Influence of Heat Treatments On Heat Affected Zone Cracking of Gas Tungsten Arc Welded Additive Manufactured Alloy 718
Influence of Heat Treatments On Heat Affected Zone Cracking of Gas Tungsten Arc Welded Additive Manufactured Alloy 718
Influence of Heat Treatments On Heat Affected Zone Cracking of Gas Tungsten Arc Welded Additive Manufactured Alloy 718
Abstract: The weldability of additive manufactured Alloy 718 was investigated in various heat-
treated conditions. The microstructure of the base metal was examined in detail in order to
understand the effect of different pre-weld heat treatments; i.e., solution, solution and aging, and
hot isostatic pressing. After welding, the variation in total crack lengths, maximum crack length and
the total number of cracks in the heat affected zone (HAZ) were used as criteria for the cracking
susceptibility of each material condition where wrought Alloy 718 was used as the reference
material. Selective laser melting (SLM) manufactured Alloy 718 was susceptible to HAZ cracking in
all material conditions. Total crack lengths in HAZ were highest in the SLM as-built condition and
lowest in the SLM hot isostatic pressed condition. The cracks that were found in the HAZ of the
welded materials consisted of liquation cracks, with eutectic product surrounding the cracks, as
well as cracks from which liquation products were absent.
Keywords: selective laser melting; Alloy 718; heat treatments; gas tungsten arc welding; heat
affected zone cracking
1. Introduction
Selective laser melting (SLM) is an additive manufacturing (AM) process for fabricating near net
shape parts using fine metal powders. SLM systems utilize a laser to selectively melt a bed of metallic
powder layer by layer to build the physical part. The SLM process shows potential to produce
functional metallic parts with complex geometries that cannot easily be produced by conventional
processes [1]. However, the production of parts with SLM is limited by the size of the production
chamber. Hence, production of large components, such as turbine structures for aero engines, will
require joining different small SLM-manufactured parts together by welding. Furthermore, the SLM
process can also be used to produce replacements of damaged or worn-out parts, which can
subsequently be welded to the components.
Alloy 718 is an iron–nickel base precipitation hardening superalloy that is used in hot structural
parts of gas turbine engines due to its combination of high strength and corrosion resistance at
elevated temperature. The alloy exhibits resistance to strain-age cracking (SAC) during post-weld
heat treatment (PWHT) and can therefore be used in applications that require welding. The
microstructure of the alloy consists of a γ-matrix dispersed with precipitates including γ’’ (Ni3Nb),
γ’ [Ni3(Al, Ti)], δ-phase (Ni3Nb), Laves phase [(Ni, Fe, Cr)2(Nb, Mo, Ti)], and various metal carbides
and nitrides, such as NbC, TiC, and TiN. The main strengthening phase in the alloy is γ’’ that is
formed due to the addition of about 5 wt. % niobium (Nb) [2]. As has been long-known, the presence
of NbC and Laves phase in Alloy 718 can contribute to hot cracking in the heat-affected zone (HAZ)
during welding [3–6]. The overall microstructure of a material, including existing phases, their
morphology, and distribution is directly related to the manufacturing process and subsequent post-
processing conditions. Typically, Alloy 718 is utilized in either wrought or cast condition followed
by post-processing to generate the optimized microstructure for the specific use or application.
Previous studies regarding the weldability of Alloy 718 in cast and wrought forms, have shown that
the extent of HAZ liquation cracking can be influenced by the pre-weld heat treatment. Researchers
have concluded that solution heat treatment can reduce cracking susceptibility [7] in Alloy 718 and
age hardening can increase it [8]. That is why the usual procedure within industry is to weld the alloy
in the solution-annealed condition and then subject it to solution and aging heat treatment after
welding. The solution heat treatment relieves the residual stresses after the welding process and the
aging heat treatment develops the strengthening phases. However, in some cases, such as repair
welding, the alloy needs to be welded in aged condition.
The microstructure of SLM-manufactured Alloy 718 in the as-built condition is more similar to
cast material (although on a much finer scale) or the fusion zone (FZ) of welded Alloy 718 than to
wrought material. The grains have a dendritic structure and are mostly oriented in the building
direction of the component. The microstructure contains NbC carbides and low melting Laves phase
in the interdendritic regions and along the grain boundaries.
