Living in The IT Era - 2
Living in The IT Era - 2
Living in The IT Era - 2
I. Course Description
Living in the IT Era will examine communication and information technologies with particular
emphasis on information technology and its components and in particular how they are used by
the Millennial Generation. Deals with the science, culture and ethics of information technology,
its influence on modern living and human relationships, and uses for personal, professional and
social advancement. The goal of the course is to understand how the communication and
information technologies evolve and the cultural, economic, political and social implications of
such technologies for society.
The core values of Philippine Christian University are faith, character, and service. Each member
of the University is expected to uphold these values through integrity, honesty, fairness, and
respect toward peers and community.
Part I: The Generations and The Rise of the Information Technology Era
1 Generations
The Generations
Millennials less confident about nation’s future, but so were their parents, grandparents when
C. Social Capital
Readings: Does following the e-lives of ‘friends build social capital?
‘C. Internet and Civic Engagement
B. Print Media
1. Death of Print Media: Does it Matter?
a. Daniel Lyons, “Don’t bail out newspapers—Let them die and get out of
the way.”
b. Jessica Bruder, “Is the death of newspapers the end of good citizenship?”
2. Possible Solutions
a. “Networking News”
b. Clay Shirky “Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable”
B. Broadcast Media
Eric Spiegelman, “Four weird things the Internet is doing to our
understanding of Television”
The State of the News Media, “Network news: The pace of change
C. Music Industry
Readings: Nancy Baym, Embracing the Flow”
D. Concentration
Siva Vaidhyanathan, “The Googlization of Everything”