse kaolinite hasbeen lost.
In the south-eastemUSA, froth flotationis used to remove fine-grained
anatase and other titano-ferrous impurities.
This significantly reduces
the Ti02 content of the clay and improvesits brightness.

3.2.2 Other beneficiation processes

A number of otherprocesses are used to improve or modify the

properties of the clay other than those based
on particle size. These
processes include;
Magnetic separation
Selective flocculation
Impurities in kaolin whichcause particular problemsare iron-bearing
minerals and fine-grained anatase. These tendto be more abundantin

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



sedimentary kaolins.The removal of colouring oxides is essential if

high-brightness saleable grades are tobe produced. High-intensity
magnetic separatorsare a standard processing technique used in the
kaolin industry.This process uses a canister filled with fine stainless
steel wool that when magnetized will remove iron- and titanium-bearing
minerals from the kaolin slurryas it passes throughthe canister. In
south-west England, this technique is used toseparate mica and
tourmaline from ceramic clays leading to a 40% extraction of Fe2O3,
gain in fired brightness.
and thus giving a significant
Titano-ferrous impuritiesmay be selectively flocculated to form
aggregates by the additionof small quantitiesof a polymeric flocculant.
The method is used to beneficiate kaolins from the deposits in south
eastern USA.
Chemical leaching is also a standard beneficiation technique that is used
to improve the brightnessof kaolin. The additionof a strong reducing
agent, usually sodium dithionite (Na&O4), in an acid environment
reduces femc to ferrous iron. This process results in a 2 to 4% increase
in brightness. The higher solubilityof ferrous ironallows a small
proportion of the hydrated iron oxides coatingthe clay to be removed in
solution. Ozone and chlorine maybe used to improve brightnessby
oxidising organic matter.
Delaminated clays with a high brightness and high aspect ratio (particle
lengtldparticle diameter) are produced by subjecting the clayto a
mills or sand grinding
grinding or similar attrition operation using pug
units. This treatment breaks down vermicular stacksof coarse kaolinite
into thin plates.
There is an increasing demand for calcinedclays which exhibit strong
open aggregateswith improved optical properties and hardness (see
Sections 4.4.1 and 4.4.2). By varying the nature and composition of the
feedstock and thefiring schedule (the maximum temperature achieved,
time sustained and rate of temperature increaseabove 40O0C), a rangeof
products with different properties and uses be canproduced.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British GeologicalSurvey 0 NERC 1993



wrth coarse mlca and

process realdues to
mlca storage

98% -:2 um


marhotablo clay
99.98% 53 um
8 5 % * 10 um
REFINED CLAY 4 5 % - 2 um

sand grlndlng

f111.r Clay
coatmg clay
99.5%- lOum
I 7 5 % - 211m


Figure 3. Processingflowsheetusedtorefinethekaolindeposits in
south westEngland (from Highley, 1984).

Mineralogy and petroiogy Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993




Kaolin forms the basisof an industryof worldwide importance with

output being in excessof 20 Mt in 1990 valued at about$2000 million.
In terms of value, about 75% is used in papermaking,10%in ceramics
and 15% in the paint, rubber and plastics industries; the latter category
also includes a range of miscellaneous applications.

4.1 Critical properties

The industrial applicationsof kaolin are based largely on a combination

of physical characteristics, different applications demanding distinct
combinations of functional properties. Specific grades are therefore
rarely suitable forall applications. With the exceptionof kaolin for use
in ceramics, chemical composition is not generally a critical property.
The commercial valueof kaolin dependson whiteness and fine particle-
size. The latter propertyalso has a bearing on viscosity, colour,
abrasiveness and ease of dispersion. Other important properties include
its lamellar particle shape (which increases opacity or hiding power),its
soft and non-abrasive texture (dueto the absenceof coarser impurities),
and its chemical inertnessover a wide rangeof pH. The presence of
surface charges leads to properties which ensures that the mineralis
flocculated at lowpH and deflocculated at high pH, a feature thatis
utilised during processing and application. Kaolins have desirable
rheological properties. allowing them to be easily dispersedin water to
produce slurriesof low viscosities,both at low and high shear values
and at high solidscontent, a factorof critical importancein the paper
Increasing demandsare being placed on kaolin quality. Process
technology is now required not onlyto purify the mineral, but also to
modify particular functional properties.

4.2 Paper

Kaolin is the dominant white mineral used by the paper industry,over

10 Mt/y being consumed worldwide.In the manufactureof paper and
board it performs twoquite separate functions. As a filler it is
incorporated into the paper web to reduce cost and improve printing
characteristics. It is also used as a coating pigment to enhance surface
properties of the paper suchas brightness, smoothness, gloss and ink
receptivity. This allows accurate reproductionof colour printing. The
percentage of kaolin usedin various papersis given in Table1.
Lightweight coated papers can contain up to 40% kaolin both as a filler
and coating medium.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British GeologicalSurvey 0 N E W 1993



Table 1. Percentagekaolinused in differentpaper types.

Newsprint 3 - 10
UncOated -
10 20
Coated 35 - 40
Lightweight coated up to 40

Kaolin has a number ofdesirable propertiesas a paper filler including a

fine, uniform and controllable particle size, ready dispersal in water,
softness and low abrasiveness (so that wear on papermaking machinery
is reduced), a high brightness giving high light reflectance and increased
opacity, and chemical inertness. The incorporation of kaolin between the
fibres also gives a smoother paper with good ink receptivity, improved
printing characteristics and dimensional stability. Moreover, kaolin
reduces the overall costof the paper by replacing expensivewood pulp.
However, whilst itmay be desirable to increase the levelof filler
addition on the grounds ofcost, high loadmgs havean adverse effect on
paper strength by interfering with the fibre bonding, the strength-giving
component of the paper. Similarly, althoughfiner particle sizes increase
brightness, opacity and gloss, their larger surface area interferes with
fibre bonding, thereby reducing paper strength. Finer particles also have
poorer retention. Control parameters for filler kaolins are particle size,
powder brightness and abrasiveness.
For coating purposes kaolinis applied to the surfaceof the finished
paper as a thin film of finely divided mineral suspended in water with an
adhesive mixture. Machine-made paper has a relatively rough substrate
which can be masked to produce a smoother, brighter, glossier surface,
more receptiveto ink transfer and idealfor high-quality printing. Particle
size exerts the most influence on coating performance, contributing not
only to the smoothness, gloss and printability of the coated sheet, but
also to the rheological propertiesof the coating slurry. Coating clays
mainly controlled in termsof particle size, powder brightness and
rheology. Gloss, brightness, opacity andsmoothness all generally
improve with decreasing particle size, although very finely-sized kaolins
may give other problems.
Combinations of properties required for filler and coating grades of
kaolin are significantly different. Propertiesof fdler and coating grade
kaolins are contrasted in Table 2. Coating demands the highest qualities
of clay which are brighter and whiter with better glossing properties
than filler grades. Since finer kaolinite particles have improved

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 7993



brightness, gloss characteristics and superior hiding power,

grades are muchfiner than fdler grades, with typically>75% -2 pm
compared with>30% -2 pm for filler grades.As a general rule the
relative costof kaolin pigment increasesas pigment brightness increases
and particle size decreases.
As a result coatingclays command a higher
price than filler grades.

Table 2. Typicalproperties of paperfillerandcoatingkaolins


Raw ISO* brightness % 76 - 82 81.5 - 90.5

5.7 -8 4 - 6.5
% <2 pm 25 - 60 75 - 95
% >lo pm 6 - 25 0-6
% >53 pm 0.05 max 0.02 max
61.2 - 71.5 64.2 - 74.5
(% solids at 5 poise at 22°C)

* International Standards Organisation (ISO)

Typical particle-size distribution curves forfiller and coating clays are

given in Figure 5. Particle-size distributionof kaolin products is
generally measured usinga gravity sedimentation technique such as
Andreasen pipette or X-ray sedigraph.
Brightness is defined as the ratio, expressed aaspercentage, of the
radiation reflected by a body to that reflectedby a perfectly reflecting
I S 0 (International Standards Organisation)-approvedBas04 standard
measured at an effective wavelengthof 457 nm with a Carl Zeiss
photoelectric reflection photometer. Yellownessis expressed as the
difference between the percentage reflectance 570 at nm and 457 nm.
I S 0 standard brightness is widely used in Europe although elsewherein
the world other systems maybe used. For reconnaissance studiesof
kaolin deposits, such as those which might be carried out by a
Geological Survey or Mines Department, apparatus is available which
provides a low-cost alternativeto the more sophisticated equipment used
for brightness measurementby large kaolin producers and consumers
(see Section 5.2.5 of this manual). Brightness canbe improved by fine
grinding, magnetic separation, froth flotation and chemical bleaching.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group,British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993




c 70
.s so

8 40


10 5 2 1 05 0.2
Equivalent spherical diameter ,urn

Figure 4. Particle-sizedistribution of typicalcoatingand filler

gradekaolins (from Highley, 1984).

The abrasiveness of kaolin for papermaking is important, although

rarely expressed in specifications. The principal focusof wear is on the
bronze or plastic papermaking wire and on the coating blade. Although
kaolinite is soft (Mohs hardness2-2.5),other minerals presentin the
clay such as quartzand feldspar may significantly contribute to
abrasiveness. Particle size of the mineral is critical alongwith hardness,
since abrasiveness reduces with particle size.A variety of apparatus
may be used to measure abrasiveness. These highly specialised
techniques generally measure the abrasiveness of a clay via the weight
change in a standard bronze wire abradedby a clay slurry overa
specified periodof time. Commonly quoted abrasion values include
those obtained using the ‘Valley’ clay abrasion tester or Breunig test
values obtained using an ‘Eihnlehner’ machine. Typical values for
coating clays andfiller clays are 30 and 60-70 dm2 respectively.
Apparatus for measurementsof this kind is rarely seen outside the
specialist laboratoriesof major kaolin producers and consumers.
Since the coating pigment is applied to the surface of the paper athigh
speeds asa suspension of high solids content(70%), the rheology of
the kaolin sluny is alsoof critical importance to givea smooth and even
coverage of the web. Failure to flow would resultin a streaky and
blotchy appearanceand perhaps breakage of the paper. The physical
properties of clay-water suspensionsare complex with dilatancyand
thixotropy providing thetwo extremes. Many kaolins are unacceptable
for paper-coating purposes because of a high viscosity in suspension
which cannot be easily improved by processing. Viscosity is affected by

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



contaminant minerals such a smectite and halloysite, as well as particle

shape and packingof the kaolinite. Viscosityalso increases with specific
surface area.The principal rheological speclfication for paper-grade
kaolins is the viscosity concentration value.This is equivalent to the
percentage by weight of a chemically deflocculated pigment in an
aqueous suspension which has a viscosity of 5 poise at 22°C when
measured with a BrookfieldRVF 100 viscometer. Typical viscosity
concentrations for coating clays vary from 64 - 74 wt%.
Powdered calcium carbonate, sometimes knownas ‘whiting’, is the
main alternative to kaolinin the paper industry bothfor filler and coating
applications. The introductionof alkaline and neutral papermaking
systems, togetherwith improved technologyfor producing finer grades
has led to calcium carbonate becoming a significant competitor to kaolin
in this market.

