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A Tyranny

of Souls
By Robert J. Schwalb
An adventure for 19th-level characters
illustrations by William O’Connor and Kekai Kotaki
cartography by Robert Lazzaretti & Mike Schley

TM & © 2009 Wizards of the Coast LLC All rights reserved.

  The darkest hour is upon us, but we have no need
to fear and no reason for anguish. It has been foretold
that our hero will return. Her blade will shine like
a thousand stars, and our enemies will cower in its
brilliant light. Her voice will ring with the shouts
of a thousand warriors, and our enemies will wail
and gnash their teeth with fear. And her anger will
burn like a thousand suns, and our enemies will be
as cinders before her intolerable wrath. It has been
foretold that she who broke our chains will come forth
once again and lead us to glory and conquest, and in
her name we will build an empire to span all worlds,
giving no shelter, no succor, and no mercy to those
who oppose us. It has been foretold and the time is
near. Take heart warriorGith has returned, and
our ultimate victory is at hand!

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A Tyranny of Souls

  Tiamat seized the githyanki city and bleeds it dry to supply her armies with arms, “A Tyranny of Souls” is an adventure for five 19th-
soldiers, and other resources. In doing so, she broke the ancient pact between the level characters. By its end, the player characters
should be 21st level. With some adaptation, however,
githyanki and red dragons, and she inadvertently loosed Gith’s soul from the Nine Hells
you can run this adventure as a stand-alone scenario
to return to her people once more. Masquerading as Vlaakith reborn, Gith seeks out the or as part of your own campaign.
Coalition to forge a temporary alliance and hopes to join forces to remove Tiamat from
Tu’narath and withdraw the githyanki from the war. Background
Tiamat casts a dark shadow across the ancient
githyanki city of Tu’narath, but the city is no stranger
The Quests rebels, they learn the movement is in shambles since to evil’s machinations. Having endured the Lich-
In “A Tyranny of Souls,” the PCs journey to Citadel the emperor’s soldiers captured their leader. The Queen’s thousand-year reign, the city has witnessed
Mercane only to discover their contacts dead. From characters must rescue Vlaakith if the Separat- astonishing wickedness. All was to have changed
there, the adventurers push on to Tu’narath, where ists would have a chance to retake the city from with Vlaakith’s assassination, but the vacuum she
they must rescue the Separatists’ leader, negotiate an Tiamat. created plunged the city into turmoil, with military
alliance, and defeat Emperor Zetch’r’r to force Tiamat Reward: 2,400 XP. commanders and pretenders all vying for her throne.
out of the ancient githyanki city. When a leader emerged to right its course, though,
Minor QuestDefeat the Emperor it would lead the githyanki into greater darkness in
Minor QuestContact the Separatists For the Separatists to take command of the city, the Tiamat’s thrall.
The adventurers are sent to Citadel Mercane to meet emperor must lose control over the dragons. The only The githyanki have never knelt to a god, but
with the Separatists’ representatives. Finding the rep- way this can happen is if he is defeated and the scepter desperate times demand desperate actions. The Lich-
resentatives murdered, the characters must discover of Ephelomonthe pact’s physical representationis Queen’s death threatened to tear Tu’narath apart,
another way to make contact with these rebel githyanki given to Vlaakith. and the githyanki were no closer to correcting their
even if this means traveling to Tu’narath. Reward: 2,800 XP. course. Zetch’r’r had a strong claim to the throne, but
Reward: 2,400 XP. his radical views and his involvement in Vlaakith’s
Major QuestThe Githyanki Withdraw from the death made him unpopular with the conservative
Minor QuestInfiltrate Tu’narath War factions. While he argued and fought, less worthy
The githyanki guard their infamous city’s location, so The PCs can negotiate with the Separatists to get them ascendants each put forward their own claims.
travelers seeking out this bastion must find a route to withdraw from the war and in doing so deliver a ter- Zetch’r’r lacked sufficient strength to take the city
to the city and, once there, find a way through the rible setback to Tiamat’s plans. by force, but each day he delayed, the damage and
cordon. Reward: 14,000 XP. violence escalated. Like Gith so long ago, Zetch’r’r
Reward: 2,400 XP. Bonus: +2,400 XP if the characters secure a 1,000- turned to Tiamat for aid. The dark goddess, with
year reprieve. plans of her own, proved a willing ally. She had long
Minor QuestRescue Vlaakith Bonus: +2,800 XP if the characters secure an coveted greater influence over the githyanki, but
When the characters make contact with the githyanki alliance. she saw the ancient pact as an obstacle. She offered

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A Tyranny of Souls

to help, promising to give Zetch’r’r full control over Adventure Synopsis body, that the legendary warrior Gith possesses the
the dragons in the city in exchange for his unswerv- young githyanki woman.
ing loyalty and fealty. Zetch’r’r knelt, and his rise to A few days before the adventure begins, a githyanki Once the characters free her and restore Vlaakith
power was assured. envoy representing the Separatists presented him- to the Separatists, they can engage in the negotiations
Bolstered by red dragons, dragonspawn, and self before the Coalition to gauge their interests in for which they were sent. The Separatists agree to
devil mercenaries, Zetch’r’r dashed his enemies and forming a short-term alliance. The representative withdraw the githyanki from Tiamat’s war, but admit
crushed all opposition in a single week. Amid the explained that not all githyanki are so eager to die their promises are worthless as long as Zetch’r’r is
ruins of Vlaakith’s old palace, Tiamat’s dark priests for Tiamat, and many see their service to the dark in power. The githyanki ask the PCs to infiltrate his
crowned Zetch’r’r emperor and the new tyrant goddess as slavery. The envoy invites the Coalition to palace, defeat the usurper, and recover the scepter of
declared his bold plans for his people, including a send representatives to Citadel Mercane, where they Ephelomon. Meanwhile, the Separatists will attack
renewed commitment to the crusade against the can bargain on neutral ground, free from Tiamat’s Tiamat’s garrisons and retake the city. The adventure
mind flayers and a new peace with their estranged ever-present eyes. Although the Coalition suspects a concludes in a deadly battle against the emperor and
kin, the githzerai. His promises amounted to little, for trap, the opportunity to weaken Tiamat’s armies is too his red dragon cohort in his personal chambers, while
Tiamat had other plans. good to pass up. The adventurers, who have proved battles rage in the skies above and in the city streets.
The Dark Lady needed soldiers for her armies, capable allies, are chosen to serve as ambassadors If the PCs succeed, Tu’narath becomes free from
weapons for her troops, and a base to launch new and negotiate the terms on the Coalition’s behalf. Tiamat and the githyanki can once more follow their
attacks against her enemies. Tu’narath provided all The heroes make the journey to Citadel Mercane, own destinies. If they fail, there will be no stopping
these things. Zetch’r’r’s goals stood in Tiamat’s way, but they soon discover their contacts are missing or Tiamat’s wrath.
and so, by her decree, the githyanki would abandon dead. Meeting up with a possible ally, a disguised
their campaign against the mind flayers and refocus raavasta (see Manual of the Planes™, page 136), to help
their efforts to combat Tiamat’s foes. Zetch’r’r had no navigate the trade center, the PCs learn the Separat- Managing the Adventure
choice but to accept his mistress’s commands, and ists are active in Tu’narath and that they must travel Although “A Tyranny of Souls” has a straightforward
thus was Tu’narath’s new course set. there and contact them if they would get them to plot, the players have several choices and options for
What neither Tiamat nor Zetch’r’r realized was withdraw from the war. completing the various parts, allowing the adventure
that by abandoning the Eternal Crusade, they ren- In the githyanki city, the PCs learn the emperor is to unfold in an organic fashion. Giving meaningful
dered the ancient compact between the githyanki wise to their intent and has moved to capture and kill choices means the PCs might skip over some encoun-
and the red dragons void. Without the pact, Gith, many Separatist leaders, plus he has traps in place for ters, and in doing so, they might lag behind in XP or
who’s soul long-languished in Dispater’s cells in the the adventurers. They eventually encounter a Separat- miss out on important treasure. Many encounters
Nine Hells, was free to find the oblivion long-owed ist agent who informs them that Vlaakith, their leader, provided adaptation entries to help you repurpose
her in the Shadowfell, but this ancient hero was not was taken prisoner and is held at the Fortress of Three them for later use in the adventure. Alternatively,
finished yet. Sorrows. By freeing her, the PCs can demonstrate you can use the smaller sample encounters to offer
their goodwill and also give the rebel faction renewed additional challenges. Just move the treasure the
hope and drive to fight against Tiamat’s agents. characters missed to these improvised combats.
The characters travel to the floating fortress, battle Shifting encounters helps you create the illusion of
through its defenses, and fight their way to Vlaakith’s success from cleverness without diminishing the XP
“cell.” There, they learn from the aspect of Dispater, and treasure the characters ought to earn.
who has come to steal back the soul inhabiting her

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A Tyranny of Souls

Preparing for Using Tactical Encounters Read-Aloud Text

Each encounter includes several common elements, Read-aloud text provides information about what the
Adventure as described below. characters can see and are aware of. You do not have
“A Tyranny of Souls” takes the adventurers into the to read it word for word. Especially where read-aloud
Astral Sea. The characters begin by exploring Cita-
Encounter Level text is provided in a question-and-answer format, feel
del Mercane, an ancient trade center built within Each tactical encounter assumes a group of five player free to paraphrase and use your own words when
the heart of a crimson mountain, where they hope characters. An encounter of average difficulty is one describing the information presented. Use read-
to meet with the Separatists’ agents. From the cita- where the encounter level is equal to the level of the aloud text wisely. It is written for the most common
del, the characters travel across the Astral Sea to party. Encounters that are 1 or 2 levels lower than the approach to a particular situation, but the PCs’
Tu’narath. Once there, the PCs might explore the party are easy encounters, while encounters that are actions might require you to alter the information in
Merchant District, attack a floating fortress, and 2 or more levels higher than the party are difficult any number of ways.
ultimately assault the Chromatic Bastion, seat of encounters.
Zetch’r’r’s power. For overcoming an encounter, a group earns the
XP value noted beside the encounter level. This Adapting the Adventure
What You Need to Play amount should be divided by the number of group As written, “A Tyranny of Souls” is for five charac-
Aside from the core rulebooks, “A Tyranny of Souls” members, with an equal amount awarded to each ters at 19th level. If the characters are of slightly
references information from three other sources. character. higher level, you might cut an encounter or two, and
“Tu’narath, City of Death” in Dragon® Magazine #377 you might also cut treasure parcels if the PCs have
provides a comprehensive history and overview of
Setup already attained them during a previous adventure. If
the githyanki and their city. The Manual of the Planes This section of a tactical encounter provides you with the characters are below 19th level, you can use the
provides extensive information on the Astral Sea and the basic parameters of the encounter. It gives you a additional encounters provided in the text to catch
its inhabitants and should prove a useful resource key to the monsters in the encounter so you can locate up the adventurers as needed.
for adding more detail than given in this adventure. them on the tactical map, then provides context or Parties with four or fewer player characters need
Finally, a few tactical encounters feature vehicles. background information. The map of each encounter more opportunities to take extended rests, so you
While the key information you need to use vehicles is area indicates where the monsters are located when might make some combats easier or spread them
included in an appendix, Adventurer’s Vault™ provides the encounter begins. The setup section also describes out. You might also reduce the complexities of skill
the complete rules. what monsters are doing and how they react when challenges since there are fewer participants.
Several tactical encounters involve challeng- the PCs arrive. For larger parties, simply add additional creatures
ing environments, mounts, and three-dimensional Some encounters include monsters that are hidden or hazards to combats using the guidelines presented
combat. Be sure to review “Movement in Three or that do not appear until later in combat. Do not in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Larger parties might
Dimensions, Mounted Combat, and Flying” in the place those monsters on the map unless at least one need fewer extended rests and so you can tighten the
Dungeon Master’s Guide® (pages 45−48) before run- PC has succeeded on the Perception check to notice plot to move the characters from one scene to the
ning this adventure. them, or when they enter combat. next. As well, skill challenges will become easier for
larger groups, so consider increasing the complexities
by 1 or more depending on the party’s size.

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A Tyranny of Souls

Monster Statistics
Encounters include statistics blocks for each monster Treasure Parcel 9: _______________, Ritual scroll of Planar Portal
type present in the encounter. If more than one mon-
The adventure uses the “parcel” technique of trea- and 1,000 gp of residuum.
ster of a particular kind is present, the statistics block
sure distribution as described in the Dungeon Master’s Parcel 10: _______________, Trethrix’s palanquin
indicates how many creatures can be found.
Guide. Use the following 20 treasure parcels. When (page 60), fine clothing worth 1,200 gp, and a pouch
determining which magic items are present, consult containing 70 pp.
your players’ wish lists. If an item is appropriate for Parcel 11: _______________, Magic item, level 24.
a monster to use in an encounter, feel free to let it, Parcel 12: _______________, Magic item, level 23.
What is an
noting the item’s features and making changes to the Parcel 13: _______________, Magic item, level 22.
Adventure Path? stat-block as needed. Parcel 14: _______________, Magic item, level 21.
An adventure path is a connected series of adventures Parcel 15: _______________, 600 pp and two diamonds
that comprises an entire D&D® campaign, from the Parcel 1: _______________, Magic item, level 23. worth 5,000 gp each.
heroes’ humble beginnings at 1st level to their epic Parcel 2: _______________, Magic item, level 22. Parcel 16: _______________, 16,000 gp; a silvery cloak
triumphs at the pinnacle of level 30. These adven- Parcel 3: _______________, Magic item, level 21. spun from astral thread, a mithral mirror, and golden
tures cover all three tiers of play: heroic, paragon, and Parcel 4: _______________, Magic item, level 20. idol of Tiamat, each valued at 15,000 gp.
epic. Each tier is covered by roughly six adventures, Parcel 5: _______________, 6 astral diamonds. Parcel 17: _______________, 400 pp and 2 frozen
meaning that the entire adventure path consist of Parcel 6: _______________, 2 gems of valor (Adventurer’s potions of vitality (can’t be used until 5 minutes after
eighteen adventures. Each adventure covers between Vault 191), 3 potions of vigor (level 19, Adventurer’s Vault being removed from the chamber).
one and three levels, but you can also have the PCs 189), talisman of good fortune (Adventurer’s Vault 168), Parcel 18: _______________, 8 gems worth 5,000 gp
undertake side quests to help supplement XP. This and 4,400 gp worth of residuum. each and two fire opals worth 1,000 gp each.
assures that the PCs are the correct level to tackle Parcel 7: _______________, 3 astral diamonds, 50 pp. Parcel 19: _______________, 21,000 gp.
each adventure. Parcel 8: _______________, 300 pp and 5 potions of Parcel 20: _______________, astral skiff and 1,000 gp.
This adventure path is meant to be a complete vitality.
D&D campaign. That means we’re making some
assumptions about the history and mythology of the
world as the adventures progress, such as Queen Tactics Features of the Area
Vlaakith’s death (an event we’ve adopted from the This entry describes special actions the monsters take This section describes special features noted on the
adventure “The Lich Queen’s Beloved” in Dungeon to defeat the adventurers. Sometimes this means the map. If the location has items or areas of interest with
Magazine #100). As the adventure path moves into monsters take advantage of special features of the which the characters can interact, those features are
the epic tier, you can look forward to the appearance area or make use of special powers or equipment. described here. Look here to see if a door is out of the
of some classic heroes and villains from D&D history, ordinary, if an altar has a secret compartment, and
as well as great ideas from past issues of Dungeon Map the like.
­Magazine and other sources. Each encounter includes a map keyed with the initial
locations of each monster. The map also indicates the
location of any special features of the area.

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A Tyranny of Souls

Starting the “He admitted his people have no love for us, but he also and traders. The Citadel has a cosmopolitan environ-
explained this war was not of their making and has proved ment, so the adventurers should have little trouble
Adventure too costly to continue. blending in and picking up whatever supplies they
“Friends, they want an alliance! Yes, it seems suspect, a need. Amyria warns the characters that Tiamat has
The adventure begins not long after the adventurers trap perhaps, but can we afford to turn away new allies in operatives everywhere and the adventurers should be
complete “Garaitha’s Anvil,” long enough for them our time of need?” watchful for spies and assassins.
to recover, but before the characters have a chance “We discussed the matter and we have agreed to send When the characters are ready, the two mages
to spend their gold and resupply. The initial meeting envoys of our own to meet with their representatives. With begin the ritual’s performance. It takes 10 minutes,
with the githyanki envoy happens off-stage (though the recent troubles, and your incomparable successes, we and when they complete it, a shimmering opening
it doesn’t have to), and once the Coalition comes to turn to you for aid. We want you to negotiate an alliance appears in the middle of the circle they inscribed on
a decision about how to respond to the invitation, with these rebels and get the githyanki out of this war. If we the floor. When all the characters step through, pro-
Amyria turns to her friends and allies: the adventur- can achieve this, our victory might very well be at hand.” ceed to Blood Mountain.
ers. The following encounter occurs wherever the PCs
are resting between adventures. Amyria stops here and lets the PCs ask questions, Alternate Hooks
argue, and say whatever they want. She knows this Even if you are not running “A Tyranny of Souls” as
Read the following aloud, and break it up as is a risky venture, but she believes the adventurers part of the Scales of War adventure path, you can still
needed if the players wish to interject a comment are up to the task, given their record. Assuming they use the adventure as a stand-alone scenario. Consider
or question. agree, she explains what the PCs need to do. any of the following adventure hooks.

Amyria appears in a flash of light. Two human mages in “The githyanki want to meet on neutral ground. Their Ancient Evil
gray robes and carrying staffs accompany her. She looks representatives will not meet here, and we’re not willing to Kastya Zurityh-Movya, a githyanki lich and expatri-
around to gain her bearings, and then toward you. She step into the viper’s nest of Tu’narath. We agreed to meet at ate hiding in the Shadowfell, has long harbored a
smiles, but there’s no joy in it and her eyes are hard, fierce, the Citadel Mercane, a trade depot in the Astral Sea. There, grudge against his people and hungers for revenge
and filled with worry. you will negotiate for an alliance. Your aim is to get the against Vlaakith. With the recent troubles bubbling
“Friends, I apologize for dropping in unexpected, but githyanki to withdraw from the war. We have faith in you up from Tiamat’s influence in the city, Kastya senses
events force my hand. Again, I’m afraid, the Coalition and your wisdom, so you can bargain with the Coalition’s an opportunity. Sending his lieutenant Iliss Githom-
needs your aid. You know the threat the githyanki pose: full authority. If their offer is genuine, failure is no option. Vaas to recruit the PCs residing in Gloomwrought,
They are integral to the Dark Lady’s plans. We have an Should the negotiations unravel, I don’t know that we can he asks them to negotiate an alliance with the new
opportunity to change this and deliver a terrible blow to the win this.” Vlaakith to see to his return to the city and secure a
Chromatic Dragon if you are willing. place in her new regime. The PCs might agree given
“A few days ago, a githyanki envoy came before the Amyria knows little else, although the PCs are to ask that a change in power would ultimately weaken
Coalition with an offer. He represented the Separatists, a for Rel’thrik at the Dreaming Spire in the citadel. the githyanki threat, but they might also secure
rebel faction within Tu’narath, the githyanki’s greatest city. She has learned that Citadel Mercane was raised by a thousand-year reprieve from the githyanki in which
What he described was troubling: Tiamat rules through a planar merchants centuries ago, but inner strife and these planar raiders would not attack their world for a
puppet emperor named Zetch’r’r and he uses the city poorly, upheavals have seen the power shift to the Society specified time.
draining it of resources to supply Tiamat’s war machine. of Seven Diamonds, a cabal of ruthless merchants

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A Tyranny of Souls

Chaos Reigns Part One: When the adventurers head toward the smoking
While taking some well-deserved downtime in Sigil cleft, they encounter Mayhem disguised as a strange
(or elsewhere), the heroes are approached by a coali-
Blood Mountain humanoid creature, but before they have a chance to
tion of githzerai and Xaositectsa faction devoted speak, the mountain’s denizens attack.
The mages’ portal opens onto the mountain slopes Tactical Encounter: Mayhem’s Plight (page 53).
to Chaos. The coalition has learned that Gith has just outside the entrance to Citadel Mercane.
escaped the Nine Hells and now leads a Separatist
faction within Tu’narath. The githzerai believe Gith’s
The portal transports you to a blood-red shelf overlooking Defeating the blood fiends and saving Mayhem
return could fracture and weaken the githyanki, a jagged slope that eventually gives way to loose bits of rock
while the Xaositects simply want to spread unrest. To can give the PCs an edge later when they enter the
and debris hanging in the Astral Sea. Above, the scarlet githyanki city. If Mayhem is unharmed in the fight,
these ends, the coalition recruits the PCs to negotiate mountain rises toward a distant peak, obscured by petrified
an alliance with the Separatists and foment a bloody the characters gain one future victory toward find-
trees, jutting protrusions, and roiling mist. A path winds up ing the githyanki city (page 55). If Mayhem flees or is
civil war. the mountain to a massive cleft from which sulfurous smoke killed, the PCs suffer one defeat instead.
streams. A strange vessel emerges from the plume, sleek and
The One in the Void
When Vlaakith CLVII worked to steal the divine
fitted with sails, spheres crackling with lightning, and other Aftermath
spars, and then it vanishes in a flash of light. Once the blood fiends are destroyed or driven off,
spark residing within the One in the Void (see “The
Lich Queen’s Beloved” in Dungeon Magazine #100), Mayhem approaches the adventurers (if he didn’t
Blood Mountain has a sinister reputation and for run away).
she inadvertently stirred the corpse’s consciousness. good reason. According to legend, the mountain is an
The dead god now dreams, and in its visions it sees ancient battlefield where god and primordial fought
a disturbing future, one in which the Far Realm The odd fellow approaches and says, “Many thanks my
and died. Their spilled blood turned the mountain its friends. Had not you interceded on this humble servant’s
spills into the mortal world and unravels the cosmos. crimson color. The place is by no means safe, because
Believing the githyanki are vital to combating the behalf, poor Mayhem would have found the Raven Queen’s
in the ruins clinging to its surface and beneath the unwelcome embrace, but not before enduring the equally
impending mind flayer empire that will begin the petrified trees foresting its rugged slopes lurk astral
invasion, the dead god scours the natural world unpleasant teeth and claws of those terrible brutes. In
stalkers, blood fiends, and worse. exchange for your heroic intervention to save this unworthy
for heroes to restore the githyanki to their proper
life, I am duty-bound to return the favor if you will allow
purpose and release them from Tiamat’s clutches. Help or Hindrance? me. But first, introductions are undoubtedly in order. As my
Plagued with disturbing visions and dreams, the PCs The Separatists truly intended to meet the council’s
travel to Tu’narath and in doing so learn of Tiamat’s errant words may have indicated already, I am Mayhem, your
envoys at Citadel Mercane, but Tiamat’s operatives humbled and indebted servant. Citadel Mercane is very much
plot and the Separatist movement to oust her puppet dashed these plans, murdering them before the PCs
from the githyanki throne. If the PCs help the Sepa- my home away from home; perhaps I can be of some service?
arrive. Among the retinue and the only one to survive
ratists, they can secure an alliance with the githyanki was a raavasta spy named Mayhem. The fiend infil-
to attend to the mind flayer threat growing in the Mayhem might be a useful ally to the adventurers in
trated the githyanki long ago and accompanied the spite of his evil alignment and dubious morals. The
natural world. group hoping to muck it up. When Tiamat’s agents raavasta knows a great deal about the planes and can
attacked, they upset his plans and now he’s quite provide assistance as shown in later sections. The
upset with the goddess. fiend’s willingness to help stems from his newfound

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A Tyranny of Souls

hatred for Tiamat combined with the hope for a new Agents of Mephistopheles criminals, and other planar scum. The founders have
and terrible war in the Astral Sea, which he believes Level 19 Encounter (XP 12,950) long since vanished, ceding power to the marut mer-
will result when and if the Separatists come to power cenaries who were hired to guard the settlement and
in Tu’narath. 2 ice devils (Monster Manual®, page 63) to a new cabal known as the Seven Diamonds Society.
The raavasta knows the route to Tu’narath, and he 4 legion devil legionnaires (Monster Manual, The characters must pass through the cleft and
also knows what happened to the Separatists’ envoys, page 64) travel nearly a half-mile into the mountain to reach
but he doesn’t share this information right away or 1 war devil (Monster Manual, page 67) the outpost.
explain how he witnessed his companions’ death.
Instead, he waits and watches, gauging the charac- When Gith escaped the Iron Tower in the Nine
ters’ worthiness and planning to manipulate events Hells, Dispater sent his aspect to chase her down.
from behind the scenes to ensure Vlaakith eventually All this activity has not gone unnoticed by the arch-
comes to power. devil’s rivals, and Mephistopheles has sent agents
Mayhem never participates in combat, and he of his own to discover what Dispater is after and
disappears while the fighting rages only to reappear to thwart him if possible. These agents followed
once it’s done. He follows the PCs, giving advice when Tiamat’s forces from Tu’narath and witnessed the
requested, but never volunteering anything. If the destruction of the githyanki envoys. The devils lurk
PCs dismiss him, he continues to monitor them, but in a petrified forest, where they argue about what
from afar, and might assume different identities to they should do next.
ingratiate himself with the adventurers.
Crimson Hunters
Additional Encounters Level 21 Encounter (XP 16,600)
If the PCs don’t head for the cleft and to Citadel
Mercane beyond right away, they can explore the 2 astral stalkers (Monster Manual, page 10)
mountain. It’s a desolate peak, haunted by wreckage
from the ancient war and littered with bones. While Blood Mountain is home to astral stalker tribes,
exploring, the PCs are bound to come across the and their numbers are so great, few travelers risk
mountain’s inhabitants, and none are friendly. exploring the mountain’s ruins. The astral stalkers
prowl the slopes invisibly, watching for intruders
and slaughtering any they find for trophies.

Citadel Mercane
Deep in the mountain, reached only by an enor-
mous fissure, stands Citadel Mercane. Built
centuries ago by a race of planar merchants to serve
as a trade hub for their enterprise, the citadel still
serves in this capacity, but also as a refuge for exiles,

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A Tyranny of Souls

The mists thin and give way to an enormous chamber, Citadel Mercane The Bazaar
easily a mile in diameter. Red crystals as long as towers Just inside the outer wall is the floating bazaar, an
A trade compound in the heart of a mountain, Citadel
encrust the walls. Suspended in the chamber’s center is a insane collection of floating platforms and free-float-
Mercane sees traffic from all sorts of planar peoples.
spheroid architectural mass of minarets, walls, stairs, and ing structures filled with planar travelers.
Population: 9,000. The Citadel boasts a diverse
bridges. Steel struts emerge from the fortress and extend population consisting of just about every kind of
to the walls to keep it in place. Piers bristle from these civilized creature imaginable, from angels to devils, Even before you pass through the gate, you get a sense of
supports, looking like hairs from afar, but you can see an from humans to maruts. Githyanki are numerous since the chaos and wonder of the Bazaar. It is a maze of floating
astounding assortment of vessels, ranging from tiny skiffs they often duck into the Citadel to trade plunder for
earthmotes, each crowded with merchants hawking their
to astral hulks crewed by hundreds. Traffic moves through supplies.
wares. Visitors float from stall to stall, swapping platinum
yawning gates constructed to resemble toothy mouths. You Government: The Society of Seven Diamonds rules
Citadel Mercane with the permission of the marut coins for all manner of goods. You spy larger structures
can see a half-dozen facing your direction. too, some sideways towers, others spherical buildings, while
mercenary companies who enforce the law here. The
Society is made up of seven raavasta, each of whom others still could pass for ordinary in your native world if
No bridges grant access to the Citadel, but the Astral conceals its true appearance behind a mask. The high not for the fact that they float about, drifting through the
Sea’s nature allows even non-flying individuals to fly. cabalist is Tordaka, a raavasta who appears in public marketplace. Astonishingly, there are no collisions even
It’s about a quarter-mile through the air to reach the as a humanoid with golden skin and sporting overlarge though everything is in motion.
fortress, and so it takes about five minutes to cross feathery wings. His greatest rival is a corrupt and deca-
Beyond, or perhaps beneath, is an interior wall,
the distance. dent fiend named Trethrix, who prefers the disguise of
hundreds of feet away, and it sports more gates and tall
a svelte young woman.
Defense: The maruts protect the stronghold from at- statues of strange humanoids that look up at commerce’s
tacks. Three mercenary companies billet here, and the dance above.
Iron Sons are the oldest and have the most influence.
Maneuvering in the Commerce: A bustling black market thrives in the Merchants use stalls situated on small earthmotes
Astral Sea Citadel, and any goods can be had for a price. Drugs, ranging from 2-by-2 platforms to more sizeable
A creature can stand on any surface equal to or larger poisons, cursed items, terrible rituals, astral vessels, structures containing bits of architecture, fossilized
magic items, slaves, and anything one could want are
than its base. It gains the ability to fly at one-half its bones, and other oddities. The free-floating maze is in
all for sale. Most trading takes place in the open-air
normal speed if not under the effect of gravity. It constant motion, so mapping the place is both unnec-
market that sprawls just inside the outer wall and
can hover, but it is a clumsy flier. A creature with the surrounds the inner fortress. The best inn and tavern is essary and impossible. To help navigate the Bazaar,
ability to fly can use its innate flying speed instead. the Dreaming Spire, boasting thirty rooms and a menu tiny mechanical servantsguidesflit through the
It gains hover. with cuisines hailing from no less than a dozen worlds crowds, offering aid to any traveler who appears lost.
Tu’narath and Subjective Gravity: Anyone within and a hundred civilizations. These creations are artfully crafted, each unique and
200 feet of a surface in Tu’narath is subject to normal Organizations: Temples of any sort are not permitted strange. Examples included tiny dragons, cherubic
gravity. (See “Tu’narath, City of Death” in Dragon in the Citadel, but priests of every god, living and dead, babies, metal skulls with glowing eyes, shimmering
are free to move about the city. Many planar factions
#377 for more information about the city.) balls of light, and so on. Each guide is a construct with
including the Xaositects, the Fated, the Mercykillers,
AC 27, other defenses 22; 1 hp. They cannot attack,
and even the Doomguard have offices here.
and they explode in a shower of harmless sparks
if destroyed.

