Enrico Lorenzo
Submitted to
Mr. Clarence Queza
Physics II
Electrostatics deals with the study of any effect resulting from the existence of
stationary electric charges. Electric charges (q) is the fundamental quantity of electricity.
The SI Unit of charge is the coulomb (C) in honor of Charles Augustin del Coulomb. 1 C
= charge of 6.25 1018 protons/electrons.
Static electricity may have been noticed first around 600 B.C. by Thales of
Miletus. He conducted experiments with amber, the fossilized resine of pin sap. He
noticed that amber, which had been rubbed with wool cloth, attracted to bits of straw.
Since then, the Greek word for amber, electron has been used to describe this invisible
force of attraction.
During the sixteenth century, researchers theorized that some invisible substance
must flow into “electrics” when they are rubbed with cloth. This invisible “fluid” was
called electricity.
The force of electric repulsion was noted in 1733 by French scientist Charles
Francois Du Fay. He charged a glass rod by rubbing it with silk cloth. The charged glass
attracted tiny bits of cork. When the cork touched the glass rod, the electrostatic charge
flowed into the cork. Then, when the charged glass rod was held near the charged bits of
cork, the glass rod repelled the cork.
By rubbing a glass rod with a fur cloth, the loosely held particles of fur cloth will
likely to transfer to the glass rod. Thus, the glass rod becomes negatively charged.
In conduction process, as the word implies, a neutrally charged object will gain a
charge if it is in direct contact with a charged object.
On the other hand, in induction process, the charged will just be induces if a
charged object is brought near it, but without direct contact between the two.
Figure 1.3 Charging by induction
The mass of the atom is concentrated within its nucleus because proton and
neutron are more massive compared with electron: m p mn 1.67 10 kg; while
me 9.1 10 31 kg.
Figure 1.4 Atomic Structures
Electrons are not permanently bound to the atom. It is being shared or transferred
to another atom if there is enough energy that “pushes” it.
Insulators are any material, such as amber, glass, sulfur, mica, paraffin, hard
rubber, silk and dry air, which do not easily conduct electricity. They have more than four
valence electrons, e.g. Phosphorus (5 valence electrons).
q1q kq 1 q 1
Fe Fe and k
r2 r2 4 0
Sample Problems
1. Two small plastic balls are given positive electric charges. When they are 10-cm
apart. The repulsive forces between them have magnitude 0.10-N. What is the charge on
each ball (a) if the two charges are equal; (b) if one has thrice the charge of the other?
Given: r = 10-cm
F = 0.10-N
Required: Charge on each ball (a) if the two charges are equal
Fe r 2 (0.10 N )(0.10 m) 2
(a) q 3.33 10 7 C
k 9 10 Nm / C
9 2 2
Fe r 2 (0.10 N )(0.10 m) 2
(b) q 1.92 10 7 C; 5.77 10 7 C
3k 3(9 10 9 Nm 2 / C 2 )
2. Two charges are located on the positive x-axis of a coordinate system as shown.
Charge q1 3 10 9 C and q 2 5 10 9 C. What is the total force exerted by these two
charges on a charge q3 2 10 C located at the origin?
q3 q1 q2
+ + -
0 2cm 4cm
Given: q1 3 10 9 C
q 2 5 10 9 C
q 3 2 10 9 C
Required: Fnet on q3
Step 1: Determine directions of electrical forces acting on the test charge due to
the other charges
F1 F2
+ + -
0 2cm 4cm
q1 q1 q2
(9 10 9 Nm 2 / c 2 )(3 10 9 C )(2 10 9 C )
F1 2
1.35 10 4 N , to the left
(9 10 9 Nm 2 / C 2 )(5 10 9 C )(2 10 9 C )
F2 5.625 10 5 N , to the right
(0.04m) 2
2m q3 + F3
q1 + +
q2 - Fnet F2
Given: q1 3 10 5 C
q 2 2 10 5 C
q 3 4 10 5 C
Required: Fnet on q1
(9 10 9 Nm 2 / c 2 )(3 10 5 C )(2 10 5 C )
F2 5.4 N, to the -x
(1m) 2
(9 10 9 Nm 2 / C 2 )(3 10 5 C )(4 10 5 C )
F3 2.7 N, to the -y
( 2m) 2
2 2 2
Fnet F2 F3
Fnet 6.04 N
0 Tan 1 63 º below –x
Fnet 6.04 N, 63° below –x
4. Charges of 2,3 and -8-µC are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of
side 10-cm. What is the net force on the -8µC charge due to the other two charges.
