Format of Career Application

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Paste your recent

The Executive Director (Operations) passport size
HLL Lifecare Ltd, photograph here
Kanagala – 591 225
Belgaum Dist.

Sub: Application for the post of ______________________Division: ___________________

Job Code: ________________________________
Ref: ____________________________________________________________________

1. Name in full (In Block Letters) : __________________________________________________

2. Father’s / Husband’s Name : _________________________________________________

3. Age and Date of Birth : _________________________________________________

(Self attested copy should be enclosed)
4. Sex : Male / Female
5. Religion and Nationality : _________________________________________________
5(a) Mention whether SC/ST/OBC
(if yes, attach copy of certificate) : _________________________________________________
6. Educational Qualification (Begin with highest qualification):

Name of Board/University / Specialization/Branch Month and % of

Examination Institute Year of passing Marks

(Please enclose self attested copies of original certificates and mark lists)
7. Experience (Beginning with current employment) :
Name of Organisation Post Held Period of Salary Reason for
Service drawn leaving
From To

(Please attach self attested copies of experience certificates)

8. Please enclose a Brief invariably on the exact nature of your experience /achievements and how you
consider yourself suitable for the post applied.

9. Present Salary Break-up :

(Please attach copy of the latest salary slip)

Amount in Rs.
Basic Pay
Canteen Allowance
Educational Allowance
Others (please specify)

10. PF Account No. : ___________________________________________________

11. a) Permanent Address : __________________________________________________

b) Present Address : __________________________________________________
12. Phone Number : Mobile__________________Land Line ________________
13. E-mail address : __________________________________________________
14. Mother Tongue : __________________________________________________
15. Languages Known (Please tick whichever is applicable):

Sl. Language Read Write Speak

16. References of persons in responsible position (Name & Address)

Sl. No Name Address with Ph. No.


17. Any other particulars concerned : __________________________________________________

The application is liable for rejection if not filled in the prescribed Performa with full details of experience
and also if not furnished the copies of certificates and testimonials in support of qualification (including mark
sheet), experience, age, caste(for SC/ST/OBC/PH) etc.

I certify that the above information is correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any
information being found false or incorrect, action can be taken against me. Further declare that I have never been
arrested/prosecuted and convicted by a Criminal Court or involved any other case registered by the Police.

Yours faithfully,


Date: (Signature of the candidate)

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