4.3 Ceramics

Until the endof the 19thcentury, kaolin was used almost exclusively in
the manufacture of ceramics. Although the tonnages usedin this
application arenow greatly exceededby those consumedin paper
makmg, whiteware ceramics and refractories remain a major market for
kaolin. Kaolin forms an important constituentof a number of ceramic
body formulations (Table3).

Table 3. Typical body compositionsforwhitewareceramics(Jepson, 1984)

Weight % total solids

clay Ball Kaolin Flux1 Quartz2 Others

Earthenware 15 25 25 35
Porcelain 15 60 10 15
china Bone 25 25 50 (bone ash)
Vitreouschina sanitaryware 20-30 20-30 15-25 30-40 0-3 (talc)
porcelain 20 30 30 20
tiles Wall 20 30 10-12
30-35 (limestone)

1 Usually K-feldspar, nepheline-syeniteor china stone.

2 Silica sand, calcined sand or flint.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



By definition, non-plastic kaolins havelow plasticity and lowdry

strength (due mainly to their relatively coarse particle size). Kaolinitic
ball clay is added to most ceramic bodiesconfer
to both plasticity and
greeddry strength. The main function of non-plastic kaolin in ceramics
is to confer whitenesson the body, thereforefired (as distinct from
natural) brightnessis the critical property in kaolins intended
for this
application. A low iron content(~0.9%) is necessary inorder to
achieve frred brightness values excess
in of 83% at 1180°C (Highley,
1984). The absenceof iron-bearing mineralssuch as biotite and
tourmaline is also important to prevent specking on the surface of the
fired product.
As in kaolins intended for paper manufacture, the rheological properties
of ceramic-grade kaolins are an important consideration. The main
controls on these properties are the particle-size distribution
of the clay
and the presenceof smectite. The overall effectof increasing smectite
concentration on the rheological behaviour of ceramic grade kaolin may
be summarized as follows:

Reduction in casting concentration (maximum amount of clay added

to produce a standard slip).
Reduction in casting rate (rateof clay build-up in the plaster mould).
Increase in deflocculant demand (amount of deflocculant required to
produce a slipof a standard viscosityat the casting concentration).
of smail amounts of smectite
Particle-size distribution and the presence
also influences properties suchas modulus of rupture (strength) and
shrinkage of the clay. Dry strength of the kaolin component is important
in bone china and some porcelain bodies where ball clay is absent.
These bodies utilise fine gradesof kaolin which exhibit a higher dry
strength. Coarser grades are used insanitaryware bodies where a
considerable thicknessof clay must dewater quickly into the plaster
The rangeof physico-chemical and ceramic properties against which
ceramic grade kaolinsare assessed is summarised in Table 4; typical
values are given for commercial products. The table shows the
dry strength,
relationship between particle size, rheological properties,
and fired shrinkage. The influenceof iron content on fired colour may
also be seen.

Mineralogy and PetrologyGroup, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



Table 4. Compositionandproperties of ceramic-gradekaolins

47 48 48
38 37 37
0.39 0.70 1.oo
0.03 0.02 0.05
0.10 0.06 0.07
0.22 0.30 0.30
0.15 0.10 0.10
0.80 1.85 2 .oo
13.0 12.2 12.1

% kaolinite 93 81 83
% micaceous material 4 15 13
% feldspar 2 1 1
% other minerals 2 3 2

85 57 40
1 10 20

Modulus of rupture
11.0(Kgf/cm2)1 25.7 55.0
Casting conc. (weight % solids) 58.0 62.5 64.5
Deflocculant ( 5 poise [OS Pas]);! 0.55 1.5 0.65
Casting rate (mm2/min) 0.35 0.80 1.5
% Brightness ( 118O"CP 95 86 82
% Shrinkage (1 180°C) 10 9 7.5

and bone china.

(a) ECC Super Standard Porcelain; high quahty tableware, porcelain
(b) ECC Grolleg; Earthenware, tableware.
(c) ECC Remblend; Sanitaryware.

1: Dried at 110°C.
2: Amount of P84 sodium silicate required for 5 poise slips.
3: At 457 nm wavelength.

Source: English China Clays technical literature.

Mineraiogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



4.4 Paint, rubber and plastics

Natural and calcined kaolins are used as functional fillers and extenders
in the paint, rubberand plastics industries. Clayis used both to enhance
the properties and reduce the cost of the final product. Attributes suchas
shape, sizeand surface propertiesof kaolin are important in these
applications. The mineral can alsobe reacted with certain organic
chemicals to give surface layers designed be to compatible with the
polymer. This leads to improvements in mechanical properties of the

4.4.1 Paint

mainly used in undercoats

Because of its high oil absorption, kaolin is
and water-based paints. In addition to reducing the overallcost of the
paint, it also contributes to the optical properties
of the productby
improving opacity or hiding power. Specifications for kaolin for
inclusion in paintare given in Table5.

Table 5. Specifications for kaolin for paint

Grades a b C

Sieve % >45 pm 0.5 0.1 0.05

particle size %

<20 pm 90 95 99.5
<lo pm 70 80 99.0
<2 pm* 15 35 70

* given for guidance oniy

Normal oil absorption values 30 to 60 g/lOOg

There areno British or International standards of brightness for fillers for paint.

Source: BS 1795: Extenders for paints and International Standard

Mineralogy and Petrology Group,British GeologicalSurvey 0 NERC 1993



Fine particle size,good dispersibility, lamellar structure and presenceof

electrostatic charges on the faces(negative)and edges (positive)of the
kaolinite particlesalso impart useful rheological properties to the paint.
These properties enable kaolin to function asa suspension aid,
preventing pigment settling in the can. Increasing quantities of calcined
clays are being used in paint formulations. Enhanced brightness(-90%)
improves opacity and allows this material replace
to part of the more
expensive Ti02 pigment. Calcination also produces harder particles
which impart greater durabilityto the paint film. Control parametersare
particle size and brightness. Kaolin grades used in paint are comparable
to those used for filling paper.

4.4.2 Rubber

Kaolin is the most extensively used non-black reinforcing filler in the

rubber industry. Critical propertiesof kaolin for use in rubber are
particle shape, particle-size distribution and
surface properties. Kaolins
used in rubber arecategorised as either semi-reinforcing 'hard' clays, or
as non-reinforcing 'soft' clays. Fine grades of kaolin (75-80% 2 pm)
have valuable reinforcing properties. These give high tensile strength
and abrasion resistance to the product. High brightness allows these
materials to be used in coloured compounds. Coarser grades (20-45%
<2 pm) make a smaller contributionto reinforcement, but can be used at
high loadings and thus contribute to cost savings. Kaolinswith specific
surface areas above10 m2/g have measurable reinforcing properties
whilst those below do not. Calcined kaolinshows marked differencesin
properties to the natural clay, including improved brightness and
increased electrical resistivity, and the most common application for this
material is in cable insulation compounds.

In plastics, kaolin is commonly usedin PVC flooring compounds.
Clays calcined at relatively low temperatures have important applications
in the cable industry asa filler in PVC for sheathing and insulation
purposes. Because of its high volumeresistivity, calcined clayis
particularly suitable for high-voltage insulation compounds where high
electrical resistance is required. Quality requirements for the polymer
industries are comparable to those for paper filling.

4.5 Other uses

Kaolin has a wide range of other applications for which quality

requirements are normally notso demanding, the notable exception
being in pharmaceutical products. The mineral is used as an anti-cahg

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0NERC 1993



agent in the manufactureof fertilizer prills,as a carrier for pesticides, in

the manufacture of white cement, whereit contributes alumina without
iron, and in the productionof glass fibre where again it is used as a low-
iron, low-alkali sourceof alumina.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993




The laboratory assessmentof kaolins may involvea variety of
mineralogical, chemical and physical techniques. The investigation
process may also include small-scale beneficiation trials and the analysis
of subsequent products to determine properties relevant atospecific
application. The extent to which these further investigationsare carried
out will depend on the outcome ofa preliminary characterisationof the
raw (‘head’) sample.
It must be stressed that the evaluation scheme and techniques described
in this manual are considered appropriate for a reconnaissance appraisal
of a deposit or deposits, such as might be carried out by a Geological
Survey or Mines Department.Highly-specidised use-related test
methods providing data requiredby consumers in the
paper/ceramics/polymer industries are not covered here. Results from
the tests discussed belowwill give the geologist information on the
likely quality, processing characteristics, and potential application(s)
a kaolin. This in turn will provide vital basic information to enable
mining companies and potential consumers to reach a decision on
whether further evaluationof the deposit is warranted.
An idealised assessment scheme for kaolin-bearing rocks is given in
Figure 6. The scheme covers mostof the potential stagesin preliminary
characterisation, beneficiation, and product evaluation.In a ‘real’
investigation, this scheme wouldbe modified accordingto the character
of the raw material and the likely marketfor the kaolin.

5.1 Preliminary
In addition to observation of normal geological parameters, examination
of potential kaolin-bearing rocksin the field should take particular
account of the colour of the clay. Since brightness is the critical
property in most high-value applicationsof kaolin, thereis little point in
wasting effort collecting samples which are not white or near whitein
colour. Kaolin-bearing rocks in tropical and sub-tropical latitudes are
commonly heavily stainedwith femc iron, resultingin a red or deep
pink coloration. This coloration may be evenly spread through the clay,
mottled, or as stringersor veins. If the staining is widespread, thenit is
very unlikely that the clay hasany potential in high-value applications. It
is generally not economic to chemically treat clay to remove staining of
this type. Small-scale mining techniques may permit pockets of white
clay to be worked amongst stained material, whilst larger scale
mechanised operations will requirea raw material of consistently high
brightness. The field geologist must, therefore, use colour asa primary
consideration in selecting samplesof kaolin-bearing rock for laboratory

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993




Visual colour assessment
Small (mineralogy)
TG (kaolinite grade)

Separate <2 pm fraction
by sedimentation/decantation Clay


I Microscope examination
Screen residue (mineralogy)
I SEM examination (processing
I characteristics/kaolinite paragenesis)

, Small sub
' Bulk XRD (mineralogy)

A TG (kaolinite grade)
Particle size-distribution
Bulk XRD (mineralogy)
I Clay XRD (clay mineralogy)
TG (kaolinite grade)
; : 1 Chemical analysis

TEM (kaolinite shape & aspect
I Particle-size distribution
8 N2 BET surface area
Natural colour
Ceramic properties (shrinkage,
porosity & fired colour)


Grade & recovery calculation


Figure 6. Idealisedlaboratoryassessmentscheme for kaolinite-bearing rocks.