_ + +
Given: q 1 8 C
q2 2 C
q3 3 C
Required: Fnet on q 1
kq1 q 2 F3 sin 120
F2 2
14.4 N, to the right sin 0 °
r2 Fnet
kq1 q3
F3 2
21.6 N, 60° from F2 0 = 36.6°
2 2 2
Fnet F2 F3 2 F2 F3 cos120 °
Fnet 31.4 N, 36.6° from F2
5. Four equal point charges, 5 C, are placed at the four corners of a square that is
40-cm on a side. Find the force on the charge located at the right bottom corner of the
Given: q 1 5 C
q1 5
q 2 5 C
q 3 5 C
Required: Fnet on q 1
kq1 q1
F1 2
1.41 N, to the -y
kq1 q 2
F2 2
0.702 N, 45° below +x
kq 1 q3
F3 2
1.741 N , to the +x
2 2 2
Fnet Fx Fy
Fnet 2.7 N
0 tan 1 45 ° below +x
Fnet 2.7 N, 45° below +x
6. Two charges are placed on the x-axis; 6-µC at x=0, and -10-µC at x=40-cm.
Where must a third charge q 1 be placed if the force it experiences is to be zero?
position of q 1 along the line containing q 1 and q 2 where it will experience
zero net force
F1 = F2
kq q1 kq1 q 2
r1 r2
6 10 6 10 10 6
x2 ( x 0 .4 ) 2
4 x 2 4.8 x 0.96 0
By quadratic equation:
b b 2 4ac x1 1.38 -m
x 2 0.175 -m
The test charge is positive; it is more appropriate to be placed at the left of the
origin, thus -0.175-m is the answer.
Electric fields cannot be seen by our naked eyes, it can only be manifested. We
can only detect the presence of an electric field if after placing in that space a test charge,
that charge will experience a force either attraction or repulsion.
Electric fields are represented by Electric field lines, which emanate in all
directions outward from a positive charge and inward to a negative charge.
Figure 1.6 Electric field lines of charges
Electric field intensity (E) equals the electric force (F e ) acting on a small
positive test charge (q) placed at that point, divided by the magnitude of the test charge.
Fe kq
q1 r2
Sample Problems
1. A carbon nucleus has 12 protons. (a) Calculate the magnitude of the electric field
at a distance of 0.58 10 12 m from the nucleus. (b) What is the magnitude of
the force on an electron due to this electric field?
kg (9 10 9 Nm 2 / C 2 )(12)(1.6 10 19 C )
a.) E 12
5.14 1016 N / C
r 2
(0.58 10 m) 2
Given: q1 4 C
q 2 2 C
Required: E net at point P
kq1 (9 10 9 Nm 2 / C 2 )(4 10 6 C )
E1 4 10 5 N / C , to the left
(3 10 m)
4 2
kq 2 (9 10 9 Nm 2 / C 2 )(2 10 6 C )
E2 4.5 10 5 N / C , to the right
(2 10 m)
4 2
3. Consider the situation of the figure below. Find (a) the electric field intensity at
point P, (b) the force on a 3 10 8 C charge placed at point P, (c) where in the
region the electric field would be zero.
