Lesson Plan in EAPP

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Date: Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Content Standard: The learner acquires knowledge of appropriate reading strategies for better
understanding of academic texts.

Performance Standard: The learner produces a detailed abstract of information gathered from
various academic texts read.

I. Objective

The learner will be able to:

1. paraphrase/explain a text using one’s own words through direct


II. Subject Matter

A. TOPIC: Direct Quoting

B. REFERENCES: English for Academic and Professional Purposes by Sipacio & Barrot,

C. MATERIALS: Laptop, Monitor, Task Cards

III. Procedure

A. Pre- Activity


Students will be divided into 5 groups. All they have to do is to connect their assigned
famous line to the persona whom it came from. After matching it correctly, each
group will choose one member who will deliver their assigned famous line.

Famous Lines Persona

GROUP 1:.Son behold thy mother, mother behold thy son. Jesus Christ

GROUP 2: Education is the most powerful weapon to change Nelson Mandela

the world.

GROUP 3: All of us want peace, not the peace of dead, but the Pres. Rodrigo Duterte

peace of the living.

GROUP 4: When the government employee is poor, and he work

in a corrupt agency, he can resist everything Meriam Santiago

except temptation.
GROUP 5: I will use my voice to influence the youth and raise

awareness to certain causes like HIV. I want to Pia Wurtzbach

show the world that I am confidently beautiful with a heart.


A. Presentation

Today, we will discuss what direct quoting means, when to use it and its guidelines in

Direct Quoting means using the exact words of an author or speaker in your writing. It
is usually a short part of the text. All direct quotes need quotation marks. One must give
the author or speaker credit by citing the source in your essay.


What is plagiarism? In minor cases, it can be the quotation of a sentence of two

without quotation marks and without citation to the true author. In the most serious
cases, a significant fraction of the entire work was written by someone else but the
plagiarist remove the author(s), name(s) and substituted his/her name, perhaps did
some reformatting of the text, then submitted the work for credit in a class, as part of
the requirements for a degree or as part of a published article or book.

Reference: Standler, R.B. (2012). Plagiarism in Colleges in USA: legal aspects of

plagiarism academic policy.,p.5.

Direct Quotation

Standler (2012) states that plagiarism can be “the quotation of a sentence of two,
without quotation marks and without a citation to the true author” (p.5).

When to use Direct Quotation

1. Quote a text that conveys powerful message or will show less impact if it is
paraphrased or summarized.

2. Quote directly who you want to

a. Begin your discussion with author’s stand; or

b. Highlight the author’s expertise in your claim, argument or discussion.

Guidelines in Direct Quoting

1. Copy exactly the part of the text that you want to use.

2. Use quotation marks to show the beginning and ending of the quote.
3. Record the details of the original source.

4. Format your quotation properly. If your quotation is at least 40 words, it should be

indented. However, when your direct quotation is below 40 words, it should be presented as
part of the text.

B. Activity

With the same groupings, students will transform the famous lines in motivation part
into direct quoting.

C. Analysis

1. What is direct quoting/quotation?

2. When do we use direct quoting?

3. What are the guidelines in Direct Quoting?

D. Abstraction

1. Is it helpful for you as a student to study the basic way on how to write direct
quoting? Why?

E. Application

In pair, students will rewrite the following text into direct quoting.

1. Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.

-John Dewey

2. My words fly up, my thoughts remains below: Words without thoughts never to
heaven go.

-William Shakespeare

IV. Evaluation(1/2 crosswise)

Rewrite the text into direct quotation.

1. Democracy is the road to socialism

-Karl Marx

2. Respect yourself and other will respect you.


3. Be silent unless you can say something that is more useful than your silence.

V. Assignment

Define Concept Paper. They will write their answer in their notebook.

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