Mineralogy and P8tfOlOgY Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



This initial stage in the laboratory assessment

of a potential kaolin will
generally be carried out on all samples receivedfrom the field.
Relatively rapid mineralogical analysis, coupled with a visual
assessment of colour, should allow samples to be prioritised.
Subsequent beneficiation trials and product evaluation are both
expensive and time consuming. The preliminary characterisation stage
will ensure that inferior samples are ‘screenedout’ so that resourcescan
be directed toward investigationof those samples with most commercial

5.1 .l Mineralogy
The primary aim of mineralogical analysisof potential kaolins is to
confirm the presenceof kaolinite. As with all clay-bearing rocks,
effective mineralogical analysis mustbe canied out by X-ray diffraction
(XRD). Analysis of ‘whole-rock’ randomly-oriented mounts will allow
identification of the main clay and non-clay components in the rock.
Although commercial kaolins are generally considered as monomineralic
clays, small amountsof other minerals are invariably present. The
quantity and natureof these minerals exert astrong influence on colour,
abrasiveness and viscosity which may have a deleterious effect on the
end product for particular applications. Examinationof oriented e2 pm
material separated from the rock will provide more detaded information
on the clay mineral species present.
Figure 7 shows an XRD trace of a randomly-oriented whole-rock mount
of a kaolinite-bearing rock from Zambia. Also shown are ‘stick
patterns’ corresponding to the component mineralsin the rock. These
are taken from the Joint Committee for Powder Diffraction(JCPDS)
index. The trace shows kaolinite, togetherwith significant amounts of
mica, K-feldspar and quartz.
In contrast, Figure8 shows an XRD trace of an oriented mount
prepared from a<2 pm fraction separated from the same Zambian clay.
This shows a<2 pm assemblage dominatedby a poorly-ordered
kaolinite. Small amounts of quartz and gibbsiteare also present. The
abrasion valueof this material maybe relatively high due to the presence
of very fme-grained quartz. Gibbsite was not detected in the whole-
rock XRD analysis of this material. In samples with more complexclay
mineralogy, standard diagnostic treatments such as those set out in
Brindley & Brown (1980) or Moore& Reynolds (1989)may have tobe
applied in order to identify the clay mineral species present.The
presence of mica mayaffect the chemistry and processing characteristics
of the kaolin. Relatively s m a l l quantities of smectite group minerals
may significantly modify the rheological properties of kaolin products.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group,British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



1 --

'28 Co Ka

Figure 7. Whole-rock,randomly-oriented XRD trace ( C o - K a ) of akaolinite-bearing rock

;am bia.

8.8 5.8 I ~ A 15.8 20 .8 25.6 38.6 "28 Co Ka

Figure 8. XRD trace (Co-Ka) of oriented <2 pm materialseparated from akaolinite-

bearing rock from Zambia.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 7993



XRD analysis of <2 pm material willalso give an indication of the

degree of order-disorder of the kaolinite(sometimes known as
‘crystallinity’). Figure 9 illustrates twokaolinites from Pugu in
Tanzania which show contrastingdegrees of crystal order. The
prominent basal spacings 001 and 002 near 14 and 29” 28 (Co Ka)in
sample S are relativelysharp and intense compared to sample H. The
sequence of 022, 112reflections in the22 to 30” 28 region is distinct in
sample S, contrasting with the diffuse‘tailed’reflections in sample H
which is characteristic of poorly-ordered kaolinites. The degreeof order-
disorder of the kaolinite component may influence the potential end-use
of the kaolin. Generally, though not always, well-ordered kaolinites are
coarser-grained and have better crystal morphology than more poorly-
ordered varieties. These differencesin physical characteristics will be
reflected in therheologcal and forming behaviourof products derived
from these clays. Commercial non-plastic kaolins generally contain
kaolinites which are well-ordered compared to those found in plastic
kaolinitic clays (ball clay).

Sample S


Sample H

Figure 9. XRD traces ( C o - K a ) of kaolinites from Tanzaniashowing

contrastingdegrees of ordeddisorder.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



A high degreeof kaolinite disordermay indicate the presence of

halloysite in a sample. Halloysite is a kaolin-group mineral which may
exist in two forms: a variety which has a layer of water between the7 A
layers to give a distinctive10 A spacing, and a dehydrated 7 A variety.
The interlayer water in10 A halloysite is easily driven offby gentle
heating. As a consequence,by the time a sample from the tropics
reaches the laboratory it has generally dehydrated the to 7 A form. For
all practical purposes,7 A halloysite is indistinguishable from highly
disordered kaoliniteby XRD and chemical analysis (Brindley & Brown,
1980). However, the fibrous or rolled habit generally shownby
halloysite crystals has a major influence on its behaviour and potential
applications. Its particle shape precludes use in paper manufacture and
restricts applicationsin the ceramic industry. Although the presenceof
halloysite may be inferred from rheological and forming behaviour (see
Section 5.2.6), transmission electron microscopy provides theonly
definitive methodof c o n f i g its presenceby examination of crystal
morphology (see Section 5.3.1). Some primarydeposits of kaolin
formed by deep tropical weatheringof granitic rocks have been found to
contain a significant proportionof halloysite. Halloysite should
therefore be suspected if highly-disordered kaoliniteis found in this type
of deposit.


E0, 90
\ Kaolinite dehydroxylation:
weight loss = 10 .8%

I kaolinitegrade = actual weiaht loss
= 10.8%! x 100 = 7
80 I I
I I I i
0 200 400 600 800
Temperature ("C)

Figure 10. Thermogravimetric (TG) curve of a kaolinite-bearing rock from


Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British GeologicalSurvey 0 NERC 1993



In addition to the qualitative mineralogical analysis carried out by
determination of kaolinite content provides useful information in the
preliminary assessment of a suiteof kaolin samples. In BGS
laboratories, kaolinite content (assayor grade) is generally determined
by thermogravimetric(TG) analysis. A typical TG curve for a kaolinite-
bearing rockis shown in Figure 10.
This procedure measures the change in mass of a sample as it is heated
14 weight %
at a controlled rate. Pure kaolinite loses approximately
between 500 and 600°C due to dehydroxylation. The percentage
kaolinite in an unknown sample can thereforebe calculated by dividing
the weight lossof the unknown by the weight loss of the pure mineral.
This determination depends on the kaolinite weight loss beingfree from
interference from weight losses associated with the breakdown of other

5.1.2 Colour

In addition to mineralogical analysis, visual colour assessment provides

a rapid meansof categorising a suiteof kaolinite-bearing samples. Clays
which are whiterin appearance shouldbe given a higher priorityfor
more detaded laboratory investigations. Although colour may be
assessed by simply comparing different samples ‘by eye’, the use of a
Munsell Soil ColourChart (Munsell Color Company, 1954) will ensure
a more objective approach. Colour assessment is best carried out ondry
samples, since moisture can significantly affect whiteness. Munsell
notation consistsof separate notations for hue, value and chroma.
Although the hue of unprocessed kaolins may vary from 5YR (yellow
red) through to 5Y (yellow), figures for valueare not likely to be below
8, with a chroma between0 and 4. Fully quantitative spectrophotometric
methods of colour measurement used in the assessment of kaolin
products are not appropriate for the characterisation
of unprocessed
‘head’ material.

5.2 Beneficiation trials

As discussed in Section3.2, almost all commercial kaolins require some

form of beneficiation in order to produce a marketable product. The type
and amount of processing required depends on several factors,
including the natureof the raw material, specifications of consuming
industries, amountof investment available and local conditions
trials in the
(availability of water etc.). Small-scale beneficiation
laboratory should take as many of these factorsas possible into account.
The aims of the laboratory trialsare to assess the processing
characteristics of the kaolin and to determine potential applications and
likely qualityof kaolin products. Rapid evaluation of products from the

Mineralogy and PetrologyGroup, British GeologicalSurvey 0 NERC 1993



beneficiation trials enables processing be

to adjusted to optimise
kaolinite grade and recovery.
Both laboratory beneficiationand commercial processing are essentially
size fractionation processes which utilise the tendency of kaolinite to
concentrate inthe fine fraction. ‘Wet’ processing is generally preferred
since this method is more efficientin concentrating kaolinite and is
much more commonly used commercially.A suggested flowsheetfor
laboratory beneficiationtrials of kaolin is given in Figure11.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



I Head sarnpld
IAttrition scrub]

I Wet screen on 4 mrn, 2 mm, 1 mm, 500 prn, 250 pm, 125 prn, 63 prn 1

<63 pm suspension

A: High recovery/low grade I B: Low recovery-highgrade I




10 rnm Underflow Underflow

cyclone cyclone

i, Overflow

Figure 11. These alternative hydrocyclone processing schemesare intended to maximise either
grade or recovery. By repassing the underflow product through the cyclone (Scheme A), more
material will be recovered to overflow. If the overflow fraction is repassed (Scheme B), then
less material will be recovered. However, the final product of B is likely to be higher in
kaolinite and have a finer particle-size distribution than thefinal product of A.

Scheme A is more likely to be used on a head material with a low kaolinite grade. A high
kaolinite grade head samplemight be processed using Scheme B, since overall kaolinite
recovery is likely to be less critical and the
final product of higher quality.

Mineralogy and PetrologyGroup, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



5.2.1 Attrition and wet screening

In the BGS laboratories, ‘wet’ processing of kaolin begins withthe

dispersion of the kaolinite-bearing rock sample in waterin an attrition
cell. This is generally carried out using a heavy duty laboratorystirrer
rotating at a knownrate for a given period of time.This method has
been found to be very effective in breaking up aggregates and liberating
kaolinite to suspension, whilst minimising the production of non-clay
fines. This is followed by wet screening through sieves ranging from
500-63 pm to produce a kaolinite-rich<63 pm suspension. A method
for attrition and wet screeningof kaolinite-bearing rocksis given in
Appendix 1.

5.2.2 Hydrocyclone treatment

Kaolinite is further concentrated by size fractionationof the suspension

using a laboratory hydrocyclone in combination with a suitable pump.
A number of laboratory hydrocyclone/pump combinations may be used
to process kaolin. Selection dependson the amountof suspension
available and the desired cut point (the particle size at which the
hydrocyclone splits the feed into the coarser ‘underflow’ and finer
‘overflow’). If <63 pm suspension volumesexceed 20 litres, then a
50 mm cyclone (Figure
pilot scale test rig fitted with a relatively large
12) will effectively concentrate kaoliniteby removing >15 pm material
to underflow. The effect of this treatment on the particle-size
distribution of a kaolinite-bearing clay from Zimbabwe is illustrated in
Figure 13.
If required, thefine overflow fraction from the 50 mm hydrocyclone can
provide suitable feedstock for a multiple 10 mm hydrocyclone (Figure
14). This unit allows veryfine cut points (down to2 pm) and is
of kaolins to give productswith
particularly suited to fractionation
similar size distributionsas commercial filler and coating grades
(Bloodworth, 1989). Figure 15 shows the effectiveness of this unit in
concentrating the<2 pm fraction of a kaolin from Pugu, Tanzania.
Pilot-scale hydrocyclone test rigs are unsuitable for treating small
suspension volumes(>20 litre is required to fill the sump and allow the
monopump to work effectively). Volumes as low as 1 litre have been
separated using asmall glass hydrocyclone linked to a suitable
rotary or
diaphram pump (Figure 16). This unit will generally give a similar
point to the larger50 mm cyclone.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



Figure 12. 50 mm hydrocyclone in operation.






