Daily Report Yogyakarta Earthquake Emergency Response: Exercise Exercise
Daily Report Yogyakarta Earthquake Emergency Response: Exercise Exercise
Daily Report Yogyakarta Earthquake Emergency Response: Exercise Exercise
Date: 21 April 2017 at 16:00 WIB
On Sunday, 16 April 2017 at 17:12 WIB, a 7.2 MW magnitude, IX intensity1 earthquake struck 37.2 km south
of Yogyakarta City at a depth of 33 km as reported by Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi da Geofisika
(“BMKG”). See Appendix “A”, Earthquake Epicentre Map. No tsunami was generated from this
earthquake. All four regencies of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (Bantul, Gunung Kidul, Kulon Progo
and Sleman) and Yogyakarta City were affected by the earthquake, as were the Central Java regencies of
Magelang, Boyolali, Klaten and Purworejo. Adisutjipto International Airport (JOG) in the Special Region
of Yogyakarta (“DIY”) was immediately closed to conduct damage assessments of the runway and
Immediately following the earthquake, the Mount Merapi volcano, located 30 km north of Yogyakarta
City (elevation 2,950 m) exhibited a dramatic increase in its volcanic ash plume, with the plume reaching
a height of 7 km. Prevailing winds from south-south-east (SSE) began pushing the cloud into the interior
of Central Java. The Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (“PVMBG”), Kementerian Energi dan
Sumbar daya Mineral (“ESDM”) issued an “Alert 2 (Code Yellow – Danger / Waspada)” and advised
national, provincial and local officials that, while an eruption did not appear to be imminent, officials
should prepare for a possible increase to Alert 3 (Code Orange – Ready to Erupt / Siaga) with increased
seismicity, including possible eruption, and evacuation of persons in the Forbidden, First Danger and
Second Danger Zones surrounding Mount Merapi (See Appendix “B”, Hazard Map for Mount Merapi.).
Flights into Achmad Yani Airport, Semarang City, were cancelled as the path of the ash cloud was
monitored (Achmad Yani Airport reopened the afternoon of 17 April 2017 but aircraft are prohibited from
approaching the airport from the south-west due to the Mount Merapi ash cloud plume.). As of 21 April
2017, the ash cloud from Mount Merapi continues.
Immediately after the earthquake, local police, fire, emergency services, the TNI and the affected
populations in the affected area began responding to the earthquake disaster. In Jakarta, the Badan
Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (“BNPB”) and, in DIY and Central Java, the Badan Penanggulangan
Bencana Daerah (“BPBD”) began initial assessment and response operations coordination. Initial reports
on the morning of 17 April estimated 2,500 dead, 1,500 seriously injured and 4,000 homes destroyed,
mainly due to collapsing structures. Casualty and damage estimates steadily rose as more assessments
were conducted. While areas of Yogyakarta and Central Java suffered damage, the regencies of Bantul
and Selman (respectively, south and north of Yogyakarta City) in DIY, and Boyolali and Klaten (both
Under the Medvedev–Sponheuer–Karnik scale, level IX (Destructive) is classified as: “General panic. People may
be forcibly thrown to the ground. Waves are seen on soft ground. Substandard structures collapse. Substantial
damage to well-constructed structures. Underground pipelines ruptured. Ground fracturing, widespread landslides.”
northeast of Yogyakarta City) in Central Java were the hardest hit, with most of the casualties and damage
to structures in those areas.
On the morning of Monday, 17 April 2017, the Head of BNPB deployed the first batch (75-members) of
the Satuan Reaksi Cepat Penanggulangan Bencana (“SRC-PB,” aka “INDRRA”), a civil-military stand-by
reaction force, to Yogyakarta to assist local governments in assessments, coordination and response.
By mid-afternoon on Monday, 17 April 2017, assessments showed that the damage and casualties from
the earthquake exceeded the capacity of the Provincial Governments of DIY and Central Java to response
with only internal resources. Sultan Hamengkubuwono X of Yogyakarta and Governor Ganjar Pranowo of
Central Java declared Provincial Disaster Emergencies. As assessments continued to be received, it
became clear that the disaster would exceed the national capacity to respond. As a result, on Tuesday,
18 April 2017 at 13:00 WIB, the President of Indonesia declared a National Disaster Emergency and
conveyed that Indonesia would accept offers of international assistance, including the use of foreign
military and civil defence assets (MCDA) in the response.
On the morning of 19 April, Adisutjipto International Airport reopened but is limited to daylight hours
operations, visual flight rules only, due to damage to the control tower and navigation aids. The airport
further reports damage to freight handling facilities at the airport. All flights into Adisutjipto Airport are
to avoid approaches from the north-west, and approach from the south or south-east, due to the Mount
Merapi volcanic ash plume.
