Productivity Rates of A Thirty-Storey Residential Building: Technological Institute of The Philippines

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1338, Arlegui St., Quiapo, Manila

College of Engineering and Architecture

Department of Civil Engineering

In Partial Fulfillment for

CE 512
CE Laws, Ethics, Codes and Standards

Productivity Rates of a Thirty-Storey Residential Building

Prepared by:
Encallado, Joyce Marie L.
Magtuto, Andrea B.
Oliveria, Rica Leisa M.
Peña, John Carlo R.
Reyes, Sean Andrei

Submitted to
Engr. Carl Edgar Ambray

March 22, 2019

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Productivity Rates of a Thirty-Storey Residential Building

Table of Contents
CHAPTER I .................................................................................................................................... 4

THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND ........................................................................... 4

Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 4

Statement of the Problem ........................................................................................................ 5

Significance of the Study ........................................................................................................ 5

Scope and Delimitation of the Study ...................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER II................................................................................................................................... 7

METHODS OF RESEARCH ..................................................................................................... 7

Methods and Techniques of the Study .................................................................................... 7

Sample of the Study ................................................................................................................ 8

Research Instrument................................................................................................................ 8

CHAPTER III ............................................................................................................................... 10


Tabulated Raw Data .............................................................................................................. 10

Interpretation of Data ............................................................................................................ 12

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Productivity Rates of a Thirty-Storey Residential Building

CHAPTER V ................................................................................................................................ 13

SUMMARY, CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION....................................................... 13

Summary ............................................................................................................................... 13

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 14

We conclude that there are implicit for site productivity refinement through collaboration

among laborers and engineers. We need to regard the delays of work, lack of information

given, changes in plan, and any situation the unexpected happen that affect the productivity.

All we want in productivity is having a high quantity of performance, but also having a

good quality of work. ............................................................................................................ 14

Recommendation .................................................................................................................. 14

Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 15
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The construction industry has an important role in promoting the growth of the economy
in a county, with establishing the building, infrastructure and factory it will stimulate another
sector to expand. The construction industry is always changing and evolving. Every year there is
a new trend appear within the industry, from technological advancements to a stronger focus on

Nowadays, one of the biggest concerns when it comes to construction is to improve

productivity. Productivity has an important aspect for companies in the construction industry.
Labor productivity is studied within the construction industry. There are several studies related to
labor productivity loss in the construction industry. One of the issues that have been tackled and
discussed is the factors of productivity loss in the construction industry.

In the construction industry, the labors have different variable affecting the productivity
levels. The main concern in every construction project is the productivity, cost, quality, time and
the safety of workers. When project management has a skill of training, working method, personal
health, and personal skills can achieve better productivity. Productivity plays an important role in
the construction project, without it the project become delayed.

Improving the productivity in construction, the management must ensure that all of the
contract workers work together as a part of the team and ensure the project comes in on time and
on budget. The company has a greater chance to make money and to have efficient operations if
they achieve better productivity. A successful construction project must be completed on time,
within budget, meets specified standards of quality, and strictly conforms to safety policies and
precautions. In the construction industry, productivity is one of the most experience problems. Due
to construction projects, its importance to society and in our economy to give more emphasis on
improving productivity.
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Statement of the Problem

The general problem of the study is:

Specifically, the study will seek answers to the following questions:

1. What are the factors affecting in labor productivity?

2. What are the recommendation in order to improve the productivity?

Significance of the Study

Productivity has a great impact on the construction industry. Labor Productivity play an
important role in the construction project. Many external and internal factor that creates a
productivity loss. The finding in this study will reveal the factor affecting labor productivity. The
benefits they may able to gain are:

Profession (Engineer, Teacher)-This paper will benefit the engineers, contractor and
another worker in a construction site in determining the factor affecting the productivity. The result
of the study may help the teacher to use it as a guide in teaching in the students.

Researcher- This will help as future reference and will serve as a basis of studies regarding
the labor productivity.

