Manual X2IPI - Toolbox For 2D ERT and IP
Manual X2IPI - Toolbox For 2D ERT and IP
Manual X2IPI - Toolbox For 2D ERT and IP
Toolbox for 2D Electrical Resistivity Tomography and IP
User Manual
X2IPI – User Manual 2017
Table of Contents
General information about X2IPI.................................................................................................................4
System requirements....................................................................................................................................4
Overview of the X2IPI toolbox.....................................................................................................................4
Input files formats........................................................................................................................................4
Protocols (sequences)...............................................................................................................................4
Field data..................................................................................................................................................5
Input file for the inversion software (RES2DINV)......................................................................................6
Induced polarization decay curve data.....................................................................................................6
Main menu...................................................................................................................................................6
Load menu................................................................................................................................................6
Save menu – SEQ......................................................................................................................................7
Save menu – DAT......................................................................................................................................8
Save menu................................................................................................................................................8
Exchange menu.........................................................................................................................................9
Options menu.........................................................................................................................................10
Contour menu.........................................................................................................................................11
Icon Bar...................................................................................................................................................11
Main window..............................................................................................................................................12
General Information of file.....................................................................................................................13
Section mode..........................................................................................................................................13
Display window...........................................................................................................................................14
Tables window............................................................................................................................................17
Data table...............................................................................................................................................17
Electrodes page......................................................................................................................................19
Spacing page...........................................................................................................................................20
Soundings page.......................................................................................................................................21
Profiling page..........................................................................................................................................21
INV results page......................................................................................................................................21
X correction page....................................................................................................................................22
Multinode page......................................................................................................................................22
Advanced Display window..........................................................................................................................22
Advanced Display window. Menu...........................................................................................................25
Advanced Display window. Options........................................................................................................25
Filtering field data window (Median window)............................................................................................26
Work with X2IPI........................................................................................................................................29
Creating [.seq] files.....................................................................................................................................29
Sequence optimization for multi-channel instruments..............................................................................30
Optimization for Schlumberger array.........................................................................................................31
Modifying [.seq] file....................................................................................................................................31
Modifying electrodes unit spacing..........................................................................................................31
Removing a faulty electrode...................................................................................................................31
Shifting electrodes..................................................................................................................................32
Removing measurement lines................................................................................................................32
Preparing a “roll-along” [.seq] file..........................................................................................................33
Changing multinodes..............................................................................................................................33
Transforming AMN to MNB....................................................................................................................34
Working with data files...............................................................................................................................34
Opening data files...................................................................................................................................34
X2IPI – User Manual 2017
X2IPI – User Manual 2017
© Alexey A. Bobachev, 1999-2017. All rights reserved. All trademarks and all registered trademarks
mentioned throughout this manual are the properties of the corresponding owners.
System requirements
X2IPI is supported by any PC with Windows XP – Windows 10 operating system installed.
X2IPI is a toolbox designed for data processing of 2D Electrical resistivity tomography. This software
helps you to
configure ERT unit protocols (sequences) for optimal measurements procedures
test and evaluate the quality of the field data
prepare the input files for programs of two-dimensional inversion
X2IPI works with field data formats of some ERT units:
IRIS Instruments (France): SYSCAL-PRO, SYSCAL-R2
X2IPI supports RES2DINV (Geotomo Software) and ZONDRES2D (Zond Software) data formats. It is
possible to export tomography data and inversion results to IPI2WIN (Alexey A. Bobachev) software for 1D
VES curves interpretation.
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(Note!) X2IPI reads only the electrode number and its X-coordinate.
The second part describes electrode numbers for each
measurement (number of the present quadripole, A-, B-, M-, N-
electrode numbers). For a remote electrode null ("0") must be
specified in a corresponding column. This format is compatible with
different instruments: SYSCAL-PRO, OMEGA-48, SibER-64. When you
export a [.txt] protocol from ELECTRE PRO the third part is added to
the result file. It contains information about the changes of the initial
file that happed before the export. This part is not supported
by X2IPI yet.