In an early study from 1966 regarding HAZ cracking in the nickel-based superalloys, Owczarski
et al. [9] reported that constitutional liquation was initiated in the vicinity of MC-type carbides (where
M is principally Nb but can also contain Ti). They suggested that the abrupt decomposition of these
particles occurred during rapid heating, leading to constitutional liquation, grain boundary wetting,
and subsequent cracking. They also found that, during rapid heating, a partially melted zone (PMZ)
was formed in the welded alloy by constitutional liquation reactions involving the decomposition of
MC-type carbide particles. The PMZ is the area immediately outside the weld metal FZ [9,10], and
the main characteristic of this area is the presence of a liquid fraction that forms when the temperature
exceeds the solidus temperature during heating. The formation of stresses in the PMZ, during
subsequent weld cooling, can cause crack formation. Baeslack and Nelson [3] studied the HAZ
liquation cracking in cast Alloy 718 and concluded that melting of the Laves phase in the
interdendritic regions promoted liquation cracking in the HAZ. The Laves phase forms during the
terminal solidification of casting, and simply re-melts in the HAZ during welding. On the other hand,
NbC decompose during rapid heating and promote constitutional liquation cracking in both wrought
and cast Alloy 718 [4,8]. Due to the high-volume fraction of Laves phase present in cast Alloy 718,
liquation can be extensive, resulting in increased cracking sensitivity relative to the wrought
The physical and chemical reactions in the HAZ of the welded samples are related to the thermal
process that occurs during welding. Metallurgical reactions, phase transformations, and
recrystallization of grains are closely related to this thermal process. The thermal cycle imposed on
the HAZ greatly influences the degree of constitutional liquation, precipitate dissolution, and grain
boundary segregation that can occur. All these factors influence the amount of liquid that forms along
the PMZ grain boundaries. By measuring the temperature distribution and cooling rate in the HAZ
using implanted thermocouples, it is possible to determine the thermal crack susceptible region
surrounding the weld within which HAZ liquation cracking is possible.
In the present investigation, the susceptibility towards hot cracking during gas tungsten arc
welding (GTAW) of SLM-manufactured Alloy 718 was investigated in various heat-treated
conditions. Wrought Alloy 718 was used as the reference material. The temperature distribution in
the HAZ was also measured in order to obtain increased insight into the type of cracking occurring
in the material. Additionally, possible reasons for HAZ cracking in welded SLM manufactured
material are discussed.
The SLM-manufactured plates were built with a Realizer SLM125 system with a build chamber
of 125 × 125 × 180 mm3 and a 200 W SPI Ytterbium fiber laser (Realizer GmbH, Borchen, Germany)
with laser beam spot diameter of 20 µm. Powder with a particle size distribution from 15 to 45 µm,
supplied by LPW Technology UK, was utilized for the processing of the samples. The thickness of
the deposited powder layer was set to 60 µm in this study. The fabrication was conducted in a
chamber that was filled with argon gas to maintain the oxygen level below <1000 ppm.
Test plates manufactured by the SLM process were 3.4 mm thick with dimensions of 50 mm in
width and 100 mm in length. The plates had a rough surface and were therefore machined to 3.3 mm
thickness before welding. Reference plates made from wrought Alloy 718 sheet material had a
thickness of 3.2 mm with dimensions of 60 mm in width and 150 mm in length and were tested in the
mill-annealed condition (mill annealing is a heat treatment given to all mill products to increase
material ductility, reduce hardness, and make them workable). The chemical composition, in weight
% (wt. %), for the gas-atomized (GA) powder used in the SLM of Alloy 718 is presented in Table 1,
together with the chemical composition for wrought Alloy 718. The SLM-manufactured plates were
tested in four different conditions: as-built, solution heat-treated (SHT), solution heat-treated and
aged (SHT + AGE), and hot isostatic pressed (HIP). The heat treatments performed on the specimens
are specified in Table 2. The mill-annealed condition refers to the wrought alloy.
Table 1. Chemical composition of the gas-atomized (GA) Alloy 718 powder and wrought Alloy 718.
(wt. %).