.1 1 10 100


Figure 13. Particle-sizedistributioncurves 'showingtheeffect of

50 mm hydrocyclonetreatment on aZimbabwekaolin.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey0 NERC 1993



Figure 14. 10 mm hydrocycloneinoperation.

.1 1 10 100
Equivalent spherical diameter urn)
Figure 15. Particle-sizedistributioncurvesshowingthe effectof
10 mm hydrocyclonetreatment on akaolinfromTanzania.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



Figure 16. Bench top glass hydrocyclone and pump unit.

Typical schemes for the hydrocyclone treatment

of kaolin suspensions
are given in Figure11. Re-passing over- and/or underflow products
through the cyclone will ‘sharpen-up’ cut-points and (depending on the
scheme implemented) improve grade or recovery of both kaolinite and
e2 pm particles.
The beneficiation processis monitored throughoutby carrying out
particle-size analysis and kaolinite assay
on selected products. Rapid
analysis by X-ray sedigraph and thermogravimetry (see Section 5.3)
allows the processing scheme to be modified to optimise grade and
recovery of kaolinite at fine particle sizes.

5.2.3Chemical bleaching
Chemical bleachingis a standard industrial technique used to improve
the brightnessof kaolins intendedfor high-value applications (see
Section 3.2.2). Dependingon the degree of coloration and theintended
it may be useful to assessin
markets for a kaolin under investigation,
the laboratory the extent to which the brightness of a clay can product
improved by chemical treatment. Bleachingis carried outby the
sodium dithionite,
addition of a strong reducing agent (generally

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey0 NERC 1993



Na2S204) which reduces femc iron coating the surfaces of the kaolinite
particles to the ferrous form. The process whitens the clay and allows a
small proportion of the total iron to be removed in solution. Figure 17
show the effect of this treatment on the brightnessa kaolin
of from
Zimbabwe. A laboratory method for chemical bleaching of kaolin
products is given in Appendix4.



50 1 1 L 1
4500 5000 5500 6000
Wavelength (A>

Figure 17. Spectrophotometriccurvesshowing the effect of

chemical bleaching on the brightness of akaolin from Zimbabwe
(sample ‘O/F treated’ bleached withsodiumdithionite).

5.3 Product evaluation

Kaolin product evaluation involves determination of mineralogical,

physical, and chemical properties relevant to the potential applications of
the clay. Some of these data willbe gathered as the beneficiation trials
take place and maybe used to assess and improve the efficiency of this
process. A wide range of analysis techniques maybe applied to the
various productsof the beneficiation process, although most will be
applied to the fine hydrocyclone overflow products in which kaolinite
concentrates. The use-related testing scheme undertaken depends on the
likely markets for the kaolin, although fundamental properties such as
mineralogy, particle-size distribution and brightness will also
likely applications For example, products witha high proportion of<2

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



vm particles and high natural brightness might warrant further

investigation for applications in the paper industry, whereas tests
relating to ceramics applications could be applied to coarser material.
Some of the tests described below aredirectly comparable to those used
by manufacturers and consumersof kaolin products. Othersare
modified versionsof commonly-used tests,or are procedures which
were developed inBGS laboratories usingless sophisticated equipment
more appropriate to reconnaissance studiesof kaolins. The likely
quality of ‘unknown’ kaolinsis therefore bestassessed in this typeof
study by direct comparison with the behaviour of samples of
commercial products which have been analysed using the same

5.3.1 Mineralogy
Examination of sieve residuesby binocular microscope provides a
simple methodof identifying the coarse-grained components of the
kaolinite-bearing rock,as well as monitoring the efficiencyof the
attrition-scrub dispersion process. This technique mightalso be used to
identify any potential commercial ‘by-products’in the coarse fraction
such as K-feldsparor silica sand. Table6 presents the compositionof
the coarse fractionof two contrasting kaolinite-bearing rocks from
The coarse fractionof the first sample is typicalof deeply-weathered
granitic rock,with abundant quartz, as well as unaltered mica,and
feldspar which has not yet been kaolinised. The presence of kaolinite
aggregates in sieve residues from the second sample shows that the
attrition process was ineffectivein dispersing the clay .
Transmission electron microscopes (TEM) can provide usefuldata on
size, shape, and aspect ratioof kaolinite crystals in fine-grained
products from beneficiation trials.TEM imaging also allows the
positive identificationof halloysite.
Samples forTEM analysis are generally taken from hydrocyclone
overflow products. Some typical imagesare shown in Figures 18 to
21. Crystals of kaolinite showing characteristic hexagonal form are
shown in Figure 18. Metal shadowing providesquantitative data on
19). Aggregates or ‘books’of
plate thickness and aspect ratio (Figure
undispersed kaolinite (Figure20) indicate thatfurther processing might
be necessary to delaminate the clay andincrease the proportionof fine-
grained material. This figure also showsthe presence of halloysite
along with kaolinite. Halloysite may dominate the clay assemblage
(Figure 21).

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey0 NERC 1993



Table 6. Compositionofthe >63 p n fractionofkaolinite-bearingrocksfromKenya.

Minerals arelisted in approximate order ofabundance.

ELD 2 (Weathered granitic rock)

>4000 q-
4000-2000 feldspar
quartz, white
2000- 1000 opaques
quartz, white
1000-500 opaques
quartz, white
esquartz,feldspar, white 500-250
250- 125 opaques
125-63 opaques
white feldspar,

EBBURU 1 (HydrothermaLly-altered t@
>4000 Fe-stained)
4000-2000 aggregates kaolinite
clear quartz, milky quartz
1000-500 kaolinite
clear quartz, milky quartz
500-250 opaques
250- 125 quartz
I 25-63 kaolinite

Scanning elemon microscopy (SEM) is a less useful tool than E M in

the evaluationof kaolinites, although it can provide data on the
effectiveness of processing. Figure 22 shows the surfaceof a partially-
kaolinised feldspar grain coated withtubular halloysite crystals. The
presence of clay intimately associated with feldspar taken from a sieve
residue indicates that the attrition scrubbing process hasbeen not totally
effective in concentrating this materialin the fine fraction.SEM studies
also provide dataon the petrography and paragenesis of the kaolinite-
bearing rock, although this is nota high initial priority inan economic
XRD provides basic mineralogical data on the fine-grained products
from beneficiation trials. The distributionof clay and non-clay minerals
between different hydrocyclone under- and overflow products can be
monitored and the process adjustedif necessary. Techniques used are
identical to those used to characterise the raw material (Section
Figure 23 shows contrastingXRD traces of randomly-oriented mounts
prepared from hydrocyclone under- and overflow products.The
effectiveness of the hydrocyclone in removing feldspar, mica and quartz
from the fine fraction can clearlybe seen. XRD is particularly important
in identifying potentially abrasive mineral impurities in products

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



processing trials. The presenceof fine quartz ina product which

otherwise hasa high kaolinite grade anda high proportion of <2 pm
particles will significantly reduce its potentiala high-value
as paper
coating clay.
Thermogravimetry (TG) is used to provide the quantitative data needed
to assess the efficiencyof the beneficiation process. Kaolinite gradeof
the various productsof the beneficiation trials is determined by TG
analysis. These data are combined with the kaolinite gradeof the raw
material, and the weight percentage distributionof material between the
different beneficiation productsto produce product grade and recovery
data. A ‘worked example’of a kaolinite grade and recovery calculation
is given in Appendix 2.

Figure 18. Transmissionelectronmicrographofwell-formed

hexagonalcrystalsofkaolinitefromTanzania (X 54000).

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey0 NERC 1993



Figure 19. Transmissionelectronmicrograph of well-formed

hexagonalcrystalsofkaolinite from Uganda (X 50000). The
crystalshave been metal-shadowedtoallowmeasurementof


Figure 20. Transmissionelectronmicrographshowingalargestack

of kaolinitecrystals from Bolivia.Note alsothepresence of some
‘tubes’ (X 12000).

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993


Figure 21. Transmissionelectronmicrograph of tubularhalloysite

fromKenya (X 20000).

Figure 22. Scanningelectronmicrograph of tubularhalloysite

formingfromcorrodedfeldspar,Bolivia(scalebar = 20 pm).

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey0 NERC 1993

.. .



{ Underflow U


\ Overflow

"28Co Ka

Figure 23. XRD tracesshowingcontrastingmineralogy of under-

and overflow fractionsseparatedfromaBoliviankaolinite-bearing

5.3.2 Chemistry

Major element chemical analysis is generally canied out on kaolin

products which have potential applicationsin the ceramics industry. AS
discussed in Section 4.3, iron content is particularly critical when
assessing kaolin for this application. Concentrations of alkalis and
elements such as titaniumalso influence fired properties such as
shrinkage and fired colour. A variety of analysis methods maybe used,
depending on facilities and equipment.The preferred method for major
element analysisof kaolins in theBGS laboratories is X-ray
fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry.

5.3.3 Particle-size distribution

Particle-size distributiondata on the raw sampleand the various

products of beneficiation mals are criticalin assessing economic

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



potential. Along with colour, fine particle size is the property which
makes kaolin commercially valuable.
‘Whole-rock’ particle size is determined from weight distribution
screen residues, combined with sub-sieveanalysis carried out usinga
sedimentation method such as Andreasen pipetteor X-ray sedigraph.
Hydrocyclone productsare also analysed using sub-sieve sedimentation
techniques. Appendix 3 details procedures for these techniques.
Particle-size data are generally plotted on log-normal paper. Related
products may be plotted on the same chart to assess the efficiency of the
process (Figure 13). In the assessment of economic potential,critical
point values include percentage<2 pm, % <lo pm and % >53pm (see
Section 4). It is theoretically possible to calculate the recoveryof <2
pm material to the various separation products. This can be calculated
in a similar way to kaolinite recovery from size data and weight
percentage distribution between the products. However, this proves
difficult tocany out in practice becausethe high-shear conditions
encountered by the kaolin suspensions within the hydrocyclones tend to
increase the proportionof <2 pm materialas aggregates are brokenup
(Bain & Morgan, 1979). This effect invalidates the relationship
between the amount of<2 pm material in the products and the amount
in the <63 pm suspension from which they were derived.