X2IPI supports the old ELECTRE [.seq] format also (<Syscal
X2IPI can work with ABEM (Sweden) protocols of
TERRAMETER LS instrument, <Protocol from ABEM (XML)> (see
Field data
The basic field data file has a [.txt] type and came from
PROSYS II format (IRIS Instruments, France):
<Menu – File – Export and save – Spreadsheet...>
All data must be saved in different columns. The order of these
columns is arbitrary and some columns may be missing. The type of column is defined by name in the first
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Main menu
Load menu
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Electre Save binary protocol file for old ELECTRE program (IRIS Instruments)
Electre II Save [.txt] protocol file for ELECTRE II and ELECTRE PRO programs (IRIS
Lund protocol (ABEM) Save Lund [.org] protocol file (ABEM). TERRAMETER LS TOOLBOX
software (supplied with the equipment) can convert [.org] file into
modern [.xml] format to work with TERRAMETER LS and TERRAMETER
Make Long protocol Make protocol with odd (!!!) electrode numbers only – LONG32 type
for ABEM 4x21 spreads system
Clear electrodes Remove unused electrodes from protocol
Switcher Prepare protocol for COMx64 switcher box (Nord-West, Russia)
Worksheet Text protocol file with additional columns (see figure below)
X2IPI – User Manual 2017
Res2dInv (Ctrl + R) Export file to RES2DINV inversion software with specified electrode
configuration format (Schlumberger, pole-pole, pole-dipole, etc.)
Res2dInv general Export file to RES2DINV inversion software with general electrode
(Ctrl + G) configuration format. This feature of RES2DINV is to cater for
electrode arrangements that do not fall under the usual array types or
electrode arrangements, or unusual ways of carrying out the surveys
SensInv2d Export files to SENSINV2D inversion software
GEOSOFT Save data in GEOSOFT format, mainly for managing IP data
Note! Available for [.txt] data only
IPI (Ctrl +I ) Export file to IPI2WIN software for 1D interpretation
Save menu
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Exchange menu
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Options menu
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Geosoft line line number variable for data file in GEOSOFT format
Styles Choose one of pre-defined window themes
Contour menu
Contour menu allows you to modify the color scale of plotted pseudosections (Display window).
11 colors 11 value levels will be used to plot pseudosection
Increase (<NUM colors>) <NUM> value levels will be used to plot pseudosection (<NUM> is
larger than the currently used number of levels)
Decrease (<NUM colors>) <NUM> value levels will be used to plot pseudosection (<NUM> is less
than the currently used number of levels)
Pale Less saturated colors will be used to plot pseudosection
Note! More options are available in Advanced Display window
Icon Bar
The following icons are available in the icon bar:
Save [.org] protocol file for ABEM instruments. Use TERRAMETER LS TOOLBOX software
(supplied with the equipment) to convert [.org] file into modern [.xml] format
Export file to [.dtg] or [.dat] for 1D interpretation in IPI2WIN
Export file to [.dat] for RES2DINV inversion software with specified electrode
configuration format (Schlumberger, pole-pole, pole-dipole, etc.)
Export file to [.dat] for RES2DINV inversion software with general electrode
configuration format
Export files to [.gem] for SENSINV2D inversion software
Save data to [.dat] in GEOSOFT format (mainly for IP data)
Redraw pseudosection in Dispay window
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Open Filtering Field Data window (available for [.dat] or [.inv] files of RES2DINV format
Show apparent resistivity or IP data in Display window
Exit X2IPI
Main window
X2IPI has different windows. The first three (Main, Display, Table) are default windows.
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This part of the main window contains general information about opened files. The first line shows
the name of the last opened file. In this first line, you may check <Abs. Values> button (for binary [.seq]
SYSCAL files only).
Next goes textbox for comments. It can be edited and saved after to the first line of RES2DINV data
file. Next few indications are shown concerning the configuration of electrodes: the name of the [.seq] file
used, the number of electrodes, the unit electrode spacing, the type of array, the number of AO lengths,
the number of overlapping measurements (for Schlumberger, pole-dipole and dipole-dipole measurements
only), the total number of quadripoles. None of these indications can be changed.
3 textboxes are placed in a square dialog box at the right part of the window
At the bottom you can see the list of selected files and arrays. It allows you to choose data (type of
electrode array), which is currently visible in the Display window.
Finally, at the right bottom corner, there is a small picture that indicates the default convention for
reference point chosen for the plotting of apparent resistivity pseudosection.
Section mode
There are two common parameters that characterize field data: apparent resistivity and
chargeability. Other field parameters, such as Voltage, Current or Accuracy, can be plotted also. Select
parameter you want to plot in Section mode
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It is also possible to open [.inv] files (i.e. output files from RES2DINV software) in X2IPI. It will allow
you to analyze the difference (Resist. misfit) between field data (inversion input) and the direct problem
solution of the final model (inversion output) (see Analysis of inversion result ([.inv] files)).
Display window
Display Window gives a plot of data contained in opened files. Electrode positions are shown by the
triangles at the top of the pseudosection.
