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Jbel-Sendouq Khalladi
Wind Farm and 225kV Power Line Project
Tangier, Morocco

Environmental and Social Action Plan

August 2015

ESAP August 2015 1


!! !

Requirement, Target,and,
(Legislative,, Resources,, Evaluation,
EBRD,PR,, Investment, Criteria,for,
No.! Action! Risks, Timetable!
International, Needs,, Successful,
(Liability/Be Responsibility! Implement
nefits)! ation!
EP1! Assessment,and,Management,of,Environmental,and,Social,Impacts,and,Issues!
1.1 Environmental and Social Monitoring Report Environmen EBRD PR1 UPC Constructi Reports
Submit to the EBRD a progress report: tal and renewables on: every submitted
• Implementation status of the ESAP social Loan six months and
• Environmental and social performance monitoring Agreement The format of approved
report in relation project activities/status requirement the annual Operation: by the
report will be the end of EBRD.
provided by the first
the EBRD. quarter of
each year
during the
1.2 Environmental and Social Management during Implement Moroccan Personnel Upon entry The three
the construction phase assign within the UPC ation of legislation engaged by into force leaders
renewables team the following three (3) regulatory UPC of the are
responsibilities (one to three personnel, and requiremen EBRD PR1 renewables ESAP and recruited
providing the necessary resources), under the ts and ESAP (these three for the and
direct authority of the Project Manager: responsibilities duration of retained in

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• "Environment" responsibility in charge of can not be the office until

compliance with environmental legislation outsourced) constructio the end of
Moroccan (including environmental and resources n period. the
recommendations of the EIA and must be constructi
specifications) and the implementation of allocated on phase
the ESAP (EP1, EP3 and EP6)
• "Social" responsibility in charge of
compliance with legislation Moroccan
labor, social recommendations of the EIA
and specifications, and implementation of
the ESAP (EP2, EP5, EP10 and EP8)
• "Health and Safety" responsibility in charge
of compliance with health and safety
legislation Moroccan (including the
recommendations of the EIA and
specifications) and the implementation of
the ESAP (EP4)
1.3a Prepare an Environmental and Social Moroccan UPC By the end The
Management and Monitoring Plan that is legislation renewables of the ESMMP is
based on the Framework ESMMP   with the consultatio prepared
EBRD EP1 support of a n period by UPC
Specialist for the Renewabl
Consultant additional es and
ESIA approved
document by EBRD
1.3b Implementation of the Environmental and Moroccan Organized by After 1.3.a The
Social Management and Monitoring Plan legislation the and as ESMMP is
(ESMMP English) by the Environmental, Social coordinator(s), soon as implement
and Health and Safety Coordinator(s) during EBRD PR1 with support the ed
the construction phase, including notification from external coordinato
to the EPC contractors of their obligations in service rs are hired

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relation to the ESMMP. providers and during

when needed the
n phase
1.4 Environmental and Social Management during Implement Moroccan personnel 6 months Coordinat
the operation phase designate within the ation of legislation engaged by before the or(s)
team UPC renewables the coordinator(s) regulatory UPC end of the appointed
"Environmental, Social, Health and Safety" in requiremen EBRD PR1 renewables constructio and held
charge of compliance with Moroccan ts and ESAP (these three n phase in position
legislation (including environmental responsibilities throughou
recommendations of the EIA and can not be t the
specifications) and the implementation of the outsourced) operating
ESAP for the operation phase. phase
1.5 Update of the Environmental and Social Moroccan Organized by ESMMP ESMMP
Management and Monitoring Plan for the legislation the updated updated
operation and implementation phase. coordinator(s) before the and
EBRD PR1 "Environmenta start of the submitted
l, Social, operationa for no
Health and l phase objection
Safety", with to the
support from ESMMP EBRD
external implement
service ed during The
providers the ESMMP is
when needed operationa then
l phase implement
1.6 Implementation of an Environmental and Quality EBRD PR1 UPC Prepared Integrated
Social Management System (ESMS) Integrating Assurance renewables system: prepared
ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 and with the during the and
covering all project activities for the Continuous possible first year of certified.
operational phase Improveme assistance of operation

