Malaysian Standard Sewerage System MS 1228 1991 PDF

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MALAYSIAN STANDARD MS 1228 : 1991 CODE OF PRACTICE FOR DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF SEWERAGE SYSTEMS SECTION 1 : GENERAL SSURIM stanpanos a npustriaL RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA © copyrign ey pares MS 1228 1991 ‘This Malaysian Standard, which had been approved by the Building and Civil Engincering Industry Standards Committee and endorsed by the Council of the Standards and tndustria) Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) was published under the authority of the SIRIM Courei in July, 199, SIRIM wishes to aw attention f0 the fact that this Malaysian Standard does not purport o include all the necessary provisions of a contrac. ‘The Malaysian Stand tre subject to periodical review to keep abreast of progress in the indastres concerned, Suggestions for improvements willbe recorded and in due course brought to the notice ofthe Committss charged with the revision ofthe standards to which they refer ‘The following ceferences relate tothe work on tis standard Committe eference + SIRIM 491/111 Draft for comment: DIL3 (ISC B) CONTROLLED COPY COPY NO: | SANA NALATSN SON BHO! ‘Amendments isued since publication ‘Amd. No, Date of issue Text affected ‘CONTENTS Commitee sepresentation Foreword General Materia Design flow and organic loadings Sewer and appurtenances Sewage pumping stations “Treatment works Dispos of sewage and treated effluent “Treatment and dsposl of studge Tables 1 Equivalent popustons 2 Desig criteria for serted lagoons 3 Common parameters and operating characteristics of single-stage activated sludge sytem 4 Sludge Loading Rate Append A List of references 1 typical diagram for manhote and spection chamber Typical installation of automatic connecting type submersible pump Typical diagrams for septic tank “Typical view of sedimentation tank Fixed film media ‘Suspended film media Page 10 2 a u 2 ss % ” 2 66 ons 18 16-7 1% 9 0 Ms 1228: 1991 Commit representation ese Wen ae WD it tn an creme Sra) Uren ge heed arabes) aban Ot) tess er mer lamas Kaas Kenia Ke TE ae . We Gg Bon me Mohd Yr beanie bats Forum Ness sapere in [conrou ‘Cory | cory xo: —L.___| : | snavo WALATSI) SON BHO Ms 1228: 1991, FOREWORD ‘This Malaysian Standard Code of Practice was prepared by the Techaical Committee on Builir Services under the authority ofthe Building and Civil Engineering Industry Standards Committe 1m the past, pit privies, conservancy syrtoms end septic tank sytem were considered stisfacto, methods for the dispossl of excreta, However, numerous studiet have indicated that the ‘methods, without further treatment of the effluents and slodge can be an environmental hes! hazard. A umber of epidemics of cholera, typhoid, gastcenteriis, infectious hepatitis and like have been closely linked wi water supply and contaminated wit ‘these systoms were not designed to receive sullage which were discharged to surface érains wi no weatment and were the only practicable means for disposal of sewage in rural are density of popul where t ion is low. The provision of a sewerage system to collect and convey all wastewater to convenient poi where the wastewater can be treated prior to dispel is very necessary to protect the envioame and the hesith of the people in general. This code of practice deals with plaoaing, desig installation and testing, which includes the sppurtenances, sewage pumping stations, sewa, tweatment works, sludge treatment and disposal of effluent. Iti intended for use by the desi engineer in the pl ning and the design of sewerage systems, and by the relevant approvit suthorty forthe vetting and evaluation of designs, plans and specications for such works. Whi this code provides standards/specifcations for those experienced in design, itis alo recogni that ot al sewer works are designed by such persons. Ii, therefore, strongly recommends ‘hat specialist advice be sought where appropriate, particularly in the desien of the sewa treatment work. nthe preparation of this code, references have been made to various internationally escent cudes of practice and standards, adapting them to local conditions. Consider valuable advice have also been derived from a panel of exper soknowladged, tnd svch assistance i hese! MS 1228 1991 CODE OF PRACTICE FOR DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF SEWERAGE SYSTEMS SECTION 1. GENERAL 11g St0Pe This code of practice deals with the planning deta, construction and {nstaiaton and testing, of sewerage system, which inclades the sewers and sewer tppurcsaasen ‘sewage pumping stations, sewage treatment works, and all the other wotks neseieny fo coocy, convey, treat. and finally dispose domestic sevage and permit amount of industeal wastewater. This code does not deal with the teitmont of Industral fticents (Geer at Dermitted to be discharged into the sewerage system) and operation and tnntenance, ‘This code is intended to indicate what is considered to be the minimum requcements forthe design of sewerage systems and good practices, under normal conditions, However, it any ‘calle that incerta localities and/or cirsurstances, there tay be specat condoms which wey ‘quire modification to the minimum requirements laid oven in this cose This Code's resommendations should be supplemented as ceauired by skilled engineering advice based on knowledge of sewerage work practices nnd of local conditians 1.2 Fundamental considerations 124 Letislaions. The existing lepisations that effect the provisions under this Code, aed that affect the rights and duties of the Local Authorities, who are the fal approving suthohtes Fal lans pertaining to sewerage systems, include the following, (@) Local Government Act, 1876 () Sweets, Drainage and Building Act, 1974 (@)” Uniform Building By-iws, 1964 Drainage, Sanitation nd Sanitary Plumbing By-laws, 1976 (©) Environmental Quality Act, 1974 © Environmental Quality Gevage and Industil Events) Regulations, 1979 PU. (a) 12/29, (ii) Environmental Quay (Clean Ait) Regulations, 1978.