BScFirstYear 49&50 2019

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अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी बवश्वबवद्यालय बिलासपुर¼NRrhlx<+½

ch-,llh- Hkkx&1
4. Senssional 10 Marks

UNIT – 1. Viruses and Bacteria: General account of viruses and mycoplasma;

bacteria structure; nutrition, preproduction and economic importance; general
account of cyanobacteria.
12 Hrs.
UNIT – 2. Algae: General characters, classification and economic importance;
importance; important features and life history of Chlorophyceae-Volvox,
Oedogonim, Coleochaete; Xanthophyceae-Vaucheria; Phaeophyceae- Ectocarpus,
Sargassum; Rhodophyceae- Polysiphonia.
12 Hrs.
UNIT – 3. Fungi: General characters, classification and economic importance;
important features and life history of Mastigomycotina- Pythium, Phytophthora;
Zygomycotina- Mucor, Ascomycotina-Saccharomyces, Eurotium, Chaetomium,
Peziza; Baidiomycotina- Puccinia, Agaricus; Deuteromycotina-Cercospora,
Colletotrichum; general account of Lichens.
12 Hrs.
UNIT – 4. Bryophyta: Amphibians of plant kingdom displaying alternation of
generations; structure, reproduction and classification of Hepaticopsida (e.g. Riccia
Marchantia); Anthocerotopsida (e.g. Anthorceros), Bryopsida (e.g. Funaria)
12 Hrs.
UNIT – 5. Pteridohpyta: The first vascular plants; important characteristics of
Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Sphenopsida and Pteropsida; structure, Reproduction in
Rhynia, Lycopodium Selaginella, Equisetum, Pteris and Marsilea.

Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya ,Bilaspur (CHHATTISGARH)
अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी बवश्वबवद्यालय बिलासपुर¼NRrhlx<+½
ch-,llh- Hkkx&1

UNIT -1 The cell envelope: Plasma membrane; bilayer lipid structure; function; the
cell wall. Ultra structure and function of nucleus; nuclear membrane; nucleolus and
other organelles; Golgi bodies, ER, peroxisomes, Vacuoles. 12 Hrs.
UNIT -2 Chromosome organization: Morphology; centromere and telomere;
chromosome alterations; deletions, duplications, translocations, inversions;
variations in chromosome number aneuploidy, polyploidy; sex chromosomes.Cell
division: Mitosis; meiosis 12 Hrs.
UNIT -3 DNA the genetic material: DNA structure; replication; DNA- Protein
interaction; the nucleosome model; genetic code; satellite and repetitive DNA.
Extra nuclear genome: Presence and function of mitochondrial and plastid DNA
plasmids. 12 Hrs.
UNIT -4 Gene expression: Structure of gene; transfer of genetic information;
transcription, translation, protein synthesis; RNA; ribosomes; regulation of gene
expression in prokeryotes and eukaryotes; proteins, 1D, 2D and 3D structure.
UNIT -5 Genetic Variations: Mutations, spontaneous and induced: transposable
genetic elements; DNA damage and repair:
Genetic inheritance: Mendelism; laws of segregation and independent
assortment: linkage analysis; allelic and non-allelic interactions. 12 Hrs.

Time : 3 Hrs. Marks – 50
1. Algae/Fungi 10
2. Bryophyta/ Pteridophyta 10
3. Disease Symptoms/Gram’s Staining 05
4. Cytology/Genetics 05
5. Spots (1-5) 10
6. Viva Voce 05
7. Sessionals 05
50 marks


Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya ,Bilaspur (CHHATTISGARH)
M.M. 50

UNIT-I The Cell (Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic)

Methods in cell biology (Microscopy light & Electron)
Organisation of cell extra nuclear and nuclear (Plasma membrane, mitochondria.
Chromosomes, ER. Golgi bodies, Ribosomes)

UNIT-2 Cell divisions (Mitosis & Meiosis)

An elementary idea of cell transformation & Cancer immunity (elementary idea)

UNIT-3 General Characteristics & Classification of invertebrates up to orders with

Protozoa - type study Paramecium, protozoa & disease
Porifera - type study Sicyon
Coelenterate - type study Obelia

UNIT-4 Helminths - type study lasciola

Annelida - type study Pherctima
Arthropoda - type study Palaemon

UNIT-5 Mollusca - type sutdy Asfeflas (Starfish)

Protochordata - type sutdy Balanoglossus
PAPER - ll
M.M. 50
UNIT-I Origin and classification of Chordates.
Protochordata - type study Amphioxus.
A comparative account of Petromyzon & Myxine

UNIT-2 Fishes - Skin and scales

Migration in fishes
Parental care
Amphibia - Parental cars
Reptilia - Poisonous & non-poisonous shakes, Poison apparatus, snake venom.

UNIT-3 Aves - Flight adaptation in birds

Discuss - Birds are glorified reptiles
Mammals- comparative account of prototheria, metatheria & Eutheria and Affinities.

UNIT-4 Gametogenesis, Fertilization & Parthenogenesis.

Development of Frog up to Formation of three germ layers

UNIT-5 Development of Chick up to formation of three germ layer, Extra

embryonic membranes.
Placenta in mammals.
Embryonic induction organisers & differentiation.

The practical work will, in general be based on the syllabus prescribed in theory and the
candidates will be required to show a knowledge of the following.

1. Morphology and anatomy of earth worm, Prawn and pila using Various alternatives
to dissection Vi3 Virtual, models etc.
A. Demonstration of organ system, digestion system, Nervous system and
Reproduction system.
B. Appendages of Prawn & hastate plate, Mouth-parts of insects, Radula
of Pila.
2. MOUNTING-setae, Spermatheca, septal Nephridia, Nerve ring & ovary of garth
worm/ Parapodia of Nereis Sarivary gland of Cockroach, ctenidium of pila,
Maipighian tubules.
3. CYTOLOGICAL PREPARATION- onion root-tip 'squash preparation. for
mitosis/Grasshopper testis squash for meiosis.
4. OSTEOLOGY-Frog & Rabbit
5. MUSEUM SPECIMEN invertebrate & Vertebrate, frog embryology.
6. SLIDES- Chick embryology, Cytology, Mammal Histology, Bird feather & invertebrate

Scheme of Practical Exam. Time 3 Hrs,

M.M. 50
1. Demonstration of Organ System 12 Mark
2. Demonstration of appendage of other structure 06 Marks
3. Mounting 5 Marks
4. Cytological Preparation 5 Marks
5. Spots- 8 (Slides-4. Specimens-2, & Bones-2) 16 Marks
6. Sessional 10 Marks


1. Introduction to Biochemistry: History, Scope and Development.
2. Carbohydrates: Classification, Structure and Function of Mono, Oligo and Polysaccharides.
3. Lipids: Structure, Classification and Function.

1. Amino acids and Proteins: Classification, Structure and Properties of amino acids, Types of
Proteins and their Classification and Function.

2. Enzymes: Nomenclature and Classification of enzyme, Mechanism of enzyme action,

Enzyme Kinetics and Factors affecting the enzymes action. Immobilization of enzyme and
their application.

1. Hormones: Plant Hormone-Auxin and Gibberellins and Animal Hormone-Pancreas and
2. Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipid Metabolism - Glycolysis, Glycogenesis,
Glyconeogenesis, Glycogenolysis and Krebs cycle. Electron Transport Chain and β-
oxidation of Fatty acids.

1. Scope of Biostatistics, Samples and Population concept, Collection of data-sampling
techniques, Processing and Presentation of data.

2. Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median and Mode and Standard Deviation.
3. Probability Calculation: Definition of probability, Theorem on total and compound

1. Computers - General introduction, Organization of computer, Digital and Analogue
Computers and Computer Algorithm.
2. Concept of Hardware and Software, Input and Output Devices.

3. Application of computer in co-ordination of solute concentration, pH and Temperature etc.,

of a Fermenter in operation and Internet application.

BoS approved syllabus for B.Sc. Biotechnology (Academic session 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21)
List of Books

1. Nelson and Cox (2005) Principles of Biochemistry, Fourth Edition

2. Todd and Howards Mason (2004) Text book of Biochemistry, Fourth Edition
3. Lubert Stryer and Berg ((2004) Biochemistry, Fifth Edition
4. Diana Rain, Marni Ayers Barby - (2006) Textbook on Q level Programming. 4th Edition.
5. Karl Schwartz: (2006) Guide of Micro Soft. Marina Raod, 4th Edition.
6. E Balaguruswamy by Programming in BASIC (1991).
7. RC Campbell by Statistics for Biologists. .
8. P Cassel et al by Inside Microsoft Office,
9. Statistical Methods, GW Snedecor and WG Cochran.
10. AC Wardlaw by Practical Statistics for Experimental Biologists,
11. JHZar by Bio-statistical analysis
12. RR Sokal FJ Rohlf by Introduction to Biostatistics
13. L Y Kun (2003) Microbial Biotechnology: Principles and applications
14. Khan and Khanum (1994) Fundamental of Biostastics

BoS approved syllabus for B.Sc. Biotechnology (Academic session 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21)



1. Concept of life, Cell as a basic unit of living system and Cell theory.
2. Diversity of Cell shape and size.
3. Prokaryotic cell structure: Function and ultra structure of cell (Gram positive and Gram
negative Bacteria), Plasma membrane, Flagella, Pilli, Endospore and Capsule.
4. Eukaryotic cell: Plant cell wall and Plasma membrane.


1. Cytoplasm: Structure and Functions of Endoplasmic reticulum, Ribosome, Golgi

complex, Lysosomes, Nucleus, Mitochondria and Chloroplast.
2. Cytoskeleton: Microtubules, Microfilaments and Intermediate filaments.
3. Cell division: Mitosis and Meiosis.
4. Programmed Cell Death.

1. Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance.

2. Linkage and Crossing over.
3. Chromosome variation in number and structure: Deletion, Duplication, Translocation,
Inversion and Aneuploidy, Euploidy (Monoploidy and Polyploidy and its importance).


1. History, Scope and Development of Microbiology.

2. Basic techniques of Microbial Culture
3. Microbial Growth & Nutrition of Bacteria: Isolation, media sterilization- physical and
chemical agents, pure culture-pour plate method, streak plate method and spread plate
4. General features and Economic importance of Fungi, Algae and Protozoa etc.


