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Steel Casting Suitable for Pressure Service
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Steel Casting Suitable for Pressure Service
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“This imternational sta Development of Designation: A487/A487M - 14°" Standard Specification for vas develops In accordance with internationally recoenzed prindples on standardvation etl n the Delon on Principles for the Steel Castings Suitable for Pressure Service’ “Tis stand is se unde the fed designation ASST/A4S7M the number mms fllowing the des eof revision, the year of ist evison. Aube ia pants incl the year af st eappeova revision or reapprov of exiginal adoption oe the ‘A seperti epilon(e ndctes a editor change since the tion incites the oar This standard hasbeen approved for ase by agencies of he US. Depart of Defense ENOTES —Table 1 was coected editorially in Tune 2017 |. Seope* 1.1 This specification? covers low-alloy steels and marten- sitie stainless steels in the normalized and tempered, or quenched and tempered, condition suitable for pressure- containing parts. The weldability of the classes in this speci fication varies from readily weldable to weldable only with adequate precautions, and the weldability of each class should be considered prior to assembly by fusion welding. 1.2 Selection will depend on design, mechanical, and ser- vice conditions. Users should note that hardenability of some of the grades mentioned may restrict the maximum size at which the required mechanical properties are obtained. 1.3 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in non-conformance with the standard. 1.3.1 Within the text, the SI units are shown in brackets. 14 This international standard was developed in accor- dance with internationally recognized principles on standard ization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom- mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. 2. Referenced Documents 241 ASTM Standards:* "his speifeaion i under the jurisdiction of ASTM Comite AOI Stee, AOL. IS on Castings, Current edition approve March 1, 2014, Pubished March 2018. Oiialy approved in 1963. List previous edition approved in 2012 a A4STIAASTM ~ 93 (2012), DOE: 10:15VAOSST_ADISTAE HED For referenced ASTM stndans, isi the ASTM website, wwwasimons ‘ontct ASTM Customer Serge a servise@astn rg For Aral Book of ASTA Standands volun infomation, ele to the standards Docent Summary page o9 ‘A370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products AA88/A488M Practice for Stee! Castings, Welding, Qualifi cations of Procedures and Personnel .A703/A703M Specification for Steel Castings, General Requirements, for Pressure-Containing Parts AOSS/A9SSM Specification for Steel Investment Castings General Requirements, for Pressure-Containing Parts E165 Practice for Liquid Penetrant Examination for General Industry 709 Guide for Magnetic Particle Testing 2.2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers:* ‘ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section 1X 23 Manufacturers Standardization Society ofthe Valve and Fittings Industry Standards:* SP-55 Quality Standard for Steel Castings-Visual Method 3. General Conditions for Delivery 3.1 Except for investment castings, castings furnished 10 this specification shall conform to the requirements of Speci fication A703/A703M including any supplementary require- ments. that are indicated in the purchase order. Failure 10 comply with the general requirements of Specification A703/ 703M constitutes nonconformance with this specification. In cease of conflict between the requirements of this specification ‘and Specification A703/A703M, this specification shall pre- 3.2 Investment castings furnished to this specification shall conform to the requirements of Specification A98S/A985M_ including any supplementary requirements that are indicated in the purchase order. Failure to comply with the general require- ments of Specification A98S/A985M constitutes nonconfor- ‘mance with this specification. In case of conflict between the International Heagarters Two Park Ave, New York, NY 1006-59, hip "availabe from ManufctresStndasization Society ofthe Valve and Fitngs Industry (MSS). 127 Pak St. NE, Vienna, VA 2180-602, haputwwwme A Summary of Changes section appears atthe end of this standard 1(fy aas7/aae7m - 14°" requirements of this specification and Specification A985/ A98SM, Specification A98S/A985M shall prevail 4, Ord 4.1 The inquiry and order should include or indicate the following: 4.1.1 A description of the casting by pattern number or drawing (dimensional tolerances shall be included on the casting drawing), 4.1.2 ASTM designation and year of issue, 4.1.3 Grade and class of steel, 4.14 Options in the specification, and 4.1.5 The supplementary requirements desired including the standard of acceptance. ing Information 5. Heat Treatment 5.1 All castings shall receive a heat treatment indicated in ‘Table I. Preliminary heat treatment prior to final heat treatment a8 well as multiple tempering is permitted. 