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Platelet-Rich Plasma Contains High Levels of Platelet-Derived Growth Factor and

Transforming Growth Factor-?? and Modulates the Proliferation of Periodontally Related
Cells In Vitr...

Article  in  Journal of Periodontology · July 2003

DOI: 10.1902/jop.2003.74.6.849 · Source: PubMed


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8 authors, including:

Tomoyuki Kawase Hiromasa Yoshie

Niigata University Niigata University


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J Periodontol • June 2003

Platelet-Rich Plasma Contains High Levels

of Platelet-Derived Growth Factor and
Transforming Growth Factor-␤ and
Modulates the Proliferation of Periodontally
Related Cells In Vitro
Kazuhiro Okuda,* Tomoyuki Kawase,† Manabu Momose,* Masashi Murata,* Yoshinori Saito,*
Hironobu Suzuki,* Larry F. Wolff,‡ and Hiromasa Yoshie*

Background: Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a fraction of plasma, in which

platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and transforming growth factor-β
(TGF-β) are thought to be concentrated. It is plausible that topically-applied
PRP up-regulates cellular activity and subsequently promotes periodontal
regeneration in vivo. However, the concentrations of these growth factors
in PRP have not been specifically determined and the biological effects of
PRP at the cellular and molecular levels have not been determined.

everal polypeptide
Methods: PRP obtained from 20 healthy subjects was prepared from
growth factors (e.g.,
plasma by centrifugation. These PRP preparations were immediately subjected
fibroblast growth fac-
to an evaluation for PDGF-AB and TGF-β1 using enzyme-linked immunosor-
tor, insulin-like growth fac-
bent assay (ELISA) kits. The biological effects of the PRP preparations were
tor-I, platelet-derived growth
evaluated on osteoblastic, epithelial, fibroblastic, and periodontal ligament
factor [PDGF], transforming
cells. Cellular mitogenic activity was evaluated by counting cell numbers
growth factor-β [TGF-β], and
or evaluating 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation. Expression of
alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was immunocytochemically evaluated. bone morphogenetic proteins)
Results: In the PRP preparations, platelets were concentrated up to 70.9 × alone or in combination have
104 cells/µl (283.4% of the unconcentrated plasma). The levels of PDGF- been demonstrated to be
AB and TGF-β1 were also concentrated up to 182.0 ng/ml (440.6%) and effective on cell proliferation,
140.9 ng/ml (346.6%), respectively. Scatter plots revealed significant cor- chemotaxis, differentiation,
relations between platelet counts and levels of these growth factors. PRP and extracellular matrix syn-
stimulated osteoblastic DNA synthesis and cell division (138% of control), thesis and consequently facil-
with simultaneous down-regulation of ALP, but suppressed epithelial cell itate periodontal repair and/
division (80% of control). PRP also stimulated DNA synthesis in gingival or regeneration in animal and
fibroblasts and periodontal ligament cells. human studies.1-10 Among
Conclusions: These data demonstrated that both PDGF-AB and TGF-β1 those growth factors, both
were highly concentrated in the PRP preparations. It is suggested PRP mod- PDGF and TGF-β have been
ulates cell proliferation in a cell type-specific manner similar to what has studied most extensively.
been observed with TGF-β1. Since synchronized behavior of related cell PDGF is stored in the bone
types is thought to be required for successful periodontal regeneration, it matrix11,12 and released upon
is further suggested these cell type-specific actions may be beneficial for activation of osteoblasts, re-
periodontal regenerative therapy. J Periodontol 2003;74:849-857. sulting in an increase of new
bone formation.13,14 In sup-
port of these findings, in vitro
Growth factors, platelet-derived; growth factors, transforming; studies demonstrated that
osteoblasts; periodontal ligament/anatomy and histology; plasma, PDGF initially stimulates bone
platelet-rich. resorption and also stimulates
the proliferation and chemo-
* Division of Periodontology, Department of Oral Biological Science, Course for Oral Life Science, Niigata
University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata, Japan.
taxis of osteoblasts.15,16 Thus,
† Division of Cellular Pharmacology, Department of Signal Transduction Research, Course for Molecular and it is generally accepted that
Cellular Medicine, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences.
‡ Division of Periodontology, Department of Preventive Sciences, University of Minnesota School of Dentistry,
PDGF functions as an ana-
Minneapolis, MN. bolic factor in bone metabo-