+ P 5cm -
5cm •
20 10 8 C 5 10 8
Given: q1 20 10 8 C
q 2 5 10 8 C
kq1 (9 10 9 Nm 2 / C 2 )(20 10 8 C )
(a) E1 2
7.2 10 4 N / C , to the right
r1 (0.05m)
kq 2 (9 10 9 Nm 2 / C 2 )(5 10 8 C )
E2 2
1.8 10 5 N / C , to the right
r2 (0.05m)
E net E1 E 2 2.52 10 5 N / C , to the right
(b) Fe E q ( 2.52 10 5 N / C )(3 10 8 C ) 7.56 10 13 N
(c) E1 E 2
kq1 kq2
r1 r2
5 10 8 C 20 10 8 C
x2 ( x 0.1m) 2
15 x 2 x 0.05 0
Using quadratic equation, it must be deduced that the appropriate answer is x = 0.1-m to
the right of 5 10 8 C
4. The tiny ball at the end of the thread as shown has a mass of 0.10-g and is in a
horizontal electrical field intensity 500 N/C. If its in equilibrium, what are the
magnitude and sign of the charge on the ball?
E = 500 N/C
Given: m = 0.10-g
E = 500 N/C, to the right
Required: charge of the ball (magnitude and sign)
tan 20° = F = Eq
W mg
q = mg tan 20°
q = 7.13 10 7 C
5. Four equal magnitude (4-µC) charges are placed at the four corners of a square
that is 20-cm on each side. Find the electric field intensity at the center of the square if
the charges are all positive.
Given: q1 q 2 q3 q 4 4 C
Side of the square = 20-cm
Required: E net at the center of the square
E1 E 2 E3 E 4 2 1.84 10 6 N/C
x-component y-component
1.3 10 6 1.3 10 6
1.3 10 6 1.3 10 6
1.3 10 6 1.3 10 6
1.3 10 6 1.3 10 6
In mechanics, you had learned that an object has gravitational potential energy
because of its position in a gravitational field. Similarly, a charged particle can also have
electrical potential energy because of its location in an electric field. You also learned that
work has to be done against the force of gravity when an object is lifted vertically. Like
wise, work has to be done against electric forces when a charged particle is moved in an
external electric field. Just as the work done in lifting an object in a gravitational field is
equal to the charge in its gravitational field, the work done in moving a charge in an
external electric field is equal to the change in its potential energy.
kq1 q(r ) kq 1
U Fr ( Eq 1 )r
r2 r
The electrical potential energy of like charges increases as they are forced nearer each
other and decrease as they are moved apart. The electrical potential energy of unlike
charges increases, as they are pulled apart and decrease as they are moved closer.
Sample Problems
1. A 7-µC point charge is located 15-cm from a -2µC point charge. What is the
electrical potential energy stored in this system of two point charges?
Given: q 1 7 C
q 2 C
r = 15-cm
2. The magnitude of the electric field between parallel metal plates, which are
separated by 2.5-cm, is 8.6 10 5 N/C. What is the potential energy of a 12.6-µC
charge, which is moved through the electric field from the positive plate to the
negative plate?
Sample Problems
1. A Van de Graaf generator is noted to have a potential of 15-MV. What is the work
done in moving an electron in this machine?
Given: V = 15-MV
q e 1.6 10 19 C
Required: W done on an electron
W Vq 1 (15 10 6 V )(1.6 10 19 C ) 2.4 10 12 J
2. The spherical shell on top of a small electrostatic generator in air has charge of 6-
µC. What is the potential at a point 6-cm from the center of the sphere?
Given: q = 6-µ
r = 6-cm
Required: V at r = 6-cm from the center of the sphere
V kq (9 10 Nm 2 / C 2 )(6 10 6 )
1.8 10 6 V
r 0.05m
3. A charged particle remains stationary between the two charged horizontal plates.
The plate separation is 3-cm and the particle has mass 4 10 13 kg and charge
2.5 10 18 C. Find the potential difference between the plates.
It assumed that electric field lines emanates in all direction from a source (an
electric charge) and surrounded by a spherical surface (Gaussian surface) with radius r
and the source is at its center.