°C. However, the melting temperature of the thermocouple is 1300 °C which is fairly close to the
melting temperature of Alloy 718 which is ~1335 °C [12].
The weld piece had a thickness of 3.2 mm with dimensions of 60 mm in width and 150 mm in
length. Thermocouples were positioned and affixed by electrical spot welding. Figure 1 shows the
thermocouple locations on the test piece. The GTAW method was used for welding one bead-on-
plate pass. Temperatures were measured at different distances from both sides of the weld line. To
record the measured temperatures, the collected signals were transferred to a data logger and a
computer. LabVIEW software (NXG, National Instruments Sverige AB, Kista, Sweden) was used to
display the thermal curves.
Figure 1. Position of thermocouples regarding the distance from the welding bead. Thermocouples
were spot welded on the sample at distances of 3, 5, 7, 10, and 13 mm from the weld line.
Struers TenuPol-2 Twin-jet polisher (Struers Inc., Cleveland, OH, USA) in a solution of 10% perchloric
acid and 90% methyl alcohol, at a temperature of around −40 °C, a voltage of 1.5 V, and 1.0 A DC
Microhardness, HV1 (9.807 N) 15 s, was measured for each of the five material conditions using
a Shimadzu HMV-2 microhardness tester (Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Kyoto, Japan). Ten
readings were recorded for each material condition and the average was determined as the hardness
3. Results
Table 3. Chemical composition of the phases, detected in all selective laser melting (SLM) conditions,
determined by the Transmission electron microscopy (TEM/EDS) and Scanning electron microscope
(SEM/EDS) analyses.
Elements (wt. %)
Material Condition Phases
Ni Fe Cr Nb Mo Ti Al
Laves 41 12 14 23 5 1 0.3
SLM-As-Built (TEM/EDS)
Carbide 2 1 1 84 5 8 0.1
SLM–SHT (SEM/EDS) Laves 43 15 17 19 3 2 0.5
Metals 2019, 9, 881 6 of 16
Laves 58 15 15 11 4 1 0.5
SLM–SHT + AGE (TEM/EDS) δ-phase 68 3 3 24 3 2 0.6
Carbide 2 0.4 1 82 5 12 0.1
SLM–HIP (TEM/EDS) Carbide 2 1 1 81 5 10 0.5
(a) (b)
Figure 2. (a) Microstructure of as-built condition (electrolytically etched with phosphoric acid); (b)
interdendritic regions in as-built condition showing (1) Laves phase and (2) MC-type carbide; and (c)
bright field image of (1) Laves phase and (2) NbC carbide. The inset shows the diffraction pattern of
Laves phase in γ-matrix.
(a) (b)
Metals 2019, 9, 881 7 of 16
Figure 3. (a) Microstructure of solution heat-treated (SHT) condition (electrolytically etched with
oxalic acid), showing (b) precipitates residing in the grain boundaries and matrix.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Figure 4. (a) Microstructure of solution and aged heat treated (SHT + AGE) condition showing (b) (1)
delta phase, (2) MC-type carbide, and (3) matrix with strengthening phases γ’ and γ’’ (electrolytically
etched with phosphoric acid); (c) bright field image of γ’’ (marked with white arrows),the inset shows
the diffraction pattern of γ’’ in γ-matrix; (d) dark field image of same area as (c), showing y’ (white
Metals 2019, 9, 881 8 of 16
particles), the inset shows the diffraction pattern of γ’ in γ-matrix; (e) TEM HAADF image showing
(1) δ-phase residing on the grain boundary, (2) Laves phase, and (3) δ-phase forming from the Laves
phase; and (f) TEM HAADF image of (1) NbC and (2) δ-phase residing on the grain boundary.
Figure 5. (a) Microstructure of HIP condition disclosing equiaxed grain structure and NbC carbides
marked with arrows (electrolytically etched with oxalic acid), and (b) bright field image of carbide in
HIP condition; the inset shows the diffraction pattern of carbide.
Figure 6. Microstructure of wrought Alloy 718 showing equiaxed grain structure and NbC carbides
marked with arrows (electrolytically etched with oxalic acid).
