Lesson Plan of Semester: Nursing Study Program Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Klabat
Lesson Plan of Semester: Nursing Study Program Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Klabat
Lesson Plan of Semester: Nursing Study Program Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Klabat
The focus of this course discusses the basic concepts of health and nursing, health programs / government policies in
addressing priority health problems in Indonesia, community nursing care and discussions related to issues and trends in
community health problems, with an emphasis on improving health, preventing disease and health care, special areas in
community nursing, including school health nursing, occupational health nursing, home nursing ("Home care"), quality
Short Description assurance of community nursing services. This course is useful in understanding the basic concepts of community nursing
and various special areas in community nursing, especially related to health problems that are common in Indonesia, and
understanding the mechanisms for guaranteeing community nursing services, as well as issues / trends that occur. Learning
experiences include lecture, discussion (SGD), PjBL, case discussion and practicum.
1. Ferry & Makhfudli. 2009. Buku Ajar Keperawatan Kesehatan Komunitas. Jakarta : Salemba Medika.
2. Kholifah, S. N & Widagdo, W. 2016. Modul Bahan Ajar Cetak Keperawatan: Keperawatan Keluarga dan Komunitas.
References Kementerian Keseharan Republik Indonesia: Pusat Pendidikan Sumber Daya Manusia Kesehatan.
3. http://igemiracle.weebly.com/community-and-family-nursing.html
1. Ajzen, I, 2011. Behavioral Interventions: Design and evaluation guided by the theory of planned behavior. In M.M.
Mark, S.I. Donaldson, & B.C. Champbell (Eds.) Social Psychology for program and policy evaluation (pp. 74-100). New
York: Guilford
2. Allender, et al. 2011. Community health nursing: promoting and protecting the public’s health, 7th edition. USA:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
3. Anderson & Mc Farlane, 2011. Community as Partner: Theory and Practice in Nursing, 6 th ed. USA: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins
4. Bandura, A. (1989). Social cognitive theory. In R. Vasta (Ed.), Annals of child development. Vol. 6. Six theories of child
development (pp. 1-60). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
5. Departemen Kesehatan RI. 2009. Promosi kesehatan, komitmen global dari Ottawa-Jakarta-Nairobi menuju rakyat sehat.
Jakarta: Pusat Promosi Kesehatan,
6. Depkes RI bekerja sama dengan Departemen Pendidikan Kesehatan dan Ilmu Perilaku-FKM UI
Software Hardware
Instructional - Microsoft Office - Computer/Laptop and LCD
Media - White board and board marker
Team Teaching -
Prerequisite - Pathophysiology
courses - Nursing Clinical Practice II
2nd Able to explain 1. Definition of health, Lecture and able to answer exam MCQ and 5%
introduction to healthy indicators, discussion questions about the essay
community health characteristics and introduction to
healthy behavior (120 minutes) community health
Learning Learning Method Assesment
Class meeting Topic of learning materials
Outcomes (Time) Indicator Type Percentage
2. Community health:
understanding of
community, three levels
of prevention (main
goals, strategies and
health services)
3rd Able to explain the 1. Definition of Community Lecture and able to answer exam MCQ and 5%
basic concepts of Nursing discussion questions about the essay
community nursing 2. History of the basic concepts of
development of (120 minutes) community health
Community Nursing
3. Principles of Community
4th and 5th Understanding and Conceptual Theory and Lecture, small Able to show open MCQ and 5%
able to explain the Model in Community group discussion listening and active and essay
theory and Nursing: active discussion
conceptual model 1. Betty Neuman (2 x 120 minutes)
of community 2. Madelein Leininger able to answer exam
nursing questions about the
theory and conceptual
model of community
6th Able to plan Community nursing care in a Lecture, small Able to show open MCQ and 5%
community nursing healthy range of illnesses: group discussion listening and active and essay
care in a healthy 1. The role, function and active discussion
range of illnesses ethics of nurses in (120 minutes)
community nursing able to answer exam
2. Community nursing questions about
process community nursing care
3. Standards of practice in in a healthy range of
Learning Learning Method Assesment
Class meeting Topic of learning materials
Outcomes (Time) Indicator Type Percentage
community nursing illnesses nursing
7th Evaluation programs: Lecture and able to answer exam MCQ and 5%
definitions, goals, benefits, discussion questions about the essay
stages, methods / tools, evaluation programs
teaching-learning processes (120 minutes)
in the community
8th Able to explain Issues and trends in nursing Small Group Able to show open Observation 1,6%
issues and trends in services community: Discussion listening and active and
community nursing 1. Issues and trends in active discussion
community education (120 minutes)
2. Issues and trends in
community research
3. Issues and trends in
professionalism related to
community nursing
9th Able to explain the Epidemiology and population Lecture and able to answer exam Observation 1,6%
concepts of discussion questions about the
epidemiology and epidemiology and
population (120 minutes) population
10th Able to describe Health programs / policies in Small Group Able to show open Observation 1,6%
health programs/ tackling major health Discussion listening and active and
policies in tackling problems in Indonesia: active discussion
1. The concept of health
major health development in Indonesia (120 minutes)
problems in 2. Health service system
Indonesia and regional autonomy
era policy
3. Eradication of infectious
diseases and sanitation of
Learning Learning Method Assesment
Class meeting Topic of learning materials
Outcomes (Time) Indicator Type Percentage
residential environments
(Tuberculosis, AIDS,
ARI, etc.)
