Specification For PVC Insulated (Heavy Duty) Electric Cables
Specification For PVC Insulated (Heavy Duty) Electric Cables
Specification For PVC Insulated (Heavy Duty) Electric Cables
( Reaffirmed 1999 )
Indian Standard
( Third Revision )
Q Copyright 1989
Gr 6 June 1989
IS : 1554 ( Part: 1 )-- 1988
Indian Standard
( Third Revision )
0.1 This Indian Standard ( Third Revision ) was standard or through an amendment to this
adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on 25 standard at a later date.
August 1988, after the draft finalized by Power
Cables Sectional Committee had been approved 0.6 In the preparation of this standard, assistance
by the Electrotechnical Division Council. has been derived from the following:
0.2 The ‘current ratings of cables with genera1 a>IEC Pub 502 ( 1983 ) Extruded solid
purpose insulation covered in this standard are dielectric insulated power cables for rated
given in IS : 3961 ( Part 2 )-1967*. The current
voltage from 1 kV up to 30 kV. Interna-
ratings of HR PVC cables are under preparation. tional Electrotechnical Commission.
0.3 The current ratings of the cables covered by b) BS 6346 : 1969 PVC insulated cables for
$ii7;tandard are covered m IS : 3961 ( Part 2 )- electricity supply * British Standards
0.4 The short circuit ratings of cables covered by 0.7 For the purpose of deciding whether a parti-
this standard are under preparation. cular requirement of this standard is complied
with, the final value, observed or calculated,
0.5 Work is being taken up separately to identify expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded
requirements and tests for tie retardant low off in accordance with IS : 2-1960*. The number
smoke ( FRLS ) cables. It is intended to bring of significant places retained in the rounded off
out these requirements either as a separate value should be the same as that of the specified
‘value in this standard.
*Recommended current ratings for cables: Part 2
PVC-insulated and PVC-sheathed heavy duty cables. *Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised ).
IS : 1554 ( Part 1 ) - 1988
results in conductor temperature not exceeding 4.1.1. General Purjose Insulaiion - The insula-
the following: tion shall be of Type A PVC compound conform-
ing to the requirements of IS : 5831-1984*. ‘;
Type of Insulation Normal Short
Continuous Circuit 4.1.2 Heat Resisting Insulation - The insulation
Operation Condition shall be of Type C PVC compound conforming
General purpose 70°C 160°C to the requirements of IS : 5831-1984*.
Heat resisting 85°C 160°C
The selection of type of insulation rests with the
purchaser. 5.1 The filler and inner sheath shall be of the
1.4 Armoured cables specified in this standard
are suitable for use in mines also. However, for a) Unvulcanized rubber, or
such cables, additional requirements have been
included wherever necessary [ see 3.1.1, 13.5.2, b) Thermoplastic materiaIs, or
15.3(c) and 17.2 1.
c) Proofed tape ( for inner sheath only ).
5.2 Unvulcanized rubber thermoplastic
2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the follow- material used shall not be hard: than PVC used
ing definitions in addition to those given in for insulation ( 4.1 ) and for outer sheath ( 7.1 ).
IS : 1885 ( Part 32 )-1971*, shall apply. The materials shall be chosen to be compatible
with temperature ratings of the cable and shall
2.1 Routine Tests - Tests made by the manu-
have no deleterious effect on any other component
facturer on all finished cable lengths to demon- of the cable .
strate the integrity of the cable.
2.2 Type Tests - Tests required to be made 6. ARMGURING
before supply on a general commercial basis a
type of cable in order to demonstrate satisfactory 6.1 Armouring shall be of the following:
performance characteristics to meet the intended
application. a) Galvanized round steel wire,
NOTE- These tests are of such a nature that b) Galvanized steel strip, or
after they have been made, they need not be
repeated unless changes are made in the cable mnte-
rials or design which’ might change the performance c) Any metallic non-magnetic wire/strip.
6.2 The galvanized steel wires/strips shall compIy
2.3 Acceptance rests - Tests carried out on with the requirements of IS : 3975-1979t. The
samples taken from a lot for the purpose of requirements of non-magnetic material shall be
acceptance of the lot. as agreed to between the purchaser and the
2.4 Optional Tests - Special tests to be carried
out when required, by agreement between the
purchaser and the supplier. 7. OUTER SHEATH
3.1 The conductor shall be composed of plain 1.1.1 For Cables with General Purpose InsuIa-
copper or aluminrum wires complying with fion - The outer sheath shall be of Type ST 1
IS : 8130-1984t. PVC compound conforming to the requirements
of IS : 5831-1984*.
