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Implementation of Weather Monitoring System: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics No. 16 2018, 477-493

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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 118 No. 16 2018, 477-493

ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
url: http://www.ijpam.eu
Special Issue

Implementation of Weather Monitoring

Kiranmai Nandagiri1 and Jhansi Rani Mettu2
1Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE,
Bhoj Reddy Engineering College for Women
[email protected]
2Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE,
Bhoj Reddy Engineering College for Women
[email protected]
January 14, 2018

In human life weather monitoring plays an important
role, as the data collection related to dynamically changing
weather conditions are important. It is very important to
monitor weather in packaging industry during certain haz-
ards. The monitoring of weather parameters in an industry
and also in a room can be done by using the weather mon-
itoring system. The design of such a system is discussed in
this paper. The weather monitoring system contains DHT
sensor by which temperature and humidity will be moni-
tored. The data from the sensors are collected by the mi-
cro controller and also micro controller sends the sensors
data in to the Arduino Software (IDE) by using the Serial
Communication. The system is used for maintaining the
temperature and humidity in a room. It is going to sense
temperature and humidity of targeted area not city or vil-

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Key Words : Weather monitoring, packaging industry,

micro controller, sensors and Arduino.

1 Introduction
Meteorological parameters are measured by using an automated
weather station using sensors without intervention of humans. The
measured parameters can be stored in a built-in data logger or
can be transmitted to a remote location via a communication link.
The data is stored in a data logger. The recorded data can be
physically downloaded to a computer at a later time for further
processing. The communication system is an essential element
in an automated weather station. A variety of facilities and op-
tions are available in automated weather stations which are avail-
able as commercial products [1]. A weather station is a facility
equipped with high-tech instruments for predicting future weather
phenomenon. This is also used to study the climate of that area.
The measurements taken from the station include temperature,
pressure, humidity, wind speed, precipitation. The accuracy pre-
dicted by these weather stations is not too high to predict the ac-
tual weather condition for a particular area. The error difference
may be around 10% which makes a huge difference [2]. To bring
down the cost of maintaining weather stations in remote parts of
Sri Lanka automated weather stations were be built and not much
emphasis has been given for building and using such instruments
locally. Universities have developed automated weather stations by
interfacing meteorological parameter monitoring sensors to micro-
computer/commercially available data loggers with communication
devices or through serial and parallel ports to obtain hard copies
of weather data. Recently, the University of Colombo developed
an automated weather station with USB communication facility
and a built-in data logging facility. The system used wired com-
munication to transfer data to the monitoring station through the
computers built-in USB interface. The present work is a further
extension of the earlier developments. The main objective of this
work is to develop a standalone modular weather station with a re-
mote communication facility to capture and transmit meteorologi-
cal parameters. Remotely monitoring of environmental parameters

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

is important in various applications and industrial processes. In the

past, weather monitoring systems are generally based on mechani-
cal, electromechanical instruments which suffer from the drawbacks
like poor rigidity, need of human intervention, associated parallax
errors and durability. By making use of sensors for indoor cli-
mate and environment Kang and Park have developed monitoring
systems in the year 2000. A better approach for temperature and
relative humidity monitoring with data acquisition system has been
developed in 2005. Vlassov in 1993 introduces the usage of surface
acoustic waves devices as temperature sensor. This reason lead to
the development of a microcontroller based embedded system for
weather monitoring. Such a system should monitor and provide
data for remote examination. The collected data by weather mon-
itoring system can easily be exported to a PC via a serial port to
make subsequent data analysis or graphic and digital storage thus
automatic data collection is possible by making use of PC resources
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In section 2, types
of sensors are described. System model is explained in explained
in section 3. System Software and Components required are ex-
plained in section 4. Experimental Results are discussed in section
5. Conclusion is given in section 6.

2 Types of Sensors
Sensor is a device which gives an output by detecting the changes in
quantities or events can be defined as a sensor. Generally, sensors
produce an electrical signal or optical output signal corresponding
to the changes in the inputs. There are different types of sensors,
for example, consider a thermocouple which can be considered as
temperature sensor that produces an output voltage based on the
input temperature changes.
Sensors are sophisticated devices that are frequently used to de-
tect and respond to electrical or optical signals. A Sensor converts
the physical parameter (for example: temperature, blood pressure,
humidity, speed, etc.) into a signal which can be measured electri-
cally. The mercury in the glass thermometer expands and contracts
the liquid to convert the measured temperature which can be read

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

by a viewer on the calibrated glass tube.

Classification of Sensors

The sensors are classified into the following criteria:

1. Primary Input quantity (Measurand)

2. Transduction principles (Using physical and chemical effects)

3. Material and Technology

4. Property

5. Application

Transduction principle is the fundamental criteria which are fol-

lowed for an efficient approach. Usually, material and technology
criteria are chosen by the development engineering group.

Classification based on property is as given below:

Temperature - Thermistors, thermocouples, RTDs, IC and many


Pressure - Fibre optic, vacuum, elastic liquid based manometers,


Flow - Electromagnetic, differential pressure, positional displace-

ment, thermal mass, etc.

