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Dragons of Eberron 4E Conversion

56 – Arstyvrax
Arstyvrax Level 25 Solo Controller
Huge natural magical beast (aquatic, dragon, undead) XP 35,000
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +20; darkvision R Dominating Gaze (minor; recharge 6 ) F Charm
Death Pall (Psychic) aura 10; whenever Arstyvrax reduces Ranged 10; +28 vs. Will; the target is dominated (save
an enemy in the aura to 0 or fewer hit points, each other ends). Aftereffect: The target is immobilized until the end
enemy in the aura takes 10 psychic damage and takes a –2 of Arstyvrax’s next turn. Arstyvrax can have only one
penalty to all defenses and saving throws (save ends). creature dominated at a time.
HP 900; Bloodied 450; see also bloodied breath C Breath Weapon (standard, recharge 5 6 ) F Acid, Necrotic
Regeneration 10; see also breath weapon Close blast 5; +28 vs. Reflex; 4d8 + 6 acid and necrotic
AC 39; Fortitude 38, Reflex 36, Will 37 damage, and the target takes ongoing 10 acid and necrotic
Immune disease, poison; Resist 25 acid, 15 necrotic; damage and a –2 penalty to Fortitude and AC (save ends
Vulnerable radiant (if Arstyvrax takes radiant damage both). Arstyvrax’s regeneration increases to 15 while any
or is exposed to direct sunlight, his regeneration doesn’t creature is still subject to these effects.
function on his next turn) C Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
Saving Throws +5 Breath weapon recharges, and Arstyvrax uses it.
Speed 9, fly 9 (hover), overland flight 12, swim 9 C Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) F Fear
Action Points 2 Close burst 10; targets enemies; +28 vs. Will; the target is
m Sickening Bite (standard; at-will) F Acid, Healing, Necrotic stunned until the end of Arstyvrax’s next turn. Aftereffect:
Reach 3; +30 vs. AC; 2d8 + 9 damage (2d8 + 14 against an The target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
immobilized target), and the target takes ongoing 5 acid A Tomb’s Darkness (standard; recharges when first bloodied)
and necrotic damage and is immobilized (save ends both). F Necrotic, Zone
If the target is already immobilized, it is also weakened Area burst 3 within 20; +27 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 8
until the end of Arstyvrax’s next turn, and Arstyvrax necrotic damage. The burst creates a zone of darkness that
regains 10 hit points. lasts until the end of Arstyvrax’s next turn. The zone blocks
m Claw (standard; at-will) line of sight for all creatures except Arstyvrax. Any creature
Reach 3; +30 vs. AC; 2d6 + 9 damage (2d6 + 14 against that starts its turn in the zone takes 1d10 + 4 necrotic
an immobilized target), and Arstyvrax slides the target 3 damage, and any creature entirely within the zone (except
squares. Arstyvrax) is blinded. Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
M Death’s Fury (standard; at-will) Alignment Evil Languages Argon, Common, Draconic,
Arstyvrax makes a bite attack and two claw attacks. If Giant
possible, he attacks at least two different targets. Skills Arcana +24, History +24, Nature +20, Stealth +25
M Snaking Tail (immediate reaction, when an enemy attack Str 28 (+21) Dex 16 (+15) Wis 17 (+15)
within 3 squares of Arstyvrax misses him; see text; at-will) Con 22 (+18) Int 25 (+19) Cha 26 (+20)
Reach 3; targets the triggering enemy; +30 vs. AC; 2d6 + 9
damage, and the target is grabbed. Sustain Minor: Arstyvrax
repeats the attack against the grabbed target. Arstyvrax
cannot make this attack as an immediate reaction while
he has a creature grabbed in this way, but he can release
the grabbed creature as a free action to make this attack
against another triggering enemy.

Dragons of Eberron

57 – Athis the Scorned 58 – Draconic Undead 59 – Dragon Golems

Athis the Scorned Level 16 Elite Skirmisher Skeletal Black Dragon Level 10 Brute Dragonbone Golem Level 15 Elite Brute
Medium natural humanoid (dragon) XP 2,800 Large natural animate (dragon, undead) XP 500 Huge natural animate (construct) XP 2,400
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +17; low-light vision Initiative +9 Senses Perception +8; darkvision Initiative +12 Senses Perception +11; darkvision
HP 302; Bloodied 151 HP 126; Bloodied 63; see also one final breath Dragon Dread (Fear) aura 2; each enemy within the aura
AC 30; Fortitude 28, Reflex 29, Will 27 AC 22; Fortitude 23, Reflex 22, Will 21 takes a –2 penalty to saving throws.
Saving Throws +2 Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 acid, 10 necrotic; HP 356; Bloodied 178; see also pain of broken bones
Speed 6 Vulnerable 5 radiant AC 27; Fortitude 28, Reflex 27, Will 26
Action Points 1 Speed 8 Immune disease, poison, sleep
m Short Sword (standard; at-will) F Weapon m Acidic Bite (standard; at-will) F Acid Saving Throws +2
+21 vs. AC; 2d6 + 8 damage. Reach 2; +13 vs. AC; 1d8 + 5 damage plus 1d8 + 3 acid Speed 8; can’t shift
r Longbow (standard; at-will) F Weapon damage. Action Points 1
Ranged 20/40; +21 vs. AC; 2d10 + 6 damage. M Claw Flurry (minor; recharge 5 6 ) m Claw (standard; at-will)
M/R Circling Strikes (standard; at-will) Reach 2; +13 vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 damage, and ongoing 5 Reach 3; +18 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage, and ongoing 5
Athis makes two short sword or two longbow attacks, and damage (save ends). damage (save ends).
he shifts 1 square before each attack. C One Final Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) F M Double Attack (standard; at-will)
R Grounding Arrow (standard; recharge 4 5 6 ) F Acid The dragonbone golem makes two claw attacks.
Weapon Close blast 3; +11 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 5 acid damage, and the M Tail Slap (immediate reaction, when an enemy moves to a
Ranged 20/40; +19 vs. Fortitude; 3d10 + 6 damage, and target takes a –4 penalty to AC (save ends). position where it flanks the dragonbone golem; recharge 4
the target is immobilized (save ends) and knocked prone. Alignment Unaligned Languages — 56)
Aftereffect: The target is slowed (save ends). Str 21 (+10) Dex 18 (+9) Wis 16 (+8) +18 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage, and the dragonbone golem
C Breath Weapon (minor; encounter) F Cold Con 16 (+8) Int 3 (+1) Cha 6 (+3) pushes the target 3 squares.
Close burst 5; +19 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 6 cold damage. C Pain of Broken Bones (when reduced to 0 hit points;
Energy Protection (minor; encounter) encounter) F Necrotic
Athis gains resist 10 acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder Close burst 2; +16 vs. Fortitude; 1d10 + 4 necrotic
until the end of the encounter. damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 necrotic damage
Eye for Weakness (minor; recharges when first bloodied) and is slowed (save ends both).
Athis’s attacks target Reflex until the end of his turn. Alignment Unaligned Languages —
Hunter’s Precision (minor; at-will) Str 23 (+13) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 18 (+11)
Athis designates one target as his quarry. If he hits his Con 18 (+11) Int 3 (+3) Cha 3 (+3)
quarry with an attack, that target also takes ongoing 5
damage (save ends).
Quick Switch (minor; at-will)
Athis sheathes one weapon and draws another.
59 – Gnoll Fugitives
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic, Elven Replace Yerod Toothdiver with a fang of Yeenoghu
Skills Stealth +19, Nature +17
Str 20 (+13) Dex 23 (+14) Wis 18 (+12)
(MM2 126) advanced to 11th level.
Con 15 (+10) Int 13 (+9) Cha 10 (+8)
Equipment hide armor, short sword, longbow, 30 arrows
60 – Griffon Pride
Replace Brightfeather with a griffon (MM 147)
advanced to 9th level.

