Sangay National High School: 1 Quarter Exam in Personal Development

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Sangay National High School

Sangay, Buenavista, Agusan del Norte

1ST Quarter Exam in Personal Development

January 19, 2017

Name: ___________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________________ Score: ____________

Teacher: Ms. April Rose J. Abastillas

I.A. Word Power. Unlock the meaning of the words (words encountered throughout the module 1 discussion) by matching the words
in column A to its meaning found in column B. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided.
Column A Column B
____ 1. incongruence ____ 4. obstacles a. hindrances d. area
____ 2. pathetic ____ 5. emanate b. come out from a source e. buit-in
____ 3. innate ____ 6. domain c. imbalance f. miserable
g. alignment
B. Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct word found inside the parenthesis. Write the letter of your answer.
___ 7. The story he told was (A. pathetic B. domain) attempt to cover up a lie.
___ 8. What the woman does to her work and what she tells about it is an (A. innate B. incongruence) to her life.
___ 9. No one could truly explain the unique connection a mother & her child. It is (A. domain B. innate) for a mother to know her child feelings.
___ 10. Most failures (A. emanate B. obstacle) from recognized or unrecognized weaknesses which are not handled properly.
II. CHOOSE ME. Read and analyze the following questions. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided.
___ 1. It means making use of all the personal resources to be able to achieve life goals.
A. personality success B. personal effectiveness C. personal achiever D. personality efficiency
___ 2. It is a metaphor addressed to God on his role in the movie of our lives.
A. director B. producer C. moviegoer D. financer
___ 3. It is the awareness of man to himself / herself.
A. self-inventory B. self-concept C. self-check D. self-assessment
___ 4. It is a feature in our self that sometimes prevents us from being effective or useful.
A. weakness B. strengths C. disability D. values
___ 5. It refers to a piece of writing material where a person writes down his/her personal experiences and thoughts.
A. journal B. notebook C. anecdotes D. autograph
___ 6. It is the other term for the actual self.
A. self-image B. mirror to self C. self-right D. self-concept
___ 7. It is a skill in personal effectiveness where it makes you to keep moving forward regardless of emerging obstacles that will come to your life.
A. creativity B. determination C. persistence D. self-confidence
___ 8. According to the book, determination and persistence are personal effectiveness skills that can be developed with the help of _________.
A. praying every night B. enthusiasm C. self-discipline exercise D. practicing
___ 9. It refers to the ability what a person owns within that will help him/her to be successful if developed and used properly.
A. values B. success C. strengths D. weakness
___ 10. It is among the three kinds of people who can control a big part of his/her life because he/she acts on the movie.
A. producer B. moviegoer C. actor D. scriptwriter
___ 11. It’s a feature in journal writing that lets you expound your imagination seeing different points of view to problems & finding better solution.
A. preventive & pro-active B. personal & private C. cost-efficient & available D. creative & productive
___ 12. The following describes the ideal self, except one:
A. the self that you aspire to be C. an idealized image developed based on what was learned and experienced
B. characteristics you ought to have based from an idol D. the image that is seen by the people around us
___ 13. Which of the situations below is a result of misalignment between the actual self and ideal self?
A. Anna making use of her cooking skills in the class feeding program. D.15 yr. old Alfons leaves home for he isn’t allowed to go out during night.
B. Lita living a simple life because of her family’s simple living standards. C. Emman giving off his wants for he prioritizes his brother.
___ 14. As a Grade 11 student, which among the following is an example of being effective to oneself?
A. Attending classes every day without full participation C. Trying hard to pass the school year regardless of personal problems
B. Passing projects & taking quizzes for the sake of passing D. Choosing a strand you don’t like but taking it because of your friends
___ 15. The following are some ways to build one’s strength/s, except one:
A. Participating to amateurs’ art exhibits to showcase your artworks C. Disregarding your math review because you’re an achiever in Math
B. Joining basketball leagues to enhance basketball skills D. An SSG member attending different leadership trainings