The conventional positions (reference points) of each measurement is shown by a cross. Bold cross
means that two readings have the same reference point. For example, see next picture where two readings
of dipole-dipole array have the same OO’ spacing, but different MN lengths (OO’/2 = 20, 35, 55, 85 m).
You can select any particular measurement by clicking on a cross. You will see then information
about the measurement at status bar at the top of the Display Window (protocol number of measurement,
X- and Ps.Z-coordinates (Pseudo-depth or spacing) of the reference point). Then the measurement number
After selecting one measurements by clicking on one cross, the number of the line in the protocol file and
the reference numbers of A, B, M and N electrodes, are shown in the status bar of the default display
window (Note! works for one sequence only). Positions of A, B, M and N electrodes will be highlighted by
squares also (gray color for M and N; blue color for A and B). You can remove the selected point by “ delete”
key, by “delete” button at the status bar or by mouse double-clicking.
An electrode may be selected by clicking on the top triangles. All measurements made using this
electrode may then be deleted by clicking on the “delete” button at the Tables window (see Tables
There is a “double” button at the status bar of the Display Window. It will be enabled if two protocol
files are opened. Clicking it will result in deleting repeated measurements.
Note! This action deletes all repeated measurements from the last opened protocol file!
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All mentioned above will be available for data files but the “double” button. Additionally, apparent
pseudosection behind the crosses will be plotted.
It is possible to remove pseudosection from Display Window by “Map ON/OFF” button on the icon
bar of the main window. Also you can remove data points from Display Window (see Display window ).
Note! The color scale in Display window is always selected automatically. You can increase the range
by <Menu – Contours – Increase or Decrease> (see Contour menu ).
X- and Ps.Z-coordinates of every measurement depend on the array type. Different array types and
reference points are shown below.
X-coordinate of reference point of pole-dipole array can be set to the center of MN, center of the
electrode array, position of the current electrode (<Menu – Options – Pole-dipole>) (see Options menu ). All
these ways for one pole-dipole data set are shown below.
Center of MN dipole
Center of array
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Current electrode
You can change the X-coordinates of reference point for asymmetrical array (<Options –
Asymmetrical as ...>) (see Options menu ).
<Asymmetrical as … – Gradient array>
classic presentation of Multiply gradient
array data
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Tables window
Tables window has different pages : Data, Electrodes, Spacing, etc.
Data table
Data page is formed from contents of the file if protocol (sequence) opened ([.seq], [.txt]):
N Measurement number of the specific record in the protocol
Ps.Z Ps.Z-coordinate (Pseudo depth) of the data point (in m)
X X-coordinate of the data point (in m),
MN MN length (in m)
K arr. Geometrical factor of the electrode array (in m)
Data page is formed from contents of the file if data file opened ([.txt]):
N Number of the data point. Usually it equals to measurement number in the
Ps.Z Ps.Z-coordinate (Pseudo depth) of the apparent resistivity data point (in m)
X X-coordinate of the apparent resistivity data point (in m)
MN MN length (in m)
App.Res Apparent resistivity value (in Ohm·m)
q “Quality” factor given by SYSCAL instruments (in %). It is a dispersion of stacked
X2IPI – User Manual 2017
In case of [.txt] SYSCAL data files, the upper bar of Data page allows you to delete measurements of
poor quality following by one of the next criteria:
Max. q Quality factor (in %)
Min. dU Minimum measured potential difference (in mV)
Min. I Minimum injected current (in mA)
Min Ro Minimum apparent resistivity (in Ohm·m)
Max Ro Maximum apparent resistivity (in Ohm·m)
Min IP Minimum induced polarization (units are determined by the instrument)
Max IP Maximum induced polarization (units are determined by the instrument)
Note! Data points with values higher or lower than selected threshold will be discarded.
You can remove data point by selecting corresponding line of the table and “Delete” key or “Delete”
button. Repeating this action will undo deleting.
Decay chart checkbox will be available if data set have IP decay data. Clicking on the box will activate
IP decay curve window for selected data point.
Decay track bar will be available if data set contents IP decay data also. It allows to plot
pseudosection of partial chargeability in Display Window.
