Course Syllabus Geopolitics
Course Syllabus Geopolitics
Course Syllabus Geopolitics
Week 1:
Use speaking and listening to Vision, Mission, Goals and Recitation Rebus Copy of the IFSU CODE
interact with others for the Objectives of the University and the VGMO
purpose of: College
Course Outline
demonstrate awareness of the Course Outline Information sharing
VMGO of the University, Goals
of the College and Objectives Course Expectations and
of the Program Requirements:
Teaching &
Learning Outcomes Course Content Learning Resources References
Week 14 and 15: VII. International Treaties, Multimedia Flint, Colin, Introduction
Define the concepts of International law and rules Think pair share Individual quiz Whiteboard to Geopolitics, Third
international law and markers Edition, published by
international treaties and its 1. What is an international Analytical Paper: Rubrics: Handouts
Routledge in 2017
role in curbing geopolitical treaty and international law? The ASEAN-APEC Communication
conflicts 2. How do these treaties and Political Dynamics Skills Scholvin, Soren:
Discuss the importance of laws shape and influence the and its implications Evidences
Geopolitics:An Overview
treaties such as the UNCLOS conduct of nations the Asian stability Sources
in bringing about peace and 3. The UNCLOS and GATT Of Concepts And
preventing conflicts in land and 4. The ASEAN-China-US- Empirical Examples
at sea. APEC Political Dynamics Reaction paper From International
with rubrics Relations
VIII. References
1. Baylis, John; Smith, Steve; Owens, Patricia. 2017. The globalization of world politics: An introduction to international relations. 7th edition. Oxford
university press
2. Flint, Colin, Introduction to Geopolitics, Third Edition, published by Routledge in 2017
3. Scholvin, Soren: Geopolitics:An Overview Of Concepts And Empirical Examples From International