Max New York Life Insurance An HDFC Standard: Joint Venture
Max New York Life Insurance An HDFC Standard: Joint Venture
Max New York Life Insurance An HDFC Standard: Joint Venture
ROLLNO -------------------RT1910B39
Max New York Life Insurance Company Ltd. is a joint venture between Max India
Limited. one of India's leading multi-business corporations and New York Life
Internation, the international arm of New York Life, a Fortune company . The
company has positioned itself on the quality platform.
• 3 Training
• 4 Company Vision
• 5 Awards and Recognitions
• 6 References
• 7 External links
• 8 External links
Max New York Life - Office Networks
Max New York Life Insurance has multi-channel distribution spread across the
country. Agency distribution is the primary channel complemented by partnership
distribution, bancassurance, alliance marketing and dedicated distribution for
emerging markets. The Company places a lot of emphasis on its selection
process for agent advisors, which comprises four stages - screening,
psychometric test, career seminar and final interview. The agent advisors are
trained in-house to ensure optimal control on quality of training. The company
currently has more than 71,000 agent advisors at 676 offices across 389 cities.
The company also has 50 tie-ups with banks, 30 partnership distribution
relationships Max New York Life has put in place a unique hub and spoke model
of distribution to deepen our rural penetration. This is the first time such a model
has been put in place for rural marketing of insurance. The company has 139
offices dedicated to rural areas.
1. Awarded the Asia Insurance Industry ‘Innovation of the Year’ Award 2009
4. Among the top five most respected insurance companies in India as per
Businessworld 2004 & 2006 survey
Gross premium income, for the year ending March 31, 2009 touched Rs.
5,564.69 crore
1. HDFC Limited
2. HDFC Bank
3. HDFC Mutual Fund
4. HDFC Sales
5. HDFC ERGO General Insurance
Mr Amitabh Chaudhry
Anjana Chandramouly
Bangalore, Aug. 1
Changing the operating model and at the same time maintaining growth rate are
big challenges for the insurance industry, and while doing so, smaller companies
might find the going tough, Mr Amitabh Chaudhry, CEO, HDFC Standard Life,
told Business Line.
Since smaller companies might struggle to sustain from here on, “consolidation
should happen; that's the way the industry would go… we will have to see in the
next 18-24 months,” he said.
While customers stand to gain in the wake of the new IRDA guidelines, insurance
companies will have to cut costs to ensure overall capital requirements do not go
Though he said capital requirements for insurers will not go up right away, much
would “depend on the products” the companies offer.
“We will have to cut costs, find ways and means to conserve capital and also
retain revenues,” said Mr Chaudhry.
Insurers will also have to aim for higher sales now, he added.
His company, which targets a 25 per cent growth year on year in terms of new
business income this fiscal, hopes to maintain the growth rate, he added.
Last year, the company's new business income was Rs 2,560 crore, which he
hoped would reach about Rs 3,200 crore this year, adding that the company was
well on track as far as the first quarter of this fiscal was concerned.