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“Show IP times sections” button will show pseudosection of partial chargeability for all decay time
windows. “Filtering IP time data” button allows to filter partial chargeability data for each time window
Electrodes page
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is broken without possibility of repairing it easily in the field. It works only for
protocol files.
multiply by a coefficient the unit electrode spacing. Apparent resistivity will be
recalculated also
copy the vertical electrical sounding data closest to selected electrode
position to the clipboard. The copied data will have a header corresponding to
the VES location along the profile and then three columns with AO length (in
m), MN length (in m) and Apparent resistivity (in Ohm·m)
Spacing page
Spacing page shows all spacings and lengths of potential lines available in data set. You can remove
data points corresponding to specific spacing by clicking on checkboxes. The icon bar of the page allows you
copy data for selected spacing to the clipboard
copy mean VES curve for the data set to the clipboard
Create a [.pln] data file for 3D visualization software (e.g., GOLDEN SOFTWARE
VOXLER). Input file - [.pln]: X of data file, two reserved values, plan coordinate
X and Y of data point. Output file has 4 columns: plan X- and Y-coordinates of
data point, minus pseudo depth and logarithm of apparent resistivity.
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Soundings page
All data points are shown in bilogarithmic scale here (vertical axis – apparent resistivity, horizontal
axis – spacing). Each data point can be selected by clicking on it (red square). Then, all data points with the
same X-coordinate will be marked as well (blue squares). You can delete bad data points by double clicking.
Profiling page
All data point is shown like profiling line plots (vertical axis – apparent resistivity, horizontal axis –
X-coordinate, color – spacing). You can delete data points corresponding to specific spacing by clicking on
checkboxes (identical to Spacing page). Again, bad data points can be removed by double clicking. If IP
mode is active, button, (see Icon Bar ), then IP data will be plotted.
INV results page
The page is available when [.inv] file is opened. Here, you can copy/export resistivity model
obtained in RES2DINV, average resistivity model, resistivity model corresponding to specific depth interval.
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X correction page
X correction page allows you to modify manually position of electrode if its real X-coordinate (by
field measurement) differs from its initial value (by protocol). After the correction procedure all apparent
resistivity values will be recalculated.
Note! Irregular positions of electrodes create a great number of additional spacings.
Multinode page
Multinode page is available for protocol ([.seq], [.txt]) files only. It allows to transform file prepared
for some electrode reference numbers to another set of electrode reference numbers. For instance, a
[.seq] file has been prepared for multinodes 1, 2, 3 and 4 giving electrode reference numbers from 1 to 64.
Now it may be transformed to a new [.seq] file using multinodes 5, 6, 7 and 8 giving electrode reference
numbers from 65 to 128. This is useful if a set of multinodes are split in two parts in order to
simultaneously undertake surveys on two different sites.
Advanced Display window is visible under Table window (lower right corner of the
screen). There is no menu or special buttons in this window. It only helps to view data
and to choose data set to be plotted in Display window
Advanced Display window is shown separately from the main interface. It has its own
menu and options and it is useful for exporting pictures of field data
Topography Display window is shown separately from the main interface. It has menu
and options also. All pseudosections is plotted here with topography
Using Advanced Display window you can plot several pseudosections of different electrode arrays
side by side, while Display window allows you to plot only one selected electrode array.
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If several opened data files correspond to a roll-along survey (one protocol, but different X-
coordinates) Advanced Display window plots pseudosections separately.
Use United section option in Options (see Advanced Display window. Options) to plot pseudosections
for different files with different arrays.
Next, example of 3 opened files of one roll-along profile is presented below (each data set includes
forward and reverse pole-dipole electrode arrays).
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Topography Display window plots field data using “effective” depth for each measurements. In
the table below you can see effective depths that are used in X2IPI for typical electrode arrays.
Pole-dipole AO / 2.63
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Pole-pole AM / 1.153
Options Options of pseudosection plot (axes labels, color scale, titles, etc.)
Close Close Advanced Display window
Close all Close all pseudosections
Copy Copy pseudosections pictures without menu and frame to the clipboard
File name / array name On/Off switch for specific pseudosection to be drawn
D-transform Plot the pseudosection of differences between two data sets in percents.
It is a simple way to analyze control measurements
AMNB Calculate Schlumberger array from pole-dipole array
Mean only On/Off switch for including pole-dipole data into calculated
Schlumberger array (AMNB)
X2IPI automatically select color scale range depending on data by default. But you can choose your
own color range. Just type new Minimum and Maximum values of new color scale or use [.lvl] file. The [.lvl]
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file has three lines (empty line, minimum, maximum). Uncheck Levels from file box to return default values
(here, you will need to reopen Advanced Display window).
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A synthetic examples of these effects is given below. It has been calculated with Res2dmod forward
modeling software (Geotomo software, M.H. Loke). The model has two layers with 1=10 m, h1=8 m and
2=500 m. A small block with b= 100 m Lb=2 m and hb=0.5 m is placed at the center of the profile at
0.5m depth. With an AMN array (1m unit electrode spacing), two strong anomalies caused by the block: a
vertical anomaly (“P” effect), related to MN dipole if dipole is close to the block, and an inclined anomaly
(“C” effect), related to A pole if pole is close to the block.