___ 16. Liza is the 18 yr. old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Levi. Even as a child, her parents already planned the kind of life she should have. Her parents
wanted her to pursue law after her BS Political Science course in college, which her parents also chose for her. Thus, Liza, who wants to make her
parents happy, follow want her parents want to. Which among the three kinds of people does Liza belongs to?
A. producer B. scriptwriter C. actor D. moviegoer
___ 17. Which of the following best describes the scriptwriter?
A. creator B. follower C. observer D. risk taker
___ 18. The following could all be written in your journal, except maybe for one:
A. secrets of other people B. your emotional stress C. experiences in your life D. challenges you wish to overcome
___ 19. Complete the sentence: Writing may sometimes be tiresome, but maintaining a journal __________.
A. enables you to reflect from your day-to-day experiences C. is a waste of time for busy people
B. gives you the time to draw freestyle D. lets you write down anything
___ 20. Today isn’t a good day for you. Before going to school, your mother scolded you. You forgot to bring your lunch. You got a low score on your
long quiz in history. In the middle of the day, you are already consumed with stress. Which among could be the best thing to do?
A. pick a fight from anyone in school B. be still & relax as possible C. cry in front of the class D. sleep during discussion
___ 21. What skill in personal effectiveness is possibly describe in item no. 20?
A. self- confidence B. managing stress C. generating ideas D. creativity
___ 22. Below are some of the ways to improve your personal performance, except for one:
A. being self-aware B. be passive & lazy C. learn new skills & techniques D. behavioral flexibility
___ 23. Tonet is an outgoing person. She can easily befriend others according to her teacher. She isn’t that good in academics but she has great
leadership skills. During weekends, she volunteers in their church teaching children. What category of self-concept is shown in Tonet?
A. ideal self B. actual self C. self-knowledge D. both A & B
___ 24. If the scriptwriter is to write and act the movie, the actor is to act on the movie, the moviegoer is to _____.
A. to end the movie by what the moviegoer wants C. to control the movie from the beginning till the end
B. to criticize the movie and does nothing about it D. to give money to produce the movie
___ 25. As an adolescent, personal effectiveness means _______.

A. to make decisions aggressively C. to brag that you won on a certain division contest
B. to comply the different requirements in all subjects D. to plan on having a trip with your special someone

III. MODIFIED TRUE-FALSE. Tell whether the statements are correct and incorrect. Write T if the statement is true. If the statement
is false, change the underlined word that makes it incorrect and write the correct word or phrase on the space provided.

_____ 1. Each of our weaknesses should be acknowledge and then later needs to be overcome for our own good.
_____ 2. One way to develop self-confidence is to learn your capabilities and take the right action to show oneself.
_____ 3. Self-concept inventory helps a person to know and to assess oneself.
_____ 4. We could express our thoughts and feelings through writing.
_____ 5. Talents are innate to each of our selves that is discovered as we grow.
_____ 6. The moviegoer finds means and ways to make the movie a better one by acting on it.
_____ 7. We didn’t truly own our self but to God. However, he won’t let us control each of our lives.
_____ 8. If we want to learn a new skill, we could not undergo a certain training to it.
_____ 9. Writing a journal gives you time to reflect and hate yourself.
_____ 10. We develop our ideal self base from the gene of our parents.
Sangay National High School
Sangay, Buenavista, Agusan del Norte

4th Quarter Exam in Personal Development

March 21-22, 2019

Name: ___________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________________ Score: ____________

Directions: Read and analyze the following statements below. Write your answer on the space provided.