3.1.1 Mining cabl& to be used in gassy mines
shall be of copper conductor only. 7.1.2 For Cables with Heat Resisting InsuIa-
4. INSULATION lion - The outer sheath shall be of Type ST 2
PVC compound conforming to the requirements
4.1 The insulation shall be in accordance of IS : 5831-1984*.
with 4.1.1 or 4.1.2, as applicable.
*EIectrotechnkal vocabulary: Part 32 Cables, *Specification for PVC insulation and sheath of
conductors and accessories for electricity supply. electric cables (jirsr revision ).
@pecification for c&ductors for insulated electric tspecification for mild steel wires, strips and tapes
cables and flexible cords (firsr revision ). for armouring of cables (first revision ).
IS : 1554 ( Part 1 ) - 1988
IS : 1551 (Part 1 ) - 1988
d) 4 Cores : red, yellow, blue and black; wrapping. It shall be ensured that the shape is as
circular as possible.
e) 5 Cores : red, yellow, blue, black and grey;
and 12.2 The inner sheath shall be so applied that it
fits closely on the laid up cores and it shall be
f) 6 Cores and above : Two adjacent cores possible to remove it without damage to the
( counting and direction core ) in each insulation.
layer, blue and yellow, remaining cores
grey, or in accordance with the scheme 12.3 Thickness of Inner Sheath - The thickness
given in 10.3. of the inner sheath shall be as given in Table 4.
10.2 For reduced neutral conductors, the insula- Single core cables shall have no inner sheath.
tion colour shall be black. 12.3.1 When one or more layers of binder
10.3 For cables having more than 5 cores, as an tapes are applied dver the laid up cores, the
alternate to the provisions of 10.1, the core thickness of such tapes shall not be construed as
identification may be done by numbers. In that part of the inner sheath.
case, the insulation of cores shall be of the same
colour and numbered sequentially, starting with 13. ARMOURING
number 1 for the inner layer. The numbers shall
be printed in Hindu-Arabic numerals on the outer 13.1 Application
surface of the cores. All the numbers shall be of 13.1.1 Armouring shall be applied over the
the same colour which shall contrast with the insulation in case of single core cables and over
colour of the insulation. The numerals shall be the inner sheath in case of twin-, three-and multi-
legible. core cables.
10.3.1 Arrangement @-Marking - The numbers
13.1.2 The armour wires/strips shall be applied
shall be repeated at regular intervals along the
as closely as practicable.
core’; consecutive numbers being inverted in
relation to each other. 13.1.3 The direction of lay of the armour shall
When the number is a single numeral, a dash be left hand. For double wire/strip armoured
shall be placed underneath it. If the number cables, this requirement shall apply to the inner
consists of two numerals, these shall be disposed layer of wires/strips. The outer layer shall, except
one below the other and a dash placed below the in special cases, be applied in the reverse the
lower numeral. The spacing d between consecutive direction to the inner layer and there shall be a
numbers shall not exceed 50 mm. The arrange- separator of suitable non-hygroscopic material,
mcnt of the marks Is shown in Fig. 1, such as, plastic tape, bitumenized cotton tape,
bitumenized hessian tape, rubber tape, proof tape,
11. LAYING UP OF CORES etc, between the layers of armour wires/strips.
11.1 In twin, three-and multi-core cables. the 13.1.4 A binder tape may be provided on the
cores shall be laid up together with a suitable armour.
Lly; the outermost layer shall have right-hand
lay and the successive layers shall be laid with 13.2 Type of Armour - Where the calculated
opposite lay; where necessary, the interstices shall diameter below armouring does not exceed 13
be tilled with non-hygroscopic material. mm, the armour shall consist of galvanized round
steel wires. Where the calculated diameter below
11.2 The recommended plan for lay-up of cores armouring is greater than 13 mm, the armour
up lo 100 is given in Table 3. shall consist of either galvanized round steel
wires or galvanized steel strips.