-P.U. (A) 280/78 (ii) Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activities) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Order 1987 () Town and Country Planning Act, 1976. (©) Factories and Machinery Act, 1967. (0) Electrical Inspectorate Act, 1984 CONTROLLED Copy 5 cory Nos Smo aLaysa) | | | Ms 1228; 191 1.22 Safety. Full consideration shall sewerage syriems in the planning, design and coastroction of such system, The treatment Mor Dumping station, sewer and sewer appurtenances shall be adequately protected and located wh necessary aginst unauthorised interference and poteail accident ‘Attention is also drawa tothe provisions of the Factories and Machinery Act, 1967, with vega 'o the safety requirements for operators in sewers and sewage works. Reference can be made ‘he Health and Safety Guidelines No.2 “Safe National Joint Heath and Safety Committe for Water Service, National Water Council, England ~ 1969" and. occupational health and phys safety inthe Wastewater Treatment Plant Design by a joint comnitiee of the Water Pollut Control Federation and American Society of Civil Engineers, 1.23 Location of facilities. All sewer and sewer appurtenances, pumping stations end sew: twestment works shall be located as far from the public right-ot-way and habiable buldiogs economically practicable. The direction of prevailing winds shal be considered whea sting Sewage treatment works. Generally, unless required otherwise by the prevailing local conditio the sewage weatment works and pomp Teast 20 m away from any habita building. For works where noise, odour, isa factor the distance should be increas Location of the final discharge’ point for tweatedelfluent from sewerage tieatment works st tiso consider beneficial users of the receiving water course. 24 Access. Good all weather access roads shall be provided to the sewer appurtenane Pumping stations and tewage tentment works, 28 Industral wastewater, Indusval wastewaters requir preteatnent prior to discharge i the sewerage system, Pretreatment is necessary to reduce tore substeness and other materials € imay interfere with the nocml operation of the sewerage system of may Poses risk to sew ‘tem workers. The stipulation of the pretreatment standard for the discharge of Industrial effluent into | sewerage system isthe responsibility of the respective ical authority. The Sixth Schedule of Environmental Quality (Sewage and Industrial Eifluents) Regulations, 1979 — PU(A) 12/ soay be used at 2 guide for discharge of preiceted indusrial wastewster Into sewerage syne: In adion to this, industrial wastewaters shall not contain say of tne following: (@) Any liquid, solid or gases, which by itself or in combination with other substances, & which by reason of is quantiy is likely or is euficiat to cause ire, explosion or ta! damage to any component of the sewerage system, or be a health tazard or oiherw objectionable, or prevents the entry into the system by the maintenance/cepair worker; () Any radoactve substances and (@) Any substances Tiable to form 2 viscous oF slid coating or deposition on any part of sewerage system, thereby affecting the performance of the system 1.3 References. The cites of publications referred to and other standards of interest in « Tie is given in appendix a. 14 Definite For the purpose of this code of practic the following definitions apply 14.1 Activated sludge. A floscolent wicrobial mas, produed when sewage is continuo sorted 1.42 Aerobie action. A biological process promoted by action of bacteria in the presence of dissolved oxen. 1.43 Anaerobic action. A biological process promoted by action of bacteria in the absence of dincotved oxygen, 14a Baffle. A device wed in a tank to check eddies and promote 4 more uniform flow through the tok, 14 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). The amount of disolved oxygen consumed by the microbiological action When a sample i incubated, usually for $ days at 20°C. 1.4.6 Biolopical fer. A bed of relatively inert material (such st slag, moulded plastics, clinker ete) ro promote or asst natural aerobic degradation of sewage. 147 Bowom water level (BIL). The minimum operating water level in & pump well 148 Disribuor. A device For spreading sted sewage aver the surface ofa biologic fie, 149 Effluent Fluid discharged From a given source 14.10 Final e/fluent. The effluent dlscharged from a sewage treatment works 14.11 Mixed liquor. A minture of sewage and activated sludge enderaoing circulation and seration in the aeration tank or chanoel ofan ativated sludge plant 14.12 Mixed liguor suspended solids (MLSS). ‘Tee conceatation of dry solids in mg/l of tmixed Liquor in the aeration tank or chanel of an activated sludge plant. 14.13 Package plant, A prefabs red factory-buil sewage treat ent installation. 14.14 Parameter. Any of the factor shown in the Fist Column of the Third Schedule or in the Fifth Schedule and other factors which the Director General of Environmental Quality may specify in accordance with the provisions af parsgeaph (4) of Regulation (8), Environmental ‘Sewage and Industria! EfFluents Regulation) 1979 © PU(A) 12/79 S_Populaion equivalent.” The equivalent, in terms of fixed population of a varying or lwansient population or other activity (eg- industrial, commercial contributing low to the severage system). 