1. Bacterial Reproduction: Conjugation, Transduction and Transformation.

2. Mycoplasma – History, Classification, Structure reproduction & Diseases.
3. Viruses – Basic features, Structure, Classification, Multiplication, Bacteriophages
(Morphology, life cycle, infection and medicinal importance)

BoS approved syllabus for B.Sc. Biotechnology (Academic session 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21)
List of Books

1. C.B. Power- Cell biology, First Edition (2005), Himalaya Publishing House.
2. Gereld Karp - Dell and molecular biology, 4th Edition (2005)
3. P.K. Gupta - Cell and molecular biology, Second Edition (2003), Restogi publications.
4. C.B., Oowar - Cell biology, Third Edition (2005) Himalaya Publishing Hosue.
5. S.S. Purohit - Microbiology : Fundamentals and Applications, 6th Edition (2004)
6. R.C. Dubey and D.K. Maheshwari: Practical Microbiology. S.Chand Publication.
7. R.C. Dubey and D.K. Maheshwari,Microbiology (2006). S.Chand Publication.
8. Tortora, Funke and Case - Microbiology, An introduction, sixth Edition (1995),
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company.
9. Prescott, Harlyey and Klein - Microbiology, Third Edition, Wm. C. Brown Publishers (1996).
10. P. Chakraoborthy - Textbook of microbiology, Second Edition (2007).
11. Prescott, Harley and Klein - Microbiology. Third Edition. Wm. C. Brown.
12. Microbial Genetics, David Freifelder, John F Cronan, Stanley R Maloy, Jones and Bartlett
13. Elements of Human Genetics. I.I. cavalla-Sfoeza, WA Benjamin Advanced Book Program.
14. S.K Jadhav and P.K. Mahish (2018) Prayogtmak Jaivprodyogiki awam Sukshmjivigyan-
Chhattisgarh Hindi Granth Academy, Raipur.

BoS approved syllabus for B.Sc. Biotechnology (Academic session 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21)
List of Practical’s


(1) Laboratory rules, Tools, Equipment and Other requirements in Microbiological laboratory.

(2) Micrometry – Use of ocular & stage Micrometrer.

(3) Counting of bacteria by counting chamber, by plate count.

(4)Preparation of media and cultivation techniques:

(a) Basic liquid media (broth)
(b) Basic Solid media, (agar slants and deep tubes)
(c) Demonstration of selective and differential media
(d) Isolation and enumeration of micro organisms
(e) Isolation from air and Soil

(5)Smears and staining methods:

(a) Preparation of bacterial smear
(b) Gram Negative & Positive staining

(6)Methods of obtaining pure cultures

(a) Streak plate method
(b) Pure plate method
(c) Spread plate method
(d) Broth cultures

(7)Growth & Biochemical techniques

(a) Determination of bacterial growth curve
(b) Amylase production test
(c) Cellulose production test
(d) Estimation of Sugar in given solution
(e) Extraction and separation of lipids
(f) Estimation of proteins
(h) Mitosis and Meiosis

(a) By Manual and by computer.
(b) Problems on mean, mode and median.

BoS approved syllabus for B.Sc. Biotechnology (Academic session 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21)

Time – 4 hrs. M. M.: 50

1. Experiment based on culture of micro-organisms 15 Marks

2. Bacterial growth/Staining techniques 10 Marks
3. Biochemical techniques 05 Marks
4. Bio statistics 05 Marks
5. Spotting 05 Marks
6. Viva – Voce 05 Marks
7. Record/Sessional 05 Marks

BoS approved syllabus for B.Sc. Biotechnology (Academic session 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21)

The new currlculam will comprise of Three theory papers of 33, 33 and 34 marks each and
practical work of 50 marks. The curricuram is to be completed in 180 working days as per the
UGC norms & conforming to the directives of the Govt. of Chhattisgarh.The theory papers are of
60 hrs each duration and the practical work of 180 hrs duration.

Bohr’s theory, its limitation and atomic spectrum of hydrogen atom. General idea of de-Broglie
matter-waves, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Schrödinger wave equation, significance of Ψ
and Ψ2, radial & angular wave functions and probability distribution curves, quantum numbers,
Atomic orbital and shapes of s, p, d orbitals, Aufbau and Pauli exclusion principles, Hund's
Multiplicity rule, electronic configuration of the elements.
Detailed discussion of the following periodic properties of the elements, with reference to s and
p-block. Trends in periodic table and applications in predicting and explaining the chemical
a) Atomic and ionic radii,
b) Ionization enthalpy,
c) Electron gain enthalpy,
d) Electronegativity, Pauling’s, Mulliken’s, Allred Rochow’s scales.
e) Effective nuclear charge, shielding or screening effect, Slater rules, variation of
effective nuclear charge in periodic table.

Ionic bond: Ionic Solids - Ionic structures, radius ratio & co-ordination number, limitation of
radius ratio rule, lattice defects, semiconductors, lattice energy Born- Haber cycle, Solvation
energy and solubility of ionic solids, polarising power & polarisabilitry of ions, Fajans rule, Ionic
character in covalent compounds: Bond moment and dipole moment, Percentage ionic character
from dipole moment and electronegatiity difference, Metallic bond-free electron, Valence bond
& band theories.

Covalent bond: Lewis structure, Valence bond theory and its limitations, Concept of
hybridization, Energetics of hybridization, equivalent and non-equivalent hybrid orbitals.
Valence shell electron pair repulsion theory (VSEPR), shapes of the following simple molecules
and ions containing lone pairs and bond pairs of electrons: H2O, NH3, PCl3, PCl5, SF6. H3O+,
SF4, ClF3, and ICl2- Molecular orbital theory. Bond order and bond strength, Molecular orbital
diagrams of diatomic and simple polyatomic molecules N2, O2, F2, CO, NO.

General concepts on group relationships and gradation properties, Comparative study, salient
features of hydrides, solvation & complexation tendencies including their function in biosystems
and introduction to alkyl & aryls, Derivatives of alkali and alkaline earth metals
General concepts on group relationships and gradation properties. Halides, hydrides, oxides and
oxyacids of Boron, Aluminum, Nitrogen and Phosphorus. Boranes, borazines, fullerenes,
graphene and silicates, interhalogens and pseudohalogens.

Chemical properties of the noble gases, chemistry of xenon, structure, bonding in xenon


Basic principles involved in the analysis of cations and anions and solubility products, common
ion effect. Principles involved in separation of cations into groups and choice of group reagents.
Interfering anions (fluoride, borate, oxalate and phosphate) and need to remove them after Group
1. Lee, J. D. Concise Inorganic Chemistry ELBS, 1991.
2. Douglas, B.E. and McDaniel, D.H. Concepts & Models of Inorganic Chemistry Oxford, 1970
3. Atkins, P.W. & Paula, J. Physical Chemistry, 10th Ed., Oxford University Press, 2014.
4. Day, M.C. and Selbin, J. Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry, ACS Publications, 1962.
5. Rodger, G.E. Inorganic and Solid State Chemistry, Cengage Learning India Edition, 2002.
6. Puri, B. R., Sharma, L. R. and Kalia, K. C., Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, Milestone
Publishers/ Vishal Publishing Co.; 33rd Edition 2016
7. Madan, R. D. Modern Inorganic Chemistry, S Chand Publishing, 1987.

Hybridization, Shapes of molecules, Influence of hybridization on bond properties. Electronic
Displacements: Inductive, electromeric, resonance and mesomeric effects, hyperconjugation and
their applications; Dipole moment. Electrophiles and Nucleophiles; Nucleophilicity and basicity;
Homolytic and Heterolytic cleavage, Generation, shape and relative stability of Carbocations,
Carbanions, Free radicals, Carbenes and Nitrenes. Introduction to types of organic reactions:
Addition, Elimination and Substitution reactions.


Optical Isomerism: Optical Activity, Specific Rotation, Chirality/Asymmetry, Enantiomers,
Molecules with two or more chiral-centres, Diastereoisomers, meso compounds, Relative and
absolute configuration: Fischer, Newmann and Sawhorse Projection formulae and their
interconversions; Erythrose and threose, D/L, d/l system of nomenclature, Cahn-Ingold-Prelog
system of nomenclature (C.I.P rules), R/S nomenclature. Geometrical isomerism: cis–trans, syn-
anti and E/Z notations.


Conformational analysis of alkanes, ethane, butane, cyclohexane and sugars. Relative stability
and Energy diagrams. Types of cycloalkanes and their relative stability, Baeyer strain theory:
Theory of strainless rings, Chair, Boat and Twist boat conformation of cyclohexane with energy
diagrams; Relative stability of mono-substituted cycloalkanes and disubstituted cyclohexane.

A. Carbon-Carbon sigma (σ) bonds

Chemistry of alkanes: Formation of alkanes, Wurtz Reaction, Wurtz-Fittig Reaction, Free radical
substitutions: Halogenation-relative reactivity and selectivity.
B. Carbon-Carbon Pi (л) bonds:
Formation of alkenes and alkynes by elimination reactions, Mechanism of E1, E2, E1cb
reactions. Saytzeff and Hofmann eliminations.
Reactions of alkenes: Electrophilic additions and mechanisms (Markownikoff/ Anti -
Markownikoff addition), mechanism of oxymercuration-demercuration, hydroboration-
oxidation, ozonolysis, reduction (catalytic and chemical), syn and anti-hydroxylation (oxidation).
1,2-and 1,4-addition reactions in conjugated dienes and, Diels-Alder reaction; Allylic and
benzylic bromination and mechanism, e.g. propene, 1-butene, toluene, ethyl benzene.
Reactions of alkynes: Acidity, Electrophilic and Nucleophilic additions. Hydration to form
carbonyl compounds, Alkylation of terminal alkynes.


Aromaticity: Hückel’s rule, aromatic character of arenes, cyclic carbocations/ carbanions and
heterocyclic compounds with suitable examples. Electrophilic aromatic substitution:
halogenation, nitration, sulphonation and Friedel-Craft’s alkylation/acylation with their
mechanism. Directive effects of the groups.

1. Morrison, R. N. & Boyd, R. N. Organic Chemistry, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt.
Ltd.(Pearson Education).
2. Finar, I. L. Organic Chemistry (Volume 1), Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. (Pearson
3. Finar, I. L. Organic Chemistry (Volume 2: Stereochemistry and the Chemistry of Natural
Products), Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. (Pearson Education).
4. Eliel, E. L. &Wilen, S. H. Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds, Wiley: London,
5. Kalsi, P. S. Stereochemistry Conformation and Mechanism, New Age International,
6. McMurry, J.E. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, 7th Ed. Cengage Learning India
Edition, 2013.
7. Organic Chemistry, Paula Y. Bruice, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall, International Edition
8. A Guide Book of Reaction Mechanism by Peter Sykes.

Basic Mathematical Concepts: Logarithmic relations, curve sketching, linear graphs, Properties
of straight line, slope and intercept, Functions, Differentiation of functions, maxima and minima;
integrals; ordinary differential equations; vectors and matrices; determinants; Permutation and
combination and probability theory, Significant figures and their applications.

Kinetic molecular model of a gas: postulates and derivation of the kinetic gas equation; collision
frequency; collision diameter; mean free path; Maxwell distribution and its use in evaluating
molecular velocities (average, root mean square and most probable) and average kinetic energy,
law of equipartition of energy, degrees of freedom and molecular basis of heat capacities. Joule
Thompson effect, Liquification of Gases.
Behaviour of real gases: Deviations from ideal gas behaviour, compressibility factor (Z), and its
variation with pressure and temperature for different gases. Causes of deviation from ideal
behaviour. van der Waals equation of state, its derivation and application in explaining real gas
behaviour, calculation of Boyle temperature. Isotherms of real gases and their comparison with
van der Waals isotherms, continuity of states, critical state, relation between critical constants
and van der Waals constants, law of corresponding states.

