A Tradition of Mercy - Allie Khalfe - Forward
A Tradition of Mercy - Allie Khalfe - Forward
A Tradition of Mercy - Allie Khalfe - Forward
Fakhr al-Dīn Muhammad ibn `Umar al-Razī is without a doubt one of the
most influential Muslim scholars of all time. He played a huge role in restructuring
the relationship between philosophy and religious sciences, notably, Kalam
(theology). His monumental Qur’an commentary Mafatih al-Ghayb (Keys to the
Unknown) is packed with spiritual and philosophical insights. One could argue that
it was an early demonstration of the synthesis of Kalam, Philosophy and Sufism
that became prevalent in the Islamicate world, especially during the Ottoman
period. Scholars for centuries considered his commentary a reservoir of deep
meanings of al-Qur’an, especially the elaborative volume, which covers his
commentary of the most important and most commonly read chapter of the Qur’an,
Surat al-Fatīha. This volume, for its magnificence and brilliance, was often
transcribed and later-on printed independently of the remaining thirty one volumes.
One could also argue that it inspired a tradition of al-Fatīha commentaries in both
the Islamic East and West.
I, personally, thank Shaykh Khalfe, for his extremely insightful work. Clearly,
he has put great time and effort in compiling and carefully illuminating these finely
selected passages. May Allah reward him abundantly in this world and the next for
providing this inspiration and may He make it a source of benefit for all.