5.3.4 Surface area

Surface areaof kaolins is closely linkedto particle size. This
relationship is clearly shown in Figure 24 where surface area data from
a series of kaolin products derived from thesame raw material are
plotted against percentage material falling below 2 pm. Surface area
7 gives
values increase as the particle size of the kaolin decreases. Table
typical surface area values fora range of kaolins. These values were
obtained using the single-pointN2 BET method. Surface area values
are often quotedfor higher-value commercial kaolins, such as those
used in paper manufacture.
Table 7 shows that the surface area values of fine-grained paper coating
grade clays exceed thoseof coarser filler grade. Hydrocyclone products
derived from halloysitic clays generally show a much higher surface
area than most of their kaolinitic equivalents. This contrast is probably
due to fundamental differences in particle shape. Appendix4 gives
information on preparation of kaolin samplesfor surface area analysis
using the N2 BET method.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey0 NERC 1993




80 H



5 50
s 8



2 4 6 8 10 12
Surface area (m2/g)

Figure 23. Plot showingrelationshipbetweenparticlesizeand

surfacearea in aseriesofproducts from a Tanzaniankaolin.

Table 7. Typical N2 BET surfaceareavaluesforkaolinsand


Surface area(m2/g)

13 clay)*SPS
Superclay F (paper
clay)* 10
8 clay)*
Pugu 10
Pugu 22
MUR 9 (halloysite): Kenya 17
ELD 2 Kenya 28

* Kaolins producedby ECC International Ltd.


Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0NERC 1993



5.3.5 Colour measurement

Quantitative measurementof colour, or ‘brightness’(or ‘whiteness’),is

of critical importancein the economic evaluationof kaolin products. As
discussed in Section 4, natural brightnessis crucial in assessmentof
kaolin for the paper and filler markets, whereas fired colouris important
in kaolins for usein ceramics.
Measurement of colour of white mineral powders (includmg kaolin) is
generally carried outby determining the percentage reflectance from the
powder compared to a perfectly reflecting standard(BaS04). The
reflectance spectrophotometer measures the amount of light reflected
from the surfaceof a powdered sample. The light is filteredso that only
that within a chosen narrow band of the spectrum (wavelength)is
measured. Depending on the colour of the sample, the amountof light
reflected varies with different filters.
There are various methodsof measuring colour using the reflectance
spectrophotometer,but perhaps the simplest involves the determination
of a spectrophotometric curvefor the sample (Figure 25). Here, the
colour of the sample is expressed as wavelength against reflected
intensity. A pure white sample showsno change in overall reflectivity
with different wavelengths. A grey sample show the samebut with
lower overall reflectivity.A red sample shows higher reflectivity at the
long wavelength endof the spectrum.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993




L White
80 -
2 60 -
s 40 -
1 Grey

3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000

Visible light wavelength (A)

Figure 25. Spectrophotometric curves ofwhite, greyand red mineralpowders as

measured by a reflectance spectrophotometer.

As discussed in Section 4.2, industry brightness measurement is

becoming increasingly standardised. Brightness is generally measured
against a white ISO-approved standard usinga Carl Zeiss Photoelectric
Reflection Photometer (‘Elrepho’). The EEL Reflectance
Spectrophotometer providesa low-cost alternativeto this sophisticated
and expensive equipment. Although not directly comparable to the
‘Elrepho’, quantitative data from this apparatusofaresufficient quality
for reconnaissance studiesof kaolin products. A procedure for the
measurement of kaolin brightness is given in Appendix5.
Some typical spectrophotometric curves from kaolin products are shown
in Figure 26. Natural kaolins generally show higher reflectance at
longer wavelengthsof light. This yellow or red coloration may or may
not be detectable by the human eye. Colour specifications by
manufacturers and consumers are generally given as the I S 0 brightness
at 4570 (or 457 Nm). This figure can be read from the
spectrophotometric curve. Although the value derived from the EEL
instrument is not strictly equivalent to the
IS0 standard, it does provide
a useful method for comparing the colour of ‘unknown’ samples with
proven commercial products which have been analysed using the same

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0NERC 1993



100 1

Wavelength (A)
Figure 26. Spectrophotometriccurvesand brightnessdatafortwo
kaolinsfrom southwestEngland.


Qo -Palm'ra
h 90 .


70 I

900 1000 1100 1200 1300

Temperature ("C)

Figure 27. Change in 4700 reflectance values with

temperatureshown by kaolinsfromBolivia.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



The degreeof slope on the curve is sometimes be expressed as

‘yellowness’. This value is derivedby subtracting the brightness value
at 4570 A from that at5700 A (see Figure 26). Again this is not strictly
comparable to yellowness values given in commercial specifications.
In assessing the potential of ceramic-grade kaolins, fired brightness isof
crucial importance. Samplesare prepared by dry (dust) pressingdiscs
of raw kaolin (usually in a powder press used for preparing discs for X-
ray fluorescence analysis). These discsare then fired to a set
temperature or range of temperatures prior colour
to measurement. The
procedure for colour measurement of fired materialis identical to that
used in the analysis of natural kaplins. Fired colour is generally
expressed as brightness at4570 A at a specific temperature (Table4) or
plotted as a curve to show the changein brightness over a range of
firing temperatures (Figure26). Determination of other fired properties
is discussed in Section 5.2.7.

5.3.6 Rheology

Viscosity measurementsof kaolin slurries are essential in evaluation of

potential for high-value applications such aspaper making and cast
ceramic bodies. The most widely-used instrumentfor the measurement
of low-shear viscosityin kaolin slumes is the Brookfield Viscometer.
Viscosity isa measure of the resistance of a liquid to flow, and the
amount of shear required to induce flow is used as a measure of the
apparent viscosity. Most clay slurries behaveas a non-Newtonian fluid
where shear stress is not proportionalto shear rate.
Kaolin slurry viscosityis influenced by a number of factors including
viscosity of the fluid medium, solids concentration, particle geometry,
particle interaction, particle-size distribution, non-kaolinite mineralogy
(especially smectite), soluble salt content,pH, and temperature.
Viscosity measurement procedures usedin the BGS laboratories are
based on those developed by ECC International Ltd for testing kaolin
products for the paper industry. Mitchell(1991) gives a more detailed
review of viscosity measurement of kaolin slurries. Detailed procedures
for the various viscosity tests are given in Appendix
6. These comprise:
FZowabiZity - the solids content at which the clay slurryjust begins
to flow.
DefloccuZant demand - the minimum amount of deflocculant required
to obtain a minimum-viscosity slurry.
Viscosity concentration - the solids concentrationof a fully
deflocculated claywhich has a viscosity of 5 poise at 22°C.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey0 NERC 1993



These tests are sequentially related.The flowability value is required

order to determine deflocculant demand, which in turn is needed to
determine viscosity concentration. Figure28 shows a typical
deflocculant demand curve fora coating grade kaolin.A curve usedto
calculate the viscosity concentrationfor the same clay is shown in
Figure 29.
The above test procedures are specific to the paper industry, although
those used in testingfor ceramic applicationsare similar. In the
procedure for ceramic applicationsa slurry is prepared by adding
deflocculant in small amounts until flowabilityis reached. The slurry is
then left to stand, after which further additions of deflocculant are made
until viscosity no longer falls. At this point water is added until the
viscosity is 5 poise. The solids content of this final slurry is known as
the casting concentration.. This test is equivalent to the viscosity
concentration used for testing kaolins for paper.
Table 8 details the rheological properties of some commercial kaolins,
together with kaolin products from laboratory beneficiation trials. These
data show that some of the laboratory-processed African kaolins have
similar viscosity concentrations to commercial coating and ceramic grade
The influence of particle shapeon viscosity is illustrated by comparison
of the viscosity concentration values of the Muranga halloysitic clays
with those from ‘normal’ kaolins (Table 8). Shape influences the
effective or swept volume whicha particle occupies during movementof
the slurry (Millman, 1964). The swept volumeof non-spherical
particles, such as plates(kaolinite) and rods (halloysite),is controlled by
the largest diameter, and volume increases disproportionately with
increase in size. The presence of halloysite increases viscosity because
the rod-shaped particles havea higher swept volumethan plates and also
have a tendency to tangle with each other.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 8 NERC 1993



Table 8. Rheologicalproperties of selectedcommercialkaolinsandproductsof

beneficiationtrialsonaseries of kaolinite-bearingrocks fromAfrica.

Sample size Flowability Deflocculant
content (%) <10pm <2 pm (wt %) demand*

Commercial kaolins: coating grade

SPS 79
82 97 67.5 1.4 66.3
98 95 Supreme 66.6 1.5 66.4
Dinkie A 88 70 97 70.5 1.3 71.1

Commercial kaolins: ceramic grade

97 85 porcelain 64.6 1.3 64.7
Treviscoe 83 37 89 66.3 1.7 62.1

African kaolins
6 97 Eburru 64.6 1.4 61.7
51 92
A t 97 64.9 1.9 57.0
49 B t 94
95 48.6 2.5 52.9
Pugu H90 98 79 45.7 1.1 62.0
Pugu s 85 47 97 47.9 1.1 7 1.2

* Deflocculant demand values represent volume (ml) of sodium hexametaphosphate (Calgon) solution required
per 100 g of sample to attain minimum viscosity.
t Halloysitic clays

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993




$ 700

8 500 I \ viscosity = 1.3 mi 25% Calgon



.2 300
0.8 1.o 1.2 1.4 1.6
ml (25% Calgon)

Figure 28. Deflocculantdemand curve for a coatinggradekaolin

from south-westEngland.


0.8 Viscosity concentration = 71.1o/o solids I




0 .o
68 67 66 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
Solids concentration (Wt Oh)

Figure 29. Viscosityconcentrationcurvefor a coatinggradekaolin

from south-westEngland.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey0 NERC 1993



5.3.7 Modulus of rupture

Knowledge of the modulusof rupture (MOR)of a kaolin being

considered asa raw materialfor fine ceramics is necessary becauseof its
contribution to strength. Semi-dry and dry unfired ceramic articles must
have sufficient strength to enable them to be handled, finished and
placed for firing. The strength of a dried clay rapidly decreases as
moisture is adsorbed; however, at80% relative humidity the equilibrium
moisture level ofa clay is such that small moisture changes do not
significantly alter the strength. Thisis near the average condition in
which clay strength is significant in industry, and a detailed appraisalof
the strength of a clay would therefore includeMOR determination of the
clay conditioned at approximately80% RH as well as of the dried clay.
As will be seen below, MORresults are very dependent on the
preparation and preconditioning of the clay test pieces and on the exact
conditions of measurement. Relationships betweenMOR measurement
and experimental conditions are discussed by West (1969) and
Williamson (197 1).
The MORof a kaolin is determinedon a three-point-load test rig (Figure
30), most convenientlyon a rod-shaped test piece.

Load (L) applied

Upper surface in compression

\ / 1

Lower surface in tension Knife'edge

Figure 30. Three-point loading for MOR test.