Dragons of Eberron

60 – Half-Dragon 61 – Half-Fiend
Rakshasa Dragon
Abyssal Elder Gold Dragon Level 24 Solo Controller
Half-Dragon Rakshasa Level 18 Elite Skirmisher Huge elemental magical beast (dragon) XP 30,250
Medium natural humanoid (dragon) XP 4,000
Initiative +18 Senses Perception +22; darkvision R Eye of Spiraling Doom (minor; recharge 5 6 ) F Fear
Initiative +17 Senses Perception +16; darkvision,
Grasping Abyssal Flames (Fire, Necrotic) aura 2; each enemy Ranged 10; +28 vs. Fortitude; 1d8 + 5 damage, and the
truesight 1
that enters or starts its turn within the aura chooses either abyssal elder gold dragon slides the target 4 squares; if the
HP 346; Bloodied 173
to take 15 damage (roll 1d6: 1–3 fire, 4–6 necrotic) or to target is bloodied, it is slowed and takes ongoing 5 damage
AC 32; Fortitude 33, Reflex 32, Will 31
slide 2 squares and be immobilized until the start of its (save ends both). This ongoing damage stacks with other
Resist 15 poison
next turn. untyped ongoing damage, up to a maximum of 15.
Saving Throws +2
HP 888; Bloodied 444; see also bloodied breath C Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 4 5 6) F Fire,
Speed 6
AC 38; Fortitude 38, Reflex 35, Will 36 Necrotic
Action Points 1
Resist 15 fire, 15 variable (2/encounter) Close blast 5; +26 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 6 fire damage plus 1d8
m Claws (standard; at-will)
Saving Throws +5; see also chaos’s freedom + 6 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened (save
+23 vs. AC; 2d6 + 9 damage.
Speed 8, fly 12 (hover), overland flight 15 ends). Miss: Half damage.
M Mobile Melee Attack (standard; at-will)
Action Points 2 C Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
The half-dragon rakshasa moves its speed and makes two
m Bite (standard; at-will) F Fire, Necrotic Breath weapon recharges, and the abyssal elder gold dragon
claw attacks during the move, each against a different
Reach 3; +29 vs. AC; 2d8 + 9 damage plus 1d8 + 6 fire uses it.
target. It doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks when
damage plus 1d8 + 6 necrotic damage. C Chilling Wrath (standard; encounter) F Cold, Fear
moving away from the target of each attack.
m Claw (standard; at-will) Close burst 10; targets enemies; +26 vs. Will; 2d10 +
M Sidestepping Riposte (immediate reaction, when missed by a
Reach 3; +29 vs. AC; 2d10 + 9 damage. 6 cold damage, and the target is dazed and restrained
melee attack; at-will)
M Double Attack (standard; at-will) until the end of the abyssal elder gold dragon’s next turn.
+23 vs. AC; 1d6 + 4 damage, then the half-dragon rakshasa
The abyssal elder gold dragon makes two claw attacks. Aftereffect: The target is slowed (save ends).
shifts 1 square.
M Chaos Wing Riposte (immediate reaction, when the abyssal Chaos’s Freedom
C Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 6 ) F Poison
elder gold dragon is hit by a creature adjacent to it; at-will) The abyssal elder gold dragon can make one saving throw
Close blast 3; +21 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 5 poison damage, and
+28 vs. Fortitude; the target is pushed 4 squares and takes at the start of its turn against an effect a save can end.
the target takes ongoing 10 poison damage and is slowed
ongoing 10 damage (save ends). Alignment Evil Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic
(save ends both). Aftereffect: The target is slowed (save
Skills Arcana +22, Insight +22
C Hypnotic Flight (move; encounter) Str 28 (+21) Dex 22 (+18) Wis 20 (+17)
Con 22 (+18) Int 20 (+17) Cha 25 (+19)
Close burst 2; +22 vs. Will; the target is dazed until the
end of the half-dragon rakshasa’s turn, and the half-dragon
rakshasa shifts 6 squares. It ignores difficult terrain and
ground-based hazards during this movement.
Draconic Deceptive Veil (minor; at-will) F Illusion
The half-dragon rakshasa can disguise itself to appear as
any Medium humanoid or dragon. A successful Insight
check (opposed by the rakshasa’s Bluff check) pierces the
Combat Advantage
A half-dragon rakshasa’s attacks deal 2d6 extra damage to
any target granting combat advantage to it.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic
Skills Bluff +19, Insight +16, Stealth +20
Str 25 (+16) Dex 22 (+15) Wis 15 (+11)
Con 21 (+14) Int 12 (+10) Cha 21 (+14)
Dragons of Eberron

