Curriculum FOR B.Sc. Nursing Course
Curriculum FOR B.Sc. Nursing Course
Curriculum FOR B.Sc. Nursing Course
To Educate, Illuminate & train the B.Sc. (Nursing) Students for better tomorrow.
AIM: -
The Sumandeep College of Nursing endeavors to develop a graduate level nurse who
will be able to:
1. Apply knowledge from physical, biological, and behavioral sciences, medicine
including alternative systems and nursing in providing nursing care to
individuals, families and communities.
2. Demonstrate understanding of like style and other factors, which affect health
of individuals and groups.
3. Provide nursing care based on steps of nursing process in collaboration with the
individuals and groups.
6. Provide promotive, preventive and restorative health services in line with the
national health policies and programmes.
7. Practice within the framework of code of ethics and professional conduct, and
acceptable standards of practice within the legal boundaries.
12. Conduct need based research studies in various settings and utilize the research
findings to improve the quality of care.
14. Provide qualified nurses to cope with advancement in medical science and
Admission Requirements
1. The minimum age for admission shall be 17 years on or before 31st July of the
year of admission.
Entrance/Selection test
Selection of the candidates should be based on the merit of the entrance
examination held by University or competent authority.
Duration of the course shall be four years including internship.
3 weeks vacation shall be given in each year.
Course Duration = 4 years
Weeks available per year = 52 Weeks
Vacation = 3 Weeks
Gazetted holidays = 3 Weeks
Examination (Including Preparatory) = 4 Weeks
Available Weeks = 37 Weeks
Hours per week = 40
Practical = 30 hours per week
Theory = 10 hours per week
Internship practical = 40 Hours per week
Hours available per academic year = 1480 (37 Weeks X 40 Hours
First Year
Theory Practical (In hrs)
Subject (In hrs) (Clinical) (Total hrs)
(Class and lab)
1. *English 60 - 60
2. Anatomy 60 - 60
3. Physiology 60 - 60
4. Nutrition 60 - 60
5. Biochemistry 30 - 30
6. Nursing Foundation 265 + 200 450 915
7. Psychology 60 - 60
8. Microbiology 60 - 60
9. Introduction to Computer 45 - 45
10. EBNE 10 10 20
11 Library work / Self Study - - 50
12. Co – Curricular activities - - 50
Total Hours 910 460 1470
Total hours = 1470 hrs.
Second Year
Theory Practical (In hrs)
Subject (In hrs) (Clinical) (In hrs)
(Class and lab)
1. Sociology 60 - 60
2. Pharmacology 45 - 45
3. Pathology & 30 - 30
4. Genetics 15 - 15
5. Medical – Surgical Nursing 210 720 930
(Adult including geriatrics) – I
6. Community Health Nursing – 90 135 225
7. Communication and 60 + 30 - 90
Educational Technology
8. EBNE 15 10 25
9. Library work / Self Study 50
10. Co – Curricular activity 35
Total Hours 555 865 1505
Total hours = 1505 hrs.
Third Year
Theory Practical (In hrs)
Subject (In hrs) (Clinical) (In hrs)
(Class and lab)
1. Medical – Surgical Nursing 120 270 390
(Adult including geriatrics) – I
2. Child Health Nursing 90 270 360
3. Mental Health Nursing 90 270 360
4. Midwifery and obstetrical 90 180 270
5. EBNE 30 20 50
6. Library work / self study 50
7. Co – Curricular activity 50
Total Hours 420 1010 1530
Total hours = 1530 hrs.
Fourth Year
Theory Practical (In hrs)
Subject (In hrs) (Clinical) (In hrs)
(Class and lab)
1. Midwifery and obstetrical - 180 180
2. Community Health Nursing 90 135 225
3. Nursing Research & Statistics 45 45 90
4. Management of Nursing 60 + 30 - 90
Services and educational
5. EBNE 45 40 85
Total Hours 270 400 670
Total hours = 670 hrs.
Intern – ship (Integrated Practice)
Subject Theory (In hrs) (In Weeks)
1. Midwifery and Obstetrical nursing 240 5
2. Community Health Nursing – II 195 4
3. Medical Surgical Nursing (Adult and 430 9
4. Child Health Nursing 145 3
5. Mental Health Nursing 95 2
6. Research Project 45 1
Total Hours 1150 24
Total hours = 1820 hrs.
1. Internship means 8 Hours of integrated clinical duties in which 2 weeks of evening
and night shift duties are included.
2. Internship should be carried out as 8 Hours per day @ 48 hours per week
First Year
Subject Hours Internal External Total
1. Anatomy & Physiology 3 25 75 100
2. Nutrition and Biochemistry 3 25 75 100
3. Nursing Foundation 3 25 75 100
4. Psychology 3 25 75 100
5. Microbiology 3 25 75 100
6. English 3 25 75 100
7. Introduction to Computer 25 75 100
8. EBNE 1 30 20 50
Practical and Viva Voce
1. Nursing Foundation - 100 100 200
Second Year
Subject Hours Internal External Total
1. Sociology 3 25 75 100
2. Medical – Surgical Nursing – I 3 25 75 100
3. Pharmacology, Pathology, 3 25 75 100
4. Community Health Nursing 3 25 75 100
5. Communication and 3 25 75 100
Educational Technology
6. EBNE 1 30 20 50
Practical and Viva Voce
1. Medical – Surgical Nursing – I - 100 100 200
Third Year
Subject Hours Internal External Total
1. Medical – Surgical Nursing - II 3 25 75 100
2. Child Health Nursing 3 25 75 100
3. Mental Health Nursing 3 25 75 100
4. EBNE 1 30 20 50
Practical and Viva Voce
1. Medical – Surgical Nursing - II - 50 50 100
2. Child Health Nursing - 50 50 100
3. Mental Health Nursing - 50 50 100
Fourth Year
Subject Hours Internal External Total
1. Midwifery & Obstetrical 3 25 75 100
2. Community Health Nursing 3 25 75 100
3. Nursing Research & Statistics 3 25 75 100
4. Management of Nursing 3 25 75 100
Services & educational
5. EBNE 1 30 20 50
Practical and Viva Voce
1. Midwifery & Obstetrical 3 50 50 100
2. Community Health Nursing 3 50 50 100
Note: -
1. Anatomy and Physiology – Question paper will consist of Section A Anatomy of 37
marks and B Physiology should be of 38 Marks
7. Minimum pass marks shall be 50% in each of the Theory and practical papers
9. A candidate must have 100% attendance in each of the practical areas before
appearing for the final University examination and award of degree.