Intermolecular forces, magnitude of intermolecular force, structure of liquids, Properties of
liquids, viscosity and surface tension.
Classification, Optical, Kinetic and Electrical Properties of colloids, Coagulation, Hardy Schulze
law, flocculation value, Protection, Gold number, Emulsion, micelles and types, Gel, Syneresis
and thixotrophy, Application of colloids.
Physical adsorption, chemisorption, adsorption isotherms (Langmuir and Freundlich). Nature of
adsorbed state. Qualitative discussion of BET.

Nature of the solid state, law of constancy of interfacial angles, law of rational indices, Miller
indices, elementary ideas of symmetry, symmetry elements and symmetry operations, qualitative
idea of point and space groups, seven crystal systems and fourteen Bravais lattices; X-ray
diffraction, Bragg’s law, a simple account of rotating crystal method and powder pattern method.
Crystal defects.

Rate of reaction, Factors influencing rate of reaction, rate law, rate constant, Order and
molecularity of reactions, rate determining step, Zero, First and Second order reactions, Rate and
Rate Law, methods of determining order of reaction, Chain reactions.
Temperature dependence of reaction rate, Arrhenius theory, Physical significance of Activation
energy, collision theory, demerits of collision theory, non mathematical concept of transition
state theory.
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis, types of catalyst, characteristic of catalyst, Enzyme
catatysed reactions, Micellar catatysed reactions, Industrial applications of Catalysis.

1. Atkins, P. W. & Paula, J. de Atkin’s Physical Chemistry 10th Ed., Oxford University
Press (2014).
2. Ball, D. W. Physical Chemistry Thomson Press, India (2007).
3. Castellan, G. W. Physical Chemistry 4th Ed. Narosa (2004).
4. Mortimer, R. G. Physical Chemistry 3rd Ed. Elsevier: NOIDA, UP (2009).
5. Engel, T. & Reid, P. Physical Chemistry 3rd Ed. Pearson (2013).
6. Puri, B.R., Sharma, L. R. and Pathania, M.S., Principles of Physical Chemistry, Vishal
Publishing Co., 47th Ed. (2016).
7. Bahl, A., Bahl, B.S. and Tuli, G.D. Essentials of Physical Chemistry, S Chand Publishers
8. Rakshit P.C., Physical Chemistry, Sarat Book House Ed. (2014).
9. Singh B., Mathematics for Chemist, Pragati Publications.


A. Semi-micro qualitative analysis (using H2S or other methods) of mixtures - not more than four
ionic species (two anions and two cations, excluding interfering, insoluble salts) out of the
Cations : NH4+, Pb2+, Bi3+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Fe3+, Al3+, Co2+, Ni2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+, Na+
Anions : CO32- , S2-, SO32-, S2O32-, NO2-, CH3COO-, Cl-, Br-, I-, NO3-, SO42-
(Spot tests may be carried out wherever feasible)
B. Acid-Base Titrations
• Standardization of sodium hydroxide by oxalic acid solution.
• Determination of strength of HCl solution using sodium hydroxide as intermediate.
• Estimation of carbonate and hydroxide present together in mixture.
• Estimation of carbonate and bicarbonate present together in a mixture.
• Estimation of free alkali present in different soaps/detergents

C. Redox Titrations
• Standardization of KMnO4 by oxalic acid solution.
• Estimation of Fe(II) using standardized KMnO4 solution.
• Estimation of oxalic acid and sodium oxalate in a given mixture.
• Estimation of Fe(II) with K2Cr2O7 using internal (diphenylamine, anthranilic acid) and
external indicator.

D. Iodo / Iodimetric Titrations

• Estimation of Cu(II) and K2Cr2O7 using sodium thiosulphate solution iodimetrically.
• Estimation of (a) arsenite and (b) antimony iodimetrically.
• Estimation of available chlorine in bleaching powder iodometrically.
• Estimation of Copper and Iron in mixture by standard solution of K2Cr2O7 using sodium
thiosulphate solution as titrants.


1. Demonstration of laboratory Glasswares and Equipments.

2. Calibration of the thermometer. 80o–82o (Naphthalene), 113.5o–114o (Acetanilide),
132.5o-133o (Urea), 100o (Distilled Water).)

3. Purification of organic compounds by crystallization using different solvents.

• Phthalic acid from hot water (using fluted filter paper and stemless funnel).
• Acetanilide from boiling water.
• Naphthalene from ethanol.
• Benzoic acid from water.
4. Determination of the melting points of organic compounds.
Naphthalene 80o–82o, Benzoic acid 121.5o–122o, Urea 132.5o–133o Succinic acid 184.5o–
185o, Cinnamic acid 132.5o–133o, Salicylic acid 157.5o–158o, Acetanilide 113.5o–114o,
m-Dinitrobenzene 90o, p-Dichlorobenzene 52o, Aspirin 135o.
5. Effect of impurities on the melting point – mixed melting point of two unknown organic
• Urea – Cinnamic acid mixture of various compositions (1:4, 1:1, 4:1).
6. Determination of boiling point of liquid compounds. (boiling point lower than and more
than 100 °C by distillation and capillary method).
• Ethanol 78o, Cyclohexane 81.4o, Toluene 110.6o, Benzene 80o.
i. Distillation (Demonstration)
• Simple distillation of ethanol-water mixture using water condenser.
• Distillation of nitrobenzene and aniline using air condenser.
ii. Sublimation
• Camphor, Naphthalene, Phthalic acid and Succinic acid.
iii. Decolorisation and crystallization using charcoal.
• Decolorisation of brown sugar with animal charcoal using gravity filtrations
crystallization and decolorisation of impure naphthalene (100 g of naphthalene
mixed with 0.3 g of Congo red using 1 g of decolorizing carbon) from ethanol.
7. Qualitative Analysis
Detection of elements (N, S and halogens) and functional groups (Phenolic,
Carboxylic, CarbonyI, Esters, Carbohydrates, Amines, Amides, Nitro and Anilide) in
simple organic compounds.

1. Surface tension measurements.
• Determine the surface tension by (i) drop number (ii) drop weight method.
• Surface tension composition curve for a binary liquid mixture.
2. Viscosity measurement using Ostwald’s viscometer.
• Determination of viscosity of aqueous solutions of (i) sugar (ii) ethanol at room
• Study of the variation of viscosity of sucrose solution with the concentration of
• Viscosity Composition curve for a binary liquid mixture.
3. Chemical Kinetics
• To determine the specific rate of hydrolysis of methyl/ethyl acetate catalysed by
hydrogen ions at room temperature.
• To study the effect of acid strength on the hydrolysis of an ester.
• To compare the strengths of HCl & H2SO4 by studying the kinetics of hydrolysis
of ethyl acetate.
4. Colloids
• To prepare colloidal solution of silver nanoparticles (reduction method) and other
metal nanoparticles using capping agents.
Note: Experiments may be added/ deleted subject to availability of time and
05 Hrs.
M.M. 50
Three experiments are to be performed

1. Inorganic Mixture Analysis, four radicals two basic & two acid (excluding insoluble,
Interfering & combination of acid radicals) OR Two Titrations (Acid-Bases,Redox and
12 marks
2. Detection of functional group in the given organic compound and determine its MPt/BPt.
8 marks
Crystallization of any one compound as given in the prospectus along with the
determination of mixed MPt.
Decolorisation of brown sugar along with sublimation of camphor/ Naphthlene.
3. Any one physical experiment that can be completed in two hours including calculations.
14 marks
4. Viva 10 marks
5. Sessionals 06 marks
In case of Ex-Students two marks will be added to each of the experiments

1. Mendham, J., A. I. Vogel’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis 6th Ed., Pearson, 2009.
2. Ahluwalia, V. K., Dhingra, S. and Gulati, A. College practical Chemistry, University
3. Mann, F.G. & Saunders, B.C. Practical Organic Chemistry, Pearson Education (2009)
4. Furniss, B.S.; Hannaford, A.J.; Smith, P.W.G.; Tatchell, A.R. Practical Organic
Chemistry, 5th Ed., Pearson (2012)
5. Khosla, B. D.; Garg, V. C. & Gulati, A. Senior Practical Physical Chemistry, R. Chand &
Co.: New Delhi (2011).
6. Garland, C. W.; Nibler, J. W. & Shoemaker, D. P. Experiments in Physical Chemistry 8th
Ed.; McGraw-Hill: New York (2003).
7. Halpern, A. M. & McBane, G. C. Experimental Physical Chemistry 3rd Ed.; W.H.
Freeman & Co.: New York (2003).
B.Sc. Part I
Theory: Maximum Marks 50

Basic Circuit Concepts: Voltage and Current Sources, Review of Resistors, Inductors,
Capacitors. Circuit Analysis: Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL), Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL),
AC Circuit Analysis: Sinusoidal Voltage and Current, Definition of Instantaneous, Peak,Peak to
Peak, Root Mean Square and Average Values. AC applied to Series RC and RL circuits:
Impedance of series RC & RL circuits.AC applied to Series and parallel RLC circuit, Series and
Parallel Resonance, condition for Resonance, Resonant Frequency, Bandwidth, and significance
of Quality Factor (Q).
Passive Filters: Low Pass, High Pass.
Network Theorems: Principal of Duality, Superposition Theorem, Thevenin’s
Theorem,Norton’s Theorem, Reciprocity Theorem, Millman’s Theorem, Maximum Power
Transfer Theorem. AC circuit analysis using Network theorems.


Junction Diode and its applications: PN junction diode (Ideal and practical)-constructions,
Formation of Depletion Layer, Diode Equation and I-V characteristics. Idea of static and
dynamic resistance, dc load line analysis, Quiescent (Q) point. Zener diode, Reverse saturation
current, Zener and avalanche breakdown. Rectifiers- Half wave rectifier, Full wave rectifiers
(center tapped and bridge), circuit diagrams, working and waveforms, ripple factor and
efficiency. Filter-Shunt capacitor filter, its role in power supply, output waveform, and
working. Regulation- Line and load regulation, Zener diode as voltage regulator, and
explanationfor load and line regulation.


Bipolar Junction Transistor: CE, CB Characteristics and regions of operation, Transistor

biasing, DC load line, operating point, thermal runaway, idea about stability and stability factor.
Voltage divider bias, circuit diagrams and their working.

Syllabus B.Sc. Electronics approved by CBOS on 11.06.2018

Page 1
Field Effect Transistors: JFET, Construction, Working and Characteristics. MOSFET,
Construction, Working and Characteristics.
Power Devices: UJT, Construction, Working and Characteristics. SCR, Diac, Triac,
Construction, Working and Characteristics and Applications.


Amplifiers: Transistor biasing and Stabilization circuits- Fixed Bias and VoltageDivider Bias.
Thermal runaway, stability and stability factor S. Transistor as a two port network, h-parameter
equivalent circuit. Small signal analysis of single stage CE amplifier. Input and Output
impedance, Current and Voltage gains. Class A, B and CAmplifiers.
Cascaded Amplifiers: Two stage RC Coupled Amplifier and its Frequency Response.


Feedback in Amplifiers: Concept of feedback, negative and positive feedback,

advantages of negative feedback (Qualitative only).
Sinusoidal Oscillators: Barkhausen criterion for sustained oscillations. Phase shift,Weins bridge,
Crystal andColpitt’s oscillator. Determination of Frequency and Condition of oscillation.