Growth Factors in PRP and Its Growth Modulatory Actions Volume 74 • Number 6

lism.1,2,10 On the other hand, TGF-β is also found at to the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
higher levels in bone matrix and upon activation facil- for evaluation of human PDGF-AB and TGF-β1. The
itates wound healing under inflammatory conditions.17 PDGF-AB levels were determined by a sandwich
In previous in vivo studies from our research group,3 ELISA method. According to the manufacturer’s pro-
we have shown that TGF-β1, when coated onto β-tri- tocol, 200 µl aliquots of each sample in duplicate were
calcium phosphate pellets, substantially stimulates cell applied to the microtiter plate pre-coated with a mon-
proliferation and differentiation of osteoblast-lineage oclonal antibody against PDGF-AA, incubated for
cells, and eventually induces new bone formation in 2 hours at 22°C, probed with horseradish peroxidase
experimental rat calvariae osseous defects. In addi- (HRP)-conjugated polyclonal antibody against PDGF-
tion, in association with gingival wound healing after BB for 2 hours at 22°C, and finally reacted with sub-
flap surgery in rats, we demonstrated that topically strate for 20 minutes at 22°C. At the end of the last
applied TGF-β1 stimulates the proliferation of gingival incubation, the reaction was stopped and the plates
fibroblastic cells, the formation of blood vessels, and were measured with a microplate reader¶ at 450 nm.
the remodeling of extracellular matrix molecules, PDGF-AB levels (ng/ml) in the samples were deter-
effects which result in increased formation of granu- mined by a standard curve (8.4 to 1000 pg/ml) pre-
lation tissue of the periodontal tissue.18 pared in parallel with the evaluation of authentic
For economical and biological reasons, PRP prepa- PDGF-AB.
ration has been fractionated from plasma of patients TGF-β1 levels were similarly determined with ELISA.
and used as an autologous source of these growth fac- Briefly, the samples were applied to the plate pre-
tors to regenerate periodontal tissue defects in the same coated with TGF-β receptor II, incubated for 3 hours
patients. This is based on evidence that human platelets at 22°C, probed with HRP-conjugated polyclonal anti-
are enriched with PDGF and TGF-β.19 However, limited body against TGF-β1 at 22°C for 3 hours, and finally
information is currently available concerning growth reacted with substrate for 20 minutes at 22°C. The
factor contents in PRP and their biological effects at the reaction was then stopped and color development was
cellular and molecular levels. Therefore, to provide clear read in a microplate reader at 450 nm. The TGF-β1
evidence for the clinical use of PRP, we have evaluated levels (ng/mg) in the samples were determined by a
the levels of PDGF and TGF-β in our PRP preparations standard curve (7.0 to 1000 pg/ml) prepared in par-
and examined the biological effects of PRP on the pro- allel with the evaluation of authentic TGF-β.
liferation of gingival fibroblastic, oral epithelial, osteoblas-
tic and periodontal ligament (PDL) cells in vitro. Cells and Cell Culture
Human gingival fibroblast Gin-1, osteoblast MG63,
MATERIALS AND METHODS squamous epithelial SCC25, and rat osteoblast
Collection and Preparation of PRP UMR106 cells were obtained from a commercial
Twenty healthy and non-smoking volunteers aged 24 to source.# As previously described,20,21 these cells were
48 years (8 females and 12 males, mean age = 35.1 ± maintained in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium
8.3 years) participated in this study. Prior to the study, (DMEM)** or DMEM/F12 (1:1)** supplemented with
the volunteers were informed of the purpose and were 10% fetal calf serum (FCS)†† in humidified 5% CO2
required to give informed consent. Seventeen ml of and 95% air at 37°C. The method of periodontal liga-
whole blood were drawn from each subject and equally ment (PDL) cell harvesting and preparation from PDL
aliquoted into two 10 ml sterile tubes coated with an tissue has been described in detail earlier.20 Briefly,
anti-coagulant (acid-citrate-dextrose). One tube (8.5 ml) cultures of PDL cells were harvested from an extracted
was used for PRP preparation while the whole blood in tooth that was removed for orthodontic reasons in a
the other tube was evaluated to determine the platelet 14-year-old healthy volunteer. This procedure also
count and growth factors within the unconcentrated required periodontal surgical intervention. The PDL tis-
plasma sample. PRP was prepared according to the sue attached to this extracted tooth was removed by
following procedure immediately after being drawn from a surgical scalpel, minced, placed in 35 mm culture
the subject and as described in the manufacturer’s dishes‡‡ in DMEM supplemented with 10% FCS, 100
instructions.§ At the first centrifugation step (2,400 µg/ml penicillin G, 50 µg/ml gentamicin sulfate, and
rpms for 10 minutes), PRP and platelet-poor plasma 0.3 µg/ml amphotericin B** and overlaid with sterile
(PPP) portions were separated from the red blood cell cover slips. After incubation for 10 days at 37°C, the
(RBC) fraction. After discarding the RBC fraction, the
samples were again centrifuged (3,600 rpms for 15 § Heraeus Labofuge 300, Kendro Laboratory Products, Osterrode, Germany.
minutes) to separate the PRP (0.6 ml) from PPP.  R&B Systems, Minneapolis, MN.
¶ Labsystem Japan, Multiskan BICHROMATIC, Tokyo, Japan.
Determination of PDGF and TGF-β Levels # Dainippon Pharmaceutic Co., Osaka, Japan.
** Life Technologies, Grand Island, NY.
The resulting PRP preparations along with the uncon- †† Hyclone, Logan, UT.
centrated plasma samples were immediately subjected ‡‡ Falcon, Franklin Lakes, NJ.