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Using a guide or not, the PCs can find just about DC Information Loosed Demons
anything they could want here. Let the PCs sell off 20 Citadel Mercane has stood for a thousand years At some point while the adventurers explore the
equipment, make purchases, and make any other and is a popular trade center for the merchants
Bazaar, they discover just how dangerous Citadel
preparations they need before proceeding with the across the Astral Sea.
Mercane can be.
adventure. 25 The Citadel is open to all, provided visitors
respect its laws. The most important
Tactical Encounter: Demons Among Us
(page 56).
Inner Sphere commandment is “Harm no one.” The watch does
Consequences: Defeating the goristro demons
not tolerate violence in the city, and those who
Below the Bazaar is the Inner Sphere, a sealed orb gives the PCs an edge when trying to enter the city.
break this law are either cast out or executed.
of stone and iron pierced by a half dozen gates pro-   There are exceptions, though. Why just the Destroying them counts as one victory.
tected by adamantine doors that have powerful wards other day, a group of githyanki from Tu’narath
placed upon them. No one outside of the Society of was slaughtered outside the Dreaming Spire. The The Dreaming Spire
the Seven Diamonds and the marut bodyguards are maruts did nothing and no one knows why.
There are no shortages for places to stay, but charac-
permitted within the sphere. Standing all across its 35 Merchants run this city. They rarely emerge from
ters looking for accommodations find the Dreaming
the Sphere (the inner compound), but when they
surface are twenty-foot tall statues depicting the Cita- Spire is their best choice (especially since they were
do, there is much fanfare and celebration.
del’s founders. Some say the statues are in fact the to meet the envoys here). A strange structure, it
40 There are whispers that the ruling cabal
founders, now forever trapped in stone. looks almost like a tree rising from the middle of the
murdered and replaced the rightful lords of the
Rumors hold the Inner Sphere contains vast Citadel. A century ago, the original rulers just market. Both the top and bottom are taverns called
wealth and plenty. It is a paradise of which one can up and vanished, and the new cabal moved in Night and Day respectively, and the main walled
only dream. Outsiders clamber to catch a glimpse right after. areathe trunkholds thirty rooms. Guests can
of what goes on beyond its walls, but none have seen arrange for rooms and meals in either tavern.
anything but shifting mists. Buying and Selling When the PCs ask after Rel’thrik, they learn he was
The rumors are wrong. The Inner Sphere holds a The characters can purchase any magic item, ritual, killed in the streets by a huge blue dragonspawn and
hideous wound in the Astral Seaa permanent rent or alchemical formula of their level or lower without dark angels. The human bartender looks closely at the
allowing passage to the Abyss. The raavasta, who hail any trouble. A specific item above their level requires PCs, sighs, and then hands them a small metal box. He
from the Elemental Chaos, use this portal to move a DC 27 Streetwise check to locate. Finding an astral says, “He said people’d come looking for him and left it
between planes. vessel or a sigil address requires a bit more work, as for them. Guess those people would be you, huh?”
described in the following entries. The metal box is bronze and featureless except for
Word on the Street Characters can also find buyers in the city. Items a thumb-sized groove on the bottom. Placing a digit in
Characters might make Streetwise checks in the of the characters’ level or less sell for the standard the groove causes the box to float upward and unfold.
Bazaar to learn general information about the place. resell price. Selling items above the characters’ levels Appearing in the center is a shimmering illusion of
Mayhem grants the PCs gain a +2 bonus to their can bring a slightly higher price with negotiation. A the githyanki they were to meet. It speaks at once,
Streetwise checks. character can accept the flat price or engage in a com- “My mission has failed. The Dark Lady’s agents infest
plexity 1 skill challenge (4 successes before 3 failures) this place, and our efforts have proved insufficient
involving DC 22 Bluff, Diplomacy, and Insight checks. to evade them. If you truly wish to make an alliance,
A success sees the character receive one-quarter of come to Tu’narath and we will find you.” The illusion
the item’s price, while failure results in one-sixth of its flickers and dies. Moments later, the box evaporates
value. The character must accept these terms. as if it had never been.

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A Tyranny of Souls

Githyanki Questions Running Afoul of the Law Dealing with the Devil
The characters might ask around for general informa- Level 21 Encounter (XP 16,000) A failed Bluff check made as part of the “Finding
tion on Tu’narath and the githyanki to get a better Tu’narath” skill challenge (page 55) or inquiries made
sense of what they are about to get into. Characters 5 marut blademasters (Monster Manual, page 185) in the Citadel’s dark underbelly (a DC 28 Streetwise
can make Streetwise checks in place of Nature checks check) turns up a name: Scaramandar. A crime lord,
for Githyanki Lore (Monster Manual, page 129). In If the characters are on their best behavior, they information-broker, and cambion, Scaramandar has
addition, a successful DC 40 check reveals, “A little aren’t likely to find too much trouble. However, their extensive contacts throughout the Astral Sea, with
over twenty years ago, the Lich-Queen fell victim to investigations might take them into danger and, by eyes and ears from the natural world to Sigil and most
a coup, murdered in her palace during a dread ritual extension, combat. Since rule zero in the Citadel is places in between. He’s a useful sort to befriend, if you
that would have catapulted her to divinity. The city “harm no one,” a fight could cause the PCs problems. can afford his steep prices.
fell into bloody civil war until a warrior named Once the characters get into a fight, they have The cambion knows all about the adventurers and
Zetch’r’r claimed her throne. Some say he managed a 10% chance each day they spend in the city of their past exploits. He also knows what they are after,
this only because he made a deal with Tiamat.” encountering the Citadel’s watch. Combats after the what happened to their contacts, and, best of all, how
first increase the chance by 20%, so 30% per day for to get to Tu’narath. Scaramandar possesses a sigil
two fights, 50% for three, and so on. A typical combat address to a little-used teleportation circle hidden
with the watch features the creatures here. If the PCs within Tu’narath’s Merchant District. He also can
defeat the watch, they must move quickly lest the full fabricate the proper documentation to get the charac-
weight of the Citadel’s wrath comes crashing upon ters into the city and through the cordon. All of this is
them (featuring whatever epic-level monsters you feel available at no charge, if, and only if, the PCs agree to
are appropriate). do him a favor.
Scaramandar wants a seat on the Society of Seven
To the Githyanki City Diamonds. Trethrix, a particularly corrupt and
With the githyanki contacts dead, the adventurers decadent member, blocks his ascent. The cambion is
can either return home or push on to Tu’narath. Get- certain, thanks to promises from other members, that
ting there is a challenge since the githyanki guard the her removal will open the path to his ascent. Scara-
routes to their city and also keep secret any shortcuts mandar isn’t about to get his hands dirty, and the
that might allow swift passage. Though the informa- PCs represent an excellent way to get rid of his rival
tion they seek is secret and often guarded, the PCs and remove the killers by sending them to what he
can uncover ways to reach the city with a little effort. believes is certain death in the githyanki city.
Skill Challenge: Finding Tu’narath (page 55). When the PCs start asking around about Scara-
mandar, the cambion sends two agents to arrange a
meeting at a place Scaramandar controls. The ser-
vants are a pair of rakshasa nobles (Monster Manual,
page 217) disguised to be appealing to the adventur-
ers. The rakshasas invite the PCs to meet with their
master at Night (the tavern at the Dreaming Spire) for

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a meal and a profitable conversation. If the characters Scaramandar is not worried the PCs will betray Scaramandar Level 20 Elite Controller
agree, they can meet at whatever time they wish. him. He knows quite a bit about their activities, and Medium immortal humanoid (devil) XP 5,600
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +19; darkvision
his information would be of extensive interest to
HP 382; Bloodied 191
Seated in a large chair at a table crowded with a dozen Zetch’r’r. He might share what he knows with Tia- AC 33; Fortitude 35, Reflex 31, Will 34
handsome mortals representing several different races mat’s operatives (as you decide). Immune charm; Resist 15 fire
is an overlarge humanoid with an infernal mien. He Scaramandar fights back if the PCs attack him, Saving Throws +2
Speed 6, fly 8 (clumsy)
has crimson skin, curling black horns emerging from his and four rakshasa nobles hidden in the crowd come to
Action Points 1
forehead, and long, oiled black hair, all of which suggests his aid straightaway. A battle here draws the maruts’ m Greatsword (standard; at-will) F Fire, Weapon
some devilish ancestry. He smiles and stands, revealing attention too. Five marut blademasters show up at the +25 vs. AC; 1d10 + 7 damage, and ongoing 5 fire damage
(save ends).
brilliant robes of uncertain hues embroidered with obscene start of the third round, coming to Scaramandar’s aid
M Double Attack (standard; at-will)
images. He spreads his arms wide in a gesture of welcome. and making the entire battle very one-sided against Scaramandar makes two greatsword attacks. If both
His playthings scatter. “Greetings friends. It comes to the adventurers. attacks hit the same target, the ongoing 5 damage
my attention you have need of information. Perhaps The cambion supplies additional information if the becomes ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends).
r Hellfire Doom (standard; at-will) F Fear, Fire
I can help.” PCs agree to his proposal.
Ranged 10; targets one or two creatures; +24 vs. Reflex;
2d10 + 7 fire damage, and the target takes a −2 penalty to
Scaramandar starts by describing what happened to “Excellent friends, excellent. Trethrix and her retinue attack rolls (save ends).
R Shackles of Phlegethos (minor 1/round; at-will) F Fire
the githyanki operatives, revealing that a bluespawn are due to make their appearance in 12 hours. She is at
Ranged 10; +24 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 7 fire damage, and if the
godslayer leading a force of angels ambushed the her most vulnerable once she returns to the inner sphere. target moves more than 1 square on its turn it takes 10
envoys and murdered them all. The maruts didn’t Opening and closing those portals takes about 5 minutes, fire damage, and if the target makes an attack on its turn it
respond because Tiamat’s forces had made arrange- so when she arrives she must wait for the gate to open. takes 10 fire damage (save ends both).
A Hellfire Storm (standard; recharge 4 5 6) F Fear, Fire,
ments with a “Diamond” named Trethrixshe Strike then and strike quick, lest the Iron Sons appear and
paid off the merchant princess in exchange for no foil the attempt. When you finish, bring her head to me Area burst 2 within 10; +24 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 7 fire
reprisals. just beyond the cleft. There, all I have promised you will be damage, and the target takes a −2 penalty to attack rolls
The cambion then steers the conversation to the yours. I warn you, if the maruts catch you, I can do nothing and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends both). The burst
creates a zone that lasts until the end of Scaramandar’s
adventurers’ mission, but, if the characters seem to help you. Agreed?” next turn. Each enemy that starts its turn within the zone
worried, he says, “You have nothing to fear from me cannot make saving throws until the end of its next turn.
friends. I think your task is worthy, though I fear With their mission in hand, the PCs are free to make As a move action, Scaramandar can move the zone up to 4
squares. Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
the obstacles placed in your path might be too great any needed arrangements before they attack.
C Brimstone Jaunt (move; encounter) F Fire, Teleportation
without friendly assistance.” Scaramandar then lays Tactical Encounter: The Devil’s Bargain Close burst 1; +24 vs. Fortitude; the target is blinded (save
out his offera ritual scroll of Planar Portal, a sigil (page 58). ends). Effect: Scaramandar teleports 20 squares.
address to Tu’narath, and trade exemptions for all. Adaptation: Rather than have this encounter Alignment Evil Languages Common, Supernal
Skills Bluff +21, Diplomacy +21, Insight +19, Intimidate +21,
In exchange, he asks the characters to assassinate take place in Citadel Mercane, you could run it in Streetwise +21
Trethrix: “Kill her, and you’ll be in the githyanki city Tu’narath. Characters seeking access to the For- Str 25 (+17) Dex 17 (+13) Wis 18 (+14)
before her blood dries.” Scaramandar honors the bar- tress of Three Sorrows could turn to the cambion Con 23 (+16) Int 19 (+14) Cha 22 (+16)
Equipment fine robes, greatsword
gain, and any Insight check reveals this fact. for assistance. Trethrix is a rival merchant who is
blackmailing him, and he would see her removed.

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In exchange for her murder, Scaramandar gives the Adapting the Encounter: You can run this Consequences: Disrupting the smugglers’ assis-
PCs a ritual scroll, ingredients, and sigil address to a encounter while the PCs are in Tu’narath. If the PCs tance to the Separatists is a major setback for the
permanent teleportation circle in room 1 of the Float- need a way to reach the Fortress of Three Sorrows, movement in Tu’narath. The PCs suffer 1 defeat when
ing Fortress. In this scenario, the raavasta target does the Merciless could get them there if they eliminate trying to enter Tu’narath.
not get marut reinforcements; she’s on her own. the captain and crew.
Consequences: A bold move to be sure, but one The Sympathizer
The Merciless with far-reaching consequences. The ship is identified Characters who successfully attain a victory on the
The characters might think to steal an astral skiff on by the dragonknights, costing the PCs 2 defeats when “Finding Tu’narath” skill challenge (page 55) can
their own or get a hint to do so from a failed Endur- trying to enter the city. have a meeting with Captain J’ladimir, the githyanki
ance check during the “Finding Tu’narath” skill captain of Gith’s Memory, a powerful astral carrack.
challenge. Plenty of vessels are docked at the piers Shortcuts through the Void J’ladimir was once a githyanki knight, but he resigned
outside the Citadel, and a group could hijack a vessel The githyanki are vigilant in protecting Tu’narath and when Vlaakith was murdered by adventurers. He left
without too much trouble. thus monitor all traffic coming into and out of the his city to become a merchant, and he has sailed the
Characters snooping around the docks find a lone city, boarding vessels, inspecting containers, and sub- Astral Sea these past two decades. Citadel Mercane is
ship at the end of a pier. A Streetwise check can turn jecting craft to divinatory magic. So tight is this net one his favorite ports.
up useful information about the ship. that few smugglers have made much headway moving J’ladimir is tall, thin, with angular features and
illicit goods into the city, and the githyanki make ter- a short, stubby nose. He has bright blue eyes and
DC Information rible examples of those who fail. mottled skin. He wears chainmail armor and car-
14 The Merciless hails from Tu’narath and is One smuggler, Taikus, knows a way and uses it to ries a distinctive silver longsword. Two decades as
captained by a cruel and murderous githyanki move slaves out of Tu’narath and to bring weapons a merchant have done nothing to soften his dis-
warrior named Ri’s’an. It’s currently docked at
and supplies into the city for the Separatists. If the position toward nongithyanki. He harbors a deep
the end of Pier Nine.
adventurers are tipped off about his enterprise, it hatred for adventurers, blaming them, in part, for
22 The ship took heavy damage during a raid on
means his system has been compromised and the his queen’s death. The only thing he hates more than
Hestavar and could not return to the githyanki
city. The Merciless has been docked here for a few noose is ready to close about his neck. nongithyanki is Zetch’r’r, for J’ladimir knows the
weeks, undergoing repairs. The repairs are all The PCs likely come across Taikus by accident. If blackguard was behind his lady’s assassination.
but complete, but the crew took heavy casualties they choose to contact the smuggler, they find him at J’ladimir hasn’t officially joined the Separatists,
during the raid a warehouse on Pier 6, just outside the Citadel. The but he’s close. He resents Tiamat’s surging influence,
27 The crew has made few friends here, and if building stands between two empty docks. However, and his hate for the tyrant endures. Now that the Sep-
something bad were to happen, it’s not likely
Tiamat’s agents close in to kill the smuggler. aratists claim to have Vlaakith CLVIII on their side,
they would get any help.
Tactical Encounter: Secret Way (see 63). he’s willing to help them.
Adapting the Encounter: The adventurers In spite of his misgivings, he needs little convinc-
The characters can attack the ship without fear of
might come across Taikus and his operation while in ing to help the PCs reach Tu’narath. The characters
attracting attention. The other captains detest these
Tu’narath. Instead of granting access to a permanent need only mention the Separatists, and he volunteers
githyanki and turn a blind eye to any violence toward
portal, Taikus might arrange a meeting with the to ferry them to the city. If Mayhem is present, the
Ri’s’an and his crew.
Separatists. characters don’t even need to mention their mis-
Tactical Encounter: Stolen Mercy (see 61).
sion. J’ladimir also supplies the adventurers with the

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proper documentation to enter the Merchant Dis- Sailing the Infernal Envoys
trict. This is the extent to which J’ladimir will help. Level 19 Encounter (12,200 XP)
He offers nothing about the city, about the political Astral Sea
developments, or anything elsesuch is his disdain 2 ice devils (Monster Manual, page 63)
for the adventurers. Passage on his ship is simple and Adventurers who do everything right at Citadel Mer-
cane gain passage on Gith’s Memory and need only 7 legion devil veterans (Monster Manual, page 64)
uncomfortable, but it’s passage all the same. 1 war devil (Monster Manual, page 67)
His ship leaves the day after the PCs meet with wait for the ship to arrive at Tu’narath. If the charac-
him, so the characters still have time to make pur- ters followed up the other leads and participated in
those encounters, the trip to the githyanki city should A war devil in service to Glasya (archdevil and lord
chases, perform rituals, and do anything else they of the sixth layer of Nine Hells) crosses the Astral
need while at the Citadel. be uneventful. However, skipping one or more of
these side-treks puts the adventurers a little behind Sea bound for Tytherion, where it intends to meet
with Tiamat to negotiate for another legion of abishai
If All Else Fails on experience points. You can catch the characters up
thralls. If the adventurers missed out on any treasure
It’s unlikely but possible for the adventurers to utterly by repurposing skipped encounters while the PCs are
in Tu’narath, or you might run one or more of the fol- parcels, they can recover them from this entourage.
fail in finding a way to Tu’narath. If they exhaust
lowing optional encounters.
every option and still haven’t secured passage, let the Malachi’s Refugees
PCs purchase an astral skiff for 13,000 gp. Mayhem
can lead the characters to the city. Otherwise, the PCs
Githyanki Raiders Level 19 Encounter (12,152 XP)

will have to follow another shipperhaps the Merci- Level 19 Encounter (12,000 XP)
2 gibbering abominations (Monster Manual,
less. This should get the characters there, but it doesn’t page 126)
quite get them into the city. Mayhem can provide the 5 githyanki dragonknights (page 68)
5 pact dragons (page 69) 4 grimlock followers (Monster Manual, page 148)
characters with trade exemptions for the modest sum 1 mind f layer mastermind (Monster Manual,
of 1 pp per character. page 188)
A wing of dragonknights riding pact dragons patrol
the Astral Sea to intercept explorers and plunder mer-
chants not bearing trade exemptions. Fleeing the upheaval in the natural world when
the alienist Malachi (“Brink of Madness,” Dungeon
­Magazine #163) failed to create a stable portal to
the Far Realm, this mind flayer mastermind and
its followers ride on a makeshift chariot made from
a massive statue’s head pulled by two gibbering

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Part Two: Tu’narath The Cordon (4 successes before 3 failures) involving Bluff and
The githyanki are not about to let a band of adventur- Diplomacy skill checks against DC 22, or Intimi-
Having crossed the Astral Sea’s expanse by portal or ers enter the city. Not long after Tu’narath comes into date checks against DC 27. A victory earns the PCs
by vessel, the adventurers find Tu’narath, the ancient view, a wing of dragonknights surrounds the vessel to a trade exemption and passage into the city. Defeat
githyanki city, lying before them. Never a welcom- inspect the cargo and ensure the ship has the trade sees the PCs taken to the Fortress of Three Sorrows
ing place, Tu’narath is made even more uninviting by exemption needed to dock at the stations. (Use the (page 43) where they are to be incarcerated and even-
Tiamat’s occupying force and its crushing, totalitarian “Githyanki Raiders” encounter on page 37.) tually executed. The adventurers might resist capture
regime. How the adventurers find the city depends on Characters on board Gith’s Memory have nothing to as they like, but if they lose or go along with the
the methods used to reach it. fear. Captain J’ladimir has documentation and pres- githyanki, they are interred at the Fortress of Three
ents it to the dragonknight when she comes aboard. Sorrows (page 43) where they should have a chance
By Ship J’ladimir is feared and respected enough that the to escape, recover their gear, and rescue Vlaakith.
Characters approaching Tu’narath must contend with githyanki don’t search the vessel and, in fact, escort it Mayhem could prove a useful ally in the event that
the sentinels if they want to reach the city intact. the rest of the way to the docking stations. this happens.
Without J’ladimir, the PCs must fend for them- If the characters defeat the dragonknights, the city
If the adventurers reach the city by way of a selves. What sort of welcome the adventurers face will mobilize a response (use creatures from “Assault-
planar vessel, read: depends on how they acquitted themselves in Citadel ing the Fortress” on page 68). The PCs might retreat,
Mercane. Total the number of victories and defeats and might even return to Citadel Mercane to find
Your vessel breaks through the shimmering astral essence from any encounters as described under the “Conse- another way into the city. A loss against the githyanki
and there, amid the sea of sparkling lights, floats Tu’narath. quences” entries. Characters receive no experience results in incarceration at the Fortress of Three Sor-
Citadels drift around the city, each a cluster of spurs, points for any of the skill challenges related to enter- rows, as described above.
towers, and chains connecting these floating fortresses ing the city. In any event, don’t forget the PCs need to get into
to smaller roosts. Dragons with riders soar through the One or More Victories: The githyanki dragon- the city, so poor decisions should make it harder, but
firmament as massive astral warships perform training knights are secret members of the Separatists. They not impossible.
maneuvers over the city. make a great show of searching the ship and inter- One Defeat: As above, but the skill challenge DCs
Beyond the traffic, and beyond the strongholds’ net, is rogating the adventurers, but ultimately, they allow increase by 5.
the city. Although bristling with towers and strongholds, the heroes to make the rest of the way to the Docking Two or More Defeats: The characters are auto-
wormed with roads, and spewing black plumes of smoke, Stations without trouble. If Mayhem is not present, matically escorted to the Fortress of Three Sorrows as
its foundation is clear. The city grows like tumors all over the githyanki also suggest the characters go to the described above.
a dead creature’s petrified remains. What’s clearly a head Morningstar Inn to find “proper accommodations.”
stands at one end. From its shoulders stretch six arms, No Victories, No Defeats: The characters’ ship is
Docking Stations
each ending at steel docking towers crowded with ships. searched by two githyanki dragonknights, while the Past the cordon, the PCs can disembark from their
Structures armor the being’s torso, extending down to what others position themselves around the PCs’ vessel. If vessel at the docking stations rising up from the “arm”
would have been its abdomen but is now a crumbling region the characters picked up trade exemptions at Citadel accessing the city’s Merchant District. The docking
dimpled with dark caverns and littered with debris. Mercane, their ship is searched, but the PCs are even- stations are metal piers stabbing out from the arm.
tually permitted into the city. If the characters didn’t, Each pier can hold up to eight ships. Here, the adven-
they must succeed on a complexity 1 skill challenge turers can see the city’s diversity: Plenty of githyanki

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live and work here, but devils, maruts, dragonborn ters linger this long, proceed with the following tacti- in the Void. Much of Tu’narath remains as it always
mercenaries, and all sorts of other creatures do so as cal encounter. has, but it has not emerged from the tumultuous last
well. The PCs are safe at the docking stations and can Tactical Encounter: Kill Squad (page 65). decades unscathed.
proceed into the Merchant District without trouble. Adaptation: If the kill squad doesn’t arrive in Vlaakith’s mad rituals sent shockwaves through the
time, or the PCs don’t come to the city by way of city, destroying Susurrus, the Palace of Whispers, and
By Portal portal, you can use this encounter at any point after reducing the necropolis and the statue of Gith to rubble.
If the adventurers came up with another way to enter the PCs arrive, but before Part Five. Damage from this event can still be seen in adjoining
the city, they can bypass all the trouble with the military districts and the city has worked to rebuild.
cordon and arrive in a dim alley tucked between two City Overview The Merchant District, however, is more or less
tall towers in the Merchant District. Tu’narath is a sprawling metropolis built atop the pet- intact. Although overrun by Tiamat’s agents and sol-
If the adventurers reach the city by portal, rified remains of a dead god known only as the One diers, the githyanki still do not allow nongithyanki

The portal deposits you in a refuse-littered

alley drenched in shadows. Ahead of you,
the alley opens onto a crowded street filled
with merchants and travelers alike. Behind
you, the rough stone side street disappears
as it makes its way deeper into the buildings
scraping the shimmering sky.

The permanent teleportation circle on

the alley’s ground is hidden behind a
permanent illusion masking the alley’s
entrance. Smugglers use the alley to
move in and out of the city without
attracting attention. The illusion mask-
ing the alley is identifiable as such with
a successful DC 20 Arcana check. A few
githyanki are aware of it, but they find it
useful, so they have not yet destroyed it.
This said, they monitor the portal, and
the adventurers’ sudden appearance
sees a githyanki kill team descend on
the alley after 5 rounds. If the charac-

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A Tyranny of Souls

who have no affiliation with the war effort to venture Tu’narath In addition, Tiamat keeps four legions in the city to
farther than the commercial quarter, and those who ensure her continued control. These mercenary forces
Under Tiamat’s heel, the former center of githyanki
push into the neighboring districts find themselves are made up of dragonborn, humans, devils, abishai,
culture has now become a bastion of the Dark Lady’s
and other creatures loyal to the Dark Lady. As powerful
beset by overwhelming numbers. Luckily, the Sepa- strength.
as they are, Tiamat knows they are only as strong as the
ratists operate in the Merchant District, blending in Population: 120,000; Githyanki are still the dominant
dragons supporting them, and if the dragons quit the
with the other merchants. people in Tu’narath, but they now share the city with
city, Tiamat’s forces would surely follow.
Tiamat’s legions. Unprecedented numbers of devils,
Inns: The Morningstar Inn; Iron House; The Dragon’s
Exploring the City dragonborn, dragonspawn, and other creatures have
Den; others. The Morningstar Inn is the most expen-
free rein to go where they please. Outside of these
The characters are free to explore the Merchant sive but most popular establishment in the Merchant
forces, visitors are still confined to the Merchant Dis-
District, but their purpose here is to contact the District.
trict, where a diverse population thrives.
Separatists. Taverns: The Winesink; Filthy Dredges; Nectar House;
Government: After foreigners assassinated Vlaakith
CLVII, Emperor Zetch’r’r came to power. He rules by
Rumors in Tu’narath Supplies: The Merchant District is the commercial
Tiamat’s consent and is little more than a puppet. If he
center in the city and one can find just about anything
The characters can learn more about current events displeases Tiamat, his reign would come to an abrupt
they could want. Merchants sell from established
in the city by making Streetwise checks. end.
shops, open-air markets, or carts along the streets. Busi-
Defenses: Most githyanki serve in the military with
nesses cluster together along streets set aside for trade.
allegiance to a society found in the military districts.
DC Information Kyndl Street, for example, offers alchemical supplies,
Military societies raise armies consisting of warriors,
28 Emperor Zetch’r’r rules the city, and the poisons, and ritual ingredients.
gish, and warlocks. Foremost of these warriors are the
githyanki of Tu’narath fight on Tiamat’s behalf. Temples: For as long as Tu’narath has stood, it has
githyanki knights who ride dragons into battle. Numer-
30 Zetch’r’r came to power after foreigners never housed an official temple. With Zetch’r’r’s reign,
ous floating fortresses are arranged around the city, and
assassinated the Lich-Queen Vlaakith, and he has the city now has a grotesque temple dedicated to
each has a full company and two to four pact dragons
ruled for 25 years. Tiamat that also serves as the emperor’s palace.
to intercept foreign vessels coming too close to the city.
35 Many believe Zetch’r’r had a hand in Vlaakith’s
death and point to his close ties to Tiamat as
further proof of his treachery. Not all are so
willing to fight for Tiamat.
Enemies on All Sides Contact, Finally
Although the Separatists took precautions when The recent setbacks to the Separatists’ efforts have
40 Vlaakith has returned and is allied with the
Separatists. However, the emperor’s warriors making contact with the Coalition, their efforts did forced them into hiding, but when the PCs destroy
captured her and hold her someplace out of not go undetected. Tiamat has spies everywhere, the bluespawn godslayer in “Blue Thunder,” word
the city. If she were freed, she could rally the and her agents intercepted the message when they spreads and agents set out to find the PCs. Mayhem
githyanki against Zetch’r’r’s tyranny. destroyed the githyanki waiting in Citadel Mercane. knows exactly where the rebels hide and can lead the
Still fearing an upset to her plans, Tiamat dispatched PCs to them if he is still in the party’s company and
Shopping a favored servant to watch for the adventurers and if he’s asked. Otherwise, just have a Separatist agent
The Merchant District has a robust market, and char- intercept them before they make contact with the contact the PCs.
acters can purchase mundane and magic equipment rebels. After the PCs enter the Merchant District, Tia-
up to their level. If the PCs didn’t spend time properly mat’s agents locate the PCs and attack.
outfitting themselves at Citadel Mercane, let them do Tactical Encounter: Blue Thunder (page 67).
so here.