___ 1. It refers to the most systematic and extensive theory of Robert J. Havighurst about human development.
A. Developmental Tasks Theory B. Theory of Development C. Human Growth Theory D. Developmental Tasks Stages
___ 2. In human development, these are needed to be successfully performed so as an individual can move from one stage to the other.
A. developmental tasks B. growth tasks C. developing changes D. developmental stages
___ 3. It refers to the transition age from childhood to adulthood when sex maturation and rapid physical development occur.
A. Infancy B. Early Childhood C. Late Childhood D. Adolescence
___ 4. It is an aspect of human development focusing on the development of our thoughts, principles, and outlook in life.
A. physical B. mental C. emotional D. social
___ 5. What human developmental stage does ages 6 – 12 belong to?
A. Infancy B. Early Childhood C. Late Childhood D. Adolescence
___ 6. Which of the following developmental tasks is NOT under early adulthood?
A. preparing for an economic career B. selecting a mate C. starting a family D. starting an occupation
___ 7. As a grade 11 students, which of the following tasks is expected from you to accomplished?
A. learning to go to school alone C. attend classes depending your mood
B. apply as a cashier in a grocery store D. pass all the requirements needed in all of your subjects
___ 8. If early childhood is the pre-gang and exploratory stage, late childhood is the _____.
A. foundation age B. gang and creativity age C. transition age from child to adult D. age of adjustment
___ 9. It refers to the way our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors affect our lives.
A. health and wellness B. mental health C. emotional intelligence D. physical health
___ 10. An eating disorder where individual eats very little or eat nothing at all because of the fear of gaining weight.
A. anorexia B. bulimia C. ARFID D. binge eating
___ 11. It talks about how much you feel you are worth and how much you feel other people value you.
A. real self B. self-esteem C. body image D. selfie
___ 12. A person suffering from a mental health problem if not given attention and is untreated will WORST lead one to _____.
A. gain weight B. have a friend C. suicide D. cry overnight
___ 13. The following are facts about mental health issues, EXCEPT ONE:
A. Mental illness tends to begin during adolescence. C. People with mental illness will never get better.
B. A person who has both parents with mental illness more likely to develop mental illness. D. Anyone rich or poor can suffer menta illness.
___ 14. You aimed to be a scholar in a prestigious university. For months, you devote yourself on studying for the qualifying exam. The exam came; but
when the results came out, you didn’t find your name on the list of passers. Slowly you felt depression is consuming you. Which of the following actions will
be your first step to fight depression?
A. lock yourself in your room for a month C. take the exam again and cheat this time
B. talk to your parents and tell them all that you feel about the incident D. convince yourself every day that the results were fake
___ 15. It is the ability to understand, use, and manage our emotions properly.
A. emotional intelligence B. intellectual quotient C. spatial intelligence D. musical intelligence
___ 16. It is a skill under emotional intelligence where one is able to imagine how other people might feel in certain situations.
A. being aware of your emotions C. managing emotional reactions
B. understanding how other feel and why D. choosing your mood
___ 17. A person who has a high emotional intelligence can likely be a part of being _____.
A. people-smart B. spirit-smart C. intelligent D. famous
___ 18. The following are the effects of having high emotional intelligence, EXCEPT ONE:
A. build strong relationships B. make good decisions C. fight body diseases D deal with difficult situations
___ 19. Which of the following situations is an EXAMPLE of empathy?
A. Giving promises to people easily B. feeling sad and giving words of encouragement to someone who undergoes great loss
C. donating school supplies to a school just to brag your rich D. helping a friend because of a hidden agenda
___ 20. An emotional intelligent person will likely be _____.
A. shouting at groupmates to finish a task successfully C. keeping oneself calm in the midst of a stressful discussion
B. Insisting his/her reasons are correct no matter what happens D. walking out from your friends because of disappointment
___ 21. It is a relationship between people, especially those between friends, lovers and family members.
A. commitment B. personal relationship C. relationship D. love
___ 22. It is one among the common relationship problems where there is another person involved to a certain relationship.
A. infidelity/cheating B. life stages C. addiction D. long-term stress
___ 23. A kind of personal relationship involving people who have close ties based on mutual experiences, shared interests, and emotional bonding.
A. family B. partnerships C. friends D. romance
___ 24. The bonds that is formed from personal relationships grew from and are strengthened by ______.
A. calling each other B. argument C. mutual experiences D. financial assistance