Reference Books:

[1] Electric Circuits, S. A. Nasar, Schaum’s outline series, Tata McGraw Hill (2004)
[2] Electrical Circuits, M. Nahvi& J. Edminister, Schaum’s Outline Series, Tata
McGraw-Hill (2005)
[3] Electrical Circuits, K.A. Smith and R.E. Alley, 2014, Cambridge University Press
[4] Network, Lines and Fields, J.D.Ryder, Prentice Hall of India.
[5] Electronic Devices and Circuits, David A. Bell, 5th Edition 2015, Oxford University Press.
[6] Electronic Circuits: Discrete and Integrated, D.L. Schilling and C. Belove, Tata
McGraw Hill
[7] Electrical Circuit Analysis, Mahadevan and Chitra, PHI Learning

[8] Microelectronic circuits, A.S. Sedra, K.C. Smith, A.N. Chandorkar, 2014, 6thEdn.,
Oxford University Press.
[9] J. Millman and C. C. Halkias, Integrated Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill (2001)
[10] J. J. Cathey, 2000 Solved Problems in Electronics, Schaum’s outline Series, Tata
McGraw Hill (1991)

Syllabus B.Sc. Electronics approved by CBOS on 11.06.2018

Page 2
Paper- II
Theory: Maximum Marks 50

Operational Amplifiers (Black box approach): Characteristics of an Ideal andPractical

Operational Amplifier (IC 741), Open and closed loop configuration, Frequency Response.
CMRR. Slew Rate and concept of Virtual Ground.

Applications of Op-Amps: (1) Inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, (2) Summingand

Difference Amplifier, (3) Differentiator, (4) Integrator, (5) Wein bridge oscillator,
(6) Comparator and Zero-crossing detector, and (7) Active low pass and high pass, Butterworth
filter (1st order only).


Number System and Codes: Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal number systems,base
conversions. Representation of signed and unsigned numbers, BCD code. Binary, octal and
hexadecimal arithmetic; addition, subtraction by 2’s complement method, multiplication.

Logic Gates and Boolean algebra: Truth Tables of OR, AND, NOT, NOR, NAND,XOR,
XNOR, Universal Gates, Basic postulates and fundamental theorems of Boolean algebra.


Combinational Logic Analysis and Design: Standard representation of logic functions (SOP
and POS), Minimization Techniques (Karnaugh map minimization up to 4 variables for
SOP).Arithmetic Circuits: Binary Addition. Half and Full Adder.Half and Full Subtractor, 4-bit
binary Adder/Subtractor.

Data processing circuits: Multiplexers, De-multiplexers, Decoders, Encoders. Clock and Timer
(IC 555): Introduction, Block diagram of IC 555, Astable and Monostablemultivibrator


Sequential Circuits: SR, D, and JK Flip-Flops. Clocked (Level and Edge Triggered)Flip-Flops.
Preset and Clear operations. Race-around conditions in JK Flip-Flop.Master-slave JK Flip-Flop.

Shift registers: Serial-in-Serial-out, Serial-in-Parallel-out, Parallel-in-Serial-out and Parallel-

in-Parallel-out Shift Registers (only up to 4 bits).

Syllabus B.Sc. Electronics approved by CBOS on 11.06.2018

Page 3
Counters (4 bits): Ring Counter. Asynchronous counters, Decade Counter Synchronous


D-A and A-D Conversion: 4 bit binary weighted and R-2R D-A converters, circuit and working,
Accuracy and Resolution. A-D conversion characteristics, successive approximation ADC.
(Mention of relevant ICs for all).

Reference Books:
[1] OP-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuit, R. A. Gayakwad, 4th edition, 2000, Prentice
[2] Operational Amplifiers and Linear ICs, David A. Bell, 3rd Edition, 2011, Oxford
University Press.
[3] Digital Principles and Applications, A.P. Malvino, D.P.Leach and Saha, 7th Ed., 2011,
Tata McGraw
[4] Fundamentals of Digital Circuits, Anand Kumar, 2nd Edn, 2009, PHI Learning Pvt.
[5] Digital Circuits and systems, Venugopal, 2011, Tata McGraw Hill.
[6] Digital Systems: Principles & Applications, R.J.Tocci, N.S.Widmer, 2001, PHI
[7] Thomas L. Flyod, Digital Fundamentals, Pearson Education Asia (1994)
[8] R. L. Tokheim, Digital Principles, Schaum’s Outline Series, Tata McGraw- Hill (1994)

Syllabus B.Sc. Electronics approved by CBOS on 11.06.2018

Page 4
(Hardware and Circuit Simulation Software) Max.Marks:25
The scheme of practical examination will be as follows-

Experiment -- 30

Viva -- 10

Sessional -- 10

Total -- 50


1. To familiarize with basic electronic components (R, C, L, diodes, transistors),
digital Multimeter, Function Generator and Oscilloscope.
2. Measurement of Amplitude, Frequency & Phase difference using Oscilloscope.
3. Verification of (a) Thevenin’s theorem and (b) Norton’s theorem.
4. Verification of (a) Superposition Theorem and (b) Reciprocity Theorem.
5. Verification of the Maximum Power Transfer Theorem.
6. Study of the I-V Characteristics of (a) p-n junction Diode, and (b) Zener diode.
7. Study of (a) Half wave rectifier and (b) Full wave rectifier (FWR).
8. Study the effect of (a) C- filter and (b) Zener regulator on the output of FWR.
9. Study of the I-V Characteristics of UJT and design relaxation oscillator..
10. Study of the output and transfer I-V characteristics of common source JFET.
11. Study of Fixed Bias and Voltage divider bias configuration for CE transistor.
12. Design of a Single Stage CE amplifier of given gain.
13. Study of the RC Phase Shift Oscillator.
14. Study the Colpitt`s oscillator.
Reference Books:
1. Electrical Circuits, M. Nahvi and J. Edminister, Schaum’s Outline Series, Tata
McGraw-Hill (2005)
2. Networks, Lines and Fields, J.D.Ryder, Prentice Hall of India.
3. J. Millman and C. C. Halkias, Integrated Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill (2001)
4. Allen Mottershead, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Goodyear Publishing Corporation.

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Page 5
At least 04 experiments each from section A, B and C

Section-A: Op-Amp. Circuits (Hardware)

1. To design an inverting amplifier using Op-amp (741,351)for dc voltage of given gain
2. (a) To design inverting amplifier using Op-amp (741,351) & study its frequency
(b) To design non-inverting amplifier using Op-amp (741,351) & study frequency
3. (a) To add two dc voltages using Op-amp in inverting and non-inverting mode
(b) To study the zero-crossing detector and comparator.
4. To design a precision Differential amplifier of given I/O specification using Op-amp.
5. To investigate the use of an op-amp as an Integrator.
6. To investigate the use of an op-amp as a Differentiator.
7. To design a Wien bridge oscillator for given frequency using an op-amp.
8. To design a circuit to simulate the solution of simultaneous equation and 1st/2ndorder
differential equation.
9. Design a Butterworth Low Pass active Filter (1st order) & study Frequency Response
10. Design a Butterworth High Pass active Filter (1st order) & study Frequency Response
11. Design a digital to analog converter (DAC) of given specifications.

Section-B: Digital circuits (Hardware)

1. (a) To design a combinational logic system for a specified Truth Table.
(b) To convert Boolean expression into logic circuit & design it using logic gate ICs.
(c) To minimize a given logic circuit.
2. Half Adder and Full Adder.
3. Half Subtractor and Full Subtractor.
4. 4 bit binary adder and adder-subtractor using Full adder IC.
5. To design a seven segment decoder.
6. To design an AstableMultivibrator of given specification using IC 555 Timer.
7. To design a MonostableMultivibrator of given specification using IC 555 Timer.
8. To build Flip-Flop (RS, Clocked RS, D-type and JK) circuits using NAND gates.
9. To build JK Master-slave flip-flop using Flip-Flop ICs
10. To build a Counter using D-type/JK Flip-Flop ICs and study timing diagram.
11. To make a Shift Register (serial-in and serial-out) using D-type/JK Flip-Flop ICs.

Syllabus B.Sc. Electronics approved by CBOS on 11.06.2018

Page 6
Section-C: SPICE/MULTISIM simulations for electronic circuits and devices
1. To verify the Thevenin and Norton Theorems.
2. Design and analyze the series and parallel LCR circuits
3. Design the inverting and non-inverting amplifier using an Op-Amp of given gain
4. Design and Verification of op-amp as integrator and differentiator
5. Design the 1storder active low pass and high pass filters of given cutoff frequency
6. Design a Wein`s Bridge oscillator of given frequency.
7. Design clocked SR and JK Flip-Flop`s using NAND Gates
8. Design 4-bit asynchronous counter using Flip-Flop ICs
9. Design the CE amplifier of a given gain and its frequency response.

Reference Books
1. Digital Principles and Applications, A.P. Malvino, D.P.Leach and Saha, 7th Ed., 2011,
Tata McGraw
2. OP-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuit, R. A. Gayakwad, 4thedn., 2000, Prentice Hall
3. R. L. Tokheim, Digital Principles, Schaum’s Outline Series, Tata McGraw- Hill (1994)
4. Digital Electronics, S.K. Mandal, 2010, 1st edition, McGraw Hill

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Page 7
Syllabus B.Sc. Electronics approved by CBOS on 11.06.2018
Page 8
d{kk@ Class- B.Sc-I
Paper –I
Hkwxfrdh ,oa Hkwvkd`fr foKku
(Geodynamics & Geomorphology)

bdkbZ& 01 (i) HkwfoKku ,oa ifjizs{;( lkSje.My esa lw;Z dh fLFkfr ( ifjek.k] vkdkj] lagfr] ?kuRoA
(ii) i`Foh dh mRifRr
(iii) i`Foh dh vkarfjd lajpuk] HkwiiZVh] izokj ,oa ØksM
(iv) i`Foh dh vk;q% fu/kkZj.k dh fo?kVukfHkd fof/k;kW
(v) ok;qe.My] tye.My ,oa tSoe.My dk fuekZ.k ,oa laxBu

bdkbZ& 02 (i) IysVfoorZfudh dk izkjafHkd& v/;;u

(ii) egk}hih; foLFkkiu dh vo/kkj.kk;sa ,oa fl)kUr
(iii) leLFkSfrdh dh vo/kkj.kk;sa ,oa fl)kUr
(iv) leqnzry foLrkj.k dh lk{;
(v) leqnz] egk}hi ,oa ioZrksa dh mRifRr

bdkbZ& 03 (i) HkwdEi% HkwdEi dh ifV~V;kW] HkwdEi dh rhozrk

(ii) Tokykeq[kh% izdkj ,oa fooj.k
(iii) var%leqnzhioZrks]a pkikdkj }hiekykvksa ,oa [kkb;ksa dk mn~Hko] fooj.k ,oa egRo
(iv) egk}hih; rVh; {ks=ksa dh foorZfudh % lfØ; rV ,oa lhekarh; nzksf.k;kW
(v) uofoorZfudh % lfØ;Hkza”k] viokg ifjorZu