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The crowds fill the streets in a seething mass. Finding the

Tu'narath Separatists here is tantamount to finding courage in a
kobold tribe. Yet even as this realization sinks in, you spy a
hooded githyanki moving through the crowds, scanning for
The Will of Gith
(Commissar's Stronghold) (Palace of Whispers) something. His eyes fall on you, linger for a moment, and
then he moves away. It seems he wants you to follow.
District The adventurers can trace the githyanki’s route
Naval Docking
Naval Docking
through the streets to a building not far from the
K'radystar docking towers.
(Citadel of the Military
Void's Eye) District Kran'i'toc
(Citadel of War) The githyanki ducks into a two-story building constructed
from stone, encrusted with leering gargoyles, and supported
Docking District Astral by flying buttresses. No sign hangs above the door, but the
Towers Shipyards
Military G'lathk raucous laughter and clinking glass sounding from within
District (Farmer)
Mlar (Artisan) District indicate it’s an inn or tavern or both.

The building is the Morningstar Inn, an infamous

tavern with rooms to rent upstairs. It has the look
of a gothic cathedral, so it blends in with the other
Military Military buildings. Tall windows covered by rich curtains
District District
offer access into guest rooms on both floors. Double
doors on one side lead into the common room, while
another set offers discrete access to the private
rooms. The latter doors are locked (DC 30 Thievery
or DC 35 Strength to open) and fooling around with
the doors causes Gharvag (the githyanki Separatist
agent) to come around to bring the PCs inside to the
common room.

Red Dragon Caves

The bawdy sounds you heard on the street are absent inside
= Flying the large common room. An octagonal bar, painted black,
commands the view and behind it stands an attractive
tiefling in a revealing red dress. She smiles. The tables
0 1,300 feet
around the bar are empty except for one. There, you spot
the githyanki you spied on the streets. He invites you to sit
with a gesture.

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The tiefling is Rhapsody, the owner and member of While Vlaakith lies in chains, there can be no alliance. Rhapsody
the Separatists. In the years since Zetch’r’r came to Should she become free, however . . . If the characters blow it with Gharvag, Rhapsody can
power, Rhapsody opened her doors to the rebels to step in to calm the githyanki down and get the PCs
serve as a base and haven. The place still operates as a Why do you need her? back on track. She tells Gharvag that the PCs are
tavern, but only Separatists come here. their best hope at getting Vlaakith back and saying
The githyanki is Gharvag, a Separatist agent and Our leader is critical to our success, for she is none other to him, “If you want them out of the war, you’d best
contact for the adventurers. He has information than Vlaakith. She wants the gith peoples reunited get over your prejudices and see the allies standing in
useful to the PCs, but also plenty of bad news about and has little use for the treacherous goddess and her front of you.”
what needs to be done before they have a chance to draconic legions.
get the negotiations underway. Conclusions
Wasn’t Vlaakith killed? No negotiations are going to happen while Vlaakith
Plans Foiled? is imprisoned. Since Gharvag and the rest of the
Although he never expected to see the adventurers Yes, Vlaakith CLVII was destroyed around 25 years ago. I Separatists are unable or unwilling to free her, it
here, their appearance confirms suspicions that the might not agree with the methods used to remove her from falls to the adventurers to free her. Assuming the
envoys the Separatists sent are now dead. Gharvag is power, but she was mad. Had she succeeded in her designs, PCs suggest this course of action, Gharvag tells the
Vlaakith’s right-hand man, but he has little author- it would have meant the end for all of us. Our Vlaakith is characters she’s in the Fortress of Three Sorrows, the
ity. Like his mistress, he wants an alliance, but the different. Gone are the deific ambitions, and in their place stronghold in sight of the Chromatic Bastion, the seat
emperor’s secret police and oppressive tactics have is a renewed commitment to our glorious crusade against of Zetch’r’r’s power. If the characters go this route,
driven the organization into hiding. the mind flayers. proceed with Part Three.
Gharvag can supply the PCs with missing informa- Depending on how the conversation goes, the
tion, and he answers the following questions. If we get her out, can we get this alliance ham- adventurers might gain a little insight into what lays
mered out? ahead. Even if Vlaakith is freed, she probably will not
What do you think happened to the envoys? follow through on any negotiations while the emperor
I am certain Vlaakith’s freedom will bring the rebels out sits on the throne. With this in mind, the PCs might
The emperor’s agents must have intercepted our from hiding, but even if you reach an agreement, I can’t see get it into their heads to strike at Zetch’r’r first. This
communications. Zetch’r’r’s secret police have been how we can follow through on any promises. Zetch’r’r has is fine. With Zetch’r’r dead, the githyanki won’t rally
rounding up sympathizers all over the city, forcing the the dragons on his side. As long as he carries the scepter behind anyone until Vlaakith presents herself and
leaders to lay low. We’ve been waiting for word from the of Ephelomon, the dragons will do as he says. Even with reveals she is in fact Gith reborn. This along with the
envoys, and this explains the silence. all our numbers, I’m not sure we can stand against such destruction of the scepter of Ephelomon wrests the city
powerful enemies. from Tiamat’s clutches. Go to Part Five if the charac-
We’re here. Let’s talk. ters are gunning for the emperor.
Regardless of which way the PCs go, if the PCs
I’m afraid you’ve come a long way for nothing. Our leader help, Gharvag gives them treasure parcel 7. Rhapsody
has been captured and is held at a flying fortress outside hands the characters parcel 4 and says, “I think you
of the city. We haven’t mounted a rescue mission since it can use this more than I can right now.”
would expose more of us to Zetch’r’r’s reprisals.

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Part Three:
Fortress of
Three Sorrows
With the negotiations stalled and the PCs stuck
behind enemy lines, their best shot at completing
the mission is to rescue Vlaakith from her captors at
the Fortress of Three Sorrows. The PCs might learn
about her captivity from Gharvag or might stumble
across her when they themselves are captured by the
githyanki on a botched attempt to enter the city.
To most githyanki, attacking a floating fortress is
a suicide mission. Each fortress boasts dragons and
a full company of warriors. Worse, it’s not like the
fortress is somehow out of sight from the city, so there
are bound to be reinforcements waiting to jump in
and destroy the attackers. The sheer improbability of
success and the brazenness required are what makes
this entire foray possible.
The adventurers have two key advantages. One is
time. A sudden strike at a fortress should let the PCs
punch through the githyanki’s defenses in 5 rounds
or so. That’s about 30 seconds. The other fortresses
can’t mobilize this quickly, so the characters can land
and get inside before others can intercept them.
Second, the adventurers have unseen allies. The tress without too much trouble, aside from a likely Dungeon Features
commander in charge of the floating fortress closest skirmish with the fortress’s defenders and the dangers The following features are generally true of all loca-
to the Three Sorrows is actually a Separatist member, posed by snatching a prisoner from the fortress. tions in the fortress.
and so any response from his citadel is slow to come if Once the PCs free Vlaakith from her prison, Entrances: There are two ways into the fortress.
it happens at all. she can speed the PCs back to the Morningstar The first is through the statue’s mouth, where the
How the PCs get to the fortress is up to them. Innthere’s a permanent teleportation circle in a garrison’s pact dragons lair and where the githyanki
Options include using an astral skiff, stowing away on locked room on the second floorby using a Linked store their astral interceptors (see page 46). The second
a supply ship, using a ritual to bypass the defenses, Portal ritual, provided she gets the ritual components. is through a hatch on the central tower.
and so on. Whatever they decide, they reach the for-

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Ceilings: Except where indicated otherwise, ceil- C. Ballista Platforms and soldiers meet with visitors and attend to general
ings are 20 feet tall. The Main Tower sports four exposed staircases that business. A narrow corridor rings the guardroom
Doors: Except for the cells, no doors are locked each descend to a ballista platform. There, crews and grants access to several cells and also the bar-
in the complex. Doors open into rooms unless noted man these powerful siege engines and hurl death at racks. One can descend to the armory below by way
otherwise. A door that joins two rooms opens into the enemies as they approach. of a cramped spiral staircase in the center of the
larger room guardroom.
Illumination: Everburning torches fill all rooms D. Statue’s Head Tactical Encounter: Desperate Defenders
with bright light. The Fortress of Three Sorrows stands atop an ancient (page 70).
Stairs: Stairs are made from stone, and squares statue’s decapitated head. The head floats on the
containing stairs count as difficult terrain while astral horizon, and three chains spill from its tear
2. Armory Level
climbing them. duct to the satellite towers, giving the fortress its This level takes its name, obviously, from the armor-
appropriate name. ies and storerooms that hold weapons, armor, and
Fortress of Three Sorrows foodstuffs. As well, this level holds a training facility
Overview E. Maw where githyanki warriors can spar and hone their
Like most other floating fortresses, the Fortress of Three The githyanki excavated the statue’s mouth to serve as techniques. Currently, the training room is where the
Sorrows is a brooding structure to which there are teth- a hangar for two astral interceptors (see page 46) and githyanki hold Vlaakith, keeping her distanced from
ered three smaller towers raised atop astral detritus. two pact dragons. other warriors lest she corrupt them with her “lies.”
The fortress sits on top of a massive statue’s head, tilted The staircase descends from the prison level and
at a forty-five-degree angle, as if it was a tumor growing 0. Assault on the Fortress continues to the hangar in the statue’s maw.
out from the statue’s ear. The statue’s features are that of Unless the PCs devise some way to sneak into the For- When Gith escaped the Nine Hells, Dispater was
a screaming human wearing an open-faced helm. tress of Three Sorrows, they face stiff resistance when none too pleased. The archdevil dispatched his aspect
they descend on the stronghold. and bodyguards to Tu’narath to see what had hap-
A. Satellite Towers Tactical Encounter: Assaulting the Fortress pened and there discovered what was unfolding in
Tethered by chains forged from astral driftmetal to (page 68). the city. The aspect knew Gith would not give up her
the fortress are three satellite towers perched atop Adapting the Encounter: If the PCs sneak into people, so Dispater has spent several weeks search-
rocky bergs. The bergs float on the astral horizon, and the stronghold and thus bypass its defenses, consider ing for her. The appearance of another Vlaakith was
the towers rise 20 feet above them. denying Vlaakith the ability to perform the Linked too obvious given that her predecessor had no heirs,
Portal ritual. The adventurers have to escape the for- so the aspect has traveled to the Fortress of Three
B. Main Tower tress by some other means. The “Into the Maw” tactical Sorrows to “interview” the prisoner and confirm his
The central tower grants access to the fortress’s encounter on page 74 covers slipping out of the fortress suspicions.
interior. When under attack, the githyanki captain by stealing an astral interceptor (see page 46). Tactical Encounter: Jailbreak (page 72).
commands its forces from this location. Armory: This room contains shelves loaded
1. Prison Level with mundane crossbow bolts, armor, and silvered
The trapdoor on the rooftop opens onto an iron ladder weaponry.
that descends 30 feet to the floor below. The guard- Storerooms: Two storerooms hold foodstuffs,
room at the center is where the githyanki captain water, and other mundane supplies.

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Vlaakith CLVIII Who does he think you are?

Defeating the aspect and the other creatures in this
room lets the PCs focus on freeing Vlaakith from her Gith.
prison. She can talk, but she cannot move. She doesn’t
say anything right off since she’s not entirely sure who Gith?
the PCs are and what they intend. She answers any
questions the PCs put to her. What follows are likely Gith led the uprising that toppled the illithid empire and
questions and typical answers. Vlaakith doesn’t have freed her peoples from a thousand years spent in chains.
time to waste telling lies, so she answers to the best Gith vanished soon after her people settled in the Astral
of her knowledge and truthfully, only shading where Sea, and many believe she traded her soul to forge the
absolutely necessary. pact between the scions of Ephelomon and the githyanki.
According to legend, she was held in the Nine Hells, bound
So, who are you? to an archdevil’s will.

I am Vlaakith, the one hundred fifty-eighth of the name, So if that was Dispater and he’s looking for Gith,
and Tu’narath’s rightful queen. doesn’t this mean Gith has escaped?

What are you doing here? It would seem so.

The so-called emperor’s cronies attacked my quarters If Gith has escaped, that means the pact is
in the city and killed my guards. I fought, but they broken, right?
overpowered me.
Again, you seem to have the right of it.
Who the devil was that fellow you were
So, are you Gith?
talking to?

Would it change matters if I was? You want the githyanki

Dispater. Actually, it was his shadow, an aspect.
out of the war. I can make this happen, but only if you
release me.
What was he doing here?

He believes I am not who I say I am.

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Vlaakith will not negotiate while she’s a prisoner. Astral Interceptor Vlaakith CLVIII/Gith Level 25 Solo Soldier
Gith has been around for a while and is not about to Gargantuan vehicle (astral skiff) Medium natural humanoid, githyanki XP 35,000
HP 250 Space 2 squares by 4 squares Cost 13,000 gp Initiative +21 Senses Perception +23
be intimidated into making a bargain. Furthermore,
AC 4; Fortitude 20, Reflex 2 Forceful Presence aura 2; a bloodied enemy that starts its
it’s not Gith the PCs have to convince: the supreme Speed fly 12 (hover), overland flight 15 turn within the aura is pushed 5 squares.
commanders who make up the Separatists need to be Pilot HP 912; Bloodied 456
convinced to break with Tiamat for good f before the The pilot must stand at a control wheel, typically at the AC 39; Fortitude 37, Reflex 41, Will 42
rear of the astral interceptor. Immune fear; Resist 30 psychic
githyanki will end hostilities.
Crew Saving Throws +5 (+7 against charm effects)
Pitfalls: The adventure expects the PCs to free In addition to the pilot, an astral interceptor requires a crew Speed 6; see also mind over matter
Vlaakith, but the players might have other ideas. of three, all of whom use a standard action each round to Action Points 2
control the skiff. Reduce the skiff’s fly speed by 4 squares m Unarmed Strike (standard; at-will)
Abandoning Vlaakith to whatever fate is in store for
for each missing crewmember. At fly speed 0, the astral +30 vs. AC; 2d10 + 9 damage, and the target is dazed until
her does not in fact contain Gith. She can abandon interceptor sails out of control. the end of Vlaakith’s next turn, see Gith’s judgment.
the flesh at any time and find a new host elsewhere. Load M Ancient Wrath (standard; at-will)
The only reason she hasn’t yet is because she’s estab- Ten Medium creatures; one ton of cargo Vlaakith makes an unarmed strike attack against up to
Out of Control three targets, and can use time to die as a free action
lished her new identity, and starting over again
An out-of-control astral interceptor moves forward at half before each attack. While bloodied, she can attack up to
would be an annoying setback. As a consequence, the speed (not including any modifiers for its astral sails). four targets.
characters will never get the chance to negotiate with Astral Attunement M Shattering Strike (free, when Vlaakith hits a creature with a
The astral interceptor functions only in the Astral Sea. melee attack; recharges when first bloodied)
the Separatists to extract them from Tiamat’s war.
Fragile Propulsion The target takes a –2 penalty to defenses until the end of
Destroying Zetch’r’r and revealing the broken pact For every 25 damage the astral interceptor takes, its speed the encounter.
will more or less remove the githyanki as a threat, but is reduced by 2 squares. At fly speed 0, the ship comes to a M Stunning Impact (free, when Vlaakith hits a creature with a
when the githyanki reorganize, the PCs’ world is cer- stop. melee attack; recharge 5 6)
The target is stunned until the end of its next turn.
tain to be their first target.
R Time to Die (minor; at-will)
The worst thing the characters can do is to attack The following tactical encounter occurs only if the
Ranged 5; +27 (+32 against immobilized targets) vs.
Vlaakith. She might not yet be at full strength, but PCs skipped “Assaulting the Fortress.” Fortitude; the target is pulled 5 squares. This action does
her power rivals that of an archdevil, and she should Tactical Encounter: Into the Maw (page 74. not provoke opportunity attacks.
C Telekinetic Bind (minor; recharges when no creatures are
prove a deadly enemy, far stronger than what the PCs immobilized by this power)
could hope to face at their level. Vlaakith isn’t inter- Close burst 5; targets enemies; +28 vs. Fortitude; the target
ested in slaughtering the party, and so she takes them is immobilized (save ends).
Gith’s Judgment
all alive to use later against Zetch’r’r.
Vlaakith deals 3d6 extra damage to immobilized targets.
Mind over Matter (move; at-will)
3. Hangar Vlaakith flies 6 squares.
The spiral stairs end at the hangar. The githyanki Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech,
keep their pact dragon steeds, the two astral intercep-
Skills Acrobatics +26, Athletics +21, Diplomacy +24,
tors, replacement parts, and food for the mounts here. Dungeoneering +23, History +25, Insight +23,
Intimidate +24
Str 18 (+16) Dex 28 (+21) Wis 22 (+18)
Con 20 (+17) Int 23 (+18) Cha 25 (+19)
Equipment simple clothing

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Escaping the Fortress with the red dragons, the people would rise up and Separatists are strong enough to fight for a time, but
After rescuing the prisoner, the PCs can escape by wrest the city free from Tiamat’s grip. they need to rouse the rest of the city to their cause,
way of the Linked Portal ritual, fly out in a stolen The adventurers have proved their courage, their something that can be achieved only by destroying
astral vessel, or by some other means. With Vlaakith competence, and their ambition. In Vlaakith’s eyes, the emperor.
in tow, the adventurers need to return to the city and they are the ones the movement needs to spark the The chaos and infighting wracking the city covers
get things rolling, so let just about any plan work. If revolution. Shortly after the characters return to the the PCs’ approach to the bastion, so aside from a few
the PCs are stumped, have an NPC ally pick them up city (after they’ve had a chance to take an extended incidental encounters (with combats of your design if
and ferry them back. rest), Vlaakith calls the Separatists’ leaders to a meet- the adventurers are not yet 20th level), they enter the
Once back in the city, the characters can lay low ing. The PCs, representing the Coalition, can bargain shattered remnants of the Queen’s District.
at the Morningstar Inn. Rhapsody has enough hidey- with the leadership to forge an alliance and convince
them to withdraw from Tiamat’s unholy war. When the PCs enter, read:
holes to allow the entire party to disappear for as
long as they need. There’s not much time, however, Skill Challenge: A Turning Point (page 76).
A crumbling, mazelike necropolis of tombs and shattered
for the attack did not go unnoticed and the emperor’s statues spreads out in all directions. Paths wind through the
wrath unleashes a storm like Tu’narath has never
Mayhem’s Exit wreckage and lead up to a towering cathedral wrought from
before seen. After the negotiation, Mayhem decides Tu’narath is
black stone and fitted with windows set with multicolored
too dangerous a place to linger and chooses this time
glass. Before it stands the remains of an obsidian statue.
to make his exit. He bids the characters farewell and
Part Four: ducks out, vanishing into the city. Mayhem is unlikely
Only two glossy black legs remain.

Negotiations to return, but if the characters ever find themselves in

The Chromatic Bastion
Citadel Mercane, they might have an ally or an enemy
The emperor responds to Vlaakith’s escape by clos- there depending on how they treated him. Zetch’r’r rules Tu’narath from the Chromatic Bas-
ing off the city. Those floating fortress commanders tion, an obscene cathedral built to honor Tiamat’s
who failed to stop the adventurers and didn’t have the Part Five: role in his victory over his rivals. Built atop the
good sense to flee are summarily executed, and he ruins of the Lich Queen’s palace, it symbolizes the
installs new commanders loyal to himself and Tiamat War for Tu’narath end of Vlaakith’s corruption and the githyanki’s
in their place, many of which are not even githyanki. strengthened bonds to the Dark Lady of Avarice. It
Military societies loyal to his throne mobilize and Upon securing the agreement with the githyanki is a macabre place, filled with shadowy horrors and
lay siege to those of uncertain reliability, while a full separatists under Vlaakith’s command, the only thing protected by githyanki, dragons, and a menagerie of
legion with red dragon support sweeps through the left for the adventurers to do is to defeat Emperor terrible monsters.
Merchant District searching for Vlaakith and her Zetch’r’r. The emperor’s forces are spread across the
liberators. city, searching for Vlaakith, so the PCs need only deal Features of the
As casualties mount, confidence in the emperor with those left guarding Zetch’r’r’s throne. While the Chromatic Bastion
falters. Division and unrest spread across the city. Yet PCs attack the emperor’s palace, the Separatist lead- The following features are common throughout the
for all the dissatisfaction, none seem willing to rise ers under Vlaakith’s command spark the uprising, bastion unless otherwise mentioned in the text.
up against Zetch’r’r as long as he has Tiamat’s sup- leading strikes against Tiamat’s command centers Illumination: Rooms are bright, lit by everburn-
port. If they could remove Zetch’r’r and break his pact and destroying those who have betrayed them. The ing torches set in iron sconces every 5 squares or so.

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A Tyranny of Souls

Few adventuring parties have the resources and

wherewithal to endure eight encounters in a row,
so the Chromatic Bastion provides one location to
help the PCs regain healing surges and daily powers
without breaking the suspension of disbelief with
a full-blown extended rest. If the PCs attempt an
extended rest anyway, feel free to hit them with
improvised encounters featuring githyanki minions to
make the rest difficult.

0. The Necropolis
The adventurers must pass through the Necropo-
lis to reach the Chromatic Bastion. Fallen heroes
and notable githyanki were accorded the special
honor of being interred in vaults within sight of the
Palace of Whispers. Few, though, rested easy in their
tombs, and those cursed with unlife wander the
necropolis still.
Tactical Encounter: Stillness Broken (page 77).

1. Shattered Gith
Gith’s statue, standing at the highest point in the
Queen’s District, has long stood as a reminder of the
legendary hero’s sacrifice and as an inspiration to con-
tinue to fight in her name. Vlaakith CLVII’s aborted
attempt to seize the divine spark within the One in
the Void caused shockwaves to wash across the dis-
Doors: Iron doors are unlocked. Doors open into Extended Rests
rooms unless noted otherwise. A door that joins two trict, toppling Gith’s intimidating statue and the Old
The Chromatic Bastion offers few opportunities
rooms opens into the larger room. Palace of Whispers on which the Chromatic Bastion
for the adventurers to take extended rests. The PCs
Combat: Don’t feel confined by the maps pre- now stands.
simply don’t have 6 hours to spend recouping while
sented in the tactical encounters. Combats can and their allies fight for the city’s future on the streets
should spill over into adjoining rooms. Avoid letting beyond. Not only do the PCs give Zetch’r’r the time he
battles trigger additional encounters by having ene- needs to crush the uprising but also an extended rest
mies push the PCs back the way they came. gives the emperor a chance to recall his troops and
stiffen his defenses.

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A Tyranny of Souls

The brooding cathedral looms before you, an ugly thing 3. Gallery of Flame 6. Hall of Skulls
that is squat and unadorned aside from the rainbow glass
The gallery of flame honors Tiamat in her red This chamber houses the mind flayer skulls recov-
plates set around the ornately carved iron doors. Before
dragon aspect, and those who seek the fires of her ered from the old Palace of Whispers. Since Zetch’r’r
the structure stand the remains of a once-impressive statue
greed might experience unspeakable desires in this came to power, precious few skulls have been added.
carved from solid obsidian. Only the legs, part of the waist,
fiery chamber.
and sword blade remain, but you can tell it depicted a
Tactical Encounter: Red Sentinels (page 81). Skulls, arranged in stacks that reach the ceiling, extend
female warrior. Black dust and broken statuary litter the
along the walls to the chamber’s end. Most are damaged in
ground all around the statue, and rubble from an older 4. Vestry some way or another, and all are of an alien shape.
structure covers the cathedral’s grounds.
Zetch’r’r and his attendant priests use this chamber to
don their priestly vestments when worshiping at one A character that succeeds on a DC 22 Dungeoneer-
2. Antechamber of the two altars. ing check recognizes the skulls as belonging to
Adventurers destroyed Vlaakith CLVII and sundered
mind flayers.
her phylactery, but Zetch’r’r’ preserved the Lich-
Shelves cover the walls in this chamber, and each is laden
Queen’s essence in her spine and bound her to his
with heavy ceremonial robes woven from brass thread. 7. Shrine of Queens
service with terrible oaths. To show his scorn for his
An iron door stands closed on the opposite wall. Ice rimes Although Zetch’r’r has nothing but scorn for the
predecessor, he reduced her to a common sentinel.
its surface. Lich-Queen, he has not fallen so far as to forget his
Tactical Encounter: Evil’s Backbone (page 79).
heritage. This room honors the long line of queens
5. Gallery of who preceded the emperor.
The door to this room is frozen Against the far wall stands a short porphyry altar holding
shut and requires a DC 22 a statuette of a proud githyanki woman wearing a crown.
Strength check to open. Statues of stern githyanki warriors stand in each corner,
Although built to honor all eyes on the altar. Something about this room fills
the Chromatic Dragon in you with ease, making your mission and fears seem no
her white dragon aspect, the longer pressing.
emperor uses this chamber to
store dragon carcasses for later The sensations the PCs feel come from the ghosts of
use in Tiamat’s war. Attending Vlaakith that haunt this chamber. They approve of
the remains are devils suited for the adventurers’ mission. Not enough of them remain
the gallery’s chilly environs. to manifest themselves in any way more than just a
Tactical Encounter: The feeling. Characters can safely take an extended rest in
Freezer (page 82). this room.
Altar: Inspecting the altar and succeeding on
a DC 27 Perception check reveals a hidden panel.
Inside is a magnificently carved wooden box. Open-
ing the box reveals a pulsing black heart. The box is

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A Tyranny of Souls

Vlaakith CLVII’s phylactery, and if the characters 11. Barracks 15. The Emperor’s Redoubt
defeated her in “Evil’s Backbone,” she reforms in this
Off-duty githyanki spend their time in these cham- The emperor claims the tower at the cathedral’s rear.
room after the requisite time has passed. Destroying
bers. Each room consists of two or more bunk beds The tower has three levels, all of which are open so
the box (AC 10, Fortitude 5, Reflex 10; 5 hp) prevents
and a small table with a basin and water. The central the emperor can see all levels at once. The tower is
Vlaakith from reforming and destroys her for good.
rooms are residences for the gish’saraths (githyanki open at the top, and the emperor frequently comes
A DC 27 Religion check identifies the box as being a
swordmasters). and goes by this way.
Tactical Encounter: Those Who Are About to Tactical Encounter: The Emperor’s Redoubt
If the characters take the box with them, Vlaakith
Die (page 88). (page 91).
reappears in a space adjacent to the box’s carrier
after the requisite number of days has passed and 12. Hall of Heroes Concluding the
attacks at once.
To promote loyalty among his warriors, the emperor

8. Gallery of Decay had this room covered in bas-relief carvings depict- Adventure
ing githwarriors battling githzerai, mind flayers,
Zetch’r’r built this chamber to honor Tiamat in her When the characters defeat Zetch’r’r and his allies,
and slaads. When the Chromatic Temple comes
black dragon aspect. Currently, though, the emperor an astral skiff descends through the roof and settles
under attack, the githyanki move to make a stand in
sets aside this chamber to hold curiosities recovered on the second floor. Vlaakith and several githyanki
this chamber.
during the war. Since these “items of interest” are in knights exit through the hatch. Vlaakith congratu-
Tactical Encounter: Those Who Are About to
fact dangerous creatures, the emperor set mercenar- lates the adventurers on their victory and then starts
Die (page 88).
ies to guard them. looking for the scepter of Ephelomon. If the scepter was
Tactical Encounter: Curiosities (page 84). 13. Training Facilities destroyed, she gathers the pieces. Otherwise, she asks
The githyanki use this bare room to spar and perform the PCs for it. She then makes ready to leave, saying,
9. Gallery of Death weapon maneuvers. The walls hold weapon racks, “It’s time to finish this.” She then boards the astral
This chamber honors Tiamat in her green dragon skiff again. The characters can join her if they wish.
and the floor is broken up into fighting rings. Gith-
aspect and sports a beautiful idol of the goddess Vlaakith and her retinue head for the dragon caves
warriors are on guard here should the Chromatic
in emerald. Since this chamber grants access to at the opposite side of the city. Through the windows,
Bastion come under attack.
Zetch’r’r’s private quarters, he places tough guards to the characters can see Tu’narath in flames, and fight-
Tactical Encounter: Those Who Are About to
ensure he is not disturbed. ing still rages in pockets. Not long after, the skiff
Die (page 88).
Tactical Encounter: Emerald Statue (page 86). descends and lands on a large floating rock amid the

10. Guard Post 14. Gallery of Tempests debris held by the red dragons. There, Vlaakith steps
This room celebrates Tiamat in her blue dragon out and waits.
Although Zetch’r’r commits his forces to crushing the Moments later, an elder red dragon emerges from
aspect. This room is also where the emperor passes
Separatists, he keeps a small force of githyanki here a cave followed by four more dragons of similar
judgment on those who disappoint him. He executes
as insurance. Guards positioned here listen for sounds size. Before they have a chance to breathe, Vlaakith
the disloyal and inept and discards their corpses in a
of combat with the dragons in room 3 and alert their raises her hands to show them the scepter. She says
charnel pit below.
cohorts in room 11 to make ready for a fight. the following:
Tactical Encounter: Vicious Storm (page 89).
Tactical Encounter: Those Who Are About to
Die (page 88).