10. A Candidate has to pass in theory and practical exam separately in each of the
11. If a candidate fails in either theory or practical paper he/she has to re – appear for
both the papers (Theory and Practical)
12. Maximum numbers of permitted for each paper is 3 including first attempt.
13. A candidate failing in more then two subjects will not be promoted to the next year.
14. Candidate shall not be admitted to the subsequent higher examination unless the
candidate has passed the previous examination.
15. The maximum period to complete the course successfully should not exceed 8
16. Maximum number of candidates for practical examination should not exceed 20 per
17. All practical examination must be held in the respective clinical areas.
18. One internal and one external examination should jointly conduct practical
examination for each student.
19. An examiner should be a lecturer or above in a college of nursing with M.Sc. (N) in
concerned subject and minimum of 3 years of teaching experience. To be an
examiner for nursing foundations course faculty having M. Sc. (N) with any
specialty shall be considered.
Tours: -
Educational tours will be conducted according to the curriculum Recreational
tours will be conducted once in a year.
Learning Objectives: - At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Speak and write grammatically correct English.
Develop ability to read, understand and express meaningfully, the prescribed text.
Develop skill in spoken English.
Develop skill in listening comprehension.
Course Description: - This course is designed to enable students to acquire knowledge of the
normal structure of various human body systems and understand the alterations in anatomical
structure in disease and practice of nursing.
Learning Objectives: - At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Describe the anatomical terms, organization of human body and structure of cell,
tissues, membranes and glands.
Describe the structure and function of bones and joints.
Describes the structure and function of muscles.
Describes the structure and function of nervous system.
Explain the structure and functions of sensory organs.
Describes the structure and function of circulatory and lymphatic system.
Describes the structure and functions of respiratory system.
Describes the structure and functions of digestive system.
Describes the structure and functions excretory system.
Describes the structure and functions of endocrine system
Describes the structure and functions of reproductive system
Search evidence based education of alterations in disease
Course Description: - The course is designed to assist the students to acquire knowledge of
the normal physiology of various human body systems and understand the alteration in
Physiology in diseases and practice of nursing.
Learning Objectives: - :- At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Describe the physiology of cell, tissues, membranes and glands
Describe the bone formation and growth and movements of skeletal system
Describe the muscle movements and tone and demonstrate muscle contraction and
Describe the physiology of nerve stimulus, reflexes, brain, cranial and spinal nerves
Demonstrate reflex action and stimulus
Describe the physiology of blood and functions of Heart
Demonstrate blood cell count, coagulation, grouping, Hb, BP and pulse monitoring
Describe the physiology and mechanisms of respiration
Demonstrate spirometry
Describe the physiology of digestive system
Demonstrate BMR
Describe the physiology of Excretory system
Describe the physiology of sensory organs
Describe the physiology of endocrine glands
Describe the physiology of male and female reproductive systems
Describe the physiology of lymphatic and immunological system
Apply evidence based education in studying normal and abnormal physiological
IV 7 Nervous System: -
Functions of Neuralgia & neurons
Stimulus & nerve-impulse-definitions and mechanism.
Functions of brain, spinal cord, cranial and spinal nerves
Cerebrospinal fluid- composition, circulation and function.
Reflex are, Reflex action and reflexes.
Autonomic functions –
Pain: somatic, visceral, and referred.
Autonomic learning and biofeedback.
Alterations in disease
Incorporating evidence- based nursing education to study the
diseases of Nervous System.
Applications and implications in nursing.
V 8 Circulatory system: -
Blood formation, Composition, blood groups, blood
Hemoglobin: Structure, Synthesis & breakdown, variation of
Molecules, estimation.
Function of Heart, conduction, cardiac cycle, circulation,
Principles, Control, factors influencing BP & pulse.
Alterations in disease
Incorporating evidence- based nursing education to study the
abnormal Circulatory conditions.
Applications and implications in nursing.
VI 6 The Respiratory System: -
Functions of respiratory organs.
Physiology of respiration.
Pulmonary ventilation, Volume
Mechanics of respiration
Gaseous exchange in lungs.
Carriage of oxygen & carbon – dioxide.
Exchange of gases in tissues.
Regulation of respiration.
Alterations in disease
Incorporating evidence- based nursing education to study the
abnormal Respiratory conditions
Applications and implications in nursing.
VII 6 The Digestive System: -
Functions of organs of digestive tract. Movements of
alimentary, tract. Digestive in mouth, stomach, small intestines,
Large intestines, Absorption of food, functions of liver, gall
bladder & pancreas.
Metabolism of carbohydrates, protein, and fat.
VIII 5 The Excretory system: -
Functions of kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder & urethra.
Composition of urine
Mechanism of urine formation
Functions of skin
Regulation of body temperature
Fluid and electrolyte balance,
Alterations in disease
Search evidence based education in studying alterations in
physiology of Excretory System.
Applications and implications in nursing.
IX 4 The Sensory Organs: -
Functions of skin, eye, ear, nose, tongue,
Alterations in disease
Applications and implications in nursing using evidence based
X 5 The Endocrine System: -
Functions of Pituitary, Pineal body, thymus, Thyroid,
parathyroid, pancreas, Suprarenal, Placement and ovaries &
Alterations in disease
Applications and implications in nursing using evidence based
XI 5 The Reproductive System: -
Reproduction of cell – DNA, Mitosis, Meiosis,
spermatogenesis, oogenesis
Functions of female reproductive organ, Function of breast,
Female sexual cycle.
Introduction to embryology.
Functions of male reproductive organs, Male function in
reproduction, Male fertility system.
Alterations in disease
Applications and implications in nursing using evidence based
XII 2 Lymphatic and Immunological System: -
Circulation of lymph
Formation of T-cells & B-cells.
