IEC 61850 Primer - Communication Networks and Systems in Substations

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IEC 61850 Primer -

Communication Networks
and Systems In Substations
February 16, 2005

GEMultilin Proprietary and Confidential

Unrestricted Use for GE Multilin Sales Channel
61850 Scope

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Abstract Communications Service
Interface ACSI
•Defines a set of Objects

•Defines a set of Services to

manipulate and access those

•Defines a base set of data types for

describing objects

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Anatomy of an IEC61850 Object
Functional Constraint

Logical Nodes

Logical Device
(e.g. Relay1)

“MMXU2$MX$A” =
Physical Device
(network address)
Feeder #2 Current Measurements

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Logical node groups
M Metering and measurement (8)
L System LN (2)
S Sensor and monitoring (4)
P Protection (28)
X Switchgear (2)
R Protection related (10)
T Instrument transformers (2)
C Control (5)
Y Power transformers (4)
G Generic (3)
Z Further power system
I Interfacing and archiving (4) equipment (15)
Ex m p le s : control (4)
PDIF: Diffe re ntia l p ro te c tio n CS WI: Switc h c o ntro lle r
RBRF: Bre a ke r fa ilure MMXU: Me a s ure m e nt unit
XCBR: Circ uit bre a ke r YPTR: Po we r tra ns fo rm e r

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Services Examples
• GetData – Read
• SetDataValues – Write
• GetDataDirectory – Read list of object names

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ACSI Services


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IEC61850 Profiles

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IEC61850 Documents
Basic principles Part 1

Glossary Part 2

General Requirements Part 3

System and project management Part 4

Communication requirements Part 5

Substation Automation System Configuration Part 6

Basic Communication Structure Part 7

Mapping to Sampled Measured Values

Part 8 MMS and Part 9
Ethernet Mapping to Ethernet

Conformance testing Part 10

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IEC61850 – Primary Parts
Part 6-1: Substation Configuration Language (SCL)
Part 7-2: Abstract Communications Service Interface
(ACSI) and base types
Part 7-3: Common Data Classes (CDC)
Part 7-4: Logical Nodes
Part 8-1: Specific Communications Service Mappings
(SCSM) - MMS & Ethernet
Part 9-2: SCSM - Sampled Values over Ethernet
Part 10-1: Conformance Testing

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IEC61850 Substation
Station Bus- 10/100/1000 MB Ethernet

Relay(s) Relay
IED Relay
IED Relay
IED Remote
Subscribe to Access

Process Bus Network

MU Publishes
V/I/Status .1/1/10GB

Clk1 MU MU MU Clk2

PT1 I/O Optical PT2 I/O CT2 Optical I/O Optical

CT MU = Merging Unit PT CT

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Sampled Measured Values

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Peer to Peer Communications
Functional Requirements
Relay Relay Relay Relay

Bkr 1 Bkr 2 Bkr 3 ... Bkr N


• Message delivery to multiple devices
• Fast Delivery (< 4ms)

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IEC61850 Generic Object Oriented
Substation Event - GOOSE
• Device to multi-device
communication – Local or GOOSE Header:
Wide Area • Multicast Address
•Bridgeable but Non-routable •Name
•Time Until Next GOOSE
•User-defined Dataset sent in
an Ethernet Multicast •Etc.
message User-Defined Dataset
•Message sent on change of • Status Information
state as well periodically to •Analog Values
enable detection of device
failure •Data Quality
• Reliability effected through
message repeat
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SCL – Substation Configuration
• Description language for communication in
electrical substations related to the IEDs

• XML based language that allows a formal

description of
– Substation automation system and the
switchyard and the relation between them
– IED configuration

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SCL File Types
SSD: System Specification Description.
XML description of the entire system.

SCD: Substation Configuration Description.

XML description of a single substation.

ICD: IED Capability Description.

XML description of items supported by an IED.

CID: Configured IED Description.

XML configuration for a specific IED.

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Benefits of IEC61850
• High-level services enable self-describing
devices & automatic object discovery saving $$
$$$ in configuration, setup and maintenance.
• Standardized naming conventions with power
system context eliminates device dependencies
and tag mapping saving $$$$ in config., setup,
and maint.
• Standardized configuration file formats enables
exchange of device configuration saving $$$$
in design, specification, config., setup, and

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Benefits of IEC61850 - 2
• Higher performance multi-cast
messaging for inter-relay
communications enables functions not
possible with hard wires and save $$$
$ in wiring and maintenance.

• Multi-cast messaging enables sharing

of transducer (CT/PT) signals saving $
$$$ by reducing wiring and connection
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