WS-Unit 41 Brand Management - Feb 2019 GZ
WS-Unit 41 Brand Management - Feb 2019 GZ
WS-Unit 41 Brand Management - Feb 2019 GZ
Final assignment
10-15 June 2019
submission deadline
The work you submit must be in your own words. If you use a quote or an
General illustration from somewhere you must give the source.
Guidelines Include a list of references at the end of your document. You must give all
your sources of information.
Make sure your work is clearly presented and that you use correct grammar.
Wherever possible use a word processor and its “spell-checker”.
This Unit will be assessed by individual assignment. You are strongly advised to read the
“Preparation guidelines of the Coursework Document” before answering your assignment.
LO1 Demonstrate an understanding of how a brand is built and managed over time.
To demonstrate your understanding of branding, explain the importance of branding as a marketing
tool and why and how it has emerged in business practice. You should evaluate how brands are
managed successfully over time using application of appropriate theories, models and concepts.
Using your chosen organisation, analyse the key components of a successful brand strategy for
building and managing brand equity. You should apply appropriate and validated examples within
the context of your chosen organisation
LO2: Analyse how brands are organised in portfolios; how brand hierarchies are built and
Using your chosen organisation, analyse different strategies of portfolio management, brand
hierarchy and brand equity management. You should critically analyse portfolio management,
brand hierarchies and brand equity using appropriate theories, models and frameworks.
LO3 Evaluate how brands are leveraged/extended over time domestically and
Using your chosen organisation, evaluate how brands are managed collaboratively and in
partnership both at a domestic and global level. Critically evaluate the use of different techniques
used to leverage and extend brands.
Assignment Brief – continued
LO4 Evaluate techniques for measuring and managing brand value over time.
Your client organization would like to know how to manage a brand if they succeed in launching
one. You are required to evaluate different types of techniques for measuring and managing brand
value using specific examples from your chosen organisation. You should critically evaluate
application of techniques for measuring and managing brand value in relation to developing a strong
and enduring brand.
To further demonstrate your understanding of brand management, you should provide a critical
evaluation of the issues covered in LO1-LO4 that is supported by justified evidence demonstrating a
comprehensive understanding of branding using examples from your chosen organisation.
Assessment Criteria
Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 Demonstrate an understanding of how a brand is built and LO1-LO4
managed over time
D1 Provide a critical evaluation
P1 Explain the importance of M1 Evaluate how brands are
that is supported by justified
branding as a marketing tool managed successfully over evidence demonstrating a
and why and how it has time using application of comprehensive understanding
emerged in business practice. appropriate theories, models of branding within an
P2 Analyse the key and concepts. organisational context.
components of a successful M2 Apply appropriate and
brand strategy for building and validated examples within an
managing brand equity. organisational context.
LO2 Analyse how brands are organised in portfolios; how brand
hierarchies are built and managed
P3 Analyse different strategies M3 Critically analyse portfolio
of portfolio management, brand management, brand
hierarchy and brand equity hierarchies and brand equity
management. using appropriate theories,
models and frameworks.
LO3 Evaluate how brands are leveraged/extended over time
domestically and internationally
P4 Evaluate how brands are M4 Critically evaluate the use
managed collaboratively and in of different techniques used to
partnership both at a domestic leverage and extend brands.
and global level.
LO4 Evaluate techniques for measuring and managing brand
value over time
P5 Evaluate different types of M5 Critically evaluate
techniques for measuring and application of techniques for
managing brand value using measuring and managing
specific organisational brand value in relation to
examples. developing a strong and
enduring brand.
Relevant Information
Guide to student
Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes copying information
directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework
as an individual effort.
Suspected plagiarism or collusion will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be
dealt with according to the College procedure. (For details on Plagiarism & Collusion
please see the Student Handbook)
3. Submission
a. Initial submission of coursework to the tutors is compulsory in each unit of the course.
b. Student must check their assignments on ICON VLE with plagiarism software Turnitin to
make sure the similarity index for their assignment stays within the College approved level. A
student can check the similarity index of their assignment three times in the Draft
Assignment submission point located in the home page of the ICON VLE.
c. All Final coursework must be submitted to the Final submission point into the unit (not to
the Tutor). A student would be allowed to submit only once and that is the final
d. Any computer files generated such as program code (software), graphic files that form part
of the coursework must be submitted as an attachment to the assignment with all
e. Any portfolio for a unit must be submitted as a hardcopy to the Examination Office.
f. The student must attach a tutor’s comment in between the cover page and the answer in the
case of Resubmission.
4. Good practice
a. Make backup of your work in different media (hard disk, memory stick, etc.) to avoid distress
due to loss or damage of your original copy.
assessment will be capped at Pass for the unit. In addition, no resubmission will be allowed
in any component of the assessment for which a Pass grade or higher has been achieved.
e. Repeat Units – A student who has failed to achieve a Pass in both Final/Late submission
and in the Resubmission must retake the unit with full attendance and payment of the unit
fee. The overall unit grade for a successfully completed repeat unit is capped at Pass for
that unit. Units can only be repeated once.
6. Submission deadlines
Submission deadlines Online to the ICON College VLE
Final Submission date: 10-15 June 2019
Late Submission date: 17-22 June 2019
Analyse: Break an issue or topic into smaller parts by looking in depth at each part. Support each
part with arguments and evidence for and against (Pros and cons). Break something down into its
components; examine factors methodically and in detail to recognise patterns by applying concepts
and making connections to predict consequences.
Critically analyse: Separate information into components and identify characteristics with depth to
the justification.
Demonstrate: Provide several relevant examples or related evidence which clearly support the
arguments you are making. Show knowledge and understanding.
Evaluate: Examine in detail the meaning or essential features of a theme, topic or situation; break
something down into its components; examine factors methodically and in detail, identify separate
factors, say how they are related and how each one contributes to the topic to make reasoned
judgements and conclusions. Review the information then bring it together to form a conclusion.
Critically evaluate: Make a judgement taking into account different factors and using available
knowledge/experience/evidence where the judgement is supported in depth.