Types of immune response.
Course Description: - The course is designed to assist the students to acquire knowledge of
nutrition for maintenance of optimum health at different stages of life and its application for
practice of nursing.
Learning Objectives: - At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Describe the relationship between nutrition & health
Describe the classification, functions, sources and recommended daily allowances
(RDA) of Carbohydrates
Describe the classification, functions, sources and recommended daily allowances
(RDA) of Fats
Describe the classification, functions, sources and recommended daily allowances
(RDA) of Proteins.
Describe the daily calorie requirement for different categories of people
Describe the classification, functions, sources and recommended daily allowances
(RDA) of Vitamins.
Describe the classification, functions, sources and recommended daily allowances
(RDA) of Minerals
Describe the sources, functions and requirements of water & electrolytes
Describe the cookery rules and preservation of nutrients and prepare serve simple
beverages and different types of food.
Describe and plan balanced diet for different categories of people
Describe various national programs related to nutrition
Describe the role of nurse in assessment of nutritional status and nutrition
education using evidence based Nursing Practice
Course Description: - This course is designed to enable students to acquire knowledge of the
normal biochemical composition and functioning of human body and understand the
alterations in biochemistry in disease for practice of nursing.
Learning Objectives: - At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Describe the structure composition and functions of cell
Differentiate between Prokaryote and eukaryote cell
Identify techniques of Microscopy
Describe the structure and functions of cell membrane
Explain the metabolism of carbohydrate
Explain the metabolism of Lipids
Explain the metabolism of amino acid and proteins
Describe the composition and utilization of vitamins & minerals
Describe Immunochemistry
Learning Objectives: - At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
1) Describe the concept of health, illness and health care agencies
2) Explain concept and scope of nursing
3) Describe values, code of ethics and professional conduct for nurses in India
4) Explain the admission and discharge procedure
5) Perform admission and discharge procedure
6) Communicate effectively with patient, families and team members and maintain
effective human relations (projecting professional image)
7) Appreciate the importance of patient teaching in nursing
8) Explain the concept, uses, format and steps of nursing process
9) Documents nursing process as per the format
10) Describe the purposes, types and techniques of recording and reporting
11) Describe principles and techniques of monitoring and maintaining vital signs
12) Monitor and maintain vital signs
13) Describe purpose and process of health assessment
14) Describe the health assessment of each body system
15) Perform health assessment of each body system
16) Identifies the various machinery, equipment and linen and their care
17) Describe the basic, physiological and psychosocial needs of patient
18) Perform nursing assessment, plan, implement and evaluate the care for meeting basic,
physiological and psychological needs of patient
19) Describe principles and techniques for infection control and biomedical waste
management in supervised clinical settings
20) Explain the principles, routes, effects of administration of medications
21) Calculate conversions of drugs and dosages within and between systems of
22) Administer drugs by the following routes-oral, intra-dermal, subcutaneous,
intramuscular, intravenous, topical, inhalation
23) Describe the pre and post operative care of patients
24) Explain the process of wound healing
25) Explain the principles and techniques of wound care
26) Perform care of wounds
27) Explain care of patients having alterations in body functioning
28) Explain care of terminally ill patient
29) Explain the basic concepts of conceptual and theoretical models of nursing
30) Incorporate evidence based teaching learning activities in nursing foundation to
strengthen nursing practice of students for quality and cost effective nursing care.
Perform assessment :
History taking, Nursing diagnosis, Problem list, Prioritization,
Goals & Expected Outcomes, Selection of interventions.
Write Nursing care plan
Given care as per the plan
Communication :
Use verbal non verbal communication techniques
Prepare a plan patient teaching session
Vital signs :
Measure, Records and interpret alterations in body temperature,
pulse respiration and blood pressure.
Health assessment :
Health History taking
Perform assessment :
Body Systems
Use various methods of physical examination
Inspection, Palpation, Percussion, Auscultation, Olfaction.
Identification of system wise deviations.
Infection control: -
Perform following Procedures: -
Hand washing techniques
Simple, hand antisepsis and surgical antisepsis (scrub).
Administration of Medications: -
Administer Medications in different forms and routes.
Oral, Subcutaneous, Intramuscular etc.
Parenteral: Intramuscular subcutaneous, Intramuscular etc.
Assist with Intra venous medications
Drug measurements and dose calculations.
Preparation of lotions and solutions.
Administers topical applications.
1 Visit Reports - 5
2 Care plan – Medicine ward - 1
3 Care Plan – Surgery ward - 1
4 Care Plan – Orthopedic ward -1
4 Nursing Procedure Record
5 Daily Diary
6 Clinical Evaluation performance
Course Description: -This course is designed to assist the students to acquire knowledge of
fundaments of psychology and develop an insight into behavior of self and others. Further it
is aimed at helping them to practice the principles of mental hygiene for promoting mental
health in nursing practice.
Learning objectives: - At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Describe the history, scope and methods of psychology.
Explain the biology of human behavior.
Describe various cognitive processes and their applications
Describe the motivation, emotions, stress, attitudes and their influence on behavior.
Explain the concepts of personality and its influence on behavior.
Describe psychology of people during the life cycle.
Describe the characteristics of mentally healthy person, explain ego defense
Explain the psychological assessments and role of nurse
Incorporate evidence based education in studying the psychology of an individual.
Learning objectives: - At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Explain concepts and principles of microbiology and their importance in nursing.
Describe structure, classification morphology and growth of bacteria, identify
Describe the methods of infection control, identify the role of nurse in hospital
infection control programme
Describe the different disease producing organisms.
Explain the concept of immunity, hypersensitivity and immunization
Course Description: - This course is designed for students to develop basic understanding of
uses of computer and its applications in nursing.
Learning objectives: - At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Identify and define various concepts used in computer, identify application of
computer in nursing.
Describe and use the Disk Operating System, demonstrate skill in the use of MS
Demonstrate skill in using multi- media, identify features of computer aided teaching
and testing.
Demonstrate use of internet and Email.
Describe and use the statistical packages.
Describe the use of Hospital Management System.
