Sword & Sail PDF
Sword & Sail PDF
Sword & Sail PDF
Game Background
three turn actions.
Game Pieces and Assembly • Army Cards (Red): These cards show an
empire and list its name. When you play this
1 Set of Instructions card, you may place 1 new army onto any empty
1 Game Board land region within the empire listed on the card.
16 Action Cards (13 land cards and 3 voyage cards) • Voyage Cards (Blue): These cards say
210 Tokens (30 armies and 12 navies of each color) “Voyage” and show a water region. When you
play this card, you may exchange 1 of your
Start by printing this existing armies in play with a navy (ship) token.
document and carefully Once an army becomes a navy, it has the ability
cutting out all the game to move over land or water.
pieces. Although not
necessary, you may
wish to dry-mount and laminate your game pieces before
cutting them out if you want a nice looking, durable
game. You should have 16 cards and 210 tokens as well
as one game board when you are finished cutting.
Game Overview your navies to any adjacent land or water square. For
example on your turn you may wish to move one single
army or navy up to three spaces; However, this would use
Now take a look at the board. Here you will find 8 up all your action points for that turn. You may not move
empires marked in different colors (Britannia, Scandia, a single token onto another area with a single token;
Gallia, Italia, Germania, Hellas, and Africa). The object However, You may move any two of your armies or
of the game is to be the first to control an entire empire by navies onto another player’s one army or navy to overtake
having your armies or navies (the small tokens) on every that region. However, both you and your opponent will
region of an empire. However, this is not as easy as it lose an army in doing so (Only one army may be on a
sounds as other players may be struggling for the same region at a time).
territories as you. Regions are separated by lines and a dot
on each region. For instance, Iberia has 4 regions
(Tarraconensis, Baltica, Lusitania, and Galacia). By
having an army on each of these four regions you would
Game Notes
win the game. Armies and navies are placed on the game • At no time during the game (except during an attack)
board by playing action cards as follows. can more than 1 army exist on a region.
• At no time during the game can a player have more
Game Play Sequence than three cards.
• You may only enter water with a navy.
After deciding who will start first, play goes clockwise.
Each player takes three actions on their turn. Actions
may include: Winning
To win, be the first to conquer an entire empire (separated
• Taking a new action card on the board by color) by having an army on every region
• Playing an action card of that empire.
• Discarding an unwanted action card
• Moving and or attack an opponent
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