bdkbZ& 04 (i) Hkwvkd`fr foKku dh ewyHkwr /kkj.kk;sa

(ii) Hkwvkd`frd dkjd ,oa “kSy vi{k; dh izfØ;k;sa]
(iii) unh ds HkwoSKkfud dk;Z ,oa unh; Hkwvkd`fr;kW
(iv) ok;q ds HkwoSKkfud dk;Z ,oa ok;qtfur Hkwvkd`fr;kW
(v) fgeunksa ds HkwoSKkfud dk;Z ,oa fgeuntfur Hkwvkd`fr;kW
bdkbZ& 05 (i) leqnz ds HkwoSKkfud dk;Z ,oa rVh; Hkwvkd`fr;kW
(ii) Hkwfexr ty ds HkwoSKkfud dk;Z ,oa dkLVZLFkykd`fr
(iii) Tokykeq[kh; Hkwvkd`fr;kW
(iv) i`Foh dk m’ekctV ,oa oSf”od tyok;q ifjorZu
(V) Hkkjr dk Hkwvkd`fr foHkktu
izk;ksfxd dk;Z&
¼1½ Hkwvkd`frd lajpukvksa dks iznf”kZr djus okys izkn”kksZ dk v/;;u
¼2½ LFkykd`frd ekufp=ksa dk v/;;u ,oa fofHkUu iSekuksa ij lwpd&fu/kkZj.k dh tkudkfj;kW
¼3½ Hkwvkd`frd&ekufp=ksa esa fofHkUu Hkwvkd`fr;ksa ,oa izokg iz.kkfy;ksa dk v/;;u
¼4½ Hkkjr ds jsf[kr&ekufp= esa eq[; ioZrks]a >hyksa ,oa ufn;ksa dks vafdr djuk
¼5½ Hkkjr ds jsf[kr ekufp= esa HkwdEi izs{k.kky;ksa dks vafdr djuk
¼6½ Hkkjrh; egk}hiksa esa vk;s HkwdEiksa dk vf/kdsUnz ,oa rhozrk dks ekufp= esa vafdr djukA
¼7½ vkdkjfefrd fo”ys’k.k

Class- B.Sc-I
Paper –I
(Geodynamics & Geomorphology)

Unit:1 (i) Geology & it perspectives. Earth in the solar system; size, shape, mass, &
(ii) Origin of Earth.
(iii) Internal structure of Earth, Crust, Mantle and Core.
(iv) Age of Earth: with special emphasis on Radioactive dating.
(v) Formation & composition of Hydrosphere, & Biosphere & Atmosphere.

Unit:2 (i) Elementary idea about Plate-Tectonics.

(ii) Concept & theories of continental-drift
(iii) Concept & theories of lsostasy.
(iv) Evidences of Sea-floor spreading.
(v) Origin of oceans, continents & mountains.

Unit:3 (i) Earthquakes, Earthquake Belts, measurement of Earthquakes.

(ii) Volcanoes: Types & distribution.
(iii) Mid –oceanic- ridges, trenches & island arc; origin, distribution & importance.
(iv) Tectonic of continental margins; Active margins & marginal basins.
(v) Neo-tectonics; active faults, drainage changes.

Unit:4 (i) Fundamental concepts of Geomorphology.

(ii) Geomorphic agents & processes of rock-weathering.
(iii) Geological work of rivers; fluvial land forms.
(iv) Geological work of wind; Aeolian land forms.
(v) Geological work of Glaciers; glacial land forms.

Unit:5 (i) Geological work of oceans; coastal land forms.

(ii) Geological work of Ground water. Karst topography.

(iii) Volcanic land forms.
(iv) Earth’s heat budget & global climatic changes.
(v) Physiographic divisions of India.
(1) Study of models showing various Geomorphic features.
(2) Numbering, Indexing of topographic maps on various scales.
(3) Interpretation of various Geomorphic landforms & drainage pattern on
topographic maps.
(4) Plotting of major mountain Ranges, Lakes & rivers on outline map of India.
(5) Plotting of seismic observatories on outline map of India.
(6) Plotting of epicenters & magnitude of major earthquakes of Indian
(7) Morphometric analysis.
Suggested Readings:-
HkkSfrd&HkwfoKku & MkW-eqdqy ?kks’k&
HkkSfrd&HkwfoKku & ts-ih- frokjh ,o ach-ds- flag&
Hkwvkd`fr&foKku & MkW-lfoUnz flag
HkwfoKku ,d ifjp; & MkW-fo|klkxj nqcs
Physical Geology - Miller
Principles of physical geology - A. Holmes
An introduction to physical geology- A.K. Dutta
Principles of Geomorphology - W.D. Thornbury
Principles of Geomorphology - A.F. Ahmed

d{kk@ Class- B.Sc-I
Paper –II
[kfut ,oa fØLVy foKku
(Mineralogy & Crystallography)

bdkbZ& 01 (i) [kfut ,oa fØLVy dh ifjHkk’kkA

(ii) fØLVy lajpuk ,oa ,dkad dks’kA
(iii) fØLVy ds rRo] fØLVy :iA
(iv) fØLVyh; v{k ,oa v{kh; dks.kA
(v) fØLVy uksVs”ku] vUr%[k.Mh; vuqikr ,oa lwpdkad

bdkbZ& 02 (i) fØLVy foKku ds fu;eA

(ii) fØLVyh; lefefrA
(iii) fØLVyksa dk oxhZdj.kA fØLVy leqnk;ksa ds lkekU;oxZ dh lefefrA
(iv) lkekU; oxZ ds :iA
(v) fØLVyksa esa ;eyuA

bdkbZ& 03 (i) izdk”k dh izd`fr] izdk”k dk ijkorZu ,oa viorZuA

(ii) viorZukad] Økafrd dks.k] iw.kZ vkarfjd ijkorZu ,oa csds izHkkoA
(iii) f}&viorZu] fudkWy fizTe dh jpuk ,oa dk;Z iz.kkyhA
(iv) /kzqo.k lw{en”khZ % vo;o ,oa dk;Ziz.kkyhA
(v) [kfutksa ds izdk”kh; xq.kA

bdkbZ& 04 (i) flfydsV lajpuk,a

(ii) [kfutksa esa ca/kA
(iii) Lkekd`frdrk] cgq:irk ,oa dwV:irkA
(iv) Bksl&foy;u
(v) [kfutksa ds HkkSfrd xq.kA

bdkbZ& 05 fuEufyf[kr [kfut lewgksa ds laxBu] HkkSfrd ,oa izdk”kdh; xq.kksa dk v/;;u&
(i) vkWfyohu~] xkusZV ,oa vHkzd lewgA
(ii) ik;jkWDlhuA
(iii) ,EQhcksyA
(iv) QsYlikjA
(v) flfydkA
izk;ksfxd dk;Z&
¼1½ fØLVy ekWMy esa lefefr rRoksa dk v/;;uA
¼2½ fØLVy leqnk;ksa dh ewy vkd`fr;ksa dk v/;;uA
¼3½ ;wyj izes; dk lR;kiuA
¼4½ izeq[k “kSydj [kfutksa dk LFkwyn”khZ v/;;uA
¼5½ /kzqo.k&lw{en”khZ dh lgk;rk ls izeq[k “kSydj [kftuksa ds izdk”kh; xq.kksa dk v/;;uA
¼6½ lkr fnolh; HkwoSKkfud {ks=h; v/;;u

Class- B.Sc-I
Paper –II
(Mineralogy & Crystallography)

Unit:1 (i) Definition of Mineral and Crystal.

(ii) Crystal structures, Unit cells
(iii) Elements of crystal. Crystal forms.
(iv) Crystallographic axes and axial angles.
(v) Parameters and indices of crystal notation

Unit:2 (i) Laws of Crystallography

(ii) Crystal symmetry
(iii) Classification and symmetry of normal classes of seven crystal systems
(iv) Forms of normal classes.
(v) Twinning in crystals

Unit:3 (i) Nature of light : reflection and refraction of light.

(ii) Refractive index. Critical angles. Total internal reflection and Becke effect.
(iii) Double refraction. Nicol prism it’s construction and working.
(iv) Polarizing Microscope- its parts & functions.
(v) Optical properties of minerals.

Unit:4 (i) Silicate structures.

(ii) Bonding in Minerals.
(iii) Isomorphism. Polymorphism and Pseudomorphism.
(iv) Solid solution
(v) Physical properties of minerals

Unit:5 Study of Composition, physical and optical properties of the following Mineral
(i) Olivine, Garnet and Mica groups.

(ii) Pyroxenes
(iii) Amphiboles
(iv) Feldspars
(v) Silica
(1) Study of symmetry elements in crystal models.
(2) Study of Fundamental forms of normal classes of all seven crystal system.
(3) Verification of Euler’s theorem.
(4) Study of Physical properties of rock forming minerals.
(5) Study of the optical properties of important rock forming minerals using polarizing
(6) Geological excursion for seven days.

Suggested Readings:
Rutley’s elements of Mineralogy : Read, H.D.
Dana’s text book of Mineralogy : Ford W.E.
[kfut rFkk fØLVy foKku & MkW-ch-lh- tS”k
[kfut foKku ds fl)kar & MkW- ,-lh- vxzoky
izk;ksfxd Hkw&foKku ¼Hkkx&1½ & MkW- j- iz- ekatjsdj
izdk”kh; [kfut foKku ds ewy rRo & foapy

There shall be three compulsory papers. Each paper of 50 marks is divided into five units and
each unit carry equal marks.

B.Sc. Part-I

UNIT-I Elementary operations on matrices, Inverse of a matrix. Linear independence of

row and column matrices, Ro w rank, column rank and rank of a matrix.
Equivalence of column and ro w ranks. Eigen values, eigenvectors and the
characteristic equations of a matrix. Cayley Hamilton theorem and its use in
finding inverse of a matrix.
UNIT-II Application of matrices to a system of linear (both homogeneous and
nonhomogeneous) equations. Theorems on consistency of a system of linear
equations. Relation between the roots and coe fficients of general polynomial
equations in one variable. Transformation of equations. Descarte's rule of signs.
Solutions of cubic equations (Cardons method), Biquadratic equation.
UNIT-III Mappings, Equivalence relations and partitions. Congruence modul o n. Definition
of a group with examples and simple properties. Subgroups, generation of groups,
cyclic groups, coset decomposition, Lagrange ’s theorem and its consequences.
Fermat’s and Euler's theorems. Normal subgroups. Quotient group, Permutation
groups. Even and odd permutations . The alternating groups An. Cayley's theorem.
UNIT-IV Homomorphism and Isomorphism of groups. T he fundamental theorems of
homomorphism. Introduction, properties and examples of rings, Subrings, Integral
domain and fields Characteristic of a ring and Field.
UNIT-V De-Moivre’s theorem and its applications. Direct and inverse circular and
hyperbolic functions. Logarithm of a complex quantity. Expansion of
trigonometrical functions. Gre gory's series. Summation of series.
1. I.N. Herstein, Topies in Algebra , Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1975
2. K.B. Datta, Matrix and Linear Algebra, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.New Delhi, 2000.
3. Chandrika Prasad, Text -Book on Algebra and Theory of equations, Pothishala Private Ltd.,
4. S.L. Loney, Plane Trigonometry Part II, Macmillan and Company, London.
1. P.B. Bhattacharya, S.K. Jain and S.R. Nagpaul, First Course in linear Algebra, Wiley
Eastern, New Delhi, 1983.
2. P.B. Bhattacharya, S.K.Jain and S.R. Nagpaul, Basic Abstract Algebra (2 edition),
Cambridge University Press, Indian Edition, 1997.
3. S.K. Jain, A. Gunawardena and P.B. Bhattacharya, Basic linear Algebra with MATLAB,
Key College Publishin g (Springer-Verlag), 2001.
4. H.S. Hall and S.R. Knight, Higher Algebra, H.M. Publications, 1994.
5. R.S. Verma and K.S. Shukla, Text Book on Trigonometry, Pothishala Pvt. Ltd.,
B.Sc. Part-I

