1Ratios, Proportions, and the Geometric lengths of two corresponding sides is called the
Mean scale factor.
If a and b are two numbers or quantities and b Þ *The ratios of lengths in similar polygons is the
0, then the ratio of a to b is a}b . The ratio of a to same as the scale factor.
b can also be written as a:b. Corresponding Lengths in Similar Polygons
PROPORTIONS - An equation that states that If two polygons are similar, then the ratio of any
two ratios are equal two corresponding lengths in the polygons is
The numbers b and c are the means of the equal to the scale factor of the similar polygons.
proportion. The numbers a and d are the 6.4Prove Triangles Similar by AA
The scale is a ratio that describes how the The Midsegment Theorem- is a special case of
dimensions in the drawing are related to the the Triangle Proportionality Theorem and its
actual dimensions of the object. converse.
6.3 Use Similar Polygons
Fractals- is an object that is self-similar. An object *The area of a square with side lengths is
is self-similar if one part of the object can be A=s2.The area of a triangle with base b and
enlarged to look like the whole object height h Is A=1}2bh
Many fractals are formed by a repetition of a
sequence of the steps called iteration
The first stage of drawing a fractal is considered
Stage 0. Helge van Koch (1870–1924) described
a fractal known as the Koch snowflake
A 45degree-45degree-90degree triangle is an
isosceles right triangle that can be formed by
7. 6Apply the Sine and Cosine Ratios
cutting a square in half If you look up at an object, the angle your line of
sight makes with a horizontal line is called the
A 30degree-60degree-90degree triangle can be angle of elevation. If you look down at an object,
formed by dividing an equilateral triangle in half the angle your line of sight makes with a
horizontal line is called the angle of depression.
An isometry is a transformation that preserves length and A reflection is a transformation that uses a line like a mirror
angle measure. Isometry is another word for congruence to reflect an image. The mirror line is called the line of
transformation reflection.
Geometry on a Sphere
The circumference of a circle is the distance around the 11 .5 Areas of Circles and Sectors
circle. For all circles, the ratio of the circumference to the
diameter is the same. This ratio is known as π, or pi (3.14
to approximate the value of π.")
Two solids of the same type with equal ratios of An exponent tells you how many times to multiply a
corresponding linear measures, such as heights or base. The expression45 is called a power with base 4
radii, are called similar solids. The common ratio is and exponent 5.
called the scale factor of one solid to the other
45= 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x4 =1024
solid. Any two cubes are similar, as well as any two
Simplifying and Evaluating Expressions To multiply two binomials, you can use the
Distributive Property systematically. Multiply the
To evaluate expressions involving more than one
first terms, the outer terms, the inner terms, and
operation, mathematicians have agreed on the
the last terms of the binomials. This method is
following set of rules, called the order of
called FOIL for the words First, Outer, Inner, and
Last. For certain binomial products, you can also use
1.Evaluate expressions inside grouping symbols. a special product pattern
2.Evaluate powers.
3.Multiply and divide from left to right.
4.Add and subtract from left to right.
Radical Expressions
*To evaluate an algebraic expression, substitute
values for the variables. Evaluate the resulting A square root of a number n is a number m such
numerical expression using the order of operations. that m2=n. Every positive number has two square
roots, one positive and one negative. Negative
numbers have no real square roots. The square root inequality.
of zero is zero. The radical symbol, Ï}2, represents a Multiply each side of the inequality by the same
nonnegative square root: Ï}. The opposite of a positive number. If you multiply by a negative
square root is negative: 2Ï}.A perfect square is a number, reverse the direction of the inequality
number that is the square of an integer. So, 81 is a symbol.
perfect square. A radicand is a number or Divide each side of the inequality by the same
expression inside a radical symbol positive number. If you divide by a negative
number, reverse the direction of the inequality
Solving Formula
Add the same number to each side of the equation. Graphing Points and Lines
Subtract the same number from each side of the A coordinate plane is formed by the intersection of
equation. a horizontal number line called the x-axis and a
Multiply each side of the equation by the same vertical number line called the y-axis. The axes meet
nonzero number. at a point called the origin and divide the coordinate
Divide each side of the equation by the same plane into four quadrants, labeled I, II, III, and IV.
nonzero number. Each point in a coordinate plane is represented by
Solving and Graphing Linear Inequalities
an ordered pair. The first number is the x-
coordinate, and the second number is the y-
You can graph solutions to equations and coordinate.
inequalities on a number line
The slope of a non vertical line is the ratio of the The graph of a quadratic equation is a U-shaped
vertical change, called the rise, to the horizontal curve called a parabola. The vertex is the lowest
change, called the run. point of a parabola that opens upward (a > 0) or the
highest point of a parabola that opens downward (a
< 0). The vertical line passing through the vertex is
the axis of symmetry.
Sampling and Surveys
Counting Methods