Hill Torrent Management in Southern Punjab of Pakistan Historic Perspective and New Trends
Hill Torrent Management in Southern Punjab of Pakistan Historic Perspective and New Trends
Hill Torrent Management in Southern Punjab of Pakistan Historic Perspective and New Trends
Abstract-Hill torrents (locally known as Rodh Kohi) Keywords- Hill Torrents, Catastrophic Floods, Flood
are distinct type of waterways in which water drains Water Management, Piedmont Area Irrigation
from the mountains and hit the localities and
infrastructure in its way with enormous speed. More I. INTRODUCTION
than 200 hill torrents originate from the west of
Suleiman Range and hit Taunsa, Dera Ghazi (D.G.) The term torrent is utilized for water carrier
Khan and Rajanpur Districts of Punjab in Pakistan. channels carrying flash water flows; the term is mostly
Among these, 13 hill torrents are having large utilized for steep mountainous rivers generating rapid
catchment areas and flood potential. These Hill runoff. Locally these types of channels are termed as
Torrents after crossing fan area locally named as “Rodh Kohi”. The torrential area of Dera Ghazi (D.G.)
“Pachad area” crosses D.G. Khan Canal through 22 Khan and Rajanpur Districts of Punjab province is
numbers cross drainage structures and frequently situated between the Indus River and the Suleman
creates disaster up to River Indus. Hill Torrents range surrounded by province of Sindh, Baluchistan in
generally associated with uncertain flood flows have the west and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) in the North.
kept D.G. Khan and Rajanpur Districts Hill Torrent fan About forty five percent of the total catchment areas lie
area socio economically very weak. Most often in the two districts and the remaining 55% in the
catastrophic flood events cause loss of billions of province of Baluchistan. The area in the west (on the
rupees to infrastructure, houses and irrigated lands. right side of the Indus River) which is unirrigated by
Conversely huge area, about 2.02 hectares, cultivable local canal Irrigation network is piedmont area locally
piedmont (Pachad) area fails to receive valuable known as "Pachad" area and is fertile due to
irrigation water. Since the ancient times, diversion unexploited sediment deposits of the mountains
embankments of small size have been utilized by local brought down with flood water. Pachad area is
people for diverting flood flows to their irrigation considered to be an area between darrah (the point after
fields. These earthen embankments usually fail for high which torrent enters the plains) and the right bank of
flow events but effectively divert low floods. A number Indus River. The torrential area of the two districts
of studies and plans were suggested to manage the Hill consists of thirteen (13) major Hill torrents extending
Torrent Floods since 1929 to date. It has been noted that from Kaura and ending at Sori Janubi as shown in
these projects have shown some improvements in terms Figure 1. These torrents after crossing the piedmont
of utilization of Hill Torrent water for irrigation to uplift area hits the cross drainage structures constructed
the economy of the area. It has been observed that across the Chashma Right Bank, D.G. Khan under
piedmont area of the hill torrents is very fertile but due construction Kacchi canals and ultimately enters to
to erratic nature of floods land utilization is very low. Indus River. The piedmont area of these torrents is
The flood water due to its erratic nature one side situated in the arid zone of the country and only source
destroys the infrastructure while on the other side of agriculture water is floods and rains. The rainfall
barren land in piedmont area (Pachad area) is deprived pattern is such that it causes erratic and uncontrolled
off water for agriculture. This situation demands that floods during Monsoon months (June to August). The
there is a lot of space to improve the management of flood water in monsoon at one side destroys the
Hill Torrent floods. In this study existing management infrastructure in D.G. Khan Canal / Chashma Right
practices and appraisal of previous studies for Hill Bank Canal command area due to erratic nature of
Torrents management in southern Punjab have been flows while on the other side barren land in piedmont
discussed with focus on additional prospective for area are deprived off water for agriculture [i].
sustainability of initiatives to gain full benefits of Hill Various studies conducted on optimum use of flash
Torrent water with an improved protection against flood water for irrigation purpose and minimize the
flood vulnerabilities. drought effect for Hill Torrent's concluded that the
Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 21 No. II-2016
Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 21 No. II-2016
Project (Stage-III) Updating Feasibility Study on Hill
5.3 KAURA Torrents Management Plan in CRBC Area in
Dera Ghazi Khan District, Irrigation & Power
Department, Punjab, [x]
After reviewing the above reports following are
SAKHI SARWAR the inferences;
MITHAWAN It was identified [vii] that recommended strategy
should be, “utilizing the maximum quantities of
floodwaters in areas where they are generated”. F o r
utilizing the flood waters gabion dispersion
structures were proposed and no structure for
Fig. 2. Existing Cropping Intensity of Hill Torrents of storage or delay action dams was planned.