13.2.1 In the case of single core cables intended
12.1 The laid up cores shall be provided with for use on a.c. systems, the armouring shall be
inner sheath applied either by extrusion or by of non-magnetic material.
r d 1 e-Ht-- P
NOTES - The figures indicate the number of cores in each successive layer, for example, 5-11-18 means,
5 cores in the first, 11 cores in the second and 18 cores in the third layer, etc.
NOTES - This table is for guidance only.
TABLE 4 THICKNESS OF INNER SHEATH armour shall be measured. The result, when
( c1l7uses 12.3 and 15.1( c ) ]
corrected to 2O”C, shall comply with the appro-
priate values given in Table 6.
All dimensions in millimetres.
OP 13.5.2 In case of cables for use in mines, the
[ REP IS : 10462 ( PART 1 )-1983* ] ( MINIMUM)
resistance of armour shall not exceed that of
, the conductor as specified in IS : 8130-1984* by
Over up to and more than 33 percent. To satisfy this, substitu-
Including tion of galvanized steel wires/strips in armburing
(1) (2) (3) by the required number of tinned copper wires/
- 2s 0’3 strips is permissible.
25 35 0’4
35 45 0’5 14. OUTER SHEATH
45 55 0’6
55 - 0’7 14.1 The outer sheath shall be applied by
*Fictitious calculation method for determination extrusion. It shall be applied:
of dimensions of protective coverings of cables:
;;;iesl Elastomeric and thermoplastic insulated a) over the insulation in case of unarmoured
single-core cables;
13.3 Dimensions - The dimensions of galvanized b) over the inner sheath in case of unarmoured
steel wires and strips shall be as specified in twin, three-and multi-core cables; and
Table 5.
c) over the armouring in case of armoured
14.2 The outer sheath shall be so applied that if
All dimensions in millimetres. fits closely over insulation inner sheath/armouring.
CALCULATED;DIAMETER NOMINAL NOMINAL It shall be possible to remove it without damage
UNDER ARMOUR THICKNESS DIAMETER to the insulation/inner sheath.
t REF IS :\10462 OF STEEL 0~ ROUND
( PART l )-1983’ ] STRIP WIRt? 14.3 The colour of the outer sheath shall be
--- black, unless any other colour is agreed to bet-
Over Up to and
including ween the purchaser and the supplier.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
14.4 Thickness of Outer Sheath
a) For all diameters in 0’8
excess of 13 14.4.1 Unarmowed Cables - The average
or thickness of PVC outer She&h of unarmoured
13 - 1’40
b) - cables shall be not less than the nominal value
13 25 0’8 1’60 specified under co1 3 of Table 7 and the smallest
25 40 0’8 2’00 of the measured values shall not be less than the
40 55 1’4 2’50 minimum value specified in co1 4 of Table 7.
55 70 1’4 3’15
70 - 1’4 4’00 NOTE- In case of multi-core unarmoured cables,
it is permissible to supply the inner and outer
NOTE - (a) and ( b) indicate the methods of sheaths in a single extrusion out ofthe material
practice in the application of armouring. intended for outer sheath. The thickness of such
*Fictitious calculation method for determination extruded sheath shall be not less than the sum of the
of dimensions of protective coverings of cables: Part inner sheath thickness specified in Table 4 and the
1 Elastomeric and thermoplastic insulated cables. nominal outer sheath thickness specified in co1 3 of
Table 7 and the smallest of the measured values
shall not be less than the sum of the inner sheath
13.4 Joints - The joints in armour wires/strips thickness soecified in Table 4 and the minimum
shall be ma& by brazing or welding and the value of oiter sheath thickness specified in co1 4 of
Table 7.
surface irregularities shall be removed. A joint in
any wire/strip shall be at least 300 mm from the 14.4.2 Armoured Cables - The minimum
nearest joint in any other wire/strip in the thickness of FVC outer sheath of armoured cables
completed cable. shall not fall below the nominai value ( ts ) speci-
13.5 Resistance fied in Table 7 by more than O-2 mm i 0’2 tS.
13.5.1 If specified by the purchaser, the d.c. *Specification for conductor for insulated electric
resistance of the galvanized steel wire/strip zables and flexible cords (first revision ).