UNIT-I 𝜀 − 𝛿 definition of the limit of a function. Basic properties of limits. Continuous
functions and classification of discontinuties. Differentiability. Successive
differentiation. Leibnitz theorem. Maclaurin and Taylor series expansions.
UNIT-II Asymptotes. Curvature. Tests for concavity and convexity. Points of inflexion.
Multiple points. Tracing of curves in cartesian and polar coordinates.
UNIT-III Integration of transcendental functions. Reduction formul ae. Definite integrals.
Quadrature. Rectification. Volumes and surfaces of solids of revolution.
UNIT-IV Degree and order of a differential equation. Equations reducible to the linear form.
Exact differential equations. First order higher degree equations solvable for x, y,
p. Clairaut's form and singular solutions. Geometrical meaning of a differential
equation. Ortho gonal trajectories. Linear differential equations with constant
coefficients. Homogeneous linear ordinary differential equations.
UNIT-V Linear differential equations of second order. Transformation of the equation by
changing the dependent variable/the in dependent variable. Method of variation of
parameters. Ordinary simultaneous differential equations.
1. Gorakh Prasad, Differential Calculaus, Pothishala Private Ltd. Allahabad.
2. Gorakh Prasad, Integral Calculus, Pothishala Private Ltd. Allahabad.
3. D.A. Murray Introductory Course in Differential Equations, Orient Longman (India),
1. Gabriel Klambauer, Mathematical Analysis, Marcel Dekkar, Inc. New York, 1975.
2. Murray R. Spiegel, Theory and Problems of Advanced Calculus, Schaum's outline series,
Schaum Publishing Co. New York.
3. N. Piskunov, Differential and Integral Calculus, Peace Publishers, Moscow.
4. P.K. Jain and S.K. Kaushik, An Introduction to Real Analysis, S. Chand & Co. New
Delhi, 2000.
5. G.F. Simmons, Differential Equations, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1972.
6. E.A. Codington, An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equa tions, Prentics Hall of
India, 1961.
7. H.T.H. Piaggio, Elementary Treatise on Differential Equations and their Applications,
C.B.S. Publishe & Distributors, Dehli, 1985.
8. W.E. Boyce and P.O. Diprima, Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value
Problems, John Wiley, 1986.
12. Erwin Kreysizig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley and Sons, 1999.
B.Sc. Part-I

UNIT-I Scalar and vector product of three vectors. Product of four vectors. Reciprocal
Vectors. Vector differentiation. Gradient, divergence and curl.
UNIT-II Vector integration. Theorems of Gauss, Green, Stokes and problems based on
UNIT-III General equation of second degree. Tracing of coni cs. System of coni cs. Confocal
conics. Polar equation of a conic.
UNIT-IV Sphere. Cone. Cylinder.
UNIT-V Central Conicoids. Paraboloids. Plane sections of conicoids. Genera ting lines.
Confocal Conicoids. Reduction of s econd degree equations.
1. N. Saran and S.N. Nigam, Introduction to vector Analysis, Pothishala Pvt. Ltd.
2. Gorakh Prasad and H.C. Gupta, Text Book on Coordinate Geometry, Pothishala Pvt.
Ltd., Allahabad.
3. R.J.T. Bell, Elementary Treatise on Coordinate Geometry of three dimensions,
Machmillan India Ltd. 1994.
1. Murray R. Spiegel, Theory and Problems of Advanced Calculus, Schaum Publishing
Company, New York.
2. Murray R. Spiegel, Vector Analysis, Schaum Publishing Company, New York.
3. Erwin Kreysizig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 1999.
4. Shanti Narayan, A Text Book of Vector Calculus, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi.
5. S.L. Loney, The Elements of Coordinate Geometry, Macmillan and Com pany, london.
6. P.K. Jain and Khalil Ahmad, A Text Book of Analytical Geometry of two Dimensions,
Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1994.
7. P.K. Jain and Khalil Ahmad, A Text Book of Analytical Geometry of three Dimensions,
Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1999.
8. N. Saran and R.S. Gupta, Analytical Geometry of three Dimensions, Pothishala Pvt. Ltd.
page 1

Paper- I: General Microbiology & Basic Technique
UNIT-1: Fundamental, History & Developments
Introduction to major groups of microorganisms and fields of Microbiology; Historical development, Contributions of Pioneers (Louis
Pasteur, Edward Jenner, Anton Von Leewenhoeck and Alexander Flemming). Beneficial and harmful microbes and its role in daily
UNIT-2: Basic Microbial Techniques
Methods of studying microorganism; Sterilization Techniques (Physical & Chemical Sterilization). Pure culture isolation Technique:
Streaking,Waksman serial dilution and plating methods. cultivation, maintenance and preservation of pure cultures. Culture media &
conditions for microbial growth. Staining technique: simple staining, Differential (gram staining), negative staining and acid fast
UNIT-3: Virology & Bacteriology
Diversity of microbial world; Principle and classification of Viruses and Bacteria. Structure, Multiplication and Economic importance
of viruses (TMV, Influenza virus & T 4-Phage). Structure & Functional organization of Bacteria, Cell wall of Gram Positive & Gram
Negative bacteria; Economic importance of Bacteria.
UNIT-4: Mycology
General characteristics and classification of Fungi; Structure and Reproduction of fungi (Rhizopus, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Yeast &
Agaricus). Common fungal disease of crops (Late & Early blight of potato, Smut of Rice, Tikka and Red rot of Sugarcane). Structure,
reproduction and economic aspect of Lichens.

UNIT-5: Phycology & Protozoology

General characteristics and classification of Algae and Protozoa; General account & economic importance of Cyanobacteria
(Microcystis, Ocillitoria, Nostoc & Anabaena) and Protozoa (Amoeba, Paramoecium, Euglena and plasmodium).

Text Books Recommended:

1. General microbiology; Vol I & II, Powar C. B. and Daginawala H. I.,, Bombay.
2. A textbook of Microbiology; Dubey &Maheshwari.
3. Microbiology: An Introduction; G. Tor tora, B. Funke, C. Benjamin Cummings.
4. General Microbiology; Seventh edition by Hans G Schlegel, CambridgeUniversity Press.
5. Practical Microbiology; Dubey and Maheshwari.
6. Handbook of Microbiology; Bisen P.S., Varma K., CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi. General Microbiology
by Brock.
7. General Microbiology by Pelzar et al.
8. Introduction on Microbial Techniques by Gunasekaran.
Page -2

Paper- II: Biochemistry and Physiology

Structure, classification and properties of Carbohydrates – Monosaccharide, Oligosaccharides (Disaccharides) and Polysaccharides.
Structure, classification and properties of Protein - Amino acids, peptides and Proteins (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary
Structure, classification and properties of Lipids; Saturated and Unsaturated fatty acids. Structure and properties of Nucleotides.
Structure and forms of DNA; Replication of DNA. Types, Structure and Function of RNA.
Structure, Nomenclature, Classification and Properties of Enzymes. Mechanism of enzyme action, Enzyme kinetic: Michaelis-
Menten. Equation & derivation, Enzyme inhibition, Lineweaver-Burk Plot (LB plot). Co-enzymes and their role; Allosteric enzymes
and Isoenzyme. Extracellular enzymes and their role.
Bacterial photosynthesis and Chemosynthesis: Glycolysis, TCA cycle and Oxidative Phosphorylation. Anaerobic catabolism of
glucose; Fat Biosynthesis,alpha and beta oxidation of fatty acids. Deamination, trasns-amination and Urea cycle.
Bacterial cell division, Genome replication and Growth Phases, Conditions for growth. Plasma membrane & Transport system, types
of transport (Passive and active). Diffusion (simple & facilitated), Concept of Uniport, Antiport and Symport;

Text Books Recommended:

1. General Biochemistry by A.C. Deb.

2. Biochemistry by Lehninger (Kalyani publication)
3. Biochemistry by U. Satyanarayan.
4. Microbiology by Anantanarayan and Panikar.
5. Fundamentals of Biochemistry; J L Jain, Sunjay Jain, Nitin Jain; S. Chand & Company Ltd
6. Practical Biochemistry: Principles and Techniques; 5th Edition; Keith Wilson and John Walker
7. Biophysical Biochemistry: Principles and Techniques; AvinashUpadhyay, KakoliUpadhyay and
Nirmalendu Nath; Himalaya Publishing House.
Page -3

M. M. 50
Basic information about autoclave, hot air oven, laminar air flow and other laboratory instruments
Preparation of solid/liquid culture media.
Isolation of single colonies on solid media.
Enumeration of bacterial numbers by serial dilution and plating.
Simple and differential staining.
Measurement of microorganism (micrometry) and camera Lucida drawing of isolated
Determination of bacterial growth by optical density measurement.
General and specific qualitative test for carbohydrates
General and specific qualitative test for amino acids
General and specific qualitative test for lipids
Estimation of protein
Estimation of blood glucose
Assay of the activity of amylases
Assay of the activity of Phosphates
Scheme of Practical Examination

Time - 4 hours M.M. 50

1. Exercise on Microbiological methods 10

2. Exercise on Biochemical tests 10
3. Exercise on staining method 05
4. Spotting (1-5) 10
5. Viva-Voce 05
6. Sessional 10

Total 50

Page -9
B.Sc. Part-I
(Paper code 0793)
Unit- 1 Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical coordinate system, Inertial and non-inertial frames
of reference, uniformly rotating frame, Coriolis force and its applications. Motion under a
central force, Kepler's laws. Effect of Centrifugal and Coriolis forces due to earth’s
rotation, Center of mass (C.M.), Lab and C.M. frame of reference, motion of C.M. of
system of particles subject to external forces, elastic, and inelastic collisions in one and
two dimensions, Scattering angle in the laboratory frame of reference, Conservation of
linear and angular momentum, Conservation of energy.

Unit-2 Rigid body motion, rotational motion, moments of inertia and their products, principal
moments & axes, introductory idea of Euler's equations. Potential well and Periodic
Oscillations, case of harmonic small oscillations, differential equation and its solution,
kinetic and potential energy, examples of simple harmonic oscillations: spring and mass
system, simple and compound pendulum, torsional pendulum.

Unit-3 Bifilar oscillations, Helmholtz resonator, LC circuit, vibrations of a magnet, oscillations

of two masses connected by a spring. Superposition of two simple harmonic motions of
the same frequency, Lissajous figures, damped harmonic oscillator, case of different
frequencies. Power dissipation, quality factor, examples, driven (forced) harmonic
oscillator, transient and steady states, power absorption, resonance.

