Course Syllabus Geopolitics

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Ifugao State University for ACE— First Semester School Year: 2018-2019 The College of Arts and Sciences is a
Academic Centers of Excellence center for excellent programs for the
I. Course Code : Pol Sci 112 professional development and training
MISSION of individuals engaged in the realm of
II. Course Title : Geopolitics and Political History of the World politics, governance, tourism, behaviour
To provide quality instruction,
and the mental process.
research and extension services to III. Credit Units : 3 units
bring about educated and morally MISSION
upright individuals endowed with IV. Course Description: Establish an effective system of
professional and entrepreneurial skills This course aims at providing a general introduction to international education that is responsive to the total
who will take the lead in enhancing politics and international relations, not requiring any prior knowledge on educational requisites of learners who
the topic. Starting with a contextualization of its history, the course will in will help and lead in understanding and
sustainable development towards
the following sessions focus on several major theories of international realizing the objectives of local and
improved quality of life. relations, such as realism, liberalism, constructivism, etc. Another global development needs directed to
important part of the course will be its focus on major international issues service and growth of the individual
such as war and peace, international security, international law, human person as well as communities.
1. Pursue Excellence in Instruction international organizations and multilateralism, diverse international actors,
2. Pursue Excellence in Research & and so on. GOALS
Development V. Course Objectives: The programs are tasked to focus on
3. Pursue Excellence in Extension & a. Examine how geopolitical discourses have shaped understanding of the following areas/components:
Training the political ordering of the planet at the largest scales A. Curriculum and Instruction
4. Pursue Excellence in Resource b. Look into the history of geopolitical reasoning, and then investigate 1. Attune faculty and instruction
Generation a range of contemporary geopolitical issues through advance education and
5. Pursue Excellence in c. Consider how commonly taken for granted concepts work to shape exposures to related agencies
Administration & Governance geopolitical reasoning in the age of globalization. and government institutions.
2. Evaluate and develop curriculum
d. Become familiar with socio-economic, political, and environmental
and instructional materials.
processes in contemporary global political issues;
B. Research and Publication
e. Manifest human relations that build social, economic and political
1. Manage and publish researches
OBJECTIVES OF THE UNIVERSITY on public policies, governance, tourism
development and behavioural processes.
1. To upgrade the quality of instruction. VI. Grading System 2. Initiate public lectures, debates, conferences
2. To upgrade the quality of instruction-support services. Midterm Grade = Class Standing and other related creative activities.
3. To capacitate human resources in R & D. (2) + Midterm Examination C. Extension Services and Linkages
4. To intensify the conduct of research in line with 1. Establish linkages with other agencies,
specialization and mandate of the university. Tentative FG = Class organizations and institutions for resource-
5. To increase the visibility of research output in local, Standing (2) + Final Examination sharing in order to support the goals of the
national and international arena. College and the university.
6. To generate, package and patent relevant Final Grade = TFG (2) + 2. Prepare project proposals and other policy
technologies/systems/progress. Midterm Grade formulations aimed at developing and
7. To package and transfer knowledge and technologies fostering communities.
responsive to the needs of target communities. 3
8. To intensify monitoring, evaluation and impact OBJECTIVES:
assessment of extension programs conducted for (AB POLITICAL SCIENCE)
technical advisory and strategic planning.
9. To intensify linkages and networking with other The Graduates of AB Political Science should be:
institutions in the local, regional, national and 1. Manifest solid foundation of knowledge,
international levels.
habits and skills in the discipline necessary
10. To capacitate human resources for extension and
for professional, civic, social and political life.
2. Demonstrate social responsibility and
11. To enhance income generating projects.
12. To maximize the utilization of land for income commitment to their roles in achieving
generation. sustainable development and promotion of
13. To enhance and improve operation and administration the quality of life.
of IGPs. 3. Develop potentials to seek innovation and
14. To provide employment opportunities for students and creativity in the enhancement of professional
graduates of IFSU and the community excellence and ethical values.
15. To utilize IGPs for the conduct of employees’ and 4. Manage communities by educating and
students’ researches. training leaders to help supply the necessary
16. To utilize IGPs for the conduct of extension services of workforce needed in the cultural, social and
the university. technical fields of endeavor for the
17. To continue modernizing offices and processes. development of the country;
18. To continue improving administrative proficiency and 5. Initiate linkages in communities as means of
financial management. expressing concern for others, love of
19. To continue adhering to good governance conditions. freedom, equality and respect for human
rights, justice, and peace.
Teaching &
Learning Outcomes Course Content Learning Resources References

Week 1:

