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Role of Educational Psychology in Making Conducive Teaching-Learning Environment

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Psychology is defined as a science which aims to give better understanding and control of the

behaviour of the organism as a whole. Skinner “psychology is the science of behaviour and
experience” (as cited in Kumari, Sundari and Rao, 2006). In the words of Fernald and Fernald (2004)
“psychology is the science of behaviour and experience; the science of the adjustments of organisms
to their environment.”
Educational psychology is the applied branch of psychology and is the combination of education and
psychology. The psychological principles, laws and techniques are applied to the development of
educational strategies, teaching-learning situations, results/findings are applied in the field of
education and it is concerned with the scientific study of human learning, including both cognitive
and behavioral aspects. According to Skinner “educational psychology is the branch of psychology
which deals with teaching and learning” (as cited in Kumari, Sundari and Rao, 2006). It is a scientific
in approach that uses psychological constructs and tools to understand the various characteristics of
learners, teachers, learning tasks, learning environment and educational settings interacting to modify
or change behaviors of learners in school settings. According to Peel “educational psychology helps
the teacher to understand the development of his pupils, the range and limits of their capacities, the
process by which they learn and their social relationships” (as cited in Manichander, 2015). It
provides information about the many factors that affect teaching-learning and offers useful and tested
ideas for improving instruction. It is educational psychology which makes teachers effective. Give
positive verbal/non verbal reinforcement and corrective feedback to the learners. Communicate to
students about expectations.
The learning support helps in fulfilling learners academic, social and emotional needs by addressing
barriers to learning, creating conducive learning environment, enhancing learners’ self-esteem and
improving learners’ academic performance. Sogunro (2015) investigated eight motivating factors for
adult learners in higher education. These motivating factors are: quality of instruction, quality of
curriculum, relevance and pragmatism, interactive classrooms and effective management practices,
progressive assessment and timely feedback, self-directedness, conducive learning environment and
effective academic advising practices. Results showed that these eight factors play an important role
in eliminating or enhancing the will power in students in higher education towards effective learning.
On the basis of above reviews we can safely infer that the use of educational psychology is useful in
creating better learning environment. Let us see in what way it can help learners.
Role of Educational Psychology in Making Conducive Teaching-Learning
Environment Several researchers like Senge, Kleiner, Roberts, Ross and Smith (1994) explored
that teachers are producers of environments that permits learner to learn. When learners are anxious,
worried, stressed about making mistakes they are less likely to engage in their academic activities in
an effortful, meaningful and strategic manner (Turner, Thorpe and Meyer, 1998). Educational
psychology is necessary to create congenial environment which results in better learning. After careful
perusal of studies we cannot ignore the role of educational psychology in providing conducive and
congenial learning environment resulting in better retention and better academic achievement among
learners. Conflict management is a part of educational psychology which deals with the ability of
individual to take decision or to choose most suitable situation between the two or more situations.
Conflict Management: conflict means mental state of indecision which is painful and
unpleasant. This state of mind is not appropriate for individual. According to Fernald and Fernald “the
tension or stress involved when satisfaction of needs is thwarted by equally attractive or unattractive
alternatives.” Generally there are three types of conflicts:
• Approach-Approach conflict
• Approach-Avoidance conflict
• Avoidance-Avoidance conflict
Conflict is a painful state or confusing state of an individual. It is the result of the presence of two or
more desires or wishes in the individual. The nature of these desires is contradictory and therefore
cannot be satisfied fully at the same time. The individual is not able to choose between the two
opposing desires and remains in confusion. So he suffers from emotional tension during this phase
and becomes tense and restless. Knowledge of conflict management helps teachers in their decision
making process and also equips them in guiding their students to tackle this kind of situation and to
take decisions which are beneficial for them. Thus, it leads to effective teaching-learning process.

