A Study of The Effectiveness of Sewage Treatment Plants in Delhi Region

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Appl Water Sci (2013) 3:57–65

DOI 10.1007/s13201-012-0059-9


A study of the effectiveness of sewage treatment plants in Delhi

Sandeep Kumar Gautam • Divya Sharma •
Jayant Kumar Tripathi • Saroj Ahirwar •
Sudhir Kumar Singh

Received: 4 March 2012 / Accepted: 26 August 2012 / Published online: 16 September 2012
Ó The Author(s) 2012. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Abstract This is a conventional kind of monitoring study. Keywords Sewage treatment plant  Wastewater 
The objective of the study was to assess and monitor the Water quality  Pollution  Monitoring  Delhi
physicochemical parameters in wastewater at inlet and
outlet of sewage treatment plant (STP) and also to study the
effectiveness of the STPs. The average concentration of Introduction
parameters at inlet sampling site pH, electrical conductivity,
total dissolved solids, are 7.16, 2,169 lS/cm, 766.06 mg/l, Discharge of untreated sewage water in the water body is a
and major ions bicarbonate, nitrate, sulphate, phosphate, common practice in many countries. This is the common
chloride, sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium val- cause for pollution of surface and groundwater because
ues 515.88, 4.28, 82.85, 15.17, 7.01, 23.08, 29.34, 4.14 and there is a large gap between generation and treatment of
84.31 mg/l. While the average concentration of these domestic wastewater in India. In general, the wastewater
parameters, after treatment shows following values 7.47, discharged from domestic premises like residences, insti-
2,161.43 (lS/cm), 695.81, 436.52, 1.25, 99.22, 12.69, 6.83, tutions, and commercial establishments is termed as sew-
23.18, 29.07, 4.40 and 82.65 mg/l, respectively. Further, to age or wastewater. Normally domestic and municipal
check the Na % and sodium absorption ratio at inlet and wastewater are composed of 99.9 % water and remaining
outlet which 27.89 %, 0.67 and 28.19 %, 0.68, respectively, 0.1 % suspended, colloidal and dissolved solids, mainly
for the suitability of the wastewater. Finally, the agglom- organic in nature because it consists of maximum amount
erative hierarchical clustering techniques were used to of carbon compounds, viz., human waste, paper, vegetable
study the similarity in the sewage treatment plants. The matter, etc., and it also contributes pathogens which con-
result suggests that there is considerable improvement in the sumes available oxygen from water bodies. Besides this,
wastewater quality after treatment except at the Pappan- industrial wastewater gets mixed with municipal waste
kalan and Coronation Pillar, Timarpur. polluting the water bodies and land which is irrigated by
the wastewater.
The wastewater is not used directly for drinking pur-
poses because it contains ions, metals and microorganism
S. K. Gautam (&)  D. Sharma  J. K. Tripathi
School of Environmental Science, Jawaharlal Nehru University, which could be harmful to humans if their concentration or
New Delhi 110067, India numbers exceeds from permissible limit. Therefore, the
e-mail: [email protected] increasing demand for fresh drinking water and for others
purposes such as water for gardening, washing, etc., is met
S. Ahirwar
Department of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, by groundwater, continuously withdrawn from ground and
Dr. H.S. Gour University Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India it also poses many environmental and sociological prob-
lems in the region. The treated wastewater could act as an
S. K. Singh
alternative to groundwater for some uses.
K. Banerjee Centre of Atmospheric and Ocean Studies,
KBCAOS, Nehru Science Centre, IIDS, University of Allahabad, The treatment of sewage water requires physical,
Allahabad 211002, India chemical and biological methods. Many previous studies