The centre load point is gradually moved against the test piece until it
fractures, and the MORis calculated using the following formula:
MOR = 8LD (kg/cm*)

where: L = breaking load inkgf

D = distance between supports in cm
d = diameter of test piece in cm.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, BritishGeological Survey 0 NERC 1993



The ratioof D to d should be as near to 6:1 as possible and theMORis

taken as the average of 10 measurements. Because flaws and air
bubbles in the test pieces can seriously affect MOR results, test pieces
should be inspected visually before testing and unsatisfactory ones
rejected. A standard deviation of 4 % should be aimed for on theMOR
measurements: resultson any test pieces significantly below the
provisional mean shouldbe disregarded and the mean recalculated on
the reduced number of test pieces. If more than three samples deviate
significantly from the provisional mean thena new batch of test pieces
should be prepared.
The most important variable when measuring MOR is the rate of
loading. In general, as the rate of loading is increased so the MOR
increases. Modem MOR testing machines are electronically controlled
so a constant rate canbe guaranteed - a rate of 20 mm per minute isa
satisfactory average for comparative testing purposes. Measurement of
unfired modulus of rupture of kaolins (which are relatively low-strength
compared to other clays) requires a high-sensitivity machine. Table 9
gives some typicalMOR values for kaolins.

Table 9. Typicalmodulus o f rupturevaluesforkaolins from south-

west England

at 80% dried at
relative 110°C

ECC ‘Super StandardPorcclain’ 27.0 55.0

ECC ‘Grolleg’ 10.0 25.7
‘Remblend’ ECC 5.0 11.0

Preparation of test pieces for MOR measurement For routine

measurements on a reconnaissance basis, determinationof MOR on
extruded test piecesdned at 105OC is recommended. The procedure
follows that described in Appendix 8, except that the test piecesare cut
into 6 cm lengths, allowedto air dry for two hours and then driedat
105°C overnight. Before testing they are allowed to cool in a
desiccator. Any further testing for suitability of kaolin for fine ceramics
would involve a much more careful and reproducible preparation
procedure (Appendix 7).

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, BritishGeological Survey 0 NERC 1993



5.3.7 Fired properties

The properties ofa fired kaolin product provides additional information

on the potential of the clay for usein ceramics. Changes in physical
properties such as shrinkage, porosity andcolour are monitored over the
temperature range generally usedto produce clay body ceramics(900-
1250°C). Variation in firing behaviour mainly results from differences
in chemistry and particle-size distribution. Kaolins whichare relatively
high in alkalis and/or ironwill develop high shrinkage and low porosity
at lower firing temperatures; kaolins which are relativelylow in these
‘fluxing’ elementswill tend to be more refractory. Similarly, kaolins
with a fine particle-size distributiontend to form a low porosity body at
lower temperatures thana coarser-grained clayof equivalent
The fired properties ofa laboratory-processed kaolin from Bolivia are
shown in Figure 30 as a series of ‘vitrification curves’. Porosity shows
little alterationup to 1 100°C, from which point it falls rapidly. Values
change little up to this point, though the refractory kaolinite undergoes
sintering and solid-state reaction. Mullite and cristobalite willform from
the kaolinite through the latter process. This is indicated by an increase
in specific gravity up to 1 100°C.

As temperature increases, grains begin to melt and the liquid produced

fills the space between particles. This action decreases pore volume and
specific gravity (disordered liquid hasa lower SG than crystalline
material). As porosity decreases, shrinkage and bulk density increase.
This occurs slowlyat first, but then becomes more rapid as melting
takes over from sintering and solid-state reaction as the dominant
process within the ceramic body. The alkali and/or iron content will
influence the rate at which melting will occur through their fluxing
action on silica and alumina. Fine particle size will tend to increase the
rate at which these reactionsoccur.
A procedure for measurementof fired propertiesis described in
Appendix 8. Determinations are carried out on test pieces extruded from
the kaolin product. In BGS laboratories, test pieces are firedin a
temperature-gradient furnace which allows simultaneous firing to eight
points over a temperature range 900-1250°C. The process can be
carried out equally wellwith separate stagefirings of test pieces to
different temperaturesin a laboratory muffle furnace. Porosity, volume
shrinkage, specific gravity andbulk density are determined by
comparison of weight in air and under mercury (before firing) and
weight in air, under mercury and following water absorption (after
As with some other test methods described in this manual, assessment.
of fired properties using this technique is best carried outby comparison
of ‘unknown’ material with the behaviour of test pieces preparedfrom

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



commercial ceramic grade kaolins which have been subjected to the

same tests. The refractorinessof different clays can then be assessed by
comparing volume shrinkageand porosity at particular firing

40 50

30 40

20 30

10 20

800 900 1000 1100 1200
1300 800 900 1000110012001300
Temperature ("C) Temperature ("C)


3.75 14 =E

>r 3.50 2.0
L1 \

y, 1.4
2.50 1.o
800 900 1000 1100 1200
1300 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Temperature ("C) Temperature ("C)

Figure 30. Firedproperties of a kaolin from Bolivia.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



Bain, J A & Morgan, D J (1982) Laboratory separationof clays by
hydrocycloning. Clay Miner. 18, 33-47.
Bloodworth, A J, Morgan, D J & Briggs, D A (1989) Laboratory trials
on kaolin-bearing sandstones from Pugu, Tanzania using conventional
and new hydrocyclone bodies. Clay Miner. 24, 539-548.
Bristow, C M (1969) Kaolin deposits of the United Kingdomof Great
Britain and Northern Ireland. In: Kaolin depositsof the World.
A-Europe. Proc. 23rd Int. Geol. Congr., Prague, 1968., 275-288.
Bristow, C M (1987) World kaolins: genesis, exploitation and
application. Ind. Miner. 238, 45-49.
Brindley, G W & Brown, G (1980) Crystal Structures of Clay Minerals
and their X-ray Identification. Mineral. SOC. London 5.
ECC (undated) Test method P106 - Viscosity concentration. In:
Products for the Paper Industry, ECC International.
ECC (undated) Test method P107 - Deflocculant demand. In:Products
for the Paper Industry, ECC International.
Highley, D E (1984) China Clay. Miner. Resour. Consult. Comm.
Mineral Dossier 26. HMSO, London. 65 pp.
Jepson, W B (1984) Kaolins: their properties and uses.Phil. Trans.R.
Soc. Lond., A311, 41 1-432.
Mitchell, C J (1991) Viscosity measurementof kaolinite using the
Brookfield viscometer. Tech. Rep. Brit. Geol.Sum. WG/91/23R.
Millman, N (1964) Some factors that influence the viscosity
of paper
coating compositions. TAPPI, 47, 168-173.
Moore, D M & Reynolds, R C (1989) X-ray Difractionand the
Identification and Analysis of Clay Minerals. Oxford University Press,
New York. 332 pp.
Munsell Color Company (1954)
Munsell Soil Color Charts. Munsell
Color Co. Inc. Baltimore.
Patterson, S H & Murray, H H (1984) Kaolin, refractoryclay, ball clay
and halloysite inNorth America, Hawaii and the Caribbean Region. Us
Geol. Sum. Prof. Paper 1306. 56pp.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0NERC 1993


Pemberton, M J (1989) Mineral processing within ECC International

Ltd. In:Mineral Processingin the UK (Ed. Dowde, P A). IMM,
Tanner, CB & Jackson, ML (1948) Nomograms of sedimentation
times for soil particles under gravity or centrifugal acceleration.
Soil Sci. SOC. Am. 12, 60-65.
West, R R (1969) Characteristicsof clay relatedto dry strength. Ceram.
Bull. 48, 209-213.
Williamson, W0 (1970) Strengthof dried clay- a review.Ceram.
Bull. 50, 620-625.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British GeologicalSurvey 0 NERC 1993



Appendix 1: Dispersion and wet screening of

kaolinite-bearing rock.
This procedure is used in the preparationof a <63pm suspension
suitable for hydrocyclone treatment. Wet screeningalso allows the
particle-size distributionof the %3 pm portion of the rock to be
The amountof starting material (‘head’ sample) required depends on the
kaolinite grade and on the type of hydrocyclone/pump tobe used in the
beneficiation trials. High-grade head samples will requireless starting
material than low-grade to produce a <63 pm suspension containing a
similar amount of kaolinite. A pilot-scale hydrocyclone test rig will
require about20 1 of suspension in order to function, whereas a
reasonable separation canbe achieved using a small glass cyclone with
about 1 1 of suspension. While the solids concentrationin a
hydrocyclone feed should not exceedlo%, a 5% suspension is
probably optimum. The solids concentrationis easily measured by sub-
sampling asmall known volumeand weighing the residue after oven-
The attrition scrub dispersion and wet screening procedure inused
laboratories for kaolinite-bearing rocksasisfollows:
Electric stirrer
Screens: 4 mm
500 pm
250 pm
125 pm
63 pm
Automatic wet sieve shaker
Evaporating dishes
Drylng oven set 60°C
Top-loading balance
1. Oven-dry head sample overnight at 6OoC,weigh and place in a
large plastic bucket. Cover with enough distilled waterto make
up a suspension approximately10% by weight.
2. Place a large paddle stirrer in the bucket and set at 250 rpm for
two hours.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



Appendix 1 (continued)
3. Set up a nest of sieves (4 mm, 2 mm, 1 m,500 pm, 250 pm,
125 pm and 63 pm) on the automatic wetsieve shaker. Set up a
bucket to receive the <63 pm suspension.
4. Carefully pour the contentsof the bucketon to the topmost sieve
and set the sieve vibrator and water spray.
This may have to be
done in stagesto avoid clogging thefiner sieves.
5. The combined actionof the vibrator and water spray will
fractionate the different size ranges on the sieves. Monitor each
screen carefully to avoid clogging.The end point is reached
when the water passing through each sieve becomes clear of
particulate matter.
6. Disassemble the sieve stack and wash each residue an into
evaporating dish anddry overnight at 6OOC. Weigh and retain
for binocular microscope examination.
7. Sub-sample the <63 pm suspension for particle size analysis
and to calculate solids concentration. When sampling ensure
that all solids are in suspension.
8. Calculate amount retainedon each sieveas a percentageof the
weight of the head sample. Calculate percentage <63pm by
Note: If an automatic wet sieve shakeris unavailable, then wash
material through each screen individually int0.a bucket, starting with the
coarsest screen. Take care notto use an excessive amountof water.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British GeologicalSurvey 0 NERC 1993



Appendix 2: Kaolinite grade and recovery calculation

A 'worked example'of a kaolinite grade and recovery calculation
given below:

Kaolin-bearing rock, Eburru, Kenya

Head grade (by thermogravimetry) = 94% kaolinite
Head sampleweight = 551.5 g
therefore weight kaolinite in head = (551.5/100) x 94 = 518.4 g

Weight material retained on sieves = 15.4 g

Hydrocyclone underflow grade = 91% kaolinite

Hydrocyclone underflow weight = 99.4 g
therefore weightkaolinite in underflow = (99.4/100) x 91 = 90.45 g
therefore kaolinite recovered from head to underflow = (90.45/5 18.4) x 100 = 17 %

Hydrocyclone overflow grade = 95% kaolinite

Hydrocyclone overflow weight = 436.7 g
therefore weight kaolinite in overflow = (436.7/100) x 91 = 414.86 g
therefore kaolinite recovered from head to overflow = (414.86/518.4) x 100 = 80 %

Results may be summariscd as follows:

(g)Size (%) Kaolinite
grade (%> from
head (%)

Sieve residues
>500 pm 5.7 1.o
500-250 pm 6.0 1.o
250-125 pm 2.1 0.5
125-63 pm 1.6 0.3
Hydrocyclone products
18 99.4 91 17
436.7 overflow 95 80

Total 100 55 1.5 100

* composite value calculated by difference

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey0 NERC 1993


Appendix 3: Sub-sieveparticle-size analysis

This appendix gives a detailed procedure for particle-size analysisof
<63 pm kaolin suspensions and hydrocyclone under- and overflows by
Andreasen pipette. A procedure for analysisby X-ray sedigraphis not
given since this is specific to the particular instrument.