It is clear that a bunch of these effects coupled to subsurface inhomogeneties may hide smoother
effects related to large and deep targets. The median processing allows you to reduce this “noise” and,
further, to recover clearer 2D apparent resistivity section. It will be described step by step later (see
Filtering field data (Median processing)). To smooth IP data you need to open IP data in Display window (
) (see Icon Bar).
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X2IPI – User Manual 2017
The number of electrodes is selected in No el. Choose the unit electrode spacing there as well.
Step corresponds to the density of data points along the line. Step = 1 is for the maximum horizontal
density. If Step = 2, data points will 2 times sparser along the line. An examples of pole-dipole array with
different Step values are given below.
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Half Wenner
The table in the right part of the dialog window allow you to specify quadripoles (spacings, potential
line lenghts, geometrical factor). You can find several pages in the table with headers indicating the length
of MN dipole. For Wenner arrays (half, alpha or beta) there is only one page in the table.
Use the first column of checkboxes in the table to include or exclude particular spacing. The second
column indicates the ratio between AM and MN lengths. The third column indicates the spacing. The fourth
column indicates the geometric factor for the selected spacing. When the first column is checked, the last
column indicates the number of measurements corresponding to the selected spacing.
For some arrays (Pole-dipole, Schlumberger and Dipole-Dipole) another column at the right indicates
that selected spacing is checked at different page. It helps to easily understand the overlap between
measurements with different MN lengths. This allows to determine easily the overlap between segments of
different MN in the pole-dipole VES. Usually one spacing of overlap is sufficient to check data quality.
While checking desired spacings, left part of the dialog box indicates the total number of
measurements and the number of spacings (“nLines”) for each MN length.
Then, all data points can be displayed (or refreshed) in Display window by clicking on the “Show”
Press “Ok” button to return to Main window and save protocol file to desired format (<Save – Seq>):
Electre [.seq] save binary protocol file for old ELECTRE program (IRIS
Electre II [.txt] save text protocol file for ELECTRE II and ELECTRE PRO programs
(IRIS Instruments)
Lund protocol (ABEM) [.org] save Lund protocol (ABEM) file. TERRAMETER LS TOOLBOX
software (supplied with the equipment) can convert [.org] file into
modern [.xml] format.
Note! We recommend to keep all protocols file in [.txt] format of ELECTRE II software .
X2IPI – User Manual 2017
be much lower that way (Dahlin T., 2000. Short note on electrode charge-up effects in DC resistivity data
acquisition using multi-electrode arrays. Geophysical prospecting, 48).
AB lengths mode starts with sorting by length of current dipole first and only then by current dipole.
We recommended this mode for Dipole-Dipole and reciprocal Schlumberger arrays.
Switcher mode is for sorting measurements by current dipole or electrode.
Use menu <Reciprocal SEQ> (see Save menu) to convert array in reciprocal one. Reload file with
reciprocal array before sorting (see Sequence optimization for multi-channel instruments).
The unit electrode spacing can be changed using the “multiply by a coefficient all
distances” button in the icon bar of the electrode table. The coefficient is chosen using the scrolling
window at right or tapping the exact number in the coefficient field. Multiplication is performed by clicking
the button at left.
Once the unit electrode spacing has been modified, the [.seq] file can be saved using the “save”
button in the main window.
Removing a faulty electrode
Any electrode used in a [.seq] file can be removed and the electrodes coming after it will be shifted.
So there will not be any space in place where the deleted electrode was. This is of great use to modify
quickly a [.seq] when one node in a multinode or one line of a multiconductor cable is broken without
possibility of repairing it easily in the field.
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To select electrode in electrode table click on the corresponding line. Another way to do that is
to click on top triangle in the Display window. Push <Broken electrode> button at the icon bar (see
Electrodes page) to remove selected electrode. Suppose [.seq] file has N electrodes and you remove
electrode d. Then modified [.seq] file will have N-1 electrodes with numbers from (1 to d-1 and from d+1 to
N). See the example os setup when 7th electrode is broken.
Note! Pseudosection will not have empty space related to the removed electrode (see following figure). Of
course, such a [.seq] file, skipping a node, has to be coherent with the actual connections of the SYSCAL
multi-electrode system.