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“Children of Ephelomon, the pact is ended and your worthy If the characters forged a short-term alliance, two Appendix:
service is no longer required.” githyanki generals accompany them to the natural
world to work with the Coalition leaders to lend their Vehicles Summary
If not already broken, she shatters the relic with a service in the coming fight against Tiamat’s armies.
telekinetic attack. Otherwise, she drops the pieces to Otherwise, Vlaakith takes command of Tu’narath. Vehicles are objects with special statistics, some of
the ground. She has the Chromatic Bastion razed, and she builds which are similar to those possessed by creatures.
The elder red dragon’s eyes narrow for a moment a new structure amid the red dragon caves as a sign Unless otherwise mentioned, use the rules governing
and then it says, “You have been suitable partners of githyanki independence. Her first order of business objects as described in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
these long years. It would be a waste to see you after securing the city is to extend a hand of peace The following guidelines include information that
destroyed. We shall leave, but know this: When we to the githzerai cousins. It has been too long, and old applies to vehicles used in this adventure. For the full
next meet, it shall be as enemies.” The elder dragon grudges have weakened her people. Those githzerai rules, see Adventurer’s Vault, pages 14–17.
roars and lifts off, and the other dragons follow its who accept the proffered peace eventually make the Size: Vehicles have sizes just like creatures.
lead. All across the shattered expanse, more drag- journey from the Elemental Chaos to find new lives Hit Points: A vehicle reduced to 0 hit points is
ons leave their caves, some carrying blackened amid their age-old enemies. A reunited people, they destroyed, and creatures on board are knocked prone
eggs, others spitting fire, piercing the air with their surrender their old identities of githyanki or githzerai in their squares. The vehicle’s wreckage occupies its
screams. As dragons abandon the city in scores, the and embrace a new culture as the gith. space and counts as difficult terrain.
few remaining dragons fighting the Separatists take Will Vlaakith restart the Eternal Crusade? Will Space: Vehicles occupy all the space within its
note and drop their riders to the city streets below she become a new threat against the mortal world, listed dimensions. Vehicles cannot squeeze.
before following their kin. Within minutes, the drag- or will she leave it be as she scours other worlds for Defenses: Like all objects, vehicles have an Armor
ons vanish into the shimmering void, and the city is the hated illithid infestation? Or does she have some Class, a Fortitude defense, and a Reflex defense. They
once more under githyanki control. other design? The gith’s fate is in your hands. do not have a Will defense.
Vlaakith honors whatever agreements she made Speed: A vehicle’s speed determines how far it
with the adventurers and stakes no claim to any travels when a driver or pilot uses a move action.
treasures they extracted from the Chromatic Bastion. Using 2 move actions allows the vehicle to move twice
The characters are free to stay in the city for as long its speed.
as they wish, but they will likely wish to return to the Pilot and Crew: Vehicles require a character to
Coalition to report their success, and Vlaakith gladly control it and a crew to help. Pilots usually operate
has her servants open a portal to the natural world to the vehicle from the rear so when placing the vehicle
facilitate the adventurers’ return. on the map, decide which is the front and which is
the rear.

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A vehicle needs a pilot. Without one, the vehicle Prone: A vehicle that would be knocked prone Drive: Move Action. Move the vehicle a distance
goes out of control and the statistics block describes instead takes 1d10 damage and is slowed (see below) up to its speed. When you move the vehicle, it must
what happens. Only one character can control a vehi- until the end of the next round. move in the direction of its heading marker. The
cle during a round, though any number of characters Restrained: A restrained vehicle is immobilized vehicle can move directly forward or it can move
can attempt to take control until one is successful. A and cannot be forced to move by a pull, a push, or a along either forward diagonal adjacent to its heading
character can yield control to another character as a slide effect. If the restrained condition is ended by the marker. It cannot move in other directions without
free action, but the character assuming control of the escape action, the vehicle uses the pilot’s relevant skill making a turn. A vehicle’s movement does not pro-
vehicle (also a free action) can take no other action modifier. voke opportunity attacks against the vehicle or the
with the vehicle during that turn. If a character does Slowed: The vehicle’s speed is reduced to 2, as creatures on it. Terrain affects a vehicle in the same
not move into the pilot position and assume control normal. way that it affects creatures.
when it’s yielded, the vehicle might go out of control Out of Control: A pilot must use specific actions Turn: Move Action. Move the vehicle a distance
unless some other character takes control. to steer, move, or stop a vehicle. In any round in equal to half its speed. When you move the vehicle,
Initiative: A vehicle never rolls for initiative and which no character uses actions to control the vehicle, it must move in the direction of its heading marker.
acts on the turn of the creature controlling it. If the a vehicle is out of control (see statistics block). The vehicle can move directly forward or it can move
vehicle is out-of-control, the vehicle’s effective initia- Crashing and Ramming: If a vehicle tries to along either forward diagonal adjacent to its heading
tive check result is 1 lower than the last creature in move into a space occupied by an object, a creature, marker. At any point during the vehicle’s movement,
the initiative order. For multiple out-of-control vehi- or another vehicle, it crashes. The vehicle and what- move its heading marker from its current position to
cles, the vehicles act in order of which has been out of ever hits it take 1d10 damage per square the vehicle either side of the vehicle. Reorient the vehicle’s coun-
control the longest. moved in its previous turn. Creatures on board (and ter or miniature accordingly at the end of the move.
Opportunity Attacks: A vehicle’s movement does those on board the object it hits) take half damage. Otherwise, this action follows the rules for the drive
not provoke opportunity attacks against the vehicle or If the target of the crash is more than one size action (above).
creature(s) occupying it. Creatures moving within still category smaller than the out-of-control vehicle, the Stop: Move Action. Move the vehicle forward a
provoke opportunity attacks from other creatures in vehicle continues to move regardless of how much number of squares equal to the distance it moved
the same vehicle, as normal. damage it dealt during the crash. The space the target in the previous round. At the end of the move, the
General Conditions: Vehicles can be attacked occupies is treated as difficult terrain for the vehicle’s vehicle is motionless. A vehicle begins moving again
just like other objects. Some conditions have special movement. when the pilot uses the drive action. A stopped vehi-
rules (see below). If an effect allows a saving throw to Against targets of equal or greater size, the vehicle cle does not go out of control while motionless unless
end a condition, a vehicle makes one at the end of its continues to move only if the target is destroyed. If not otherwise noted in its description. The vehicles’ head-
controller’s turn (or at the end of the vehicle’s turn if destroyed, the vehicle’s move ends immediately. ing marker remains in place. If and when the vehicle
out of control). A pilot can use a move action to allow Turning and Heading: Every vehicle has a moves again, it must initially move in this direction.
a vehicle to make an additional saving throw during headingthe direction it currently moves. To track
his or her turn. a vehicle’s heading, place a token along the front
Immobilized: An immobilized vehicle cannot edge of the vehicle’s space on the battle grid. When
move except by a pull, a push, or a slide. a vehicle moves, uses the marker to count off squares
in the direction the vehicle is moving, and then move
the vehicle counter or miniature to catch up.

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A Tyranny of Souls

Mayhem’s Plight 2 Blood Fiends (B) Level 23 Soldier Mayhem the Raavasta (M) Level 19 Lurker
Medium elemental humanoid XP 5,100 each Medium elemental humanoid (shapechanger) XP 2,400
Initiative +21 Senses Perception +23; darkvision Initiative +19 Senses Perception +18; truesight 6
Encounter Level 18 (10,200 XP)
HP 220; Bloodied 110 HP 136; Bloodied 68
AC 41; Fortitude 36, Reflex 34, Will 32 AC 32; Fortitude 29, Reflex 32, Will 33
Setup Immune fear Resist 10 psychic, 10 variable (3/encounter; see “Resist,”
2 blood fiends (B) Speed 8, fly 10 Monster Manual, page 282)
m Claws (standard; at-will) Speed 8
Mayhem (M) m Claws of Blindness (standard; at-will)
+28 vs. AC; 2d8 + 10 damage.
m Bloodthirsty Bite (standard; at-will) F Healing +23 vs. AC; 1d6 + 6 damage, and the target is blinded (save
Mayhem is confronted by two ravenous blood fiends. Requires combat advantage; +28 vs. AC; 1d8 + 10 damage, ends).
and the target is grabbed and takes ongoing 10 damage. R Mind Scramble (standard; recharges when first bloodied or
The abominations happily engage anyone that
Also, the blood fiend regains 10 hit points. when Mayhem scores a critical hit with claws of blindness) F
interferes. C Terror Gaze (minor; at-will) F Fear Psychic
Close blast 3; +24 vs. Will; the target is immobilized (save Ranged 10; +22 vs. Will; 1d10 + 7 psychic damage, and the
The path emerges from the petrified forest and climbs to a ends). target is dazed and takes a −2 penalty to attack rolls (save
Combat Advantage ends both).
smoking cleft in the mountainside. Standing on the road,
The blood fiend gains combat advantage against any living, Change Shape (minor; at-will) F Polymorph
and looking quite terrified, is a tall blue-skinned humanoid bloodied enemy. Mayhem can alter its physical form to take on the
dressed in fine robes. Two muscular four-armed humanoids Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Primordial appearance of any Medium humanoid, including a unique
Skills Intimidate +24 individual.
with blood red skin and long claws and fangs threaten the
Str 30 (+21) Dex 26 (+19) Wis 24 (+18) Cloak and Claw
traveler from mountain ledges. Con 28 (+20) Int 22 (+17) Cha 27 (+19) Mayhem’s attacks deal 2d6 extra damage against a target
against which it has total concealment.
Vanish (immediate reaction, when an enemy hits Mayhem;
recharge 5 6) F Illusion
Mayhem shifts 3 squares and is invisible until the end of its
next turn or until it makes an attack.
Alignment Evil Languages All
Skills Bluff +21, Stealth +20
Str 15 (+11) Dex 22 (+15) Wis 18 (+13)
Con 16 (+12) Int 19 (+13) Cha 24 (+16)
Equipment fine clothing

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A Tyranny of Souls

Tactics Features of the Area

The blood fiends focus their attacks on Mayhem until Cliffs: Climbing up or down the rock faces
the PCs join the combat. One closes to use terror gaze, requires a DC 14 Athletics check. A fall from the cliff
while the second moves in to make an attack with below the path causes the character to roll down the
its claws, leaping from a ledge to put itself between mountain side, moving 1d20 squares and taking 1d10
the PCs and their prey. If the characters attack, both damage for every 2 squares moved before coming to
blood fiends abandon Mayhem and use terror gaze a stop.
to pin down their enemies and then close to savage Vents: Fissures in the mountain near the cleft
them with their claws. Once they bloody an enemy, (marked V1, V2, V3, and V4 on the map) occasionally
they go for the kill, using their bloodthirsty bite attacks. burst hot, poisonous steam. On initiative count 10,
Mayhem plays the part of the hapless victim for 1 roll 1d4 to determine which vent attacks.
round. If the PCs have yet to help him by the start of
the second round, the next time he’s hit by an attack, c Vented Steam F Fire, Poison
Close blast 3; +21 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 6 fire damage, and the
he uses vanish to cover his retreat. If prevented, he target takes ongoing 10 fire and poison damage (save
uses mind scramble against a blood fiend and tries to ends).
withdraw to the cleft. He flees if he’s bloodied.
Sulfurous Smoke: All spaces adjacent to the cleft
are lightly obscured, while spaces in the cloud or in
the cleft are heavily obscured.

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A Tyranny of Souls

Finding Tu’narath Special

If the PCs rescued and befriended Mayhem, they gain a +2
Advanced Streetwise 1 DC 27 (0 successes or failures)
The PCs ask around about Scaramandar and learn he is a
bonus to all skill checks related to the skill challenge. fixer and problem-solver. He has a dubious reputation and is
Encounter Level 19 (12,000 XP) Bluff DC 22 a known double-crosser, but he might aid them in reaching
The PCs adopt cover stories and use them to find a way to the Tu’narath. If the characters follow this lead, they get an
Setup githyanki city. audience. Go to “Dealing with the Devil” on page 34.
To secure a route to the githyanki city, the PCs must Requires a successful Streetwise check. Characters can cooperate to aid a lead character using this
The first failure turns up a name for someone who might skill.
negotiate Citadel Mercane for leads. You should help: Scaramandar. The failed check opens up the advanced Advanced Streetwise 2 DC 22 (0 successes or failures)
run this skill challenge as the adventurers explore Streetwise 1 option. The PCs cannot make any more Bluff A little investigation into suitable vehicles to steal comes up
and investigate the Bazaar. This skill challenge is checks until they succeed on another Streetwise check. with the name Merciless. If the characters follow this lead, they
Diplomacy DC 22 find the vessel with little trouble. See “Merciless” on page 36.
unusual in that even failed checks can reveal routes to
The adventurers negotiate for passage, hinting at their mission Characters can cooperate to aid a lead character using this
Tu’narath. These options are more dangerous and risk and seeking sympathizers. skill.
much, but they are as viable as geting a victory with The PCs cannot make any more Diplomacy checks until Advanced Streetwise 3 DC 22 (0 successes or failures)
the skill challenge. Many failures, as shown below, they get another success with Streetwise. The PCs learn Taikus is still in the city and he might be willing
Endurance DC 22 (4 successes maximum; see below) to help. If the characters follow this lead, they find directions to
include links to side-treks. If characters follow-up on The PCs spend time carousing in the hopes loose lips might his warehouse. Proceed with “Shortcuts through the Void” on
these, turn to the indicated page for details on what reveal a clue. page 36.
happens. On a failed check, a nearby barfly suggests the characters Characters can cooperate to aid a lead character using this
should just steal a ship. The failed check opens up the skill.
Finding Tu’narath Level 19 advanced Streetwise 2 check.
Skill Challenge XP 12,000 History DC 27
The PCs recall and mention a particularly bloodthirsty
The air hums with conversation, and in the crowds you see any
githyanki raid so that they can attempt to weaken bonds of
number of useful types who might aid you in your mission.
loyalty or foment feelings of vengeance in people around them.
The PCs listen and interact with locals to discover possible A successful check can negate one failure instead of
routes to Tu’narath. This skill challenge takes at least 6 granting a success.
hours. Intimidate DC 22
Complexity The PCs use threats to pressure locals to cough up a way to
5 (12 successes before 3 failures). the city.
Primary Skills If failed, in addition to counting as a failure, the first failed
Bluff, Diplomacy, Endurance, History, Insight, Intimidate. check reveals a name of someone who might help. Taikus,
Other Skills a githzerai black marketer, sometimes smuggles goods into
Streetwise. Tu’narath. This failure opens up advanced Streetwise 3. The
Victory PCs cannot make any more Intimidate checks until they
The characters arrange a meeting with Captain J’ladimir, succeed on another Streetwise check.
a Separatist sympathizer. He stands as the best and most Streetwise DC 22
certain route to Tu’narath. Proceed to “The Sympathizer” The PCs explore the Citadel, listening to rumors, asking
on page 36. questions, and generally feeling the pulse of the city.
Defeat Characters can cooperate to aid a lead character using this
If the characters haven’t yet found a way to reach Tu’narath skill. In addition to counting as a success, a successful check
by one of the challenge’s failures, they must begin the skill opens up the Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate skills.
challenge again.

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A Tyranny of Souls

Demons Among Us 3 Goristro Slaves (G) Level 19 Elite Brute Tactics

Huge elemental humanoid (demon) XP 4,800 each
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +17; darkvision The demons are enraged and attack anything that
Encounter Level 20 (14,400 XP)
HP 450; Bloodied 225; see also raging frenzy comes too close. A demon uses lashing chains against
AC 31; Fortitude 33, Reflex 28, Will 29 the first enemy to come in its range, and then uses the
Setup Resist 20 variable (2/encounter; see “Resist,” Monster Manual,
attack again against a different target by spending an
3 goristro slaves (G) 282)
Saving Throws +2 action point. If a PC closes on the demon, it uses gor-
Speed 8 istro stomp or, if waiting for the power to recharge, it
Three hulking goristro demons escaped their han- Action Points 1
hammers its foe with double attack. The demons fight
dlers by killing them. Free, they vent their rage at m Slam (standard; at-will)
Reach 3; +22 vs. AC; 2d10 + 8 damage. until destroyed.
innocent bystanders and will not stop until destroyed.
M Double Attack (standard; at-will)
The goristro makes two slam attacks.
While the PCs explore the market, read: M Goristro Stomp (immediate reaction, when a nonadjacent
enemy moves adjacent to the goristro; recharge 4 5 6)
The goristro attacks the triggering enemy: +22 vs. AC;
Screams pierce the Bazaar’s steady hum, presaging a mad
4d8 + 6 damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares and
rush. Through the fleeing people, you see a massive demon knocked prone.
leap from one ruined stall to land on another. It whips M Raging Frenzy (immediate reaction, when attacked by an
adjacent enemy while bloodied; at-will)
its chain about, decapitating three too-slow patrons. Two
Targets triggering enemy: +22 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage.
more demons bound into the scene, roaring and screeching R Lashing Chains (standard; at-will)
in rage. Ranged 5; +22 vs. AC; 3d10 + 8 damage, and the target is
grabbed. Effect: One other creature grabbed by the goristro
slides to a space adjacent to the target of the attack, takes
15 damage, and is no longer grabbed.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal
Str 27 (+17) Dex 12 (+10) Wis 17 (+12)
Con 25 (+16) Int 6 (+7) Cha 12 (+10)
Equipment chains

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A Tyranny of Souls

Features of the Area Development

Crowds: During the first round, the characters Starting on the fifth round and every 2 rounds there-
have cover from the patrons in the Bazaar, but each after until the end of the encounter, three marut
square a character moves closer to the demons counts blademasters (Monster Manual, page 185) join the
as difficult terrain due to the press of fleeing people. fight to help contain the demons. These combatants
During the second round, this environmental effect do not attack the PCs unless the PCs attack them. If a
ends and the PCs are free to move about normally. fight breaks out between the PCs and the maruts, see
Floating Stands: The battlefield consists of the “Running Afoul of the Law” sidebar on page 57
several floating stands. Because the PCs are on the for further developments.
Astral Sea, they can fly up to half their speed and
hover in place. Since they are clumsy fliers, such Conclusion
characters take a −4 penalty to attack rolls and Once the last demon falls, the Bazaar’s commerce
defenses while flying. A character can choose not to resumes as if nothing had happened. The dead drift
fly and instead jump, making an Athletics check as away and are eventually picked up by locals for ren-
normal to cross the gaps (Player’s Handbook, page 182). dering into candles and food, but not before they are
Tents: Many floating stands contain tents. A char- picked clean of valuables. As the characters recover,
acter inside a tent has total concealment. Trethrix of the Seven Diamonds appears at their side.
Walls: Some floating stands contain walls. Char- A beautiful woman, svelte and appealing, she smiles
acters behind them gain cover. and thanks the adventurers for their selfless service.
As a reward, she gifts them with treasure parcel 5.
After she honors the characters, she returns to her
palanquin to continue her shopping.

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A Tyranny of Souls

The Devil’s Bargain 4 Marut Escorts (M) Level 19 Minion Soldier Trethrix (T) Level 23 Elite Controller
Medium immortal humanoid XP 600 each Medium elemental humanoid XP 10,200
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +20; truesight 10 (shapechanger), raavasta
Encounter Level 19+ (12,600 XP)
HP 1; a minion never takes damage from a miss. Initiative +16 Senses Perception +22; truesight 6
AC 34; Fortitude 36, Reflex 31, Will 32 HP 428; Bloodied 214
Setup Immune sleep; Resist 10 thunder AC 40; Fortitude 35, Reflex 38, Will 36
4 marut escorts (M) Speed 8, fly 4 (hover), teleport 4 Resist 15 psychic, 15 variable (2/encounter; see “Resist,”
m Greatsword (standard; at-will) F Thunder, Weapon Monster Manual, page 282)
Trethrix (T) Saving Throws +2
+26 vs. AC; 12 damage plus 3 thunder damage, and the
target is pushed 1 square. Speed 6
Periodically one of the Seven Diamonds travels the Hardy Minion (when the marut escort is hit by an attack; Action Points 1
at-will) m Beguiling Claws (standard; at-will) F Charm
Bazaar to assert that they are the true masters and to
Roll 1d6. On a 5 or 6, the marut takes no damage from the +26 vs. AC; 1d6 + 5 damage, and the target is blinded (save
encourage commerce. The most recent Diamond to attack. ends).
explore the Bazaar is Trethrix. A raavasta, she is thor- Alignment Unaligned Languages Supernal R Bind (minor; recharges when enforce contract is used) F
oughly evil, but she has no special complaint against Str 30 (+19) Dex 21 (+14) Wis 23 (+15) Charm, Psychic
Con 23 (+15) Int 12 (+10) Cha 13 (+10) Ranged sight; no attack roll required; the target chooses
the adventurers and thus is not prepared for an attack to take ongoing 20 psychic damage (save ends) or be
Equipment greatsword
against her. dominated (save ends); see also enforce contract.
This encounter occurs only if the adventurers C Mind Stab (standard; encounter) F Fear, Psychic
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +28 vs. Will; 5d6 + 9
move to assassinate the merchant to gain access to
psychic damage, and the target moves its speed away from
Tu’narath. The best time to strike is when she awaits Trethrix.
the portal to open to the Inner Sphere. The adventur- Change Shape (minor; at-will) F Polymorph
ers should have plenty of time to scout the area and Trethrix can alter its physical form to take on the
appearance of any Medium humanoid, including a unique
set up their ambush. individual (see “Change Shape,” Monster Manual, page 280).
Enforce Contract (immediate reaction, when an enemy’s melee
When the PCs can see this scene, read: or ranged attack targets Trethrix; recharges when bind is
used) F Charm
The attack targets the creature affected by Trethrix’s bind
A beautiful woman reclines on a palanquin. Standing power instead of Trethrix. Using this power ends the bind
at each corner is a gray-skinned humanoid wielding a effect on that creature.
greatsword. The group waits before a shuddering gate Vanish (immediate reaction, when an enemy hits Trethrix;
recharge 5 6) F Illusion
ringed with bright glyphs set on the Inner Sphere’s surface.
Trethrix shifts 3 squares and is invisible until the end of its
next turn or until it attacks.
Alignment Evil Languages All
Skills Bluff +23, Diplomacy +23, Insight +22
Str 14 (+13) Dex 20 (+16) Wis 23 (+17)
Con 22 (+17) Int 28 (+20) Cha 25 (+18)
Equipment fine clothing

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A Tyranny of Souls

The marut escorts form a defensive perimeter around
the raavasta to block attempts by enemies to reach
their charge. When a foe closes, the maruts use their
greatswords to throw back the attacker. They follow
Trethrix as she moves about to avoid the PCs’ attacks.
While her minions move to protect her, Trethrix
uses bind against a tough defender. If the target opts
to become dominated, she compels it to make basic
attacks against its allies. If she comes under attack,
she safeguards herself by using enforce contract, at
Inner Sphere Gate
which point she chooses a different target to bind. If
two or more PCs close on her, she uses mind stab to
drive them off and spends an action point to hit a
target she misses with her beguiling claws. If she drops
to 100 hit points or fewer, she uses vanish to make an
escape if possible.
The marut blademasters that come through the
portal (see “Development” on the next page) close on
the closest enemy, fighting their way to the raavasta’s
side using teleport if necessary. Once there, they take
up the roles her escorts performed and fight to the
death defending the fiend.

Features of the Area an AC 2, Fortitude 20, Reflex 2, hp 400. If a statue

takes 50 or more damage, blue blood sprays in a con-
Inner Sphere Gate: A massive gate leads to Cita-
tinuous close blast 3 in the direction from the attack.
del Mercane’s interior. It takes 5 minutes to open or
The blood is harmless, but it grants concealment to
close the gate fully due to its great weight. The gate
creatures standing in the blast.
is made from adamantine and has an AC 2, other
Lightning Ward: To protect the inner sphere,
defenses 20; resist 20 all; hp 1,000. Breaching the
the Society of Seven Diamonds placed powerful
gate allows access to the Inner Sphere (page 33).
wards around their gates. The lightning ward attacks
Statues: Eight 20-foot-tall statues in two rows of
when any natural creature enters a space adjacent to
four stand to either side of the portal. The statue has
the ward.

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A Tyranny of Souls

c Lightning Ward F Lightning

Melee 1; +22 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 7 lightning damage, and the
Development Conclusion
target is pushed 1d4 squares and is dazed until the end of After the third round, the gate is wide enough for After killing the raavasta, the PCs can move to the
its next turn. one marut blademaster to join the fight. Every other appointed place. A rakshasa proxy working for Scara-
round thereafter, another two join the battle. This mandar gives them a ritual scroll, the sigil address,
Palanquin: Trethrix rides on a levitating continues until five blademasters emerge. and residuum enough to perform the ritual. Depend-
palanquin. ing on how the PCs’ mission went, they might need
Marut Blademaster Level 21 Soldier
to retreat farther up into the mountain to escape
Trethrix’s Palanquin Medium immortal humanoid XP 3,200
Medium vehicle Initiative +18 Senses Perception +22; truesight 10 vengeance-seeking maruts. They could, while there,
HP 30 Space 1 square Cost 1,800 gp HP 201; Bloodied 100 face additional encounters as described on page 31.
AC 5; Fortitude 10, Reflex 5 AC 37; Fortitude 37, Reflex 32, Will 33 Completing the ritual, though, transports the adven-
Speed fly 4 (hover) Immune sleep; Resist 10 thunder
Speed 8, fly 4 (hover), teleport 4 turers to Tu’narath as the cambion promised.
The pilot must maintain concentration (minor action) or m Greatsword (standard; at-will) F Thunder, Weapon
the palanquin goes out of control. +27 vs. AC; 1d10 + 11 damage plus 1d6 thunder damage,
Load the target is pushed 1 square, and the target is marked
One Medium creature; 100 pounds of gear. until the end of the marut blademaster’s next turn.
Out of Control M Double Attack (standard; at-will) F Thunder, Weapon
An out-of-control palanquin comes to a stop at the The marut blademaster makes two greatsword attacks.
beginning of its turn. Alignment Unaligned Languages Supernal
Compact Skills Endurance +22, Intimidate +17
An adjacent creature can fold up an unoccupied palanquin Str 32 (+21) Dex 23 (+16) Wis 25 (+17)
as a standard action into a tiny object. Con 25 (+17) Int 14 (+12) Cha 15 (+12)
Equipment greatsword

Treasure: Trethrix carries treasure parcel 10 on

her person. Characters who fail to kill Trethrix and flee into
the Bazaar are hunted for the remainder of their stay
here. See “Running Afoul of the Law” on page 34 for
further developments.