Punjab Province, Pakistan It was proposed [viii] that catchment management
techniques will cater sediment production of upper
The analysis indicates the annual cropping catchment for sustainable and long term solution f o r
intensity of the area is from 19% for Kaha to as low as 1 hill torrent management difficulties. The study
% for Sori lund. According to the amount and proposed some dispersion structures for Vidore as case
frequency of inundation in piedmont area, large study.
variation in the cropping intensity has been noticed. It was adopted [ix] to build suitable flood
Sorghum and Millets are sown on maximum of the dispersion and diversion structures sustained by a
cropped area on flood dampness and afterwards oil system of surface drains to securely take the left over
seeds are grown. Hill Torrent wise existing crop yields flow to the Indus River. In this study also no
have also computed by analyzing field investigations storage/delay action dam structure was proposed with
and deliberations with officials of agriculture the reason that dams may fill immediately due t o
department functioning in the area. Published reports heavy sediment loads.
on Agricultural Statistics of Punjab for districts of Dera Six alternatives were evaluated [x] and finally
Ghazi Khan and Rajanpur were also consulted and recommended approach was Diversion
compared for determining the existing crop yield /Distribution Options for attaining flood
levels. The crop yields estimated for Oil-Seeds, Pulses, mitigation and irrigation purposes in the piedmont
Wheat, Bajra and Sorghum are 305, 280, 495, 242 and area. This study has also not considered dam
293 kg/acre respectively. The overall yields are low that structure in mountains with the same reason as
may be attributed to erratic and insufficient water mentioned above.
supplies. Socio-economic situation of the agricultural The outcomes of previous reports suggested that
community can be deteriorated without flood almost all the studies have considered
protection and proper management of water resources. distribution/diversion of floods in piedmont area with
In order to improve the socio-economic condition gabion dispersion structures and have not considered
of the local people of piedmont area various studies and dams - either delay action or storage option - in
implementation plans were initiated by various mountain area.
governmental agencies. In this research effort various The probable reason of ignoring dam structures in
previous reports have been studied and their mountain area may be techniques of reservoir flushing
recommendations are discussed below. were not mature at the stage when these reports were
prepared. Now, with the current engineering
III. REVIEW OF PREVIOUS REPORTS knowledge it is possible to flush reservoir by adopting
suitable techniques. Therefore, in the present study,
Following previous reports have been studied to development plan is to consider flood management at
review the previous development plans; two stages i.e.
NESPAK (1984), Flood Management of Dera in mountains by constructing delay action/storage
Ghazi Khan Hill Torrents [vii] dams with suitable flushing arrangement and
JICA (1992), Feasibility Study (FS) on in the piedmont area by constructing dispersion
Development of Irrigation based upon Flood structures/regular canal irrigation.
Flows of Dera Ghazi Khan Hill Torrents [viii] IV. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF
NESPAK, (1998). Master Feasibility Studies for
Flood Management of Hill Torrents of Pakistan,
Flood Flows of D.G. Khan Hill Torrents, Federal TORRENT
Flood Commission, Ministary of Waters and Kaha Hill Torrent is one of the main hill torrents of
Power, Govt. of Pakistan, [ix] Dera Ghazi Khan. It originates in the area lying within
NESPAK, (2005). Chashma Right Bank Irrigation administrative territory of Balochistan Province and
Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 21 No. II-2016
drains an area of over 57, 00 sq km of Suleman Range. the water entry to the off-taking channel (wah). On the
Kaha leaves mountains, upstream of Harand and fans downstream side gabion crating is provided at glacis. It
out into numerous small channels known locally as has been observed and reflected from the figure that
wahs in downstream area. Flows of Kaha are managed gabion crates are damaged due to high velocity
with the help of 13 dispersion structures as shown in torrential flows. It has been noted that around
Figure 3. Recently under annual development program downstream cutoff walls high speed flood water caused
almost all the structures were modified from wire crate erosion as shown in the Figure 5. On the downstream
gabion structures to rigid PCC structures. side of the newly constructed structures these problems
It has been noted that all the flood water dispersion arise as energy dissipation phenomenon probably has
structures across the flows are now rigid and not been considered in the design. It has been noted that
constructed using PCC instead of conventionally used no permanent structure has been provided for the off
earthen embankments. It was informed by the local take of irrigation channels (Wahs). Drawback of this
officials of the government agencies that, these rigid practice is that during high flows usually these earthen
structures were constructed from year 2011 to 2013 off takes could not perform properly and sometimes
under the annual development program and were beds of wahs near off-take are subjected to heavy
according to the suggestions of various studies erosion and on other hand sediment accumulate at the
conducted in the past. These structures generally mouth of wah and restrict the entry of water. It has been
comprise of following components; observed that upstream guide banks are constructed of
Construction of a weir along whole width of hill local material and for preparing embankment it is not
torrent flow path which is a dispersion structure compacted as shown in Fig. 4. Disadvantage of this
Upstream, downstream and central cut off walls on practice is that during high flows these embankments
the basis of worst scour. could not sustain the pressure of water and usually
Abutments, wing walls and retaining walls. cause breaches. Due to breaches in guide bank water
Off taking channels on right and left side will disperse wildly instead of passing through the
Protection bunds / embankments.