Preparation of a stable suspension prior to Andreasen pipette

Oven setat 60°C
Pestle and mortar
125 pm screen
Balance (1 or 2 figure)
500 mi plastic bottle
250 ml measuring cylinder
10 rnl pipette
Andreasen pipette and cylinder
20 wt% solution sodium hexametaphosphate(‘calgon’)

1. Dry suspensionsub-sampleovernightat60°C.
2. Hand-crush dry sampletopass125 pm usingapestleand
3. Sub-sample approximately 12 g and place in 500 mlplastic
4. Add 100 ml distilled water, shake for 1-2hoursand leave
5. Transfer clay suspension to pipette cylinder and add 20 ml2%
Na-hexametaphosphate deflocculant (‘Calgon’). Make up to 10
cm mark.
6. If suspension stable after 1 hour, then make up to 20 cm mark
(accounting for volume occupiedby pipette stem).Total volume
is about 590 ml.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 7993



Appendix 3 (continued)
7. If suspension is not stable, then try adding more deflocculant in
small increments (say2 ml). Keep a careful recordof amount of
deflocculant added. Once stable, make up 20 to cm mark with
distilled water.
8. Accurately add a further 20 ml distilled water to make up to 600
9. Calculate'deflocculantcorrection'i.e.weightcontribution of
deflocculant to weightof sediment taken in each 10 ml sample.
Example calculation as follows:

20 ml2% solution deflocculant added to suspension= 0.4 g deflocculant

0.4 g in 600 ml (total suspension vol) = 0.0667% deflocculant

therefore weight of deflocculant in 10 ml sample = 0.0667 / 10

'deflocculant correction'= 0.0067 g

Determination of particle-size distribution using the Andreasen

-10 + 110°C mercury thermometer
Andreasen pipette and cylinder (short pipette optional)
Balance (4-figure)
Weighing bottles with lids
Oven setto 105-1 10°C
1. Followingpreparation of astablesuspension,the cylinder
should be allowed to standfor 1 hour toallow for temperature
2. Notetemperature of suspensionandcalculateappropriate
sampling times using the nomogram given below. Record these
and all subsequent
data on the worksheet given below.
3. Turn the cylinder horizontal with the pipette in place and the
stopcock closed and shake from
side to side.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey0 NERC 1993



Appendix 3 (continued)
4. A sample is immediately pipetted from the suspension into the
10 ml reservoir.
5. Discharge the 10 ml sample into an accurately weighed weighing
bottle. Care shouldbe taken to wash all traces of material from
tube into the weighing bottle.
the pipette reservoir and discharge
6. The weighing bottle+ sample are placedin an oven set at110°C
and evaporated to dryness overnight.
7. Repeat steps 3 - 6. The two samplestaken at this stage willbe
used to calculate the original concentration
8. in place and stopcock closed.
Shake the cylinder with pipette
Place on bench and start stopwatch.
9. Remove 10 ml samples by pipette at calculated times, discharge
into weighing bottles and dry overnight at 110°C. These samples
give the concentrationC,. Note that these samples are taken
without shaking the cylinder and that settling times are
cumulative fromthe beginning of rest.
10. Remove bottles from oven and ensure lids in areplace. Weigh
accurately and calculate weightof residue. Subtract deflocculant
correction. Two initial corrected values represent overall
concentration (C,), subsequent corrected values reflect
concentration lessthan a given particle diameter(Ct).
11. Calculate % less than each size fraction (dt)represented by
sampling times.
% less than diameterdt = Ct / C*, 100

12. Plot valueson log/normal paper to obtain cumulative percent less

than size distribution curve.If these data are derived froma <63
pm suspension and are required for an overall particle size
distribution of the rock, they shouldbe normalised to the
percentage total material passing the 63 pm screen (see
Appendix 1).

Note: Timing of sample removal from suspension may present some

difficulties in terms ofincorporation intoone or two working days.If
this proves to be the case, thena short pipettemay be substituted for the
standard pipette at step 8. Calculate the sampling time for 2 pm (the
short pipette is aatdepth of 2 cm) and remove sample after this time.
Remove short pipette and replace with standard, repeat step8 and

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey0 NERC 1993



continue. If a short pipetteis not available, the long pipette can be

modified by attaching to stand
a and insertingto a depthof 2 cm.
Remember to recalculate50 - 5 pm sampling times to account for
change in pipette depthdue to prior removalof 2 pm sample.

Mineralogy and PetrologyGroup, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993





Nomogramforcalculatingparticlesettlingtimes(fromTanner &
Jackson, 1948).

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993

Sample .......................................... Operator .................
ANALYSI Remarks ...................................... Dale .........................

Cum.' Y 63 pm
(CI/Co' 100)

(c-de) \

(de): g. 1

Appendix 4: Iron oxide/oxyhydroxide removal by

sodium dithionite bleach

Water bath
Sample shaker
Sodium dithionite
0.3M sodium citrate solution
1M sodium hydrogen carbonate solution
Saturated sodium chloride solution
1. Place 10 g of powdered sample in a beaker.
2. Add 100 ml sodium citrate solution and12.5 ml sodium
hydrogen carbonate solution. Heat to 75°Cin water bath.
3. Add 2.5 g sodium dithionite. Stir continuously for5 minutes
than occasionally overa further 15 minutes.
4. Add 25 ml sodium chloride solution to flocculate clay.
5. for about 5 minutes (or until
Stir the suspension and centrifuge
the supernatant becomes clear). Decant the clear supernatant.
6. Repeat steps2 to 5 once or twice as necessary depending on the
degree of brightness improvement with successive treatment.
7. Add 25 ml sodium citrate solution and agitate 2for
hours on a
sample shaker.
8. Repeat step5.
9. Add 200 ml distilled water and agitate
for a further10 minutes
5 minutes and decant
on a sample shaker. Stir and centrifuge for
supernatant if clear.
10. Repeat step9 until the supernatant remains cloudy after
centrifugation for5 minutes.
11. Pour suspension intoan evaporating dish anddry overnight at

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



Appendix 5: Brightnessdetermination

The procedure given here covers the measurementof brightness of

using the EEL reflectance
white mineral powders (including kaolin)
spectrophotometer. The method includes the preparationof a test
surface from a mineral powder.
EEL reflectance spectrophotometer
ECC design cylinder, piston and press
ECC design brass rings and holders
Unglazed ceramic tile
100 ml measuring cylinder
Pestle and mortar
125 pm sieve
1. Clean the surface of the tile and place on the sole plate of the
2. Grind about 20 g dry clay to pass 125 pm. Fill the measuring
cylinder with the ground clayup to the 20 rnl mark.
3. Place a brass ring on the tile, place the cylinder on the ring and
fill with the 20 ml of clay. Level the clay off.

4. Lower the piston into the cylinder until it rests on the clay.
Adjust the position until the lever spigot of the press engages the
centre dimpleof the piston. This will exert a pressure of 1.2
kg/cm2 at the piston head. Maintain this pressure for 20
5. Raise the lever and remove the piston and cylinder.
6. Place the holder overthe ring and, keeping the tilein place,
invert. Carefully remove the tilefrom the test surface.
7. Switch on the spectrophotometer and leave to stabilise
(preferably overnight).
8. Set th5 filter wheel in the spectrophotometer head 601to
(4260A) and placeon the test surfaceof the BaS04 standard
(prepared using steps 3 to 6) within the light proof box. Shut the
9. Adjust the spectrophotometerto read 100%.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, BritishGeological Survey 0 NERC 1993



Appendix 5 (continued)
10. Replace the standard with the test surface of the kaolin and note
the % reflectance reading.
11. Turn the filter wheel to the next filter and repeat steps 8 to 10
until reflectance against the
Bas04 standard hasbeen measured
over the entire rangeof wavelengths (filters601 to 609; 4260A
to 684081).
12. Plotthe % reflectance against wavelength the kaolin. Read off
% ‘brightness’ (reflectance at4570A)and ‘yellowness’(%
difference between reflectance 4570A
at and 5700A).
Note: Fired brightness is determinedon dry pressed discs preparedin an
XRF powder press or similar. Discs shouldbe inspected before
following steps7 to 11 to ensure that the surfaceto be measured is
completely flat (thin discs sometimes distort
on firing).

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey0 NERC 1993



Appendix 6: Viscosity measurement

Step-by step procedures are given for the flowability, deflocculant
demand, and viscosity concentration tests. These tests are
interdependent and mustbe performed in sequence.

Pestle and mortar
500 pm sieve
oven set at 60°C
beakers and glass rods
high-torque mixer fittedwith a rev. counter
Brookfield RVF 100 viscometer
10% (wt) sodrum hexametaphosphate (‘Calgon’) solution
10% (wt) NaOH solution

Preparation and moisture content determination

1. Gently grind the equivalent of 200 g dry weight of clay in a
pestle and mortar to pass 500
a pm sieve.

2. Determine the moisture content of the clay by drylng 20 g at

60°C overnightin a moisture extraction oven.

