Tense and Aspect System
Tense and Aspect System
Tense and Aspect System
these months.
The Tense Aspect System
The English Tenses and Aspects
• Present tense conveys immediate factuality
(Lewis, 1986). Core meanings are on page 113.
• Past tense also states facts with a sense of
“remoteness” (Knowles, 1979). The
remoteness come in the feeling that the event
is over and done. Uses are on page 114.
• Future tense cannot be reported on facts; will
is used for strong predictions, not factual
reports. Its other meanings are on page 115.
• Present perfect is used retrospectively to refer
to a time prior to now.
• Past perfect offers a retrospective point of
view on some past time.
• The future perfect offers a retrospective point
of view on some future time.
• Refer to page 116 for the complete rules.
Seatwork: Complete the following
sentences with the correct perfect tense.
1. I ___________ in the Philippines for 20 years.
2. Scientists predicts that by 2020, __________
on Mars.
3. Since it’s Mothers’ Day on May 17, my
siblings and I _____________ a summer
getaway for our dear mom.
4. My husband _______ abroad for 6 years, so
he was able to put up his business.
5. If I _________ the comprehensive exam, I
would _____________ my thesis.
portrays an event in a way that allows for it to
incomplete, somehow limited.
Present Progressive Simple Present
• Anthony and Day are • Anthony and Day live in
living in Balintawak. Balintawak. (on-going)
(temporary) • Malunggay are growing
• Malunggay are growing like wildfire. (generic
like wildfire in my statements)
bakyard. (specific)