5.2 Heat treatment shall be performed after the castings have been allowed to cool below the transformation range. 5.3 The furnace temperature for heat treating shall be effectively controlled by use of recording-type pyrometers. 6. Chemical Composition 6.1 The steel shall conform to the requirements as to chemical composition prescribed in Table 2. Product analysis tolerance shall conform to the product analysis tolerance TABLE 1 Heat Treat Requirement Ravens, . Quenching Cot Tenpaane Grade cine Terentia Moi eee rep 1 a 1600 (670) a 450 220] 1005981, 1 8 1600 (670, L 500 [200] 10 (598), 1 c 1800 (870, Rort 500 [280] 1350 (620), 2 x 1600 (670, a 450 [230] 110 (595), 2 8 1600 (670, t 500 [260] 10 (598), 2 c 1800 (870, Rock 500 [260] 1150 (620), 4 x 1600 (670, ort 500 [200] 10 (595), 4 e 1600 (670, t 500 [260] 10 (595), 4 ce 1800 (570, Kort 500 [280] 1150 (20), 4 D 1600 (670, u 500 [260] 1150 (20), 4 e 1600 (670, L 500 [280] 110 (95), é a 1580 (65) A 500 [280] 100 (95), é a 1380 (845) L 500 (280) 1100 (598), 7 a 1880 (200) L 600 (315) 110 595), @ & 1730 (955) A 500 [280] 1280 (675) 2 a 1730 (955) L 500 (280) 1280 (675) @ c 1730 (955) L 500 [280] 1280 (675) ° x 1800 (870) Kort 500 (280) 100 (595), ° a 1800 (870) L 500 [280] (505) ° c 1800 (870) Kort 500 [260] (220) ° 0 1800 (870) u 500 [260] (620) ° e 1800 (870) L 500 [280] (505) 0 x 1880 (645) A 500 [260] 1100 (95), 0 8 1350 (645) L 500 [260] 100 (596), " a 1850 (800) a 600 315) 10 (596), " 8 1850 (900, L 600 [815] 10 (598), 2 x 1750 (955, a 600 [315] 10 (598), 2 e 1750 (955, t 4200 [205] 10 (598), 3 a 1350 (645, a 500 [200] 10 (598), 3 8 1350 (645, t 500 [260] 110 (95), 14 x 1550 (645, L 500 [200] 10 (598), 16,31200) a 1600 (970)° a 600 [315] 110 (595), ‘oats & 1730 (955, ort 400 (205) 300 [480] eas @ 1730 (955, ork 00 [205] 1100 (595), eats ° 1730 (955, ork a0 (205) 150 [620)7© cats D 1750 (955) ork 0 (205) 150 [620° cars x 1750 (955, ork 400 205) 100 (595), Caenne x 1850 (1010) ork 200 (95) 1080-150 (565-620) Snowe a 420 (1010), aot 00 [251 1285-1276 (o-ca0}"F 1080-1180 (568-20) errant, 2 hamimum temperature unless ranges spect © Double austenite, © Double temper vith the final tempera loner temperate than the nermedt temper © Airco to boom 200°F [95°C afr frst tmper. ‘temedat.(fy aas7/aae7m - 14°" TABLE 2 Chemical Requirements (Maximum Percent Unless Range is Given) Tale 7 z 7 =o n 2 = ma 78 nec asoDe nec _ABcOE We ous noc wages. ‘Nise MBAR Net coer: Chom MARE kek Nal o vanadium “Av conan cena, abe cnomum chemi 08 (Stas) nun Moyers ,CMOMUM MENT; Gam, tru MOMOS®” cern yen cGreons) “rao” Mewerum “Vanadan —oooor) —TSO45) GE) rete)” 22000), Caio 339 33) —a30. ass ss aos 9S om sos a0 ooo Manganese too tap-t4o too 130190 oe0-109 80-090 080-100 Oe0l asb-oa0 910-070 190, Prosphons 03s 000s a0as- aus 00s ous ous‘ © sma Suu oss oss —«Soas—=«soaas==«Soss oss tasS mas Sean oso oso” =—=«Sg0 ago oso moo Nes Sto-080 b%0-080 970-100 {40-200 O0-1.10 980-190 Crema Gao-neo Oat-o80 oaf-aso 200275 7-130 dsens0 ou0-a80 as0-090 wayaunom dioagw O1e0% t900%0 Bsooe0 OBIT GieOs0 ato OSE 080-129 Vora doeoxe Soon tren S00 806 Sippr oieo8 Copp oso 050 ©=as0S Ss asso noe om oso 050 Shromum os tae torw as Toren cos bass Gos bas Gass ak peri Tale = 7 7 one ona oo x 7 7 Low Caton ABO ents Matenstic Class Type ee “Manganese: lenenshe wen Chromium woybdoum Neher Mangas Crom Some or ‘toon Mise or “ions siao0) ree cater 330 a a a or a8 Ntarnunoce Gao oon oP ‘00 ‘00 an Prosper oss ois aoe oss ois css Sue oss oss See oss ois fos Steen oo 0 oso ‘30 oes 00 Nev tac-i7s — taba7s Soa 100 0 seas Cie ar ttsuo ito tyson doo —az00%0 80 oust oie Son pee Fal Eeonts Conver 080 50 020 050 oso 80 woe Crome uo ao a0 oyodonen S10 tapaen aio aio oie aio aio aio vena ons oes fos os 003 cos alco lredalelonens B78 ors 80 80 230 280 7 Propitary soo! composion ® For each reducon of 0.01% below the spectiod maxenum carbon content an increase of 0.04 %¢ manganese sbove the specfled maximum wi be parted up to 8 shown in Specification A703/A703M. For investment castings, the product analysis tolerance shall conform to the product analysis tolerance shown in Specification A985/A985M. Prod- uct analysis tolerances for stainless grades are not presently applicable pending development of these limits. 7. Tens 7.1 Tensile properties of steel used for the castings shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table 3. Requirements 8. Quality 8.1 The surface of the casting shall be free of adhering sand, scale, cracks, and hot tears as determined by visual examina- tion, Other surface discontinuities shall meet the visual accep- tance standards specified in the order. Visual Method SP-55 or ‘other visual standards may be used to define acceptable surface discontinuities and finish, Unacceptable visual surface discon- tinuities shall be removed and their removal verified by visual
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