58 Appl Water Sci (2013) 3:57–65

have shown that after the treatment of sewage water, compare the physicochemical property of wastewater at
sewage sludge forms which still contains much higher inlet and outlets of STP to analyze the efficiency of treat-
amount of organic contaminants, which are present in ment plants for those analyzed parameter and identification
higher concentrations, are applied to agricultural soils of similar sites.
(Singh et al. 2004; Frank Laturnus et al. 2007). Similarly,
another study (Foresti et al. 2006) had also reported that the
utility of anaerobic processes as the core technology for Study area
sustainable domestic wastewater treatment. Anaerobic
digesters have been responsible for the removal of large Delhi lies in the latitude/longitude 28°380 /77°130 . At
fraction of organic matter (mineralization of waste sludge) present, the total quantity of sewage generated is
in conventional aerobic sewage treatment plants since the 2,871 million liters per day (mld), whereas the total
early years of domestic sewage treatment (DST). Orhon capacity of the sewage treatment plants in Delhi is
et al. 1997 have studied the domestic sewage water quality 1,478 mld (see Tables 1, 2 for detailed capacity of differ-
in terms of major polluting parameters. Biomethanation ent plants and common treatment method used). The
process is very common in domestic and industrial waste remaining 48 % untreated sewage (1,393 mld) finds its
treatment in Indian scenario (Tare et al. 1997). Domestic way into the Yamuna River through the 19 major drains
and industrial sewage generated within the National which carry sewage and industrial effluents from the city.
Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi is the main source of As a result, the quality of river water has been deteriorating
pollution of the river Yamuna during its passage through and the water in the river is at present unfit for drinking
the NCT. Almost the entire treated and untreated sewage of (even for animals) and for use in agriculture. The sewerage
Delhi which is discharged in river Yamuna contributes facilities cover only about 75 % of the population. The
80 % of the river Yamuna’s pollutant load. sewage system is nonexistent in large parts of the trans-
Despite over 10 years of efforts and expenditure of Yamuna area, all the resettlement colonies, and illegal
Rs. 872 crore since 1994 on establishment of sewage
treatment infrastructure for treating the domestic and
Table 1 Sewage treatment capacity of different STPs located in
industrial sewage before its release into the river, water Delhi
quality of the river Yamuna is still very far away from
S. no. Name of Capacity Capacity Actual treatment
normal river water (Govt. report 2005). Low polycyclic STP (MGD) as on (MGD) by in MGD as on
aromatic hydrocarbons are also present in the sewage 31.3.2001 31.3.2006 31.3.2006
sludge. These can also be successfully treated by aerobic
bioreactors (Trably and Patureau 2006). Sato et al. 2005 1. Okhla 140 140 119
have studied the prospect for a self-sustainable sewage 2. Keshopur 72 72 68.6
treatment system. Monitoring of different sites requires 3. Coronation 46 46 26.0
money and manpower; this could be reduced by clustering Timarpur
techniques. The application of hierarchical classification 4. Rithala 40 80 42.0
approach is well known for the interpretation of data and 5. Vasant Kunj 5 5 4.10
provides a valuable tool for reliable and effective moni-
6. Pappankalan 20 20 8.2
toring and management (Singh et al. 2009).
7. Najafgarh 5 5 0.2
Methods of wastewater treatment were first developed in
Total 328 368 268.1
response to the adverse conditions caused by the discharge
of wastewater to the environment and the concern for Source: Delhi Jal Board
public health. Further, as cities became larger and larger,
limited land was available for wastewater treatment and
disposal, principally by irrigation and intermittent filtra- Table 2 List of technologies with the plants being run on it
tion. Also, as populations grew, the quantity of wastewater
1. Conventional activated sludge a. Rithala
generated rose rapidly and the deteriorating quality of this process b. Okhla
huge amount of wastewater exceeded the self-purification
c. Pappankalan
capacity of the streams and river bodies.
d. Keshopur
Objectives of study: The main objective was to collect
2. Extended aeration process a. Najafgarh
wastewater samples from various sewage treatment plant
b. Vasant Kunj
(STP) operating within Delhi region to understand the
3. Trickling filters a. Coronation Pillar,
physicochemical property of wastewater generated as
domestic waste. In addition, specific objective was to

