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0-Rules Relating To M Tech

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1. Introduction

1.1 Provisions of these rules shall be applicable to all Postgraduate courses leading to the
degrees of Master of Technology (M.Tech.) and Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm).

1.2 The Departments/Schools/Affiliated Institutes shall offer the Master’s degree

programs under these rules in such areas or specializations in full-time and part-time
basis as the Academic Council may decide from time-to-time.

2. Admission

Admissions to postgraduate degree program shall be made on the basis of performance in

All India GATE or Admission Test conducted by the University/Institution. The
candidates from Industry/Research Institutions or the members of the faculty of
university or its affiliated colleges can also be admitted to the course as sponsored

The eligibility criteria and the procedure of admission for each program shall be specified
for each course separately at the time of admission.

3. Duration

3.1 The full-time postgraduate programs shall be of duration of 24 months spread over
four semesters mentioned in clause 5, and the schedule of events in the semesters, i.e., the
date of commencement, class test, end-semester examinations etc., shall be as laid down
by the Academic Council every year in the Academic calendar.

3.2. The part-time postgraduate programs shall be of duration of 36 months spread over
six semesters mentioned in clause 5, and the schedule of events in the semesters, i.e., the
date of commencement, class test, end-semester examinations etc., shall be as laid down
by the Academic Council every year in the Academic calendar.

3.3 A student admitted to the program will be required to complete successfully the four
semesters for full-time program and six semesters for part-time program at a stretch.
However, under special circumstances, students may be given permission by the
Academic Council to complete the program within a maximum period of 5 years from the
date of first admission as per provisions given in clause10.
4. Conduct and Discipline

Students shall conduct themselves within and outside the precincts of the
Institute/University in a manner befitting the students of an institution of higher learning.

5. Course Structure

5.1 Weightage of the courses shall be reckoned in credits, as specified against each

5.2 In order to qualify for M. Tech / M.Pharm degree of the University, a student is
required to complete between 93 and 100 credits as required by the prescribed curricula
of the University.

5.3 The credits that are to be completed satisfactorily for the degree are distributed as

Number of credits:

(a) Course work 45 - 50

(includes theory, laboratory, seminar/sessional)
(b) Comprehensive viva-voce 03
(within 2nd semester for full-time program and
within 4th semester for part-time program)
(c) Thesis/Project work
(3rd and 4th semesters for full-time program 45 – 50
and 5th and 6th semesters for part-time program)

A student is required to qualify separately in each of the components (a), (b) and (c)
listed above.

6. Examinations:

6.1 At the end of each semester, there shall be an examination (here-in-after called end-
semester examination) conducted by the University as per the program announced by the
Controller of Examinations.

6.2 Back paper examinations, if any, shall be held with the normal end-semester
examination. There shall be no separate supplementary examination.

6.3 Teacher (s) associated with the teaching of the subject or course item will be
responsible for all aspects of teaching and evaluation of the course in addition to setting
of questions for the end-semester examinations.
6.4 The provision of Post-Publication-Review and Post-Publication-Scrutiny (as per
Chapter VII of Part – 2) shall not be available to the students of M.Tech / M.Pharm
degree program. The evaluated scripts shall be shown to the students before sending the
award list to the office of the Controller of Examinations.

The evaluated scripts should be stored at the Departments/Schools/Affiliated Institutes

for one year from the date of publication of the result.

7. Evaluation

7.1 Course work: The evaluation of course items of the course work shall be done as per
the following guidelines:

(A) Theory Items: each item under this classification shall be evaluated on the
basis of 100 percentage points, subdivided into the following four categories:

(i) End-semester examination: 70 points

(ii) Course test/ class test/Assignment : 20 points
(iii) Attendance: 10 points

(B) Laboratory Items: each item under this classification shall be evaluated on the
basis of 100 percentage points on the basis of a continuous evaluation.

(C) Seminar/sessional Items: each item under this classification shall be evaluated
on the basis of 100 percentage points on the basis of a continuous evaluation.

7.2 Comprehensive viva-voce: A comprehensive viva-voce will ordinarily be held

immediately after the end of second semester examination (immediately after the end of
fourth semester examination for part-time program). The oral examination will carry 3
(three) credits and cover the entire course of study during the first and the second
semesters for full-time program (during the first to fourth semesters for part-time
program). The viva voce will be conducted by a Board consisting of members from the
faculty of the Departments/Schools/Affiliated Institutes and at least two external
examiners selected by the university from a list of ten names proposed by
Department/School/Affiliated Institute.

A student unable to pass the comprehensive viva-voce in the first attempt will get a
second chance to clear the same within a month from the date of first comprehensive
viva-voce. A student failing in comprehensive viva-voce even after the second chance
shall be required to repeat the year and shall not be eligible for carry over the promotion.

The grade obtained in the viva-voce shall be used for computing the SGPA and YGPA at
the end of the 2nd semester for full-time program (at the end of the 4th semester for part-
time program).
7.3 Thesis/Project work: A student will carry out project work during the third and
fourth semesters (during fifth and sixth semesters for part-time program). A student shall
carry out the project work under the supervision of a member of the teaching staff and/or
a Scientific Officer of the Department/School/Affiliated Institute.

