An Introduction To Gage R&R
An Introduction To Gage R&R
An Introduction To Gage R&R
Gage R&R studies can help operators from making costly measurement errors
Part-to-part variation is the normal range over which measurements are made-the part of your
data you actually want to measure. Repeatability is the variation because of the gage itself, while
reproducibility is the variation because of different operators using the gage. Repeatability and
reproducibility together are called "measurement error," or simply "noise," and are measured as
"gage R&R." This noise is a nuisance that adds uncertainty to your data. A good measurement
system has very low noise, preferably less than 1% of the total variability in your data, indicated
as a gage R&R of less than 10%. A questionable system will have noise between 1% and 9% of
the total variability, or a gage R&R between 10% and 30%. A poor system will have noise
greater than 9% of the total variation, or a gage R&R greater than 30%.
Gage R&R measures the size of the noise relative to the total data variation, which is called % of
total variation or %TV, and relative to the specification range, called % of tolerance. It also
separates the variability into its sources, namely part-to-part variation, repeatability and
reproducibility. This information helps operators determine how to fix a poor measurement
system. For instance, a high repeatability relative to reproducibility indicates the need for a better
gage. A high reproducibility relative to repeatability indicates the need for better operator
training in the use of the gage.
One way of seeing the consequences of measurement noise is to use a gage performance curve.
Such a curve shows the probability of accepting a part as in specification using a specific
measurement system.
In the "Gage Performance Curves" graph on the following page, the red line shows the percent
probability of measuring a part in specification. The horizontal axis is the actual, reference value
for the part. The graph, showing a good system, indicates that with gage R&R = 7% there is little
chance of rejecting a good part or accepting a bad one except very near the specification limits,
which are colored in blue. For gage R&R = 14%, a questionable system, the chance of error
spreads over a wider range near the specification limits. For gage R&R = 32%, a poor system,
errors are more common. These errors can be expensive by providing measurements that are not
Gage R&R helps determine if a measurement system is adequate for your needs. The study also
helps determine what needs to be fixed if the system is poor, tells the operator if the
measurement system is trustworthy or if he needs a better system and, ultimately, saves the
operator from making costly errors
Good website for Gauge R&R calculation