J Periodontol • June 2003 Okuda, Kawase, Momose, et al.

minced PDL tissue residue was removed from the cul- rejected when the risk percentage was below 5% (P
ture dish, and any cellular outgrowths were harvested <0.05). In the biological examination, statistical analy-
with a standard trypsin/EDTA procedure.20 These cells ses were performed using the Student t-test or ana-
were then passaged to plastic dishes and cultured in lyzed by 1-way analysis of variance. Comparisons bet-
fresh medium at 37°C. Cell passages 4 to 8 were used ween individual groups were made using Tukey’s
for the experiments described here. multiple comparison test; P values <0.05 were considered
Assessment of Cell Proliferation and DNA
The PRP preparations were stored at −20°C until used.
Both UMR106 and SCC25 cells were seeded at a den- Platelet Counts and Levels of Growth Factors
sity of 2 × 105 cells/35-mm culture dish and then incu- The platelet counts and growth factor levels in our PRP
bated with 5% (v/v) PRP in medium containing 1% preparations are shown in Figure 1. The platelet counts
FCS for 24 hours at 37°C. Cells were enzymatically in the PRP preparations ranged from 41.4 to 124.0 ×
detached at the end of the incubation period, and cell 104 platelets/µl, and the median and mean were 65.3 ×
numbers were counted with a hemocytometer. 104 platelets/µl and 70.9 ± 21.6 × 104 platelets/µl,
The other cells were seeded at densities of 1 × 105 respectively. In contrast, the platelet counts in the
(Gin-1) or 2 × 105 cells/35-mm dish (MG63 and PDL) unconcentrated plasma ranged from 17.5 to 34.8 ×
and treated with 2% PRP as described above. In the 104 platelets/µl, and the median and mean were 23.9 ×
presence of added PRP (≥0.5%), the cells became 104 platelets/µl and 25.7 ± 4.6 × 104 platelets/µl,
incorporated into a gel-like material. Under these con- respectively. Thus, the percentage increase was cal-
ditions cells could not be detached without significant culated as 283.4 ± 98.3% (the mean), with a range
damage or loss for cell counting, or were not suitable from 148.2% to 525.4% (versus the unconcentrated
for spectrophotometrical assay. Therefore to avoid plasma; P <0.001) (Fig. 1A).
these disadvantages, we developed a new image-ana- The PDGF-AB levels in the PRP preparations ranged
lytical method. Cells were labeled with 5-bromo- from 57.8 to 403.8 ng/ml, and the median and mean
deoxyuridine (BrdU) for an additional 15 minutes, har- were 166.1 ng/ml and 182.0 ± 75.5 ng/ml, respec-
vested with a rubber policeman, and smeared onto tively. In contrast, in the unconcentrated plasma,
glass slides. Each specimen was fixed once with 3.7% PDGF-AB levels ranged from 14.8 to 128.9 ng/ml, and
formaldehyde in a phosphate buffered solution (pH 7.4) the median and mean were 38.6 ng/ml and 51.8 ± 33.4
and subjected to immunocytochemical staining with ng/ml, respectively. Thus, the percentage increase was
monoclonal anti-BrdU antibody and Cy3-conjugated determined as 440.6 ± 211.8% (the mean), with a
anti-mouse immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody.§§ For range from 191.0% to 914.7% (versus the unconcen-
detection of cells, the specimens were also stained trated plasma; P <0.001) (Fig. 1B).
with polyclonal anti-p38-mitogen-activated protein The TGF-β1 level in the PRP preparations ranged
kinase (MAPK) antibody and conjugated anti-rabbit from 50.4 to 262.3 ng/ml, and the median and mean
IgG antibody.¶¶ were 126.2 and 140.9 ± 53.5 ng/ml, respectively. In
the unconcentrated plasma samples, in contrast, the
Immunocytochemical Detection of Alkaline TGF-β1 levels ranged from 21.3 to 60.1 ng/ml, and
Phosphatase the median and mean were 42.4 and 41.6 ± 11.4 ng/
MG63 and UMR106 cells were also subjected to ml, respectively. Thus, the percentage increase
immunocytochemical detection of alkaline phosphatase was determined as 346.6 ± 111.3% (the mean), with
(ALP) expression. As described above, cells were har- a range from 158.7% to 538.9% (versus the uncon-
vested, smeared, and stained with monoclonal anti- centrated plasma; P <0.001) (Fig. 1C). These results
ALP antibody## and Cy3-conjugated anti-mouse IgG.§§ indicate that those growth factors are significantly
Cell distribution was visualized with anti-p38-MAPK concentrated along with platelets in the PRP prepa-
antibody. rations.
The correlation was then analyzed between platelet
Statistical Analysis counts and growth factor levels using scatter plots.
Wilcoxon’s signed-rank matched pairs tests were used The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) values were
for intra-group data set comparison between PRP and calculated as 0.48 (PDGF-AB: P <0.05) and 0.57
the unconcentrated plasma sample within each vol- (TGF-β1: P <0.01). Therefore, significant correlations
unteer. Scatter plots and Pearson correlation coeffi- between these 2 parameters were clearly demon-
cient (r) were used to demonstrate the relationship
between platelet counts in the PRP preparations (or §§ Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Buckinghamshire, U.K.
 New England Biolab, Beverly, MA.
the unconcentrated plasma samples) and their respec- ¶¶ Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR.
tive growth factor levels. The null hypothesis was ## Chemicon International, Inc., Temecula, CA.

