Giatay Baya Piste
Giatay Baya Piste
Giatay Baya Piste
and WINSTON F. GARCIA, in Present:
his capacity as PRESIDENT
of the GSIS,
Petitioners, CARPIO,
- versus -
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This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court seeking to
reverse and set aside the August 31, 2007 Decision of the Court of Appeals (CA), in CA-G.R. SP
No. 98952, dismissing the petition for certiorari of Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)
assailing the Civil Service Commissions Resolution No. 062177.
Petitioner Winston Garcia (PGM Garcia), as President and General Manager of the GSIS, filed
separate formal charges against respondents Dinnah Villaviza, Elizabeth Duque, Adronico A.
Echavez, Rodel Rubio, Rowena Therese B. Gracia, Pilar Layco, and Antonio Jose Legarda for Grave
Misconduct and/or Conduct Prejudicial to the Best Interest of the Service pursuant to the Rules of
Procedure in Administrative Investigation (RPAI) of GSIS Employees and Officials, III, D, (1, c, f) in
relation to Section 52A (3), (20), Rule IV, of the Uniform Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil
Service (URACCS), in accordance with Book V of the Administrative Code of 1987, committed as
That on 27 May 2005, respondent, wearing red shirt together with some employees,
marched to or appeared simultaneously at or just outside the office of the Investigation Unit in
a mass demonstration/rally of protest and support for Messrs. Mario Molina and Albert
Velasco, the latter having surreptitiously entered the GSIS premises;
That some of these employees badmouthed the security guards and the GSIS
management and defiantly raised clenched fists led by Atty. Velasco who was barred by
Hearing Officer Marvin R. Gatpayat in an Order dated 24 May 2005 from appearing as
counsel for Atty. Molina pursuant to Section 7 (b) (2) of R.A. 6713 otherwise known as the
Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees; 2/12
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That respondent, together with other employees in utter contempt of CSC Resolution
No. 021316, dated 11 October 2002, otherwise known as Omnibus Rules on Prohibited
Concerted Mass Actions in the Public Sector caused alarm and heightened some employees
and disrupted the work at the Investigation Unit during office hours.
This episode was earlier reported to PGM Garcia, through an office memorandum dated May
31, 2005, by the Manager of the GSIS Security Department (GSIS-SD), Dennis Nagtalon. On the
same day, the Manager of the GSIS Investigation Unit (GSIS-IU), Atty. Lutgardo Barbo, issued a
memorandum to each of the seven (7) respondents requiring them to explain in writing and under oath
within three (3) days why they should not be administratively dealt with.
Respondents Duque, Echavez, Rubio, Gracia, Layco, and Legarda, together with two others,
submitted a letter-explanation to Atty. Barbo dated June 6, 2005. Denying that there was a planned
mass action, the respondents explained that their act of going to the office of the GSIS-IU was a
spontaneous reaction after learning that their former union president was there. Aside from some of
them wanting to show their support, they were interested in that hearing as it might also affect them.
For her part, respondent Villaviza submitted a separate letter explaining that she had a scheduled pre-
hearing at the GSIS-IU that day and that she had informed her immediate supervisor about it,
attaching a copy of the order of pre-hearing. These letters were not under oath.
PGM Garcia then filed the above-mentioned formal charges for Grave Misconduct and/or
Conduct Prejudicial to the Best Interest of the Service against each of the respondents, all dated June
4, 2005. Respondents were again directed to submit their written answers under oath within three (3)
days from receipt thereof. None was filed.
On June 29, 2005, PGM Garcia issued separate but similarly worded decisions finding all
seven (7) respondents guilty of the charges and meting out the penalty of one (1) year suspension plus
the accessory penalties appurtenant thereto.