1.4.16 Primary sedimentation tank. A tank in which the setdeable and floating solids are substantially removed (vom the crude sewage flowing through it 14.17 Rotating bialogical eamacter (RBC). A unit consisting of a series of closely spaced ‘media mounted on 8 rotating that 1.4.18 Seum Board. & device used at the outlet end of stank to retain seum and other floating 14.19 Sewage. _Any liquid discharge containing animal or vegetable matter in suspension or solution, and may include iguidsconttining chemicals ia CONTROLLED cup, 7 COPY No: | ive wairaroney Ms 1228 : 1991 4.20 Sewerage sysiems. A system incorporating sewers and all other structures, devic ‘qipment and appurtenances iatended forthe calecion, wanaportalion, Pumping, eaiment 8 ‘lspsal of sewage including a treatmeat pant, 1.421 Sewer. Any line of pines or channels with their appurtenances designed and used convey sewage and eluents 122 Sludge. A sot deposit of particulate matter sated from a uid 1.423 Specific surface. A property of biological filter media expressed as surface area ‘nit volume (a"/m9) 4.24 Sullage oF sullage water. cludes any household waste Tiquds discharged from ¢ ath, shower, wash basin, floor gully, Inundarios or sink (not Boing a Hop sik) but excly Faecal water and rine 1.425 Supernatant liquor. The effivent from the primary sediment jon tank, sedimentation tank, clarifier or sludge aigetor 1.426 Suspended sollds (SS). Solids in suspension in sewage liquor. 1427 Top water level (TWL). The maximum water level in sedimentation tank, an aerat tank, oxidation pond ora sludge storage tak or any other sewage treatment sructre. 15 Collect esigning a sewerage systems ‘The following basic information should be obtained bel (4). requiemeats of the loca building control and planning authority, (©) requirements of the appropriate watr/river avhority, (©) minimum and maximum numbers of persons (esdent and non- resident) tobe served; (4) average 24 hours water consumption, and any special conditions affecting the competion Sewage and peak rates of Flow dats are obtinable from the relevant suthorty, (©) existence of ititration water (0) particulars of site; (© sistance fom the nearest habitable bilsings (3) prevating winds (i) eves (iv) information as to the nature of the ground including the level and variations of water table (9) avcess for vehicles and plant, MS 1228 : 1991 outfall location, eg tidal of inland waters, rivers, streams, ditches or tsa the proximity, highest known flood lvel and minimum Pow of any strehm or other course t0 which discharge ofthe effluent possible; (0) conditions under which the works willbe normally operate and be maintained; GD possiitty of the need for future extension of the works or of their elimisation by @ ‘comprehensive scheme; (0) avallbilty of eectic power and mains water, (cm) factties for eventual daposat of sludge and sreenings. Ms 1228 1991 | SECTION 2, MATERIALS 2.4 General, All materials sod inthe construction of any of the works desribed in ‘ode should comply with th relevant Malaysian Standards, I ‘Where no Malaysian Standard exists, materials should be suitable and adequate forthe gor For which they ar used and comply with any acceptable international standard. 2.2 Aggregates. All agregates shall comply to MS 29* and MS 30°*. The grading o! aggregates shal comply Co the requirements stated in MS S22Part 1” 2.3 Cement. Comont sed for works included in this code should comply with requirements of MS 522:Part I” and MS 1057" Other type of cement can be used with the prior approval by the relevant authorities 2.4 Cement mortar. Cement mortar selection of the corest cement and se in mantars should follow the recommendations of 222 and 7.3. A mortar ‘cement/sand ratio is suitable for the following purpose: (brickwork pletering: Gi) jointing clay or concrete pipes where flexible joints cannot be used; rendering of inverts and benchings bedding and haunching manhole cover and frames, Ccucium ont le should not be added to mortars 2.5 Bricks. All bricks shall comply to MS 76* and MS 32 26 Concrete 26.1 General. Concrete works should be in accordance with MS_1195:Part 1.¥ All con surfaces subjected to acid stack and corrosion should be tested and lined with epoxy oF Treatments or constructed with sulphate-resstng coment I 262 Admixures. _ Admixtures for promating workability, for improving strength, tntrainiog air or for any other purpose should be wed only. with the prior approval © Felevant authority. Admistres shall comply with MS 923Par*# 2 MS ghar Maan Sac icra ef Cone Pat Cee Pai oS nd 0 Eo Calcium chloride asa admixture should not be used in reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete or any concrete made from sulphate-resstng Portland cement. For guidance, ceference should be ‘made to MS1195, 2.6.3 Workmanship. Concrete should be mixed in a mechanical mixer until there isa uniform Gisribution of the materials and the mix is uniform in colour. It should te Watsported to the point of placing as rapidly as practicable by methods that wil prevent segregation at the Ios of ‘ny of the ingredients, placed at soon at posible and thoroughly compacted by rodding, tenping ‘vibration so a to form a void free mass around any reinforcement tnd into the cornets of the formwork ot excavation. Exposed concrete should be cured by keeping tina damp condition Cor sat leant four days, 2.7. Plastics. All pipes and Fitngs should comply with the relevant Malesian Standards and where practicable should have flexible joins, New plastic products can be used with the Dri approval by the relevant authorities, 2.8 Others. Other materials which are not mention in this code can be used withthe prior ‘spproval by the relevant authorities and where posible it should comply with all the Matayian Standard. SECTION 3. DESIGN FLOW AND’ ORGANIC LOADINGS 3a glitmerl Sewerage systems shall be designed forthe estimated ultimate contribu opuation, except when considering pats ofthe system that can be readily increased in cape, ‘The design flow and organic lading shall be estimated onthe basis ofthe estimated cont ‘population and shall include iafiltation flows allowances, se design flow. The aver aily design flow shall be based on 225 lire 33. ,Deslan organ loadings. The organic loading from domestic sewage shall be nore based on 35 g of BOD (5 days at 20°C) per person per day, and 68 g of suspended solids person per day. When existing system is being upgraded, the design of the now facies shal based on actual strength of the wastewater flow, Where industrial wastewater is permitted into the sewerage systems, the loadings shall be base tne ‘permissible levels described under the ‘Environmental Quality (Sewage. an Indes Efrwents) Regulasions,1979 = PU(A) 12/79, 34 Estimation of sewage flows and organic loading from various premises, The average de ally flow may be estimated from a given premises can be determined by mkishiog ‘estimated equivalent population for that premise by the average dally flow por capi ices 32. The equivalent population for the various types of premises given in ble I can te noe ‘he minimum, forthe purpose of computing the average design day flows, 35. pltdustial wastewater. Where industrial wastewater is permite into «sewerage sys! ‘he design flows shall be based onthe minimum requirements given in able 36 ghtth flows. The peak hourly flow, which will required in the design of sew Pumping station and components of the treatment plant, shall be determined from the foley Form Peak flow fustor = 47 x pt here is estimated equivalent population, in thousand, 2321 pgrlailtation. While the sewerage systom shall be designed cater for unavoidable ame 9 tnftration, which arises from faulty joints, cracked sewer pipes and manholes, iW sbscla important that the infiltration into the sewerage system be minimised through proper selection roper supervision of construction tad field testieg of components of system for water-tight. For guidance, the sewerage system may be designed to eater for maxisium infitr 50 te per min. diameter per kan of sewer per dey The, industrial wastewater flow for fight industries including lated facto ‘be 20 mt per hectare/day. Other category of idutry will be gauge by case bai, (MS 1228 : 1991 No. | Type of Premise/Establishment onan su ~ ; | eee ~ Fully residentiat | pee student fe | erereecreee ew eseeer 5 leer roy Suitle Cue ach Ms 1228: 1991 SECTION 4. SEWER AND APPURTENANCES 4.1 General. Sanitary sewers shall be designed and installed to collect end convey sil waste flows oth domestc(municinl) wastes and indusirial wastes (should be approved by the pproving authority) as well as an unavoidable amount of the ground water infiltration to & point of acceptable treatment and ultimate discharge. Rain water (rom roofs, stets, and other arees ‘nd ground water from Foundation rains shall be excluded 42 Pipe Materials os 421 | Choice of materials. Various pipe materials are available and selection should be based ‘on evaluation of the following fators~ (@) Life expectancy (0) Previous local experience (6) Resisance to internal and external (@) Roughness coefficient () Structural strength rosion and abrasion (© Cost of supply, transport and eat of instalation (@) Local availability 422 Types of pipe mavrial. Common materia suitable for sanitary sewers are:= (@) Vurified clay pipe (VCP). Available loclly and are manufactured with Flexible joits in lengths of 0 m to 1.0 m oF more and diameter of 100 mm to 300 min (©) Reinforced concrete pipe. Avaliable locally in sizes ranging from 150 mm to 3000 mim ia diameter. Standard length are 1.83 m for pipe diameter les than 37S sum and lengths of 3.03 m for pipe diamete greater than 315 mm. Several pipe joins are availabe including the spigot and soctat type with rubber rings (©) Fabricated steel with sulphates resistnce cement lining. Available in a wide range of diameter (100 mm to 1500 mm) and lengths up to 9.0 m, Several pipe joimts are avrlale such av Spigot and socket, lange end mechanical which are commoaly used for small diameters up to 750 mm whilst welded joints ae used for larger ameter pipes. (@) Cost iron. Available ina varity of diameters and the standard length of 3.66 m. Pipe joins commonly used include both the flanged and the spigot and socket types. (©) Asbestos cement pipe. ‘The available pipe diameters range from 100 mm to 600 mim and the Standard fongth i 4.0 m. Pressure pipes are manufactured in various clases suitable Tor cera limits of working pressure. Gravity sewers (autoclaved ony) are manufactured to suit various loading conditions and required crushing strength. (0, Plastic pipes. Available in vasiety of plastics mateits such as UPVC, HOPE, PE and PP 4nd withthe nominal range from 110 mum up (0 630 mm and of pipe length of 6m: Pipe Joins fare availabe including spigot end and socket type with rer seals as well ab jointing by Thnges, Welding and solvent cementing, (8) Other material. As approved and permitted for ther use by the appropriate locl authority, 43 Design of sewers 43.1. Economy inthe design. While sewers should generally be kept as short as posible, and ‘waproduetiveTongths avoided, care should be taken not to rertrict potential development, The route and depth of a new sewer should always take account of land where there isthe possibility of future development. ‘Where sowers are lad at considerable depths or under highways having expensive foundations tnd surfaces, it may be cheaper or more coavenieat to lay shallow rider sewers to receive the Toeal house connections and to connect the