Unit-4 E as an accelerating field, electron gun, case of discharge tube, linear accelerator, E as
deflecting field- CRO sensitivity, Transverse B field, 180o deflection, mass spectrograph,
curvatures of tracks for energy determination, principle of a cyclotron. Mutually
perpendicular E and B fields: velocity selector, its resolution. Parallel E and B fields,
positive ray parabolas, discovery of isotopes, elements of mass spectrography, principle
of magnetic focusing lens.

Unit-5 Elasticity: Strain and stress, elastic limit, Hooke’s law, Modulus of rigidity, Poisson’s
ratio, Bulk modulus, relation connecting different elastic- constants, twisting couple of a
cylinder (solid and hallow), Bending moment, Cantilever, Young modulus by bending of
Viscosity: Poiseulle’s equation of liquid flow through a narrow tube, equations of
continuity. Euler's equation, Bernoulli’s theorem, viscous fluids, streamline and turbulent
flow. Poiseulle's law, Coefficient of viscosity, Stoke’s law, Surface tension and molecular
interpretation of surface tension, Surface energy, Angle of contact, wetting.
1. E M Purcell, Ed Berkely physics course, vol. Mechanics (Mc. Gr. Hill) R P Feynman.
2. R B Lighton and M Sands, the Feynman lectures in physics, vol I (B) publications,
Bombay, Delhi, Calcutta, Madras.
3. D P Khandelwal, Oscillations and waves (Himalaya Publishing House Bombay).
4. R. K. Ghosh, The Mathematics of waves and vibrations (Macmillan 1975).
5. J.C. Upadhyaya- Mechanics (Hindi and English Edition.)
6. D.S. Mathur- Mechanics and properties of matter.
7. Brijlal and Subramanium- Oscillations and waves. Resnick and Halliday- Volume I
8. Physics Part –1: Resnick and Halliday.

Unit-1 Repeated integrals of a function of more than one variable, definition of a double and
triple integral. Gradient of a scalar field and its geometrical interpretation, divergence and
curl of a vector field, and their geometrical interpretation, line, surface and volume
integrals, flux of a vector field. Gauss's divergence theorem, Green's theorem and Stoke’s
theorem and their physical significance. Kirchoff's law, Ideal Constant-voltage and
Constant-current Sources. Thevenin theorem, Norton theorem, Superposition theorem,
Reciprocity theorem and Maximum Power Transfer theorem.

Unit-2 Coulomb’s law in vacuum expressed in Vector forms, calculations of E for simple
distributions of charges at rest, dipole and quadrupole fields. Work done on a charge in a
electrostatic field expressed as a line integral, conservative nature of the electrostatic
field. Relation between Electric potential and Electric field, torque on a dipole in a
uniform electric field and its energy, flux of the electric field.
Gauss's law and its application: E due to (1) an Infinite Line of Charge, (2) a Charged
Cylindrical Conductor, (3) an Infinite Sheet of Charge and Two Parallel Charged Sheets,
capacitors, electrostatic field energy, force per unit area of the surface of a conductor in
an electric field, conducting sphere in a uniform electric field.

Unit-3 Dielectric constant, Polar and Non Polar dielectrics, Dielectrics and Gauss’s Law,
Dielectric Polarization, Electric Polarization vector P, Electric displacement vector D.
Relation between three electric vectors, Dielectric susceptibility and permittivity,
Polarizability and mechanism of Polarization, Lorentz local field, Clausius Mossotti
equation, Debye equation,

Ferroelectric and Paraelectric dielectrics, Steady current, current density J, non-steady

currents and continuity equation, rise and decay of current in LR, CR and LCR circuits,
decay constants, AC circuits, complex numbers and their applications in solving AC
circuit problems, complex impedance and reactance, series and parallel resonance, Q
factor, power consumed by an a AC circuit, power factor.

Unit-4 Magnetization Current and magnetization vector M, three magnetic vectors and their
relationship, Magnetic permeability and susceptibility, Diamagnetic, paramagnetic and
ferromagnetic substances. B.H. Curve, cycle of magnetization and hysteresis, Hysteresis
Biot-Savart’s Law and its applications: B due to (1) a Straight Current Carrying
Conductor and (2) Current Loop. Current Loop as a Magnetic Dipole and its Dipole
Moment (Analogy with Electric Dipole). Ampere’s Circuital law (Integral and
Differential Forms).

Unit-5 Electromagnetic induction, Faraday's law, electromotive force, integral and differential
forms of Faraday's law Mutual and self inductance, Transformers, energy in a static
magnetic field. Maxwell's displacement current, Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic
field energy density. The wave equation satisfied by E and B, plane electromagnetic
waves in vacuum, Poynting's vector.


1. Berkeley Physics Course, Electricity and Magnetism, Ed. E.M. Purcell (Mc Graw -
2. Halliday and Resnik, Physics, Vol. 2.
3. D J Grifith, Introduction to Electrodynamics (Prentice-Hall of India).
4. Raitz and Milford, Electricity and Magnetism (Addison-Wesley).
5. A S Mahajan and A A Rangwala, Electricity and Magnetism (Tata Mc Graw-hill).
6. A M Portis, Electromagnetic fields.
7. Pugh & Pugh, Principles of Electricity and Magnetism (Addison-Wesley).
8. Panofsky and Phillips, Classical Electricity and Magnetism, (India Book House).
9. S S Atwood, Electricity and Magnetism (Dover).
Minimum 16 (Eight from each group)
Experiments out of the following or similar experiments of equal standard
1. Study of laws of parallel and perpendicular axes for moment of inertia.
2. Moment of inertia of Fly wheel.
3. Moment of inertia of irregular bodies by inertia table.
4. Study of conservation of momentum in two dimensional oscillations.
5. Study of a compound pendulum.
6. Study of damping of a bar pendulum under various mechanics.
7. Study of oscillations under a bifilar suspension.
8. Study of modulus of rigidity by Maxwell’s needle.
9. Determination of Y, k, η by Searl’s apparatus.
10. To study the oscillation of a rubber band and hence to draw a potential energy curve
from it.
11. Study of oscillation of a mass under different combinations of springs.
12. Study of torsion of wire (static and dynamic method).
13. Poisson’s ratio of rubber tube.
14. Study of bending of a cantilever or a beam.
15. Study of flow of liquids through capillaries.
16. Determination of surface tension of a liquid.
17. Study of viscosity of a fluid by different methods.
1. Use of a vibration magnetometer to study a field.
2. Study of magnetic field B due to a current.
3. Measurement of low resistance by Carey-Foster bridge.
4. Measurement of inductance using impedance at different frequencies.
5. Study of decay of currents in LR and RC circuits.
6. Response curve for LCR circuit and response frequency and quality factor.
7. Study of waveforms using cathode-ray oscilloscope.
8. Characteristics of a choke and Measurement of inductance.
9. Study of Lorentz force.
10. Study of discrete and continuous LC transmission line.
11. Elementary FORTRAN programs, Flowcharts and their interpretation.
18. To find the product of two matrices.
19. Numerical solution of equation of motion.
20. To find the roots of quadratic equation.
1. B saraf et al Mechanical Systems(Vikas publishing House,New Delhi).
2. D.P. khandelwal, A Laboratory Manual of Physics for Undergraduate classes (Vani
Publication House,New Delhi).
3. C G Lambe Elements of statistics (Longmans Green and Co London New York,
4. C Dixon, Numerical analysis.
5. S Lipsdutz and A Poe, schaum’s outline of theory and problems of programming with
Fortran (MC Graw-Hill Book Company, Singapore 1986).
B.A./B.Sc. –I
Paper – I ( Paper Code-0803)
Important concepts in probability: Random experiment: trial, sample point and sample space, event,
Operations of events, concepts of mutually exclusive and exhaustive events. Definition of probability:
classical and relative frequency approach. Richard Von Misses, Cramer and Kolmogrove approachesto
probability, merits and demerits to these approaches, any general idea to be given. Discrete probability
space, Properties of probability based on axiomatic approaches, Independence of events, Conditional
probability, total and compound probability rules, Baye's theorem and its applications.

Random variables: Definition of discrete random variable (rv); probability mass function (pmf) and
cumulative distribution function (cdf). Joint pmf of several discrete rvs. Marginal and conditional pmfs.
Independence of rvs. Idea of continuous random variables, probability density function, illustration of
random variables and its properties. Expectation of a random variable and its properties -moments,
measures of location and dispersion, skewness and kurtosis, Moment generating function, raw and
central moments, Probability generating function (pgf) and, their properties and uses.

Standard univariate discrete distributions: degenerate, discrete uniform, hypergeometric, Poisson,
geometric and negative binomial distributions. Marginal and conditional distributions, Distributions of
functions of discrete rvs, reproductive property of standard distributions.

Univariate continuous distributions and their properties: Uniform, Beta, Gamma, Exponential, Normal,
Cauchy, Lognormal. Moment generating function (mgf) : its properties and applications.
Tchebycheff's inequality and applications, statements and applications of weak law of large numbers and
central limit theorems.
Four short notes, one from each unit will be asked. Students have to answer any two.

1. Bhat B.R.,Srivankataramana T. and Rao Madhav K.S. (1997): Statistics; A Beachners Vol. II, New
Age International (P) Ltd.
2.Chung, K.L. (1979). Elementary Probability Theory with Stochastic Processes, Springer
International Student Edition.
3. Edward P.J., Ford J.S. and Lin (1974): Probability for Statistical Decision-Marketing. Prentice Hall
4. Goon A.M., Gupta M.K. and Dasgupta B.(1999): Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol. I , World Press,
5. Mood A.M., Grabill F.A. and Bose D.C.(1974): Introduction to the theory of Statistics, Mc. Graw
6. Cook, Cramer and Clark (): Basic Statistical Computing, Chapman and Hall.
7.David Stirzaker (1994). Elementary Probability, Cambridge University Press.
8.Feller, W. (1968). An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Wiley.
9. Hoel P.G. (1971): Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
10. Mayer P.L. (1970): Introductory Probability and Statistical Applications, Addition Wesley
11.Mukhopadhyay, P. (1996). Mathematical Statistics, New Central Book Agency, Calcutta.
12.Parzen, E. (1960). Modern Probability Theory and its Applications, Wiley Eastern.
13Pitman, Jim (1993). Probability, Narosa Publishing House.

Paper – II( Paper Code-0804)

Unit - I
Origin and Development of statistical importance, uses and limitations of Statistics. Types of Data:
Concepts of a statistics population and sample from a population; qualitative and quantitative data;
nominal and ordinal data; cross sectional and time series data; discrete and continuous data; frequency
and non-frequency data.
Collection and Scrutiny of Data; Primary data – designing a questionnaire and a schedule; checking
their consistency. Secondary data – their major sources including some government publications.
Complete enumeration, controlled experiments, observational studies and sample surveys. Scrutiny of
data for internal consistency and detection of errors of recording. Ideas of cross-validation.

Presentation of Data: Construction of tables with one or more factors of classification. Diagrammatic
and graphical representation of non-frequency data. Frequency distributions, cumulative frequency
distributions and their graphical and diagrammatic representation – column diagram, histogram,
frequency polygon and ogives. Stem and leaf chart. Box plot.

