DLL g8 Health Fam Health 1st Q
DLL g8 Health Fam Health 1st Q
DLL g8 Health Fam Health 1st Q
Region 02
Division of Cagayan
Malilitao, Claveria, Cagayan
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of human sexuality and managing sexuality related issues for a healthy life
B. Performance Standards The learner appropriately manages sexually-related issues through responsible and informed decisions
C. Learning identifies basic terms in sexuality analyzes the factors that affect identifies the different applies decision-making skills in
Competencies/objectives H8FH-Ia-16 one’s attitudes and practices issues/concerns of teenagers (i.e., managing sexuality-related issues
Write the LC code for each discusses sexuality as an important related to sexuality and sexual identity crisis) and the need for H8FH-Ih-23
component of one’s personality behaviors H8FH-Ib-19 support and understanding of the
assesses personal health attitudes family H8FH-Ie-g-22
that may influence sexual behavior
explains the dimensions of human H8FH-Ic-d-20
sexuality H8FH-Ia-18 relates the importance of sexuality
to family health H8FH-Ic-d-21
Gender and Human Sexuality Issues and Problems Related to Human Sexuality
A. Reference Physical Education and Health Learner’s Module 8
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages 201-211 204-210 224-229 233-235
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Review previews lesson Pre-assessment Recall the previous lesson: Ask the students: Recall the previous lesson:
or presenting a new lesson Individual Activity LM p 201 1. What is sexuality? 1. What are the issues and problems
2. What are the other terms in What do you value? related to Human Sexuality?
3. What are the dimensions of
human sexuality?
B. Establishing a purpose for Activity: Who are you? Make a Activity 3: How I and Others Activity 23: Critical thinking How do you deal with your
the lesson poem about yourself. See Myself? How it will affect the health of problems both big and small?
Read the poem on LM p 204 Refer LM p 206 the community as a whole?
-Bullying, Rh Bill, Sexual
Harassment, Cybercrime Law
C. Presenting What are the basic terms in What are the issues and What are the Life skills to improve
examples/instances of new sexuality? problems related to Human Sexual Health?
lesson Sexuality? -Assessing your health, making
-Sexually Transmitted Diseases good decisions, communicating
effectively, practicing wellness,
setting goals, using refusal skill &
evaluating media
D. Discussing new concepts Is sexuality important component What are the factors that affect What are the Common Sexually Steps of Decision Making
and practicing new skills 1 of one’s personality? one’s attitude? Transmitted Infections? -Determine the problem, Explore
-Sexuality towards yourself the alternatives, consider the
-Sexuality towards others consequences, identify your value,
decide, & evaluate
E. Discussing new concepts What do you think comprise the What are the Healthy attitudes
and practicing new skills 2 individual’s personality? that may influence sexual
-Physical, mental, social, emotional behaviour?
& ethical self -Family, Self, & Peers
F. Developing mastery(Leads Paper and Pencil Test
to formative assessment) (Identification Test)
G. Finding practical Being a teenager, what can you
applications of concepts and do to help the country in cases
skills in daily living like this?
H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about the Students will share what transpired during the discussion.
I. Evaluating learning Group Activity: Role Play Ans. Activity 9 LM pp 211-212
Refer LM p 216 for instruction Making Good Decisions
Refer LM p 217 for Rubric
J. Additional activities for Answer Activity 10 LM pp 212-
application or remediation 213
Individual Activity