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nt a specialized Certificatio Certificati

firm to n: in the on
prepare the second renewed
ESMS. year of regularly
Certification operation
audits by a
certified firm.
1.7 Quality, and Performance control of Quality Moroccan Request by Upon entry Request
environmental, social and health / safety of assurance legislation UPC into force systematic
the work or service providers: renewables of the ally made
During the construction and operational EBRD PR1 ESAP and to the
phases, for contracts for services or work more Action to be for the service
than one million Euros, the providers are implemented duration of provider.
required to: by the the
- Appoint a HSE (Health Safety Environment provider. funding HSE
Health) agreemen Manager
- Include in their offers HSE risk management t appointed
specific plan that comply with Moroccan HSE Plan
legislation and the E&S EBRD policy: (i) review prepared
of the risks and HSE organization, (ii) personal by the
protective equipment, (iii) management of provider
solid and liquid waste, (iv) public protection and
and safety of neighboring communities to implement
construction, (v) road traffic management ed after
and (vi) other specific measures that UPC approval
renewables would like to see clarified. by UPC
1.8 External audit in case of complaint or Moroccan UPC On request Audit
significant non-compliance legislation renewables of the conducte
On request of the EBRD, hire an independent EBRD, in d
consultant (chosen by agreement between EBRD PR1 case of

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UPC renewables and EBRD) for an E & S audit complaint

and recommendations for dealing with or
complaints or non-compliances. significant
(Max 2
audits per

EP 2 Labour and Working Conditions

2.1 Complaint management: Prepare and Conflict EBRD PR2 UPC Before the Mechanis
implement a complaints handling mechanism prevention renewables. start of m
available to UPC renewables employees and work implement
employees of the EPC contractors and their ed and
subcontractors effective
2.2 Human Resources Policy Transparen Moroccan UPC From the policy
Prepare and make available permanently to cy and legislation renewables. first year paper
all employees a Human Resources policy, in Human after the "Human
line with the H&S policy of the EBRD and Resources EBRD PR2 entry into Resources
including: Complianc force of Policy"
• equitable treatment, non-discrimination e the ESAP. prepared
and equal opportunities for all workers; Managem and freely
• the right to membership in trade unions; ent accessible
• No child and forced labour.
2.3 Human Resources of the EPC contractor: Preventing Moroccan Requirement Each EPC Requirem
Require the EPC contractors working in internal risks legislation made by UPC contractor ent
Morocco: related to renewables. managem transmitte
• to manage human resources in the EBRD PR2 ent plan d to each
accordance with the Moroccan legislation presence Action to be must be EPC
and with the EP2 of the H & S policy of the of a large implemented submitted contractor
EBRD number of by the EPC to UPC

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• To prepare a human resource workers contractors. renewable Human

management plan for the construction s before Resources
phase including: work Managem
o The conditions of employment of local begins ent Plan
residents, for each
o Working conditions, EPC
o The conditions of accommodation and contractor
catering. approved
by UPC
es social
2.4 Personal safety and security: Anticipatio EBRD PR2 EPC Risk Risk and
Prior to the engagement (direct or via a n and contractor for assessment Managem
service provider) of security staff, conduct a prevention the and ent Plan
study of the risks (health, safety, working of risks that construction managem prepared
conditions) and on this basis prepare a security phase. ent plan and
management plan to apply to this activity. personnel prepared implement
will be UPC before the ed
exposed. renewables start of the (directly or
for the constructio via a
operational n phase service
phase provider)
plan for
l phase
EP 3 Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Control

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3.1 Water supply: Preventing Moroccan Notification of Before the Obligation

Include in the contract documents the the risks of legislation the EPC start of /
obligation of the EPC contractors to supply conflicting contractors by work restriction
their construction and site installations with use of EBRD PR3 UPC constructio included
water purchased from an authorized source water renewables n in the
(prohibition to pump from underground or resources contract
surface sources) document
s of the
3.2 Prevention and control of pollution during the Prevention Moroccan Requirement Prior to the Plan
construction phase: Require the preparation and legislation by UPC start of prepared,
and the implementation (after approval by Control of renewables work approved
UPC renewables) of the following: Pollution EBRD PR3 and
• waste management plan (all of waste: Action to be implement
solid or liquid, domestic or construction implemented ed
waste, etc ..) by the EPC
• soil conservation plan: land management, contractors.
erosion control, revegetation of temporary
sites, access roads and circulation, and
borrow or disposal areas.
• The uncontrolled disposal of spoils along
the roads/tracks is prohibited.
3.3 Prohibition of use of pesticides Prevention EBRD PR3 Requirement From the Prohibition
The nature of the project does not justify the and by UPC start of formulate
use of pesticides (insecticides and herbicides) Control of Internationa renewables work and d and
during the construction or operation phase. Pollution l best for the applied
Their use is prohibited. practices Action to be duration of
implemented the
by the EPC financial
contractors for agreemen