Growth Factors in PRP and Its Growth Modulatory Actions Volume 74 • Number 6

Effects of PRP on Cell Proliferation and Alkaline

Phosphatase (ALP) Expression
The effects of PRP on the proliferation of osteoblast
UMR106 and epithelial SCC25 cells are shown in Fig-
ure 3. Treatment with 5% PRP for 24 hours increased
the number of osteoblastic UMR106 cells by 138% (ver-
sus the cultures with no addition) (Fig. 3A), whereas
it decreased the number of epithelial SCC25 cells by
82% (versus the cultures with no addition) (Fig. 3B).
These data are essentially consistent with the obser-
vations from the DNA synthesis assay as described
The effects of PRP on BrdU incorporation into
osteoblastic and epithelial cells are shown in Figure 4.
Treatment with 2% PRP for 24 hours (plus 15 minutes
for labeling) substantially increased the number of cells
positive for BrdU in UMR106, but decreased that in
SCC25 cells. This method was further applied to the
rest of the cell types. PRP treatment (2%, 24 hours)
again reproducibly increased BrdU incorporation into
MG63, Gin-1 and PDL cells. These data are summa-
rized in Table 1.
In the parallel experiment, the effects of 2% PRP on
ALP expression in MG63 cells were immunocyto-
chemically detected, as shown in Figure 5. PRP down-
regulated ALP protein expression in MG63 cells (Panel
D versus B). In data not shown, however, 2% PRP did
not influence ALP expression in the other osteoblastic
UMR106 cells.
PRP has been thought, but not well demonstrated, to
contain certain growth factors, such as PDGF and TGF-
β, at high concentrations. In addition, it has not been
demonstrated that these growth factors in PRP are
involved in accelerating regeneration of periodontal tis-
sue damaged by periodontitis. In the present study, we
have clearly demonstrated that PRP is a mixture of
concentrated platelets and growth factors, especially
PDGF and TGF-β. In addition, we have for the first time
shown that PRP containing these growth factors effi-
ciently and effectively regulated the proliferation of
periodontal related cells in culture.
Figure 1. Level of Platelets in PRP
Changes in platelet counts and growth factor levels in the process of
To prepare PRP, in the current study, freshly collected
PRP preparation. A. Platelet counts in PRP and unconcentrated plasma.
B. PDGF-AB level in PRP and unconcentrated plasma. C. TGF-β1 level plasma (i.e., unconcentrated plasma) was centrifuged
in PRP and unconcentrated plasma. at 2,400 rpms for 10 minutes as the first step and then,
after discarding the RBC fraction, at 3,600 rpms for
15 minutes as the second step. The platelet density in
the resulting PRP preparations was increased by 283.4%
strated in the PRP preparations (Figs 2A and 2B). In when compared to the unconcentrated plasma. This
contrast, no significant correlations were found in the percentage increase in platelet density was higher
unconcentrated plasma samples (Figs. 2C and 2D). (205.7%) than that obtained by Landesberg and
These data suggest that both PDGF-AB and TGF-β1 coworkers,22 but lower (338%) than that obtained by
were mainly derived from platelets in the PRP prepa- Marx and coworkers.23 This discrepancy could be due
rations. to a variation of the procedures for centrifugation of the