Unit -II
Analysis of Quantitative Data: Univariate data: Concepts of central tendency or location, and their
measures; arithmetic, geometric and harmonic mean, median and mode.

Unit -III
Dispersion and relative measures of dispersion, skewness and kurtosis, and their measures including
those based on quartiles and moments. Sheppard's corrections for moments for grouped data (without

Unit -IV
Bivariate data: Scatter diagram. Product moment correlation coefficient and its properties. Coefficient
of determination. Correlation ratio. Concepts of regression. intra-class correlation coefficient with
equal and unequal group sizes. Rank correlation – Spearman's and Kendall's measures. Correlation
index. Principle of least squares. Fitting of linear and quadratic regression and related results. Fitting
of curves reducible to polynomials by log and inverse transformation. Multivariate data: Multiple
regression, multiple correlation and partial correlation in 3 variables. Their measures and related results.

Unit V
Four short notes, one from each unit will be asked. Students have to answer any two.

1. Bhat B.R.,Srivankataramana T. and Rao Madhav K.S. (1997): Statistics; A Beachners Vol. II, New
Age International (P) Ltd.
2.Croxton FE, Cowden DJ and Klein S: Applied General Statistics (1973): Prentice Hall of India.
3.Goon A.M., Gupta M.K., Dasgupta B. Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol. 1(1991) & Vol. 2(2001).
World Press, Calcutta.
5.Gupta V.K. and Kapor S.C. : Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics S. Chand and Sons.
6.Cook, Cramer and Clark (): Basic Statistical Computing, Chapman and Hall.
7. Mood A.M., Grabill F.A. and Bose D.C.(1974): Introduction to the theory of Statistics, McGraw Hill.
8.Snedecor GW and Cochran WG: Statistical Methods (1967) : Lowa State University Press.
9.Spiegel, MR (1967): Theory & Problems of Statistics (1967): Schaum's Publishing Series.

Paper III:
Practical : Practicals Based on Paper I & II
1. Presentation of data by Frequency tables, diagrams and graphs.
2. Calculation of Measures of Central Tendency, dispersion , skewness and kurtosis
3. Product Moment Correlation and Correlation Ratio
4. Fitting of Curves by the least square method
5. Regression of two variables
6. Spearman’s Rank correlation Coefficient
7. Multiple regression of three variables
8. Multiple correlation and partial correlation
9. Evaluation of probabilities using addition and multiplication theorems, conditional probabilities
and Bayes theorems
10. Exercises on mathematical expectations and finding measures of central tendency, dispersion,
skewness and kurtosis of univariate probability distributions
11. Fitting of univariate and conditional distributions
fcykliqj fo'ofo|ky;] fcykliqj ¼NRrhlx<+½

MM: 50
The Forest & Forestry (An Introduction)
Definition of forest & forestry, component of forest, classification of forest, growth and
changes in the seedling, sapling, pole and trees

Principle of Silviculture
Introduction, definition, scope, and objective of silviculture, relation of silviculture with
forestry and its branches, Influence of forest on environment, factors of locality

Forest Vegetation & Its Distribution
Botanical area of India, distribution description of forest type in India, forest & climate

Plantation Forestry
Nursery and its establishment, method of sowing & plantation, industrial plantation &
energy plantation, protection of plantation

Geology & Forest Soil
Definition & introduction of Geology and Pedology, soil profile & soil group, soil
formation, soil properties

fcykliqj fo'ofo|ky;] fcykliqj ¼NRrhlx<+½

MM: 50
Regeneration Of Forest
Natural regeneration, artificial regeneration, tending operation
Silviculture System
Introduction of the following system, high forest system, coppice system, improvement
Silvics of Important Tree Species
Sal, Teak, Sissoo, Bamboo, Pine, Casuarinas, Khamer, Eucalyptus

Water Shed & A Forestation
Introduction to soil erosion & importance of soil and water conservation, concept &
characteristics of watershed, choice of species to problematic areas such as Ravine
lands, salive & alkaline areas, mined areas & wet lands.

Handling Of Forestry Seeds
Fruit & seed collection & processing, storage of seeds, seed dormany & seed testing

1. Principles and practices of Silvicultures L.S. Khanna, A.P. Dwivedi.
2. Systematic Botany, M.P. Shilva, R.S. Mathur
3. Forest type of India-Champion & Seth
4. Forestry in India, V.P. Agrawal, K.P. Sagria
5. Hand book of Forestry, S.S. Negi
6. Forest plantation, R.K. Luna & Chakravorti
7. Forest nursery

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MM: 50
List of Practicals
1. Measurement of Diameter, girth, height etc.
2. Nursery management
3. Identification of Forest spp. And their economic importance
4. Visit to Forest areas
5. Regeneration surveys
6. Reforestation
7. Handling of nursery stock
8. Field planting methods

fcykliqj fo'ofo|ky;] fcykliqj ¼NRrhlx<+½
MM: 50
1. History of Non-Mulberry Sericulture.
2. Outline classification of Non-Mulberry Silkworm, their distribution in India and other
3. General organization and life-cycle of Antherea mylitta, & Morphology & Anatomy of
Larva, pupa & moth.
4. Structure of EGG, fertilization, Embryogenesis, Incubation & Hatching.
1. Reproduction – structure of re-productive system, oogenesis, spermatogenesis,
development & growth.
2. Molting and volatise in tasar silkworm.
3. Endocrinology of tasar silkworm, Role of hormone in development & metamorphosis.
4. Silk glands, structure of silk glad, formation and biochemistry of silk.
1. Rearing-rearing equipment, preparation for rearing, Environmental condition for rearing
of tasar silkworm.
2. Rearing of large, young age and late age tasar silkworm.
3. Disinfection and disinfectants.
4. Mounting, spinning & harvesting of cocoon.
1. Diseases of tasar silkworm-protozoan, viral, Bacterial, Fungal, symptoms, causative
agents, preventive & control Measures.
2. Morphology & Anatomy of primary food plants of Tasar silkworm (Terminania arjuna,
Terminania tomentosa, Shorea robusta etc.) their culture methods.
3. Outline classification of primary & secondary food plants of tasar worm, their
distribution in India (with the special references to Chhattisgarh and other states.)
1. Farm Management: selection of soil & preparation of land for tasar plant cultivation.
2. Propagation of Tasar food plants-seedlings, saplings, crafting, layering.
3. Harvesting of Leaf.
4. Diseases of Non-mulberry food plants, Fungal, Bacterial, Viral, deficiency, Insect pest,
control method.

List of Reference Books

1. Tasar Culture: By Dr. M.S. Jolly et. Al. CSB. 1974
2. Silkworm Rearing: And Diseases of Silkworms: By the Mysore Silk Asso. 1956.
3. Text Book of Tropical Sericulture: Japan Over Seas Corp. Volunteers, 1975.
4. Hand Book of Silkworm Rearing: Agricultural & Technical Manual - Fuzi Pub. Co. Ltd. Japan,
5. Improved Method Of Rearing Young Age Silkworm: By S. Krishna swami, Reprinted By CSB,
Bangalore, 1986.
6. Silkworm Biology And Rearing - A.K. Dhole, NCERT, New Delhi, 1990
7. Diseases and Pests of Mulberry and Their Control (1990) Pub. by CSB & TI Mysore
8. Text Book of Soil Science, T.D. Biswas & S.K. Mukherjee (1990) TMH

fcykliqj fo'ofo|ky;] fcykliqj ¼NRrhlx<+½
MM: 50
1. Moth Emergence: pairing, ovi-position, moth examination.
2. Incubation of univaltine, bivoltine and multivoltine eggs.
3. Preparation of loose eggs-Advantages of loose eggs, handling of loose eggs.
4. Seed Technology: seed areas and importance of quality seed in tasar industry.

1. Seed cocoon: Harvesting of cocoon, gradation and selection consignment for processing.
2. Storage & preservation of cocoon: Types of building, methods of storing-problems care
in different season.
3. Grainage: Definition, model grainage house, location, orientation and grainage
equipments, condition required in grainage work.
4. Hybridization – Inter-specific & Intra specific with special reference to tasar. Its impact &
future prospects.

1. Breeding-methods and its application, qualitative and quantitative improvement by
2. Breeding of Tasar silkworm: Aims, pre-requirements, variability selection for breeding.
3. Inbreeding: Advantage and dis-advantage, exploitation of inbreeding of non-mulberry
silkworms, general and specific combining.
4. Selection: Methods of selection, criteria of selection, individual and batch selection.

1. Structure of typical animal cell, mitosis & meiosis, chromosome number of different
Non-mulberry silkworm.
2. Hereditary traits, in tasar silkworm-Egg, Larvae and pupae.
3. Mutations: Type of mutation, spontaneous and induced, chemical mutagens, effect of

1. Polyploidy: Nature and induction of polyploidy.
2. Genetics of larval and cocoon characters,
3. Silkworm races: Univoltine, bivoltine and multivoltine races of different tasar silkworm.
4. Maintenance of races and basic seed of different silkworm.

List of Reference Books

1. Silkworm Genetics: Illustrated By Tada Yakoyama.
2. The Genetics of The Silkworm : Byyataro Tazima, 1964
3. Fundamentals of Genetics: Kalyani Pub. New Delhi. By B.D. Singh (1990)
4. Silkworm Breeding Stock : By Dr. P.A. Kovalov, CSB.-1970

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Morphology, Anatomy & Physiology of Tasar Silkworm & Agronomy.
Tasar Silkworm-Genetics and Breeding
1. Morphology: tasar silkworm egg. Larva, pupa & moth.
2. Embryology: identification of different stages in development,
3. Molting of embryo.
4. Whole mount of larva, mouth parts, spinneret, gonad and spiracle celli.
5. Model rearing house: preparation for teaser rearing plots.
6. Disinfection: disinfection of room plot and equipment. Spraying and fumigation, material
7. Harvesting of cocoon: assessment of cocoon.
8. Maintenance of rearing record.
9. Qualify test of cocoons for breeding.
10. Diseases: identification of diseases of teaser worms.
11. Microscopic examination: handling of dead and diseased worms and sample examination.
12. Preservation of diseased specimen of food plant of tasar.
13. Identification of different diseases of tasar food plant.
14. Morphological studies of food plants of tasar worms.
15. Anatomy: anatomy of root, stem, leaf of food plant of tasar worms.
16. Collection of herbarium of different food plants pf tasar silkworms.
17. Rearing appliances: estimation of rearing appliances. For 50 dfls.
18. Incubation of silkworm eggs: black boxing and hatching. Recording of temperature and
19. Molting: identification & care.
20. Montages & harvesting.
21. Mitotic & meiotic chromosome of non-mulberry silkworm.
22. Visits to the areas of districts of Chhattisgarh to study tasar industries.

Scheme of Practical Examination

S.No. Practical Marks
1 Morphology & Identification of Tasar Silkworm/ Anatomy of Tasar 10
2 Embryological Stages of Tasar Silkworm 8
3 Identification of Specific in Fee House 8
4 Morphology and Anatomy of Food Plants Of Tasar Silkworm 6
5 Assessment of Cocoon 5
6 Field Work 4
7 Viva 4
8 Sessional & Record 5
Total 50


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