Appl Water Sci (2013) 3:57–65 59

settlements. The conventional method for estimation of for the samples with a very wide range of salinity. Sulphate
generated wastewater is derived at 80 % of the water was analyzed by turbidimetric method. Suspended matter
supplied. However, this may not be realistic in the areas and original color of the sample may interfere with the
like Delhi (see Fig. 1) where large quantity of ground water sulphate determination. Suspended matter can be removed
is simultaneously extracted and utilized. Efforts have been by filtration. Presence of silica in excess of 500 mg/l and
made to find the cumulative pollution load addition to river large quantity of organic matter may affect the satisfactory
Yamuna (23 km stretch from Wazirabad Barrage to Okhla precipitation of barium sulphate. The ascorbic acid method
Barrage) at various points by the major drains carrying (APHA 1995) determined phosphate. Optical density was
wastewater from NCT of Delhi; making these open sewers measured at 650 nm using Cecil Spectrophotometer (model
in turn causing foul smell, bad quality and groundwater no. 594). Chloride was determined by spectrophotometer.
contamination all along the drain and ultimately polluting Cations such as Na, K, Ca and Mg were analyzed using
disposal sink to river Yamuna. atomic absorption spectrophotometer, Shimadzu-AA-6800.
Excessive sodium content in water renders it unsuitable for
soils containing exchangeable calcium and magnesium
Materials and methods ions. The exchange capacity of water is expressed in sodium
absorption ratio (SAR) by Eq. 1 and sodium percentage was
A total of 14 samples were collected for the study in the year calculated by using Eq. 2
2007–2008. These 14 samples were representing seven
inlets and seven outlets of the same STP. The pH and SAR ¼ ð1Þ
conductivity were measured from unfiltered water samples. ½ðCa þ MgÞ=20:5
The pH was measured by Rachho (model no. 123) pH Naþ
Meter. Systronics conductivity meter was used for the Na % ¼ þ2
 100 ð2Þ
ðCa þ Mgþ þ Naþ þ Kþ Þ
measurement of conductivity and TDS. The bicarbonate
content was determined following the potentiometric titra-
tion method (American Public Health Association (APHA) Results and discussions
1995). Nitrate was estimated by brucine method. Nitrate
and brucine react to produce a yellow color, the intensity of Wastewater samples were collected at inlet and outlet and
which can be measured at 410 nm. The method is suitable analyzed for various chemical parameters and results are

Fig. 1 Study area at which different sewage treatment plants (STPs) are located in Delhi Region

60 Appl Water Sci (2013) 3:57–65

given in (Table 3). The pH of the wastewater was slightly carbonic acid. Reaction of carbonic acid with limestone
acidic to alkaline and it ranges from 6.4 to 7.3 before containing mineral like albite (Garrels and Christ 1965),
treatment and after treatment its values varies from 7.0 to from partial or complete decomposition of organic matter
7.9 indicates its alkaline nature. The EC value indicate (Berner 1971) give rise to bicarbonate ion concentration in
amount of dissolve constituents present in water and used water body. The bicarbonate concentration of wastewater
in determining the suitability of water for irrigation (Paliwal ranges from 199.26 to 696.33 mg/l with an average of
and Yadav 1976). The EC of wastewater samples ranges 515.88 mg/l in before treatment and after treatment bicar-
from 1,470 to 4,210 lS/cm at inlet while the average of bonate value varies from 316.22 to 550.13 mg/l with an
2,169 lS/cm and at outlet their value varies from 1,420 to average 436.52 mg/l. Bicarbonate is having strong positive
3,820 lS/cm with an average 2,161 lS/cm. The high EC correlation with Ca2? and K? in inlet and with Ca2? and
value is attributed to the high salinity and high mineral SO42- at outlet (Tables 4, 5). The source of nitrate in
content. It also corresponds to the highest concentrations of wastewater is domestic sewage, runoff from the agriculture
dominant ions which are the result of ion exchange and field, leachates from the landfill sites. The concentration of
solubilisation in the water. It shows strong positive corre- nitrate in inlet and outlet wastewater samples varies from
lation with TDS, HCO3-, and Ca2? in inlet as well as 2.28 to 5.08 mg/l with an average of 4.28 mg/l, 0.09 to
outlet (Tables 4, 5). Bicarbonate is the major anion present 5.67 mg/l (average 1.25 mg/l), respectively. The source of
in the fresh water body. The source of bicarbonate is sulphate in water is the solvent action of gypsum, pyrites,
atmospheric CO2, which dissolves in water to form galena, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, anhydrite and it is also

Table 3 Inlet correlation matrix the bold values shows significant positive and negative co relation among the variables
pH EC TDS PO43- Cl- HCO3- SO42- NO3- Ca2? Mg2? Na? K?

pH 1
EC 0.26 1.00
TDS 0.74 0.63 1.00
PO43- -0.26 -0.18 0.06 1.00
Cl- 0.35 0.35 0.64 0.46 1.00
HCO3- 0.75 0.64 1.00 0.05 0.61 1.00
SO4 0.35 0.19 0.49 -0.17 0.43 0.41 1.00
NO3- -0.44 0.04 -0.32 -0.39 -0.63 -0.28 -0.51 1.00
Ca2? 0.61 0.85 0.92 -0.02 0.60 0.92 0.47 -0.32 1.00
Mg2? 0.41 -0.57 0.10 -0.17 -0.27 0.08 0.34 -0.12 -0.19 1.00
Na? 0.46 -0.21 0.41 -0.18 -0.02 0.36 0.68 -0.18 0.18 0.88 1.00
K 0.41 0.15 0.69 0.11 0.58 0.68 0.38 0.00 0.44 0.27 0.48 1.00