At 02:30 on 20 April 2017, following an aftershock, the Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (“BATAN”) reported
that unsafe levels of radiation were recorded outside of the Pusat Sains dan Teknologi Akselerator (“PTSA)
facility on Jl. Babarsari, Depok, Sleman Regency, DIY. PTSA houses a 250Mw training, research, isotope
production / irradiation, general atomics (TRIGA) Type II nuclear reactor. Dosimeter readings outside of
the PTSA facility recorded rates at 0.02 mSv/hr (2 mrem/hr).2 BATAN also reported air concentration
readings outside of the PTSA facility at 7.4 X 10-6 Bq/ml (2 X 10-10 µCi/ml of air). BATAN immediately began
monitoring the situation. At 08:00 on 21 April 2017, BATAN and DIY officials imposed 2 km mandatory /
3 km voluntary evacuation zones around PTSA with the potential of increasing the evacuation zones radii
to 3 km mandatory / 5 km voluntary around PTSA should radiation levels rise. See Appendix “C”, 2, 3 & 5
km Evacuation Zone Map. Although Adisutjipto Airport lies within the 3 km voluntary evacuation zone,
and the western portion of the runway lies within the 2 km mandatory evacuation zone, the airport
remains open for relief operations.
As of 20 April 2017, 752 aftershocks of varying intensity have been recorded by BMKG, with the largest
recorded at 5.2 MW.
As of 15:00 on 21 April 2016, BNPB is reporting 5,775 confirmed dead, 46,021 confirmed injured and
558,472 confirmed displaced. See Appendix “D”, BNPB Yogyakarta Earthquake Casualty Statistics.
As reference:
• Average annual human dose of radiation is 6.2 mSv/year or 0.000707 mSv / hour (620 mrem / year or
0.070729 mrem / hour;
• Maximum annual does for the general public is limited to 5 mSv / year or 0.00057 mSv / hour (500 mrem /
year or 0.05704 mrem / hour); and
• Maximum annual dose for occupational workers is limited to 50 mSv / year or 0.005704 mSv / hour (5,000
mrem / year or 0.570398 mrem / hour).
Electrical power remains out in most metropolitan areas. Clean water and sewerage services continue
not to be available in most metropolitan areas due to ruptured pipes.
BMKG reports that aftershocks, some intense, continue. As of 20 April 2017, 752 aftershocks of varying
intensity have been recorded, with the largest recorded at 5.2 MW.
PVMBG continues to monitor the status of Mount Merapi. As of 1500, 21 April 2017, Alert 2 (Code Yellow
– Danger / Waspada) remains in effect for areas surrounding Mount Merapi. However, PVMBG continues
to advise national, provincial and local officials that, while an eruption does not appear to be imminent,
officials should prepare for a possible increase to Alert 3 (Code Orange – Ready to Erupt / Siaga) with
increased seismicity, including possible eruption, and evacuation of persons in Forbidden, First Danger
and Second Danger Zones surrounding Mount Merapi (See Appendix “B”, Hazard Map for Mount Merapi.).
Due to the ash plume arising from Mount Merapi, the Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara continues
to advise pilots to exercise extreme caution in flying in Jawa Tengah. Further, with winds out of the
southeast, the Direktorat is ordering that all flights into Adisutjipto International Airport avoid approaches
from the northwest, in the vicinity of the ash cloud.
BATAN continues to monitor the status of the PTSA facility secondary to the release of radiation in excess
of safe levels from the facility. A 2 km mandatory evacuation zone around the PTSA facility has been
ordered, with a 3 km voluntary evacuation zone implemented. Persons living or working within the 2 km
mandatory evacuation zone are in danger of cumulative radiation doses in excess of safe levels. BATAN
has further advises that should radiation levels increase, the evacuation zones may be expanded to 3 km
mandatory and 5 km voluntary around PTSA.
BPBD, Palang Merah Indonesia (“PMI”) and local government officials are coordinating the assessments
of the needs of displaced persons. Large numbers of displaced persons are reported to be gathering in
Surakarta City in search of aid.
Boyolali Regency Government continues to assess damages to roadways and railway lines running through
the regency. Of particular concern is roadway access from Adisumarmo International Airport to
Yogyakarta City from which aid deliveries are being received.
Boyolali Regency officials are reviewing their evacuation plans for a possible eruption of Mount Merapi in
the event PVMBG raises the alert from Alert 2 to Alert 3.
BPBD reports confirmed figures for Klaten Regency are 1,016 dead, 8,094 injured and 98,228 displaced.
BPBD further reports that 11,873 houses were destroyed and 12,684 houses were damaged.