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A Tyranny of Souls

Stolen Mercy When the PCs enter Pier Nine, read: Ri’s’an and the two pirates recline on the observation
deck, while the surviving pirates make the final prep-
Encounter Level 19 (12,000 XP) Docks stretch out all along the metal pier, many of which arations for departure. The githyanki don’t expect an
hold astral vessels in all sorts of shapes and sizes. As you attack and so they are not watching from the deck.
Setup near the end, the ships thin out until there are none for the The pirates work inside the vessel, so it takes a DC 13
2 githyanki mates (M) final 100 or so feet. At the very end, you spy the Merciless, Stealth check to approach the ship unnoticed.
4 githyanki pirates (P) a sleek ship with an enclosed deck equipped with patched
Ri’s’an (R) sails and long navigation rods sprouting from the hull.
Ri’s’an (R) Level 19 Elite Artillery (Leader)
Hatches grant access to its interior and crystalline portals Medium natural humanoid, githyanki XP 4,800
The Merciless is an astral skiff docked at the end of Pier might provide a glimpse into its interior. Initiative +15 Senses Perception +19
HP 270; Bloodied 135
Nine. Having taken substantial damage during an ill- An observation deck towers over the ship, with metal
AC 31; Fortitude 29, Reflex 31, Will 34
advised raid into Hestavar, the ship limped to Citadel rungs ascending to a hatch at the deck’s bottom. Saving Throws +2 (+4 against charm effects)
Mercane for repairs. The vessel is inviting to thieves Speed 6; see also astral stride
because of its isolation and the lack of goodwill 2 Githyanki Mates (M) Level 19 Skirmisher Action Points 1
Medium natural humanoid XP 2,400 each m Psychic Blade (standard; at-will) F Force, Psychic
earned by the ship’s crew. In fact, should the ship and Initiative +18 Senses Perception +13 +24 vs. AC; 1d6 + 7 force damage plus 1d6 psychic
its crew come under attack, no one comes to their aid. HP 177; Bloodied 88 damage.
AC 33; Fortitude 31, Reflex 33, Will 30 r Hurled Blade (standard; at-will) F Force, Psychic
Saving Throws +2 against charm effects Ranged 15; +26 vs. AC; 1d8 + 8 force damage plus 1d8
4 Githyanki Pirates (P) Level 19 Minion Soldier Speed 5; see also astral stride psychic damage.
Medium natural humanoid XP 600 each m Silver Longsword (standard; at-will) F Psychic, Weapon R Double Attack (standard; at-will)
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +13 +24 vs. AC; 1d8 + 8 damage plus 1d8 psychic damage, and Ri’s’an makes two hurled blade attacks, or one psychic blade
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. the githyanki mate shifts 1 square. attack, shifts, and makes a hurled blade attack.
AC 34; Fortitude 33, Reflex 31, Will 30 r Astral Dagger (standard; at-will) F Force, Psychic R Githyanki Tactics (move; at-will)
Saving Throws +2 against charm effects Ranged 10; +24 vs. AC; 1d6 + 8 force damage plus 1d6 Ranged 5; targets one githyanki Ri’s’an can see; the target
Speed 5; see also telekinetic jump psychic damage. slides 5 squares.
m Silver Longsword (standard; at-will) F Psychic, Weapon M Merciless Cut (standard; requires silver longsword; at-will) F R Psychic Spear (standard; recharge 4 5 6) F Force,
+26 vs. AC; 16 psychic damage, and the target is marked Psychic, Weapon Psychic
until the end of the githyanki’s next turn. Targets a dazed or stunned creature; +24 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 Ranged 20; +26 vs. AC; 2d8 + 5 force damage plus 2d8
r Crossbow (standard; recharges when the githyanki spends a damage plus 2d8 psychic damage, and a dazed target is psychic damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends).
minor action to reload the weapon) F Weapon stunned instead of dazed (save ends). C Psychic Scream (immediate reaction, when first bloodied;
Ranged 15/30; +26 vs. AC; 16 damage. C Psychic Assault (standard; recharge 4 5 6) F Psychic encounter) F Psychic
Telekinetic Jump (move; encounter) Close blast 3; +22 vs. Will; 1d6 + 7 psychic damage, and Close burst 5; targets enemies; +22 vs. Will; 4d6 + 7
The githyanki flies 5 squares. the target is dazed (save ends). psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). Miss:
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech Astral Stride (move; encounter) F Teleportation Half damage, and the target is not dazed.
Str 25 (+16) Dex 22 (+15) Wis 19 (+13) The githyanki pirate teleports 6 squares and gains the Astral Stride (move; encounter) F Teleportation
Con 14 (+11) Int 15 (+11) Cha 14 (+11) insubstantial and phasing qualities until the start of its Ri’s’an teleports 6 squares and gains the insubstantial and
Equipment chainmail, light shield, silver longsword, crossbow next turn. phasing qualities until the start of its next turn.
with 10 bolts Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech
Str 22 (+15) Dex 25 (+16) Wis 19 (+13) Skills Arcana +17, History +14, Insight +19, Intimidate +21
Con 17 (+12) Int 20 (+14) Cha 14 (+11) Str 19 (+13) Dex 22 (+15) Wis 20 (+14)
Equipment chainmail, silver longsword Con 15 (+11) Int 17 (+12) Cha 25 (+16)
Equipment chainmail

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A Tyranny of Souls

Tactics Merciless
Gargantuan vehicle (astral skiff )
The githyanki pirates shout for Captain Ri’s’an if an HP 250 Space 2 squares by 6 squares Cost 13,000 gp
adventurer opens a hatch, thus raising the alarm. AC 4; Fortitude 20, Reflex 2
Otherwise, the pirates are oblivious to combat outside Speed fly 12 (hover), overland flight 15
the skiff until the start of round 3 when one finally
The pilot must stand at a control wheel, typically at the
comes out from the craft and sees the fight. rear of the astral skiff.
Once alerted, three of the githyanki pirates take Crew
In addition to the pilot, an astral skiff requires a crew of
their stations, while the fourth spends a move action
three, all of whom use a standard action each round to
to move the ship 3 squares and turn it broadside to control the skiff. Reduce the skiff’s fly speed by 4 squares
bring the pier into its firing arc. The pirates fire at the for each missing crewmember. At fly speed 0, the Merciless
PCs using their crossbows. sails out of control.
The githyanki mates lead the attack, either using
Ten Medium creatures; one ton of cargo
astral stride to engage the PCs on the pier below or Out of Control
fighting PCs who engage them at the platform. They An out-of-control astral skiff moves forward at half speed
(not including any modifiers for its astral sails).
use psychic assault first followed by merciless cut.
Astral Attunement
Ri’s’an fights from the observation deck, using his The astral skiff functions only in the Astral Sea.
double attack to support his mates and psychic spear to Fragile Propulsion
pin down enemy defenders. Ri’s’an doesn’t engage For every 25 damage the Merciless takes, its speed is
reduced by 2 squares. At fly speed 0, the ship comes to a
the PCs in melee unless he is the only thing between
them and his ship, at which point he closes the dis-
tance with astral stride and directs his psychic blade The ship provides superior cover to creatures
attacks at controllers and leaders first. inside. Two portals on each side allow occupants to
make attacks against enemies outside the vessel.
Features of the Area Treasure: The characters gain treasure parcel
Observation Deck: The observation deck stands 20, which includes the Merciless. In addition, planar
30 feet above the pier and has an open top. With sub- charts reveal a quick route to Tu’narath through a
jective gravity, PCs can fly to the top using the normal nearby color veil.
rules for navigating the Astral Sea (page 57). Or, a
character can climb the ladder up to the hatch with a
DC 0 Athletics check.
The Merciless: The vessel is an astral skiff.

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A Tyranny of Souls

Secret Way Negotiated Passage Level 19

Skill Challenge XP 2,400
Encounter Level 19 (12,000 XP) The githzerai watches you with suspicion, uncertain of your
Setup The adventurers must convince Taikus that they aim to help
the Separatists. This skill challenge takes a few minutes.
Negotiated Passage (Skill Challenge) Complexity
2 angels of Tiamat’s vengeance 1 (4 successes before 3 failures).
Taikus (T) Primary Skills
Bluff, Diplomacy, Insight.
Other Skills
Along the way to the warehouse, two angels of History, Intimidate.
Tiamat’s vengeance, who have been watching the Victory
characters, follow them to the site. About 5 minutes Taikus leads the PCs to the extradimensional space, but
before the PCs reach it, the angels of Tiamat’s vengeance
before the characters arrive, both angelsfrom as
far away as you liketarget two PCs with sign of Defeat
vengeance. Since this sign is invisible and harmless, Taikus denies the PCs access to the portal. Before the
characters have a chance to react, the angels of Tiamat’s
the character doesn’t notice it. However, a DC 29
vengeance attack, further damning the PCs in the
Arcana check reveals its general presence and nature. githzerai’s eyes.
A DC 25 Religion check identifies its source. Bluff (DC 22)
The PC gives a false reason for wanting to reach Tu’narath.
A failed check here results in two failures.
When the PCs enter the warehouse, read:
Diplomacy (DC 22)
The characters explain their mission and ask for aid. The first
Wooden crates stand in piles forming three rows extending success makes available the History check.
History (DC 22; Requires a successful Diplomacy check)
to the warehouse’s far wall. Aside from these goods and dust
A PC recalls some of the worst raids and excesses by the
floating through the air, the place seems empty. githyanki, relating these tales to his or her mission and how the
group intends to stop future attacks.
Taikus has a permanent portal linking Tu’narath to Insight (DC 22)
A PC senses the githzerai is nervous and catches him throwing
Citadel Mercane inside an extradimensional space
a glance to an innocuous stack of crates (he’s looking at the
hidden at the back of the warehouse. When the entrance to the extradimensional space). This check also reveals When Taikus appears, read:
characters enter the building, Taikus is inside the that Intimidate does not work on Taikus.
extradimensional space. He emerges 2 rounds later. Intimidate (DC 30)
Taikus is not easily moved by threats. Each failed Stepping out from around a stack is a rail-thin githzerai
Characters searching the warehouse can find the
Intimidate check applies a –5 penalty to all future checks wearing a tattered cloak. He looks at you with a raised
extradimensional space with a DC 29 Arcana check
made as part of this skill challenge. eyebrow, “Can I help you?”
or a DC 27 Perception check. If the characters find
the space while the githzerai is still inside, the PCs
take a −2 penalty to all Diplomacy checks made as
part of the “Negotiated Passage” skill challenge.

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A Tyranny of Souls

2 Angels of
Tiamat’s Vengeance
Level 19 Elite Brute Taikus (T) Level 15 Elite Controller Tactics
Medium natural humanoid, githzerai XP 2,400
Large immortal humanoid (angel) XP 4,800 each Initiative +13 Senses Perception +18 The angels teleport into spaces adjacent to the adven-
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +16 HP 282; Bloodied 141 turers whom they targeted with sign of vengeance and
HP 446; Bloodied 223 AC 31; Fortitude 28, Reflex 30, Will 30; see also iron mind then make double attacks each round.
AC 34; Fortitude 33, Reflex 29, Will 33; see also chromatic Saving Throws +2
cloak Taikus uses trace chance at the earliest opportunity
Speed 7
Immune disease, fear; Resist 15 radiant; 15 variable (3/ Action Points 1 and spends his action point on the first round to use
encounter, acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison only; see m Unarmed Strike (standard; at-will) inner spark. He then uses psychic fists when he can
“Resist,” Monster Manual, page 282), see also coldfire pillar +20 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage.
catch the greatest number enemies in one shot or
Saving Throws +2 R Inner Spark (standard; at-will) F Lightning, Teleportation
Speed 8, fly 12 (hover); see also sign of vengeance Ranged 5; +18 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 4 lightning damage, and reorder chaos to better arrange the battlefield. Taikus
Action Points 1 the target teleports 5 squares to an unoccupied space of enters the extradimensional space when bloodiedand
m Longsword (standard; at-will) F Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Taikus’s choosing. uses the portal to warn the Separatists in Tu’narath.
Poison, Weapon R Reorder Chaos (standard; recharge 5 6) F Teleportation
Reach 2; +25 vs. AC; 1d10 + 9 damage plus 1d8 acid, cold, Ranged sight; up to 4 Medium or smaller targets; +19 vs.
fire, lightning, or poison damage plus 1d8 acid, cold, fire, Fortitude; the targets teleport to swap spaces as Taikus Features of the Area
lightning, or poison damage. chooses. Illumination: Everburning torches set on the
M Double Attack (standard; at-will) R Trace Chance (standard; recharge 5 6)
walls fill the entire warehouse with bright light.
The angel of vengeance makes two longsword attacks. Ranged 5; no attack roll required; the next melee attack
R Sign of Vengeance (minor; encounter) F Teleportation made against the target gains a +5 power bonus to the Ceiling: The ceiling is 30 feet high.
Ranged sight; the angel of vengeance places an invisible attack roll, and, if it hits, it is automatically a critical hit. Crates: Boxes and crates are arranged in four
sign upon the target. Until the end of the encounter, as a C Psychic Fists (standard; encounter) F Psychic rows, each 10 feet tall. An adjacent character can
move action, the angel can teleport adjacent to the target. Close burst 5; targets enemies; +19 vs. Will; 1d8 + 4
C Chromatic Pillar (when first bloodied; encounter) F Acid, make a DC 22 Strength check to knock the stack
psychic damage.
Cold, Fire Lightning, Poison, Polymorph Avenging Wind (immediate interrupt, when targeted by a over. The toppled stack fills all squares in a line up
The angel transforms into a 30-foot-high pillar of draconic ranged attack; encounter) F Teleportation to the next stack. Creatures in the path are entitled
energies. Close burst 2; +23 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 9 acid, cold, The attack targets another creature within 5 squares to a saving throw to shift into an adjacent square. A
fire, lightning, or poison damage plus 1d8 + 9 acid, cold, of Taikus, and Taikus teleports 10 squares into a square
fire, lightning, or poison damage. The angel of Tiamat’s adjacent to the attacker. failed saving throw results in the character taking
vengeance is immune to all damage until the start of its Iron Mind (immediate interrupt, when Taikus would be hit by 4d6 damage and being knocked prone and restrained
next turn. an attack; encounter) (save ends both). Until cleared, the toppled stack
Chromatic Cloak (until bloodied) F Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Taikus gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until end of his next
Poison counts as difficult terrain.
Attacks against the angel of vengeance take a −2 penalty Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Deep Extradimensional Space: The portal opens onto
until the angel is bloodied. While cloak of vengeance is in Speech a small room with a permanent portal contained by
effect, a creature that makes a successful melee attack Skills Acrobatics +20, Athletics +18, Insight +18 a hermetic circle in the corner. The portal is opaque.
against the angel takes 1d8 acid or cold damage and 1d8 Str 19 (+11) Dex 23 (+13) Wis 23 (+13)
fire, lightning, or poison damage. Con 13 (+8) Int 15 (+9) Cha 14 (+9) Characters entering it appear in Tu’narath (page 38).
Alignment Evil Languages Supernal
Skills Insight +21, Intimidate +22
Str 27 (+17) Dex 18 (+13) Wis 25 (+16)
Con 23 (+15) Int 19 (+13) Cha 26 (+17)
Equipment plate armor, 2 longswords

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A Tyranny of Souls

Kill Squad When the kill squad appears, read: 4 Tiamat-Sworn Reavers (T) Level 18 Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid, dragonborn XP 2,000 each
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +12
Encounter Level 19 (13,600 XP) You have company. Rounding a corner, flanked by two
HP 176; Bloodied 88; see also dragonborn fury and springing
hulking dragonborn, is a slim githyanki warrior encased in
Setup baroque armor and wielding a silver greatsword. Behind
Regeneration 10 (only while bloodied).
1 githyanki blackweaver (B) you, a hideous githyanki mage missing its lower body AC 33; Fortitude 31, Reflex 27, Will 29
1 githyanki dread knight (K) hovers above the ground, black lightning crackling from its
Speed 5; see also springing assault
m Triple-headed Flail (standard; at-will) F Weapon
4 Tiamat-sworn reavers (T) withered hands. Two more dragonborn stand to the undead +23 vs. AC (+24 while bloodied); 1d10 + 5 damage.
Moving through the portal alerts servants loyal to mage’s sides. M Rending Strike (standard; requires triple-headed flail; at-will)
F Weapon
Zetch’r’r, and the emperor dispatches a kill squad to
Githyanki Dread Knight (K) Level 20 Soldier The Tiamat-sworn reaver attacks up to three targets with
deal with the intruders. This encounter can occur in its triple-headed flail. If it hits one target, it can push the
Medium natural humanoid XP 2,800
the alley where the PCs first appear or later if the PCs Initiative +18 Senses Perception +12 next target 1 square on a hit, and if it hits two targets, the
move quickly. Final Authority aura 1; enemies in the aura take a −2 penalty third takes ongoing 5 damage on a hit (save ends).
to attack rolls on attacks that do not include the githyanki Dragonborn Fury (while bloodied)
Githyanki Blackweaver (B) Level 20 Artillery dread knight. The reaver gains a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls.
Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 2,800 HP 190; Bloodied 95 Skirmish +2d6
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +14; darkvision AC 35; Fortitude 33, Reflex 32, Will 31 If, on its turn, the Tiamat-sworn reaver ends its move at
HP 146; Bloodied 73 Saving Throws +2 against charm effects least 3 squares away from where it began its turn, its
AC 32; Fortitude 31, Reflex 32, Will 34 Speed 5 melee attacks deal 2d6 extra damage until the start of its
Immune disease, poison; Resist 20 necrotic; Vulnerable 10 m Silver Greatsword (standard; at-will) F Psychic, Weapon next turn.
radiant +27 vs. AC; 1d10 + 7 damage plus 1d6 psychic damage, Springing Assault (free, when the reaver hits with a melee
Saving Throws +2 against charm effects and the target is marked until the end of the dread knight’s attack during its turn; recharges when first bloodied)
Speed fly 4 (hover) next turn. The reaver shifts 3 squares.
m Corrosive Touch (standard; at-will) F Lightning, Necrotic M Severing Strike (immediate interrupt, when an enemy the Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic
+25 vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 lightning and necrotic damage, and dread knight has marked shifts or makes an attack that does Skills History +12, Intimidate +13
the target is pushed 1 square. not include the dread knight; at-will) F Psychic, Weapon Str 21 (+14) Dex 14 (+11) Wis 17 (+12)
R Black Lightning (standard; at-will) F Lightning, Necrotic +27 vs. AC; 1d10 + 7 damage plus 3d6 psychic damage, Con 24 (+16) Int 13 (+10) Cha 14 (+11)
Ranged 10; +25 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 7 lightning damage, and and the target is dazed (save ends). Equipment scale armor, heavy shield, triple-headed flail
ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends). R Telekinetic Leap (move; encounter)
C Consuming Shadows (immediate reaction, when an enemy
enters a space adjacent to the blackweaver; encounter) F
Ranged 10; the dread knight or an ally within range can fly
up to 5 squares.
Necrotic, Teleportation C Forceful Lure (standard; encounter) The githyanki dread knight leads the attack, spring-
Close burst 1; targets enemies; +23 vs. Fortitude; 1d8 + Close burst 3; targets enemies; +23 vs. Fortitude; the ing into action using telekinetic leap to land in the
7 necrotic damage, and the target is blinded (save ends). target is pulled 2 squares, and the dread knight makes a party’s midst. There, he slashes about him using
Effect: The blackweaver teleports 5 squares. melee basic attack against the target.
Lich-Queen’s Legacy Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech, his silver greatsword, focusing his attacks on soft
The githyanki blackweaver’s melee and ranged attacks Draconic enemies. If an enemy he marks tries to slip away, he
deal 2d6 extra necrotic damage to targets suffering Skills History +20, Insight +17 delivers a punishing severing strike. If only one char-
ongoing necrotic damage. Str 25 (+17) Dex 22 (+16) Wis 14 (+12)
acter is near him, he resorts to forceful lure to yank
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech Con 22 (+16) Int 17 (+13) Cha 19 (+14)
Skills Arcana +19, History +21 Equipment plate armor, silver greatsword them back.
Str 15 (+12) Dex 23 (+16) Wis 19 (+14)
Con 20 (+15) Int 18 (+14) Cha 24 (+17)
Equipment robes

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A Tyranny of Souls

The blackweaver avoids melee combat, blasting Features of the Area

characters with black lightning and targeting them
Illumination: Shadows cast by the buildings
again to benefit from Lich-Queen’s legacy. If cornered,
reduce the lighting in the alley to dim.
the blackweaver uses consuming shadows to make
Permanent Portal: The PCs emerge into the alley
a getaway.
through this portal. The PCs can move through the
The Tiamat-sworn weavers have no particular
portal freely provided it remains open, which is only
loyalty to the emperor or the githyanki, and they fight
likely if the characters used Taikus’s portal, Refer
only as long as they have the upper hand. Each reaver
back to the map on page 63 in case the adventurers
targets a different enemy, using rending strike to destroy
retreat here.
their enemies. Once they make their attack, they shift
Rubbish: Boxes, crates, and general filth clutter
and charge, even if it means taking an opportunity
the alley. Squares containing rubbish count as diffi-
attack. These skirmishers maneuver as best as they can
cult terrain.
in the tight confines, but if they find it too restrictive,
Illusory Wall: Spanning the alley’s mouth is an
they retreat to the street beyond to conclude the battle.
illusory wall. Characters can see through it out to
the street beyond, but people on the street can’t see
Taking Prisoners through it into the alley. Thus, the wall blocks line of
If the characters take any prisoners, they might learn
sight for characters on the street.
useful information. The blackweaver and the dread
Street: The combat might spill out onto the street
knight prove unhelpful and volunteer nothing, but
beyond. People clear the area quickly, not wanting to
the dragonborn can be convinced to talk with a com-
be involved in the fight.
plexity 1 skill challenge (4 successes before 3 failure)
involving DC 22 checks with the Bluff, Diplomacy,
and Intimidate skills. A victory reveals that the
emperor dispatched them. The prisoner knows that
Tiamat watches the emperor closely, and many sus-
pect she might remove him altogether if it wasn’t for
the scepter of Ephelomon. Zetch’r’r, evidently, fears that
the adventurers might connect with the rebels and
form an alliance against him.
If the characters have no failures from the skill
challenge, the prisoner also reveals that the emperor
has many more kill squads out in the city, hunting for
Separatist leaders. They have had some success and
have even captured their leader, “some waif who who
has taken Vlaakith’s name. She’s pretty important
since the emperor didn’t just kill her outright. In fact,
he spirited her away to one of the floating fortresses.”

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A Tyranny of Souls

Blue Thunder Features of the Area Statue: It takes a DC 22 Athletics check to enter
the statue’s space. A character in its space gains cover
Bridges: Two bridges span the square. The first
Encounter Level 19 (13,900 XP) against all attacks.
is 15 feet above the squares and the second is 30 feet
Setup Spike: Three corners contain bristling spikes. Any 7 Angels of Tiamat (A) Level 21 Minion
7 angels of Tiamat (A) Medium immortal humanoid (angel) XP 800 each
creature forcibly moved into a space containing a Initiative +14 Senses Perception +12
1 bluespawn godslayer (B)
spike is subject to an attack. HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
AC 35; Fortitude 35, Reflex 31, Will 30
The kill squad’s failure prompts Zetch’r’r to send c Spike Immune fear; Resist 10 fire, 10 radiant
another band to intercept the adventurers before Melee 0; +23 vs. Reflex; 10 damage, and the target is Speed 6, fly 9 (hover)
immobilized (save ends). Aftereffect: The target takes 5 m Greatsword (standard; at-will) F Fire, Weapon
they meet with the Separatists. They choose a walled
damage. +26 vs. AC; 18 fire damage.
square to make their attack. Alignment Evil Languages Supernal
Str 26 (+18) Dex 18 (+14) Wis 14 (+12)
At some point before the PCs find the Morning- Con 18 (+14) Int 12 (+11) Cha 16 (+13)
Equipment chainmail, greatsword
star Inn, read:
Bluespawn Godslayer Level 22 Elite Brute
The crowds thin until you are alone in a walled square. Huge natural humanoid (reptile) XP 8,300
Two empty bridges crisscross overhead, and an impressive Initiative +15 Senses Perception +17; low-light vision
HP 510; Bloodied 255
statue depicting a githyanki warrior riding a red dragon AC 36; Fortitude 36, Reflex 31, Will 33
dominates the square’s center. The eerie stillness is broken Resist 30 lightning, 30 thunder
when a hulking humanoid, some strange cross between Saving Throws +2
Speed 8
giant and blue dragon, enters the square. Joining it are
Action Points 1
several winged angels whose torsos give way to wispy m Greatsword (standard; at-will) F Lightning, Weapon
nothingness. Reach 3; +26 vs. AC; 4d6 + 9 damage plus 2d8 lightning
damage; see also slayer.
Tactics M Awesome Blow (standard; at-will) F Lightning, Weapon
The godslayer makes a greatsword attack. If the attack
The bluespawn godslayer charges into combat, smash- hits, it makes a secondary attack against the same target.
ing a character with its greatsword. It attacks any Secondary Attack: +26 vs. Fortitude; the target is pushed 3
squares and knocked prone.
dragonborn or devas first, targeting defenders next.
M Bite (standard; at-will) F Lightning
On its next turn, it makes another greatsword attack Reach 2; +24 vs. AC; 1d10 + 7 damage plus 2d8 lightning
followed by awesome blow with an action point. The damage; see also slayer.
godslayer tries to push its enemy onto a spike and Slayer
The bluespawn godslayer deals +10 damage against
then focus on that opponent until it dies. dragons, dragonborn, and immortals.
The angels work in teams of three, surrounding Alignment Evil Languages Draconic
their opponents and slashing with their greatswords Str 28 (+20) Dex 19 (+15) Wis 22 (+17)
Con 25 (+18) Int 10 (+11) Cha 16 (+14)
until their enemy falls. The angels fight until
Equipment heavy shield, greatsword

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A Tyranny of Souls

Assaulting 7 Ballista Platforms (B) Level 19 Blaster 2 Githyanki Dragonknights (P) Level 17 Soldier
Hazard XP 2,400 Medium natural humanoid XP 1,600 each
the Fortress A massive crossbow manned by three crewmen, these plat- Initiative +15
HP 165; Bloodied 82
Senses Perception +16
forms hurl spear-size bolts at foes.
AC 33; Fortitude 31, Reflex 26, Will 28
Encounter Level 20 (15,300 XP) Hazard: Seven ballista platforms arranged around the Saving Throws +2 against charm effects
battlefield fire at enemies. Speed 5
Setup Perception
No check is necessary to notice the ballista platforms.
m Silver Bastard Sword (standard; at-will) F Psychic, Weapon
+24 vs. AC; 1d10 + 7 damage plus 1d6 psychic damage,
7 ballista platforms Trigger plus 3d6 extra psychic damage against an immobilized
26 githwarriors (G) When the PCs move into line of sight to a platform, a target.
2 githyanki dragonknights riding pact dragon platform’s crew rolls initiative and attack on their turn. A m Lance (standard; must be mounted; at-will) F Weapon
ballista requires a standard action to reload. Reach 2; +24 vs. AC; 1d8 + 9 damage (2d8 + 9 damage
steeds (P) Initiative when charging).
1 githyanki terrth (T) A ballista platform acts on the initiative of its crew. M Impaling Charge (standard; encounter) F Weapon
Attack Requires lance and mount; the githyanki dragonknight
Standard Action Ranged 30
As the adventurers near the Fortress of Three Sor- makes a charge attack; reach 2; +25 vs. AC; 3d8 + 7
Target: One creature damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). Effect:
rows, the githyanki within mobilize to meet the Attack: +24 vs. Reflex The githyanki dragonknight cannot make lance attacks
threat. Hit: 4d8 + 7 damage. until the end of the encounter.
Five githwarriors accompany the githyanki terrth Countermeasure R Telekinetic Fist (standard; recharge 6)
F A character can attack a crewmember (a githwarrior). If the Ranged 5; Medium or small target; +22 vs. Fortitude;
(fortress commander), and three githwarriors operate PCs kill two crewmembers, that ballista can fire only every 1d6 + 7 damage, and the target slides 2 squares and is
each of the seven ballista platforms. other round. If the PCs kill all three crewmembers, that immobilized (save ends).
platform is effectively disabled, although they could fire the R Telekinetic Leap (move; encounter)
ballista themselves.
When the PCs see the fortress, read: Ranged 10; the githyanki dragonknight or an ally within
F A character can attack the ballista (AC 5, Fortitude 10, range can fly 5 squares.
Reflex 5; hp 60). Destroying the ballista disables the Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech
The fortress hovers on the astral horizon, a statue’s platform. Skills History +11, Insight +16
decapitated head tilted on its side with a squat tower rising Str 25 (+15) Dex 21 (+13) Wis 17 (+11)
26 Githwarriors (G) Level 16 Minion Skirmisher Con 21 (+13) Int 13 (+9) Cha 18 (+12)
up from where its ear should be. Silver chains tether three
Medium natural humanoid, githyanki XP 350 each Equipment plate armor, heavy shield, lance, silver bastard
smaller towers, each floating on tiny islands. Two red Initiative +13 Senses Perception +10 sword
dragons with riders emerge from its maw. HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 30; Fortitude 30, Reflex 28, Will 26
Saving Throws +2 against charm Features of the Area
Speed 6; see also telekinetic stride
Tactics m Greatsword (standard; at-will) F Weapon
Driftmetal Chains: Characters can attack the
chains (AC 15, Fortitude 12, Reflex 4; hp 200).
The first time the githyanki terrth hits an enemy +21 vs. AC; 12 damage.
R Crossbow (standard; at-will) F Weapon Destroying a chain sends the satellite tower adrift.
with his silver longsword, he uses instructive slash. On
Ranged 15/30; +21 vs. AC; 12 damage. The tower moves 4 squares each round, crashing into
subsequent turns, he follows up his longsword attacks Telekinetic Jump (move; encounter)
Tu’narath after 10 rounds.
with slaughter the weak. Meanwhile, the pact dragons The githwarrior flies 5 squares.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech Main Tower: The main tower has a crenellated
and their riders attack any lone adventurers, or if
Str 25 (+15) Dex 20 (+13) Wis 15 (+10) wall providing cover to creatures standing behind it.
there aren’t any, their vehicle.
Con 15 (+10) Int 12 (+9) Cha 14 (+10) A trap door on the center of the roof leads down to
Equipment scale mail, greatsword, crossbow with 10 bolts
room 1.