___ 25. It refers to two or more persons who related by birth, marriage, or adoption and who lived together as one household.
A. friends B. romance C. family D. partnerships
___ 26. This is considered as the most serious relationship problem as shown through verbal and physical abuse.
A. long-term stress B. sexual issues C. affairs/cheating D. domestic violence
___ 27. A relationship problem in which people fail to have time to update to each other about their happenings and talk about important matters.
A. lack of support B. lack of communication C. unrealistic expectations D. lack of responsibility
___ 28. The following are the elements of building romantic partnerships, EXCEPT ONE:
A. affection B. trust C. sexual advantages D. romantic love
___ 29. What should you consider when making decisions around sex and sexual limits?
A. your values B. your family C. your true friends D. all of the above
___ 30. John and Althea are couples for 10 years. For 10 years, everything they do as couples seem to be in a routine. Nothing about their relationship
excites them anymore. One day the two decided to end their 10 years. What could be the possible problem to this?
A. bored in or with the relationship B. inconsideration C. traumatic events D. dealing with a jealous partner
___ 31. Why are personal relationships important?
A. It make us live longer. B. It give us healthy habits. C. It help us overcome stress D. All of the above
___ 32. Which of the following are signs that you are in an abusive relationship?
A. Avoid socializing B. bruises, scratches, and other sign of injuries C. apologizing for your partner’s bad behavior D. All of the above
___ 33. It refers to parents whom you are related by blood.
A. legal parents B. biological parents C. foster parents D. none of the above
___ 34. A nuclear family is a family structure that consists of _____.
A. mother and child B. mother, father, and offspring C. father and stepchild D. mother, father, child, grandparents
___ 35. It refers to the social, emotional, and spiritual legacy passed on from parent to child.
A. treasure B. heritage C. assets D. house
___ 36. It is a family structure where the parents & children have relatives like aunts, cousins, and grandparents living with them on the same house.
A. nuclear family B. extended family C. step families D. single parent family
___ 37. A family legacy will likely consist of _____.
A. values B. cultures C. money D. both A and B
___ 38. Lucky’s mother died when she was only 2 yrs. old. Since then, only Luck & his father are living together. Lucky’s family is an example of ___.
A. nuclear family B. step family C. adoptive family D. single parent family
___ 39. Complete the word analogy; adoptive family: adopted children; foster family: _____
A. temporary children B. biological children C. solo-child D. step children
___ 40. Which of the following situations is considered a good spiritual legacy?
A. praying when its only necessary C. A child goes to church with his/her parents because of a favor.
B. A family treating others fairly because they see God in each of them. D. Remembering during Christmas time only
___ 41. The following are the outcomes of founding a strong emotional legacy, EXCEPT ONE:
A. creates a resting place for the soul C. nurtures thoughts about doubts and insecurities
B. demonstrates unconditional love D. provides a safe environment where deep emotional roots can grow
___ 42. It is defined by Super, 1980 as the combination and sequence of roles played by a person during the course of a lifetime.
A. career B. responsibilities C. dreams D skills
___ 43. A concept connected to career which refers to the position an individual has, doing specific duties.
A. career B. job C. occupation D. skills
___ 44. According to the Trait and Factor Model, what are the two things that need to fit to the demand of a particular field?
A. gender and intelligence B. looks and confidence C. skills and abilities D. grades and accomplishments
___ 45. It is one of the influencing factors in career choice where a person dreams of what he/she wants to be when he/she grows up.
A. previous experiences B. childhood fantasies C. life roles D. culture
___ 46. It is defined as the similar work for which people have similar responsibilities and develop a common set of skills and knowledge.
A. occupation B. job C. career D. dreams
___ 47. Which of the following ideas DOES NOT belong to the group?
A. check delivered products B. teaching occupation C. segregate dry & wet products D. display products on its respective stands
___ 48. Tony is employed at AB company as a marketing head for 5 yrs. However, he resigns and is then employed at YZ company which gives higher
salary than AB company for the marketing head position. What factor did Tony considered in his decision to transfer to another company?
A. economic stability B. intensity of work C. fame D. interests
___ 49. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about career choice?
A. You are never too old to switch careers. C. Selecting what is hot at the moment is safe.
B. Skills matter in every stream. D. If you love what you do, you will not feel like you are working.
___ 50. As a grade 11 student, which of the following actions could be a preparation for choosing a career?
A. decide a career when I finished study C. do good with my studies along with assessing myself on what & where I’m good at
B. choose a career that is easy to work with D. collect information from friends and choose the majority career they like
- You are the captain of your ship; persevere, be patient, do good and the rest will follow. -

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Personal Development Teacher School Head

Parent/Guardian’s Signature Over Printed Name

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