Use speaking and listening to  Vision, Mission, Goals and Recitation Rebus Copy of the IFSU CODE
interact with others for the Objectives of the University and the VGMO
purpose of: College
Course Outline
 demonstrate awareness of the  Course Outline Information sharing
VMGO of the University, Goals
of the College and Objectives  Course Expectations and
of the Program Requirements:

Week 2 and 3: I. OVERVIEW OF THE

COURSE Pause in lecture Group quiz by Multimedia
with computer dyads Whiteboard Flint, Colin, Introduction
 Acquaint with the objectives 1. Course introduction; What is aided instruction markers to Geopolitics, Third
nature and coverage of the Geopolitics? Edition, published by
course 2. Why do Political Science Reflection paper: Rubrics: Routledge in 2017
students need to study Why Geopolitics? Experience
(ISBN 978-1138-19216-
 explain the importance of the Geopolitics? Significance
course in general to the overall 3. Types of Geopolitics Response 4 for the paperback)
study of Political Science 4. Geopolitics in the Past Article Analysis: Insights
Scholvin, Soren:
5. Geopolitics in the Present -Geopolitics:
 Underscore the relevance of 6. Geopolitics of the future An Overview Of Rubrics: Geopolitics:An Overview
the course to the Concepts And Intro Of Concepts And
understanding of international Empirical Examples Content Empirical Examples
relations and domestic affairs From International Reaction/critique From International
of states and non-state actors. Relations Style & Org Relations
Teaching &
Learning Outcomes Course Content Learning Resources References

Week 3 and 4: II. Theories of Geopolitics Flint, Colin, Introduction

 Discuss and differentiate the 1. Alfred Thayer Mahan Lectures and Quizzes Multimedia to Geopolitics, Third
theories in terms of relevance 2. Henry Kissinger discussions Edition, published by
to current geopolitical 3. Halford Mackinder Whiteboard
Routledge in 2017
conditions in the world. 4. Nicholas Spykman Article Reading and markers
 Explain the underlying 5. Friedrich Ratzel analysis: Scholvin, Soren:
principles behind these 6. Karl Haushofer 1.China’s Giant
Geopolitics:An Overview
theories and apply them to Panda as a
past and current geopolitical Geopolitical Tool Of Concepts And
issues. 2. How Important Empirical Examples
are Seas in From International
controlling the Relations
Week 5 and 6: III. Spaces, Places, and Politics Multimedia Flint, Colin, Introduction
1. What is a Space? Whiteboard to Geopolitics, Third
 Explain the importance of 2. Places (Latitudes and Map reading Group quiz using markers Edition, published by
places and spaces in the study Longitudes) (memorization of world map
Routledge in 2017
of geopolitics. 3. World Geography – geographical land
 Discuss the role of geography Continents, Seas, and and water forms) Scholvin, Soren:
in the shaping of global politics Islands Rubrics:
Geopolitics:An Overview
and understand how 4. Implications of Spaces and Experience
geopolitical dynamics bring Places to Global Politics Lectures and group Significance Of Concepts And
about both desirable and 5. How does Geography discussions Response Empirical Examples
undesirable changes in the shape/influence Politics? Insight From International
world. Relations

Week 7 and 8: IV. Nations, States, and Nation-

States Concept Mapping Multimedia Flint, Colin, Introduction
 Differentiate a nation to a state 1. Differences between a Individual quiz to Geopolitics, Third
and a nation-state to both a nation, a state and a nation- Edition, published by
nation and a state. state Article Analysis: Rubrics:
 Discuss the importance of 2. Importance of these actors to Excerpt from the Theme-50
nations, states and nation the understanding of book: When China Originality-20 Routledge in 2017
states to the understanding of geopolitical dynamics Rules the World Creativity-20
past, present and future 3. Is there such thing as a Overall impact-10 Scholvin, Soren:
geopolitical dynamics. civilization-state? Geopolitics:An Overview
 Underscore the relevance of Reaction papers Of Concepts And
civilization-states such as with rubrics Empirical Examples
China in the shaping of the
From International
new international order.