rider at convenient points into the main sewer 4.32 Location of sewers. Adequate access toa sewer for maintenance shouldbe allowed, The following festors should slo be considered (4) Location of sewers within streets or alleys rght-of-may. (©) IF topography dictates, the sewer to be located within the private propertis, then adequate totes shouldbe provided for maintenance purposes, (©) The postion of other exsisting or proposed services, building foundation, ete (@) tn relation to water mains, © minimum st 3 m horizontal and 1m vertical separation Fespectively to be provided. NO sower line should be above water main unless the pipe is adequately protected ()_The impact of the construction of the sewer and subsequent mrintenance activities upon rad 43.3 _Hydraudle design. The most economical design for cewer gradients i obtained when they fellow the natoral fale of the ground. Sewers should, however, be laid at such gradients as wil Drove velocities sufficiently high to prevent the deposition of slid matter in the invert. The ‘minimum gradient to be adopted should normally be such thatthe velocity of flow does not f below 08 my/see at full bore. The maximum gradient to be adopted should be such that the velocity of flow isnot greater than 4.0 m/sec when flowing half or full bove In odes to prevent fcouring of sewer by erosive scton of suspended matter. 434 Structural design 43.4.1 Depths of sewers. Sewers should be lad st depths which wil accommodate ot only at faltig properties but also any future properties likely to bo erected within she area whick the Sewers are designed to serve; in certain eate, the depth of basements may need tobe considered. “The depth of a sewer wil have significant effect onthe cost ofits construction, The depth, in conjunction with other factors such asthe nature ofthe ground, presence of grouedwater and the Droximity of foundations, sorviows etc, may influence the form and method of construction to SSUIY the adaption af alternative layouts with longer rates of sewers. The minimom depth of invert ta be adopted shall be 12 m, 43.42 Size of sewers. The minimum size of a geavity sewer conveying raw sewage shall be 200 mm in diameter Ms 1228 : 1991 43.43 Sewer alignment, Severs of 600 mm or les in internal diameter shall be nid on 2 siraight alignment and uniform gradient between consecutive manholes, Sewers of larger than 600 ‘mm internal giameters can be aid on curves. In auch cates, the ourve shall be made by angling the joints by not exceeding 80% of the manufacturers recommended deflection angle and the ‘radius of curvature shall not be less than 6D m. The designer shall provide information such ‘vertical and horizontal alignment for proper construction, 43.44 Joints. Joints between sewers, sewer-manhole or other appurtenance structures shall be ff flexible type and waterght to prevent infiltration and breakages due 10 differential Seulement, 43.48 Foundation, Foundation is needed to minttin the pipe in proper the weight of soi above the sewer and any superimposed load. ment and sustain Bedding for rigid pipes with Flexible joins can be clasified under two types (a) Class ‘4’ bedding. Where the pipe is embedded in carefully prepared baze compacted with 13 mm diameter crusher ron extending halfway up to the side of the pipe. The minimum thickness of the crusher run shall be 100 mm oF 1/4 of the pipe diameter (whichever ie greate). ‘The siefills and top of the pipe shall be of monolithic 2:4 conesete mix with minimum gover Of 10 men tie. (0) Class‘ bedding, Where the pipes are embedded in carefully prepared base compacted with 15 mm diameter crusher run extending halfway up the sides ofthe pipes The minimum thickness ofthe crusher run is 100 mm or 1/4 of the pipe diameter (whichever i greater). The reminder sldefills and top of the pipe shall be compacted carefully with selected tacklili to a misimum tickness of 300 a. 43. Inert siphons. taverted siphons shall have aot less than two barrels with a minimum Dine size of 130 mm and shall be provided with necestry appurtenances Tor convenient flshing tnd maintenance. ‘The manholes shall have adequate clearance for rodding. In general sufficient head shall be provided and pipe sizes selected to secure flow velocities Of at lest 0.9 m/sec for average fow. ‘The inlet and outlet shall be arranged 20 tha the normal flow is diverted fo one burl, tad 90 that either may be out of service for cleaning. ince siphons need more cleaning, they must be voided as much a5 practicable. The siphon shall not have sharp bends, either vertical or be limited to 15% slope, for this reason. There shall be no change along the length of areel too, 43.6 Service comectins. Service connections should be of an adequate diameter to reduce {he problem of blockage. As it receives ony intermittent flows, they are invariably subjected to {ntermittent stoppages during normal operation and these are removed by wave action rather than by the maintenance of 2 minimum flow velocity. The minimum gradient of 2% should be provided. The connection should te. to the top portion of the mais sewer at an angle of ‘spproximately of 43" in the direotion of flow. "The connection should be done withthe wae of tee ‘The minimum size of service connection shall be 150 mm, 44 Tosting of sowen. ‘The resting of sewers can be done ether by ar test or water test. The tess should be carried out before backfilling ofthe sewer trenches, 6 Air test 44.11 General. It provides a rapid tet which can be carsid out after every thied or fourth pine ind. This could then prevent a faulty pipe or a badly made joint passing wanoticed vail it {srevealed by a test ona completed length. 