1) Introduction EBNES: Definition EBNES, Concept EBNES, Significance of EBNES.
2) Need for EBNES, Aims EBNES.
3) Sources of EBNES.
4) How to Search evidence.
5) Preparing Nursing care plan based on evidences.
1) Use of Internet to search evidence
2) Library search - Submitting. bibliography
3) Posters on EBNES.
Total Marks: -- 50 Marks
Theory: - 20 Marks
Practical (Assignment): - 30 Marks
Theory:- 20 Marks
1) Theory and Practical exam for EBNE to be conducted as college exam and marks to
be sent to the University for including in the marks sheet.
2) 1 Hr question paper containing one Short Essay (10 marks) one Short essay 4 marks
and 3 Short answer two marks each (3X2=6 Marks).
Course Description: - This course is designed to introduce the concept of sociology related
to community & Society of India and Foreign.
Learning Objectives: - At the end of course, the student will be able to,
V 6 Population: -
Society and Population Must know
Population distribution in India – Must know
Demographic characteristics.
Malthusian theory of Populations. Must know
Population explosion in India and its Must know
impact on health status.
Family welfare programme. Must know
VI 5 Family and Marriage: -
Family – Functions Must know
Types – Joint, Nuclear, Blended and Must know
extended family: Characteristics
The Modern Family – Changes, Problems Must know
– Dowry etc., Welfare Services.
Change & legislations on family and Must know
marriage in India – marriage acts.
Marriage: From and functions of marriage, Must know
Marriage and family problems in India.
Family, Marriage and their influence on Must know
health and health Practices.
VII 7 Social Stratification: -
Meaning & types of social stratification. Good to know
The Indian Caste System – Origin & Good to know
features Good to know
Features of caste in India Today Good to know
Social Class system and status Good to know
Social Mobility – Meaning & Types Must know
Race as a biological concept, criteria of
racial classification. Must know
Salient features of Primary races – Racism. Must know
Influence of class, Caste and Race on
health and health practices.
VIII 6 Types of Communities in India (Rural, Urban and
Regional): -
Features of village community & Must know
Characteristics Indian villages – Panchayat
system, social dynamics.
Community Development project & Must know
Changes in Indian Rural Life. Must know
Availability of health facilities in rural and Must know
its impact on health and health practices. Must know
Urban – Community – features. Must know
The growth of cities: Urbanization and its Must know
impact on health and health practices.
Major Urban problems – Urban Slums. Must know
Region: Problems and impact on Health. Must know
IX 4 Social Change: -
Nature and process of Social Change. Good to know
Factors influencing Social change: cultural Must know
change, Cultural lags.
Introduction to Theories of social change:
Linear, Cyclical, Marxian, And Functional. Good to know
Role of nurse – Change agents. Must know
X 4 Social organization and social system: -
Social organization: elements, types Must know
Democratic and authoritarian modes of Must know
Voluntary associations
Social system: Definition and Types of Must know
social system
Role and status as structural elements of Must know
social system
Inter – relationship of institutions. Good to know
XI 2 Social Control: -
Nature and Process of social control. Must know
Political, Legal, Religious, Educational, Good to know
Economic, Industrial and Technological
systems, Norms & Values – Folkways &
Mores Customs, Laws and fashion.
Role of nurse. Must know
XII 15 Social Problems: -
Social disorganization Must know
Control & Planning: Poverty, housing, Must know
illiteracy, food supplies, prostitution, rights
of women & children vulnerable groups:
Elderly, handicapped, Minority groups and
other marginalized groups, child labor,
child abuse, delinquency and crime,
substance abuse, HIV/AIDS.
Social Welfare programmes in India.
Role of nurse. Must know
Unit Time Content
I 3 Introduction: -
Importance of the study of pathology Must know
Definition of terms Must know
Methods and techniques Must know
Cellular and Tissue changes. Must know
Infiltration and regeneration Must know
Inflammations and Infections
Wound healing Must know
Vascular changes Must know
Cellular growth, Neoplasms: -
Normal & Cancer cell Must know
Benign and Malignant growths Must know
In situ carcinoma Must know
Disturbances of fluid and electrolyte imbalance Must know
Research evidence on various cell and its structure Desirable to know
II 10+5(p) Special Pathology: -
Pathological changes in disease conditions of Must know
various systems.
Respiratory tract Must know
Tuberculosis, Bronchitis, Pleural effusion Must know
and pneumonia.
Lung abscess, emphysema, bronchiectasis. Must know
Bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive Must know
pulmonary disease & tumours.
Cardio – vascular system: -
Pericardial effusion Must know
Rheumatic heart disease Must know
Infective endocarditic, atherosclerosis Must know
Ischemia, infraction & aneurysm.
Must know
Gastro Intestinal Tract: - Must know
Peptic ulcer, typhoid Must know
Carcinoma of GI tract – buccal, Esophageal Must know
Gastric & intestinal
Liver, Gall bladder & pancreas: -
Must know
Hepatitis, Chronic liver abscess, cirrhosis
Must know
Tumours of liver, gall bladder and pancreas.
Must know
Kidneys & Urinary tract: -
Glomerulonephritis, Pyelonephritis Must know
Calculi, renal failure, renal carcinoma & Must know
Male genital systems: -
Cryptorchidism, testicular atrophy Must know
Prostatic huperplasia, carcinoma penis & Must know
Female genital systems: -
Fibroids Must know
Carcinoma cervix and Endometrium. Must know
Vesicular mole, Choriocarcinoma Must know
Ectopic gestation Must know
Ovarian cyst & tumours Must know
Cancer Breast: -
Central nervous System: -
Hydrocephalus, Meningitis, encephalitis, Must know
Vascular disorders – thrombosis, embolism Must know
Stroke, Paraplegia, quadriplegia Must know
Tumours, meningiomas –gliomas Must know
Metastatic tumours: -
Skeletal system: -
Bone healing, osteoporosis, osteomyelitis. Must know
Arthritis & tumours: - Must know
Systematic review and analysis changes of cell Good to know
structure in cancer
III 4+3(p) Clinical Pathology: -
Various blood and bone marrow test in assessment
and monitoring of disease conditions: -
Hemoglobin Must know
RBC, White cell & platelet counts Must know
Bleeding time, clotting time and Must know
prothrombine time
Blood grouping and cross matching Must know
Blood chemistry Good to know
Blood culture Good to know
Serological and immunological tests Good to know
Examination of Bone marrow. Good to know
Methods of collections of blood specimen for Must know
various clinical pathology, biochemistry,
microbiology tests, inference and normal
Identifying the clinical abnormalities and
Desirable to know
searching the relevant database
IV 2+1(p) Examination of body cavity fluids, transudates and exudates:
The laboratories tests used in CSF analysis. Good to know
Examination of other body cavity fluids, transudates Good to know
and exudates – sputum wound discharge etc.