BPBD, PMI and local government officials are coordinating the assessments of the needs of displaced
persons. Local officials report that displaced persons are reported to be gathering in Klaten City in search
of aid or moving towards Yogyakarta City.
Klaten Regency Government continues to assess damages to roadways and railway lines running through
the regency. Emphasis is being placed on opening damaged sections of Nasional 15 Highway.
Klaten Regency officials are reviewing their evacuation plans for a possible eruption of Mount Merapi in
the event PVMBG raises the alert to Alert 3.
For Magelang Regency, BPBD confirms 106 persons dead, 847 persons injured, 10,277 persons displaced,
1,242 houses destroyed and 1,327 houses damaged.
BPBD, PMI and local government officials are coordinating the assessments of the needs of displaced and
earthquake affected persons. Local officials report that displaced persons are reported to be gathering in
Magelang and Mutilan Cities in search of aid or moving south along Nasional 14 Highway towards
Yogyakarta City.
Magelang Regency Government continues to assess damages to roadways running through the regency.
Emphasis is being placed on opening damaged sections of Nasional 14 Highway.
Magelang Regency officials are reviewing their evacuation plans for a possible eruption of Mount Merapi
in the event PVMBG raises the alert to Alert 3. Regency officials have raised concern with the Provincial
Government that with closure of portions of Nasional 14 Highway due to earthquake damage, evacuations
of residents, especially those in southern Magelang Regency, will be problematic.
Magelang Regency is not directly affected by the PTSA radiological incident. Regency officials are
scheduled to meet with BATAN officials to discuss possible hazards from wind borne radiological
particulates secondary to winds blowing from PTSA towards Magelang Regency.
Purworejo Regency officials and BPBD confirm that for this regency 625 persons were killed, 4,981 persons
are injured and 60,449 persons are displaced. 7,307 houses are confirmed destroyed and 7,805 houses
are confirmed damaged.
BPBD, PMI and local government officials are coordinating the assessments of the needs of displaced and
earthquake affected persons. Local officials report that displaced persons are reported to be gathering in
Purworejo City in search of aid. With continued aftershocks, officials report that residents of Djagalaja
and other coastal communities remain fearful of a tsunami and are not returning home at this time.
Purworejo Regency Government continues to assess damages to roadways and railway lines running
through the regency. Emphasis is being placed on opening damaged sections of Jalan Goa-Kiskendo,
Bagelen-Clamgkrep, Purworejo-Wates and Deandels Highways.
Local Regency Officials are reviewing their plans to accept possible evacuees from regencies surrounding
Mount Merapi should an evacuation order be issued by PVMBG.
2.1.2. DIY
BPBD reports that 359 persons are confirmed dead, 2,859 persons are confirmed injured and 34,692
persons are confirmed to be displaced in Yogyakarta City. BPBD further reports that 4,193 houses have
been destroyed and 4,480 houses damaged.
BPBD, PMI and Yogyakarta City government officials are coordinating the assessments of the needs of
displaced persons. City officials, PMI and BPBD are assessing possible displace settlement sites and
temporary housing areas for the large numbers of displaced persons gathering in Yogyakarta City.
Yogyakarta City Government continues to assess damages to urban roadways, highways and railway lines
running through the city. Of particular concern are Jl. Urip Semonharjo (Nasional 15 Highway) and Jl.
Wates – Jl. RE Martadinata (Nasional 3 Highway), which will be used to distribute relief supplies received
at Adisutjipto and Adisumarmo International Airports.
Yogyakarta City officials are reviewing their evacuation plans and plans for receipt of evacuees from
neighboring regencies for a possible eruption of Mount Merapi in the event PVMBG raises the alert from
Alert 2 to Alert 3.
While Yogyakarta City lies outside of the 2 km mandatory radiological incident evacuation zone, the north-
eastern portion of the city lies within the 3 km voluntary evacuation zone and possible, expanded 5 km
evacuation zone. BPBD, PMI and Yogyakarta City government officials are coordinating the assessments
of the needs of persons who have voluntarily evacuated their homes and businesses within the 3 km zone.
Officials are further assessing potential needs for persons who may be displaced should the radiological
evacuation zones be expanded to 3 km (mandatory) and 5 km (voluntary) around PTSA.
For Bantul Regency, where the earthquake epicenter was located, BPBD confirms 841 persons dead, 6,705
persons injured, 81,368 persons displaced, 9,835 houses destroyed and 10,507 houses damaged.
BPBD, PMI and local government officials are coordinating the assessments of the needs of displaced and
earthquake affected persons. Local officials report that displaced persons are reported to be traveling
north towards Yogyakarta City. Further, local officials advise that residents of Kretek and other
communities near the coast remain unwilling to return to their homes out of fear that one of the
continuing aftershocks may produce a tsunami.