Table 4 Outlet correlation matrix the bold values shows significant positive and negative co relation among the variables
pH EC TDS PO43- Cl- HCO3- SO42- NO3- Ca2? Mg2? Na? K?

pH 1.00
EC -0.30 1.00
TDS -0.09 0.58 1.00
PO43- 0.08 0.15 -0.45 1.00
Cl- -0.58 0.49 0.44 0.25 1.00
HCO3- -0.13 0.65 0.99 -0.47 0.40 1.00
SO42- 0.14 -0.16 0.70 -0.60 0.12 0.62 1.00
NO3- -0.12 0.89 0.38 0.16 0.28 0.45 -0.32 1.00
Ca2? -0.42 0.96 0.68 -0.02 0.60 0.74 -0.03 0.81 1.00
Mg2? 0.21 -0.20 0.10 0.23 0.40 -0.02 0.34 -0.05 -0.19 1.00
Na? 0.43 -0.52 -0.49 0.15 -0.76 -0.52 -0.07 -0.37 -0.70 -0.06 1.00
K? 0.08 0.11 -0.18 0.47 0.37 -0.22 -0.30 0.41 0.05 0.74 -0.19 1.00

Table 5 The inlet (a) and outlet (b) values of monitored parameter at different locations in Delhi
Sampling location pH inlet EC inlet TDS inlet PO43- inlet Cl- inlet NO3- inlet SO42- inlet HCO3- inlet Ca2? inlet Mg2? inlet Na? inlet K? inlet Na % inlet SAR inlet

Okhla 7.26 1650 684.34 17.67 6.18 4.42 51.24 474.11 79.41 4.31 22.41 24.60 27.09 0.66
Appl Water Sci (2013) 3:57–65

Vasant Kunj 7.30 1830 937.11 16.60 6.93 3.94 107.06 649.55 88.23 5.39 25.42 34.00 28.96 0.71
Najafgarh 7.28 2360 925.61 15.16 7.84 5.05 76.81 667.09 87.28 4.04 23.05 39.30 29.99 0.65
Rithala 6.44 1470 419.41 18.39 6.36 5.08 69.72 199.26 70.46 3.50 21.99 24.66 29.44 0.69
Pappankalan 7.22 4210 961.54 12.88 7.29 4.50 87.57 696.33 99.78 3.11 22.34 27.74 24.31 0.60
Coronation Pillar 7.27 1670 599.87 5.90 5.89 4.67 89.22 363.00 77.20 4.70 23.57 25.73 28.42 0.70
Keshopur 7.33 1990 834.54 19.60 8.60 2.28 98.33 561.83 87.85 3.91 22.81 29.34 27.02 0.65
Minimum 6.44 1470 419.41 5.90 5.89 2.28 51.24 199.26 70.46 3.11 21.99 24.60 24.31 0.60
Maximum 7.33 4210 961.54 19.60 8.60 5.08 107.06 696.33 99.78 5.39 25.42 39.30 29.99 0.71
Average 7.16 2169 766.06 15.17 7.01 4.28 82.85 515.88 84.31 4.14 23.08 29.34 27.89 0.67
Standard Deviation 0.32 945 204.97 4.64 0.97 0.96 18.69 182.93 9.51 0.76 1.15 5.49 1.93 0.04
3- - - 2- - 2? 2? ? ?
Sampling location pH outlet EC outlet TDS outlet PO4 outlet Cl outlet NO3 outlet SO4 outlet HCO3 outlet Ca outlet Mg outlet Na outlet K outlet Na % outlet SAR outlet