Figure 7. (a) Cross section of a welded sample; (b) peak temperatures as a function of distance from
weld center line; and (c) fusion zone (FZ), partially melted zone (PMZ), and heat affected zone (HAZ)
of the welded sample, and the distance of these zones from the weld center line.
criteria for cracking susceptibility in the HAZ (Figure 8). SLM-manufactured Alloy 718, in the as-built
condition, was most susceptible to HAZ cracking. Cracking susceptibility, however, decreased after
SHT, and decreased further in the SHT + AGE samples. In samples subjected to HIP directly after the
SLM process, the cracking susceptibility was similar to that of wrought Alloy 718. The average MCL
was highest in the SLM as-built condition and decreased with SHT. A further decrease was observed
in the SHT + AGE condition. In the SLM–HIP condition, the MCL was similar to that of the MCL in
the wrought condition. The total number of cracks was highest in the HIP and wrought conditions
because there was a higher number of smaller cracks in these two conditions. Figures 9–13 show
evidence of grain boundary liquation in the HAZ of all the material conditions used in the present
study. Figure 11 also shows an example of a “clean” crack without any apparent liquation product.
Figure 8. Heat affected zone (HAZ) cracking susceptibility of SLM-manufactured Alloy 718 in
comparison with wrought Alloy 718, presented as the average of total crack length measurements,
average of maximum crack length, and total number of cracks (for five observations, with standard
Metals 2019, 9, 881 11 of 16
Figure 9. HAZ liquation cracking in SLM as-built condition; inset showing the marked area.
Figure 10. HAZ liquation cracking in SHT condition; inset showing the marked area.
Metals 2019, 9, 881 12 of 16
Figure 11. HAZ of welded SHT + AGE material showing microfissure with liquation product in PMZ,
and an example of grain boundary cracking without any visible liquation in the HAZ; insets showing
the marked areas.
Figure 12. Liquation at grain boundaries causing cracking in HAZ of SLM-manufactured and HIP
Alloy 718; inset showing the marked area.
Metals 2019, 9, 881 13 of 16
Figure 13. Liquation cracking in HAZ of wrought Alloy 718; inset showing the marked area.
4. Discussion
In the present study, the weldability of the SLM-manufactured Alloy 718 was investigated in
different heat-treated conditions. The definition of weldability was here considered as the
susceptibility towards hot cracking in the HAZ. The SLM-manufactured samples were mainly
compared to wrought Alloy 718 of approximately the same thickness as the SLM samples. However,
some comparisons to a cast Alloy 718 sample were also made. By comparing the microstructure of
the different manufacturing techniques, it is obvious that SLM-manufactured Alloy 718 in the as-built
condition (Figure 14a) is very different from the wrought form (Figure 14b), but somewhat more
similar to the cast form (Figure 14c), however, on a much finer scale. The different scale bars in Figure
14 should be noted. The fine scale of the SLM microstructure is due to the rapid solidification of the
molten pool during the SLM process (compare Figure 14a,c).
Metals 2019, 9, 881 14 of 16
Figure 14. Microstructure of (a) SLM as-built, (b) wrought, and (c) cast, Alloy 718.
Regarding weldability, all five material conditions examined in the present study appeared to
experience the same process of HAZ liquation cracking. Presumably, the cause of the liquation could
be different in different conditions. Microstructural examination suggested that in the SLM as-built,
SHT, and SHT + AGE condition, incipient melting of Laves phase could be the cause of HAZ liquation
cracking. This can be rationalized according to the literature regarding the HAZ liquation cracking
in cast Alloy 718 that also contains Laves phase. On the other hand, by direct HIP of the SLM-
manufactured Alloy 718 at 1160 °C for 4 h, the Laves phase was totally dissolved and carbides were
apparently present in the microstructure. There were fewer cracks in the HAZ of the material and the
average TCL was almost the same as in the wrought condition.
The argument proposed in the previous paragraph is reasonable due the fact that, in as-built
condition, an extensive amount of Laves phase was present and the TCL was highest. The TCL
decreased when the amount of Laves phase decreased in the SHT condition and a further decrease
could be seen in the SHT + AGE condition where the amount of Laves was even lower than in the
SHT condition. Direct HIP of the SLM-manufactured Alloy 718 dissolved all the Laves phase and
carbides seemed to remain in the matrix. The average total number of cracks presented in Figure 8
also indicated the transition from fewer but longer cracks in the as-built condition, to shorter but
more cracks in the HIP condition. This observation also supports the notion that less availability of
low melting constituents in the matrix favors less cracking in the HAZ.
