TG20-13 Supplement PDF
TG20-13 Supplement PDF
TG20-13 Supplement PDF
TG20:13 Supplement 1
TG 20 eGuide 1.1
3.2 mm cold formed high-tensile tubes Identifying the TG 20 eGuide version
TG 20 compliance sheets are now available for scaffolding It is possible to identify which of your computers or mobile
formed with 3.2 mm thick high-tensile galvanised steel tubes devices have been updated to the latest version of the TG 20
manufactured by a cold forming process to BS EN 10219-1. eGuide by pressing the ‘i’ icon in the top-right corner of the
Welcome screen. This displays the About screen, which
Further information is provided in section 1.2 of this
includes the version number and other information.
This supplement extends the tube types permitted for TG 20 tag should also include the section designation (including
compliant scaffolding to include 3.2 mm thick high tensile thickness) in accordance with the EN.
galvanised cold formed steel scaffold tubes supplied in
Tubes supplied to this standard have a lower axial load
accordance with BS EN 10219-1.
capacity than type 4 steel tubes or hot-rolled high-tensile steel
Background tubes, as shown in tables 5.10 and 5.10 a of the TG 20:13
Design Guide. As such, the TG 20 compliance sheets supplied
Section 4.1 of the TG 20:13 Operational Guide states that with the TG 20:13 Operational Guide should not be used for
TG 20 compliant scaffolds may be formed from BS EN 39 type scaffolds constructed from them.
4 galvanised steel tubes or equivalent.
Version 1.1 of the TG 20 eGuide addresses this by providing
It also defines a specification for 3.2 mm thick high-tensile compliance sheets for tubes of this specification.
galvanised hot rolled steel tubes to BS EN 10210-1 grade
S 355, which offer structural performance comparable with TG 20 compliance sheets
type 4 steel tubes despite their lesser thickness.
A new option for selecting the required tube material has been
However, many of the high-tensile steel scaffold tubes provided in the TG 20 eGuide, as shown in figure 1.2.
supplied to the U K scaffolding industry are manufactured with
If cold-formed high-tensile steel tubes are selected, this is
a cold-formed process to BS EN 10219-1.
stated on the compliance sheet as shown in figure 1.1.
This supplement extends TG 20:13 to specify the conditions
If type 4 galvanised steel tubes (or equivalent) are selected,
under which tubes to this specification can be used for TG 20
the tube material is not specified on the compliance sheet and
compliant scaffolding.
the scaffold must be in accordance with the guidance in the
Tube specification TG 20:13 Operational Guide as previously.
Tubes used in accordance with this supplement must be high- Only the tube types defined in the Operational Guide may be
tensile galvanised steel tubes of 48.3 mm diameter, 3.2 mm used with the TG 20 compliance sheets provided with the
wall thickness and minimum 355 N / mm ² design strength Operational Guide and with version 1.0 of the TG 20 eGuide.
supplied in accordance with BS EN 10219-1.
Using mixed tube stocks
Such tubes can be identified on delivery with a stamped
If a mixed stock of scaffolding tubes is used, combining cold
marking, or as a minimum with an attached tag, to include as
formed high-tensile steel tubes with type 4 steel tubes, TG 20
a minimum the steel designation (‘EN 10219 – S 355 JOH’)
compliance sheets for cold formed high-tensile steel tubes
and the manufacturer’s name or trademark. The marking or
must be used to allow for their lower axial load capacity.
Figure 1.2: Selecting the scaffold tube material from version 1.1 of the TG 20 eGuide.
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Copyright © National Access and Scaffolding Confederation