Okhla 7.53 1830 648.40 6.27 6.09 0.00 87.57 415.63 81.25 3.77 22.84 25.00 27.22 0.67
Vasant Kunj 7.61 2120 674.80 11.92 7.05 3.01 91.11 415.63 82.61 4.96 22.81 35.71 29.61 0.66
Najafgarh 7.00 1950 565.98 21.87 7.86 0.00 69.47 327.91 80.69 4.49 22.99 30.71 28.88 0.67
Rithala 7.80 1420 546.35 15.25 5.15 0.09 82.76 316.22 69.98 4.25 24.61 28.04 31.75 0.77
Pappankalan 7.30 3820 815.05 15.73 7.35 5.67 80.61 550.13 99.78 4.05 22.79 28.94 24.58 0.61
Coronation Pillar 7.15 1990 840.22 1.01 7.11 0.00 150.61 544.29 83.62 4.45 23.11 26.03 26.91 0.67
Keshopur 7.92 2000 779.84 16.79 7.19 0.00 132.38 485.81 80.62 4.81 23.15 29.09 28.38 0.68
Minimum 7.00 1420 546.35 1.01 5.15 0.00 69.47 316.22 69.98 3.77 22.79 25.00 24.58 0.61
Maximum 7.92 3820 840.22 21.87 7.86 5.67 150.61 550.13 99.78 4.96 24.61 35.71 31.75 0.77
Average 7.47 2161.43 695.81 12.69 6.83 1.25 99.22 436.52 82.65 4.40 23.18 29.07 28.19 0.68
Standard deviation 0.34 765.10 118.33 7.01 0.91 2.24 30.12 94.95 8.80 0.42 0.65 3.50 2.27 0.05

All values in mg/l except pH and EC (lS/cm)


62 Appl Water Sci (2013) 3:57–65

Fig. 2 The pH inlet and outlet values. pH values shows slightly

increase at all locations except Najafgarh and Coronation Pillar after
treatment Fig. 5 The Na? and K? inlet and outlet values, Na? shows slight
increase at Okhla and Keshopur and increase at Rithala and K?
increases at Okhla, Vasant Kunj, Rithala and Pappankalan after

Fig. 3 The EC and TDS inlet and outlet values. EC shows increased
value after treatment at Okhla, Vasant Kunj and Coronation Pillar.
Similarly TDS increased at Rithala, Coronation Pillar

Fig. 6 The SO42- and HCO3- inlet and outlet values. Sulphate after
treatment shows increased values at Okhla, Rithala, Coronation Pillar
and Keshopur and similarly bicarbonate increased at Rithala and
Coronation Pillar after treatment

Fig. 4 The Ca2? and Mg2? inlet and outlet values, Ca2? shows
higher concentration at Okhla and Coronation Pillar and Mg shows
slight change at Rithala, Pappankalan and Keshopur after treatment

present as final oxidation products of disulphides, sulphite

and thiosulphates. The value of sulphate in inlet value
Fig. 7 The PO43-, Cl- and NO3- inlet and outlet values. Phosphate
ranges from 51.24 to 107.06 mg/l with an average of
and chloride shows higher value at Vasant Kunj, Najafgarh and
82.85 mg/l and after treatment its concentration varies Pappankalan, and nitrate shows higher concentration at Pappankalan
from 69.47 to 150.61 mg/l with an average of 99.22 mg/l. after treatment

Appl Water Sci (2013) 3:57–65 63

21.99 to 25.42 mg/l with an average of 23.08 mg/l in

before treatment and after treatment its concentration var-
ies from 22.79 to 24.6 mg/l (average 23.18 mg/l). Na? is
showing a strong correlation with Mg2? at inlet. Sodium is
showing higher values because it behaves like conservative
element, i.e., it is not used up in biological process or clay
mineral formation (Subramanian and Saxena 1983).
The source of K? is weathering of orthoclase, micro-
cline, biotite, K-feldspar, etc., and rainwater (0.1 mg/l)
(Davis and De Wiest 1967). The concentration of K? in
water samples varies from 24.60 to 39.30 mg/l with an
average value of 29.34 mg/l in inlet and outlet its con-
centration varies from 25.00 to 35.71 mg/l with an average
29.07 mg/l. The main sources of Ca2? and Mg2? in water
are calcite, dolomite, magnesite, anhydrite, gypsum, feld-
spar, pyroxene, amphiboles, etc. The concentration of Ca2?
in inlet water sample varies from 70.46 to 99.78 mg/l with
an average value of 84.31 mg/l and outlet its values varies
from 69.98 to 99.78 mg/l (average 82.65 mg/l). The con-
centration of Mg2? in water samples is varies from 3.11 to
Fig. 8 USSL salinity diagram of wastewater after treatment for 5.39 mg/l with an average value of 4.14 mg/l in inlet and
irrigation purposes (Richards 1954) after treatment concentration of Mg2? varies from 3.77 to
4.96 mg/l (average 4.40 mg/l) (Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