J Periodontol • June 2003 Okuda, Kawase, Momose, et al.

Figure 2.
Relationship between platelet counts and growth factor levels in the PRP preparations. A. Scatter plot of PDGF-AB levels versus platelet counts in PRP.
B. Scatter plot of TGF-β1 levels versus platelet counts in PRP. C. Scatter plot of PDGF-AB levels versus platelet counts in unconcentrated plasma. D. Scatter
plot of TGF-β1 levels versus platelet counts in unconcentrated plasma.

original plasma samples (e.g., force, time, etc.). From factor (PDGF-AB and TGF-β1) levels in the PRP prepa-
a qualitative point of view, however, our PRP prepara- rations. However, no statistically significant correlation
tions were nearly identical to those obtained by other was found between these 2 parameters in the uncon-
investigators and were applicable for the experiments centrated plasma. This result implies that the platelet
performed in this investigation. is the major source of these growth factors in the PRP.
Weibrich and colleagues24 have recently quantitated
Levels of PDGF and TGF-β in PRP concentrated levels of PDGF-AB and TGF-β1 in PRP
As described above, it has been postulated that the by 2 different methods. The platelet concentrate col-
levels of PDGF-AB and TGF-β1 in PRP preparations lection system (PCCS) PRP method produced about
depend on the number of platelets involved. In the pre- 252 ng/ml of PDGF-AB, 467 ng/ml of TGF-β1, and
sent study, we did demonstrate a statistically signifi- 2.23 × 106 platelets/µl, while the curasan-type PRP kit
cant correlation between the platelet counts and growth produced 314 ng/ml of PDGF-AB, 80 ng/ ml of TGF-

Growth Factors in PRP and Its Growth Modulatory Actions Volume 74 • Number 6

Figure 4.
Effects of PRP on BrdU incorporation in osteoblastic, and epithelial
cells. Cells were seeded and treated with 5% PRP (UMR106 and
SCC25 cells) for 24 hours (Panels C and D). Non-treated cultures
served as controls (Panels A and B). For an additional 15 minutes,
cells were labeled with BrdU and then harvested for preparation of
smeared specimens. After fixation, cells were immunocytochemically
stained for evaluation of BrdU incorporation (Panels B and D). For
distribution of cells in a view (Panels A and C), the same specimens
were also stained for p38-MAPK. Each experiment was repeated a
Figure 3. minimum of 5 times and all experiments gave similar results.
Effects of PRP on the proliferation of osteoblast and epithelial cells.
Both UMR106 (A) and SCC25 cells (B) were seeded at a density of
2 × 105 cells/35 mm culture dish and treated with 5% PRP for
24 hours in media supplemented with 1% FCS. At the end of the
incubation period, cells were harvested and counted with a ng/109 platelets, respectively. Compared to the above
hemocytometer. P <0.01, P <0.002 versus each control.
data,24 our preparation method appeared more effi-
cient in simultaneously concentrating both growth fac-
tors. If our method is further improved to obtain higher
β1, and 1.14 × 106 platelets/µl. Thus, PDGF-AB and densities of platelets in PRP, it is theoretically possible
TGF-β1 levels are determined as 113.0 and 209.4 to provide these growth factors at higher levels than that
ng/109 platelets, respectively, in the PCCS method, achieved at the present. The method for obtaining a
while those levels in the curasan-type system are 275.4 higher density of platelets in PRP is currently under
and 70.2 ng/109 platelets, respectively. In this study, investigation in our laboratory.
on the other hand, we found that PDGF-AB and TGF- It has also been thought that PDGF and TGF-β are
β1 levels in the PRP preparations were 256.7 and 198.7 released and present at higher levels in areas where