Bantul Regency Government continues to assess damages to roadways running through the regency,
especially Jalan Srandakan Manding near Srandakan, and Jl. Bantul / Jalan Samas, Jl. Parangiritis, Jl.
Imogiri-Barat, Jl. Imogiri-Timur and Jl. Pleret / Jalan Segoroyoso running north towards Yogyakarta City.
Bantul Regency officials are reviewing their plans for a possible receipt of evacuees from other regencies
if PVMBG raises the Mount Merapi volcano alert to Alert 3.
The northern portion of Bantul Regency lies within both the 2 km mandatory and 3 km voluntary
radiological evacuation zones, and the possible 5 km voluntary evacuation zone. In coordination with DIY
officials, BATAN, BNPB, BPBD, the TNI, POLRI and Satpol-PP, Bantul officials issued an order for the
mandatory evacuation of all persons, residences, businesses and public places in northern Bantul Regency
within 2 km of the PTSA facility. Officials, responding agencies and the TNI are facilitating the evacuation
of these persons and persons within the 3 km voluntary evacuation zone who have chosen to leave. These
evacuations remain on-going. BPBD, PMI and Regency officials are assessing the needs of the population
who have been displaced or have voluntarily chosen to leave the affected area. Officials are further
assessing potential needs of affected persons should the radiological evacuation zones be expanded to 3
km (mandatory) and 5 km (voluntary) around PTSA.
BPBD, PMI and local government officials are coordinating the assessments of the needs of displaced and
earthquake affected persons. Local officials report that displaced persons are reported to be gathering in
Wonosari and Semanu, and that some residents are traveling on Nasional 3 Highway towards Yogyakarta
City in search of aid. Officials also report that residents living along the coast on Jl. Pantai Selatan Jawa
refuse to return home out of fear that aftershocks could generate a tsunami.
Gunung Kidul Regency Government continues to assess damages to roadways running through the
regency. Emphasis is being placed on opening damaged sections of Nasional 3 Highway as a route for
receipt of aid.
Local Regency Officials are reviewing their plans to accept possible evacuees from regencies surrounding
Mount Merapi should an evacuation order be issued by PVMBG.
Gunung Kidul Regency is not directly affected by the PTSA radiological incident.
BPBD, PMI and local government officials are coordinating the assessments of the needs of displaced and
earthquake affected persons. Local officials report that displaced persons are reported to be traveling
northeast towards Yogyakarta City along Nasional 3 Highway. Further, local officials advise that residents
living along Jalur Pantai Selatan along the coast remain fearful of a tsunami being generated by
Kulon Progo Regency Government continues to assess damages to roadways running through the regency.
Emphasis is being place on opening damaged sections of Nasional 3 Highway, which will be the main route
for delivery of aid. Further, PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) engineers are assessing the railway line near
Wates for damage resulting from the earthquake.
Regency officials are reviewing their plans for a possible receipt of evacuees from other regencies should
PVMBG raise the alert to Alert 3.
Kulon Progo Regency is not directly affected by the PTSA radiological accident.
BPBD reports that 1,009 persons are confirmed dead, 8,041 persons are confirmed injured and 97,579
persons are estimated to be displaced in Sleman Regency. BPBD further reports that 9,777 houses have
been destroyed and 10,444 houses damaged.
BPBD, PMI and local government officials are coordinating the assessments of the needs of displaced
persons. Large numbers of displaced persons are reported to be gathering in Pleumburan and Depok, and
that displaced persons are traveling into Yogyakarta City in search of aid.
Sleman Regency Government continues to assess damages to roadways and railway lines running through
the regency. Of particular concern is roadway access along Jl. Lkasda Adisucio from Adisumarmo
International Airport to Yogyakarta City from which aid deliveries are being received. Adisutjipto
International Airport remains open but is limited to daylight hours of operation, visual flight rules only,
due to damage to the control tower and navigation aids.
Sleman Regency officials are reviewing their evacuation plans for a possible eruption of Mount Merapi in
the event PVMBG raises the alert from Alert 2 to Alert 3. Local government officials and BPBD officials
met today to review evacuation plans in light of the current situation.
Following reports of unsafe levels of radiation escaping from the PTSA facility in Depok, Sleman Regency,
the morning of 20 April 2017, BATAN and DITY officials issued an evacuation order for all persons,
residences, business and public places located with 2 km (mandatory evacuation) and 3 km (voluntary
evacuation) of the PTSA facility. Regency officials, BPBD, the TNI, POLRI and Satpol-PP are facilitating the
evacuation of displaced persons and persons within the 3 km voluntary evacuation zone who have chosen
to leave. These evacuations remain on-going. BPBD, PMI and Regency officials are assessing the needs
of the population who have been displaced or have voluntarily chosen to leave the affected area. Officials
are further assessing potential needs of affected persons should the radiological evacuation zones be
expanded to 3 km (mandatory) and 5 km (voluntary) around PTSA. While Adisutjipto International Airport
lies within the 30 km voluntary evacuation zone, and the western portion lies within the 2 km mandatory
evacuation zone, it remains open for disaster relief operations, limited to daylight hours of operation,
visual flight rules only.