On appeal, the Civil Service Commission (CSC) found the respondents guilty of the lesser
offense of Violation of Reasonable Office Rules and Regulations and reduced the penalty to
reprimand. The CSC ruled that respondents were not denied their right to due process but there was
no substantial evidence to hold them guilty of Conduct Prejudicial to the Best Interest of the Service.
x x x. The actuation of the appellants in going to the IU, wearing red shirts, to witness a
public hearing cannot be considered as constitutive of such offense. Appellants (respondents
herein) assembly at the said office to express support to Velasco, their Union President, who 3/12
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pledged to defend them against any oppression by the GSIS management, can be considered as
an exercise of their freedom of expression, a constitutionally guaranteed right. xxx
PGM Garcia sought reconsideration but was denied. Thus, PGM Garcia went to the Court of
Appeals via a Petition for Review under Rule 43 of the Rules on Civil Procedure. The CA upheld
the CSC in this wise:
The Civil Service Commission is correct when it found that the act sought to be punished
hardly falls within the definition of a prohibited concerted activity or mass action. The
petitioners failed to prove that the supposed concerted activity of the respondents resulted in
work stoppage and caused prejudice to the public service. Only about twenty (20) out of more
than a hundred employees at the main office, joined the activity sought to be punished. These
employees, now respondents in this case, were assigned at different offices of the petitioner
GSIS. Hence, despite the belated claim of the petitioners that the act complained of had created
substantial disturbance inside the petitioner GSIS premises during office hours, there is
nothing in the record that could support the claim that the operational capacity of petitioner
GSIS was affected or reduced to substantial percentage when respondents gathered at the
Investigation Unit. Despite the hazy claim of the petitioners that the gathering was intended to
force the Investigation Unit and petitioner GSIS to be lenient in the handling of Atty. Molinas
case and allow Atty. Velasco to represent Atty. Molina in his administrative case before
petitioner GSIS, there is likewise no concrete and convincing evidence to prove that the
gathering was made to demand or force concessions, economic or otherwise from the GSIS
management or from the government. In fact, in the separate formal charges filed against the
respondents, petitioners clearly alleged that respondents marched to or appeared
simultaneously at or just outside the office of the Investigation Unit in a mass
demonstration/rally of protest and support for Mssrs. Mario Molina and Albert Velasco, the
latter surreptitiously entered the GSIS premises. Thus, petitioners are aware at the outset that
the only apparent intention of the respondents in going to the IU was to show support to Atty.
Mario Molina and Albert Velasco, their union officers. The belated assertion that the intention
of the respondents in going to the IU was to disrupt the operation and pressure the GSIS
administration to be lenient with Atty. Mario Molina and Albert Velasco, is only an
Not in conformity, PGM Garcia is now before us via this Petition for Review presenting the
following: 4/12
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SECTION 11. Allegations not specifically denied deemed admitted. Material averment in
the complaint, other than those as to the amount of liquidated damages, shall be deemed
admitted when not specifically denied. Allegations of usury in a complaint to recover usurious
interest are deemed admitted if not denied specifically and under oath. 5/12
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According to the petitioners, this rule is applicable to the case at bench pursuant to Rule 1,
Section 4 of the Rules of Court which reads:
SECTION 4. In what cases not applicable. These Rules shall not apply to election cases,
land registration, cadastral, naturalization and insolvency proceedings, and other cases not
herein provided for, except by analogy or in a suppletory character and whenever practicable
and convenient. (underscoring supplied)
The Court does not subscribe to the argument of the petitioners. Petitioners own rules, Rule XI,
Section 4 of the GSIS Amended Policy and Procedural Guidelines No. 178-04, specifically provides:
If the respondent fails to file his Answer within five (5) working days from receipt of the
Formal Charge for the supporting evidence, when requested, he shall be considered to have
waived his right to file an answer and the PGM or the Board of Trustees, in proper cases, shall
render judgment, as may be warranted by the facts and evidence submitted by the prosecution.
A perusal of said section readily discloses that the failure of a respondent to file an answer
merely translates to a waiver of his right to file an answer. There is nothing in the rule that says that
the charges are deemed admitted. It has not done away with the burden of the complainant to prove
the charges with clear and convincing evidence.
It is true that Section 4 of the Rules of Court provides that the rules can be applied in a
suppletory character. Suppletory is defined as supplying deficiencies. It means that the provisions
in the Rules of Court will be made to apply only where there is an insufficiency in the applicable rule.
There is, however, no such deficiency as the rules of the GSIS are explicit in case of failure to file the
required answer. What is clearly stated there is that GSIS may render judgment as may be warranted
by the facts and evidence submitted by the prosecution.
