Part-A: 6115-Mahendra Institute of Engineering and Technology Internal Assessment Test 02 (Aug/Sep)
Part-A: 6115-Mahendra Institute of Engineering and Technology Internal Assessment Test 02 (Aug/Sep)
Part-A: 6115-Mahendra Institute of Engineering and Technology Internal Assessment Test 02 (Aug/Sep)
PART-A (9x2=18marks)
PART-B (2x12=24marks)
10.Define activation energy? What is its significence? How is its evaluted?
PART-C (1x8=8marks)
14.Explain the theories of heterogeneous catalysed?
Register No:
PART -A (9 x 2= 18 Marks)
1.what is exploration?
5.what is lightification?
12.Explain in detail about the gravity and electrical methods for the exploration of petroleum?
13.Explain in detail about the geochemical method for the exploration of petroleum?
PART-C (1 x 8= 8 marks)
14.Discuss the classification of drilling fluids?
Register no:
6. what is exploration?
PART-B (2x12=24marks)
10. Discuss the exploration process and about the earth crust?
12. Explain in detail about the geological method for the exploration of petroleum?
( OR)
13. Discuss in detail about the seisulic and magnetic methods for the exploration of petroleum?
PART-C (1x8=8marks)
14. Explain in detail about the geochemical method for the exploration of petroleum?