Psychological Foundations of Education help Teachers to Develop Effective

teaching and learning Process:
Educational psychology has contributed considerably in the creation of teaching-learning environment.
It helps the teacher in the following ways:
1. Stages of Development: As we know that human life passes through different stages of development
before it reaches adulthood. They are: infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Each stage
has its own characteristics. Psychologists have thoroughly studied the characteristic behaviour
patterns of these different stages of life. Identification of these stages with different sets of
characteristics, attributes and features regards physical, mental and emotional development greatly
help educationists to design curriculum and determine appropriate methods of teaching-learning
for learning at different stages. It is duty of teachers in bringing balanced growth and development
in child’s personality. One aspect of direction of growth should not be developed at the cost of
others. There should be perfect harmony and balance between the different stages of growth.
Knowledge of conflict management help teachers in providing effective instruction according to
developmental stages is helpful to mould behaviour of learners.
2. Know Your Learner: Psychologists are concerned to establish the behaviour pattern of human
behaviour so that they are able to know, predict and modify behaviour (Shiundu and Omulando,
1992). Learner is central in the teaching-learning process. Educational psychology helps the
teacher to know about learning capacity, interest, attitudes, aptitudes, creativity, intelligence,
covert-overt behaviour, motivation and the other acquired or innate capacities and abilities of the
learners. It also helps to know the stages of development linked with social, emotional, intellectual,
physical, mental and aesthetic needs, to know level of aspiration, conscious and unconscious
behaviour, individual and group behaviour, conflicts, desires and other aspects mental health and
hygiene. In this way guidance can be provided and positive attitude towards the learner on the part
of the teacher can be developed.
3. Dealing with Diverse Learners: Educational Psychology helps the teacher to adapt and adjust his
teaching according to the level and need of the diverse learners. For effective teaching-learning the
teacher must have the knowledge of the various approaches, methods, principles, laws and factors
affecting it. Then only he/she can apply diagnostic and remedial measures in the teaching-learning
situation. Conducive teaching-learning environment can be achieved in this way. Respectful
environment are also an important factor in enhancing/fostering problem solving ability among
learners and understanding of concepts (Cohen, 1994) and (De Lisi and Golbeck, 1999).

4. Knowledge of Individual Differences: No two persons are exactly alike. Learners differ in their
level of intelligence, aptitudes, attitude, interest, creativity etc. There are gifted, under achievers, slow
learners, backward, differently able learners. Thus, educational psychology helps the teacher to know
the individual differences among the learners in the class and the procedures accordingly, methodology
and techniques can be adopted for them to deal with differences.
5. Dealing with Special Needs Learners: Special education means instructions that are specially
designed to meet the unique needs of learners or the special needs children. The special needs children
are the ones who need adapted teaching instructions, adapted learning environment or adapted learning
process. They may be physically differently able or children with delinquency (juvenile delinquent).
These children are identified and help teachers in selecting pedagogy which is suitable for them.
Educational psychology helps these learners by providing educational services to these.
6. Tackling Classroom Problems: There are various problems in the classroom such as: truancy,
bullying, peer pressure, cheating in tests, academic stress, academic anxiety etc. Educational
Psychology equips the teacher by studying the characteristics of the children with problems, to know
about the dynamics of the group, behavioral characteristics patterns, management of conflicts and
adjustments. These techniques equip teachers to deal effectively with classroom problems for better
teaching-learning environment in classroom.
7. Suitable Methods of Teaching: Educational Psychology helps educationists to discover various
new approaches, principles, methods and techniques of teaching which are helpful in today’s teaching-
learning process. It helps the teachers to select appropriate teaching methods and how different
activities like play, drama, skits, groups discussion, demonstrations, multimedia enabled teaching
enhances the teaching level and how other innovative methods can turn learning into an interesting
8. Heredity and Environment of the Child: Educational psychology equips the teacher with
knowledge that the child is the product of heredity and environment. They are the inevitable two sides
of a single coin. Heredity and environment plays a central role in the all-round development of the
child. The child is born with some innate hereditary qualities and interaction with environment helps
them to be modified according to the requirements of the society.
9. Mental Health: Educational Psychology helps the teacher to know about the factors responsible for
the mental ill-health and maladjustment of learners and to suggest improvements. Besides this, it also
provides the teacher with necessary insight to improve his own mental status to deal with the situation
10. Need Based Curriculum: Curriculum is an integral part of the teaching-learning process.
Curriculum should be learner-centered and fulfill the motives, psychological needs of the individual.
Syomwene, Kitainge and Mwaka (2013) discussed the influences of psychology in the decision making
process while constructing curriculum. It provides a basis for understanding of learners’ needs, attitude,
and teaching-learning process. It forms the basis for the methods, materials and activities of learning.
Educational psychology helps the teacher to suggest ways and means to curriculum framers and
administrators to prepare balanced curriculum which caters the diverse needs of the learners.