Even granting that Rule 8, Section 11 of the Rules of Court finds application in this case,
petitioners must remember that there remain averments that are not deemed admitted by the failure to
deny the same. Among them are immaterial allegations and incorrect conclusions drawn from facts
set out in the complaint. Thus, even if respondents failed to file their answer, it does not mean that
all averments found in the complaint will be considered as true and correct in their entirety, and that
the forthcoming decision will be rendered in favor of the petitioners. We must not forget that even in
administrative proceedings, it is still the complainant, or in this case the petitioners, who have the
burden of proving, with substantial evidence, the allegations in the complaint or in the formal charges.
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A perusal of the decisions of the CA and of the CSC will reveal that the case was resolved
against petitioners based, not on the absence of respondents evidence, but on the weakness of that of
the petitioners. Thus, the CA wrote:
Petitioners correctly submitted the administrative cases for resolution without the
respondents respective answer to the separate formal charges in accordance with Section 4,
Rule XI of the RPAI. Being in full control of the administrative proceeding and having
effectively prevented respondents from further submitting their responsive answer and
evidence for the defense, petitioners were in the most advantageous position to prove the
merit of their allegations in the formal charges. When petitioner Winston Garcia issued those
similarly worded decisions in the administrative cases against the respondents, it is presumed
that all evidence in their favor were duly submitted and justly considered independent of the
weakness of respondents evidence in view of the principle that the burden of proof belongs to
the one who alleges and not the one who denies.
On the merits, what needs to be resolved in the case at bench is the question of whether or not
there was a violation of Section 5 of CSC Resolution No. 02-1316. Stated differently, whether or not
respondents actions on May 27, 2005 amounted to a prohibited concerted activity or mass action.
Pertinently, the said provision states:
Section 5. As used in this Omnibus Rules, the phrase prohibited concerted activity or
mass action shall be understood to refer to any collective activity undertaken by government
employees, by themselves or through their employees organizations, with intent of effecting
work stoppage or service disruption in order to realize their demands of force concession,
economic or otherwise, from their respective agencies or the government. It shall include
mass leaves, walkouts, pickets and acts of similar nature. (underscoring supplied)
In this case, CSC found that the acts of respondents in going to the GSIS-IU office wearing red
shirts to witness a public hearing do not amount to a concerted activity or mass action proscribed
above. CSC even added that their actuations can be deemed an exercise of their constitutional right to
freedom of expression. The CA found no cogent reason to deviate therefrom.
As defined in Section 5 of CSC Resolution No. 02-1316 which serves to regulate the political
rights of those in the government service, the concerted activity or mass action proscribed must be
coupled with the intent of effecting work stoppage or service disruption in order to realize their
demands of force concession. Wearing similarly colored shirts, attending a public hearing at the
GSIS-IU office, bringing with them recording gadgets, clenching their fists, some even badmouthing
the guards and PGM Garcia, are acts not constitutive of an (i) intent to effect work stoppage or service
disruption and (ii) for the purpose of realizing their demands of force concession. 7/12
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Precisely, the limitations or qualifications found in Section 5 of CSC Resolution No. 02-1316
are there to temper and focus the application of such prohibition. Not all collective activity or mass
undertaking of government employees is prohibited. Otherwise, we would be totally depriving our
brothers and sisters in the government service of their constitutional right to freedom of expression.
Government workers, whatever their ranks, have as much right as any person in the land to
voice out their protests against what they believe to be a violation of their rights and interests. Civil
Service does not deprive them of their freedom of expression. It would be unfair to hold that by
joining the government service, the members thereof have renounced or waived this basic liberty.
This freedom can be reasonably regulated only but can never be taken away.
A review of PGM Garcias formal charges against the respondents reveals that he himself was
not even certain whether the respondents and the rest of the twenty or so GSIS employees who were
at the GSIS-IU office that fateful day marched there or just simply appeared there simultaneously.