Alternatively, bad electrode can be removed by clicking on the <delete selected electrode>
button. Consequently, all measurements corresponding to the faulty electrode will be removed from the
[.seq] file. In this case you can see an empty space in Display window in place where the electrode was. The
removed electrode and all related measurements will be highlighted in Data table and in Display window.
Once faulty electrode has been removed or skipped, the modified [.seq] file can be saved using
<save> button at the main window.
Note! There is no explicit <undo> button in X2IPI. But since the modified [.seq] file is not saved, re-opening
of the same [.seq] file will restore the accidentally removed electrode. Furthermore, saving a modified [.seq]
file with removed electrode automatically creates a backup file [.~eq] with previous sequence version in the
active directory. You can recover the previous version by changing the extension.
Shifting electrodes
By default the first electrode is located at X=0 in [.seq] files generated with X2IPI. All electrodes
coordinates can be shifted by entering a value in the <shift (m)> dialog box at the right upper corner of the
main window. The position of electrodes will automatically updated in the electrode table.
Once electrodes have been shifted, the modified [.seq] file can be saved using <save> button at
the main window.
Note! It is highly recommended to use save button with one opened file only.
Removing measurement lines
Measurements lines (spacings) can be removed from the top or bottom of the pseudosection using
the <Delete first lines> or <Delete last lines> dialog box placed at the right side of the main window. The
deleted lines will be highlighted in the Data table and in the Display window. It is better to use Spacing
Once measurement lines have been deleted, the modified [.seq] file can be saved using the
<save> button in the main window.
Note! It is highly recommended to use save button with one opened file only.
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Sometimes it is very time consuming to measure twice resistivities corresponding to the overlapping
part of two pseudosections. Hence, a second [.seq] file corresponding to roll-along acquisition which does
not include the measurements already made at the preceding station position, can be generated using the
following procedure:
Open a [name1.seq] file (with 2N electrodes and unit electrode spacing a)
Shift [name1.seq] file by N*a
Save [name1.seq] as [name2.seq] (active file will be [name2.seq])
Open [name1.seq] and append it to [name2.seq]
In the main window, select [name2.seq] (measurements will be highlighted green if they
are not in [name1.seq] and blue if they are doubles)
In the display window, click on the “Double” button (double measurements will be
highlighted red now and in the display window and in the date table)
Save the [name2.seq] file
Changing multinodes
The “Multinodes” table helps you to change numbers of the multinode used in a [seq] file, i.e. hard
reference numbers of electrodes.
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First, you need to choose the number of electrodes per segment (16 or 24, both available with
SYSCAL equipment). The number of electrodes and multinode used in the [.seq] file is given then.
The bottom box allows you to select which multinode will be used for the first 16 electrodes (first
tab), which will be used for the 16 next (second tab), etc. When all tabs are correct, click on the “ Make SEQ
for …” button.
Note! Modified [.seq] file has to be saved using the “save” button at the main window.
The “reverse” button allows you to reverse the order of electrode hard reference numbers for each
multinode, e.g. for mutinode 1 (hard reference numbers from 1 to 16), it may be useful to have hard
reference numbers from 16 to 1. For example, if the multinode is placed next to the electrode 16 and not
next to the electrode 1.
Transforming AMN to MNB
To transform AMN [.seq] file (forward pole-dipole) to MNB [.seq] file (reversed pole-dipole) use
“Amn2mnB” procedure (<Main window – Exchange – Amn2mnB>). The procedure is the following:
Click on the “Amn2mnB”
Select a [.seq] or [.txt] file with AMN array in the “open...” dialog box
Specify name of [.seq] file with MNB array in the “save as...” dialog box
After that, the newly created [.seq] file with MNB array becomes active in the main
You can also use “AMN → MNB” procedure (<Main window – Exchange – AMN→mnB>). It is an old
version of Amn2mnB and in most cases works as good as Amn2mnB.
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Note! Resistivity model cannot be displayed but you can save it in [.res] file for IPI2WIN
Please, specify correct data type (RES2DINV, Data from Prosys, etc.) when choosing file to open.
To append a file to already opened one, click on the “append” icon (or <Load – Append>, or “Ctrl
+ A”) and select file you want to append. Data files of different types can be opened simultaneously. You
can choose then what data to plot by selecting it in the list of main window.
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Any measurement (low quality) can be removed from the data set in the Data table following by next
criteria (see Ошибка: источник перёкрестной ссылки не найден.Ошибка: источник перёкрестной
ссылки не найден):
If bad measurements are caused by broken electrode, all the measurements made with this
electrode can be deleted. Select faulty electrode in the electrode table or in the display window and press
this “delete” button.