Analysis of gastric and duodenal contents. Good to know
Analysis of semen – sperm count, motility and Good to know
morphology and their importance in infertility.
Methods of collection of CSF and other cavity fluids, Good to know
specimen for various clinical pathology, biochemistry,
microbiology tests, inference and normal values.
Appraising a clinical problem and formulating a Good to know
question and searching the relevant database for
the evidence.
V 1+1 (p) Urine and faeces: -
Urine: -
Physical characteristics Must know
Analysis Must know
Culture and sensitivity Must know
Faeces: -
Characteristics Must know
Stool examination: occult blood, ova, Must know
parasite and cyst, reducing substance etc.
Methods of collection for various tests, inference Must know
and normal values. Good to know
Evidence based protocols for various test.
Learning Objectives: - At the end of course, the student will be able to,
Explain nature principles and perspectives of heredity
Explain maternal, prenatal and genetic influences on development of defects and
Explain the screening methods for genetic defects and diseases in neonates and
Identify genetic disorders in adolescents and adults.
Describe the role of nurse in genetic service and counseling.
Incorporate evidence based teaching learning activities in Genetics to strengthen
nursing practice of students for quality and cost effectiveness of nursing care.
Learning Objective: - At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Appreciate the trends in medical surgical nursing
Describe the role of nurse in caring for adult patient in hospital
Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing
interventions with disorders of respiratory systems.
Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing
interventions with disorders of digestive systems
Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing
interventions with disorders of cardio-vascular systems. Describe the vascular
conditions and its nursing management.
Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing
interventions with disorders of genitor-urinary systems.
Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing
interventions with disorders of reproductive systems.
Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing
interventions with disorders of endocrine systems.
Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing
interventions with disorders of skin.
Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing
interventions with disorders of musculo-skeletal systems.
Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing
interventions with disorders of immunological system.
Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing
interventions with communicable diseases.
Describe the organization and physical set up of operation theatre. Identify the various
instruments and equipments used for common surgical procedures.
Describe the infection control measures in the operation theatre.
Describe the role of the nurse in the pre operative nursing care.
Incorporate evidence based nursing education into practice.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: - The purpose of this course is to acquire, develop attitude and
proficiency in caring for patient with Medical and Surgical disorders in varieties of health
care settings and at home
Time: 260 Hours (9 Weeks)
1. Report Writing
Operation Theatre
Cardiac Unit
Cath lab
2. Care plan – Medicine ward (5)
3. Care Plan – Surgery ward (5)
4. Case Study Medical (1)
5. Case Study Surgical (1)
7. Health Talk
8. Case Presentation Medical – Pertaining to
9. Case Presentation Surgical – Disease +
10. Nursing Procedure -1
11. Witness Operation-
12. Daily Diary
13. Drug Profile
14. Articles Record
Course Description: - This course is designed for students to appreciate the principals of
promotion and maintenance of Health.
Learning Objectives: - At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Describe concept and dimensions of health.
Describe determinants of health.
Describe concepts, scope, uses, methods and approaches of epidemiology.
Describe Epidemiology and nursing management of common Communicable
Describe Epidemiology and nursing management of common non- communicable
Describe the concepts and scope of demography; describe methods of data collection,
analysis and interpretation of demographic data.
Identify the impact of population explosion in India; describe methods of population
The above objectives can be fulfilled by implementing EBES depending upon the
level of knowledge required:
Knowledge level:- Students should be facilitated by didactic lectures and evidence
searching exercises for the same (Good to Know category)
Unit (Hrs) Content
I 2 Introduction Distribution
Community health Nursing Good to know
Definition concepts are dimensions of Must Know
Promotion of health Must Know
Maintenance of health Must Know
II 20 Introduction
Determination of health. Must Know
Eugenics. Must Know
Physics, Air, Light, Ventilation, Water, Must Know
Housing, Sanitation, Disposal of waste
disposal of dead bodies, Pore station,
Noise, Clinical, Communication:
Infrastructure facilities and linkages.
Acts regulating the environment national Good to know
pollution control board.
Bacterial and viral: Agents, host, carries Must Know
and immunity.
Arthropods and Rodent. Desirable to
Food hygiene: Production preservation, Must Know
Purchase, Prevention & food
Socio – Cultural: -
Customs – taboos Desirable to
Marriage System Good to know
Family Structure Good to know
Status of Special group‟s females, Must Know
Children, elderly challenged groups and
cock person.
Life style Good to know
Hygiene Must Know
Physical Activity
Recreation and Sleep Must Know
Sexual Life Must Know
Spiritual life philosophy Desirable to
Self reliance Desirable to
Dietary Pattern Must Know
Education Desirable to
Occupation Desirable to
Financial Management
Income Desirable to
Budget Desirable to
Purchasing Power Desirable to
Security Must Know
III 10 Epidemiology
Definition, concept, aims, & cope, used Must Know
and terminology used in epidemiology.
Dynamics & disease Must Know
Tran & mission: epidemiologic triad. Must Know
Morbidity and mortality measurements. Must Know
Levels & Prevention. Must Know
Methods & Epidemiology of ;
Descriptive Must Know
Analytical Must Know
Experimental Must Know
IV 25 Epidemiology and Nursing management of
common communicable discuses,
— Respiratory infections
Small Pox, Chicken pox, Measles Must Know
Influenza, Rubella, ARI & Pneumonia, Must Know
Mumps, Diphtheria.