Suitability for irrigation uses

The treated wastewater is not used for the irrigation pur-

pose because it contains high sodium content, which may
be harmful for most soils and requires special water and
soil management practices. Water with high amount of
bicarbonates and relatively low in calcium is also known to
be hazardous for irrigation (Richards 1954) and higher EC
in water also creates an adverse effect on saline soil;
whereas salt content in irrigation water causes an increase
in soil solution osmotic pressure (Thorne and Peterson
1954). EC and sodium concentration are used in classifying
irrigation water. The total concentration of soluble salts in
irrigation water can be expressed for the purpose of clas-
sification of irrigation water as low (EC = \250 lS/cm),
medium (250–750 lS/cm), high (750–2,250 lS/cm) and
very high (2,250–5,000 lS/cm) salinity zone (Richards
The calculated value of SAR in the wastewater after
treatment ranges from 0.61 to 0.77 with average value 0.68
while before treatment 0.60–0.71 with average 0.67. The
Fig. 9 Na % versus EC in wastewater after treatment (Wilcox 1955).
plot of data was performed on the US salinity diagram
One sample falls in the doubtful category (Fig. 8). In this diagram the EC is taken as salinity hazard
and SAR as alkalinity hazard, which shows that most of the
wastewater samples fall in the category C3S1 and one in
The source of Na? in water is weathering of plagioclase, C4S1. Indicating low to medium salinity and low sodium
pyroxene and hornblende; evaporate minerals and atmo- water, this can be used for irrigation in most soil and crops
spheric precipitation (2 mg/l) (Davis and De Wiest 1967). with little danger of development of exchangeable sodium,
The concentration of Na? in water samples varies from and salinity.

64 Appl Water Sci (2013) 3:57–65

Fig. 10 Dendrogram (HCA)

shows prominent clusters based
on after-treatment samples
which further help in identifying
of similar types of sites

Sodium percentage (Na %) Rithala, SPT outlet concentration of HCO3- is greater than
the inlet concentration because of use of some chemicals
Sodium concentration is important in classifying irrigation during the treatment processes. Na? concentration is higher
water because it reacts with soil to reduce its permeability. at outlet as compared to inlet at Rithala and Keshopur STP.
Excess sodium in water produces undesirable effects of Similarly, concentration of K? at Rithala is also more at
changing soil properties and reducing soil permeability outlet as compared to the inlet. One of the major problems
(Kelley 1951). The Na % is calculated using the formula with these wastewater treatment methods is that none of the
given below, where all the concentrations in meq/l. The available technologies has a direct economic return. The
Wilcox (1955) diagram is relating sodium percentage and available technologies are unaffordable due to high capital
electrical conductivity (Fig. 9). The sodium percentage in and maintenance costs. The efficiency of STP is not good.
the inlet wastewater ranges from 24.31 to 29.99 % with In order to improve the efficiencies of the STPs, the
average 27.89 % and after treatment 24.58 to 31.75 % with treatment systems must be properly operated and main-
average 28.19 %. As per the Bureau of Indian Standard tained, sources of raw sewage identified, and existing
(BIS), maximum sodium of 60 % is recommended for facilities upgraded. Long-term monitoring strategy is
irrigation water. After treatment most of the samples on the required to study effectiveness of the STP in depth.
Wilcox diagram fall in the categories of good to permis-
sible region, but in Pappankalan region sample fall in the Acknowledgments The author (Sandeep Kumar Gautam) thanks
CSIR for providing financial support to carry out the research work.
unsuitable category.
The author also acknowledges the technical and administrative staff
of his school for being always attentive and helpful during analysis.
Cluster analysis
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, dis-
Cluster analysis approach is subjective in nature. To
tribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
investigate the results, further CA was performed to check author(s) and the source are credited.
the similarity between the different STP with the help of
outlet parameter. The cluster-rendered dendrogram map
was drawn using single linkage Ward’s method. Following
clusters (see Fig. 10 for details) were formed on the basis
of physicochemical parameters which link similar STP site,
viz., cluster 1 (3, 1, 2, 7 and 6) cluster 2 (2 and 4) and American Public Health Association (APHA) (1995) Standard
cluster 3 (2, 4 and 5). This clustering will help in identi- methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 19th
fying the similar sites, which will further help in long-term edn. American Public Health Association, Washington DC
monitoring. Berner RA (1971) Chemical Sedimentology. McGraw Hill Publica-
tion, New York
Davis SN, De Wiest RJM (1967) Hydrogeology. Wiley, Inc., New
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