Thus, the petitioners were not even sure if the spontaneous act of each of the twenty or so GSIS
employees on May 27, 2005 was a concerted one. The report of Manager Nagtalon of the GSIS-SD
which was the basis for PGM Garcias formal charges reflected such uncertainty. Thus,
Of these red shirt protesters, only Mr. Molina has official business at the Investigation
Unit during this time. The rest abandoned their post and duties for the duration of this incident
which lasted until 10:55 A.M. It was also observed that the protesters, some of whom raised
their clenched left fists, carefully planned this illegal action as evident in their behavior of
arrogance, defiance and provocation, the presence of various recording gadgets such as VCRs,
voice recorders and digital cameras, the bad mouthing of the security guards and the PGM, the
uniformity in their attire and the collusion regarding the anomalous entry of Mr. Albert Velasco
to the premises as reported earlier.
The said report of Nagtalon contained only bare facts. It did not show respondents unified
intent to effect disruption or stoppage in their work. It also failed to show that their purpose was to
demand a force concession.
In the recent case of GSIS v. Kapisanan ng mga Manggagawa sa GSIS, the Court upheld the
position of petitioner GSIS because its employees, numbering between 300 and 800 each day, staged
a walkout and participated in a mass protest or demonstration outside the GSIS for four straight days.
We cannot say the same for the 20 or so employees in this case. To equate their wearing of red shirts
and going to the GSIS-IU office for just over an hour with that four-day mass action in Kapisanan ng
mga Manggagawa sa GSIS case and to punish them in the same manner would most certainly be unfair
and unjust. 8/12
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Recent analogous decisions in the United States, while recognizing the governments right as an
employer to lay down certain standards of conduct, tend to lean towards a broad definition of public
concern speech which is protected by their First Amendment. One such case is that of Scott v. Meters.
In said case, the New York Transit Authority (NYTA), responsible for operation of New York
Citys mass transit service, issued a rule prohibiting employees from wearing badges or buttons on
their uniforms. A number of union members wore union buttons promoting their opposition to a
collective bargaining agreement. Consequently, the NYTA tried to enforce its rule and threatened to
subject these union members to discipline. The court, though recognizing the governments right to
impose reasonable restrictions, held that the NYTAs rule was unconstitutionally overboard.
In another case, Communication Workers of America v. Ector County Hospital District, it was held
A county hospital employees wearing of a Union Yes lapel pin during a union
organization drive constituted speech on a matter of public concern, and the countys proffered
interest in enforcing the anti-adornment provision of its dress code was outweighed by the
employees interest in exercising his First Amendment speech and associational rights by
wearing a pro-union lapel button.
Thus, respondents freedom of speech and of expression remains intact, and CSCs Resolution
No. 02-1316 defining what a prohibited concerted activity or mass action has only tempered or
regulated these rights. Measured against that definition, respondents actuations did not amount to a
prohibited concerted activity or mass action. The CSC and the CA were both correct in arriving at
said conclusion.
WHEREFORE, the assailed August 31, 2007 Decision of the Court of Appeals as well as its
October 16, 2007 Resolution in CA G.R. SP No. 98952 are hereby AFFIRMED.
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Chief Justice 10/12
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Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, I certify that the conclusions in the
above Decision had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the
opinion of the Court.
Chief Justice
Rollo, pp. 295-312. Penned by Associate Justice Remedios A. Salazar-Fernando and concurred in by Associate Justice Rosalinda
Asuncion-Vicente and Associate Justice Enrico A. Lanzanas.
Id. at 296-297.
Id. at 297-299.
Id., Annexes J to P, at 107-120.
Id. at 191-192.
Id. at 300-302.
Id. at 309-310.
Id., GSIS/PGM Garcias Memorandum, at 496-471. 11/12
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Merriam Websters Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition, p. 1184.
Herrera, Remedial Law, Vol. I, p. 548 (2000 ed.).
First United Construction Corporation v. Valdez, G.R. No. 154108, December 10, 2008, 573 SCRA 391, 399.
Rollo, pp. 307-308.
Id. at 107.
Id. at 99.
GSIS v. Kapisanan ng mga Manggagawa sa GSIS, G.R. No. 170132, December 6, 2006, 510 SCRA 622.
Scott v. Meyers, 191 F.3d 82 (2d Cir. 1999).
Communication Workers of America v. Ector County Hospital District, 392 F.3d 733, 176 L.R.R.M. (BNA) 2155, 60 Fed. R. Serv. 3d 107
(5th Cir. 2004).
Id. 12/12