Sample Problems
1. What is the electric field intensity of a 2-C charge over an area of 2-m 2 ?
Given: q = 2-C
A = 2-m 2
Required: E
E= 1.13 1011 N/C
0 A
2. What is the charge that provides an electric field of 5 N/C over an area of 1-m 2 ?
Given: E = 5 N/C
A = 1-m 2
Required: q
Q = EA 0 4.43 10 11 C
At the bottom of the insulating cylinder, the belt rubs against a glass cylinder. The
friction of the belt against the glass produces a negative charge (electron surplus) on the
belt. As the belt moves upward, the electrons are carried with it. At the top of the belt, an
electron collector conducts the surplus electrons to the metal sphere. Electrons cannot
collect inside a hollow sphere so they immediately move to the outside where they induce
a positive charge on the inside of the sphere. The positive charge attracts more electrons
from the belt and sends them to the outside of the sphere.
Physics in Action
(If there is a Van de Graaf generator in your school, don’t ever let it pass that you
did not try it!)
Switch on the Van de Graaf generator and a slight hum will be heard from inside
the generator. Volunteer to step onto an insulated mat beside the generator and slowly,
cautiously reaches out your hand and touch the globe of generator.
As you make contact with the globe of the generator, thousand of volts of static
electricity are conducted into your body. Although you fee nothing unusual, something
strange happens. The static electricity flowing into your body gives each hair on your
head a negative electrostatic charge. Since each hair has the same charge, the hairs repel
one another and stand straight out from your head!
What do you thik causes the hairs to stand straight out from one’s head when
touching a Van de Graaf generator?
1. A -3.0-pC charge is placed halfway between a 20-µC charge which are separated
by 1.0-m. Find the total electrostatic force acting on the -2.0-µC charge. [Ans:
0.216N towards the 4.0-µC charge]
2. Assume that you want to hold two spherical objects together with an electrostatic
force having magnitude of 2.0 10 6 N, and they are separated by 1.0-m. If each
sphere holds an equal charge, how much should each have? [Ans. 15-mC]
3. We have two charges, one of -2.0-µC and the other of -3.0-µC. Where should we
place a charge of +2.0µC on a 1-meter line containing the other charges in order
that the resultant force on it be zero? [Ans. 0.45 m from -2-µC]
4. Two identical pith balls with masses of 0.8-g are suspended from the same point
by light threads 40-cm long. When equal charges are placed on the pith balls they
repel each other so that their strings make an angle of 16º at the point of their
support. Determine the charge on the pithballs. [Ans. 38.9-nC]
1. Find (a) the magnitude of the electric field 0.5-m from a 2.5-µC point charge, and
(b) the magnitude and direction of the electrostatic force acting on an electron
placed at that point. [Ans: 8.99 10 4 N/C, 1.44 10 14 N]
2. Find the electric field midway between a 2.0-µC point charge and a -3.0µC point
charge which are 2.5 m apart. [Ans: 2.88 10 4 N/C, towards the -3.0µC charge]
3. Four equal magnitude (4-µC) charged are placed at the four corners of a square
that is 20-cm on each side. Find the electric field intensity at the center of the
square (a) if the charges alternate in sign as one goes around the perimeter of the
square. (b) if the charges have the following sequence around the square: (+), (+),
(-), (-). [Ans. 0; 5.09 10 6 N/C towards the negative side]
Practice Exercise 1.3 Potential Energy
1. The magnitude of the electric field between two charged, parallel places is
3.65 10 7 N/C. If the potential energy of a 2.35µC charge, which is located
between plates, is 0.25-J what is the separation of the plates? [Ans. 2.9-mm]
2. An electric field of 2.56 10 5 N/C is set up between two parallel plates. What is
the potential energy if the separation is 1.5-cm and the charge of the plate is 3.25-
µC? [ans. 0.012-J]
3. A potential energy 12.5-kJ is noted at the midpoint of two point charges: 3.65-nC
and 7.82-nC. Find the distance between the charges. [Ans. 16.5-mm]