44.1.2 Procedure, The following test procedure should be adopied:~ (@) Seat the ends ofthe pipe run with expanding plues: (©) tach U-tube (manometer) and a means of applying the air pressure to one of the plugs; (©) Apply presure to achieve a pressure slighty more than 100 mm, of water inthe U-tube, (@) Allow about 5 min for stabilization of air temperature (@) Adjust air pressure 4 100 mm of water Without Further pumping, the head of water should not fll by more than 25 mm in period of $ 44.13 Factors affecting the test, There are several possible cont fect the apparent fllure of the ae tet= ting factors that could (2) Temperature changes of the arin the pipe due wo direct sunshine or cold wind a on the (8) Dryness ofthe pipe wall (©) Leaking plugs or other apparatus WF there is & dramatic fall in presure, then the pipeline is faulty or the end plugs or other 'pparates are leaking If the failure is marginal, the pipeline should not be rejeced on the it teat Alone and the contractor should be given the opportunity of applying the wate ts 442 Water tet 442.41 General, Sewers up to and including 750 mim diameter should be tested to en interest Drssure represented by 1.2 m head of water above the crown of the pipe atthe high end of the Une. The tat pressure should not exceed 6 m Read of water atthe lower end and if necessary the {est ona pipeline can be exrried out in two or more stages, The test pressure should be related 10 the posible maximum level of ground water above the sewer. When pipes larger than 750 mm diameter ve tobe tested, expert advice and special equipment ‘may be needed. 442.2 Procedure, ‘The following test procedure should be adopted (@) ivan expanding oh Of the pipe an In any br 7 suitably strutted to resist the Full hydrostatic head, at the lower end aches if necessary. The pipes may neat strutting to prevent movemont. (©) Fit sioiar plug and strutting at the higher end but with acess For hose and stanipe Ms 1228 : 1991, (6) Fill he system wien water ensuring that there are no pockets of trapped ar. (@) Fill he sandpipe of requisite level (€) Leave for atleast 2 hours to enable the pipe to become saturted, topping as necessary, (After the absorption period, measure the las of water from the sytem by noting the amount of water needed to maintain the level in the sandpipe over e further period of 30 min, the standpipe being topped up at regular interval of § mia. “The rte of loss of water should not be greter than 44.23 Factors affecting the test Excessive ls (2) Porous or eacked pipe; (©) Damaged, fauty or improperly assembled pipe joins, (6) Defective plugs (@) Pipes or plugs moving. 44.3. Siraighmess. A sowes should be checked for line and level at all stages construction by ciher= (2) surveyors level and staf (©) laser beam with sighting targets, (©) lamp and mirsors. 444 Invitation. — Atter backfilling. is completed and after the groundwater level has stabilized, the sewer should be checked for infiltration. All lets should be sealed and the Line inspected from the manholes. Any flow from the pipeline coming into the manholes or within ‘manholes themselves should be investigated to establish is source, {a small pipes the point of infiltration may be located vigully with ight and mirror or with an inflated rubber plug. When conditions justify it a welvision camera can be used. The rate of infiteation is dependant upon many factors; a gude to its permisible extent cannot be given: tis will depend on the judgement ofthe engineer Freedom from obsircion. As the work progrstes the sewer should be checked for ions by visual inspection or inserting a mandrel or ‘ia’ into the line, A television camera ‘ean aso be used 4s M 45.1 Manholes location. Manholes or ispection chamber shall be provided at- (@) The upstream end of all sewers; however this may be replaced by a termina avout; (©) Every change indirection or alignment for sewers > 600 mm; Ms 1228: 1991 (e)_ Every change in gradient, (2) Every change insite of sewer; (All intersections and junction. (O) Distances of mot greter than 100 metres for sewers equal to or more than 200 mm in diameter and 150 metres for sawers equal to of greater than 480 mm in diameter. Great distances may be permitted in cases where adequate modern cleaning equipments for such spacing 's provided, and also in eats where sewers convey pretreated sewage 45.2 Consirction. (Typical drawings a8 shown in Fig. 1), Every manhole and inspection ‘chamber shal be of such sie and form s0 at allow ready acess for rodding, The struct sould be strong, durable and watertight and shall be constructed a fllows= (@)_Brickwork in coment mortar atleast 225 mm in thickness or concrete (1:2: 4 nominal mix) atleast 125 mm in thickness or other spproved impervious materia, (©) Internal faces shall be rendered with suiphate resistant cement mortar a least 20 mm thick so 2S to provide a smth and impervious surface, (©) Step irons, ladders or other approve fittings shall te of non-corrosive rable material so «8 to provide safe access to the level of sewer, Cart ion or stainless ste! or aluminium alloy ‘recommended, The intervel berween steps should be 300 mn with slip prevention sustace () Foundation of every manhole shall be constructed of concrete (I: 2:4 nominal six) not Jess than 150 ma in thickaess, (6) The channel within the manhole shall be formed with half round pipe made of the materi 85 the sewer joining the manhole and shall have a diameter not lees than the largest falet sewer ‘od aot more than that ofthe out sewer from the manhole (0, Every inlet to a manhole shall be discharge into the chanael therein with properly made bends consrusted within the benching of the manele. Tas: benching. thall have a mooth impervious Finish with & minimum slope of 1:12 and so Formed as to guide the flow of sewage towards the