( CIause 13.5.1 )
ARE.4 OF , * 1
CONDUCTOR Two Core Three Core Four Core Four Core wi:zeduced Neutral
* L .
I --
Round Strip Round Strip a Round Strip ’ ‘Round Strip ’
wire wire A_ wire A wire _
‘4.0 x 0.8 6’1 x I.4 ’ 4.0 x 0.8 6.1 x 1.1 4% x 0.8 6.1 x 1.4’ ’ 4’0 x 0.8 61 x 1?4
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
mm2 ohm/km ohm/km ohm/km ohm/km ohm/km ohm/km ohm/km ohm/km ohm/km ohm/km ohm/km ohm/km
1’5 6’37 6’02 - - 5’52 - - - -
2’5 5.54 - - 5’22 - - 4’77 - - - -
4 4’83 - - 4’54 - - 4’14 - - - -
6 4’40. - 4’14 - - 3’76 - - -
10 3’86 - - 3’62 - - 2’84 4’68 - - - -
16 2’85 4’69 - 2’67 4’40 - 2’42 3’99 - -
25 2’77 4’58 - 2’49 4’11 - 2’14 3’53 - 2’21 3’64
4 35 2-61 4’41 - 2’35 3’88 - 1’99 3’28 - 2’05 3’38 -
50 2’26 3’73 - 2’03 3’35 - 1’39 2’92 - 1’84 3’04 -
IO 2’04 3’36 - 1’41 2’96 1’18 2’47 - 1’23 2’57 -
95 1’41 2’95 - 1’22 2’54 - 1’05 2’18 - 1’10 2’39 -
120 1’30 2’71 - 1’11 2’32 - 0’962 2’01 - 1’05 2’20 -
150 1’19 2’49 - 1’00 2’09 - 0’703 1’86 1’02 0’959 2’00 -
185 1’08 2’26 - 0’733 1’93 1’06 0’623 1’64 0’902 0’684 1’80 0’990
240 0’749 1’38 1’08 0’642 1’69 0’930 0’563 1’48 0’816 0’596 1’56 0’863
300 0’684 1.80 0’990 0’586 1’54 0’850 0’389 1’30 0’719 0’429 1’44 0’793
400 0’464 1’56 0’860 0’408 1’36 0’755 0’361 1’20 0’666 0’367 1’22 0’679 .z.
500 0’397 1’33 0’734 0’359 1’20 0’663 0’233 0’992 0’552 0’264 1’13 0’627 t:
630 0’274 1’17 0’651 0’248 1’06 0’589 0’203 0’861 0’480 0’227 0’967 0’538 2
NOTE l- The resistance of armour for single core cables has not been covered since such cables are generally armoured with non-magnetic 2
materials ( see 13.2 ).
Nom2- The resistance of the armour may be measurea at room temperature and corrected to 20°C by means of correction factors given in Y
IS : 10810 ( Part 42 )-1984*. V
*Methods of tests for cables: Part 42 Resistivity test of armour wires and strips and conductance test of armour wires/strips.
IS : 1554 ( Part 1 ) - 1988
IS : 1554 ( Part 1) - 1988
16.4 Flammability Test - Period of burning after IS : 10418-1972* ) of suitable size and packed.
removal of the flame shall not exceed 60 seconds The ends of the cable shall be sealed by means of
and the unaffected ( uncharred ) portion from the non-hygroscopic sealing material.
lower edge of the top clamp shall be at least
50 mm. 18.2 The cable shall carry the following informa-
tion stencilled on the drum:
AND MARKING a) Reference to this Indian Standard, for
example, Ref IS : 1554 ( Part 1 );
17.1 Manufacturer’s Identification - The manu- b) Manufacturer’s name, brand name or
facturer shall be identified throughout the length
of the cable by means of a tape bearing the c) Type of cable and voltage grade;
manufacturer’s name or trade-mark, or by
manufacturer’s name or trade-mark being indent- d) Number of cores;
ed, printed or embossed on the cable. In case 4 Nominal cross-sectional area of the
none of these methods can be employed, or if the conductor;
purchaser so desires, colour identification threads
in accordance with a scheme to be approved by f) Cable code;
the Bureau of Indian Standards shall be employ- 8) Colour of cores ( in case of single core
ed. The indentation, printing or embossing shall cables );
be done only on the outer sheath.
h) Length of the cable on the drum;
17.2 Cable Identification - In order to distin-
guish these electric cables from telephone cables, 3 Number of lengths on drum ( if more than
one );
the word ‘ELECTRIC’ shall be indented, printed
or embossed throughout the length of the cable. k) Direction of rotation of drum ( by means
In case of cables intended for use in mines, the of an arrow );
word ‘MINING’ also shall be indented, printed
or embossed throughout the length of the cable. 4 Approximate gross mass;
The indentation, printing or embossing shall be d Running end of cable;
done only on the outer sheath.