Students- This research paper will provide information about the concept, applications, and
techniques about productivity in the construction. The results of the study may serve as a guide in
their case study.
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Scope and Delimitation of the Study

In the construction industry, there are many factors that can delay or seriously impair a
particular project. But in this study would focus on determining the factors affecting the labor
productivity. We will be having a survey regarding productivity in the Suntrust Solana. The survey
would be done by gathering the data based on the productivity of steel man, form work, and rebar
works. The data gathered will be grouped tabulated and analyzed and treated statistically using
simple descriptive statistical tools like percentage, average, mean and frequency distribution.
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In this chapter the researcher presents the processes and the methods carried out and done
by the researchers to produce a substantial output.

Methods and Techniques of the Study

The study utilized the secondary data analysis method of research in investigating the
productivity rate of the labor crews from the selected specialized jobs in the construction site of
Suntrust Building in Ayala Boulevard cor. Natividad Lopez St., Ermita, Manila.

The secondary data analysis method of research is defined as “any further analysis of an
existing data which presents interpretations, conclusions, or knowledge additional to, or different
from, those presented in the first report in the inquiry as a whole or its main results”. (Glaser, 1963).
The method used the archived files for further elaboration of the research and used it as a variable
for the research to become part of a bigger picture or report.

In conducting research, the area of investigation and research questions determine the
method that the researcher follows. The research method consists of how the researcher collects,
analyzes, and interprets the data in the study. Secondary analysis is a method with procedural and
evaluative steps, yet there is a lack of literature to define a specific process, yet this paper proposes
a process that begins with the development of research questions, then the identification of the data
set, and thoroughly evaluation of the data set. (Johnston, 2014).
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Sample of the Study

The table below will present the three fields of specialization that will be the scope of the
survey for the productivity rate of the labor crews. All these labor crews are workers from the site
of the Suntrust Building in Ermita, Manila.


Crew A Steel Works

Crew B Masonry Works

Crew C Formworks

Research Instrument

The researcher will use the means of survey as its instrument for researching and
determining the appropriate variables needed for the research. Tally sheets and performance
checklists will be collected from the existing conditions of the site as a part of secondary data
analysis method of research.

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

The researcher will tabulate the daily output of the labor crews from the three specialized
fields. These data will be collected for a week to determine the performance of each of the labor
crew. The data will then be computed by averaging the weekly accomplishment of the crews and
it may be compared to the existing data available on other trusted sources. The processing of data
gathered will follow the procedure presented below:
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• Gather data from specialized jobs from

Gather construction site.

• Tabulate the data or

Tabulate perfomance of the labor crew
for a week.

• Average the data

Compute to get the weekly
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This chapter presents, analyses and interprets the data gathered from an on-going project
to assess its respective weekly accomplishment rate for productivity rate to assess time of
Structural works completion. Data gathered from the on-going project are to be used to compute
for an average productivity rate in each and every main part of a construction building.

Tabulated Raw Data

The tables below show the daily manpower and accomplished structural works of the on-
going project which will later use to compute for the productivity rate. The data on the tables were
gathered by the researchers who have taken their trainee on the said project.

Table 3.1 Tabulated 1 – Week Manpower

Description Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Total
Foreman 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
Leadman 4 2 4 3 2 4 3 22
Mason 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 11
Steelman 18 20 17 22 12 21 21 130
Carpenter 43 43 38 47 26 41 36 274
Mason Helper 20 19 13 17 2 16 15 35
Total 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 273

Table 3.1 shows the daily manpower of the project for a one whole week for the structural
works. The table above shows the total number of workers present for the entire whole week.
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Table 3.2 Tabulated 2 – Estimated Accomplished Work

Description Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Ave.