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the t
phase and
for the
3.4 Flicker effect Prevention EBRD PR3 UPC During the Recomme
Implementation of the recommendation of of Flicker renewables operationa ndations
the Flicker impact study effect Internationa l phase implement
l best ed
EP 4 Health and Safety
4.1 Fire prevention and emergency plan The risk of EBRD PR4 Requirement Before the Plan
Prepare a plan for the prevention of fire fire in the by UPC start of prepared
hazards and the management of emergency hills renewables work and
situations. The plan must include the safety of adjacent to approved
workers and the public; and will be presented the Project Action to be by UPC
to civil security authorities. is a major implemented renewabl
risk to the by each EPC es, subject
safety of contractor. to civil
personnel protection
4.2 HSE Plan for major works: Risk EBRD PR4 Requirement HSE Plan HSE Plan
The measure in 1.7 of the ESAP (Quality, and prevention by UPC each EPC prepared
Performance control of environmental, social for renewables contractor by each
and health / safety of the work or service personnel to prepare EPC
providers) applies to the EPC contractors and exposed to Action to be before contractor

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their subcontractors. work implemented work and

activities by the EPC implement
contractors. ed after
es UPC.
EP 5 Land Acquisition, Involuntary Resettlement and Economic Displacement
5.1 Restoring Livelihoods: Risk EBRD PR5 UPC Plan Prepared
Preparation and implementation of a plan to prevention, renewables prepared and
restore livelihoods, based on the Framework livelihood Internationa and implement
LALRPs and Social Impact Assessment, with losses. l best approved ed Plan
particular attention to gender aspects. practices by the
before the
start of
works that
may affect
ly after

EP 6 Biodiversity and Living Natural Resources management of living natural resources

6.1 Biodiversity Protection Plan Prevention Moroccan UPC As soon as Plan
Implementation of biodiversity protection plan of damage legislation renewables Environme implement
to nt ed
biodiversity EBRD PR5 Manager is
Site engaged
and during

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the entire
EP 8 Cultural Heritage
8.1 Unforeseen encounters: Protection Moroccan UPC Before the Procedure
Develop chance find procedure. Train/advise of cultural legislation renewables. start of the prepared
workers of the types of cultural heritage that heritage constructio before
could be discovered and what to do in case EBRD PR8 n. work.
of unexpected discovery. Inform
EP Information Disclosure and Stakeholder Engagement
10.1 Stakeholders Engagement Plan (SEP): Public EBRD PR10 UPC As soon as The
information, renewables. Social stakehold
Implement SEP prepared for the Project. The complaint Manager is er
implementation of the SEP should ensure managem engaged participati
access to information of all parties involved in ent and during on plan is
the project, including the vulnerable groups the entire implement
(illiterate women heads of household, etc.). funding ed by UPC
The plan will be reviewed and adapted when period. renewabl
the UPC renewables Social Manger deems it is The public es and
necessary and at least at the start of the consultatio updated
operational phase. n following in due
the course.
Implement the Stakeholder Engagement Plan disclosure
(SEP), including the grievance mechanism for of
external stakeholders, and a second round of environme
public consultations which will specifically ntal and
target women. social
s should be

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n before
the work
10.2 Public information on environmental and Demonstrati EBRD PR10 UPC From the Existing
social performance of the project on of the renewables. first year web page
Publish on line and up date at least annually, environment after the and
a comprehensive set of information selected al & social entry into updated
by UPC and demonstrating good force of annually.
e of the
environmental and social performance of the Project
the ESAP.

ESAP August 2015 12

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