Level Sensors - Differential pressure, ultrasonic radio frequency,

radar, thermal displacement, etc.

Proximity and displacement - LVDT, photoelectric, capacitive,

magnetic, ultrasonic.

Biosensors - Resonant mirror, electrochemical, surface Plasmon

resonance, Light addressable potentio-metric.

Image - Charge coupled devices, CMOS

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Gas and chemical - Semiconductor, Infrared, Conductance, Elec-


Acceleration - Gyroscopes, Accelerometers.

Others - Moisture, humidity sensor, Speed sensor, mass, Tilt sen-

sor, force, viscosity.

All types of sensors can be basically classified into analog sensors

and digital sensors. But, there are a few types of sensors such as
temperature sensors, IR sensors, ultrasonic sensors, pressure sen-
sors, proximity sensors, and touch sensors are frequently used in
most of the electronics applications.

Types of sensors:

1. Temperature Sensor

2. IR Sensor

3. Ultrasonic Sensor

4. Proximity Sensors

5. Pressure Sensor

6. Level Sensors

7. Smoke and Gas Sensors

8. Touch Sensor

9. Humidity and Temperature Sensor

1. Temperature Sensor

Fig 1.2.1 Temperature sensor

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Temperature is one of the most commonly measured envi-

ronmental quantity for different reasons. There are different
types of temperature sensors that can measure temperature,
such as thermocouple, thermistors, semiconductor tempera-
ture sensors, resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), and
so on. Based on the requirement, different types of sensors
are used for measuring temperature in different applications.

2. IR Sensor

Fig 1.2.2 IR sensor

The small photo chips having a photocell which are used to

emit and detect the infrared light are called as IR sensors.
IR sensors can be used for detecting stacles of robotic vehicle
and thus control the direction of the robotic vehicle. There
are different types of sensors which can be used for detecting
infrared lights.

3. Ultrasonic Sensor

Fig 1.2.3 Ultrasonic Sensor

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

A transducer that works on the principle similar to the sonar

or radar and estimate attributes of the target by interpret-
ing is called as ultrasonic sensors or transceivers. There are
different types of sensors that are classified as active and pas-
sive ultrasonic sensors that can be differentiated based on the
working of sensors.

4. Proximity Sensors

Fig 1.2.4 Proximity Sensors

A proximity sensor often emits an electromagnetic field or

a beam of Electromagnetic radiation (infrared, for instance),
and looks for changes in the field or return signal. The object
being sensed is often referred to as the proximity sensor’s
target. Different proximity sensor targets demand different
sensors. For example, a capacitive or photoelectric sensor
might be suitable for a plastic target; an inductive proximity
sensor always requires a metal target.

5. Pressure Sensor

Fig 1.2.5 Pressure Sensor

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

A pressure sensor is a device for pressure measurement of

gases or liquids. Pressure is an expression of the force required
to stop a fluid from expanding, and is usually stated in terms
of force per unit area. A pressure sensor usually acts as a
transducer; it generates a signal as a function of the pressure

6. Level Sensors

Fig 1.2.6 Level Sensors

Level sensors detect the level of liquids and other fluids and
fluidized solids, including slurries, granular materials, and
powders that exhibit an upper free surface. Substances that
flow become essentially horizontal in their containers (or other
physical boundaries) because of gravity whereas most bulk
solids pile at an angle of repose to a peak. The substance to
be measured can be inside a container or can be in its natural
form (e.g., a river or a lake). The level measurement can be
either continuous or point values. Continuous level sensors
measure level within a specified range and determine the ex-
act amount of substance in a certain place, while point-level
sensors only indicate whether the substance is above or below
the sensing point. Generally the latter detect levels that are
excessively high or low.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

7. Smoke and Gas Sensors

Fig 1.2.7 Smoke and Gas Sensors

A smoke detector is a device that senses smoke, typically as an

indicator of fire. Commercial security devices issue a signal to
a fire alarm control panel as part of a fire alarm system, while
household smoke detectors, also known as smoke alarms, gen-
erally issue a local audible or visual alarm from the detector

8. Touch Sensor

Fig 1.2.8 Touch Sensor

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Touch sensors can be defined as switches that are activated by

the touch. There are different types of touch sensors that are
classified based on type of touch such as capacitance touch
switch, resistance touch switch, and piezo touch switch.

9. Humidity and Temperature Sensor

Fig 1.2.9 Humidity and Temperature Sensor

DHT11 is a Humidity and Temperature Sensor, which gener-

ates calibrated digital output. DHT11 can be interface with
any microcontroller like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc. and get
instantaneous results. DHT11 is a low cost humidity and tem-
perature sensor which provides high reliability and long term

3 System Model
The system mainly is used for maintaining the temperature and hu-
midity in a room. Whether it is the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food
or consumer goods industry, packaging requirements are as varied
as the products we deal with every day. The system developed can
be used to sense the temperature and humidity, so that the appro-
priate temperature can be maintained as per the requirements in
an industry. Temperature and humidity can be maintained in a
room by using this system. With this system we can monitor the
room temperature and humidity to our comfort. People who suf-
fer from asthma need temperature and humidity on certain range.
The new born or old age people also prefer to have temperature


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

and humidity in particular range. It is going to sense tempera-

ture and humidity of targeted area not city or village. By this way
we get specific results regarding environmental factors like temper-
ature and humidity. The system developed is cost effective and
all the parameters are uniquely identifiable through the embedded
computing system.