Reinforcing Bars(kg) 2700 3650 3320 4200 1920 4450 4200 3491.43

Formworks(m2) 146.43 146.43 129.4 160.05 88.54 139.62 122.59 933.06

Concreting(m3) 54 58 59 67 0 69 65 372

Table 3.2 shows the estimated structural works being accomplished for the entire week
on a daily basis. Some data, as you can see, have a zero value, since pouring of concrete isn’t
performed every day.

Table 3.3 Tabulated 3 – Computed Productivity Rate


Reinforcing Bars 23.5 kg/hr.

Formworks 2.98 m2/hr.

Concreting 3.84 m3/hr.

Table 3.3 shows the computed productivity rate on each worker per hour on the
structural works of the said project. Data were computed based on Table 3.1 and Table 3.2.
Sample Computation:
For Reinforcing Bar:
Given the Average Accomplished Work of 3491.43 kg and a total worker of 130 steelman,
productivity rate can be computed;
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑑 𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑘
𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑎 𝑊𝑒𝑒𝑘 8 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑟𝑠
( 7 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠
)( 𝑑𝑎𝑦

𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 130 8 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑟𝑠 = 𝟐𝟑. 𝟓𝒌𝒈/𝒉𝒓.
(7 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠)( 1 𝑑𝑎𝑦
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Interpretation of Data

As you can see on the tables above, productivity rate is computed through manpower and
accomplished works given on a specific period of time. Projects and construction buildings
gathered this information to improve and fasten their works in case there is a lack of productivity.
On the said project, we can see that a single steelman has a productivity rate of 23.5 kg per hour,
one carpenter can work for 2.98 m2 per hour while mason, and a single mason helper can achieve
3.84 m3 per hour. As we all know, there are eight working hours in a day which is used to compute
for the productivity rate for a single worker in reinforcing bars and formworks. The average
working hour that we used in concreting is six hours since concrete pouring on the said project
within the observed week only last for five to seven hours. Day number 5, if you’ll observed well,
has a lower value in terms of workers since it is Sunday. Productivity rate mostly depends on
Manpower and accomplished works, but factors such as changes in plan, weather conditions, and
changes of orders, etc., may also affect the productivity rate.
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We all know that productivity is one of the major relevant factors in construction because
it depends on how it takes long the building build and also how much the cost for the project.
Productivity means the availability the overall performances in the construction. Productivity a
perception that is laborious to measure because there have instances having unexpected problem
in site, that's why the computed or the standard work wasn't getting.

According to chapter 3 or the data results, the productivity as the result of the control in
the following needed in the construction like skilled laborers, the availability of the equipment/
materials, and also the performance of the engineer that how to manage every situation in sight.
Also, productivity depends on the set up of the engineer like sometimes there have an unexpected
change of order and also sometimes there have a lack of information given that affect in
productivity. We discuss the most significance in the productivity the skilled laborers, we all know
that skilled laborers are hard to find because they are only few, but we also want the labor that
want to learn, and they do his best in his work, cause the construction depends on the quality of
works and quantity of worked. However, the following quantitative results, few of the works are
was got the standard or higher than standard productivity, but we cannot avoid the productivity
that lower than is needed maybe because of the materials or situation. As the impact of productivity
on the project are usually bad because of a lack of materials and also definitely the performance
of the laborers.
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We conclude that there are implicit for site productivity refinement through collaboration
among laborers and engineers. We need to regard the delays of work, lack of information given,
changes in plan, and any situation the unexpected happen that affect the productivity. All we
want in productivity is having a high quantity of performance, but also having a good quality of

The research mostly focus on the productivity rate of a single on-going project. Researchers
recommend for further research and information concerning productivity rates. Future researchers
may use a well-distinguished and more specified breakdown of structural works so that they can
compute a more accurate productivity rate since workers/laborers have their specific tasks on the
site. Another thing is that it is better to gather data from different projects to show the difference
in the productivity rates and compare which project has a more productive workers per hour.
Researchers also recommend the use of existing data given by finished project to compare their
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Gundech, M.,(2012, September). Study of Factors Affecting Labor Productivity at a Building
Construction Project in the USA: Web Survey

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