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A Tyranny of Souls

2 Pact Dragons (P) Level 13 Skirmisher Githyanki Terrth (S) Level 16 Soldier (Leader)
Large immortal magical beast (dragon, mount) XP 800 each Medium natural humanoid XP 1,400
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +15; darkvision Initiative +14 Senses Perception +15 M Instructive Slash (standard; encounter) F Psychic, Weapon
HP 134; Bloodied 67; see also bloodied breath Unwavering Discipline aura 3; any ally within the aura gains a Targets a dazed creature; +23 vs. AC; 1d8 + 7 damage plus
AC 27; Fortitude 26, Reflex 25, Will 25 +2 bonus to defenses. 2d8 psychic damage.
Resist 10 fire, 10 psychic HP 154; Bloodied 77 R Heavy Crossbow (standard; recharges when the githyanki
Speed 7, fly 10 (hover), overland flight 14 AC 31; Fortitude 30, Reflex 27, Will 27 spends a minor action to reload the weapon) F Weapon
m Bite (standard; at-will) Saving Throws +2 against charm effects Ranged 15/30; +21 vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 damage.
Reach 2; +18 vs. AC; 2d6 + 7 damage; see also skirmish. Speed 5 R Telekinetic Leap (move; encounter)
M Aggressive Charger (while mounted by a friendly rider of m Silver Longsword (free, after the githyanki terrth hits an Ranged 5; targets the githyanki terrth or one ally; the
13th level or higher; at-will) F Mount enemy with a silver longsword attack; at-will) F Psychic, target can fly up to 5 squares.
When charging, the pact dragon makes a bite attack in Weapon C Telekinetic Command (move; encounter)
addition to the rider’s charge attack. +23 vs. AC; 2d8 + 4 damage, and the target is dazed until Close burst 5; one ally in the burst slides up to 5 squares.
C Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 5 6) F Fire the end of the githyanki terrth’s next turn. Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech
Close blast 5; +15 vs. Reflex; 2d12 + 12 fire damage, and M Slaughter the Weak (standard; at-will) Skills History +12, Insight +15
ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends). One ally adjacent to the githyanki terrth makes a melee Str 24 (+15) Dex 19 (+12) Wis 14 (+10)
C Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) F basic attack against the same enemy. If the enemy is dazed Con 18 (+12) Int 14 (+10) Cha 16 (+11)
Fire or stunned, the attack deals 2d8 extra psychic damage. Equipment plate armor, heavy shield, silver longsword, heavy
The dragon’s breath weapon recharges and the dragon uses crossbow, 20 bolt
it immediately.
Astral Jaunt (minor; recharge 6) F Mount, Teleportation
The pact dragon and its rider disappear into the Astral Sea,
teleporting 10 squares.
Pledged Rider (while mounted by a friendly rider of 13th level
or higher; at-will) F Mount
Any damage dealt to the pact dragon can be redirected to
the rider, and vice versa.
Skirmish +2d6
If, on its turn, the pact dragon ends its move at least 4
squares away from its starting point, it deals 2d6 extra
damage on all melee attacks it makes until the start of its
next turn.
Alignment Evil Languages Deep Speech, Draconic,
telepathy 20
Skills Endurance +17, Insight +15
Str 24 (+13) Dex 20 (+11) Wis 18 (+10)
Con 22 (+12) Int 15 (+8) Cha 16 (+9)

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A Tyranny of Souls

Desperate Defenders 2 Gish’sarath (S) Level 16 Elite Skirmisher Githyanki Kith’rak (K) Level 20 Soldier (Leader)
Medium natural humanoid, githyanki XP 2,800 each Medium natural humanoid XP 2,800
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +15 Initiative +18 Senses Perception +18
Encounter Level 20 (14,350 XP)
HP 306; Bloodied 153 HP 190; Bloodied 95
AC 30; Fortitude 27, Reflex 28, Will 29 AC 36; Fortitude 34, Reflex 32, Will 31
Setup Saving Throws +2 (+4 against charm effects) Saving Throws +2 against charm effects
2 gish’sarath (S) Speed 5; see also astral stride Speed 5
Action Points 1 m Silver Fullblade (standard; at-will) F Psychic, Weapon
8 githwarriors (G) m Silver Longsword (standard; at-will) F Psychic, Weapon +27 vs. AC; 1d12 + 6 damage plus 1d8 psychic (crit 2d12 +
1 githyanki kith’rak (K) +21 vs. AC; 1d8 + 6 plus 1d8 psychic damage. 18 + 8 psychic), and the next time the target takes damage
1 redspawn immolator (R) M Double Attack (standard; at-will) F Psychic, Weapon before the start of the kith’rak’s next turn, it takes 1d8
The gish’sarath makes two silver longsword attacks. extra psychic damage.
R Force Bolt (standard; at-will) F Force R Telekinetic Leap (move; encounter)
While the battle rages outside, the githyanki scram- Ranged 10; +19 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 4 force damage. Ranged 10; the githyanki kith’rak or an ally within range
ble to defend the fortress to ensure Vlaakith doesn’t R Storm of Stars (standard; encounter) F Fire can fly up to 5 squares.
escape. The kith’rak (captain) and support troops are The gish’sarath makes four attacks, no more than two of R Telekinetic Snare (standard; encounter)
these against a single target; ranged 5; +21 vs. AC; 2d8 + 5 Ranged 5; +25 vs. Fortitude; the target slides 2 squares and
the first line of defense inside the fortress, with rein-
fire damage. is immobilized (save ends).
forcements coming on the round following. Astral Stride (move; encounter) F Teleportation C Devastating Arc (standard; recharge 6) F Psychic, Weapon
The gish’sarath teleports 6 squares and gains the Close burst 1; the githyanki kith’rak makes a silver fullblade
insubstantial and phasing qualities until the start of its attack against each enemy in the burst.
When the PCs can see into the central room,
next turn. C Emperor’s Voice (standard; encounter) F Healing
read: Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech, Close burst 5; each ally in burst regains 20 hit points.
Draconic Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech,
A shuddering red-scaled beast crowned with fire growls at Skills Arcana +17, History +14, Insight +15 Draconic
you while a githyanki dressed in black-enameled plate and Str 16 (+11) Dex 14 (+10) Wis 14 (+10) Skills History +14, Insight +18
Con 17 (+11) Int 19 (+12) Cha 17 (+11) Str 26 (+18) Dex 23 (+16) Wis 16 (+13)
wielding a fullblade shouts orders to attack. Two githyanki Equipment chainmail, silver longsword Con 22 (+16) Int 15 (+12) Cha 18 (+14)
underlings in scale armor ready themselves for battle. Equipment plate armor, silver fullblade, keys to all the cells on
The ladder drops from the roof trapdoor and ends at 8 Githwarriors (G) Level 16 Minion Skirmisher this level and the level below
Medium natural humanoid, githyanki XP 350 each
a 30-foot diameter chamber with an iron door set in the
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +10
wall to either side. A spiral staircase burrows deeper into HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
the tower. AC 30; Fortitude 30, Reflex 28, Will 26
Saving Throws +2 against charm
Speed 6; see also telekinetic stride
m Greatsword (standard; at-will) F Weapon
+21 vs. AC; 12 damage.
R Crossbow (standard; at-will) F Weapon
Ranged 15/30; +21 vs. AC; 12 damage.
Telekinetic Jump (move; encounter)
The githwarrior flies 5 squares.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech
Str 25 (+15) Dex 20 (+13) Wis 15 (+10)
Con 15 (+10) Int 12 (+9) Cha 14 (+10)
Equipment scale mail, greatsword, crossbow with 10 bolts

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A Tyranny of Souls

Redspawn Immolator (R) Level 20 Brute The kith’rak uses telekinetic snare to move an
Large natural beast (reptile) XP 2,800 enemy closer to the redspawn immolator and uses his
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +11; darkvision
silver fullblade to dispatch the character. The kith’rak
Inner Flame (Fire) aura 3; any ally within the aura gains resist
10 fire. While the immolator is bloodied, each enemy that reserves devastating arc for when it faces three or more
ends its turn in the aura takes 10 fire damage. enemies at once, and uses emperor’s voice when the
HP 234; Bloodied 117; see also inner flame and redspawn dragonspawn’s redspawn fury activates.
The gish’sarath supports the githwarriors using
AC 32; Fortitude 34, Reflex 32, Will 29
Resist 20 fire force bolt and storm of stars, only reverting to melee
Speed 6 attacks when he exhausts his ranged attacks.
m Bite (standard; at-will) F Fire
Reinforcements in the hall outside the main
Reach 2; +23 vs. AC; 2d6 + 8 damage, and ongoing 5 fire
damage (save ends). chamber arrive at the start of the second round, while
M Claws (standard; at-will) those in the barracks join the fight at the start of the
Reach 2; +23 vs. AC; 2d10 + 6 damage. fourth round.
C Fiery Expulsion (when first bloodied; encounter) F Fire
Close blast 3; +21 vs. Reflex; 1d12 + 7 fire damage, and
ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends). Features of the Area
Redspawn Frenzy (while at 58 or fewer hit points) Ceiling: The ceiling is 30 feet high.
The redspawn immolator’s melee attacks deal 2d6 extra
Iron Ladder: The ladder descends from the
damage, and the immolator treats allies as enemies for the
purposes of opportunity attacks and makes all opportunity hatch to the bottom of the room. Climbing the ladder
attacks provoked from it. requires a DC 0 Athletics check.
Alignment Evil Languages Draconic Doors: Iron bars can be dropped over the doors
Str 27 (+18) Dex 22 (+16) Wis 12 (+11)
to prevent reinforcements from arriving (DC 27
Con 24 (+17) Int 8 (+9) Cha 17 (+13)
Strength check). The bars themselves count as unat-
Tactics tended objects weighing less than 20 pounds.
Cells: Prison cells make up a third of this floor.
The githyanki’s tactics depend on whether the adven-
Each door is locked (DC 22 Thievery or DC 27
turers descend into the central room. If they linger at
Strength to open). The cells contain a mix of political
the top, the githwarriors use their crossbows and the
prisoners or nothing (as you decide). None of these
gish’sarath uses force bolt. The redspawn immolator
prisoners are useful for this foray (treat as minions; all
climbs the ladder, sped up by the kith’rak, who uses
defenses 22), but they might prove helpful later.
telekinetic leap to place the monster near the top.
Barracks: Opposite the cells are the barracks.
The githyanki focus fire on the first character to
This big room features many bunk beds, a few tables
come down the ladder, and then engage in melee
surrounded by chairs, and a kitchen.
combat when more characters join their companion.
Treasure: Characters searching the barracks find
The dragonspawn makes a charge attack against the
treasure parcel 8 amid mundane clothing and per-
closest enemy and then uses its claws, fighting until
sonal effects.

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A Tyranny of Souls

Jail Break Aspect of Level 20 Elite Controller (Leader) Angel of Level 19 Elite Brute
Dispater (D) Tiamat’s Vengeance (A)
Medium immortal humanoid (devil) XP 5,600 Large immortal humanoid (angel) XP 4,800
Encounter Level 21 (16,000 XP)
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +15; darkvision Initiative +13 Senses Perception +16
HP 382; Bloodied 191 HP 446; Bloodied 223
Setup AC 37; Fortitude 33, Reflex 35, Will 34 AC 34; Fortitude 33, Reflex 29, Will 33; see also chromatic
1 angel of Tiamat’s Vengeance (A) Resist 20 fire cloak
Saving Throws +2 Immune disease, fear; Resist 15 radiant, 15 variable (3/
1 aspect of Dispater (D)
Speed 6, teleport 10 encounter, acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison only; see
2 barbed devil veterans (B) Action Points 1 “Resist,” Monster Manual, page 282); see also coldfire pillar
m Smiting Rod (standard; at-will) F Weapon Saving Throws +2
+25 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage, and the target is pushed 2 Speed 8, fly 12 (hover); see also sign of vengeance
The aspect of Dispater interrogates the prisoner while
squares and dazed until the end of the aspect of Dispater’s Action Points 1
his attendants watch. next turn. m Longsword (standard; at-will) F Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning,
M Lesser Blasphemous Reply (immediate reaction, when hit by Poison, Weapon
When the PCs can see Vlaakith, read: a melee attack; recharges when first bloodied) F Thunder Reach 2; +25 vs. AC; 1d10 + 9 damage plus 1d8 acid, cold,
Targets the attacker; +24 vs. Will; 3d8 + 7 thunder fire, lightning, or poison damage plus 1d8 acid, cold, fire,
damage, and the target is pushed 1 square. lightning, or poison damage.
Suspended within a column of fire is a young githyanki R Lesser Inveigle (standard; recharge 5 6) F Charm, Psychic M Double Attack (standard; at-will)
woman. Her body doesn’t move, but her eyes flick toward Ranged 10; +24 vs. Will; 2d6 + 7 psychic damage, and the The angel of vengeance makes two longsword attacks.
target slides 2 squares and is dominated until the end of R Sign of Vengeance (minor; encounter) F Teleportation
you. To the side, and turning your direction, is a towering
the aspect of Dispater’s next turn. Ranged sight; the angel of vengeance places an invisible
angel whose astral essence crackles with lightning, flares A Lesser Gate of Dis (minor; recharge 5 6) F Conjuration, sign upon the target. Until the end of the encounter, as a
with flames, and drips poison. Opposite the guardian Fire move action, the angel can teleport adjacent to the target.
stands a slim, horned humanoid dressed in scarlet robes Area wall 5 within 20 squares. The aspect of Dispater C Chromatic Pillar (when first bloodied; encounter) F Acid,
conjures a lattice of scalding iron that lasts until the start Cold, Fire Lightning, Poison, Polymorph
and gripping a gnarled staff in his hands. Just inside the
of his next turn. The wall blocks movement and line of The angel transforms into a 30-foot-high pillar of draconic
doorway, two menacing humanoids covered in gleaming effect, but it does not block line of sight. Creatures that energies. Close burst 2; +23 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 9 acid, cold,
barbs fix you with fiery eyes. end their turn adjacent to the wall or are pulled, pushed, or fire, lightning, or poison damage plus 1d8 + 9 acid, cold,
slid adjacent to the wall take 10 fire damage. The wall is 4 fire, lightning, or poison damage. The angel of Tiamat’s
squares high and cannot be destroyed. vengeance is immune to all damage until the start of its
Lesser Diabolic Awe (free 1/round, when an enemy within 5 next turn.
squares becomes bloodied or takes a critical hit; at-will) F Chromatic Cloak (until bloodied) F Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning,
Fear, Healing Poison
The enemy is pushed 3 squares away from the aspect of Attacks against the angel of vengeance take a −2 penalty
Dispater and is dazed until the end of the aspect’s next until the angel is bloodied. While cloak of vengeance is in
turn. Creatures with the devil keyword within 5 squares of effect, a creature that makes a successful melee attack
the aspect of Dispater regain 10 hit points. against the angel takes 1d8 acid or cold damage and 1d8
Alignment Evil Languages Supernal fire, lightning, or poison damage.
Skills Arcana +23, Bluff +22, History +23, Insight +20, Religion Alignment Evil Languages Supernal
+23 Skills Insight +21, Intimidate +22
Str 18 (+14) Dex 19 (+14) Wis 20 (+15) Str 27 (+17) Dex 18 (+13) Wis 25 (+16)
Con 23 (+16) Int 26 (+18) Cha 25 (+17) Con 23 (+15) Int 19 (+13) Cha 26 (+17)
Equipment scarlet robe, smiting rod Equipment plate armor, 2 longswords

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A Tyranny of Souls

2 Barbed Devil Veterans (B) Level 20 Soldier Dispater tries to f lee if reduced to 95 or fewer
Large immortal humanoid (devil) XP 2,800 each hit points, surrendering only if he’s the last one in
Initiative +18 Senses Perception +13; darkvision
the room. When the PCs first bloody the aspect, it
Grasping Barbs aura 1; an enemy that enters or leaves the
aura takes 5 damage and is marked until the end of its shouts, “Release her and you will bring about the
next turn. doom of all things!”
HP 191; Bloodied 95
AC 37; Fortitude 33, Reflex 31, Will 31 Features of the Area
Resist 20 fire
Doors: All doors here are locked. The kith’rak
Speed 7, teleport 7
m Claw (standard; at-will) in “Desperate Defenders” (page 70) has the keys.
+27 vs. AC; 1d8 + 8 damage, and the target is pushed 1 Otherwise, opening a locked door requires a DC 25
Strength or Thievery check.
M Double Attack (standard; at-will)
The barbed devil veteran makes two claw attacks. If both Treasure: A character searching the armory who
attacks hit the same target, the barbed devil veteran tries succeeds on a DC 22 Perception check locates treasure
to impale the target on its barbs as a secondary attack. parcels 2 and 3. A character searching the storerooms
Secondary Attack: +24 vs. Reflex; 5 damage.
R Hurl Flame (standard; recharge 5 6) F Fire
who succeeds on a DC 22 Perception check discovers
Ranged 5; +22 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 8 fire damage, and the treasure parcel 6 spread across both rooms.
target takes ongoing 5 fire damage and is dazed (save ends Fighting Ring: The fighting ring a roped-off plat-
form standing two feet high. Getting into the fighting
Alignment Evil Languages Supernal
Skills Athletics +23, Intimidate +21 ring costs an extra square of movement unless a DC
Str 27 (+18) Dex 22 (+16) Wis 16 (+13) 14 Acrobatics check is made.
Con 23 (+16) Int 13 (+11) Cha 22 (+16) Training Dummies: Three dummies equipped
with sharp blades stand at the ready to engage would-
Tactics be trainees. The dummy makes an attack against any
The angel uses sign of vengeance and then closes creature that enters a square adjacent to it unless the
on the lead enemy, using double attack each round triggering creature succeeds on a DC 14 Acrobatics
until bloodied, at which point it transforms into a check.
chromatic pillar. C Energy Field Pulse F Fire
m Training Dummy Slash
The aspect uses lesser inveigle to draw a character Melee 1; +26 vs. AC; 10 damage, and the target is pushed 1 Close burst 1; all creatures in burst; +25 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 7
into the room and then spends an action point to raise square. fire damage, and the target takes ongoing 10 fire damage
(save ends).
his lesser gate of Dis. The aspect focuses on the unlucky
Hermetic Circle: The circle creates a dangerous
character with its smiting rod, while waiting for his
field that extends from floor to ceiling. Creatures
powers to recharge.
inside the field are immune to all damage, and the
The barbed devils back away from the entrance
field blocks line of effect. An adjacent character can
to pull the adventurers into the room. They use hurl
dismantle the field by engaging in a complexity 1 skill
flame on the first round, and then use double attack
challenge (4 successes before 3 failures) involving
against those PCs who enter.
Arcana and Thievery checks against DC 22. A failed
check or touching the field triggers an attack.

July 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 8
A Tyranny of Souls

Into the Maw 2 Githyanki Dragonknights (P) Level 17 Soldier 2 Pact Dragons (P) Level 13 Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid XP 1,600 each Large immortal magical beast (dragon, mount) XP 800 each
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +16 Initiative +13 Senses Perception +15; darkvision
Encounter Level 18 (10,400 XP)
HP 165; Bloodied 82 HP 134; Bloodied 67; see also bloodied breath
AC 33; Fortitude 31, Reflex 26, Will 28 AC 27; Fortitude 26, Reflex 25, Will 25
Setup Saving Throws +2 against charm effects Resist 10 fire, 10 psychic
2 githyanki dragonknights (D) Speed 5 Speed 7, fly 10 (hover), overland flight 14
m Silver Bastard Sword (standard; at-will) F Psychic, Weapon m Bite (standard; at-will)
2 pack dragons (P)
+24 vs. AC; 1d10 + 7 damage plus 1d6 psychic damage, Reach 2; +18 vs. AC; 2d6 + 7 damage; see also skirmish.
16 githwarriors (G) plus 3d6 extra psychic damage against an immobilized M Aggressive Charger (while mounted by a friendly rider of
target. 13th level or higher; at-will) F Mount
m Lance (standard; must be mounted; at-will) F Weapon When charging, the pact dragon makes a bite attack in
The adventurers automatically gain surprise if they
Reach 2; +24 vs. AC; 1d8 + 9 damage (2d8 + 9 damage addition to the rider’s charge attack.
catch the githyanki while still in the hangar. when charging). C Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 5 6) F Fire
M Impaling Charge (standard; encounter) F Weapon Close blast 5; +15 vs. Reflex; 2d12 + 12 fire damage, and
When the PCs first approach this area, read: Requires lance and mount; the githyanki dragonknight ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
makes a charge attack; reach 2; +25 vs. AC; 3d8 + 7 C Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) F
damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). Effect: Fire
The stairs end in a large hangar. Two wide alcoves hold The githyanki dragonknight cannot make lance attacks The dragon’s breath weapon recharges and the dragon uses
red dragons, and attending them are githyanki warriors in until the end of the encounter. it immediately.
R Telekinetic Fist (standard; recharge 6) Astral Jaunt (minor; recharge 6) F Mount, Teleportation
plate armor. More githyanki work on the astral skiffs or sort
Ranged 5; Medium or small target; +22 vs. Fortitude; The pact dragon and its rider disappear into the Astral Sea,
through supplies. 1d6 + 7 damage, and the target slides 2 squares and is teleporting 10 squares.
immobilized (save ends). Pledged Rider (while mounted by a friendly rider of 13th level
R Telekinetic Leap (move; encounter) or higher; at-will) F Mount
Ranged 10; the githyanki dragonknight or an ally within Any damage dealt to the pact dragon can be redirected to
range can fly 5 squares. the rider, and vice versa.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech Skirmish +2d6
Skills History +11, Insight +16 If, on its turn, the pact dragon ends its move at least 4
Str 25 (+15) Dex 21 (+13) Wis 17 (+11) squares away from its starting point, it deals 2d6 extra
Con 21 (+13) Int 13 (+9) Cha 18 (+12) damage on all melee attacks it makes until the start of its
Equipment plate armor, heavy shield, lance, silver bastard next turn.
sword Alignment Evil Languages Deep Speech, Draconic,
telepathy 20
Skills Endurance +17, Insight +15
Str 24 (+13) Dex 20 (+11) Wis 18 (+10)
Con 22 (+12) Int 15 (+8) Cha 16 (+9)

July 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 8
A Tyranny of Souls

16 Githwarriors (G) Level 16 Minion Skirmisher

Medium natural humanoid, githyanki XP 350 each
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +10 The heroes must stop the fleeing astral interceptor
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. before it escapes and brings reinforcements. This
AC 30; Fortitude 30, Reflex 28, Will 26
could be a thrilling chase over Tu’narath or a vicious
Saving Throws +2 against charm
Speed 6; see also telekinetic stride battle in the Astral Sea. If the ship gets away, use
m Greatsword (standard; at-will) F Weapon creatures presented in this adventure to build a level
+21 vs. AC; 12 damage. 22 encounter. These reinforcements arrive 5 minutes
R Crossbow (standard; at-will) F Weapon
Ranged 15/30; +21 vs. AC; 12 damage.
after the ship escapes.
Telekinetic Jump (move; encounter)
The githwarrior flies 5 squares. Features of the Area
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech
Astral Interceptor: Two astral vessels stand at
Str 25 (+15) Dex 20 (+13) Wis 15 (+10)
Con 15 (+10) Int 12 (+9) Cha 14 (+10) the ready. They have enclosed hulls, so creatures
Equipment scale mail, greatsword, crossbow with 10 bolts inside cannot be targeted by attacks. See page 46 for
Tactics Supplies: Squares containing these items count
When the githyanki are no longer surprised, the as difficult terrain, and a creature knocked prone
dragonknights mount their dragons and attack the here takes 5 damage from the jagged bits and pointy
PCs, even though they have little room to maneuver. things.
Using Deep Speech, one dragonknight orders a crew
onto an astral interceptor to get help. Four githwarriors
converge on the vessel to take off and get help, ram-
ming PCs if necessary.

July 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 8
A Tyranny of Souls

A Turning Point Special

If Mayhem is present for the negotiations, he can speak
History (DC 14; 1 success maximum; requires Diplomacy 4 to
on the characters behalf, assuming the characters have A character recalls the terms of the ancient pact, remembering
Encounter Level 21 (16,000 XP)
performed and treated him well. At any point during the that Gith demanded the githyanki be free to rule their own
Setup negotiation, the PCs can convert one failed check into a destiny.
successful check. DC 27 (1 success, 2 maximum)
The moment for which the adventures have long If the PCs rescued Vlaakith and freed her without question, Insight (DC 22; 1 success maximum; requires Diplomacy 3 to
fought is at hand. Vlaakith and her lieutenants are the characters gain a +2 bonus to all Diplomacy checks. This unlock)
open to discussion about withdrawing the githyanki bonus increases to +4 if the PCs saved her after dealing with The PCs notice Vlaakith flinches when they mention the pact
the Emperor. has been violated.
from the war and might be convinced to give their aid
Bluff (DC 27) Characters can cooperate to aid a lead character using this
in the ongoing struggle. The PCs make promises or offers they cannot actually follow skill. A success here also opens up Intimidate.
through on or have no intention to uphold. Intimidate (DC 27)
A Turning Point Level 21 Characters can cooperate to aid a lead character using this The PCs paint a pretty bleak picture about what is in store for
Skill Challenge XP 16,000
skill. the githyanki if they don’t withdraw from the war, suggesting
The room hums as the gathered assembly awaits your words. Diplomacy 1 (DC 22; 2 successes) that they will be destroyed if they lose or become subservient to
In their cold faces, you see everything from blank stares, to The PCs describe their predicament, what they know of Tiamat if they win.
suspicion, to open hatred. Vlaakith stands and the room quiets. Tiamat’s intent, and what will result if she is victorious. Characters can cooperate to aid a lead character using this
“These visitors have come a long way and have endured many Characters can cooperate to aid a lead character using this skill.
hardships. Let us hear their words to seek an accord between skill. Achieving 2 successes opens up Diplomacy 2. Religion 1 (DC 22 (1 success maximum))
our peoples.” Diplomacy 2 (DC 22; 2 successes maximum; requires Diplo- A character describes Tiamat’s notoriety and her long history
Although the githyanki want nothing to do with Tiamat’s macy 1 to unlock) of betrayals by citing key moments where she has acted in the
war, they are not allies yet. To get the githyanki to withdraw The PCs explain that through their alliance with Tiamat, the world. This bleak portrait calls into question the strength of the
fully from the war, the characters must make a bargain all githyanki have become embroiled in a divine war not of their githyanki alliance with the Dark Lady.
can live with. making and they are taking a hand in the fate of the gods. Success opens up Religion 2.
Complexity Achieving 2 successes opens up Diplomacy 3. Religion 2 (DC 22; 1 success maximum; requires Religion 1 or
5 (12 successes before 3 failures). Diplomacy 3 (DC 27; 2 successes maximum; requires Diplo- Streetwise to unlock)
Primary Skills macy 2 or Streetwise to unlock) A PC reminds the githyanki that no god has ever ruled the
Diplomacy, History, Insight, Intimidate, Religion, Streetwise. The PCs announce that Tiamat has violated the ancient pact githyanki peoples.
Other Skills and thus the githyanki are no longer bound by its terms. One Streetwise (DC 14; 2 successes maximum)
Bluff. githyanki asks that if this is true, where is Gith? A character cites an example of how Tiamat actually controls
Victory Characters can cooperate to aid a lead character using this the city, and also how Zetch’r’r serves Tiamat directly.
Vlaakith agrees to withdraw the githyanki from the war skill. The first success here opens up Insight. The second The first success also opens up the Religion 2 check. The
provided the characters successfully defeat Zetch’r’r. success opens up Diplomacy 4. second success opens up Diplomacy 3.
Vlaakith also grants the PCs’ world a reprieve from githyanki Diplomacy 4 (DC 22; 4 successes maximum; requires Diplo-
attacks for a thousand years (though this applies only to macy 3 to unlock) Failure
those githyanki under Vlaakith’s command; she doesn’t The PCs ask for an alliance.
A defeat on this skill challenge doesn’t mean the
mention this). Finally, if the characters acquire no failures Characters can cooperate to aid a lead character using this
skill. On the first success, Vlaakith says that even if they adventure is over; it results in an even greater chal-
in the course of the skill challenge, Vlaakith agrees to a
short-term alliance between her people and those of the agreed, their alliance would be worthless while Zetch’r’r is lenge and no guarantees that the githyanki won’t
adventurers. Such an alliance proves beneficial to the PCs in still in power. This opens up Diplomacy 5. On a failed check, become a problem at some future point.
a future Scales of War adventure. the characters cannot make this check again until they
Defeat succeed on another check related to the skill challenge.
Vlaakith agrees to withdraw the githyanki from the war but Diplomacy 5
only with the following conditions. The adventurers must The PCs volunteer to destroy Zetch’r’r and end his reign.
kill Zetch’r’r, and they must find and destroy the remains of Characters can cooperate to aid a lead character using this
Vlaakith CLVII. skill.