point of discharge and to provide safe foothold, (8) Manhoe shal be constructed in conjstion with its fame and cover to be watertight 45.3. Dimension and shape. Generally, manholes shall be rectangular, square or circular. The Snternat horizontal dimension shall be sutTicient to perform inspection and cleaning operation ‘ithour difficulty and a clear opening shall be provided for acces tothe faver. The minimam ‘imension required shall depend on ‘isa deep ora shallow manhole, 45.4 Frame ond cover. The manhole frame and cover shall be of cast irom and shall have (9) Adequate strength 0 support superimposed load (©) good Ft between onc other such that surface ruse or rants wit {© Provision for hinge and/or locking the cover to prevent vandalism and unauthorised aces to the manhole Ms 1228 1991 ‘The Following minimum requirements as to the weight and dimension of the frame and cover ace follows “Type of corer | Dimension Wotan | Usage and treme Light duty | 460 mm x 620 mm sits | Use in domestic Medivm Duty | Cover 600 mm inernat | 250 be | Use in domestic drives and rnin. diameter $00 mm mila areas for bearing Frame ~ 760 mm x ‘heel lads not exceeding 760 mm Tonne Heavy Duty | As above 530 tbs | Use imal earriegeways 455 Deep manhole dimensions, Where deep manholes are required, is internal dimension tust be more than 1S metre and the manhole may e tapered, upwards 10 2 section with tuinimam internal dimensions of 0.75 mettes. In such caes, a minimum headroom of 18 m from the base of mathole shal be provided. The opeaing tothe manhole shall Be at lest 0. 45.6 Shallow manhole dimensions. Where the topography results in ¢ shallow mantle that is in the depth of iavert of sewer being from 0.9 m to LS m, a manhole of atleast 10 in inernal horizomal dimeasion and a clear opening of at lest 900 mim shall be ure The dimensions of the mantles st various depths shall be as follows Depth Dimension Lose than 2 460 ene x 620 mam Between 2 = 3° 600 mm x 760 mn Between 3 = 160 mn 760 mm Greater than 5° To Follow deep manhole 4.3.7. Drop manholes. If an incoming sewer is higher than the outgoing semer by 690 mm or tore, a drop manhole thall be ated. Whore the difference ia elevation beiween the incoming sever and manhole invert is lest than 600 mm, the invert shall be Tilted st the corner prevent iolids deposition 45.8 Connection eiween manhole and sewer, To minimise damage 10 the sever dot to ‘ierentiat setement, tne joit between the sewer and the anole shall be of the flexible type, ‘Toacheive this, a exible sewer pip joist jut outside the manhole may be ved Ms 1228: 1991 SECTION 5. SEWAGE PUMPING STATIONS 541 General. Sewage pumping stations should not be subject to flooding and shal be located Goff the right of way of streets and alleys preferably on land reserved forthe purpose and readily sosesibilty. ‘The pumping station structure is a major part of the cost ofthe statin, It is therefore essential that itis efficient from a structural standpoin, that itis economical to construct, and thet Ne sizeof the wet-well and dry-well and the space requirements of all equipment to be housed, te carefully determined, with efficient use made of all avalable spaces, Apart from the pumping facilities which may be required at sewage trentment plants, the Principle conditions and factors necessitating the se of pumping stations shall be one or more af the following: (@) The topography ofthe are or discet does not permit drained by gravity into trunk sewers or treatment plans, (6) Omissions of pumping, although possible, would reauire excessive construction costs because of the deep excavation requized Tor the installation of trunk sewer to drain the are. (6) Service is required for areas that ate ousie the natural drainage catchment of the purposed Sewage treatment lent All safety and other requirements should bo met at required under other codes standards and Fegulations, Pumping stations should be avoided ax far as posible since the installation, operation and ‘maintenance of a pumping station i costly. 52 Design details. (Typical diagram of small pumping station is shown in Fig. 2). The following design details shall be given consiceraion inthe design of sewage pumping stations 3.21 Type, The sewage pumping facility provided may be any one of the following type, the choice depending mainly onthe capacity and efficiency require. (9) Wet-well type with submersible pump units (©) Dry-well type (©) Lift sation, using serew-pumps or suction Lt pumps. Suction pumps mainly used in sewage {eeatment plans, and: have the-advantage of handling vacation in flow and all slide witht Slogsing. However, the suction lft shall not exceed 4.6 m $22 Simewe (@) The pumping station substructure shall be of reinforced concrete construction and the fxterior wall below ground surface shall be adequately waterproofed. and. protect. agaiat eacesive soils and groundwater. (©) Wet and dy well, shall be separated a Ms 1228 : 1991, (©) Suitable faites shall be provided to facilitate the removal of pumps, motors and any other fuipment inthe pumping sation (@) Suitable and safe means of acess shall be provided tothe dry wells of pump stations, and 9 wet wells containing elther tar screens and/or mechanical equipment reaviring inspection ot $22.1 Wet well (@) On small pump stations the practice ist provide, between the cut-in and the eut-out tevele, 8 storage volume equal in lites to 2 to 3 times the peak flow into the wet well in lire per ‘minute merely to protect the starting equipmeat from overheating and failure caused by 100, frequent starting and stopping. On irger installations the effective capacity of the wet wel should not exceed 10 min forthe design average 24 blow. Wet wells that F000 large cae Serious