Use this button in the electrode table to delete all data points associated with selected potential
Merging data files
All opened data files can be merged into one single file. There are two possibilities:
For a roll-along measurements with one array, complete data set can be exported to
any of the formats provided by X2IPI (RES2DINV or SENSINV2D). Doubling measurements to
overlapping parts in a roll-along survey will be automatically replaced by their mean.
If measurements was obtained by different electrode arrays, complete data set can be
exported to “general array” format of RES2DINV.
Generating Schlumberger data from AMN and MNB data
For forward and reverse pole-dipole data it is possible to calculate and save Schlumberger data. Open
pole-dipole data files and go then to Advanced Display window and click on “AMNB” button in right upper
corner of the window. If “mean only” is checked, only overlapping parts of the AMN and MNB
pseudosections will be used. If it is unchecked, parts where AMN and MNB don’t coincide will be added to
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to the Schlumberger pseudosection. Save newly created pseudosection (data) by “Save” button in the right
upper corner (RES2DINV [.dat] format).
Opening pole-dipole data in Advanced Display window allows you see the difference between
forward and reversed arrays data (“D-Transf”). It indicates “1D” parts of the sections (small values of the D-
Transf) and “2D” parts (high values of the D-Transf). Furthermore, values of the D-Transf can give you some
information about the depth and the size of the “2D” objects.
First two steps of the flow correspond to [Original data] decomposition into 3 parts: (1) [“1D” part]
(smoothed pseudosection), (2) [P & C effects] and (3) [Residual II]. On third step [P & C effects] and
[Residual II] are being smoothed. The last step corresponds to the reconstruction of [Smoothed data] which
is composed of (1) [“1D” part], (2) [Smoothed P & C effects] and (3) [Smoothed Residual]. The table in the
right upper corner helps you to do all these steps.
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Pseudosection decomposition
First, you need to decompose (Steps I and II) selected pseudosection. Set parameters of the [“1D”
part] calculation on the decomposition page. You can calculate it by averaging resistivities in a horizontal
window of constant width (“Mean in window”).
“Median” or “Mean” options allows you to vary smoothing windows along the line by clicking on
pseudosections. If you misclicked and created a window boundary you didn’t want, just click on the
boundary again and it will be deleted. Mean (or median) 1D values are placed at the center of the
smoothing windows. Data between window-centered values are obtained by linear interpolation between
When the configuration of smoothing is defined, press “Go” button and 3 components will be
recalculated and you will see 4 plots:
[Original data] pseudosection
[“1D” part]
[P & C effects]
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Note! when [P & C effects] plot is not active in the status bar, the [Residual] plot corresponds to [Residual I],
when [P & C effects] plot is active in the status bar, the [Residual] plot corresponds to [Residual II].
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Components smoothing
Once three components ([“1D” part], [P & C effects], [Residual II]) are separated, the last two are
smoothed using the “Smoothing and Reconstruction” page, with which you perform steps III and IV at the
same time.
C and P effects can be smoothed using a median or mean method. Choose the width of the
smoothing sliding window using the scroll bar “Window width = …”
Residual can be smoothed using a median or a mean method also. The applied matrix for that is a
rectangle or a cross (for apparent resistivities with chequerwise layout for Wenner array measurements).
The width of the smoothing sliding matrix can vary in X and in Y directions by “dX = …” and “dY = …” scroll
Press “Smooth” if the smoothing configuration is set right and new 4 plots will be displayed:
reconstructed [Smoothed data] pseudosection
[Smoothed P & C effects]
[Smoothed residual]
[Removed part] = [Residual III_a] + [Residual III_b].
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A new estimation of [“1D” part] from the reconstructed [Smoothed data] pseudosection may be
performed by clicking on “New 1D”. It allows you to refine [P & C effects] calculation. Actually, it provides a
feedback step in the flow chart shown above, allowing to recalculate [Residual I] = [Original data] – [“1D”
part] and then [P & C effects] from recalculated residuals.
Finally, [Smoothed data] pseudosection can be saved using the “Replace original data by smoothed”
button on the “Saving” page.
After “replacing original data by smoothed” close the median procedure window. You will find that
[Smoothed data] pseudosection has been exported to the default display window.
Note! At this stage the [Smoothed data] pseudosection is only recorded in RAM and needed to be saved.
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1. create a new protocol file with 41 electrodes and 5-meter unit spacing (see Icon Bar) and save
2. <Save - SEQ - Make Long protocol>. It creates [.txt] protocol file with new numbers of electrodes
and 10 meter unit electrode spacing.