July 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 8
A Tyranny of Souls

Stillness Broken 3 Slaughter Wights Level 18 Brute Tormenting Ghost (T) Level 21 Controller
Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 2,000 each Medium shadow humanoid (undead) XP 3,200
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +13; darkvision Initiative +19 Senses Perception +17; darkvision
Encounter Level 19 (12,400 XP)
HP 182; Bloodied 91; see also death wail HP 152; Bloodied 76
AC 30; Fortitude 30, Reflex 27, Will 26 AC 32; Fortitude 30, Reflex 34, Will 32
Setup Immune disease, poison; Resist 20 necrotic; Vulnerable 10 Immune disease, poison; Resist insubstantial
3 slaughter wights (S) radiant Speed fly 6 (hover); phasing
Speed 7 m Spirit Touch (standard; at-will) F Necrotic
1 tormenting ghost (T) m Claw (standard; at-will) F Healing, Necrotic +24 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 9 necrotic damage.
2 wrath spirits (W) +21 vs. AC; 3d6 + 8 necrotic damage, the target loses M Ghostly Possession (standard; recharge 5 6) F Charm
a healing surge and is weakened (save ends), and the Target must be a living humanoid; +24 vs. Will; the
slaughter wight regains 15 hit points. tormenting ghost enters the target’s space and is removed
The undead hunger for souls and attack when the
C Death Wail (when reduced to 0 hit points) F Necrotic from play, and the target is dominated (save ends).
characters draw near. Close burst 5; targets enemies; +21 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 + The tormenting ghost can use the power against only
4 necrotic damage. Undead allies in the burst can make a one creature at a time. When the target is no longer
When the PCs are about halfway to the Chro- basic attack as a free action. dominated, or when the tormenting ghost chooses to end
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common its ghostly possession (a free action), the ghost reappears in
matic Bastion, read:
Str 26 (+17) Dex 20 (+14) Wis 9 (+8) a square adjacent to the target.
Con 22 (+15) Int 12 (+10) Cha 18 (+13) C Burst of Terror (standard; recharge 5 6) F Fear, Necrotic
The path travels through a damaged area, with a yawning Close burst 5; targets enemies; +24 vs. Will; 1d8 + 9
necrotic damage, the target is pushed 5 squares; and the
fissure to one side and crumbling tombs and rubble to the
target is dazed and immobilized (save ends both).
other. Black fire gutters up in columns on either side of A Ghostly Terrain (standard; at-will) F Zone
the road. Area burst 1 within 10; the area is suddenly filled with
ghostly lights, wisps of necrotic mist, and the faint
whispers of the dead. The zone is difficult terrain and
lightly obscured. Any creature that enters or ends its turn
in the zone is immobilized (save ends). The zone lasts until
the end of the encounter of for 5 minutes.
Spectral Shift (immediate reaction, when missed by a melee
attack; at-will)
The tormenting ghost shifts 3 squares.
Alignment Evil Languages Common
Skills Stealth +24
Str 11 (+10) Dex 28 (+19) Wis 14 (+12)
Con 20 (+15) Int 12 (+11) Cha 25 (+17)

July 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 8
A Tyranny of Souls

2 Wrath Spirits (W) Level 17 Soldier Features of the Area

Medium shadow humanoid (undead) XP 1,600 each
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +12; darkvision Rubble: Squares containing rubble count as dif-
HP 111; Bloodied 55 ficult terrain.
AC 33; Fortitude 27, Reflex 29, Will 30 Chasms: The small chasm is about 30 feet deep
Immune disease, poison; Resist insubstantial
(dealing 3d10 damage to those who fall in), while
Speed fly 6 (hover); phasing
m Keening Sword (standard; at-will) F Psychic the larger one is about 90 feet deep (9d10 damage).
+24 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 psychic damage, and the target is Climbing out of a chasm requires DC 14 Athletics
marked until the end of the wrath spirit’s next turn.
A Exploding Head (standard; recharge 5 6) F Fear,
Necrotic Sealed Vaults: A vault grants cover and has AC 5,
The wrath spirit materializes a flame semblance of its Fortitude 10, Reflex 5; hp 40.
missing head and hurls it: area burst 2 within 10; +21 Mausoleums: A locked door (DC 27 Thievery or
vs. Fortitude; 3d10 + 7 necrotic damage, and the target
DC 32 Strength) bars access. Each tomb holds a stone
is immobilized and marked (save ends both). Miss: Half
damage, and the target is marked but not immobilized. sarcophagus and he rotting remains within it. The
Burning Challenge (immediate reaction, when an enemy tormenting ghost and wrath spirits use phasing to
marked by the wrath spirit makes an attack that does not
move through the mausoleums’ walls unimpeded.
include the wrath spirit; at-will) F Psychic
The triggering enemy takes ongoing 10 psychic damage Pillars of Necrotic Flame: Black fire gutters
and is dazed (save ends both). from wounds in the dead god. Necrotic attacks made
Alignment Evil Languages Common from spaces adjacent to either pillar gain a +10 bonus
Str 16 (+11) Dex 17 (+11) Wis 18 (+12)
to damage rolls. Creatures entering or starting their
Con 15 (+10) Int 22 (+14) Cha 24 (+15)
turns in a space containing the necrotic flame take 10
fire and necrotic damage.
Treasure: One shattered mausoleum contains
parcel 1.

The slaughter wights shriek to alert their allies in the
tombs, charge, and then make a fighting retreat to the
pillars of necrotic flame to boost their attacks. The
wrath spirits fly around behind the PCs to herd them
forward, while the tormenting ghost finds a melee
striker and attacks using burst of terror.

July 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 8
A Tyranny of Souls

Evil’s Backbone Spine of Vlaakith (V) Level 20 Solo Artillery R Twin Rays (standard; at-will) F Necrotic
Tiny natural animate (undead) XP 14,000 The spine of Vlaakith makes a shadow ray attack and a
Encounter Level 21 (18,000 XP) Initiative +13 Senses Perception +18; darkvision immobilizing ray attack.
Intruding Terror (Fear) aura 2; enemies within the aura take a C Soul Shriveling Pulse (immediate reaction, when a creature
−2 penalty to attack rolls.
Setup HP 600; Bloodied 300; see also consume soul and
fails a saving throw against drain soul; at-will) F Fear,
Spine of Vlaakith (V) indestructible Close burst 5; +25 vs. Fortitude; 3d6 + 5 necrotic damage,
Regeneration 20 (if the spine of Vlaakith takes radiant and the target takes a −2 penalty to saving throws (save
2 sword wraith attendants (S)
damage, regeneration doesn’t function until the end of its ends).
next turn) Consume Soul (minor; expends a trapped soul; recharge ⚅) F
When Zetch’r’r came to power, the githyanki believed AC 32; Fortitude 32, Reflex 28, Will 33 Healing
the Lich-Queen was well and truly dead. However, Immune disease, poison, sleep; Resist 10 necrotic, 10 psychic The spine of Vlaakith regains 200 hit points.
Saving Throws +5 Soul Gems
the new emperor discovered that a piece of her Speed fly 12 (hover) The spine of Vlaakith’s six soul gems can each hold the soul
remained: her spine. Through dread magic, Zetch’r’r Action Points 2 of one if its victims. At the beginning of an encounter, the
bound her spirit to the spine and extracted oaths of r Shadow Ray (standard; at-will) F Necrotic soul gems contain two souls. Crushing a gem after the spine
Ranged 20; +27 vs. AC; 3d6 + 8 necrotic damage. is defeated releases the soul back to the Shadowfell.
service from it, transforming the dead Lich-Queen
r Immobilizing Ray (standard; at-will) F Necrotic Indestructible
into a form of demilich. As long as Zetch’r’r lives, Ranged 20; +25 vs. Fortitude; 1d6 + 8 necrotic damage, When the spine of Vlaakith is reduced to 0 hit points
Vlaakith would serve. and the target is immobilized (save ends). or fewer, its spine (but not the soul gems) crumbles into
R Drain Soul (standard; at-will) dust, but it is not destroyed. It reappears 1d10 days later
Ranged 5; does not provoke opportunity attacks; +25 within 1 square of its phylactery (in room 15), unless the
When the PCs enter the room, read: vs. Fortitude; the target is dazed and restrained (save phylactery is also found and destroyed.
ends both). First Failed Saving Throw: The target is instead Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common, Supernal
A blackened spine hovers before an iron door across the stunned and restrained (save ends both). Second Failed Skills Arcana +17, Insight +18, Intimidate +23, Religion +18
Saving Throw: The target dies, and its soul is trapped in one Str 16 (+13) Dex 16 (+13) Wis 17 (+13)
room. Pale blue light from the flickering torches glint off six
of the spine’s soul gems until the spine is destroyed; see also Con 24 (+17) Int 15 (+12) Cha 27 (+18)
bright amethysts set into each bone ring. The spine casts consume soul and “Fate of Drained Souls” sidebar.
a queer shadow on the white tile floor, suggesting that of a R Wither (minor; at-will) F Necrotic
tall, thin female humanoid. Ranged 20; +25 vs. Fortitude; the target takes ongoing 10
necrotic damage (save ends).

Perception Check
DC 31 Shadows in the room’s corners seem to move inde-
pendent of the light source, coalescing into vague humanoid

July 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 8
A Tyranny of Souls

2 Sword Wraith Attendants (S) Level 18 Lurker The sword wraith attendants harry PCs who don’t Stained-Glass Windows: The stained glass win-
Medium shadow humanoid (undead) XP 2,000 each close on the spine, using phasing to move through dows are not made of glass at all. They are instead
Initiative +20 Senses Perception +15; darkvision
the floor and come up behind their opponents. They congealed hatred. Any creature that starts its turn in
HP 95; Bloodied 47; see also death strike
Regeneration 10 work together to ensure they get flanking. If they find a square adjacent to the window makes a melee basic
AC 31; Fortitude 30, Reflex 31, Will 33 themselves close to a dazed enemy, they don’t pass up attack or a charge attack against the closest creature
Immune disease, poison; Resist 20 necrotic, insubstantial; the chance to strike the afflicted enemy with their and treats allies as enemies for the purpose of oppor-
Vulnerable 10 radiant (if the sword wraith attendant takes
shadow swords in the hopes of spawning a new sword tunity attacks until the start of the creature’s next
radiant damage, its regeneration does not function until
the end of the its next turn) wraith. turn. Each window has AC 5 Fortitude 10, Reflex 5;
Speed fly 8 (hover); phasing; see also shadow glide hp 5. A destroyed window loses this effect.
m Shadow Sword (standard; at-will) F Necrotic Features of the Area
+21 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 7 necrotic damage, and the target is
weakened (save ends). Illumination: Two everburning torches in sconces
M Death Strike (when reduced to 0 hit points) F Necrotic to either side of the door to room 3 fill the room with
The sword wraith shifts 4 squares and makes a melee basic bright light.
attack, dealing 2d8 extra necrotic damage on a hit.
Ceiling: The ceiling is 30 feet high.
Combat Advantage F Necrotic
The sword wraith attendant deals 2d6 extra necrotic Columns: Four columns, each 3 feet wide, sup-
damage against any target granting combat advantage to it. port the ceiling overhead. The columns provide cover.
Shadow Glide (move; encounter)
The sword wraith attendant shifts 6 squares.
Spawn Wraith
Any humanoid killed by a sword wraith rises as a free-
willed sword wraith at the start of its creator’s next turn,
appearing in the space where it died (or in the nearest Fate of Drained Souls
unoccupied space). Raising the slain creature (using the
Raise Dead ritual) does not destroy the spawned wraith. When a victim of the drain soul attack fails its second
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common saving throw, the victim’s soul is trapped in one of
Skills Stealth +21
Vlaakith’s spine gems. The soul’s former body crum-
Str 14 (+11) Dex 24 (+16) Wis 12 (+10)
Con 18 (+13) Int 11 (+9) Cha 24 (+16) bles into dust at the end of the creature’s next turn.
If the spine is destroyed, each creature trapped in a
Tactics gem is targeted by an attack: +25 vs. Will; the soul
Vlaakith would gladly let the PCs pass to destroy the is destroyed. On a miss, the soul remains intact but
emperor, but Zetch’r’r’s magic impels her to attack. is trapped in a gem. If a target’s soul remains intact
She waits for the characters to attack first or to move within a gem, then the gem glows with faint inner
past the first pair of columns, at which point she light and reveals an image of a tiny figure inside. This
attacks using twin rays. She then uses her drain soul gem can be used as part of the Raise Dead ritual,
attack by spending action point if the target is within reducing the component cost by half. The Raise
5 squares. She uses this tactics against any opponent Dead ritual can still bring back a target whose soul
who draws too close, using her immobilizing ray to is destroyed.
keep fleeing enemies in place.

July 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 8
A Tyranny of Souls

Red Sentinels 2 Adult Red Dragons (R) Level 17 Solo Soldier After, both dragons maneuver to position them-
Large natural magical beast (dragon) XP 8,000 each selves on opposite sides of the PCs. The first dragon
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +15; darkvision
Encounter Level 19 (12,000 XP) uses frightful presence to send the PCs fleeing while
HP 750; Bloodied 375; see also bloodied breath
AC 33; Fortitude 33, Reflex 30, Will 29 the other dragon bites any character that moves past
Setup Resist 20 fire it. On the round following, they do the same thing,
2 adult red dragons (R) Saving Throws +5 but in reverse.
Speed 6, fly 8 (hover), overland flight 12
The dragons save their second action points for
Action Points 2
The emperor uses these dragons to protect the m Bite (standard; at-will) ✦ Fire when they are bloodied, using them to combine bite
deeper chambers. These dragons are descendants of Reach 2; +22 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 damage plus 3d6 fire attacks with their breath weapons, or, failing that, com-
Zetch’r’r’s own red dragon steed. bine a bite with double attack.
m Claw (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; +22 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 damage.
When the PCs enter this room, read: M Double Attack (standard; at-will) Features of the Area
The dragon makes two claw attacks. Illumination: The pools of fire fill this room with
M Tail Strike (immediate reaction, when an enemy moves to a
Heat blasts you from this blazing chamber. Through the bright light.
position where it flanks the red dragon; at-will)
heat mirage created by two fiery pools, you make out the The dragon attacks the enemy with its tail: reach 2; +20 Ceiling: The ceiling in this room is 50 feet high.
hulking forms of two red dragons. vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 7 damage, and the target is pushed 1 Dais: A dais stands on the opposite side of the
room, flanked by the dragons. The steps up are steep
C Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 5 6 ) F Fire
Close blast 5; +20 vs. Reflex; 2d12 + 6 fire damage. Miss: and count as difficult terrain.
Half damage. Iron Doors: The iron doors are not locked, but
C Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) F they are super-hot. Characters opening them by hand
take 10 fire damage.
The dragon’s breath weapon recharges, and the dragon
uses it immediately. Fiery Pools: Two pools of naphtha burn. A ­creature
C Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) F Fear that enters or starts its turn adjacent to a pool takes 5
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +20 vs. Will; the target is fire damage, while a creature that enters or starts its
stunned until the end of the dragon’s next turn. Aftereffect:
The target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends). turn in a pool takes 10 fire damage and ongoing 10 fire
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic damage (save ends).
Skills Bluff +14, Insight +15, Intimidate +19 The fires are so intense that a creature standing in
Str 25 (+14) Dex 19 (+11) Wis 16 (+10)
or behind them is lightly obscured.
Con 22 (+13) Int 13 (+8) Cha 14 (+9)
Heat: Heat from the burning pools imposes a −2
Tactics penalty to all attack rolls to all creatures that do not
have resist fire of 10 or more.
The two dragons are accustomed to working with
Treasure: The dragons’ hoard consists of ­treasure
each other. When the PCs enter, they take to the air,
parcels 14, 18, and 19, all of which sit in a pile on the
flying 20 feet above the floor, and close to deliver
their breath weapon attacks against the largest group of
characters. They then spend an action point each to
charge a character they hit with their breath weapons.

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A Tyranny of Souls

The Freezer 3 Ice Devils (I) Level 20 Soldier Winterdeath

Dracolich (W)
Level 20 Elite Controller
Large immortal humanoid (devil) XP 2,800 each
Initiative +18 Senses Perception +13; darkvision Huge natural magical beast (dragon, undead) XP 5,600
Encounter Level 20 (14,000 XP) Initiative +16 Senses Perception +19; darkvision
Cold Aura (Cold) aura 5; enemies in the aura take a −2 penalty
to all attack rolls. HP 384; Bloodied 192; see also bloodied breath
Setup HP 195; Bloodied 97 AC 34; Fortitude 33, Reflex 32, Will 30
AC 36; Fortitude 33, Reflex 31, Will 29 Immune disease, fear, poison; Resist 30 cold, 30 necrotic;
3 ice devils (I)
Immune cold; Resist 20 fire Vulnerable 10 radiant
1 winterdeath dracolich (W) Saving Throws +2
Speed 8
m Icy Longspear (standard; at-will) F Cold, Weapon Speed 8, fly 10 (clumsy)
This foul chamber holds dragon carcasses for later Reach 3; +27 vs. AC; 1d12 + 7 cold damage, and the target Action Points 1
is slowed (save ends). m Bite (standard; at-will) F Cold, Necrotic
animation. The dracolich lairing here (a red dragon in
M Claw (standard; at-will) Reach 3; +25 vs. AC; 3d6 + 8 damage. Against an
life) has endured terrible torments from the ice devils, Reach 2; +25 vs. AC; 1d6 + 7 damage. immobilized target, this attack deals 3d6 extra cold and
hence its lesser state. C Chilling Command (minor; recharge 5 6) F Cold necrotic damage.
Close burst 5; +23 vs. Will; the target takes ongoing 5 cold C Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) F
damage and is immobilized (save ends both). Cold, Necrotic
When the PCs enter this room, read:
C Freezing Breath (standard; recharge 3 4 5 6) F Cold The winterdeath dracolich’s breath weapon recharges and
Close blast 5; +23 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 + 7 cold damage, and it uses it immediately.
A blast of cold greets you when you enter this large the target is slowed (save ends). C Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 5 6) F Cold, Necrotic
Alignment Evil Languages Supernal The winterdeath dracolich breathes a blast of icy black
chamber. Several ice-blue insectoid humanoids turn to look
Skills Endurance +23 necrotic energy: close blast 5; +23 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 7
at you, their longspears raised in challenge, but the hulking cold and necrotic damage, and the target is immobilized
Str 25 (+17) Dex 22 (+16) Wis 17 (+13)
red dragon skeleton rimed with ice rising from the frozen Con 27 (+18) Int 15 (+12) Cha 19 (+14) until the end of the dracolich’s next turn. Miss: Half
floor commands your attention. Red dragon carcasses hang Equipment longspear damage. Effect: The target loses any cold or necrotic
resistance it has (save ends).
by their tails from the ceiling. C Unnerving Presence (standard; encounter) F Fear
Close burst 5; +23 vs. Will; the target moves up to its
speed away from the winterdeath dracolich by the safest
possible route and takes a −2 penalty to all attack rolls
until the end of the dracolich’s next turn.
C Winterdeath Corona (standard; recharge 6) F Cold,
Close burst 3; +23 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 7 necrotic damage,
and ongoing 10 cold damage (save ends).
Alignment Evil Languages Draconic
Skills Arcana +18, Endurance +22, History +18, Insight +19,
Intimidate +18, Religion +18
Str 25 (+17) Dex 22 (+16) Wis 19 (+14)
Con 24 (+17) Int 16 (+13) Cha 17 (+13)

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A Tyranny of Souls

Tactics Features of the Area

The dracolich uses its breath weapon and spends its Illumination: This room is dark.
action point to attack with unnerving presence. It then Ceiling: The ceiling is 30 feet high.
alternates between winterdeath corona and bite attacks Dragon Corpse: Large dead red dragons hang by
while waiting for its breath weapon to recharge. their tails from hooks set in the ceiling. A character
The ice devils position themselves to hit their ene- can climb a corpse with a DC 14 Athletics check. An
mies with freezing breath followed by chilling command, adjacent character can swing the corpse as an attack:
stabbing their enemies with longspears while waiting level + 4 vs. Reflex; the target is pushed 1 square and
for their powers to recharge. knocked prone.
Uttercold: Two areas of the floor are covered with
uttercold (elemental ice). The squares count as difficult
terrain and any creature entering a square containing
uttercold takes 10 cold damage. If a square of utter-
cold is included in a fire burst or blast attack, it erupts
in scalding steam.

C Scalding Steam F Fire, Zone

Burst 1 centered on triggering square; all creatures in
burst; +23 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 7 fire damage. The burst
creates a zone of steam that lasts until the end of the
triggering attacker’s next turn. All squares in the zone
count as being lightly obscured. If multiple squares
are affected, overlapping areas count as being heavily

Treasure: The dracolich has a modest hoard con-

sisting of treasure parcels 13 and 17.

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A Tyranny of Souls

Curiosities Astral Stalker (A) Level 22 Elite Lurker Gibbering Abomination (G) Level 18 Controller
Medium immortal humanoid XP 8,300 Medium aberrant magical beast XP 2,000
Initiative +23 Senses Perception +18; blindsight 10 Initiative +13 Senses Perception +13; all-around vision,
Encounter Level 21 (16,300 XP)
HP 314; Bloodied 157 darkvision
AC 38; Fortitude 32, Reflex 38, Will 32 Unnatural Utterances aura 5; any enemy that starts its turn
Setup Saving Throws +2 within the aura takes a −2 penalty to attack rolls.
1 astral stalker (A) Speed 10, climb 6 HP 168; Bloodied 84
Action Points 1 AC 32; Fortitude 31, Reflex 30, Will 30
1 gibbering abomination (G) m Claw (standard; at-will) Speed 6, fly 4 (hover; maximum altitude 1)
2 marut sentinels (M) +27 vs. AC; 2d6 + 8 damage, and the astral stalker can m Tentacle (standard; at-will) F Psychic
1 breath of Tiamat (B) choose to designate the target as its quarry (see stalker’s Reach 2; +22 vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 damage, and ongoing 5
quarry). psychic damage (save ends).
r Throat Dart (standard; at-will) F Poison C Gibbering (free, once on the gibbering abomination’s turn
To expand his forces, Zetch’r’r scours the Astral Ranged 5/10; +29 vs. AC; 1d10 + 8 damage, and the target before it takes other actions; at-will) F Psychic
Sea for potential creatures to add to his stables. He takes ongoing 5 poison damage and is slowed (save ends Close burst 5; deafened creatures are immune; +20 vs.
hopes to either replace the draconic servants (if he both). First Failed Saving Throw: The target is immobilized Will; the target is dazed until the end of the gibbering
instead of slowed (save ends). Second Failed Saving Throw: abomination’s next turn.
ever wriggles out from under Tiamat’s claw) or use R Eye of Despair (standard; recharge 4 5 6) F Psychic
The target is stunned instead of immobilized (save ends).
them against the rebels that endanger his rule. He M Quick Claws (standard; at-will) Ranged 10; +20 vs. Will; 3d8 + 4 psychic damage, and the
posts two marut sentinels in this room to ensure the Against a slowed or immobilized target, the astral stalker target is immobilized (save ends).
makes two claw attacks. Combat Advantage
captives do not escape. The gibbering abomination
Combat Advantage The gibbering abomination deals 2d6 extra psychic
is clearly visible through the transparent walls of its The astral stalker’s melee attacks deal 2d6 extra damage damage on melee and ranged attacks against any target
prison; the astral stalker is invisible, making its prison against any target granting combat advantage to it. granting combat advantage to it.
appear empty. Invisibility (standard; at-will) F Illusion Alignment Unaligned Languages 
The astral stalker is invisible until it attacks. Str 20 (+14) Dex 18 (+13) Wis 19 (+13)
Stalker’s Quarry (minor; at-will) Con 16 (+12) Int 11 (+9) Cha 12 (+10)
When the PCs enter this room and can see the The astral stalker knows the exact location of a creature
cages, read: it has designated as its quarry. The astral stalker can have Once a character makes an attack, the maruts fight
only one quarry at a time, but the power works across any back, laying into their enemies with double attack,
distance and even crosses planar boundaries.
Two squat humanoids with steel skin and wielding while the trap randomly disgorges acid into the room.
Alignment Evil Languages Supernal
greatswords stand guard in this chamber. Two shimmering Skills Stealth +24 If an enterprising character uses the control panel
cubes stand to either side. Only one cube is occupied, and Str 22 (+17) Dex 26 (+19) Wis 15 (+13) to disable the trap, the force cages vanish, loosing the
Con 19 (+15) Int 8 (+10) Cha 10 (+11) creatures they contain. Neither the gibbering abomi-
inside is a floating mass of flesh, eyes, and tentacles.
nation nor the astral stalker see the maruts as allies,
Perception Check
Tactics but they treat each other as allies for the purpose of
DC 22 You see a control panel on the wall. The marut sentinels do not attack right away, but their powers and opportunity attacks.
they try to block access into the room. They respond The gibbering abomination begins gibbering on its
to attempts at conversation with silence. They know turn and uses eye of despair against ranged attackers.
what will happen if either they or the adventurers While waiting for this power to recharge, it hits foes
make an attack in this room, so they are prepared to in its reach with its tentacles, moving to get combat
get out from the trap’s blast. advantage with the astral stalker when possible.

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A Tyranny of Souls

The astral stalker is invisible until it makes an 2 Marut Sentinels (M) Level 18 Soldier
attack. It moves to where it can get a clear shot at Medium immortal humanoid XP 2,000
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +20; truesight 10
nondefender if possible, using stalker’s quarry first HP 175; Bloodied 87
and then throat dart. It then spends an action point to Regeneration 10
charge its quarry. It attacks using quick claws until its AC 35; Fortitude 35, Reflex 29, Will 30
Immune sleep; Resist 10 thunder
quarry succeeds on a saving throw, at which point the
Speed 8, fly 4 (hover), teleport 4
astral stalker uses invisibility to skulk away and set up m Greatsword (standard; at-will) F Thunder, Weapon
its next attack. +24 vs. AC; 1d10 + 8 damage plus 1d6 thunder damage,
the target is pushed 1 square, and the target is marked
Breath of Tiamat Level 18 Blaster until the end of the marut sentinel’s next turn.
Trap XP 2,000 M Double Attack (standard; recharge 5 6)
Trap: When any creature makes an attack in this room, The marut sentinel makes two greatsword attacks.
random pillars burst up through the floor and spray the Alignment Unaligned Languages Supernal
area with acid. Skills Endurance +20, Intimidate +15
Perception Str 30 (+19) Dex 21 (+14) Wis 23 (+15)
F DC 20: A character notices discolored tiles in the trapped Con 23 (+15) Int 12 (+10) Cha 13 (+10)
squares. Equipment greatsword
When a creature makes an attack in this room, the trap Features of the Area
activates and rolls initiative.
Initiative +8 Illumination: Everburning torches fill the room
Floor Burst with bright light.
Free Action Melee 1 Ceiling: The ceiling is 20 feet tall.
Trigger: A creature stands in the trap’s square when it first
Stairs: The stairs count as difficult terrain while
makes its attack.
Target: The triggering creature ascending them and normal terrain while descending
Effect: The creature is pushed 1 square and is knocked prone. them.
Acid Spray F Acid Force Cages: Two cages are positioned on either
Standard Action Close blast 5
Special: Roll 1d4. The square matching the number side of the room. The cages’ wall of force do not block
erupts when a steel column mounted with a sprayer bursts line of sight, but they do block line of effect. Each cage
through the floor (see below). The blast originates from has AC 4, Fortitude 12, Reflex 4, hp 200. A dispel
this square.
magic spell automatically destroys a cage. The only
Target: Each creature in blast
Attack: +21 vs. Reflex way to lift the cages is by turning the dial on the con-
Hit: 3d8 + 5 acid damage, and ongoing 15 acid damage trol panel to deactivate the trap. Sound cannot pass
(save ends). through the cages while they are active.
F Turning a dial in the center of the control panel deactivates
the trap and also negates the cages containing the astral
stalker and the gibbering abomination.