11th 4. Community health Small Group Able to show open Observation 1,6%
development program Discussion listening and active and
(Community Nutrition, active discussion
Healthy city programs
and development, etc.) (120 minutes)
5. Public health center
12th 6. Posyandu Small Group Able to show open Observation 1,6%
7. PHN Discussion listening and active and
8. Desa Siaga active discussion
(120 minutes)
18th Understanding Nursing care on the aggregate Small Group shows open listening Observation 1,6%
nursing care on the in the community: the health Discussion and active and active
aggregate in the of the elderly discussion
community: the (120 minutes)
health of the
19th Understanding Nursing care on aggregates in Small Group shows open listening Observation 1,6%
nursing care on the community: Vulnerable Discussion and active and active
aggregates in the populations (mental illness, discussion
community: disability and displaced
vulnerable population)
(mental illness,
disability and
20th and 21th Understanding and Nursing care on the aggregate Small Group shows open listening Observation 1,6%
able to provide in the community: health Discussion and active and active
nursing care on problems of infectious discussion
aggregates in the diseases: TB, HIV / AIDS (2 x 120 minutes)
Learning Learning Method Assesment
Class meeting Topic of learning materials
Outcomes (Time) Indicator Type Percentage
population health
22th and 23th Understanding and Nursing care on aggregates in Small Group shows open listening Observation 1,6%
able to provide of the community: health Discussion and active and active
nursing care to the problems of chronic disease discussion
aggregate in the populations: DM & stroke (2 x 120 minutes)
population health
problems (chronic
24th Understanding the Occupational health nursing Small Group shows open listening Observation 1,6%
provision of Discussion and active and active
nursing care to the discussion
aggregate in the (120 minutes)
community of
industrial workers
25th Understanding the Nursing care on aggregate in Small Group shows open listening Observation 1,6%
provision of the industrial workers Discussion and active discussion
nursing care to the community
aggregate in the (120 minutes)
community of
industrial workers
Learning Learning Method Assesment
Class meeting Topic of learning materials
Outcomes (Time) Indicator Type Percentage
26th Understand the Complementary therapy in Small Group shows open listening Observation 1,6%
provision of the community: Discussion and active discussion
nursing care by 1. Definition of
developing complementary therapy (120 minutes)
complementary 2. Types of complementary
therapies therapies
3. The focus of
complementary therapy
4. The role of nurses in
complementary therapy
5. Complementary therapy
27th Final Semester test (paper based test: MCQ)
(120 minutes)
Subject : Community Nursing Credit :3
Semester : VII Meeting : 4th , 7th
1. Objective of the task: Students understand community nursing theory, nursing issues
and trends and can make community nursing care theoretically.
2. Task description:
a) The arable object: according to the group division
b) What must be done and limitations: the sharpness of the material according to the
material provided is then supported by a journal made in powerpoint and must be
presented in class
c) Method / How to do the task: done in groups and include the reference (What is
the style).
d) The resulting output description: the results of the study are presented in a
minimum of 20 sheets of paper on A4s typed in 12 times new roman, 1.5 spaces,
top margins, bottom, right 1.2 inch 1.4 inch left (1inch = 2 , 54 cm) and equipped
with powerpoint.
3. Assessment Criteria:
a) Value of 25% means: Not able to present well and explain well
b) Value of 50% means: Able to present complete but incomplete explanation
c) 75% value means: Able to present and explain well and completely.
d) 100% value means: able to present, explain and answer questions well and follow
all job descriptions
Subject : Community Nursing Credit :3
Semester : VII Meeting : 9th , 10th , 11th
1. Objective: identify problems and plan strategies for resolving health problems in
2. Task Description:
a) Object Objective: The Concept of Health Development in Indonesia; Health
Service System and Regional Autonomy Era Policy; Eradication of infectious
diseases and sanitation of residential environments (Tuberculosis, AIDS, ARI,
etc.); Community health development program (Community Nutrition, Healthy
City Program and development, etc.); Puskesmas; Perkesmas; Posyandu; PHN;
Desa Siaga.
b) Method / method of work, the reference used: done individually according to the
title obtained (revoked), all data has a proven source by including the reference
based on the APA style writing.
c) Description of output of tasks generated / done: tasks typed on A4 paper with
Font: Times new romance, space 1.5
3. Assessment Criteria
a) Value of 25% means: Unable to do assignments
b) Value of 50% means: Able to draw problems but strategies for solving problems
are incomplete
c) The value of 75% means: Being able to identify problems and plan strategies for
solving problems well but how to write has not followed the APA style
d) 100% value means: Being able to identify problems and plan strategies for
problem solving properly and writing according to WHAT Style.
Attitude Scoring:
1. Definition: Code of conduct in lecture activities
2. Indicator: Manners (talking to lecturers and friends)
3. Score:
a) Value 1 means: behaving disrespectfully towards lecturers and classmates
b) Value 2 means: Behave is not polite to lecturers and classmates
c) Value 3 means: Behave politely towards lecturers and classmates
d) Value 4 means: Be polite towards lecturers and classmates
e) Value of 5 means: Behave is very polite towards Lecturers and classmates