Part-A: 6115-Mahendra Institute of Engineering and Technology Internal Assessment Test 02 (Aug/Sep)

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6115- Mahendra Institute Of Engineering And Technology

Internal Assessment Test 02(Aug/Sep)

Sub code : CH6303 Question Set : -

Sub Name : PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Date of exam : 31.08.17: A.N

Max Marks : 50 Marks Department : petro

Duration : 1.30 hours Year : 2ND Year

PART-A (9x2=18marks)

1.what is a zero order reaction?

2.what is meant by activation energy?

3.Give the example for an enzyme catalyzed reaction?

4.what is threshold energy?

5.what is an opposing reaction? Give one example?

6.State transition state theory?

7.Distinguish between simple and multiple reaction?

8.State collision state theory?

9.What is a parallel reaction? Give two example for parallel reaction?

PART-B (2x12=24marks)
10.Define activation energy? What is its significence? How is its evaluted?


11.Derive the kinetic equation?

12.Derive arrhenium equation to calculate the energy of activation of a reaction?


13.Derive the michaeli's ? mention its equation?

PART-C (1x8=8marks)
14.Explain the theories of heterogeneous catalysed?
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6115- Mahendra Institute Of Engineering And Technology

Internal Assessment Test 02(Aug/Sep)

Sub code : PC 6503 Question Set : A

Sub Name : PEET Date of exam : 29.08.17:F.N

Max Marks : 50 Marks Department : PETRO

Duration : 1.30 Hours YEAR : 3RD Year

PART -A (9 x 2= 18 Marks)
1.what is exploration?

2.what are the types of refining process?

3.what are the various exploration methods?

4.what is remote sensing?

5.what is lightification?

6.Mention few examples of earth rock?

7.what are the classification of sedimentary rocks?

8.what are the advantages and disadvantages of the geochemical method?

9.Name of the layers of earth crust?

PART-B (2 x 12= 24 marks)

10.Discuss the exploration process and about the earth crust?


11.Explain the various sedimentary rocks?

12.Explain in detail about the gravity and electrical methods for the exploration of petroleum?


13.Explain in detail about the geochemical method for the exploration of petroleum?

PART-C (1 x 8= 8 marks)
14.Discuss the classification of drilling fluids?
Register no:

6115- Mahendra Institute Of Engineering And Technology

Internal Assessment Test 02(Aug/Sep)

Sub code : PC 6503 Question Set : B

Sub Name : PEET Date of exam : 30.08.17

Max Marks : 50 Department : petro

Duration : 1.30 hours Year : 3rd Year

PART-A (9x2=18 marks)

1.Explain the benefits of remote sensing?

2.what are the geochemical method for the exploration of petroleum?

3. what are the classification of sedimentary rocks?

4.Classify the sedimentary rocks according to the porosity?

5.what is geochemical method for the exploration of petroleum?

6. what is exploration?

7. what are the types of refining process?

8. what is remote sensing?

9.Mention few examples of earth rock?

PART-B (2x12=24marks)
10. Discuss the exploration process and about the earth crust?


11. Explain the various sedimentary rocks?

12. Explain in detail about the geological method for the exploration of petroleum?

( OR)

13. Discuss in detail about the seisulic and magnetic methods for the exploration of petroleum?

PART-C (1x8=8marks)
14. Explain in detail about the geochemical method for the exploration of petroleum?

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