4 Circuit Diagram
The following circuit diagram shows all the necessary connections
required to implement the system.

Fig 1.3.1 Circuit Diagram

The Arduino Uno board is connected to the CPU by using data

cable. DHT 11 temperature and humidity sensor is placed on the
bread board. The sensor is again connected to the Arduino Uno
board by using connecting wires which is a serial communication.
Then upload the required program in Arduino Software and the
temperature and humidity readings are displayed on the serial mon-
itor which are shown in the experimental results section.

5 System Software and Components re-

This System can be developed using Arduino IDE and hardware
components. The hardware components required for development
of the system are:


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

i. Arduino Uno Board.

ii. Data cable.

iii. Power source.

iv. DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor.

v. Bread board

vi. Connecting wires

Arduino is an open-source platform used for building electron-

ics projects. Arduino consists of both a physical programmable
circuit board (often referred to as a microcontroller) and a piece of
software, or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that runs
on your computer, used to write and upload computer code to the
physical board.
The Arduino platform has become quite popular with people
just starting out with electronics, and for good reason. Unlike most
previous programmable circuit boards, the Arduino does not need
a separate piece of hardware (called a programmer) in order to
load new code onto the board you can simply use a USB cable.
Additionally, the Arduino IDE uses a simplified version of C++,
making it easier to learn to program. Finally, Arduino provides a
standard form factor that breaks out the functions of the micro-
controller into a more accessible package.
Arduino is a single-board microcontroller meant to make the
application more accessible which are interactive objects and its
surroundings. The hardware features with an open-source hardware
board designed around an 8-bit Atmel AVR microcontroller or a 32-
bit Atmel ARM. Current models consists a USB interface, 6 analog
input pins and 14 digital I/O pins that allows the user to attach
various extension boards.


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Fig 1.4.1 Arduino Uno Board

DHT11 is a Humidity and Temperature Sensor, which gener-

ates calibrated digital output. DHT11 can be interface with any
microcontroller like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc. and get instan-
taneous results. DHT11 is a low cost humidity and temperature
sensor which provides high reliability and long term stability.

Fig 1.4.2 DHT11 Sensor


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

6 Experimental Results
The Arduino Uno board is connected to the CPU by using data
cable. DHT 11 temperature and humidity sensor is placed on the
bread board. The sensor is again connected to the Arduino Uno
board by using connecting wires which is a serial communication.
Then upload the required program in Arduino Software (IDE) and
the temperature and humidity readings are displayed on the serial
monitor which are shown in the screen shots below. The environ-
mental monitoring data sensors monitor the temperature and hu-
midity. The hardware screen shot and temperature and humidity
readings are shown below. Temperature and humidity can be main-
tained in a room by using this system. With this we can monitor
the room temperature and humidity to our comfort. It is going to
sense temperature and humidity of targeted area not city or village.

Fig 1.5.1 Hardware Screen shot

Fig 1.5.2 Temperature and Humidity


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Fig 1.5.3 Temperature and Humidity in excel sheet

The recorded humidity and temperature data can be stored in

excel sheet. The temperature is sensed as 30 degree Celsius and 32
degree Celsius. The humidity is sensed as 63% and 64% (Relative
Humidity). The development of a Microcontroller based embedded
system for weather monitoring helps us to gather the parameters
like temperature and humidity. These can be stored in excel sheet
and can be further used for processing.

7 Conclusion
The proposed system senses the room temperature and humidity
after some intervals. The system mainly is used for maintaining the
temperature and humidity in a room. It can also be used in packag-
ing industry where weather monitoring plays crucial role. Whether
it is the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food or consumer goods indus-
try, packaging requirements are as varied as the products we deal
with every day. Temperature and humidity can be sensed in a room
or an industry by using this system. People who suffer from asthma
or the new born or old age people prefer to have temperature and
humidity in particular range. It is going to sense temperature and
humidity of targeted area not city or village. By this way we get
specific results regarding environmental factors like temperature
and humidity. The system developed is cost effective and all the
parameters are uniquely identifiable through the embedded com-
puting system. The system can be further modified as a system


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

which senses the room temperature and humidity after some inter-
vals and communicates it to the IoT analytics platform service in
future. This information can be accessed via android app. As a
further part, one can control to switch the A.C. on/off. It takes in-
formation about the surrounding environment through sensors and
uploads it directly to the internet, where it can be accessed anytime
and anywhere through internet.

[1] P.Susmitha, G. Sowmyabala, Design and Implementation of
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[2] Parijit Kedia, Localised Weather Monitoring System, Interna-

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[3] Tarun Kumar Das, Yudhajit Das , Design of A Room Temper-

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Journal of Engineering Research.

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