Whooping cough, Meningococcal Must Know
meningitis, tuberculosis, SARS.
— Internal infections
Poliomyelitis, viral hepatitis, cholera, Must Know
Diarrhoeal, Diseases, Typhoid fever, Food
poisoning, Amoediasis, Hookworm
infestation Ascariasis, Dranculosis.
Arthropod Infection
Dengue, malaria and filariasis. Must Know
Zoo noses. Must Know
Radies yellow fever, Japnese encephalitis, Must Know
kyasnur forest disease.
Brucellosis, Plague, Anthrox, Must Know
Salmonellosis, Leprospirosis.
Rickettsial diseases.
Rickettsial Zoonoses, Scrub typhus, Must Know
murine typhus, Ticktyphos & fever.
Parasotic Zoo noses
Taeniasis, Hydatid diseases, Good to know
Surface infection
Trachoma, tetanus, leprosy, STD & RTI, Must Know
yaws, HIV, AIDS.
Areas Skills
Community Health Nursing. Use Techniques of interpersonal relationship
Identification of health determinants of
History of taking
Physical examination.
Collect specimens-sputum, Malaria smear.
Perform simple lab tests at center – blood for
Haemoglobin and sugar, urine for albumin and
Administer vaccines and medications to adults.
Counsel and teach individual, family and
Self health Monitoring
Seeking health services
Healthy life style
Family welfare methods
Health promotion
Course Description: - This course is designed to help the students acquire and understanding
of the principles and methods of communication and teaching. It helps to develop skill in
communicating effectively, maintaining effective interpersonal relations, teaching Individuals
and Group in Clinical, community health and Educational setting.
Learning objectives: - At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
1. Describe the communication process, identify techniques of effective
2. Establish effective inter- personal relations with patients, families and co-
3. Develop effective human relations in context of nursing.
4. Develop basic skill of counseling and guidance.
5. Describe the philosophy and principles of education, explain the teaching
learning process.
6. Demonstrate teaching skill using various teaching methods in clinical,
classroom and community settings.
7. Prepare and use different types of educational media effectively.
8. Prepare different types of questions for assessment of knowledge, skills and
9. Teach individuals, groups and communities about health with their active
10. Incorporate evidence based nursing education in communication and
education technology
The above objectives can be fulfilled by implementing EBES depending upon the
level of knowledge required:
Knowledge level:- Students should be facilitated by didactic lectures and evidence
searching exercises for the same (Good to Know category)
Analyze: - Theory classes should incorporate recent evidences. (Desirable to Know
Application: - Tutorials and demonstrations based on all steps of Evidence Based
Decision Making. (Must Know category)
THEORY: 15hrs
1) Past, present and future challenges in EBNES. 1hr
2) Appraising the evidence and formulating research question. 4hrs
3) Review of advance search engine / filters e.g MEDLINE , CINHAL etc . 3hrs
4) Levels of evidences. 2hrs
5) PICO method. 2hrs
6) Innovations and lifelong learning. 2hrs
7) Ethical aspects in EBN. 1hr
Total Marks:-- 50 Marks
Theory: - 20 Marks
Practical (Assignment): - 30 Marks
Theory:- 20 Marks
1) Theory and Practical exam for EBNE to be conducted as college exam and marks to
be sent to the university for including in the mark sheet
2) 1 Hr question paper containing one long essay 10 marks & Two short essay (2x5=10
Course Description: - The purpose of this course is to acquire, develop attitude and
proficiency in caring for patient with Medical and Surgical disorders in varieties of health
care settings and at home
Learning Objectives: - At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing
interventions with disorders of ear, nose and throat.
Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing
interventions with disorders of eye.
Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing
interventions with disorders of neurological systems.
Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing
interventions with disorders of female reproductive system.
Describe the concepts of reproductive health and family welfare programme.
Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing
interventions with disorders of oncological disorders.
Describe organization of emergency and disaster services.
Describe the role of nurse in disaster management.
Explain the concept and problems of aging.
Describe nursing care of the elderly.
Describe organization of critical care units.
Describe the role of nurse in managements of patients with critical care units.
Describe the common signs, symptoms, problems and their specific nursing
interventions with industrial health disorders
Developing evidence base education system into practice.
Emergency Nursing
Concept, Priorities, Principles and Scope of Good to know
emergency nursing.
Organization of emergency services: Physical setup, Good to know
staffing, equipment and supplies, protocols,
Concepts of triage and role of triage nurse.
Coordination and involvement of different Good to know
departments and facilities.
Nursing Assessment – History and physical Must know
Etiology, Pathology, Clinical manifestations, Must know
diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical &
Surgical nursing management of patient with
medical and surgical Emergency
Principles of emergency management Must know
Common Emergency Good to know
Respiratory Emergency Must know
Cardiac Emergency Must know
Shock and Haemorrhage Must know
Pain Must know
Poly – Trauma, road accidents, crush injuries, Must know
Bites Must know
Poisoning; Food, Gas, Drugs & chemical poisoning Must know
Seizures Must know
Thermal Emergency; Heat stroke & Cold injuries Must know
Pediatric Emergency Must know
Psychiatric Emergency Must know
Obstetrical Emergency Must know
Violence, Abuse, Sexual assault Must know
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Must know
Crisis Intervention Must know
Role of the nurses: Communication and Inter Must know
Personal Relations
Medico – Legal Aspects Must know
Evidence based protocols for code blue/CPR Desirable to know
COURSE DESCRIPTION: - The purpose of this course is to acquire, develop attitude and
proficiency in caring for patient with Medical and Surgical disorders in varieties of health
care settings and at home
Placement: - Internship
Time: - 9 weeks (260 HOURS)
Areas Skills
Medical Ward Integrated Practice
Surgical Ward
Critical care unit / ICCU
Casualty / Emergency
Operation Theatre
(Eye, ENT, Neuro)
1 Reports
Burns OT
Ophthalmic OT
Disaster Nursing
Critical care unit
2 Nursing Care Plan - (5)
4 Case Study - (2)
5 Clinical Presentation - (2)
5 Drug profile
6 Procedure - (1)
7 Health Talk - (1)
8 Daily Diary
9 Article Record
Course Description: - The purpose of this course is to acquire and develop an understanding
of the modern approach to child care, identification, prevention and nursing management of
common health Problems of neonates and children.