62 – High Cultists 62 – Horrid

High Cultist Level 22 Elite Controller
Medium natural humanoid (dragon) XP 8,300
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +16; darkvision Horrid Lion Level 9 Elite Brute
Dragon Dread (Fear) aura 5; each enemy within the aura takes Huge natural beast XP 800
a –2 penalty to saving throws. Initiative +8 Senses Perception +12; low-light vision
HP 400; Bloodied 200 HP 230; Bloodied 115
AC 36; Fortitude 34, Reflex 34, Will 35 AC 21; Fortitude 22, Reflex 21, Will 20
Saving Throws +2 Resist 10 acid
Speed 6 Saving Throws +2
Action Points 1 Speed 8
m Longspear (standard; at-will) F Weapon Action Points 1
Reach 2; +27 vs. AC; 2d10 + 8 damage, and the high cultist m Bite (standard; at-will) F Acid
pushes the target 1 square (it instead slides a slowed or +12 vs. AC; 1d8 + 5 damage plus 1d8 + 2 acid damage
immobilized target 2 squares). (plus 1d8 damage against an immobilized or prone target).
R Frozen Eyes (minor 1/round; at-will) F Cold, Gaze m Claw (standard; at-will)
Ranged 10; +26 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 + 8 cold damage, and Reach 2; +12 vs. AC; 2d4 + 5 damage, and ongoing 5
the target is slowed (save ends). Second Failed Saving Throw: damage (save ends).
The target is immobilized (save ends). M Horrid Fury (standard; at-will)
C Clearing Strike (standard; recharge 4 5 6 ) F Weapon The horrid lion makes a bite attack and a claw attack, or
Close burst 2; +27 vs. AC; 2d10 + 8 damage, and the high two claw attacks.
cultist pushes the target 2 squares (it instead slides a m Leaping Pounce (standard; at will)
slowed or immobilized target 4 squares). The horrid lion charges and makes two claw attacks
C Terrifying Snarl (standard; encounter) F Fear, Psychic against a single target. If both attacks hit, the target is
Close burst 2; +23 vs. Will; 2d6 + 5 psychic damage, and knocked prone and grabbed. Charging does not end the
the target is pushed 3 squares and dazed until the end of horrid lion’s turn. While grabbing a target, the horrid lion
the high cultist’s next turn. can make claw attacks against only that target.
C Clinging Breath (standard; encounter) F Cold C Roar of the Great Beast (standard; encounter) F Thunder
Close blast 5; +26 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 7 cold damage, and the Close blast 5; +10 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 5 thunder damage,
target takes ongoing 10 cold damage and is immobilized and the target is pushed 3 squares and knocked prone.
(save ends both). Aftereffect: The target is slowed (save Alignment Evil Languages —
ends). Skills Athletics +14, Stealth +13
Slip the Coil (minor; encounter) F Illusion Str 20 (+9) Dex 18 (+8) Wis 16 (+7)
The high cultist becomes invisible until it hits or misses Con 15 (+6) Int 3 (+0) Cha 10 (+4)
with an attack.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common,
Skills Athletics +23, Intimidate +24
Str 24 (+18) Dex 14 (+13) Wis 10 (+11)
Con 16 (+14) Int 24 (+18) Cha 27 (+19)
Equipment scale armor, longspear

Dragons of Eberron

63 – Inquisitive
Kalryni Level 9 Solo Artillery
Large natural magical beast (dragon) XP 2,000
Initiative +7 Senses Perception +11; darkvision R Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
HP 380; Bloodied 190; see also bloodied breath Dazzling breath recharges, and Kalryni uses it.
AC 21; Fortitude 22, Reflex 20, Will 21 R Static Snap (immediate reaction, when Kalryni is hit by an
Resist 15 lightning attack from a nonadjacent creature; at-will) F Lightning
Saving Throws +5 Ranged 20; +14 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 4 lightning damage.
Speed 8, fly 10 (hover), overland flight 15 C Dizzying Roar (standard; encounter) F Charm
Action Points 2 Close burst 5; targets enemies; +13 vs. Will; the target
m Gore (standard; at-will) F Lightning slides 5 squares and is dazed (save ends). Aftereffect: The
Reach 2; +15 vs. AC; 1d6 + 5 damage plus 1d6 + 4 target is knocked prone.
lightning damage. A Charged Terror (standard; recharge 5 6 ) F Fear,
m Claw (standard; at-will) Lightning
Reach 2; +15 vs. AC; 1d6 + 5 damage. Area burst 2 within 20; targets enemies; +13 vs. Will;
M Draconic Fury (standard; at-will) 1d6 + 4 lightning damage, and the target cannot take
Kalryni makes a gore attack and two claw attacks. immediate or opportunity actions (save ends). As its first
R Dazzling Breath (standard; recharge 4 5 6 ) F Lightning action on its next turn, the target uses the run action to
Kalryni targets up to three creatures with her dazzling move away from Kalryni by the safest route possible.
breath; the first target must be within 10 squares of Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
Kalryni, the second target within 10 squares of the first, Skills Arcana +9, Diplomacy +13, Insight +11
and the third target within 10 squares of the second; Str 20 (+9) Dex 16 (+7) Wis 15 (+6)
+14 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 7 lightning damage, and the target Con 15 (+6) Int 10 (+4) Cha 18 (+8)
takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends). First Failed
Saving Throw: The target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls
and does not have line of sight to squares more than 3
squares away from it (save ends both). Second Failed Saving
Throw: The target is blinded (save ends). Miss: Half damage,
and the target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls until the
end of Kalryni’s next turn. This attack does not provoke
opportunity attacks.

Dragons of Eberron

64 – Memory of the
Memory of the Prophecy Level 20 Solo Soldier
Huge natural magical beast (dragon, undead) XP 14,000
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +19; darkvision, C Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 4 5 6 ) F Fire,
truesight 3 Necrotic
Spirit Lock aura 5; enemies cannot teleport into or out of the Close blast 5; +25 vs. Reflex; 2d12 + 8 fire and necrotic
aura, and they cannot use phasing while within the aura. damage, and ongoing 10 necrotic damage (save ends). Miss:
HP 532; Bloodied 266; see also bloodied breath Half damage.
AC 34; Fortitude 34, Reflex 31, Will 32 C Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied, encounter)
Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 fire, 15 necrotic, Breath weapon recharges, and Memory of the Prophecy
insubstantial; Vulnerable 10 radiant uses it.
Saving Throws +5 C Fear of Flames (standard; encounter) F Conjuration, Fear,
Speed fly 10 (hover); phasing Fire
Action Points 2 Close burst 10; targets enemies; +25 vs. Will; the target is
m Bite (standard; at-will) F Fire, Necrotic stunned until the end of Memory of the Prophecy’s next
Reach 4; +25 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 8 fire and necrotic turn. Effect: Memory of the Prophecy conjures a wall of
damage, and ongoing 10 fire and necrotic damage (save flames within the burst that lasts until the end of her next
ends). turn. The wall is 10 squares long and 6 squares high. It
m Claw (standard; at-will) F Necrotic blocks line of sight, and its space is lightly obscured. Any
Reach 3; +25 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 8 necrotic damage, and the creature that starts its turn adjacent to the wall takes 5 fire
target is marked until the end of Memory of the Prophecy’s damage, and any creature that enters a square of the wall
next turn. or starts its turn there takes 15 fire damage. Sustain Minor:
M Draconic Fury (standard; at-will) The wall persists.
Memory of the Prophecy makes two claw attacks and one Prophesied Doom (free, when Memory of the Prophecy hits
bite attack. with a natural attack roll of 18–20; recharges when first
M Withering Tail (immediate interrupt, when an enemy within bloodied)
3 squares of and marked by Memory of the Prophecy leaves The attack becomes a critical hit, dealing 4d6 extra
a square or makes an attack that doesn’t include Memory of damage.
the Prophecy as a target; at-will) F Necrotic Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic,
Reach 3; +25 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 8 necrotic damage, and Elven, Giant, Primordial
the target slides 2 squares, ends its movement, and is Skills Arcana +20, History +20, Insight +19
weakened until the end of Memory of the Prophecy’s next Str 26 (+18) Dex 10 (+10) Wis 19 (+14)
turn. Con 22 (+16) Int 20 (+15) Cha 22 (+16)