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A Tyranny of Souls

Emerald Statue Githyanki Knight (G) Level 21 Elite Controller Kryizoth Fire Mage (K) Level 20 Controller
Medium natural humanoid XP 6,400 Medium natural humanoid (undead), githyanki XP 2,800
Encounter Level 20 (14,000 XP) Initiative +15 Senses Perception +22; darkvision Initiative +15 Senses Perception +19; darkvision
HP 396; Bloodied 198 Black Flame Shroud (Fire, Necrotic) aura 1; any enemy that
AC 35; Fortitude 34, Reflex 31, Will 33 enters or starts its turn within the aura takes 10 fire and
Setup Immune fear; Resist 5 psychic, 5 radiant necrotic damage.
1 githyanki knight (G) Saving Throws +2 (+4 against charm effects) HP 190; Bloodied 95
Speed 5 AC 34; Fortitude 30, Reflex 33, Will 33
1 kryizoth fire mage (K)
Action Points 1 Immune disease, poison; Resist 20 fire, 20 necrotic;
2 tlaikith forlorn (T) m True Silver Sword (standard; at-will) F Psychic, Weapon Vulnerable 10 radiant
+26 vs. AC; 1d12 + 8 damage plus 1d8 psychic damage Speed 6; see also dimension step
Emperor Zetch’r’r placed his most loyal guards in (crit 3d12 + 20 + 8 psychic). m Blackflame Touch (standard; at-will) F Fire, Necrotic
M Dark Smite (standard; recharges when first bloodied) F +24 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 7 fire and necrotic damage, and the
this chamber to safeguard the passage to his personal Psychic, Weapon target loses 1 healing surge.
quarters. The githyanki are alerted if combat occurs Targets an immobilized creature; +25 vs. Fortitude; 2d12 r Rotting Missile (standard; at-will) F Necrotic
in any adjacent chamber and ready actions to attack + 8 damage plus 1d12 psychic damage, and the target is Ranged 20; +24 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 7 necrotic damage, and
pushed 5 squares and knocked prone. the target is slowed and takes a –2 penalty to AC (save
whenever an enemy enters the room. The githyanki
M Double Attack (standard; at-will) F Psychic, Weapon ends both).
knight readies telekinetic fist, the fire mage readies The githyanki knight makes two true silver sword attacks. R Immolation (standard; recharge 5 6) F Fire
immolation, and the forlorn ready their silver swords. R Reactive Grab (immediate reaction, when an enemy enters a Ranged 10; +24 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 7 fire damage, and
Although this combat begins in this room, it can square adjacent to the githyanki knight; encounter) ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends). Miss: Half damage.
The githyanki knight makes a telekinetic fist attack Each Failed Saving Throw: Each enemy adjacent to the
easily spill back into adjacent rooms as the guardians against the triggering enemy. This attack doesn’t provoke target takes 10 fire damage.
work to keep the adventurers away from their master. opportunity attacks. R Telekinetic Leap (move; encounter)
R Telekinetic Fist (standard; at-will) Ranged 10; the kryizoth fire mage or one ally within range
Ranged 5; +25 vs. Fortitude; the target is immobilized (save can fly up to 5 squares.
When the PCs enter this room, read:
ends). Each Failed Saving Throw: The githyanki knight slides Heat Mirage (immediate interrupt, when hit by a melee or
the target 5 squares. ranged attack; encounter) F Illusion
An enormous idol of Tiamat dominates this otherwise bare M Dimensional Exile (free, when the githyanki knight hits with The kryizoth fire mage gains a +2 bonus to all defenses
chamber. Two githyanki stand guard before it. One wears a melee attack; encounter) F Teleportation until the end of its next turn.
The target is sent to a pocket dimension (save ends). The Dimension Step (minor; recharge 4 5 6) F Teleportation
antiquated plate armor and wields a silvery blade. The target is removed from play and cannot take actions. The kryizoth fire mage teleports 5 squares.
other is dressed in scorched robes and is obviously undead. When the target ends the effect, it returns to the space it Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech
Also in this room are two ghostly githyanki knights, echoes last occupied or the closest unoccupied space. Skills Arcana+22, History +19
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech Str 17 (+13) Dex 20 (+15) Wis 19 (+14)
of the living warrior opposite them. They turn as one, ready
Str 27 (+18) Dex 21 (+15) Wis 24 (+17) Con 22 (+16) Int 25 (+17) Cha 14 (+12)
for the attack. Con 22 (+16) Int 16 (+13) Cha 20 (+15) Equipment robes, staff
Equipment plate armor, true silver sword

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A Tyranny of Souls

2 Tlaikith Forlorn (T) Level 19 Soldier The forlorn use telekinetic pull to drag soft enemies
Medium natural humanoid (undead), githyanki XP 2,400 each into their reach and then hit them with soul strike.
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +12; darkvision
They then move out of the room and pull their targets
Dimensional Bar aura 1; creatures in the aura cannot teleport,
and creatures cannot teleport into the aura. with them to lure the PCs to the emerald statue.
HP 125; Bloodied 62
AC 33; Fortitude 32, Reflex 29, Will 30 Features of the Area
Immune disease, poison; Resist 20 necrotic; insubstantial;
Illumination: The emerald idol glows with inner
Vulnerable 10 radiant
Speed 5, fly 5 (hover) luminance, filling the room with bright light.
m Silver Sword (standard; at-will) F Psychic, Weapon Ceiling: The ceiling here is 20 feet tall.
+24 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 7 damage, and the target is marked Emerald Idol: The idol looms over the chamber
until the end of the tlaikith forlorn’s next turn.
M Soul Strike (standard; encounter) F Weapon and is filled with Tiamat’s malice. Nongithyanki
+24 vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 7 damage, and the target is stunned starting their turns in spaces adjacent to the idol are
(save ends). subject to an attack.
R Telekinetic Leap (move; encounter)
Ranged 10; the tlaikith forlorn or one ally within range can
m Tiamat’s Judgment F Poison
fly up to 5 squares.
Melee 1; +25 vs. Fortitude; 10 poison damage, and the target is
R Telekinetic Pull (minor; encounter)
pushed 1 square.
Ranged 5; +24 vs. Fortitude; the target is pulled 5 squares.
C Silver Arc (standard; encounter) F Psychic, Weapon
Close burst 1; +24 vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 7 damage, and the The statue has AC 3, Fortitude 15, Reflex 3, hp
target is dazed (save ends). 200. Characters can enter a statue’s space by spend-
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech,
telepathy 10 ing 3 squares of movement. Searching the statue and
Str 24 (+16) Dex 18 (+13) Wis 16 (+12) succeeding on a DC 25 Perception check reveals the
Con 19 (+13) Int 13 (+10) Cha 21 (+14) entire thing pivots to expose the chamber beyond.
Equipment plate armor, silver sword

The githyanki knight uses telekinetic fist to pin down
a defender, and then closes on a ranged attacker for
melee. If the target of its telekinetic fist fails its save to
end the immobilized effect, the knight slides it to an
adjacent space and attacks using dark smite and then
pins the target once more.
The fire mage keeps her distance from the forlorn
so she can use dimension step if needed. She leads with
her immolation power. She helps maneuver her allies
into the best position using telekinetic leap and then
punishes ranged attackers with her rotting missile.

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A Tyranny of Souls

Those Who Are 8 Githwarriors (G) Level 16 Minion Skirmisher

Medium natural humanoid, githyanki XP 350 each
About to Die Initiative +13 Senses Perception +10
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 30; Fortitude 30, Reflex 28, Will 26
Encounter Level 19 (12,800 XP)
Saving Throws +2 against charm
Speed 6; see also telekinetic stride
Setup m Greatsword (standard; at-will) F Weapon
2 chosen gish’sarath (S) +21 vs. AC; 12 damage.
R Crossbow (standard; at-will) F Weapon
8 chosen githwarriors (G) Ranged 15/30; +21 vs. AC; 12 damage.
Telekinetic Jump (move; encounter)
No matter the direction from which the adventur- The githwarrior flies 5 squares.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech
ers approach, the githyanki here react quickly to the
Str 25 (+15) Dex 20 (+13) Wis 15 (+10)
arrival of intruders. Con 15 (+10) Int 12 (+9) Cha 14 (+10)
Equipment scale mail, greatsword, crossbow with 10 bolts
2 Chosen Gish’sarath (S) Level 18 Elite Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid, githyanki
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +16
XP 4,000 each
HP 342; Bloodied 171 The githyanki use the cramped quarters to their best
AC 32; Fortitude 29, Reflex 30, Will 31 advantage, and use telekinetic leap to fly over their
Saving Throws +2 (+4 against charm effects)
Speed 5; see also astral stride allies’ heads and hit the enemies from behind.
Action Points 1
m Silver Longsword (standard; at-will) F Psychic, Weapon Features of the Area
+23 vs. AC; 1d8 + 7 damage, plus 1d8 psychic damage.
Illumination: Everburning torches in iron
M Double Attack (standard; at-will) F Psychic, Weapon
The gish’sarath makes two silver longsword attacks. sconces every 15 feet fill the area with bright light.
R Force Bolt (standard; at-will) F Force Ceiling: The ceiling in room 10 is 30 feet tall. The
Ranged 10; +21 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 5 force damage and the ceiling in the hall and barracks (room 11) beyond is
gish’sarath pushes the target 1 square.
R Storm of Stars (standard; encounter) F Fire 50 feet tall. The ceiling in room 13 is just 20 feet tall.
The gish’sarath makes four attacks, no more than two of Stairs: The stairs descending from room 10 to the
these against a single target; ranged 5; +23 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 hall beyond are steep and cost 3 squares of movement
fire damage.
to ascend or descend. The stairs leading up to room
Astral Stride (move; encounter) F Teleportation
The gish’sarath teleports 6 squares and gains the 13 are difficult terrain while ascending them and
insubstantial and phasing qualities until the start of its normal terrain while descending them.
next turn.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech,
Skills Arcana +19, History +16, Insight +16
Str 17 (+12) Dex 15 (+11) Wis 15 (+11)
Con 19 (+13) Int 21 (+14) Cha 19 (+13)
Equipment chainmail, silver longsword

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A Tyranny of Souls

Vicious Storm Caller in Darkness (C) Level 19 Elite Soldier Primal Storm, Blue Dragon (P) Level 20 Artillery
Large shadow animate (undead) XP 4,800 Large natural animate (construct) XP 2,800
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +16; darkvision Initiative +18 Senses Perception +14; tremorsense 5
Encounter Level 21 (17,800 XP)
HP 253; Bloodied 126 HP 146; Bloodied 73
AC 33; Fortitude 33, Reflex 28, Will 33 AC 32; Fortitude 30, Reflex 32, Will 30
Setup Immune disease, poison; Resist insubstantial Immune poison; Resist 30 lightning
1 caller in darkness (C) Saving Throws +2 Speed 10, fly 4
Speed fly 8 (hover); phasing m Slam (standard; at-will) F Lightning
1 primal storm (P)
Action Points 1 Reach 2; +26 vs. AC; 2d8 + 8 lightning damage.
2 storm devils (S) m Spirit Bite (standard; at-will) F Necrotic, Psychic R Storm Bolt (standard; at-will) F Lightning
Reach 2; +23 vs. AC; 1d10 + 7 necrotic damage, and The primal storm targets up to three creatures; the first
ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends). target must be within 20 squares of the primal storm, the
The devils and the primal storm await their master’s
M Double Bite (standard; at-will) F Necrotic, Psychic second must be within 10 squares of the first, and the third
pleasure in this room. When the PCs enter, place The caller in darkness makes two spirit bite attacks. target within 10 squares of the second; +25 vs. Reflex; 2d6
only the primal storm and the storm devils. The M Steal Essence (standard; at-will) F Necrotic, Psychic + 8 lightning damage, and the target is dazed until the end
caller in darkness doesn’t join the fight until one of Reach 2; targets a creature marked by the caller in of its next turn. Miss: Half damage, and the target is not
darkness; +22 vs. Fortitude; 1d10 + 9 necrotic damage, and dazed.
three things happen: either storm devils are slain, the C Lightning Step (standard; recharge ⚅) F Lightning,
ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends). First Failed Saving
primal storm is slain, or a creature falls into the pit. Throw: The target takes ongoing 5 psychic damage and is Teleportation
Neither the primal storm nor the storm devils are weakened (save ends both). Second Failed Saving Throw: The Close burst 2; +21 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 8 lightning damage,
target takes ongoing 10 psychic damage and is stunned and the target is dazed until the end of its next turn. Miss:
aware of the caller in darkness. The undead creature
instead of weakened (save ends both). Half damage, and the target is not dazed. Effect: The primal
formed from the terrified githyanki executed in this C Advantage of Fear (minor 1/round; at-will) F Fear storm teleports 8 squares after making this attack.
awful room. While powerful, it fears the storm devils Close burst 10; targets one creature; the target is marked Alignment Unaligned Languages 
and will not ascend from the pit unless forced. and grants combat advantage to the caller in darkness Str 17 (+13) Dex 26 (+18) Wis 19 (+14)
(save ends both); see also steal essence. Con 20 (+15) Int 7 (+8) Cha 7 (+8)
The cramped quarters make maneuvering in this
C Soulstorm (free, when first bloodied; encounter) F Necrotic,
room difficult, and so the encounter might spill into Psychic
adjoining rooms. Close burst 2; +22 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 9 psychic damage
plus 1d10 + 9 necrotic damage. In addition, a target that
grants combat advantage to the caller in darkness takes
When the PCs can see in this room, read: ongoing 5 psychic damage and ongoing 5 necrotic damage
(save ends both).
An appalling reek greets you when you enter this Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common
Str 24 (+16) Dex 18 (+13) Wis 24 (+16)
chambera stench transcending ordinary decay. Two
Con 21 (+14) Int 10 (+9) Cha 25 (+16)
ledges flank a deep pit occupying the room’s center. Statues
depicting rearing blue dragons stand in the corners on
the ledges. Just as you make out two winged humanoids
wielding tridents, a crackling orb of lightning comes to life,
slashing the air with energy.

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A Tyranny of Souls

2 Storm Devils (S) Level 23 Artillery While the primal storm dances across the ceiling, Statues: Four statues depicting blue dragons stand
Medium immortal humanoid (devil) XP 5,100 each the storm devils use infernal thunderclap to push the in the room’s four corners. A statue has AC 5, Forti-
Initiative +18 Senses Perception +17; darkvision
characters into the pit. They avoid melee when pos- tude 10, Reflex 5, hp 40.
HP 169; Bloodied 84
AC 37; Fortitude 35, Reflex 34, Will 33 sible, attacking with lightning fork until their infernal
Resist 20 fire, 20 lightning, 20 thunder thunderclap recharges. Each round, they move across
Speed 7, fly 7 (clumsy) their ledges to get the best shot possible.
m Trident (standard; at-will) F Lightning, Weapon
When the caller in darkness joins the combat,
+26 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 8 damage, and ongoing 10 lightning
damage, and the target is dazed (save ends both). it flies to just above the pit and hovers there. If the
r Lightning Fork (standard; at-will) F Lightning storm devils are present, it treats them as enemies
Requires trident; ranged 20; +28 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 8
just as it does the PCs. Each round, it starts by using
lightning damage.
A Infernal Thunderclap (standard; recharge 5 6) ✦ advantage of fear against an enemy it can see, giving
Lightning, Thunder preference to the adventurers first, specifically divine
Area burst 2 within 20; +26 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 6 characters. It moves so it can reach a creature it has
lightning and thunder damage, and the target is pushed 3
marked and attacks using steal essence, and then
squares from the origin square and dazed until the end of
its next turn. spends its action point to use double bite. Thereafter,
Cyclone (free, when first bloodied; encounter) the caller in darkness marks another enemy and uses
The storm devil shifts 3 squares, and any Medium or
steal essence or double bite until destroyed.
smaller enemy adjacent to the storm devil at the start of
the move is knocked prone.
Alignment Evil Languages Supernal Features of the Area
Skills Stealth +23 Illumination: This room is dark.
Str 20 (+16) Dex 25 (+18) Wis 22 (+17)
Ceiling: The ceiling here is 20 feet high, or 10 feet
Con 25 (+18) Int 16 (+14) Cha 17 (+14)
Equipment trident above the ledges.
Ledges: Ledges on either side of the room stand
Tactics 10 feet above the floor. Climbing a ledge requires a
The primal storm—living lightning formed from a DC 14 Athletics check.
blue dragon’s breath—loiters near the ceiling, flying Stairs: The stairs are treated as difficult terrain
about and raging with contempt for the intruders. It while ascending them and normal terrain while
opens with storm bolt, targeting three creatures it can descending them.
see with this deadly attack, and flies 2 squares so it Pit: A 40-foot pit yawns wide in the center of the
can maintain its altitude. The primal storm stays near room. The pit is actually 50 feet deep, but heaps of
the ceiling, blasting the characters each round until a githyanki corpses fill the bottom 10 feet and reduce
creature engages it. If it is confronted by two or more the falling distance. A character that falls into the pit
enemies in melee, it uses lightning step to slip away. activates the caller in darkness in addition to taking
The primal storm pursues enemies that flee from 4d10 damage from the fall. A character can climb out
this room. of the pit with a DC 25 Athletics check.

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A Tyranny of Souls

The Emperor’s Characters looking up through the hole in the ceil- When the PCs first see Zetch’r’r, read:
ing can make out a gargantuan red dragon. When it
Redoubt speaks, fire puffs from its toothy maw. The characters The githyanki before you can only be Zetch’r’r. He has the
can ascend the stairs as they wish, but call for DC 34 bearing of a veteran warrior and is not slowed by the black
Encounter Level 23 (28,600 XP) Stealth checks. If a character fails, the massive dragon plate armor covering his body. A crude iron crown rests on
thunders, “It seems you have other guests. Attend his brow, a ruby-encrusted scepter hangs from his weapon
Setup to them. Your house does not seem to be in order, belt, and a silver sword rests easy in his hand. He glowers
Emperor Zetch’r’r (Z) and our queen will be displeased.” The red dragon at you with his one good eyethe other is gone and in its
4 Handmaidens (H) exarch wings its way out through the roof, right into place is a fat onyx stone.
Vraxanault, the Red Terror (V) the raging battle overhead. If the PCs make it past the “You are a troublesome company. I credit you for your
dragon and reach the third floor (such as by using the persistence, but now . . . now, it is time for you to die.”
The growing unrest troubles Tiamat, and to ensure teleporter), the exarch growls, “deal with them” and
Zetch’r’r is getting his house in order, she has Attending Zetch’r’r are four handmaidens, fanatical
then flies away as above. The characters don’t need to
sent Vraxanault, her red dragon exarch, to gauge githyanki warriors with intricate tattoos covering
fight the exarch now, but if they wish to, use the statis-
Tu’narath’s troubles. The Separatists choose this time their bodies. They wield long, serpentine daggers.
tics presented on the next page.
to strike, coordinating their efforts with the PCs. So
4 Handmaidens (H) Level 17 Minion Skirmisher
when the adventurers enter this room, the dragon When the PCs reach the second f loor, read:
Medium natural humanoid, githyanki XP 400 each
interrogates the emperor even as astral skiffs battle Initiative +15 Senses Perception +9
knights on pact dragons in the starry sky overhead. An immense red dragon reclines on the floor here. Behind, HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
lying in piles, is its hoard. More stairs lead up to the level AC 31; Fortitude 28, Reflex 29, Will 32
Saving Throws +2 against charm effects
When the PCs enter through the secret door, above. Speed 6
read: m Poisoned Dagger (standard; at-will) F Poison, Weapon
When the PCs can see the third f loor, read: +22 vs. AC; 8 damage plus 5 poison damage.
C Scream of Vengeance (when reduced to 0 hit points)
The door opens onto a lavish chamber. Soft pillows cover Close burst 10; each ally in the burst gains a +2 bonus to
the floor near the stairs that trace the interior wall and lead Banners cover the walls of this wide room. An iron throne attack rolls until the end of its next turn.
up to the level above. A heavy brocade curtain conceals the flanked by burning braziers stands at one side, while Telekinetic Jump (move; encounter)
banners cover the walls all around. Overhead, there The handmaiden flies up to 5 squares.
side of the room opposite from where you enter. A disk inset
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech
into the floor shines with blue light. is no ceiling affording a good look at the raging battle Str 11 (+8) Dex 21 (+13) Wis 13 (+9)
From above, you hear voices. Both are likely male, with above. Astral skiffs maneuver, launching volleys at pact Con 18 (+12) Int 10 (+8) Cha 24 (+15)
the first voice, cultured and patient, nearly drowned out by dragons and their riders. The githyanki are tearing Equipment robes, poisoned dagger

the louder booming voice. From what you can make out, the themselves apart.
two discuss Tu’narath’s troubles.

July 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 8
A Tyranny of Souls

Emperor Zetch’r’r (Z) Level 23 Elite Soldier (Leader) Vraxanault, the Red Terror Level 21 Solo Soldier
Elder Red Dragon (V)
Medium natural humanoid, githyanki XP 10,200
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +18 Huge natural magical beast (dragon) XP 16,000 The handmaidens rush any adventurers on their floor
Despair (Fear) aura 1; any enemy within the aura takes a −2 Initiative +18 Senses Perception +18; darkvision or use the teleporter to reach characters who fight on
penalty to all defenses and saving throws. HP 808; Bloodied 404; see also bloodied breath
the main floor. Their scream of vengeance power can
HP 428; Bloodied 214 AC 35; Fortitude 36, Reflex 33, Will 30
Resist 25 fire reach allies on other levels.
AC 39; Fortitude 36, Reflex 32, Will 36
Saving Throws +2 Saving Throws +5 Vraxanault is loyal to Zetch’r’r as long as he pos-
Speed 6 Speed 8, fly 10 (hover), overland flight 15 sesses the scepter of Ephelomon. The dragon uses
Action Points 1 Action Points 2
m Bite (standard; at-will) F Fire
frightful presence and spends an action point to employ
m Silver Sword (standard; at-will) F Psychic, Weapon
+30 vs. AC; 2d6 + 6 damage plus 2d6 psychic damage, and Reach 3; +26 vs. AC; 2d10 + 9 plus 4d6 fire damage. his breath weapon. If the dragon is faced with two or
the target is marked until the end of Zetch’r’r’s next turn. m Claw (standard; at-will) more attackers at once, it resorts to shock wave fol-
Against an immobilized target, this attack deals 4d6 extra Reach 3; +26 vs. AC; 2d10 + 9 damage.
lowed by immolate foe or breath weapon depending on
damage and slides the target 2 squares. M Double Attack (standard; at-will)
The dragon makes two claw attacks. what it has available.
M Double Attack (standard; at-will) F Poison, Psychic, Weapon
Zetch’r’r makes a silver sword attack against two different R Immolate Foe (standard; recharge 5 6) F Fire Zetch’r’r engages the closest enemy from the start,
targets. Ranged 20; +26 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 7 fire damage, and using telekinetic vice to lock an enemy down and then
M Parrying Maneuver (standard; requires silver sword; at-will) ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends).
C Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 5 6) F Fire
strike. He attacks this enemy, closing the distance
F Psychic, Weapon
Zetch’r’r makes a silver sword attack; on a hit, the target Close blast 5; +24 vs. Reflex; 3d10 + 7 fire damage. Miss: using folded space if necessary, hammering away using
also grants combat advantage to Zetch’r’r until the end of Half damage. his weapons. Zetch’r’r makes good use of the terrain
his next turn. C Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) F
to slide foes off the upper level to fall to the bottom
R Folded Space (move; encounter) F Teleportation Fire
The dragon’s breath weapon recharges automatically, and floor. He rips through his opponents with his weap-
Ranged 5; no attack roll; Zetch’r’r and the target swap
spaces. the dragon uses it immediately. ons until all his enemies lay dead or he is destroyed.
R Telekinetic Vise (standard; recharges when first bloodied) C Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) F Fear
Ranged 5; +28 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 8 damage, and the Close burst 10; targets enemies; +25 vs. Will; the target is
target is immobilized (save ends). stunned until the end of the dragon’s next turn. Aftereffect:
C Telekinetic Thrust (standard; recharge 4 5 6) The target takes a −2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
Close burst 1; targets enemies; +28 vs. Fortitude; the C Shock Wave (minor; recharge 5 6)
target is pushed 1 square and is immobilized (save ends). Close burst 5; +24 vs. Fortitude; the target is pushed
Miss: The target is pushed 1 square. 5 squares, is knocked prone, and is dazed (save ends).
Combat Advantage Aftereffect: The target is slowed (save ends).
Emperor Zetch’r’r’s melee attacks deal 4d6 extra damage Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic
against any target granting combat advantage to him. Skills Bluff +17, Insight +18, Intimidate +22
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech, Str 27 (+18) Dex 21 (+15) Wis 16 (+13)
Draconic Con 26 (+18) Int 15 (+12) Cha 15 (+12)
Skills Diplomacy +23, History +18, Insight +18, Intimidate +23
Str 27 (+19) Dex 15 (+13) Wis 14 (+13)
Con 22 (+17) Int 21 (+16) Cha 24 (+18)
Equipment full plate, two silver swords, scepter of Ephelomon
(see sidebar)

July 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 8
A Tyranny of Souls

Features of the Area

Illumination: Everburning torches in iron
sconces along the walls fill the entire tower with
Scepter of Ephelomon
bright light.
This ruby-encrusted golden scepter represents an Ceiling: The ceilings in the first and second floors
ancient pact between the githyanki and the red drag- are 30 feet tall. The third floor has no ceiling, provid-
ons sworn to Tiamat. Ephelomon, Tiamat’s former ing a view of the shimmering Astral Sea.
red dragon exarch, entrusted it to Gith (savior of the Stairs: Stairs emerge from the wall and wind up
githyanki people) millennia ago. A powerful relic and and around to the top floor. Spaces containing stairs
potent symbol, the scepter of Ephelomon has been part count as difficult terrain.
of the ruler’s regalia since the days when the first Openings: A fall from the top deals 3d10 damage
Vlaakith ascended the throne. When Zetch’r’r came if the creature falls to the second floor or 6d10 if the
to power, though, he quickly discovered the scepter creature falls all the way to the bottom. A fall from
had no power. At first he thought he had been given a the second floor deals 3d10 damage.
false item, but rituals revealed the item’s vast magical Blood Rock: Where indicated on the tactical
strength had vanished. What this signaled was that map, the floor is made from blood rock. A creature
the pact had been broken. Zetch’r’r has hidden this standing in one of these squares can score a critical
fact since taking power, but he knows if the truth hit on a natural die roll of 19 or 20.
about the pact became known that the dragons Teleporters: Two magical gates connect the first
would leave and his reign would end, with or without floor to the third floor. A creature entering the tele-
Tiamat’s support. porter’s space immediately moves adjacent to the
The scepter hangs on Zetch’r’r’s belt. During the other teleporter’s destination square.
combat, any character that makes a DC 24 Arcana Curtain: A thick curtain on the first floor pro-
check (a free action) recognizes the scepter for what vides Zetch’r’r with privacy. The curtain blocks line of
it is. A second check against a DC 29 (a standard sight, and moving through the curtain costs an extra
action) reveals it is powerless. A character can steal square of movement.
the scepter from Zetch’r’r’s belt by making a DC 31 Furniture: Cushions, bed, and dresser on the first
Thievery check (with a −10 penalty for the attempt in floor, and Zetch’r’r’s throne on the third all count as
combat). Once in hand, the scepter can be destroyed: difficult terrain.
AC 10, Fortitude 5, Reflex 10, Fortitude 5, hp 15. Treasure: The dragon’s horde consists of treasure
About the Author
If the characters destroy the scepter in Vraxanault’s parcels 11, 12, and 16, while Zetch’r’r has a small Robert J. Schwalb is a freelance game designer with over one
line of sight, the dragon roars with rage and abandons coffer in his bedchamber. It holds treasure parcel 15. hundred design and development credits to his name. Robert
the emperor to whatever fate the PCs have in store lives in Tennessee with his wife Stacee and his legion of feisty
for him. varmints.
“Perkins, this one is for you.”

July 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 8

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