The grain size is another factor to be considered while discussing the weldability of the materials.
It has generally been recognized that fine-grained materials are more resistant to HAZ liquation
cracking than are coarse-grained versions of the same material [14]. Grains in the SLM-manufactured
material were fine and elongated (Figure 14a). Grain size measurements performed in a previous
study [15] showed that the SLM as-built specimen had an average grain length of 80 µm and width
of 20 µm. The wrought Alloy 718 had an average grain size of around 25 µm. Grain size of the cast
material is not clearly shown in Figure 14c, but another study [16] regarding hot cracking in cast Alloy
718, showed that the average grain size of as cast base metal was around 1700 µm. Thus, it could be
expected that SLM-manufactured material in the as-built condition and wrought material would
have similar cracking sensitivity, while as cast material would be much worse. However, this was
not the case in the present study because the as-built condition had more cracks than the wrought.
In all SLM conditions in the present study, “clean” cracks, i.e., cracks without any eutectic
formation, were also observed (for example, Figure 11). These cracks were in the HAZ where the
temperature range during welding was between 1150 and 1200 °C (Figure 7a,b). The question is
whether this has to do with any other cracking mechanism, for example segregation of elements such
as B, P, C, or S in the grain boundaries [2,6,17]. According to the literature [18–20], B causes increased
HAZ cracking sensitivity if present much above 0.003 wt. %. B in the powder feedstock used for the
Metals 2019, 9, 881 15 of 16
manufacturing of Alloy 718 with SLM process in the present study, was around 0.006 wt. % and was
0.003 wt. % in wrought Alloy 718. This could also be a reason for the higher cracking susceptibility
of SLM material. This phenomenon requires further study for SLM- manufactured Alloy 718.
Another possible reason for relatively high cracking susceptibility in SLM material could be that
the microcracks have already been created during the SLM process. Several nickel-base superalloys
have been documented as being particularly susceptible to microcracking when processed by laser
additive manufacturing process [21,22]. These microcracks can act as crack initiating sites during the
cooling process after welding due to the local stresses in the material. HIP can be used to consolidate
cracks; however, surface cracks and open porosity remain [23]. Furthermore, HIP can cause grain
coarsening in the material (Figure 5a) that can also be an issue while welding. Each production
process introduces some amount of residual stress [24]. Laser-based processes, such as laser welding
and SLM, are known to introduce a huge amount of residual stress due to the large thermal gradients
[25]. These process-induced residual stresses in SLM material can also influence the cracking
behaviour when combined with complex welding stresses. Post-process stress-relieving heat
treatments and solution heat treatment can decrease the amount of residual stress in the SLM material
[26], which subsequently can reduce the cracking susceptibility of the material.
5. Conclusions
The present study investigated the influence of different heat treatments on the microstructure
and weldability of selective laser melted Alloy 718. The gas tungsten arc welding method was used
for welding of the samples. The following conclusions were drawn from the study:
SLM-manufactured Alloy 718 was susceptible to HAZ cracking in all material conditions, i.e.,
solution heat treated, solution and aging heat treated, and hot isostatic pressed.
Cracks seen in the HAZ of the welded material were of two types; those with eutectic products
surrounding the cracks and “clean” cracks without any apparent liquation product.
Liquation cracks were due to the liquation of secondary constituents present in the SLM-
manufactured material.
Total crack lengths in HAZ were highest in the SLM as-built condition and decreased in samples
that were solution heat treated before welding. Total crack lengths decreased further in the
solution and aged samples and were lowest in hot isostatic pressed samples.
As all heat treatment in the present study decreased the cracking susceptibility, it is
recommended that the SLM material be welded in a heat-treated condition. However, the proper
heat treatment must be designed to address fabricability challenges for the specific component
at stake.
Funding: The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Swedish National Space Board and
VINNOVA (National Space Research Program and National Aerospace Research Program).
Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge the support and input from GKN Aerospace Sweden AB.
Special thanks to Abdul Khaliq Khan at the University of Manitoba, Canada for his help with TEM analyses.
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