Dragons of Eberron

65 – Overland 66 – Seren Dragon-

Caravan Worshipers
Morspeth d’Cannith Level 7 Elite Controller (Leader) Una Wyrmguard Level 14 Elite Soldier (Leader)
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 600 Medium natural humanoid, human XP 2,000
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +6 R Double Daggers (standard, requires two daggers; at-will) Initiative +13 Senses Perception +12
HP 158; Bloodied 79 Morspeth D’Cannith makes two basic attacks. Incite Frenzy aura 5; at the start of its turn, each ally in the
AC 21; Fortitude 18, Reflex 20, Will 19 C Warding Force (immediate interrupt, when a second enemy aura can take a –2 penalty to all defenses to gain a +4
Saving Throws +2 moves adjacent to Morspeth d’Cannith; at-will) F Force bonus to damage rolls until the start of its next turn.
Speed 6 Close burst 1; targets enemies; +10 vs. Reflex; 1d4 + 4 HP 276; Bloodied 138; see also unstoppable
Action Points 1 force damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares and AC 30; Fortitude 27, Reflex 25, Will 26
m Alchemical Dagger (standard; at-will) F Weapon; see text slowed until the end of Morspeth’s next turn. Saving Throws +2; see also unstoppable
+12 vs. AC; Morspeth d’Cannith makes one attack chosen A Adaptive Explosion (standard; recharge 4 5 6 ) Speed 7
from the following list. Area burst 2 within 20; targets enemies; +10 vs. Reflex; Action Points 1
Acidic Dagger (Acid): 2d4 + 4 acid damage, and the target 2d8 + 5 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 damage, m Greatclub (standard; at-will) F Weapon
takes a –2 penalty to AC and Fortitude until the end of is slowed, and takes a –2 penalty to AC (save ends all). +21 vs. AC; 3d4 + 8 damage, and the target is marked until
Morspeth’s next turn. If a target is vulnerable to any damage type, it is also the end of Una Wyrmguard’s next turn.
Chilling Dagger (Cold): 2d4 + 4 cold damage, and the vulnerable to the initial damage from this attack. M Greatclub Frenzy (standard; at-will)
target is immobilized until the end of Morspeth’s next turn. Infuse Allies (minor; encounter) Una Wyrmguard makes two greatclub attacks.
Flaming Dagger (Fire): 1d4 + 4 fire damage, and ongoing Each of Morspeth’s allies within 5 squares shifts 1 square M Fierce Retribution (immediate reaction, when a target
5 fire damage (save ends). The target cannot make a saving and gains 10 temporary hit points until the end of marked by Una Wyrmguard stands or makes an attack that
throw against this effect while adjacent to Morspeth. Morspeth’s next turn. does not include Una as a target; at-will) F Weapon
r Alchemical Dagger (standard; at-will) F Weapon; see text Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic, Una Wyrmguard shifts 2 squares and charges the
Ranged 10; +12 vs. AC; Morspeth d’Cannith makes one Dwarven triggering enemy.
attack chosen from the list above. The dagger returns to Skills Arcana +12, Diplomacy +8, History +12 C Frenzied Whirl (standard; recharge 5 6 ) F Weapon
Morspeth’s hands at the end of his turn. Str 10 (+3) Dex 14 (+5) Wis 16 (+6) Close burst 1; targets enemies; +20 vs. AC; 5d4 + 8
Con 15 (+5) Int 19 (+7) Cha 11 (+3) damage, and the target is marked until the end of Una
Equipment leather armor, 2 daggers Wyrmguard’s next turn and is knocked prone.
C Frightful Rage (minor; recharge 6 ) F Fear
Close burst 3; targets enemies; +18 vs. Will; the target
takes a –2 penalty to all defenses until the end of Una
Wyrmguard’s next turn.
Frenzied Attacks
Una Wyrmguard can take a –2 penalty to all defenses to
gain a +6 bonus to damage rolls until the start of her next
Una Wyrmguard makes one saving throw at the start of
her turn against an effect that a save can end. Una does
not fall unconscious or die immediately when reduced to 0
or fewer hp; instead, she dies if she ends her turn with 0 or
fewer hp.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common
Skills Athletics +18, Intimidate +12
Str 23 (+13) Dex 18 (+11) Wis 20 (+12)
Con 18 (+11) Int 10 (+7) Cha 10 (+7)
Equipment scale armor, greatclub