Although no data is available to compare the
Bed stabilizer on downstream of main weir. performance of these rigid dispersion structures to the
For the purpose of performance evaluation of historic earthen structures in terms of increase in
existing structures although several sites were visited cropping intensity or crop production. But from the
as part of this study but in this paper two representative discussions with local people it has been noted that
sites i.e. Muhammad Wah and Jindra Wah have been these rigid structures are useful in improving the water
discussed and shown in Figures 4 and 5. diversion and reduced the annual efforts of the local
It has been noted that upstream side of the people that they have to put after each flood in term of
structures are filled with sediments after two flood reconstruction of diversion weirs.
seasons. This filling is as per design and will improve
Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 21 No. II-2016
V. PRESENT DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR enough volumes to store the discharges that attenuate
KAHA HILL TORRENT the peak of 100 year return interval discharge to 50%
and to increase the cropping area from existing 6854 ha
Present development plan of the Kaha hill torrent to designed 36180 ha. The salient features of the dam
has been proposed by keeping in view two issues i.e. to and its appurtenant structures are presented below.
substantially reduce the flood peaks and to improve the
irrigation agriculture of the area. For this purpose Kaha Inflow Flood
watershed was visited and identified a potential Inflow Design Flood = 6440 m3/s (100 year Return
location for multipurpose dam near Nilakund village. Period)
The latitude and longitude of the site are 29º 33' 46” and Dam / Reservoir
69º 48' 39” and it is about 18 miles upstream of Kaha Top of Dam Embankment = El. 684.4 m asl
darrah. For evaluating the storage potential of the site, Height of Dam = 124.0 m (El. 684.4 El. 560.4)
freely available SRTM digital elevation data has been Reservoir Dead Storage (El. 575.7 m asl) = 0.11
acquired and elevation area capacity curve prepared as Million m3
shown in Fig. 6. Reservoir Gross Storage at MCL (El. 674.7 m asl) =
Hydrological studies at the dam site consist of 1227.62 Million m3
computing the water availability and flood Live Reservoir Storage = 1227.51 Million m3
hydrographs. For this purpose rainfall runoff analysis Spillway
has been done by utilizing the HEC-HMS computer Spillway width = 152.3 m
software. The computed flood hydrographs at the dam Crest Level = El. 674.7 m asl
site are shown in Fig. 7. Maximum Conservation Level (MCL) = El. 674.7 m
Dam height and its appurtenant structures like low asl
level outlets and spillways at the selected site has been Low Level Outlets
designed in such a way that created reservoir has Invert Level of LLOs = El. 575.7 m asl
Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 21 No. II-2016
Volume (Mm )
3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0
710 710
690 690
670 670
650 650
Elevation (m asl)
Elevation (m asl)
630 630
610 610
590 590
570 570
550 550
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
Surface Area (m ) x 10000
2 3
Surface Area (m ) Volume (Mm )
Discharge (m /s)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 21 No. II-2016
Reservoir Routing
Discharge= m /s
0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00
Time (hrs)
VI. CONCLUSIONS AND feasibility study for the construction of dams in the
RECOMMENDATIONS mountain areas of the hill torrents.
Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan Vol. 21 No. II-2016
Engineering Research 5 (12). [ix] NESPAK, (1998). Master Feasibility Studies for
[vii] NESPAK, (1984). Flood Management of D.G. Flood Management of Hill Torrents of Pakistan,
Khan Hill Torrents, Federal Flood Commission, Flood Flows of D. G. Khan Hill Torrents,
Ministary of Waters and Power, Govt. of Federal Flood Commission, Ministary of Waters
Pakistan and Power, Govt. of Pakistan
[viii] J I C A , ( 1 9 9 2 ) . F e a s i b i l i t y S t u d y o n [x] NESPAK, (2005). Chashma Right Bank
Development of Irrigation based upon Flood Irrigation Project (Stage-III) Updating
Flows of D. G. Khan Hill Torrents, Federal Feasibility Study on Hill Torrents Management
Flood Commission, Ministary of Waters and Plan in CRBC Area in Dera Ghazi Khan District,
Power, Govt. of Pakistan Irrigation & Power Department, Punjab