J Periodontol • June 2003 Okuda, Kawase, Momose, et al.

Table 1. tions were reconfirmed by our image-analytical method

for DNA synthesis. When this method was further applied
Effects of PRP on BrdU Incorporation in to the other cell types, PRP appeared to act as a mito-
Osteoblastic, Epithelial, Fibroblastic, and gen also on osteoblastic MG63, gingival fibroblastic
PDL Cells Gin-1 and PDL cells.
These biological actions seem very similar to pre-
Cell Type Regulation of BrdU Incorporation viously published data. PDGF15,16 and TGF-β29 stim-
ulate mitogenic activity in osteoblasts, but TGF-β acts
UMR106 Up
as a growth inhibitor for epithelial cells.30-32 Also in
SCC25 Down PDL29,33 and gingival fibroblastic cells,26,33 PDGF
and/or TGF-β1 have been shown to stimulate the pro-
MG63 Up
liferation of these cell types. Taken together with our
Gin-1 Up data on growth factor levels, these findings suggest
that PRP possibly modulates cell proliferation by PDGF-
and/or TGF-β-mediated mechanisms.
We believe that PRP actions are “essentially” iden-
tical to TGF-β actions. Compared to authentic TGF-
β1 alone, however, our PRP preparations more potently
stimulated PDL and osteoblastic proliferation and inhib-
ited epithelial proliferation (data not shown). Thus, we
speculate that other identified (e.g., PDGF) and uniden-
tified components in PRP may effectively function in
combination with TGF-β in the periodontal regeneration
process. In a separate investigation,34 we have demon-
strated that fibrinogen contained in PRP is converted to
insoluble fibrin and potently stimulated collagen syn-
thesis in PDL and osteoblastic cells. Thus, it is also pos-
sible that fibrin converted from fibrinogen could work in
concert with these growth factors in promoting regen-
eration. At present time, we have no direct evidence to
support this kind of synergistic action. However, our
laboratory is continuing to investigate the potential
Figure 5. benefits of using PRP in periodontal regeneration.
Effects of ALP expression on MG63 cells. Cells were treated with 2% PRP In conclusion, these data demonstrated that PRP
for 24 hours (Panels C and D) and smeared for immunocytochemical can serve as a source for the representative growth
staining of ALP (Panels B and D) or p38-MAPK (Panels A and C). factors such as PDGF and TGF-β. In addition, PRP also
Non-treated cultures served as controls (Panels A and B). modulates cell proliferation in a cell type-specific man-
ner. Its ability to suppress epithelial cell proliferation
seems advantageous for periodontal regeneration. The
wound healing is occurring.25 According to previous
suppression of the down-growth of junctional epithe-
reports, PDGF levels in circulating platelets are in the
lium onto dental root surfaces in the regeneration
order of 0.06 ng per 1 × 106 platelets,26 and the effec-
process would avoid intereference by epithelium with
tive concentration of TGF-β, when exogenously applied
the formation of a new connective tissue attachment
in vitro and in vivo, ranges from 10 ng/ml to 1 µg/
on the root surface. These biological actions are very
ml.3,27,28 Therefore, our data support the notion that
similar to previous reports on PDGF and TGF-
the growth factor levels in our PRP preparations are
β.15,16,26,29-33 Our results, therefore, provide convinc-
above the minimum essential level to induce the bio-
ing evidence for the clinical application of PRP as a
logical effects necessary for periodontal wound heal-
potent tool to facilitate periodontal regeneration.
ing and tissue repair/regeneration. To further investi-
gate this concept, we have examined the effects of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
PRP on cultured cells. This study was supported in part by Grants-in Aid for
Biological Action of PRP on Periodontally Scientific Research 14571979 and 14771216 from the
Associated Cells In Vitro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
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