Dragons of Eberron

67 – Spellwarped Roc 69 – Dawnwing

Spellwarped Roc Level 14 Elite Skirmisher Dawnwing Level 19 Solo Controller
Huge aberrant beast XP 2,000 Large natural magical beast (dragon) XP 12,000
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +12 Initiative +9 Senses Perception +18; darkvision R Shatter Magic (minor; recharges when first bloodied) F
HP 272; Bloodied 136 HP 724; Bloodied 362; see also bloodied breath Psychic
AC 28; Fortitude 27, Reflex 26, Will 25 AC 33; Fortitude 32, Reflex 30, Will 31 Ranged 10; targets a conjuration, zone, or effect that a
Resist 10 variable (3/encounter) Resist 20 fire save can end; +23 vs. Will of the creator of the conjuration,
Saving Throws +2 Saving Throws +5; see also clear mind zone, or effect; the conjuration, zone, or effect ends, and
Speed 4, fly 10, overland flight 15 Speed 8, fly 10 (hover), overland flight 15 its creator takes 2d10 + 6 psychic damage.
Action Points 1 Action Points 2 C Grasping Breath (standard; recharge 4 5 6 ) F Fire
m Bite (standard; at-will) m Bite (standard; at-will) Close blast 5; +22 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 8 fire damage, and the
Reach 2; +19 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage, and 10 ongoing Reach 2; +24 vs. AC; 3d6 + 7 damage, and the target is target is restrained (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the
damage (save ends). slowed until the end of Dawnwing’s next turn. If the target target is immobilized until the end of Dawnwing’s next
m Talon (standard; at-will) is already slowed, it is immobilized instead. If the target is turn.
Reach 2; +19 vs. AC; 2d8+ 6 damage. already immobilized, it is unconscious instead. C Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
M Twin Talon Toss (standard; at-will) m Claw (standard; at-will) Grasping breath recharges, and Dawnwing uses it.
The spellwarped roc makes two talon attacks. On a hit, the Reach 2; +24 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 damage, and the target is C Overwhelming Presence (standard; encounter) F Charm
target is also pushed 3 squares and knocked prone. slowed until the end of Dawnwing’s next turn. Close burst 5; targets enemies; +22 vs. Will; the
M Flyby Attack (standard; at-will) M Dawn Fury (standard; at-will) target slides 5 squares and is stunned until the end of
The spellwarped roc flies its speed and makes two talon Dawnwing makes two claw attacks and a bite attack. If a Dawnwing’s next turn. Aftereffect: The target grants
attacks, each one against a different target, at any point claw attack hits an immobilized target, the target is dazed combat advantage (save ends).
during that move. The roc doesn’t provoke opportunity until the end of Dawnwing’s next turn. Clear Mind
attacks when moving away from the target of each attack. M Fiery Wing Riposte (immediate reaction, when Dawnwing is Dawnwing makes a saving throw against one stunned or
Spellwarped hit by a creature adjacent to him; at-will) F Fire dazed conditions at the start of his turn.
If the spellwarped roc is hit by an attack that has a damage +22 vs. Fortitude; the target is pushed 5 squares and takes Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic,
type, it gains a bonus, defined below by damage type. ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends). The target can make a Elven, Goblin
Acid or Poison: The roc gains a +2 bonus to all defenses saving throw against this effect only if it doesn’t move on Skills Arcana +19, Insight +18, Intimidate +20
until the end of its next turn. its turn. Str 25 (+16) Dex 10 (+9) Wis 19 (+13)
Cold or Fire: The roc gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls until R Imperious Glare (minor, 1/round; at-will) F Charm, Gaze Con 21 (+14) Int 20 (+14) Cha 22 (+15)
the end of its next turn. Ranged 10; +22 vs. Will; the target slides 3 squares
Force or Psychic: The roc shifts 3 squares and then makes and takes a –2 penalty to saving throws until the end
a talon attack against one enemy. of Dawnwing’s next turn. This attack doesn’t provoke
Lightning or Thunder: The roc gains a +4 bonus to speed opportunity attacks.
until the end of its next turn.
Necrotic or Radiant: The roc gains 10 temporary hit
Alignment Evil Languages —
Str 23 (+13) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 10 (+7)
Con 16 (+10) Int 6 (+5) Cha 18 (+11)

Dragons of Eberron

71 – Palace of the 73 – Zenobaal

Zenobaal, Prophecy Incarnate Level 34 Solo Brute
Sun Gargantuan natural magical beast (dragon) XP 195,000
Replace Smok with a goblin hexer (MM 137) Initiative +22 Senses Perception +32; darkvision, C Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
truesight 5 Breath weapon recharges, and Zenobaal uses it.
advanced to 7th level.
Prophecy’s Revelation aura 5; enemies do not gain the R Glimpse the Truth (minor, 1/round; at-will) F Fear, Psychic
benefits of concealment or total concealment while within Ranged 20; +35 vs. Will; 2d8 + 9 psychic damage, and
the aura. the target is dazed until the end of Zenobaal’s next turn.
HP 1,240; Bloodied 620; see also bloodied breath Aftereffect: The target is immune to this effect until the
Immune stunned; Resist 30 cold end of Zenobaal’s next turn. This attack does not provoke
AC 46; Fortitude 47, Reflex 45, Will 46 opportunity attacks.
Saving Throws +5 C Prophecy’s Insane Allure (standard; encounter) F Fear
Speed 10, fly 10 (hover), overland flight 15 Close burst 10; targets enemies; +34 vs. Will; the target is
Action Points 2 dominated the end of Zenobaal’s next turn. Aftereffect: The
m Bite (standard; at-will) target is dazed (save ends).
Reach 3; +37 vs. AC; 3d12 + 12 damage. C Unmaking Tail Slam (standard; recharge 6 )
m Claw (standard; at-will) Close blast 3; +34 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 10 damage, and
Reach 2; +37 vs. AC; 2d12+ 12 damage. ongoing 15 damage (save ends). Aftereffect: Ongoing 10
M Furious Onslaught (standard; at-will) damage (save ends). Aftereffect: Ongoing 5 damage (save
Zenobaal makes two claw attacks and one bite attack. ends).
While bloodied, he makes three claw attacks instead of Threatening Bite
two. Zenobaal can make opportunity attacks with his bite
M Wing Slice (immediate reaction, when an enemy attacks against enemies within his reach (3 squares).
Zenobaal while flanking him; at-will) Steady Form
Reach 2; targets the triggering enemy and an enemy Zenobaal makes a saving throw against one ongoing
flanking with the triggering enemy; +37 vs. AC; 2d12 + 12 damage effect at the start of his turn.
damage, and the target is pushed 3 squares and knocked Alignment Evil Languages Supernal; understands all
prone. Skills Arcana +30, Dungeoneering +32, History +30,
C Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 4 5 6 ) F Cold Insight +32, Nature +32, Religion +30
Close blast 5; +34 vs. Reflex; 4d12 +10 cold damage, Str 33 (+28) Dex 20 (+22) Wis 30 (+27)
and the target gains vulnerable 15 all (save ends) and is Con 30 (+27) Int 26 (+25) Cha 28 (+26)
knocked prone. Miss: Half damage.

Dragons of Eberron

74 – Cloud Citadel of 96 – Haze-of-Death

Zenobaal Replace Haze-of-Death with an ancient white dragon
(MM 85), but use this aura in place of aura of winter.
Jalm d’Akrar Level 30 Elite Skirmisher
Large elemental humanoid (fire) XP 95,000
Haze-of-Death (Cold, Necrotic) aura 3; each creature that
Initiative +27 Senses Perception +23 M Carving the Fiery Wall (standard; recharges when first
enters or starts its turn within the aura takes 15 cold
Smoke Soul (Fire) aura 1; each creature that starts its turn bloodied) F Conjuration, Fire, Weapon
damage and 15 necrotic damage. Until the start of its next
within the aura takes 5 fire damage. Creatures in the aura Jalm d’Akrar flies his speed and makes a scimitar attack
turn, a creature that takes both cold and necrotic damage
have concealment against ranged attacks. against each enemy within reach during this move. Effect:
also regains 15 fewer hit points when it regains hit points.
HP 536; Bloodied 268 Jalm conjures a wall of flames in each square of his path
The aura is difficult terrain, including to flying creatures
AC 44; Fortitude 42, Reflex 43, Will 41; +4 to all defenses that lasts until the end of his next turn. The wall is 6
other than Haze-of-Death. Creatures within the aura have
against opportunity attacks squares high and blocks line of sight. Its space is lightly
concealment against ranged attacks.
Immune fire obscured. Any creature that starts its turn adjacent to the
Saving Throws +2 wall takes 10 fire damage, and any creature that enters
Speed 6, fly 8 (hover) a square of the wall or starts its turn there takes 20 fire Haze-of-Death can also create a living frost breath
Action Points 1 damage. Sustain Minor: The wall persists. weapon (see below) twice per day. This is a ritual that
m Scimitar (standard; at-will) F Weapon C Roiling Flames (standard; recharge 5 6 ) F Fire, Zone
takes 1 minute to perform; the living frost breath
Reach 2; +35 vs. AC; 2d10 + 12 damage (crit 3d10 + 32 Close burst 3; +33 vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 9 fire damage. The
damage). Jalm d’Akrar shifts 1 square before or after the burst creates a zone of flames and hot, shimmering air that weapon persists for 4 hours.
attack. lasts until the end of Jalm d’Akrar’s next turn. The zone is
M Smoke’s Blade (standard; at-will) F Weapon difficult terrain, and any creature entering or starting its
Jalm d’Akrar flies his speed and makes two scimitar turn there takes 10 fire damage. Creatures within the zone
attacks, each at a different point during that move. If Jalm have concealment against ranged attacks.
hits with both attacks, he gains insubstantial and phasing Ally in Flame
until the end of his next turn or until damaged by an Jalm has combat advantage against any creature in or
attack. adjacent to a square that contains fire.
Combat Advantage
Jalm’s attacks deal ongoing 15 fire damage (save ends)
against any creature granting him combat advantage.
Alignment Evil Languages Draconic, Primordial
Skills Bluff +25, Insight +28, Intimidate +25, Stealth +30
Str 28 (+24) Dex 31 (+25) Wis 26 (+23)
Con 20 (+20) Int 19 (+19) Cha 20 (+20)
Equipment scimitar