maintenance and operation problems because of excssive deposition of rity and orgaaic material, (0) The wer wells should be narrow but not les than 1.2 m for ready access and should be as ‘teep as possible in order thatthe cut-in level ofthe last pumnpe wll be below the invert of the inlet channel to the wet-wel \ (2) Where continuity of pump station operation is important, consideration should be given 10 diviging the wet well in two sections propery interconnected to faciiate repr, cleaning 8nd (4) Wet wells and suction channels should be designed so that dead areas where slide and scum ‘may accumulate are avoided, The bottom should have ¢ minimum slope of 1-5 vertical to horizontal to the hopper bottom in the direction of flew so that deposits and scum accumulations te carried o the pump suctions by the scouring action of the high velocities at low operating levels. (e) The wet well should be well ighted with Fstures that are both vapour proof and explosion roof. 5.2.22 Dry we (a) The size of the dry well depends primarily on the number and type of pumps selected and on the piping arrangement, (Toually submerged pumping units do not require dry wells). A ood rule‘of thumb for those installations requiring dry well so provide a east 1.0m from each of the outboard pumps to the nearest sige wall nd at least 12'm between each pump discharge casing. Sufficient room is required between pumps to move the pump-off of its base with sulficint clerance let over between suction and disharge piping and room for on site repair, Inspection, r removal from the pit othe surface for vepai. de given tothe instalation Tfting eyes inthe calling, and "A" frames Tor the atachment of portable host cranes and other devices. (6) Provisions should algo be made for drainage ofthe dry well to the wet well MS 1228: 1991 52.3 Pump Unit (2) _Minimiom nurber of uns. At least 2 unis of pumps shall be provided of which one shall be 4 standby unit, Comstant speed pumps are recommended in view of simplicity of operation and ‘maintenance, If only 2 units are provided, they shall have the sme capacity each being able 1a handle the design peak flow. Where 3 or more unit are installed they shall be desoned so fo actual flow conditions and must be of such capacity that with any one unit being aut of sericn "he remaining snits wil have eapacity to handle maxiniam sewage Now. () Pumps handling raw sewage should be preceeded by readily accesible bar racks or screens with clear spacings sot exceeding 30 mm, unless pneumatic ejects or screw pumps ae ved, oy special devices are installed to protect the pump from clogging or damage, ‘Convent facliies shal! be provided for handling screenings, Where the size of pumpisg staions wart, a mechanically cleaned bar screen or communition device i recommended. “For urge os despet ‘tations, duplicate protection unlts of proper capacity ave peered, (2) Pump openings. Pumps shall be capable of pasing spheres of at least 75 mm in diameter Where a communition or screening device is provided, pumps, with seller sphere see capability may be allowed, Pump suction and discharge openings shall be at leat 100 mia amet. (@ Priming. Except forthe self-priming pumps, serew pumps and submersible pumps, the Bland of the pump shall be vo placed that under normal operating conditions, it will sees Under 2 postive suction hen, (©) Pumping rates The pumps and controls of pumping tation, shall be selected to operate at ‘ving delivery rates wo permit discharging sewage from the sation to the treatment wots ot sporoximately its rate of delivery 10 the pumping station, The desirable range betwen ine maximum and minimum wet-well levels 900 mm, while the miaimum range shall be 490 ae Where 2 or more pumps are to operate simultaneously, the difference in level between the sar ne Sop of respective pumps shall not be less than 150 ma, (©, Pumping cycle, Pumping cyte or time between suocesive stars, of & pump operating over ‘he contol rage, shall be preferably mere than 10 minutes foreach pump S24 Valves. Suitable shut-off valves shall be placed on the dich Suction line where applicable, ‘valves shall be selected soch that Dresture and water hammer, line of each pump and ‘A check valve shall be provided on each dssharge Tine. All the choure time is suficienly provided to minimise surge 525 | Venilaion. Adequate ventilation must be provided for all sections of the pumping ‘avons. ‘Where the pump pit is below the ground surface, mechanic vention is eccecd {i stunt leo aang 2 prose Compe spc a ieee See for the dry and wet walls, " “ Pimper shall nor be used on exhaust or Fresh air ducts and fine screens or othe obstruction sha &s svolded to prevent clogging. ‘Switches for ventilation equipment shall be mashed aed eco feapeeaty. All itermitenty operates ventiting stems shall be inrcomneced wth the "eipetive pit lighting system, SWEsideration shouts also be given to automatic controls where dehumidificetion equipment dampness, excesive moisture i problem a Ms 1228: 1991 (a) Wet wells, Ventilation shall be either intermittent (with atleast 30 complete air changes per hour) or continuous (in which ease at least 12 complete tr changes pet hour) Such ventilation shall be accomplished by iatroduction of fresh alr into the wet well by mechanical mean. (©) Dry well, For continuous ventilation, at leet 6 complete air changes per hour shall be provided. If intermittent ventilation i proposed, atleast 30 complete tir ehanges per hour shall be provided, 52.6 Flow measurement, Provision shall be made to invall convenient flow measurement ‘eqipment whenever such dat is required 5.2.7 Electrical equipment and power supply. All pump stations should be provided with

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