Provincial Government officials continue to coordinate response efforts with BPBD and regency officials
for Boyolali, Klaten, Magelang and Purworejo regencies through a Multi-Agency Coordination Center
(“MAC”) at Surakarta City near the Adisumarmo International Airport. Priorities are focused on needs
assessments and delivering of relief goods for affected populations, and assessment and repairs of
roadways and railways in the affected regencies.
With regency officials, BPBD, PMI and the TNI, Provincial Government officials are reviewing possible
evacuation plans for Boyolali, Klaten and Magelang regencies, and evacuee reception plans with
neighboring Central Java regencies, should PVMBG raise the Mount Merapi volcano alert from Alert 2 to
Alert 3 and order an evacuation of the danger zones surrounding the volcano.
Provincial Government officials are in close contact with DIY officials and BATAN regarding the PTSA
radiological incident. Provincial officials are concerned over the possibility of radioactive particles begin
carried by prevailing winds into Magelang Regency.
On Monday, 17 April 2017, Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, Governor of DIY, declared a Provincial Disaster
Emergency after assessments showed that the damage and casualties from the earthquake exceeded the
capacity of the Provincial Government.
Provincial Government officials, BPBD and regency officials continue to coordinate response efforts to
Bantul, Gunung Kidul, Kulon Progo and Sleman regencies and Yogyakarta City. DIY officials are
participating in coordination efforts in the MAC located in Surakarta City, Central Java. Priorities are
focused on needs assessments and delivering of relief goods for affected populations, and assessment,
repairs and clearance of debris on roadways, and assessment and repairs to railways in DIY.
With regency officials, BPBD, PMI and the TNI, DIY Provincial Government officials are reviewing possible
evacuation plans for Sleman Regency and Yogyakarta city, and evacuee reception plans with neighboring
DIY regencies in the event the volcano alert is raised from Alert 2 to Alert 3 and evacuations are ordered.
At 08:00 today, 21 April 2017, DIY and BATAN officials imposed a 2 km mandatory and 3 km voluntary
evacuation order for all persons, residences, businesses and public places around the PTSA facility in
Depok, Sleman Regency, secondary to reports of unsafe radiation and air concentration levels around the
nuclear research facility. Provincial officials are coordinating with regency officials, BATAN, BNPB, BPBD,
the TNI, POLRI and Satpol-PP regarding the on-going evacuations of persons in Sleman Regency and
Yogyakarta City who are within the 2 km mandatory and 3 km voluntary radiological evacuation zones.
Provincial officials are assisting in coordinating the on-going evacuation, needs assessments for the
displaced persons and delivery of assistance. Provincial officials are also coordinating assessments should
the radiological evacuation zones be increased to 3 km (mandatory) and 5 km (voluntary) from PTSA.
BNPB has helped establish a MAC in Surakarta City, Central Java, near the Adisumarmo International
Airport, to facilitate multi-agency coordination of the response in Central Java and DIY. BNPB has
established coordination mechanisms with Central Java and DIY provincial officials, BPBD Central Java,
BPBD DIY, PMI and the TNI.
In coordination with United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (“UN OCHA”),
BNPB officials are coordinating operations with the Humanitarian Country Team in Jakarta. In
coordination with BNPB, UN OCHA has established Reception Centers for arriving foreign humanitarian
aid workers at Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport, East Jakarta, and Adisutjipto International
Airport, Depok, Sleman Regency, DIY. Further, with support from BNPB, an On-Site Operations
Coordination Center for coordination of foreign and national humanitarian relief agencies’ operations has
been established by UN OCHA near the MAC in Surakarta City. Discussions between BNPB and the TNI
are on-going regarding the establishment of a Multinational Coordination Center (“MNCC”) for foreign
military coordination with the TNI in support of the Government response. Discussions between BNPB,
the TNI and UN OCHA are on-going regarding the establishment of a Humanitarian-Military Operations
Coordination Center (“HuMOCC”) for coordination of operations amongst the TNI, foreign militaries and
humanitarian agencies.
With the Ministry of Social Affairs, the TNI, and the World Food Programme of the United Nations (“WFP”),
BNPB activated the Logistics Cluster. In coordination with the Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udar,
Adisumarmo International Airport, Adisutjipto International Airport, Juanda International Airport and
Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport have been designated as hub-airports for the arrival of
disaster relief equipment, supplies and personnel. Logistics Cluster assessments of the availability of
warehouse space near these airports remain on-going.