Dragons of Eberron

98 – Cavern of Flesh 100 – Vyssilthar

Vyssilthar Level 22 Solo Lurker
Living Frost Breath Weapon Level 24 Elite Brute Huge natural magical beast (aquatic, dragon) XP 20,750
Huge elemental beast (blind, ooze) XP 12,100
Initiative +23 Senses Perception +19; darkvision, C Dispelling Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 4 5 6 )
Initiative +19 Senses Perception +18; blindsight 20
truesight 2 F Acid
HP 550; Bloodied 275; see also icy death
HP 820; Bloodied 410; see also bloodied breath Close blast 5; +25 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 5 acid damage, and the
AC 36; Fortitude 37, Reflex 35, Will 34
AC 36; Fortitude 34, Reflex 35, Will 33 target takes 10 ongoing acid damage and a –4 penalty to
Immune cold; Vulnerable 10 fire
Resist 30 acid AC (save ends both). All conjurations and zones completely
Saving Throws +2
Saving Throws +5; see also slippery mind or partly within the blast end.
Speed 6
Speed 10, fly 10 (hover), overland flight 15, swim 10 C Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
Action Points 1
Action Points 2 Dispelling breath weapon recharges, and Vyssilthar uses it.
m Slam (standard; at-will) F Cold
m Bite (standard; at-will) F Acid Move as Shadow (move, only while Vyssilthar is entirely within
Reach 3; +25 vs. Reflex (+27 against slowed or immobilized
Reach 3; +27 vs. AC; 2d6 + 7 damage, and ongoing 10 acid her cloud of darkness; recharges when cloud of darkness
targets); 5d6 + 9 cold damage, and the target is slowed
damage (save ends). recharges) F Teleportation
(save ends).
m Claw (standard; at-will) Vyssilthar teleports 10 squares. After teleporting, she can
C Double Attack (standard; at-will)
Reach 3; +27 vs. AC; 1d10 + 7 damage. make a Stealth check to become hidden even if creatures
The living frost breath weapon makes two slam attacks.
M Shadow Fury (standard; at-will) have line of sight to her.
C Engulf (standard; at-will) F Cold
Vyssilthar makes two claw attacks and one bite attack. Change Shape (minor; at-will) F Polymorph
Close blast 3; +25 vs. Fortitude (+27 against slowed or
M Tail Slash (immediate reaction, when a melee attack misses Vyssilthar can alter her physical form to take on the
immobilized targets); 3d6 + 9 cold damage, and the target
Vyssilthar; at-will) appearance of a Medium humanoid.
is pulled adjacent to the living frost breath weapon and
Reach 3; targets the triggering attacker; +27 vs. AC; 1d10 + Dark Doom
grabbed. Sustain Standard: The living frost breath weapon
7 damage, and Vyssilthar pushes the target 2 squares. Vyssilthar deals 2d10 extra damage to any creature that
sustains the grab, and the target takes 25 cold damage.
C Cloud of Darkness (standard; recharge 4 5 6 ) F Zone cannot see her.
While grabbing a creature, the living frost breath weapon
Close burst 3; the burst creates a zone of darkness that Slippery Mind
can make a +27 vs. Fortitude attack against it to move at
lasts until the end of Vyssilthar’s next turn. The zone Vyssilthar makes a saving throw against one charm, fear, or
full speed.
blocks line of sight for all creatures except Vyssilthar. Any psychic effect at the start of her turn.
C Icy Death (when first bloodied and again when reduced to 0
creature entirely within the area (except Vyssilthar) is Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic,
hit points) F Cold
blinded. Sustain Minor: The zone persists. Elven, Giant, Primordial
Close burst 2; +25 vs. Fortitude (+27 against slowed or
C Dark Presence (standard; encounter) F Fear Skills Bluff +22, Insight +19, Stealth +24
immobilized targets); 3d6 + 9 cold damage, and the target
Close burst 10; targets enemies; +25 vs. Will; the target is Str 24 (+18) Dex 27 (+19) Wis 17 (+14)
is restrained (save ends).
dazed and blinded until the end of Vyssilthar’s next turn. Con 21 (+16) Int 17 (+14) Cha 22 (+17)
Alignment Unaligned Languages —
Aftereffect: The target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls and
Str 28 (+21) Dex 25 (+19) Wis 22 (+18)
grants combat advantage (save ends).
Con 25 (+19) Int 4 (+9) Cha 4 (+9)

Replace Drugor with a human bandit (MM 162),

advanced to 6th level.

Dragons of Eberron

102 – Bleak Street Instead of its normal aftereffect, Gornath’s frightful

presence has the following.
Replace Roe Farwynd with a human knife fighter
(MM2 147), advanced to 9th level. Aftereffect: The target is dazed (save ends).