Learning Objectives: - At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
1. Explain the modern concept of child care and the principles of child health
nursing. Describe national policy, programs and legislation in relation to child
health and welfare. List major causes of death during infancy, early and
late childhood. Describe the major functions and role of the pediatric nurse in
caring for hospitalized child. Describe the principles of child health nursing.
2. Describe the normal growth and development of children in various age
groups. Identify the needs of children at different age; identify the nutritional
needs of children at different ages; appreciate the role of play for normal and
sick children; appreciate the preventive measures and strategies for children.
3. Provide care to normal and high risk neonates; perform neonatal resuscitation;
recognize and manage common neonatal problems.
4. Understand the concept and application of IMNCI programme.
5. Provide nursing care in common childhood diseases; identify measures to
prevent common childhood diseases including immunization
6. Manage the child with behavioral and social problems; identify the social and
welfare services for challenged children.
7. Incorporate evidence based nursing education in pediatric nursing care.
8. Apply evidence based nursing education in pediatric nursing care.
Time Distribution
Unit Content
I 15 Introduction Modern concept of childcare: -
Internationally accepted rights of the Child Good to know
National policy and legislations in relation to Good to know
child health and welfare.
National programmes related to child health Good to know
and welfare.
Changing trends in hospital care, preventive, Good to know
promotive and curative aspects and mortality Good to know
Differences between an adult and child. Must know
Hospital environment for a sick child. Must know
Impact of hospitalization on the child and Must know
Grief and bereavement Good to know
The role of Child health nurse in caring for a Must know
hospitalized child.
Principles of pre and post operative care of Must know
infants and children.
Child health nursing procedures. Must know
Incorporate evidence searching for recent Desirable to know
and modern concept of child care (Group
II 20 The health child: -
Principles of growth and development. Good to know
Factors affecting growth & development from Good to know
birth to adolescence.
Growth and development from birth to Must know
The needs of normal children through the Good to know
stage of developmental and parental guidance.
Nutritional needs of children & infants: breast Must know
feeding, exclusive breast feeding
supplementary / artificial feeding and weaning.
Baby friendly hospital concepts prevention. Good to know
Accidents: causes and prevention. Good to know
Value of play and selection of play material. Good to know
Preventive immunization, immunization Good to know
programme and cold chain.
Preventive pediatrics Good to know
Care of under five & under five clinics / well Good to know
baby clinic.
Searching of evidences related to concepts Good to know
of growth and development. ( Group
III 15 Nursing care of a neonate: -
Nursing care of a normal newborn / essential Must know
newborn care.
Neonatal resuscitation Must know
Nursing management of a low birth weight Must know
Kangaroo mother care. Must know
Nursing management of common neonatal Must know
Organization of neonatal unit. Must know
Identification & nursing management of Must know
common congenital malformations.
Integration of evidence based nursing Desirable to know
practice on the aspect of care of neonates (
Group presentation)
IV 10 Integrated management of neonatal and childhood Must know
illnesses(IMNCI): -
Searching evidences for strategies of IMNCI Desirable to know
(Group assignment)
V 20 Nursing management in common childhood
diseases: -
Nutritional deficiency disorders Must know
Respiratory disorders and infections Must know
Gastrointestinal infection, infestations and Must know
congenital disorders.
Cardio vascular problem: congenital defects Must know
and rheumatic fever, rheumatic heart disease. Must know
Genito – urinary disorders: acute glomerulo
nephritis, nephritic syndrome, Wilms tumor,
infection and congenital disorders. Must know
Neurological infections and disorders:
convulsions, epilepsy, meningitis,
hydrocephalus, spina – bifida. Must know
Hematological disorders: Anemias,
thalassemia, ITP, Leukemia, hemophilia Must know
Endocrine disorders: juvenile Diabetes
Mellitus Must know
Orthopedic disorders: club feet, hip dislocation
and fracture. Must know
Disorders of skin eye and ears. Must know
Common communicable diseases in children,
their identification, nursing management in
hospital and home and prevention. Must know
Child health emergencies: poisoning, foreign,
bodies, hemorrhage, burns and drowning. Must know
Nursing care of infant and children with HIV /
AIDS. Desirable to know
Searching and application of evidence based
nursing management of children with
systemic illness ( Small group assignment)
VI 10 Management of behavioral & social problems in
children: -
Management of common behavioural Must know
Management of disorders psychiatric problems Must know
Management of challenged children: Mentally, Must to know
Physically, & socially challenged.
Welfare service for challenged children in Must know
Child guidance clinics. Must know
Searching and application of evidence based Desirable to know
nursing care of children with behavioral
and social problems (Group assignment)
Internship: -
Areas Skills
Pediatric Medicine ward / Integrated Practice
Pediatric Surgery Ward / Integrated Practice
NICU Integrated Practice
1 Reports
Pediatric ICU
2 Nursing Care Plan – Pediatric Ward - (2)
3 Nursing Care Plan – NICU + PICU - (3)
4 Case Study - (2)
5 Clinical Presentation - (2)
6 Procedure - (2)
7 Health Talk - (1)
8 Daily Diary
9 Drug Book
Course Description: - The purpose of this course is to acquire and develop an understanding
of the modern approach to mental health, Identification, prevention and nursing, management
of common mental health problems with special emphasis on therapeutic interventions for
individuals, family and community.