A student may undertake to execute the project in collaboration with an Industry,

Research and Development Organization or another academic institution/University
where sufficient facilities exist to carry out the project work. In addition to the Supervisor
from the Department/School/Affiliated Institute, a Joint Supervisor may be appointed
from the Industry, a Research Laboratory or another University with the approval of the
Department/School/Affiliated Institute. The Joint Supervisor will be associated with the
guidance and may also be associated with evaluation of the performance of the student.
The internal Supervisor may, if felt necessary, visit the Industry, or the Research
Laboratory or the University in connection with the project of a student.

For purpose of assessment, the performance of a student in the project work may be
divided into the following parts:

Third Semester (Fifth Semester for Part-time Program): The student shall have to
submit a report of the work done during the Semester and present a seminar lecture of 20-
25 minutes duration (followed by a discussion) to the members of the Project Assessment
Committee formed (inclusive of the co-supervisor) by the Department/School/Affiliated
Institute (with a minimum of five members).

The evaluation shall be done on the basis of 100 percentage points, subdivided into the
following two categories:

Project work to be evaluated by the Supervisor 50 points

Report and seminar lecture

to be evaluated by Project Assessment Committee 50 points

Fourth Semester (Sixth Semester for Part-time Program): The student shall submit
the dissertation within a stipulated time as announced by the Controller of Examinations.
The student will have to appear at a viva-voce and deliver a seminar lecture of 20-25
minutes duration. The dissertation seminar and viva-voce shall be conducted by the last
date fixed as per the academic calendar by the Academic council. The viva voce will be
conducted by a Board consisting of at least five members from the faculty of the
Departments/Schools/Affiliated Institutes and at least one external examiner selected by
the university from a list of ten names proposed by Departments/Schools/Affiliated
The evaluation shall be done on the basis of 100 percentage points, subdivided into the
following three categories:

Project work 50 points

(to be awarded by the supervisor)

Dissertation 25 points
(to be awarded by the external examiner)

Viva-voce 25 points
(to be awarded by the external examiner)

A student has to have a satisfactory performance in each component separately to qualify

for the degree.

Extension of project work: Under exceptional circumstances, extension of project work

beyond the submission deadline may be granted by the University on recommendation of
the Department/School/Affiliated Institute for a maximum period of 6 months. The viva
voce will have to be completed within the extension period.

The student shall not be eligible either for award of assistantship during the extension
period. The student who have been absent on medical grounds or his/her project has been
extended, he/she will also not be eligible for award of Medal or Prize.

8. Declaration of Results and Promotions:

In order to pass the two-year M.Tech/M.Pharm degree program a candidate must obtain
at least D grade in each of the course items of the entire program and a DGPA of 6.0.

The promotional status shall be indicated on the even semester grade card/sheet as per
details below:

(A) Passed and Promoted (denoted by ‘P’) and indicating that

i. The student has cleared ALL course items of both odd and even semesters of
the academic year individually.
ii. The student has no backlogs below the present level from which the
promotion is sought.
(B) Eligible for promotion with backlog (denoted by ‘XP’) and indicating that
i. The student has not been able to clear up to a maximum of 2 course items
(counting ALL items for the two semesters of the level/year as units with each
SGPA as an item) but has maintained an YGPA of 5 or above.
ii. The student has no backlogs below the present level from which the
promotion is sought.
iii. The student has passed the comprehensive viva-voce.

(C) Ineligible for promotion (denoted by ‘X’) and indicating that

The student is not eligible for promotion to the next higher level due to non-
fulfillment of stipulations for governing promotion.

9. Grading System:

Obeying the clauses, contained in 7.1 to 7.3 (a – e) of Academic Regulations and chapter
I of Part 2 of First Regulation of West Bengal University of Technology, at the end of the
program a student of M.Tech/M.Pharm shall receive his/her grade card for the program
only indicating a Degree Grade Point Average (DGPA) according to following norms:

DGPA (for M.Tech/M.Pharm full-time program) = ½ ∑ YGPA

Year = 1

DGPA (for M.Tech/M.Pharm part-time program) = /3 ∑ YGPA
Year = 1

10 Withdrawals

10.1 A student who has been admitted to M.Tech. or M.Pharm. program may be
permitted by the Academic Council of the university to withdraw temporarily for a period
of one semester or more from the Department/School/Affiliated Institute on account of
prolonged illness/acute problem in the family, provided that:

(a) The student applies to the University within one month of commencement of
the semester or the date of last attended classes, stating fully the reasons for such
withdrawal together with supporting documents and endorsement of the
Department/School/Affiliated Institute,
(b) The Department/School/Affiliated Institute is satisfied that, inclusive of the
period of withdrawal, the student is likely to complete all the requirements for the
degree within 5 years of admission to the program,

(c)There are no outstanding dues or demands from the

Department/School/Affiliated Institute.

10.2 A student who has been granted temporary withdrawal under provisions of the
above clause will be required to pay tuition fee and other fees only for the current
semester when s/he rejoins the program.

10.3 A student shall be granted only one such temporary withdrawal during the program.

10.4 A student who has been granted temporary withdrawal under provisions of the
clause 10.1 shall not be eligible either for award of assistantship during the extension
period or any medal or prize.

11. Relaxation

The Academic Council may, under exceptional circumstances, consider any case of a
student having a minor deficiency in respect of any of the requirements stated in these
rules and relax the relevant provision of these rules based on the merit of the case. The
grounds on which such relaxation is granted shall invariably be recorded and cannot be
cited as precedence.

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