121 – Qataakhast 147 – Ketheptis

Replace Qataakhast with an ancient brass dragon Ketheptis Level 21 Solo Brute
(Draconomicon: Metallic Dragons 158). Add the follow- Huge natural magical beast (dragon) XP 16,000
ing to his breath weapon. Initiative +16 Senses Perception +22; darkvision C Frightful Rage (standard; encounter) F Fear
HP 534; Bloodied 267; see also bloodied breath, bloodied Close burst 10; targets enemies; +22 vs. Will; the target
threat, and dimensional resurgence is stunned until the end of Ketheptis’s next turn. For each
All conjurations, zones, ongoing damage, and conditions
AC 33 (31 while bloodied); Fortitude 34, Reflex 32 (30 while target hit by this attack, Ketheptis gains a cumulative +1
created by a target hit by the breath weapon end, unless
bloodied), Will 33 (35 while bloodied) bonus to attack rolls until the end of her next turn.
the target chooses to take ongoing 20 psychic damage
Resist 25 cold C Tail Sweep (standard; at-will)
(save ends).
Saving Throws +5; see also freedom of movement Close blast 3; +22 vs. Fortitude; 3d6 + 8 damage, and
Speed 8, fly 8 (hover), overland flight 15 Ketheptis slides the target 2 squares and knocks it prone.
Qataakhast’s ignite power recharges when he is first Action Points 2 Blood-Covered Scales (immediate reaction, when hit by an
bloodied. He also gains the following power. m Bite (standard; at-will) attack; usable only after dimensional resurgence; at-will)
Reach 2; +24 vs. AC; 2d8 + 8 damage, and ongoing 5 The triggering attacker takes ongoing 15 damage (save
Foresight (free, 1/round, when an attack roll misses, a check damage (save ends) and the target is knocked prone. ends).
m Claw (standard; at-will) Dimensional Resurgence (when reduced to 0 hit points;
fails, or an attack hits Qataakhast; recharge 4 5 6 )
Qataakhast can add 1d8 to the triggering attack roll or Reach 2; +24 vs. AC; 1d8 + 8 damage, and ongoing 5 encounter)
check, or add 1d4 to the defense targeted by the triggering damage (save ends). At the start of her next turn, Ketheptis teleports 10
M Furious Dragon Onslaught (standard; at-will) squares and regains 266 hit points.
Ketheptis makes a claw attack against each enemy within Bloodied Threat
reach, and she makes one bite attack. While bloodied, Ketheptis can make opportunity attacks
M Wing Rage (immediate reaction, when an enemy attacks with her bite against enemies within her reach (2 squares).
125 – Adventure Seeds Ketheptis while flanking her; at-will) Freedom of Movement
Reach 2; targets the triggering enemy and an enemy Ketheptis makes a saving throw against one immobilized,
Replace Gornath the Madwyrm with an elder red flanking with the triggering enemy; +24 vs. AC; 2d8 + 8 restrained, or slowed effect at the start of her turn.
dragon (MM 83), reduced to 17th level. His breath damage, and Ketheptis pushes the target 2 squares. Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common, Deep
weapon is as follows. R Icy Eye of Hate (minor; recharge 6 ) F Cold, Gaze Speech, Draconic, Elven, Giant
Ranged 10; +22 vs. Will; the target takes ongoing 15 cold Skills Arcana +19, Athletics +23, Insight +22, Nature +22
damage and is immobilized (save ends both). Str 26 (+18) Dex 22 (+16) Wis 24 (+17)
C Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 5 6 ) F Fire, Psychic
C Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 4 5 6 ) F Cold Con 24 (+17) Int 18 (+14) Cha 18 (+14)
Close blast 5; +22 vs. Reflex; 2d12+ 7 fire and psychic
Close blast 5; +22 vs. Reflex; 3d8 +8 cold damage, and
damage, and ongoing 5 fire and psychic damage (save
the target gains vulnerable 10 to all damage (save ends). A
ends). Miss: Half damage.
prone target is also unable to stand (save ends). Miss: Half
Replace immolate foe with: C Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
Breath weapon recharges, and Ketheptis uses it.
C Burning Egos (standard; recharge 5 6 ) F Fire, Psychic
Close burst 3; +21 vs. Will; 2d10 + 7 psychic damage, and
the target is affected by burning ego (save ends). While
affected by burning ego, if the target uses an encounter or
daily power, it takes ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends).
Dragons of Eberron

Letho Level 18 Elite Brute

149 – Ice Cliff Lair Large elemental humanoid (cold, giant) XP 4,000
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +20; low-light vision
HP 420; Bloodied 210; see also dying storm
Dekaraz, Elf Vampire Level 16 Elite Controller
AC 30; Fortitude 31, Reflex 28, Will 30
Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 2,800
Resist 15 cold
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +15; darkvision M Blood Drain (standard; requires combat advantage; recharges
Saving Throws +2
HP 304; Bloodied 152 when an adjacent creature becomes bloodied)
Speed 8 (ice walk), fly 6
Regeneration 10 +20 vs. Fortitude; 2d12 + 10 damage, the target is
Action Points 1
AC 30; Fortitude 27, Reflex 29, Will 28 weakened (save ends), and Dekaraz’s regeneration
m Stormblade Greataxe (standard; at-will) F Lightning,
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable increases to 30 until the end of his next turn.
radiant (if Dekaraz takes radiant damage or is exposed to M Winter’s Mist (standard; recharges when first bloodied) F
Reach 2; +21 vs. AC; 3d6 + 7 (crit 6d6 + 25) lightning
direct sunlight, his regeneration does not function until the Cold, Polymorph
end of his next turn); see also winter’s mist Dekaraz becomes Large, occupying 4 squares instead of
R Skipping Javelin (standard; at-will) F Cold, Weapon
Saving Throws +2 1, and his reach becomes 2. He gains the insubstantial
Ranged 10/20; +21 vs. AC; 3d8 + 7 cold damage, and the
Speed 8, climb 4 (spider climb); see also winter’s mist and phasing qualities and a fly speed of 8. When Dekaraz
target is immobilized until the end of Letho’s next turn.
Action Points 1 moves through or comes to occupy any other creature’s
Effect: Letho can repeat this attack against another target
m Deathchill Dagger (standard; at-will) F Cold, Weapon space, he makes the following attack against that creature:
within 10 squares of the first target. Then the javelin
+21 vs. AC; 4d4 + 5 cold damage, and the target is slowed +20 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 + 3 cold damage, and the target is
returns to his hand.
until the end of Dekaraz’s next turn. restrained (save ends). If Dekaraz takes radiant damage
C Breath Weapon (standard; encounter) F Cold
r Spirit Sap (standard; at-will) F see text or is exposed to direct sunlight, he immediately reverts to
Close blast 5; +19 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 5 cold damage, and the
Ranged 10; +20 vs. Reflex; Dekaraz chooses one effect his humanoid form. Otherwise, he can end the effect as a
target is slowed (save ends). Miss: Half damage.
from the following list. Using spirit sap does not provoke minor action. Sustain Move: The effect persists.
C Stormblade Squall (standard; recharge 5 6 ) F Lightning,
opportunity attacks. R Dominate (minor; recharge 6 , only when Dekaraz has no
Exhaust: 2d6 + 4 damage, and the target is knocked prone creature dominated) F Charm
Close blast 3; +21 vs. AC; 2d6 + 7 (crit 4d6 + 19) lightning
and cannot stand until the end of Dekaraz’s next turn. Ranged 10; +20 vs. Will; the target is dominated (save
damage, and Letho makes a secondary attack, which is a
Enfeeble (Necrotic): 2d6 + 4 necrotic damage, and the ends). Aftereffect: The target is dazed (save ends).
close burst 1 centered on one primary target. Secondary
target is slowed and takes a –5 penalty to damage rolls Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic, Elven,
Attack: +19 vs. Fortitude; targets enemies; 1d10 + 5 cold
until the end of Dekaraz’s next turn. Giant
damage, and the secondary target is immobilized until the
Milky Eye: 2d6 + 4 damage, and the target is blinded until Skills Arcana +20, Bluff +19, Insight +15, Stealth +15
end of Letho’s next turn.
the end of Dekaraz’s next turn. Str 20 (+13) Dex 15 (+10) Wis 15 (+10)
C Dying Storm (when Letho drops to 0 hp)
Mind Scramble (Psychic): 2d6 + 5 psychic damage, and Con 16 (+11) Int 24 (+15) Cha 22 (+14)
Letho makes a stormblade squall attack.
the target is dazed until the end of Dekaraz’s next turn. Equipment robes, dagger
Icebound Footing
M/R Double Attack (standard; at-will)
When an effect pulls, pushes, or slides Letho, he moves 2
Dekaraz makes two basic attacks.
squares less than the effect specifies. Also, Letho can make
a saving throw to avoid being knocked prone.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Draconic, Giant
Skills Athletics +21, Intimidate +15
Str 25 (+16) Dex 18 (+13) Wis 22 (+15)
Con 20 (+14) Int 8 (+8) Cha 12 (+10)
Equipment plate armor, greataxe, javelin