Flowability test

3. To a 100 ml beaker add 4 ml of distilled water (including any

0.75 ml of 10% sodium
water present in the sample),
hexametaphosphate solution and0.2 ml of 10%NaOH solution.
4. Add the equivalent of 20 g dry weight of clay and mix with a
glass rod.
5. Add 0.2 ml of distilled water and stir. Continue to add water
until the slurryjust flows from theglass rod. The solids content
at this point is the flowability.
Note: Ensure that the slurry is thoroughly mixed between additions
is used, about6 mm
water and that a reasonably thick glass rod

Mineralogy and PetrologyGroup, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



Appendix 6 (continued)

Deflocculant demand

6. To a tall 125ml beaker add 2ml of 10% sodium

hexametaphosphate solution and 1.0ml of 10%NaOH solution.
7. Add enough distilled water such that whendry theequivalent of
100 g of clay is added the solids content is the flowability plus
3% (i.e. if the flowabilityis 60% then start at 63% solids
content). Volume of slurry requiredis that which will cover the
shaft of the viscometer spindle past the indentation, withat least
5 mm gap between the spindle and the bottom of the beaker. 125
ml of slurry is usually enough. The slurry volume is roughly
equivalent to thedry volume of the kaolinite.
8. Add 70 g of clay to the beaker,mix thoroughly using a
low-speed, high-torque mixer and then gradually mix in the
remainder of the clay. At this point the solids content will
exceed the flowability, making the slurry a thick paste and
difficult to stir. Fluidity of the slurry is maintained by 1 ml
additions of distilled water until the slurry is fluid. Note the total
addition of water.
9. The slurry shouldbe mixed for a totalof 25,000 revolutions
from the startof stage 8 onwards or 25 minutes using a speedof
1000 rpm.
10. Cool the slurry to221°C; after mixing, the temperatureof the
slurry commonly exceeds 30°C. Partially immerse the beaker in
cold water to lower the temperature
of the slurry. Tap the beaker
down on a work surface repeatedly in order to remove any
bubbles entrained during mixing.
11. Measure the viscosityof the slurry usinga Brookfield
viscometer RVF 100 at 100 rpm and 22°C. The choice of
spindle dependson the viscosityof the slurry; the lower the
viscosity the lower the spindle number (see table below for the
viscosity ranges of spindle/speed combinations). The spindle
should be carefully screwed into place by holding the spindle
coupling (the spindle has a left-hand thread to prevent
loosening during measurement).Do not use the spindle guard.
The spindle is immersed up to the middle of the spindle shaft, in
the indentation, above the disc. Position the spindle centrally,
away from the sides and bottom of the beaker.

Mineralogy and PetrologyGroup, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



Appendix 6 (continued)
12. -
After starting the motor allow the slurry to reach equilibrium
two minutes is sufficient- and take a reading. Depress the
clutch lever and flick the on/off switch a few times until the dial
needle is visible in the window.If the readingis over 100 use a
higher spindle number and vice versa if the readingis under
13. Take three consecutive readings; if they coincide to within +1%,
average the values and multiply by the appropriate factor to
convert to viscosity in centipoise. Viscosity measurements are
accurate to within f l %of the range maximum of thespindle
/speed combination used, therefore readings from the Brookfield
are more
the dial. 0

14. Add 0.08 ml25% sodiumhexametaphosphate from a burette,

stir with a glass rod until homogeneous and measure viscosity.
Continue adding calgon and measuring viscosity until the
viscosity stops falling and starts
to rise again.
15. Plot the weight of deflocculant added per 100 g of clay against
viscosity. The amountof deflocculant requiredto produce the
minimum viscosity is the deflocculant demand. During the test
the viscositymay fall below the viscosity range of the spindle
being used, measurements below10 on the dial are unreliable.
Record the viscosity usingboth the old and new spindles. Itis
preferable to use one spindle throughout the test.

Viscosity concentration test

16. Follow stages 6 to 13, adding enough calgon to meet the

deflocculant demand.
17. Add 2 ml of distilled water, stir with a glass rod until
homogeneous and measure the viscosity. Keep adding water
and measuring the viscosity until 5
the viscosity has fallen below
poise. Plot the reciprocalof the square rootof viscosity (in
poise) against the solids concentration. The viscosity
concentration is the solids contentat 5 poise.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



Appendix 6 (continued)

FactorstoconvertBrookfieldreadingstoviscosity in centipoise.

Spindle Sneed of rotation (rnm)
50 100 10 20

1 1oo/N 1 2 5 10
(10-100) (20-200) (50-500) (100-1000)

400/N 2 8 20 40
(40-400) (80-800) (200-2000) (4004000)

3 1ooo/N 10 20 50 100
(100-1000) (200-2000) (500-5000) ( 1000-

4 20oo/N 20 40 100 200

(200-2000) (400-4000) ( 1000-10,000) (2000-20,000)

540 4000/N 80 200 400

(400-4000) (800-8000) (2000-20,000) (4000-40,000)

6 1o,ooo/N 100 200

(1000- 10,000) (2000-20,000)

7 400 40,00O/N 4000

800 2000
(4000-40,000) (8000-80,000) (20,000-200,000) (40,000-400,000)

The conversion factor for each spindle/speed combination is calculated by dividing a factorby the speed
of rotation (N). To convert to viscosity, in centipoise, multiply the Brookfield readingby the
appropriate spindle/speed conversion factor. The figuresin brackets underneath the factorsare the
ranges of viscosity (in centipoise) that a specific spindle/speed combination covers. The conversion
factor is also the accuracy, in centipoise.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey0 NERC 1993



Appendix 7: Preparation of test pieces for modulus of

rupture determination
This appendix gives a procedure for preparationof 12.5 mm diameter
test pieces forMORdetermination. Test piecesof different dimensions
could be prepared using a similar procedure, depending on the
sensitivity of the instrument used to measureMOR. A procedure for
MORdetermination is not given sincethis is specific to a particular
Electric stirrer
2 litre vacuumfitration flask
Filter pump
Buchner funnel
125 pm sieve
mm die
Hand-operated extruder fitted with 12.5
1. Disperse 200 g of clay in water at a solids concentration
25-50% using the stirrer.
2. Pass the ‘slip’ through a 125
pm sieve and pour into a 2-litre
vacuum filtration flask.
3. air bubbles in the slip.
Evacuate the flask to remove
4. Poured the slip onto a filter paper
in a Buchner funnel and
dewater to a plastic condition.
5. Hand-wedge (knead)the plastic clay, taking care not to
re-introduce air. During this wedging process, adjust the
moisture content to a level appropriate tojust below the plastic

6. Pack the wedged clay into the hand extruder and extrude each
test piece to lengthof 60-70 mm and air-dry for 24 hours. Oven-
dry at 60°C for 6 hours and then at 105°C overnight
7. or conditioned in
Store test piecesin a desiccator before testing,
an appropriate saturated salt
a particular relative humidity over

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey0 NERC 1993



Appendix 8: Determination of firedproperties

In BGS laboratories, fired properties of kaolins and otherclays are
determined using small extruded test pieces. Where large numbers of
clay samples are being processed - e.g. in a regional surveyof clay
resources - extruded test pieces provide a means of providing a uniform
test pieces relatively rapidly. Other methods of forming test pieces
include hand mouldingof briquettes and slip casting into plaster
moulds. Discs used for fired colour measurement are generally pressed
dry using an XRF powder press or similar. A small hand-operated
extruder will provide approximately 10 test pieces 50 mm long by 6.3
mm in diameter from about100 g of dry clay. This number is sufficient
for simultaneous temperature-gradient firing using a specially designed

Test piece extrusion

Hand-operated extruder fitted with6.3 mm die
Glass plate
Hand-operated plant sprayer filled with distilled water
Large pallet knife
Steel rod (or similar) about300 mm long by 10 mm in diameter
Mounted needle
Oven set at 110°C
Pestle and mortar
125 pm sieve
1. Gentlygrind 1OOg dry clay topass 125 pm screen.
2. Spread the dry clay on a glass plate and spray with water whilst
mixing the clay with the pallet knife.

3. Continue adding water and mixing until the clay iust begins to
change colour, developsa ‘crumbly’ texture, and/oriust smears
when squeezed between finger and thumb.
4. Tip moistened clay into the barrel of the extruder and tamp down
using steel rod to removeas much air as possible fromthe clay.
5. Assemble plunger mechanism and rotate handle until 30 or 40
mm of extruded clay appears throughdie. Cut this material off
and discard.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey0 NERC 1993



Appendix 8 (continued)
6. Whilst attempting to maintain anevenrotationofthe extruder
handle, cut about10 test pieces from the clay extrusion
as it
appears. Discard any bent or cracked pieces.
7. Number each test piece using a mounted needle and carefully set
down on a flat glass or ceramic tileor tray. Ovendry overnight
at 110°C.

Test piece weighing and firing

Top-loading two-figure balance
Mercury displacement apparatus (rack and cradle assembly)
Beaker fiiled with sufficient mercury to allow test piece
to be
completely covered toa known depth
Temperature-gradientkiln or programmable muffle furnace
(max. temp. 1250°C)
Vacuum desiccator
Vacuum pump
1. Weigh eight of the oven-dry test pieces. Record these and other
weighing data on the worksheet given below against individual
test piece number.
2. Recordweightundermercury of emptyrackandcradle
3. Record weight of each oven dry test piece under mercury.
4, Place each test piece in one of the eight cells in the temperature-
gradient kiln. The maximum temperatureof each cell ranges
from 900°C (cell 8) to 1250°C (cell 1). The heating rate is about
4OC/minute; this allows thefiring cycle (includinga 30 minute
isotherm or ‘soak’ at maximum temperature) to take place within
the working day. Ifa kiln of this type is unavailable, then a
suitable laboratory muffle furnace can be programmed to heat
individual test piecesto the same rangeof temperatures. This is
more time consuming although different samples can be batched
together to be fired simultaneously.
5. Allowthekilntocoolovernight.Repeatsteps 1 to 3 with fied
test pieces.

Mineralogy and PetrologyGroup, British Geological Survey 0 NERC 1993



Appendix 8 (continued)
6. Submergetestpiecesin a dish filled with distilled water. Place
the dish in the vacuum desiccator and evacuate for 3 hours.
7. Remove individual test pieces from water, dry off any excess
and immediately weigh.
8. Calculation of fired properties is carried out as follows (see also
worksheets 1 and 2 below):
Before f i g
c = weight of test piece
d = weight of test piece under mercury
h = weight of empty assembly under mercury

After firing
e = weight of test piece
f = weight of test piece under mercury
hf = weight of empty assembly under mercury
g = weight of test piece after water absorption

ab (water absorption)= 100 x (g-e)/e

vf = 100/~X (f-hf)/13.557

v = 100/~X (d-h)/13.557

Porosity(vol. %) = 100 x ab/vf

Shrinkage (vol. %) = 100 x (v-vf)/v

Bulk density = 100/vf

Specificgravity = lOO/(vf-ab)

Note: Mercury weighings should be carried out

in a suitable fume

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey0 NERC 1993



Results of ceramic tests

Before f i r i n g After firing'

C d h e f hf 9
Wtof Wtempty wt of wt empty
Sample Wt of Testpiece
Testpiece assew Wt testpiece
code & testpiece
under Wt testpiece
firing temp
(dried 1lOO) mercury
mercury after firing mercury

I I I I 1 ' 1 I I

1 i i 1 I I I !
I I I I I I 1 I
I I I I I I I i
I 1 I I I I I I

I I I I I I I 1
I I I 1 I I I
I I 1 I I I I I

Firedpropertiesworksheet 1.

Mineralogy and PetrologyGroup, British Geological Survey0 NERC 1993




0 0


Firedpropertiesworksheet 2.

Mineralogy and Petrology Group, British Geological Survey0 NERC 1993

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