Week 9 Midterm Examination

Teaching &
Learning Outcomes Course Content Learning Resources References

Week 10 and 11: V. Multilateralism and Global Multimedia

 Explain the role of the United geopolitical structures Whiteboard Flint, Colin, Introduction
Nations, especially the Pausing in lecture Individual quiz markers to Geopolitics, Third
powerful Security Council, in 1. The United Nations and the Handouts Edition, published by
the shaping of global future of geopolitics Reflection Paper Routledge in 2017
geopolitics. 2. Regional Organizations (the Film Viewing:
 Discuss the influence and European Union, ASEAN, The Darkest Hour
impact of regional blocs in G20, APEC, NATO etc.) Rubrics: Scholvin, Soren:
geopolitics. 3. The Role of these Accuracy Geopolitics:An Overview
 Understand the impact of the Organizations in global Article Reading: Content Of Concepts And
Peace of Westphalia in the geopolitical dynamics The Consequence Style & Org Empirical Examples
shaping of global political 4. The Peace of Westphalia of the Peace From International
dynamics. 5. The Marshall Plan Relations
6. The Morgenthau Plan

Week 12 and 13: VI. Territorial geopolitics Multimedia

 Discuss the importance and Whiteboard Flint, Colin, Introduction
consequences of territories 1. What is a territory? Group Activity: markers to Geopolitics, Third
and boundaries in global 2. Importance of territories Create your own Group quiz by Edition, published by
geopolitical dynamics. 3. The four domains of territory country/state triads
 Enumerate and explain the 4. Modes of Acquisition of Routledge in 2017
different modes of acquisition Territory
of territory. - Discovery Reflection paper: Rubrics: Scholvin, Soren:
 Deepen their understanding - Conquest The West Evidence Geopolitics:An Overview
about the implications of - Prescription Philippine Sea Organization Of Concepts And
territorial and boundary - Cession Dispute between mechanics Empirical Examples
processes to global peace - Accretion China, ASEAN, and
From International
5. Territorial and boundary the Philippines
Processes Relations
6. Geopolitics and Chokepoints
Teaching &
Learning Outcomes Course Content Learning Resources References

Week 14 and 15: VII. International Treaties, Multimedia Flint, Colin, Introduction
 Define the concepts of International law and rules Think pair share Individual quiz Whiteboard to Geopolitics, Third
international law and markers Edition, published by
international treaties and its 1. What is an international Analytical Paper: Rubrics: Handouts
Routledge in 2017
role in curbing geopolitical treaty and international law? The ASEAN-APEC Communication
conflicts 2. How do these treaties and Political Dynamics Skills Scholvin, Soren:
 Discuss the importance of laws shape and influence the and its implications Evidences
Geopolitics:An Overview
treaties such as the UNCLOS conduct of nations the Asian stability Sources
in bringing about peace and 3. The UNCLOS and GATT Of Concepts And
preventing conflicts in land and 4. The ASEAN-China-US- Empirical Examples
at sea. APEC Political Dynamics Reaction paper From International
with rubrics Relations

Week 16: VIII. Geopolitics and Resource multimedia

 Understand the importance Conflicts Group reporting Group quiz by Whiteboard Flint, Colin, Introduction
and role of natural resources 1. The Geopolitics of Energy, and discussion triads markers to Geopolitics, Third
in bringing about peace and Oil and Pipelines Edition, published by
conflicts. 2. Maritime Geopolitics Routledge in 2017
 Discuss the implications of 3. Geopolitics of the Outer
finite resources to global space/Space as the Final Scholvin, Soren:
stability and order. Frontier Geopolitics:An Overview
4. Geopolitics of the Of Concepts And
Environment Empirical Examples
5. Geopolitics and the From International
Environment Relations
Week 17: IX. Geopolitical Analysis
 Analyze how power and 1. How POWER is distributed Group Activity: Group multimedia Flint, Colin, Introduction
spaces influence and shape in the WORLD. Presentation: Whiteboard to Geopolitics, Third
the world and the world of 2. How DISTRIBUTION of the Geopolitical markers Edition, published by
geopolitics WORLD is Position Paper on Rubrics: Routledge in 2017
 Explain how geopolitical affected/determined by any current Communication
issues and trends transform POWER. geopolitical issues Skills Scholvin, Soren:
the world of physical space 3. Why GEOPOLITICS is the in the world, to wit: Evidences Geopolitics:An Overview
into a political space. study of WORLD POWER 1. The European Sources Of Concepts And
DSITRIBUTION. migrant crisis Empirical Examples
4. How GEOPOLITICS 2. The US-China From International
transforms the WORLD of Trade relations
physical space in to a 3. India-Pakistan
political space. Skirmish

VIII. References
1. Baylis, John; Smith, Steve; Owens, Patricia. 2017. The globalization of world politics: An introduction to international relations. 7th edition. Oxford
university press
2. Flint, Colin, Introduction to Geopolitics, Third Edition, published by Routledge in 2017
3. Scholvin, Soren: Geopolitics:An Overview Of Concepts And Empirical Examples From International

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Faculty Chairperson, Political Science Program Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

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