Dragons of Eberron

Thraalgrum Level 17 Elite Controller Baasra Level 19 Elite Artillery

Large elemental humanoid (cold, giant) XP 3,200 Large elemental humanoid (cold, giant) XP 4,800
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +18 A Fog of the Black Glacier (standard; encounter) F Cold, Initiative +10 Senses Perception +18; low-light vision
HP 324; Bloodied 162 Necrotic, Zone HP 280; Bloodied 140
AC 31; Fortitude 29, Reflex 30, Will 28 Area burst 3 within 10; +20 vs. Fortitude; 3d8 + 5 necrotic AC 31; Fortitude 32, Reflex 30, Will 31
Resist 15 cold damage, and the burst creates a zone of freezing black fog Saving Throws +2
Saving Throws +2 that lasts until the end of Thraalgrum’s next turn. Squares Speed 8 (ice walk), fly 6
Speed 8 (ice walk) within the zone are heavily obscured to any creature Action Points 1
Action Points 1 without resist cold. Each creature that starts its turn within m Claw (standard; at-will) F Cold
m Blackfire Mace (standard; at-will) F Cold, Fire, Weapon the zone takes 1d8 +4 cold damage and 1d8 +4 necrotic +25 vs. AC; 1d10 + 6 damage, and ongoing 5 cold damage
Reach 2; +22 vs. AC; 1d10 + 6 damage, and ongoing 5 cold damage. Sustain Minor: The zone persists. (save ends).
and fire damage (save ends), and Thraalgrum slides the Blackfire Step (move; recharges when first bloodied) F Cold, r Forked Frost (standard; at-will) F Cold, Lightning
target 2 squares. Fire, Teleportation Ranged 10; targets two enemies; +24 vs. Fortitude; 2d6
r Snowblind Strike (standard; at-will) F Psychic Thraalgrum teleports 8 squares. Each enemy within + 7 cold damage, and ongoing 5 lightning damage (save
Ranged 20; +21 vs. Will; 2d6 + 5 psychic damage, and 2 squares of his origin point and each enemy within 2 ends).
creatures not adjacent to the target have concealment squares of his arrival point takes 5 cold and fire damage. M Double Attack (standard; at-will)
against the target (save ends). Icebound Footing Baasra makes two claw attacks.
M/R Double Attack (standard; at-will) When an effect pulls, pushes, or slides Thraalgrum, he A Permafrost Whirlwind (standard; recharge 5 6 ) F Cold,
Thraalgrum makes two basic attacks. moves 2 squares less than the effect specifies. Also, Polymorph
R Black Ice Stalker (standard; recharge 5 6 ) F Cold, Fear, Thraalgrum can make a saving throw to avoid being Area burst 2 within 10; targets enemies; +23 vs. Will;
Illusion, Psychic knocked prone. ongoing 15 cold damage, and the target is restrained (save
Ranged 20; +21 vs. Will; 2d8 + 7 psychic damage, and the Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, ends both). First Failed Saving Throw: The target is also
target is marked by a Large shadowy ice stalker that only Giant, Primordial dazed (save ends all). Second Failed Saving Throw: The target
it can see (save ends). The ice stalker occupies a space Skills Arcana +20, Athletics +19, Intimidate +15 turns to ice, becoming unconscious instead of dazed and
adjacent to the target, who cannot enter the stalker’s Str 22 (+14) Dex 12 (+9) Wis 20 (+13) gaining vulnerable 10 all (save ends all). Aftereffect: The
space, and moves with it, remaining adjacent to the target Con 18 (+12) Int 24 (+15) Cha 14 (+10) target is slowed (save ends). Miss: Ongoing 10 cold damage,
until the effect ends. Other creatures can move through Equipment robes, mace and the target is slowed (save ends both).
the stalker’s space and cannot attack it. If the target C Breath Weapon (standard; recharges when first bloodied)
attacks the stalker, use Thraalgrum’s defenses; a hit deals F Cold
half the attack’s damage to Thraalgrum. If it doesn’t attack Close blast 5; +23 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 5 cold damage, and
the stalker, the target takes 10 cold damage at the end Baasra slides the target 3 squares Miss: Half damage, and
of its turn. Aftereffect: The target is dazed until the end of Baasra pushes the target 1 square.
Thraalgrum’s next turn. Icebound Footing
When an effect pulls, pushes, or slides Baasra, she moves
2 squares less than the effect specifies. Also, Baasra can
make a saving throw to avoid being knocked prone.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic, Elven,
Skills Arcana +19, Athletics +20, Insight + 18, Intimidate +21
Str 23 (+15) Dex 12 (+10) Wis 18 (+13)
Con 20 (+14) Int 21 (+14) Cha 25 (+16)

Dragons of Eberron

153 – Zartarxis
Replace Zartarxis with an adult green dragon (MM
80), and replace his breath weapon as follows.

C Breath Weapon (standard; recharge 5 6 ) F Poison

Close blast 5; +15 vs. Fortitude; 1d10 + 5 poison damage,
and the target takes ongoing 15 poison damage and is
slowed until the end of Zartarxis’s next turn. Aftereffect:
Ongoing 5 poison damage, and the target is slowed (save
ends both).


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