11. Guidance and Counseling: Guidance and counseling to a learner is needed because psychological
abilities, aptitude, interests and learning styles differ from individual to individual. Similarly learners
are given solutions to deal with their psychological, academic, vocational and personal problems which
might affect their studies. Learners are able to develop problem solving ability which helps them to
deal with particular issues concerning their lives. With the help of guidance and counseling teachers
are able to guide and instruct learners to cope with different situations which they face in their school.
Students who are guided and counseled in a right way tend to know what and how to do things by their
teachers. .
12. Assessment and Evaluation: Assessment and Evaluation utilizes data to improve teaching
technique and academic program me. Assessment plays a major role in student learning and developing
their motivation to learn. It is based on clear learning goals. Evaluation is a central part of the teaching-
learning process. How to test the potentialities of the child depends upon the evaluation techniques.
Student skill, knowledge, competency and ability are best measured with assessment processes based
on psychological science with well-defined standards for quality and fairness. Formative and
summative assessments need to be evaluated for both reliability and validity, helps teacher in proper
assessment and evaluation of learners to know their understanding of subject. Teachers can improve
the reliability and validity of formative and summative assessments by learning targets item analysis,
discussing the results with other educators and monitoring and measuring outcomes for discrepancies
across groups or subgroups of students. The development of the different types of psychological tests
for the assessment and evaluation of the learner is a distinct contribution of educational psychology.
13. Self-Discipline: Earlier “spare the rod and spoil the child” was the philosophy prevailing in Indian
classrooms. Flogging the child was the main instrument. Now repressive system is replaced by
preventive system with the contribution of educational psychology. Now teachers adopt a cooperative,
collaborative and scientific approach in modifying and reshaping the behaviour of the learners.
Emphasis is given on self-discipline and intrinsic motivation through active, creative and constructive
activities. It has tremendously helped teachers in tackling the problem of indiscipline.
14. Facilitating Context: Learning is based on context so generalizing learning to new contexts is not
spontaneous but rather needs to be facilitated. Transfer of learning from one context to another, linking
previous knowledge to present knowledge and to bridge the future knowledge based on present
knowledge helps learners to develop insight of topics resulting in high order thinking skills.
Educational psychology helps teachers by providing various theories and principles by which learners
will be able to generalize learning to new contexts.
15. Socialization in Classroom: Socialization is a process whereby an individual learns to behave
in accordance with social traditions and mores. Educational psychology helps in knowing and
forming group dynamics, team work and leadership qualities among the learners. Mutual
respect to everyone and environment that values individual learner efforts and encourages,
motivates them to participate results in increased engagement and high academic achievement
(Dallimore, Hertenstein and Platt, 2004) and (Pickens, 2007).
16. Professional Growth: Educational Psychology helps the teacher to know about
himself/herself, own behaviour pattern, personality characteristics, likes and dislikes,
motivation, anxiety, conflicts, adjustment etc. Inside the classroom, educational

psychology has enabled the teacher to achieve proper conditioning of learners by achieving and
directing classroom activities as learner centered. Educational psychologists explore
innovations in the field of education and these innovations will bring about professional growth
of the teacher. These are possible only when he possesses the knowledge of educational
psychology. All this knowledge helps him in growing as a successful and effective teacher.
Conclusion Educational psychology has contributed considerably in the creation of the modern
system of education. It has helped teachers and administrators to develop an impartial and democratic
attitude towards learners and helps them into integrated personalities. Educational psychology is of
prime importance in addressing the future needs of the education system as the complexities are
increasing day by day so it is an effective way to cope up with them. Its role is central to know and
deal about the problems related to the learners such as stages of development, to know about the
learner, in fostering classroom environment, about individual differences, to identify children with
special needs, tackling classroom problems, skills & interest in teaching, effective methods of
teaching, influence of heredity & environment on the child, mental health of the child, procedure of
curriculum making, guidance & counselling, assessment & evaluation, in maintaining positive
creative discipline, educational psychology & research, in facilitating context, socialization in
classroom and professional growth, changing attitude and innovative thinking of teachers. Conflict
management helps in making learning congenial social learning environment which results in
effective learning and high academic achievement.

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