P) Country of manufacture; and
17.2.1 Cables with heat resisting insulation
suitable for 85’C conductor temperature shall be 4) Year of manufacture.
identified by the letters ‘HR 85’ marked on it in 18.2.1 The cable ( drum ) may also be marked
any of the manner specified in 17.2. with the Standard Mark.
17.3 Cable Code - The following code shall be NOTE - The use of the Standard Mark is governed
used for designating the cable: by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards
Act 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made
Constituent Code Letter thereunder. The Standard Mark on products covered
by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that
Aluminium conductor they have been produced to comply with the
PVC insulation $ requirements of that standard under a well defined
Steel round wire armour W system of inspection, testing and quality control
Steel strip armour which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated
by the producer. Standard marked products are also
Steel double round wire armour Ww” continuously checked by BIS for conformity to that
Steel double strip armour FF standard as a further safeguard. Details of condi-
PVC outer sheath Y tions under which a licence for the use of the
Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or
NOTE - No &ode letter for conductor is required producers may be obtained from the Bureau of
when the conductor material is copper. Indian Standards.
18.1 The cable shall be wound on a drum ( tee *Specification for drums for electric cables.
IS : 1554 ( Part 1) - 1988
( Clause 152.1 )
101 to 300 0
301 to 500 :o’
501 and above 32 : *Methods for random sampling.
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is, a statutory institution established under the Bureau of /n&an Sfandards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and qualitycertification of
goods and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in
any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the
course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade
designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Indian Standards are reviewed periodically and revised, when necessary and amendments, if any, are
issued from time to time. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of
the latest amendments or edition. Comments on this Indian Standard may be sent to BIS giving the
following reference:
Headquarters I
Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002
Telephones : 331 01 31, 331 13 75 Telegrams : Manaksanstha
( Common to all Offices )
( Page 1, clause 0.3 ) - Delete this clause and renumber the subsequent
(Page 1, clause 0.5 ) -Substitute the following for the existing clause:
‘0.4 A special category of cables with improved fire performance has been
included in this staudard. Classification of such cables is given in Appendix A.’
( Puge 1, c/ruse 1.1 ) - Insert the following new clause 1.2 after 1.1 and
renumber the subsequent clauses:
‘1.2 This standard also covers cables with improved fire performance,
categories Cl and C2, as given in Appendix A. For such cables additional
requirements have been included wherever necessary in 7.13, 15.1.1, 15.2.1 and
17.2.2 ).
NOTE - Normal cables IO this standard can be classified as meeting the requirements of
category 01.’
Gtl 1
( Page 3, clause 8.1,Informal
table, captions for co1 1 and 2 ) - Substitute
the following for the existing:
‘Nominal Cross SectihaIArea
tipper Aluminium
mm2 mm2
( Page 4, clause 10.3.1, para 2 ) - Delete letter ‘d’ in line five; also delete
the last sentence.
01 No Additional tests - -
1. For category Cl, tests (a) and (d) are to be performed on
samples taken from outer sheath, as applicable, and prepared in the manner given in the
relevant test method.
2. For categpry C2, tests (a), (e), (f) and (g) are to be performed on samples taken
from outer sheath, as applicable, and prepared in the manner given in the relevant test
( Page 9, clause 15.2 ) - Add clause 152.1: and renumber the existing
clause as 15.2.2.
‘15.2.1 The following shall constitute additional acceptance tests for cables with
improved fire performance as per the categories given in Appendix A:
Category Test
01 No additional Test
Type of Cable Legend
Category Environment Description Type Cable Definition
I -
01 Cables in open areas Flame retardent, Single
cable self-extinguishing,
does not propagate flame
Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India