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3. Shift X to get 0m coordinate for the central (n=21) electrode (Shift(m) = -200). Save it to ELECTRE II
The second step is to create a SHORT protocol for the central part of profile.
1. create a new protocol file with 41 electrodes and 5 meter unit spacing and save it to new file in
ELECTRE II [.txt] format . There is no need in big number of spacings – 4 lines will be enough.
2. Shift X to have 0m coordinate for central (n=21) electrode (Shift(m) = -100). Save it to ELECTRE II
3. Add file with LONG protocol and save two files into one be <Save - Merge SEQ - Merge TXT>.
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Now we have protocol file for 4x21 cable set. We need to open and optimize it for multichannel
receiver. The third step is optimization.
1. Make reciprocal Schlumberger array <Save - Reciprocal SEQ - ElectreII (txt)> (see Save menu) and
open saved file.
2. Sorting quadripoles. <Save - Sorting - Syscal-Pro> or <Save - Sorting - AB lengths> (see Save menu).
Now we have optimized protocol file for 4x21 cable set. We need to convert it into [.xml] protocol file
for TERRAMETER LS. The fourth step is creating [.xml] file.
1. We need to open the protocol and save it to [.org] ABEM format.
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We do not need change number of channels in Long or short Dialog (it was important for SAS4000
ABEM unit). But we have to indicate a correct spread file in [.org] file.
4x21.adr – 4-electrodes array for 4x21 cable set
4x21RemoteC2.adr – pole-dipole array for 4x21 cable set
2x21.adr – 4-electrodes array for 2x21 cable set
2x21RemoteC2.adr – pole-dipole array for 2x21 cable set
The correct spread file depends on cable set (2x21, 4x21, 4x16, 2x32 etc) and four or three electrodes
We can also indicate correct spread file in [.org] file on the second line of [.org] file.
File 4x21.adr does not exist actually. It results that error messages will be issued, but it does not
mean that there is any error in the protocol file (see "6.2 Conversion of ORG to XML Protocol file" in
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Despite the errors, a new [.xml] protocol file with with correct spread name was created. Now it can
be used with TERRAMETER LS and it can be read by X2IPI software also.
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Use <Data from ABEM (txt)> format to read data from TERRAMETER LS TOOLBOX.
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2. Sort quadripoles. <Save - Sorting - Syscal-Pro> or <Save - Sorting - AB lengths> (see Save menu)
3. Now we want to prepare sequence file for SYSCAL-PRO so we need to add gapfiller (dummy)
quadripoles. We can use ELECTRE PRO (IRIS Instruments) software for that.
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Here we made optimized sequence file [.sqz], which should be uploaded to SYSCAL-PRO for field
Also we can use OPTIPRO software (IRIS Instruments). We need uncheck sorting checkbox (“Allow
sorting of the quadripoles before optimization”), because we have already sorted quadripoles. X2IPI uses
different algorithm of sorting quadripoles.
OPTI-PRO creates [.txt] file with long file name. We recommend to rename it short because SYSCAL-
PRO supports only 10 characters in the file name.
Finally we have two sequence file: original [.txt] file and optimized [.txt] or [.sqz] file. However, we
can use original file for SYSCAL-PRO data processing.
Note! There are many other options to prepare sequence file (see Modifying [.seq] file).
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We have to remove gapfiller measurements before data processing. If optimization was made
optimization in ELECTRE PRO, then we can reject gapfillers by PROSYS II before export spreadsheet.
If sequence optimization was made in OPTIPRO, then we can reject gapfillers in X2IPI. There are two
options to read data from PROSYS II. <Data from Syscal-Pro (Prosys)> option allows to reject gapfillers from
[.txt] data file. We read the data file first and the original sequence file.
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Correct X-coordinate
X-coordinate can be corrected by following ways:
Change inter-electrode spacing on Electrode page (see Electrodes page).
Merge different array and different cable setup to one data set
To merge different data sets to one file just open all sets and save them to RES2DINV format .
X2IPI can show data for different arrays on different pseudosections. This is the example of one data set
with three arrays: dipole-dipole, forward and reverse pole-dipole.
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Input topography
The simplest way to include topography data is to prepare table X- and Altitude- coordinates table in
a spreadsheet application (e.g. MICROSOFT EXCEL) and copy it to clipboard.
Use one of these buttons to paste topography data (X and Alt) from the clipboard and to find
each electrode elevation by linear or square interpolation.
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X2IPI can plot misfit pseudosection to analyze inversion results and remove data points with large misfit.