Learning Objectives: - At the end of course, the student will be able to,
1) Describe the historical development and current trends in mental health nursing
2) Describe the epidemiology of mental health problems
3) Describe the National Mental Health Act, programmes and mental health policy
4) Discuss the scope of mental health nursing
5) Describe the concept of normal and abnormal behavior
6) Defines the various terms used in mental health nursing
7) Explain the classification of mental disorders
8) Explain psychodynamics of maladaptive behavior
9) Discuss the etiological factors, psychopathology of mental disorders
10) Explain the principles and standards of mental health nursing
11) Describe the conceptual models of mental health nursing
12) Describe nature, purpose and process of assessment of mental health status
13) Identify therapeutic communication techniques
14) Describe therapeutic relationship
15) Describe therapeutic impasse and its intervention
16) Explain treatment modalities and therapies used in mental disorders and role of nurse
17) Describe the etiology, psychopathology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria
and management of patients with schizophrenia, and other psychotic disorders
18) Describe the etiology, psychopathology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria
and management of patients with mood disorders
19) Describe the etiology, psychopathology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria
and management of patients with neurotic, stress related and somatization disorders
20) Describe the etiology, psychopathology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria
and management of patients with substance use disorders
21) Describe the etiology, psychopathology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic criteria and
management of patients with personality, sexual and eating disorders
22) Describe the etiology, psychopathology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria
and management of childhood and adolescent disorders including mental deficiency
23) Describe the etiology, psychopathology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic criteria and
management of organic brain disorders.
24) Identify psychiatric emergencies and carry out crisis intervention
25) Explain legal aspects applied in mental health setting and role of nurse
26) Describe the model of preventive psychiatry
27) Describe community mental health services and role of the nurse
28) Incorporate evidence based teaching learning activities in mental health nursing to
strengthen nursing practice of students for quality and cost effectiveness of nursing
Internship: -
Areas Skills
Psychiatry ward Integrated Practice
1 Reports
Psychiatric Ward
Occupational Therapy
2 Nursing Care Plan – Psychiatric Ward - (5)
3 Case Study - (2)
4 Clinical Presentation - (2)
5 History taking - (2)
6 Mental Status Examination- (2)
7 Process Recording - (2)
8 Health Talk
9 Daily Diary
10 Drug Book
Course Description: - The purpose of this course is to appreciate the concepts and principles
of midwifery and obstetrical nursing, acquire knowledge and skills in rendering nursing care
to normal and high risk pregnant women during antenatal, natal and post natal periods in
hospitals and community settings, develop attitude and proficiency in managing normal and
high risk neonates in family welfare Programme.
Learning Objectives: - At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
COURSE DESCRIPTION: - The purpose of this course is to appreciate the concepts and
principles of midwifery and obstetrical nursing, acquire knowledge and skills in rendering
nursing care to normal and high risk pregnant women during antenatal, natal and post natal
periods in hospitals and community settings, develop attitude and proficiency in managing
normal and high risk neonates in family welfare programme.
List of assignments
1 Report Writing
Labour Room
Gyneac OT
Antenatal OPD
THEORY: 30 Hrs
1) Barriers in EBNE.
Communication barriers
Organizational barriers
Nurse barriers.
Research barriers.
2) Designs for evidence based nursing studies.
Experimental Designs.
Non- Experimental Designs.
Descriptive Designs.
Quasi experimental Designs.
Qualitative Designs.
3) Using sampling to provide evidence.
Collection of data.
Methods of sampling.
Sampling techniques.
4) Statistical methods for EBN studies.
Mean, median, mode, standard deviations, Chi-square.
5) Ethical issues in evidence based: Identifying and collaborating with stakeholders.
Theory: - 20 Marks
1) Theory exam for EBNE to be conducted at College level and marks will be sent to
2) 1 Hr question paper containing One long essay 12 Marks & Two short essay 8 (2X4=8
Practical (Assignment): 30
1) Marks will be given for both the assignments. Each assignment will carry 15 marks
Course Description: - This course is designed for student to practice Community Health
Nursing for the individual family and groups at both urban & rural area.
Learning Objectives: - At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
List of Assignments
Unit Content
I 4 Research & research Process:-
Introduction & need for Nursing research
Definition of Research & Nursing research
Steps of Scientific method.
Characteristics of good research.
Steps of Research.
II 3 Research Problem / Question:-
Identification of problem area.
Problem Statement.
Criteria of a good research Problem.
Writing Objectives.
III 3 Review of Literature: -
On line search CINHAL, COCHRANE etc.
Methods of review.
IV 4 Research approaches and designs:-
Historical, Survey and experimental.
Qualitative and Quantitative designs.
V 8 Sampling and data Collection:-
Definition of Population, sample, Sampling criteria, Factors
influencing sampling process, types of sampling techniques.
Data – way, what, from whom, when & where to collect.
Data collection Methods and instruments.
Method of data collection.
Questioning, interviewing.
Observations, record analysis & Measurement.
Types of instrument.
Validity & Reliability of the Instrument.
Pilot Study.
Data collection Procedure.
VI 4 Analysis of data:-
Interpretation of Data.
VII 15 Introduction to Statistics:-
Definition, use of statistics, scales of Measurement.
Frequency distribution and graphical presentation of data.
Mean, Median, Mode, Standard deviation.
Normal probability and tests of significance.
Co-efficient of correlation.
Statistical packages and its application.
VIII 4 Communication and Utilization of Research: -
Communication of research findings.
Verbal reports.
Writing research report.
Writing scientific article/Paper.
Critical review published research
Utilization of research Findings.
Writing research report and abstract.
Writing foot notes and bibliography.
THEORY: 45 Hrs
1) Introduction to Evidenced Based Nursing Education & Nursing Research
Definition , the five levels of collaboration
Individual Level
Organization Level
Regional Level
National Level
International level
Preparing literature review
2) Nursing Research Problem
Design of nursing research
Process of nursing research
Comparison of nursing process & nursing research
Identify nursing research problem
Nursing Research past, present & future
Sources of evidenced for nursing education & nursing practice
Paradigms & methods: quantitative & qualitative research
Developing hypothesis
Purpose of finding evidence /types of evidence
Searching for evidence
Design validity & the pyramid for Evidenced Based Nursing
Total Marks: -- 50 Marks
Theory: - 20 Marks
Practical (Assignment): - 30 Marks
Theory: - 20
1) Theory exam for EBNE to be conducted at College level and marks will be sent to
2) 1 Hr question paper containing One long essay 10 Marks & Two short essay 5 marks
each (2x5=10 Marks).
Practical (Assignment):- 30
1. 30 Marks will be given for the assignment. Assignment will be submission of the
Mini research project.
General Remarks: