Frequently Asked Questions On (PM-SYM) Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-Dhan

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Frequently Asked Questions on (PM-SYM) Pradhan Mantri

Shram Yogi Maan-dhan

Q.1. What is PM-SYM?

Ans... Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan (PM-SYM) is a

voluntary and contributory Pension Scheme for Unorganized
Workers for entry age of 18 to 40 years with monthly income
of Rs.15000 or less.

Q2. Is it a Government scheme?

Ans. Yes.

Q3. Who can subscribe this Scheme?

Ans. Any unorganized worker in the age group of 18-40 years,

whose job is casual in nature , such as home based workers,
street vendors, head loaders, brick kiln, cobblers, rag pickers,
domestic workers, washer-men, Rickshaw Pullers, Rural
landless labourers, own account workers, agricultural
workers, construction workers, beedi workers, handloom
workers, leather workers, etc. with monthly income less than
Rs 15,000/-. The worker should not be covered under any
statutory social security schemes such as National Pension
Scheme (NPS), Employees’ State Insurance Corporation
scheme, Employees’ Provident Fund Organization Scheme
and is not an income tax payee.

Q4. What is the benefit of this Scheme?

Ans. If any unorganised worker subscribes the scheme and has

paid regular contribution up to the age of 60 years, he will
get a minimum monthly pension of Rs. 3000/-. After his/ her

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death, spouse will receive a monthly family pension which is

50 % of the pension.

Q5. How many years the beneficiary will contribute?

Ans. Once the beneficiary joins the scheme at the entry age
between 18-40 years, he has to contribute till he attains the
age 60 years.

Q6. How much pension would be received under the Scheme? At

what age?

Ans. Under the Scheme, minimum pension is of Rs. 3000/- per

month shall be paid. This pension will start on attaining the
age of 60 years of the subscriber.

Q7. Who are not entitled to join this Scheme?

Ans. Under the scheme any worker who is covered under any
statutory Social Security Scheme such as NPS, ESIC, EPFO
and an income tax payee is not entitled to join the scheme.

Q8. What will be the procedure for joining this scheme?

Ans. Under the scheme, the subscriber, may visit the nearest
Common Service Centre and get enrolled for PM-SYM using
Aadhar number and savings bank account/Jan-Dhan account
number on self-certification basis. All the branch Offices of
LIC, offices of EPFO/ESIC will also facilitate the subscribers
about the scheme, its benefits and the procedure to be
followed, for enrollment. They will also advise them on
locating the nearest CSC.

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Q9. Where do I go for enrolment?

Ans. You may please go to the nearest Common Service Centre

for enrolment. You can use the locator at

Q.10. Whether I have to give proof of my date of birth and


Ans. No separate proof of age or the income has to be given. Self

Certification and providing of the Aadhaar number will be the
basis for enrollment. However in case of any false
declaration, may attract appropriate penalty.

Q.11. Who will be the fund Manager?

Ans. LIC will be the fund manager and will also be the service
provider for pension pay out.

Q.12. Whether the fund is secure with L.I.C.?

Ans. The fund is 100% secure. The overall responsibility of

managing and supervising the fund will be with National
Social Security Board which is functional under the
Chairmanship of Hon’ble Union Minister of Labour and

Q.13. What are the exit provisions?

Ans. Considering the hardships and erratic nature of employability

of the unorganised workers, the exit provisions are flexible.
Exit provisions are as under:

(i) If beneficiary moves to any organized sector and remains

there for a minimum period of 3 years, his account will be
active but Government’s contribution (50%) shall be
stopped. If beneficiary agrees to pay entire amount of the
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contribution, he will be allowed to continue in this

Scheme. At the age of 60, he will be allowed to withdraw
his contribution with an interest equivalent to prevailing
savings bank rates.
(ii) If he is unable to contribute owing disability or any other
reasons, beneficiary may opt voluntarily to exit the
scheme after minimum 5 years of regular contributions.
On exit, his entire contribution (excluding govt. contribution) will
be returned with an interest equivalent to savings bank rates.

Q.14. What is the role of LIC?

Ans. LIC will act as a fund manager for the scheme and will also
be a service provider for payment of pension to all the Un-
Organized workers who have subscribed the scheme.

Q.15. What is the mode of contribution?

Ans. Primarily, the mode of contribution is on monthly basis by

auto-debit. However, it will also have provisions of quarterly,
half yearly and yearly contribution. First contribution is to be
paid in cash at Common Service Centre.

Q.16. How much contribution I have to pay?

Ans. The actual amount of the subscriber’s contribution will be

determined at the entry age of the scheme. At median entry
age of 29 years, a beneficiary is required to contribute Rs
100/ - per month.

Q.17. Whether there is auto-debit facility?

Ans. Yes. Monthly subscription shall be automatically debited on a

fixed date of every month from his/her linked saving account.
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Q.18. What is the responsibility of Govt. of India?

Ans. The scheme will be administered by Ministry of Labour and

Employment. Ministry of Labour and Employment will set up
a dedicated Call Centre and Project Management Unit (PMU).
JS& Director General (Labour Welfare) will be the Nodal
Officer of PMU to administer the scheme effectively. The PMU
will also be responsible for performance audit, adequacy and
fund management. The entire scheme will be supervised by
National Social Security Board (NSSB) as mandated in the
Section 5(8) (c) of the UWSS, Act 2008.

Q.19. Will there be any administrative cost?

Ans. There will be no administrative cost to the subscriber as it is

a purely Social Security Scheme of Government of India.

Q.20. Whether nomination facility is there?

Ans. Yes, under the scheme, nomination facility is available.

Beneficiary can nominate any one as nominee under the

Q.21. Whether family pension is there?

Ans. Yes, there is a provision of the family pension under the

scheme. It is applicable only to the spouse of the subscriber.
If the subscriber dies, after the pension has commenced, the
spouse of the beneficiary shall be entitled to receive 50 % of
the pension.
Q.22. How much time will it take to roll out the scheme across

Ans. The scheme will be rolled out w.e.f 15th Feb, 2019 in selected
CSCs and by 25th February, 2019 all across India.

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Q.23 Is there any loss to the subscriber at any stage?

Ans. There is no loss to the subscriber at any point of time. Even

if the subscriber exists the scheme after 5 years of payment
of regular contribution, his entire contribution will be
returned with an interest equivalent to savings’ bank rates.

Q. 24. If the payment of subscription is stopped, can a subscriber

re-join/ revive the scheme again?

Ans. If the payment of subscription has been stopped or delayed,

even then the subscriber can revive the scheme after paying
the outstanding subscription with interest at a later stage.

Q. 25. Will a subscriber get a statement of the deposit?

Ans. Yes, the subscriber will get sms as mini statement on each
transaction on his mobile.

Q. 26. What happens if the subscriber exits the scheme before 10

years of regular contributions?

Ans. In such an event the subscriber will be paid back only his/her
portion of total contribution with Savings’ bank interest.

Q.27. What happens if the subscriber exits the scheme after 10

years but before the pension commences?

Ans. In such an event the subscriber will be paid back only his/her
contribution with accumulated interest. However, he will not
be entitled to receive the Government’s share.

Q.28. What happens in case of death before the start of pension?

Ans. In such an event, if a beneficiary has given regular

contribution and died due to any cause, his/her spouse will
be entitled to join and continue the scheme subsequently by
payment of regular contribution for the remaining period. On
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completion of the contribution period, the spouse will

receive a monthly pension of Rs. 3000/-. Alternatively, if the
spouse so desires, the amount of the member’s contribution
will be returned back to his/ her nominee with an interest
equivalent to saving bank rates interest.

Q.29. Where do I go to solve my grievance?

Ans. You may call toll free number or may visit CSC or Labour
welfare office for any complaint/grievance relating to PM-

Q.30. Are there any educational qualifications prescribed for

becoming a Member of PM-SYM?
Ans. No. There are no minimum educational qualifications
necessary for joining the Scheme.

Q. 31 Can the Subscriber make voluntary contribution over and

above the amount prescribed under the Scheme? If so, what
will be the benefits to the Subscriber?
Ans. No. the subscriber has to make only the fixed amount of
contribution, as prescribed at the time of joining the Scheme.

Q.32. Can the age be relaxed for the Unorganised Worker above
relaxation 40 years, to join the Scheme, by making additional
or higher contribution?
Ans. No such relaxation is available under the provision of the

Q.33. Whether any nomination facility (other than spouse) is

available after the death of the subscriber?

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Ans. Spouse, if living, will automatically be the beneficiary of

family pension on information of death and production of
death certificate.

Q.34. Will there be any additional charge in case of any breaks in

contribution by the subscriber? If so, what will be the
quantum of additional charges?
Ans. If a subscriber has not paid the contribution continuously, he
will be allowed to regularize his contribution by paying entire
outstanding dues, along with penalty charges, if any, to be
decided by the Government from time to time.

Q.35 Will Pension be paid to the dependents, in the event of death

of Pensioner and his/her spouse, after the age of 60 years?
Ans. No. After the death of subscriber as well as his/her spouse,
the dependents will not be entitled for payment of pension.

Q.36 What are the documents that are to be submitted at the

enrollment Centre?
Ans. The subscriber has to provide Aadhar card, savings bank
passbook and a Self-Certified form along with consent form
for auto-debit facility.

Q.37 Is the subscriber required to pay the monthly contribution till

the age of 60 years?
Ans. Yes. After joining the Scheme, the subscriber has to pay the
prescribed monthly contribution till the age of 60 years.

Q.38 What action is required to be taken by the Subscriber, after

attaining the age of 60 years, for getting the pension?

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Ans. The monthly pension will get deposited in the subscriber’s

linked Bank Account, after the subscriber attains the age of
60 years.

Q.39 If both husband and wife are members of PMSYM and both
die, will other members of the family be eligible to receive
pension or other benefits?
Ans. The nominee can withdraw the Subscriber’s (both)
contribution with interest.

Q.40 If the subscriber dies and his/her spouse opts to continue the
Scheme by payment of contribution, in such case, whether
the contribution is to be paid for remaining years of original
subscriber or till the spouse attains the age of 60 years?
Ans. In such a case, the contribution will be paid for the
remaining/balance period till the original subscriber would
have attained the age of 60.

Q.41 Is there any provision for availing interim loan for education,
marriage and construction.
Ans. No such loan facility is available in the Scheme.

Q. 42 State Governments are providing various benefits under their

respective Unorganised Workers Schemes. Can such
members also avail the benefits the present PMSYM Scheme?
Ans. Yes, if the subscriber is eligible otherwise to join this

Q. 43 Can a beneficiary who is a subscriber to Pension Provident

Fund Scheme, be eligible to join PMSYM?
Ans. No.

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Q.44 Whether beneficiaries under Atal Pension Yojana can avail

benefits under PMSYM?
Ans. Yes. One can join PM-SYM also in addition to Atal Pension
Yojana, if eligible.

Q.45 Will the quantum of pension be enhanced beyond Rs.3,000/-

per month, due to inflation in future ?
Ans. At present, there is no such provision, but depends on future

Q.46 What will be the mode of payment for the subscriber’s

Ans. The initial contribution to be paid by cash. However,
subsequent monthly contribution will be auto-debited from
the subscriber’s savings bank account/jan-dhan account.

Q.47 What happens if the worker joins this Scheme as an

unorganised worker and he joins the organized sector, gets
enrolled under EPFO and again comes back to the
unorganised sector, what would be the modalities for the
Ans. In case the worker moves from the unorganized sector to the
organized sector, in such an event, the subscriber can
continue with scheme however the Govt. contribution will
stop and the member will have to pay additional amount
equal to the Govt. Share. Alternatively, he may withdraw his
contribution with interest.

Q.48 What happens if the worker loses source of income and is

not able to contribute monthly premium?
Ans. In such an event he can exit from the Scheme as per the
provision already detailed.
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Q.49 What happens if the subscriber’s income crosses Rs.15,000/-

a month, after joining the Scheme?
Ans. Subscriber can continue in the Scheme.

Q.50 What would be the modality for Aadhar based authentication

Ans. Through biometrics.

Q. 51 Who will operate the help line/ grievance redressal

Ans. There is a designated call center for this and the toll free
number is 1800 2676 888.

Q.52 Is there any partial withdrawal of contribution in case of

certain exigencies? If yes, after how much lock-in period?
Ans. There is no such facility for withdrawal of contribution,
partially or fully.

Q.53 Is the E-card can be downloaded again in case of

loss/damage, etc.? Whether any charges are to be paid for
the same?
Ans. Yes the E-card can be downloaded in case of loss or damage.

Q.54 Whether savings bank account in a cooperative bank can also

be linked for auto-debit facility for payment of contribution?
Ans. If co-operative bank is on the CBS platform, the savings’
bank account can be linked for auto debit.

Q.55 If any State has not registered unorganised worker under

UWSSA 2008, can the process of enrolment under this

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Scheme deemed to be registration process under Section

10(3) of the Act?
Ans. No. Registration under Section 10(3) and enrollment under
the scheme are separate processes.

Q.56 If CSC network is to be used for registration, how much

would be the service charge, per registration, and who will
bear the cost?
Ans. Service charges for enrolment to be paid by MoLE and no
Service charge payable by Subscriber.

Q.57 Whether the downloaded filled up application form will

suffice for bank auto debit purpose – worker will not need to
fill up any other form in the bank?
Ans. The form has a section for the consent of the auto debit from
his account, hence no other form is required.

Q. 58 Is the SMS language in regional language of the State or in

English/Hindi only?
Ans. The SMS will be sent in English/Hindi Language.

Q.59 Is there any interactive map for finding the nearest location
of the facilitation centre?
Ans. Nearest location available on CSC site or the information will
be available on the facilitation centres. You can use locator at

Q.60 In case of default of subscription, what will be modality for

payment of the defaulted premium? Is it through auto debit
or through cash or cheque?

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Ans. The amount of contribution along with penalty/ interest will

be debited to the account of the Subscriber based on his

Q.61 In case of worker having more than one spouse, which

spouse would be declared as nominee and who will get the
family pension?
Ans. The spouse who is nominated by the subscriber will be
entitled to receive the family pension. However, in case of
rival claimants, court order will prevail.

Q.62 Is there a provision for migration of the pension account if

the worker changes the linked bank account for auto debit?
Ans. No, migration is required, the pension account number will
be unique and will be linked to the bank account of the

Q.63 If Subscriber gives consent form physically for auto-debit

facility. But if there is insufficient balance in his bank
account, what will happen to his account?
Ans. It will be considered as default in payment and he will be
allowed to regularize his contribution by paying entire
outstanding dues, along with penalty charges, if any, to be
decided by the Government from time to time.

Q.64 If any subscriber is having old Aadhar card, where only the
year of birth is written on it, in that case how the date of
birth is determined and on which date the pension will start?
Ans. The date of birth will be determined based on the self-
certification of the subscriber. Contribution will be
determined based on that.

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Q.65 What is the due date for member’s monthly contribution?

Ans. The date of enrolment every month.

Q.66 How will the subscriber know the status of monthly

Ans. An SMS will be sent on the registered mobile number, after
deduction of monthly contribution.

Q.67 Whether the subscriber has to submit his photograph at the

time of registration?
Ans. No need of any photograph.


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