The Logistics Cluster reports that while Adisutjipto International Airport lies within the 3 km radiological
voluntary evacuation zone, and the western portion lies within the 2 km mandatory evacuation zone, the
airport remains open for operations but is limited to daylight hours operations and visual flight rules.
Aircraft are instructed not to approach Yogyakarta City or the airport from the northwest due to
southeasterly prevailing winds pushing the Mount Merapi ash plume to the northwest into Central Java.
The Logistics Cluster also reports that there is limited air freight ground handling equipment availability
at Adisutjipto.
With PT Kerata Api Indonesia (“Persero”), assessments of damage and repairs are on-going regarding
reopening earthquake damaged sections of the railway line from Surakarta City to Purworejo Regency.
Logistics Cluster officials note that the portion of the rail line from Nasional 15 / Jl. Laksda Adisutjipto
intersection, Depok, Sleman Regency, in the east to the Jalan Sorowajan Baru crossing in northern Bantul
Regency in the west lies within the 2 km mandatory radiological evacuation zone.
In coordination with Kementerian Perhubungan, local transportation officials and the TNI, roadway
damage assessments, repairs and debris clearance continue. Officials are focusing their efforts on
reopening damaged and blocked sections of Nasional 3, 14 and 15 highways, and clearance of city streets
in Yogyakarta City. Logistics Cluster officials report that portions of Nasional 15, Jl. Laksda Adisutjipto and
Jalan Tulu highways, Depok, Sleman Regency, running east-west, and Nasional 15 and Jalan Kledokan Raya
in Depok, and Jl. Ringroad Timur in northern Bantul Regency, running north-south, lie with the 2 km
mandatory radiation evacuation zone.
With Central Java and DIY provincial officials, BPBD Central Java, BPBD DIY, PMI and the TNI, BNPB is
coordinating the review of evacuation and evacuee reception plans should PVMBG raise the volcanic alert
from Alert 2 to Alert 3 and evacuations of persons from dangers zones around Mount Merapi. Further,
with these agencies, BNPB is coordinating the evacuation of affected persons within the 2 km mandatory
and 3 km voluntary radiological evacuation zones, and potential 5 km radiological evacuation zone.
BATAN officials report that as of 02:30 on 20 April 2017, radiation levels outside the PSTA facility on Jl.
Babarsari, Depok, Sleman Regency, DIY, have exceeded safe levels. PTSA houses a 250Mw training,
research, isotope production / irradiation, general atomics (“TRIGA”) Type II nuclear reactor. Dosimeter
readings outside of PTSA facilities recorded rates at 0.02 mSv/hr (2 mrem/hr). BATAN further reports air
concentration readings outside of the PTSA building at 7.4 X 10-6 Bq/ml (2X10-10 µCi/ml of air). BATAN is
investigating the source of the radiation leak.
In response, BATAN officials recommended to national, provincial and affected regencies officials the
establishment of a “safe zone” mandatory evacuation zone 2 km from PTSA, with a voluntary evacuation
zone 3 km from PTSA. Upon implementation of these evacuation orders by government officials, BATAN
has continued to liaise with government officials regarding the evacuation operations.
BATAN officials continue to monitor radiation levels and air concentration levels in the evacuation zones.
BATAN officials are advising national, provincial and regency governments that should the radiation levels
rise, it may recommend expanding the evacuation zones to 3 km mandatory and 5 km voluntary around
the PTSA facility.
Officials are developing a radiological accident response plan for the investigation of the cause of the leak
and repair of the facility. BATAN officials have made known to National officials that they would welcome
expertise and radiological accident response supplies from responding MPAT Nations.
Education Cluster agencies are developing an education plan for earthquake displaced children, children
whose schools are not usable due to earthquake damage and radiological accident displaced children. As
of 21 April 2017, it is estimated that 280,000 to 300,000 children will be in need of temporary education
Two child support centers have been opened in Bantul Regency and two similar centers are to be opened
in Sleman and Yogyakarta City on 22 April 2017.
Kementerian Kesehatan, Kementerian Kedokteran dan Kesehatan, Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia
(POLRI), WHO (for health) and UNICEF (for water, sanitation and hygiene, “WASH”) activated the Health
Health Cluster agencies are jointly assessing the availability of health care to persons in the affected area,
Assessing the structural soundness of hospitals and clinics;
Capacity of area hospital and clinics; and
Stockpiles of medical supplies in the area.
Health Cluster officials in regencies potentially affected by a volcanic eruption have expressed concern
over transporting of critically ill or severely injured patients should evacuation be ordered. With hospital
officials, Health Cluster officials are reviewing potential medical evacuation options.
Health Cluster officials and BATAN continue to monitor radiation levels and air concentration levels
around the PTSA facility. Health Cluster agencies are monitoring hospitals and clinics in the affected area
for reports of symptoms indicative of radiation sickness.
Health Cluster (WASH) officials continue their assessments of availability of potable water, sanitation
facilities and hygiene supplies for persons affected by the earthquake. Assessments show a current
shortage of availability of clean water, sanitation facilities and hygiene supplies. As a result, Health Cluster
officials have expressed concern over the possibility of secondary effect, water-borne illnesses due to lack
of clean water and sanitation facilities.
Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) for Yogyakarta City continues its damage assessments and repair
operations for water distribution in Yogyakarta City. PDAM has begun delivery of potable water to large
gatherings of affected populations by water tankers. PMI has distributed collapsible jerry cans for 1,000
persons and is working with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (“IFRC”)
for delivery of water, sanitation and hygiene supplies and equipment. Health Cluster officials are advising
residents to drink only bottled or PDAM-delivered water or, where not available, to boil drinking water
for 10 minutes prior to use.
Displacement and Protection Cluster officials are assisting DIY officials, responding agencies and the TNI
in the evacuation of persons within the 2 km mandatory and 3 km voluntary radiological evacuation zones.
With these responding agencies, Cluster officials are assessing additional displaced persons needs should
the evacuation zones be expanded to 3 km mandatory and 5 km voluntary around PTSA.
Needs assessments for support to and protection of displaced persons and other persons affected by the
earthquake and radiological accident remain on-going. Displacement and Protection Cluster officials are
assessing availability of temporary housing and available space upon which to establish a temporary
displaced persons settlement for persons displaced by the earthquake.
Cluster officials estimate that shelter materials for 560,000 persons are needed. Shelter materials for
100,000 persons, and sanitation and hygiene supplies for 1,000 persons have been received in DIY. PDAM
has begun delivery by water tanker trucks of potable water to areas with large concentrations of displaced
Ministry of Social Affairs and UNICEF are developing a psychosocial support plan for the affected area.
Displacement and Protection Cluster officials and local Yogyakarta City officials have established a sexual
and gender-based violence (“SGVB”) working group to prevent, monitor and address attacks against
women and children. POLRI and Yogyakarta Municipal Police (Satpol-PP) have increased patrols in areas
with large concentrations of displaced persons in Yogyakarta City.
In the event of an order for evacuation of communities potentially affected by Mount Merapi,
Displacement and Protection Cluster officials are assessing evacuation plans and evacuee reception plans
for affected areas.
See also entries in 2.3.A. BNPB (Logistics Cluster) and 2.3.F Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing.
In coordination with BNPB (Logistics Cluster) and TNI, assessments, repairs and debris removal to affected
roadways and city streets in the affected area continue.
In coordination with Perusahaan Listrik Negara (“PLN”), assessments and repairs continue to provide
electricity to the affected area. Estimates are that approximately 75% of customers remain without
electrical power in the affected area.
In coordination with PDAM and the Health Cluster (WASH), assessments and repairs to water and
sewerage lines continue in metropolitan areas.
Assessments for temporary housing and areas available for establishing temporary displaced persons
settlements continue in coordination with the Displacement and Protection Cluster led by the
Kementerian Sosial.
Early Recovery Cluster agencies are developing an Early Recovery Plan for the affected area.
Kementerian Pertanian, Kementerian Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah, United Nations Food and
Agricultural Organization (“FAO”) and WFP have activated the Economy Cluster.
Initial needs assessments show that food assistance is required for 560,000 persons for a minimum of 4
weeks. WFP reports that initial bulk shipments of food assistance is en route to the Port of Tanjung Intan.
Assessments for post-crisis economic recovery continue. Economy Cluster agencies are coordinating with
the Early Recovery Cluster in developing a Recovery Plan involving grants or low interest recovery loans
to small and medium-sized businesses, and grants, low interest loans and agricultural supplies to farmer,
in the affected area.
In coordination with BATAN, Economy Cluster agencies are assessing the impact the PTSA radiological
accident may have on farms and gardens in the affected area. Economy Cluster member agencies report
that they welcome technological expertise assistance in conducting this assessment.
Badan Nasional Pencarian dan Pertolongan (BNPP, formerly “BASARNAS”), the TNI and UN OCHA earlier
activated the Search and Rescue Cluster.
BNPP reports that search and rescue (“SAR”) operations continue but, at 6 days post-earthquake,
operations have turned from search and rescue to recovery of remains. BNPP reports that there is no
need for foreign SAR teams in the affected area.
BNPP further reports that there is a shortage of mortuary supplies, including body bags, in the affected
area. However, culturally appropriate supplies, including body bags, are being brought in from within the
Local officials have reported to BNPP that local mortuaries are overwhelmed with the number of dead
following the earthquake.
Tentara Nasional Indonesia (“TNI”) have been fully engaged in disaster response operations since 16 April
2017. In coordination with national, provincial and local responding agencies and officials, TNI personnel
have supported civilian response efforts by conducting needs and operational assessments, delivery of
relief goods and providing medical care to the affected population, evacuation of persons affected by the
PTSA radiological disaster, contingency planning for possible expansion of the radiological accident
evacuation zone and / or evacuations from the slopes of the Mount Merapi volcano, opening of
transportation infrastructure and logistics.
Multinational military forces from Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (“MPAT”) Nations are due
to arrive in Jakarta no later than the evening of 21 April 2017. On the morning of 22 April 2017, MPAT
Nations and Mabes TNI staff planners will begin multinational, coordinated planning of military support
to the Government of Indonesia’s earthquake response operations. MPAT Nations ad TNI planners will
also begin preparing contingency plans to support Government of Indonesia-led evacuation operations in
the event the PTSA radiological accident evacuation zones are expanded to 3 and 5 km and/or there is an
order to evacuate persons from danger zones on the slopes of the Mount Merapi volcano. As part of this
planning, Mabes TNI is expected to help establish a Multinational Coordination Center (“MNCC”) for
Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia (“POLRI”) reports that it has deployed additional police officers to
help provide law and order to the affected area during the emergency response. POLRI officers are
working closely with Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja (“Satpol – PP”) to patrol areas affected by the earthquake,
especially areas where large numbers of displaced persons have gathered.
POLRI officers assisted in the evacuation of persons within the 2 km mandatory radiological evacuation
zone and 3 km voluntary evacuation zone. POLRI officers are participating in preparing plans to expand
the radiological evacuation zones to 3 km (mandatory) and 5 km (voluntary) if so ordered.
POLRI officers are supporting contingency planning efforts for the possible evacuation of persons within
the danger zones on the slopes of the Mount Merapi volcano in the event of an eruption.
POLRI officers are participating in Displacement and Protection Cluster meetings chaired by the Ministry
of Social Affairs. POLRI officers are also participating in Displaced Persons Working Group (“DPWG”)
meetings and Sexual and Gender-based Violence (“SGBV”) working group meetings in Yogyakarta City.
Re-opening of transportation infrastructure to allow for the receipt and distribution of relief goods
remains a priority.
Logistics and Equipment Cluster agencies report that they are investigating what restrictions are now in
place regarding transiting of vehicles through the 2 km mandatory radiological evacuation zone.
Imposition of the evacuation zones has raised questions regarding whether major roadways within the
zones can be used for the delivery of relief goods. If transiting through the 2 km zone is prohibited,
Logistics and Equipment Cluster agencies report that several major north-south and east-west roadways
will no longer be available for relief goods distribution.
BNPB reports that if Mount Merapi should become more active and an Alert 3 be declared, that
evacuation of persons within the Forbidden Zone and First and Second Danger Zones will further
complicate the response operations and stress the availability of relief supplies. BNPB further notes that
with damage to roadways and debris on roadways will complicate any evacuation of persons from the
slopes of the Mount Merapi volcano.
Health Cluster officials remain concerned that if supplies of potable water and sanitation facilities are not
made available to the affected populations in the near future, there is the potential for an epidemic of
water-borne diseases among the affected population. Further, Displacement and Protection Cluster
officials are concerned over the lack of temporary shelter materials or temporary housing availability in
the area.
As of 21 April 2017, there continues to be insufficient food assistance supplies in the affected area.
BATAN will continue to monitor the levels of radiation and air concentrations around the PTSA nuclear
research facility and report its findings to BNPB, BPBD, and national, provincial and regency officials.
Should recorded levels rise, BATAN may recommend expanding the radiation exclusion zones to 3 km
mandatory and 5 km voluntary around PTSA.
MAC and other coordination meetings chaired or supported by BNPB will continue to meet to coordinate
response operations in the affected area. Cluster meetings chaired by their respective Cluster Lead and
co-Lead Agencies continue to coordinate on-going assessments and response operations.
Mabes TNI and MPAT Nations’ planners are to convene 22 April 2017 to begin coordinated planning for
multinational military support the Government of Indonesia earthquake response. This support will be
coordinated with the TNI and Government, Provincial and Regency / City officials and civilian response
agencies, and with the United Nations and non-governmental humanitarian agencies, funds and
The next Daily Report will be issued at 16:00 WIB on 23 April 2017.
Lampiran “A”
Lampiran “B”
Lampiran “C”
Lampiran “D”